12 Cool Snapchat Ideas

By on July 6, 2016

I’m pretty sure the majority of you out there use Snapchat. It has been taking on the world – with good reason. With the fun pictures, goofy filters, and even the video editing properties, there are so many great reasons we use Snapchat.

If you don’t know what Snapchat is, I’ll explain it to you. It’s a simple app you can download, create an account with, add friends, and start sending them pictures or short videos. Each image or video can only be 10 seconds long at the most but you have the option to make them MUCH shorter. After the person opens your snap they disappear forever – unless they take a screen shot.

It’s a wonderful app that has allowed millions of people to connect with each other from all over the world. The downside is that you can run out of ideas to snap after a while and wind up being bored. Have no fear! These 12 cool Snapchat ideas will give you something fun to snap about today.

  1. Characters


If you’re really bored and need some fun, draw yourself into a character! I personally love drawing myself as one of the witches from Hocus Pocus. This idea may require a little more time and some artistic ability, but with Snapchat’s array of colors to draw with, you can do anything!

  1. Disney


Who doesn’t love Disney movies? If they do, they’re just not human. A fun thing I like to do when I watch Disney movies is to pause it during a funny face and then make a very adult caption to go with it. The hilarity of the face and the inappropriate caption make for one funny Snapchat. Your friends will love it!

  1. Draw Something


If you’re the artsy type then this Snapchat idea is for you. All you need is a little extra time and a funny idea. You can take a picture of almost anything and just draw it into something funny. I used to take pictures of my dog and draw some clothing on him. It looked hilarious and my friends all laughed really hard.

  1. Use Emojis


If you haven’t opened Snapchat’s emoji folder yet, you’re sorely missing out. There are TONS of fun and goofy emojis for you to use that will only make your pictures that much better. You can use them in really inappropriate places to make some hilarious pictures your friends will screen shot for sure.

  1. Ugly Faces


I’m pretty sure you already know about this idea but if not, it’s the best. Me and my friends always try to see who can make the absolute ugliest face. All you do is point the camera in a really bad angle, make a weird or horrible face, and send it to your best friends. You can also use this idea to cheer up friends that are feeling down.

  1. Change Book Names


I came up with this idea when I was moving and was packing up all my books. I have a lot of books and I wanted to do something funny that would make my boyfriend laugh. All I did was take a picture of the book front and then changed the names to something really funny. He loved it and so will your friends.

  1. Guess What it is


This guessing game is really fun. It’s super simple and you can do it at anytime. All you need to do is take a close up picture of something – anything – and have them guess what it is.

  1. Caption This


This one gets some really funny feedback. Just take a picture of a freeze-frame of a movie or even a funny picture of a friend you’re with and then write in your own caption to their photo. You can get really creative with this!

  1. Deep Pictures Shallow Quotes


I think it’s really funny when people take super serene photos and add a quote that doesn’t make any sense. You can do this, too! Take a photo of a lake, the sun, or anything nature-like and serene and add your own caption that doesn’t make any sense at all. It’s really funny!

  1. Pets Galore!


You simply can’t go wrong with taking pictures or videos of your pets. If you’re looking for something to snap but are unsure as to what you should send someone, a picture of your pet doing something cute or funny always works.

  1. Puns


I love puns! They’re just so punny I can’t handle it. Taking a picture of something and then making it punny can make for a great conversation starter and you’ll be certain to get some chuckles out of it.

  1. Lyrics


My bets friend Snaphats me a lot when she’s having troubles and needs advice. I love sending her pictures of lyrics that fit her situation. Not only are they helpful, but they actually cheer her up a lot. You can do the same in a funny situation and get everyone laughing!

Snapchat can get boring sometimes. Luckily, there are always ways to make it fun again. These cool Snapchat ideas are perfect for making people laugh!

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