120 Sweet, Romantic Words For Your Love
They say action speaks louder than words, but there are times when words can be as powerful. Sweet, romantic words can brighten someone’s day or change someone’s mind – they can even soften the hardest of hearts. But the right words often elude us when it matters. It can lead to regrets (If only I was brave enough to tell her how I feel), misunderstandings, and heartbreak. If you’re looking for heartfelt messages for your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife, you’ve come to the right place.
We understand how hard it is to find the right words. As all matters of the heart, we aren’t always brave enough to say what we really feel. Especially if our feelings are too great that no words can perfectly encapsulate them. There are hundreds of sweet, cute, and beautiful words and messages in this article. You can surely find one for every occasion, no matter what stage of the relationship you’re in.
They would be great as status messages or photo captions. For a more personal approach, write them down on a note or post-its and stick it on the fridge. Slip it inside his/her locker or books. There are so many ways to make someone’s heart flutter. You just need a little creativity.
Romantic One Liners About Love That Goes Straight To The Heart
When you finally found the one, you forget all the wrong ones.
Heaven must be missing an angel because you’re here with me.
People want success, popularity, and money, but I just want you.
We still have more songs to sing and more memories to make.
I will never regret the day I said: “I love you.”
If you’re a dream, I never wanna wake up.
I can’t remember what it’s like not to love you.
A month, a year or even a century is not enough to show you how much I love you.
I don’t want any gifts except for your love and attention.
Call me selfish but I want you all to myself.
All the superlatives are not enough to describe you.
I love how your voice sounds in the morning.
Waking up next to you is a dream come true.
Let’s make memories to tell our grandchildren someday.
I’ve never liked summer until I met you.
I wasn’t looking for love. I was looking for you.
All our days are magical because of you.
You’re mine and you’re enough.
I can face all the hardships in the world as long as you love me.
Don’t forget that I am here, and I will never let go.
Let’s make up for the days we haven’t met each other yet.
I was too busy living my life; I never knew I needed someone like you.
Even the bad days are brighter when you’re around.
Call me crazy but it’s you I think about all day.
Even my dog loves you.
I was late for class again because I spend the night thinking of you.
As long as I have you around, I can do anything.
I wish I haven’t met you yet, so I can relive the day I first saw you.
You said I love you first, but I love you long before I have the guts to tell you.
I wonder how boring my life would be if we haven’t met.
I can’t help but smile when your face crosses my mind.
Thank you for staying in love with me.
Your hands can make any flower bloom.
I thought all the perfect men are only in books.
It’s crazy how I don’t notice the time when we’re together.
My name sounds so sweet coming from your mouth.
The most amazing thing in the world is ending up with your best friend.
No one will love you like I do, not even you.
Please stop smiling because it keeps my heart racing.
They say I’m crazy for loving you; I think they’re crazy for not knowing your worth.
You and I – we make a great pair.
Let’s love each other ’till the end and make them envious.
If I can pick anyone in this planet, I’d still pick you.
I will never forget the day we fall in love.
Never underestimate the power of true love.
You changed my life, and I don’t want it to go back to what it was.
You’re a song I keep wanting to hear.
The trouble with love is that I can’t have you.
There was magic when I first saw you.
Nothing comes close to the feeling of being loved by the person you love.
If you can only see what I see in you, you’d fall in love with yourself, too.
You make me happy, and that’s an understatement.
To be loved truly is a gift.
Can you tell me which of these roads will lead to your heart?
Our love is the love they write books about.
Your voice quiets my fears.
I can’t live with regrets, so just tell me your name.
What’s so magnificent about love other than you?
When the person you love loves you back is the greatest feeling in the world.
Even science can’t explain what I feel for you.
Your smile can burn my house down.
I never expected to fall for you but you’re a pleasant surprise.
If a genie can grant me three wishes, I’d say your name thrice.
Just one look from you is enough to make me tremble.
I have this unhealthy, all-consuming love for you.
I think I made a terrible mistake – I fell in love with you.
I’ll never get tired of holding your hand when you’re cold.
Only the brave ones can find their one true love.
I know there’s no guarantee that this love will last, but I’ll take my chances.
You’re worth all the trouble.
I never really knew what love is until you came into my life.
If it’s not you, then I don’t want to be saved.
I will keep you in my dreams; I will keep you in my heart.
Suddenly, all the love songs make sense.
I don’t regret a thing about us; I regret not doing it sooner.
I couldn’t believe I survived all those years not knowing you.
There are more words to describe how I feel for you than there are stars in the sky.
Sweet Words For Your Secret Love
1. Looking at you is like looking at the sun. It hurts my eyes, but I can’t look away. Should you pass again, I’ll risk burning my eyes.
2. I planted a seed of love, hoping it will bloom in your heart.
3. In my heart is a place reserved only for you. No matter how long I have to wait, I’ll wait with a smile on my face.
4. Don’t get me wrong; I know these feelings might not last. But today I have to be honest, you’re all I think about.
5. I would have said HI a long time ago but even your shadow is enough to make my heart stop. I wouldn’t mind to just walk behind you.
6. Maybe I like you. Maybe I love you. Sometimes my own heart confuses me, but one thing is clear, I can’t get you out of my system.
7. Every time I try to explain to them who you are, I stop myself. I don’t need anyone to know about this foolish love. It is what I feel and it is real. Even though I have to keep it to myself.
8. Asking you to notice me is like asking the sky above for rain. It’s crazy. It’s pathetic. But it could happen.
9. I missed you at school yesterday. But then again, I’m probably bound to miss you all my life.
10. Have you ever wondered what it’s like if the universe conspired for us to meet and fall in love? I’ve always thought of that about us.
11. There’s nothing crueler than being in love with someone who only looks at you as a friend.
12. I like your laugh. I like the clothes you wear. I like the wrinkle in your nose when you disagree on something. I tried looking for the things I don’t like about you, but I always fail.
13. While everyone is sharing stories about their one true love. Here I am, hoping you would glance my way.
14. Something about you tells me we have met before. We listen to the same music. We love the same books. To you, it might not mean anything, but I hope you’d take a second look.
15. I’m just a simple person – not the type who turns heads. I can go unnoticed. I get lost in a crowd. But if I would matter to just one person. I hope that person is you.
16. Even though we get to spend time together, eat together, and go to concerts together. I hope you could see me as someone you could love… more than just a friend.
17. Is it too much to ask for me and you together? Would it be a sin to love a friend you’ve known your whole life?
18. You intrigue me. I’ve never met someone like you. I swear the sun shine brighter when you pass by. Now if you could only look my way.
19. Even if we don’t end up together someday, I’d still keep you in my heart. You will be the sweetest memory of my unrequited love.
20. The clock goes slow when you’re not around. I just badly want the day to end to see you again tomorrow.
21. I’m not much of a talker. I’m not good at matters of the heart. But I swear if you’d give me a chance, I’ll make your time worthwhile.
22. I keep telling myself that even if we don’t end up together, I would still be happy that you’re a part of my life. I would still be grateful for the memories. Thank you, my friend.
23. We will never end up like my parents. Because my parents are still together and we’ll probably end up as just friends.
24. I will savor all my time with you. I will keep every memory in a jar. I will go back to them on a bad day to cheer me up. I will keep dreaming of what could have been.
25. I will hope for someone like you. No, I will hope for someone better. Someone who will love me as much as I love you.
26. They say movies and books give us unreasonable expectations about love, and we are bound to be disappointed if we expect relationships to be just like in the movies, but all I ever wanted is for you to take a chance. Because ours might be that kind of love.
27. Maybe if we listen to what our hearts say, maybe we can conquer the world together. Maybe we can make our own destiny. I wish I can tell you these words when you’re in front of me.
28. My heart needs directions to get to your heart. Do you happen to know the easiest route?
29. It’s not easy to love someone who doesn’t feel the same. But I never wanted easy. Every good thing comes from walking the hard road, and you are worth the hard road.
30. My heart says I love you, but my head says I should forget you. Should I listen to my heart or my head?Maybe I should listen to you.
Cute and Endearing “I Miss You“ Messages For Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend
31. It’s crazy how much I miss your smile, your voice, and everything about you.
32. It’s hard to spend time apart. I keep counting the days until I see you again. Phone calls and text messages are not enough. I want to see your face. I want to stop counting the days.
33. Just a minute away from you is pure torture. I know we’ll see each other again tomorrow. But it doesn’t comfort my heart, which misses you all the time.
34. I gather my strength each day not to miss you. It’s not working, but I’m still trying. I know our time apart is necessary. I’m excited to finally see you again.
35. You can light the world with your smile. I can’t imagine what your love can do. I miss you so much.
36. Saying I miss you can’t hold a candle to what I truly feel. I wish you’re here with me, my love. I wish you’re thinking of me, too.
37. It’s amazing how just a few days away from you makes me look back on all our sweet memories together. Please go home, so we can create more unforgettable memories together.
38. I miss waking up in the morning beside you. I miss eating pancakes with you. Somehow it doesn’t taste as sweet when you’re not around.
39. These thoughts of you keep spinning in my head. I’m missing you so badly, but you are so far away. How long should I wait? Put me out of my misery.
40. I realize how scary the world feels without you. But maybe it’s because your presence makes me stronger. I’ll try to be strong while you’re away. I hope time moves faster so we can be together.
41. You can’t ask me not to miss you – it’s like asking me not to breathe. Every day away from you is a challenge. But I know that it will only strengthen my love for you. Take care, sweetheart.
42. It feels good to miss someone who loves you. Though it gets harder each day, I know our love will triumph in the end. I can’t wait for the day when we will no longer be apart.
43. I keep hearing your voice and the sound of your laughter. I realize it’s just because I’m missing you. Funny how the small things we don’t always notice can create a big, empty hole in our hearts. See you soon, my love.
44. I always hate the part when I have to see you walk out the door. It’s as if you take a part of me with you. I know this is only temporary but it still feels like hell.
45. A meeting of two hearts comes after every goodbye. I take comfort in the fact that we will soon be together again. Maybe not tomorrow, but I will wait no matter what.
46. I am never alone because I always carry you with me. The years will change the trees, the places we’ve been, and the people we’ve met. But one thing that will never change is my feelings for you. I miss you.
47. I can’t make up my mind if I’m sad because you’re not here or if I’m happy that I’ll be seeing you again. I stare at the clock wishing the time of your arrival would come sooner. But I’ve been here for hours, and you’re still not around.
48. I do not hold the power to accelerate time. But I really wish I can, so I’d see your face again. Missing you is harder than I thought because I got used to being with you every day. Please come back soon.
49. I’ve always been the strong one. The first one to let go. I was never clingy. I avoid dramas like a plague. But I hate what you did to me. It seems like all I can do is think of you and imagine you coming through my door.
50. Love is not supposed to be painful, so why am I in so much pain? Why the thought of you far away is so paralyzing? I hope you come back soon to stop this madness.
51. I fell in love with you knowing that there would be times of pure bliss and a few moments of suffering. Missing you is what makes me suffer and I wish you can put an end to it.
52. The things that really matter – you would miss them when they’re gone. I don’t want to wait for that time to come to appreciate you. I will keep on loving you. I will keep on missing you – even when you’re just right beside me.
53. It’s always easy to fall in love and so hard to stay in love. To me, what’s harder is missing you. I knew from the start that I would love you forever, but I wasn’t ready for this part.
54. I keep on thinking about all the things we will do when we’re finally together. All the adventures we will experience, the places we will visit. That’s the only thing that comforts me in these dark days.
55. I’m not sad that you have to be away for a while; I’m sad that I haven’t prepared for this. I thought it would be easy, but all I think about is kissing you again.
56. Though this pain is unbearable, I’m not giving up. I will patiently wait for the day when I can be with you again. So, hold on, my love. Don’t ever let go.
Beautiful Words To Show Your Support (Through Good Times and Bad) to Your Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband or Wife
57. I want to tell the world how proud I am of you. I want to shout at the top of my lungs and make them understand how great you are. You are an amazing person, and I’m glad that you are mine.
58. This day marks another goal that you have achieved. I have never doubted your talent. I knew you are bound to make great things. Congratulations, hon!
59. In times of sadness and pain, you should know that you can always count on me. I’m not going anywhere. I will be with you until the end.
60. I am always wowed by your presence. You’re simplicity and elegance make you truly unique. You light up any room. I feel proud walking beside you, with your hand on my arm.
61. Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. I know that you put all your heart and soul to make this project successful. Now that your dreams are finally coming true, I am the happiest for you.
62. You are the most hardworking person I know. That’s why you deserve more than a pat on the back. I know that even if there’s a chance that you’ll have everything you ever wanted, you would still keep your feet on the ground. Passion and Humility – that’s what I love about you.
63. As a partner, you don’t only make me proud. You make me feel good about myself. Your heart emits an ever radiant light of positivity and joy. Never change that about you.
64. Please know that I will love you even when the days aren’t bright. This isn’t something temporary. I’m not here to test the waters. I came here to be submerged, and I don’t care if I drown.
65. When you start doubting yourself, think of me. Know that there will always be someone who believes in you completely. Just look beside you, and you’ll find me.
66. May you find what you seek in this world. I would never interfere with your goals. I’ll be the one praying, waiting, cheering at the finish line.
67. The days will not always be sunny, but we will survive it. As long as we have each other, every trial is just a piece of cake.
68. can conquer anything with your talent and skills. The only thing missing is for you to believe in yourself. There’s one person who already knows your worth. You better be the second person.
69. You don’t have to wear all those masks with me. Nothing about you will change how I feel. I will love you through good and bad.
70. I will always support what you believe and what you’re fighting for. I trust that you know what’s best for you and our relationship. So, don’t let anyone dampen your spirits. Get up and fight.
71. Show them what you got. Make it hard for them to ignore you. You have already won my heart. Now it’s time for you to soar high and make me proud.
72. When times are rough, seek for my hand. It’s waiting for you. It will not let go until you’re back on track.
73. You’re the person I run to when life is not fair. You never fail to nurture me and love me unconditionally. I want to give that back to you. I want you to lean on me.
74. I am mesmerized by your beauty. But that’s just icing on the cake. Inside you are so much more. You are overflowing with love, compassion, and kindness. I am so lucky to be your partner.
75. I want you to see yourself through my eyes. I want you to appreciate the goodness in you. I know you’re fighting a hard battle. But I’ve got your back.
76. The reason why the days feel kinda rough is because you’re not around. But don’t worry about us. All your efforts to keep our family intact is appreciated. Thank you for being a great provider.
77. You deserve all the praises and the accolades. All your handwork has paid off. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, my love. What’s more amazing is that you’re still here beside me.
Heartwarming Love Words to Say Sorry To Your Love
78. I’m not the easiest person to love but you made it seem so easy. I’m sorry I doubted you so many times. My insecurities have gotten the best of me. Please forgive me.
79. I can go on and on. Promise you things I’m not sure I’m capable of doing. And you’d still believe in me in spite of my shortcomings. I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you.
80. You are special but I wasn’t ready to love you. I messed up and didn’t follow through on my promises. I hope you can still find it in your heart to forgive me.
81. I know a million sorry’s are not enough. You’re probably sick of hearing the same old lies. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’ll do whatever it takes for you to forgive me, you just got to tell me.
82. I know that you still love me but it doesn’t mean I have forgotten what I did. I just want you to know that I’m still sorry for my actions and thankful for the second chance you have given me.
83. You stood by me even when I’m trying to push you away. Now you got tired of loving me. And I’m kicking myself for being foolish. Please give me another chance.
84. We were the best of friends before we were lovers. Now that you’re gone it feels like I’ve lost two people: my best friend and my love. I’m sorry; let’s give our love another chance.
85. Even though I don’t deserve someone as good as you, I want to prove to you that I can change. I will try my best to understand you, respect you, and honor our relationship. Please tell me this isn’t the end.
86. I thought what I was doing was for the best. I have neglected you for so long – I didn’t even notice you slipping away. Your love is more important than anything in my life. Please come back.
87. The night I left you keeps replaying in my head. I used to think I made the right choice. It was so stupid of me to let go of someone so wonderful. I know I have to suffer for my mistakes. I embrace this pain of losing my one great love.
88. I want to tell you I am more mature now. What happened to us changed me. I now know what I deserve. So, don’t feel sorry for leaving me. I’m sorry you had to lose me.
89. The day you left is the worst day of my life. I know we both made mistakes. We both acted irrationally. Let’s fix this. All I need is a little trust.
90. Whatever our destiny dictates, I know in my heart that you are meant for me. I can’t forgive myself for the mistakes I made, so I understand if you can’t forgive me, too.
91. I can’t convince myself I’m okay. I keep remembering the times when we were happy. I keep wishing it’s still you and me. All I ask if for your to forgive me and for you to open up your heart for me.
92. It was already terrible that you were gone. What’s worse is that it was all my fault. I’m so sorry, baby. I want to make it up to you. Please let me.
93. I did what every horrible person would do, I neglected you and blame you for my problems. I acted like a child, but I understand my mistakes now. I will do anything to show you how sorry I am.
94. It was my fault our love didn’t last. If I can go back to the past, I will change a lot of things. I will treat you better. I will love you completely. I will always show you how much you mean to me.
95. I hope it’s not too late to say sorry. Let me be with you and heal the wounds I’ve caused. I don’t deserve someone like you, but I will work hard until I do.
Bittersweet Words For The Person You Can’t Forget
96. Now I know why love songs could make you happy and sad at the same time. Because it brings back memories of someone you love, who was long gone.
97. The great tragedy of love is that it’s always fun to make memories together. But the fun stops when you need to forget.
98. Admit it, there’s someone out there you can’t forget. She’s probably with someone else right now. She’s probably alone like you. The one I can’t forget has left me for good. Even God won’t let me have her back.
99. It would have been easier if feelings can be transplanted like a plant or transferred to someone else. But it can’t and I won’t, so stop telling me to forget you.
100. Sometimes it’s hard to make people understand that love is not something you can just let go when things get rough. What happened to holding on? What happened to forever? Do you really just want our love to end this way?
101. How come lovers are so foolish? They hurt the person they love, and regret it afterward. They’ll push you away, then ask for another chance. Why do we rather sit, remembering old memories than taking great care of the one we love while we still have them?
102. I remember the day we first kissed. It’s all a little blurry now, but I can still feel my body tense.
103. I’ve loved you for so long that it hurts. You are not someone I can just forget.
104. I was fine before you. I guess I will still be fine without you. Scratch that. I lose focus when you’re not around.
105. Maybe it would be easier if I go blind. Because then I wouldn’t be able to see you with someone else.
106. Loving you is as foolish as waiting for the snow in summer. But I would hope for the impossible. I would hold on to the smallest chance of being with you again.
107. I wish we can go back to the day when we were young without all the worries of the world. We’ve always thought selfishly, creating a world just for us – not caring about the future – thinking it would still be us in the end. Now that reality sets in, time has to separate us. I am left here missing you and wishing you will not forget your promise and that you’d come back.
108. It’s tragic how the one person you can’t live without is the person you are not supposed to have. I’m not sure if I made the right choice of giving you up. Just tell me you’re happier without me. I guess I can live with that.
109. We live in a world where advancements in technology only makes it harder to find true love. It seems like everyone is quick to let go and find another. Am I the only one who still thinks of her first love?
110. Here I am again. Trying to make sense of why our love has to end. The memories haven’t faded yet. Still as vivid and as real as the sky. The day we first met still feels like yesterday.
111. The ones you can’t forget are the ones who made a big impact in your life. It was you for me. It’s always been you.
112. They want me to talk about pain, and I thought of you. Love can be so painful. Memories are so cruel.
113. I didn’t know it was possible to lose someone even while you’re still in love with each other. Who should be blamed? The circumstances or these two people, who are too afraid to get hurt?
114. Years are not enough for me to stop loving you. Even you falling for her will not change my mind.
115. I frantically search for your face everywhere. I only have a vague idea of what you look like. Too many years have passed. But if I ever see you again, I swear, my heart will recognize you.
116. I was young then and every relationship feels like a game. I’ve loved so many after you. But yours is the only face I can’t forget.
117. Nothing hurts more than being away from you. But what can I do? You’ve already decided we are not meant to be.
118. Forgetting is hard. Just when you think you’re okay, a sudden memory brings back all the pain.
119. I treasure all our memories, even though it hurts sometimes. I hope there’s a little love left for me in your heart. I hope it makes you smile when you think of me.
120. I can’t be with you, but I can’t give you up. I will forever be stuck in this in-between. But just one word from you can set me free. Stay.
Love is truly an amazing feeling. Even through its highs and lows, we still hope to experience it all over again. Just remember to always speak from the heart. And if you already found the one you love, cherish them. Don’t let deceit, jealousies, and neglect ruin your relationship. Everything not taken care of will be lost. These messages are exclusively written for our readers. Not copied elsewhere or compiled from other lists. So, be sure to bookmark this page or share it to your social media accounts. Stay happy! Stay in love!