Comments on: 120 Sweet, Romantic Words For Your Love Tue, 25 Apr 2017 21:06:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Sun, 16 Apr 2017 15:55:46 +0000 You need to allow him to fade from your life. Do not attempt to contact him. Be sure to stay away from any dangerous medication. Take this time to delve into something new. Try to rekindle an old relationship or find someone new. If you find that you are thinking about this person, then force those thoughts from your mind. Have a great day, Charli!

By: Charli Sun, 16 Apr 2017 12:05:43 +0000 I fell in love with a man, blah blah blah I texted him back saying it’s nice to hear his voice. He called the police I’m stalking him!

Broke my heart, but I had great friends/support! 6 months later I literally RUN into him, well that’s too much I stupidly take a bottle of pills. He harasses and bullies me for the next 6months, I’d had enough and risked arrested texted him to leave me alone, his mates egg my car, his father stalks my house! But my name never sounded so good until he uttered it!
