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flirty text

After text messaging with someone for awhile, things can get kind of plain and boring. If your feeling like your text messaging life needs a boost, why not try out one of these 60 flirty text messages? We’ve got everything from cute and silly to spicy and romantic- take your pick!

e4bd490bb67ef8a80da3759f6cd07ea4 1. Hey you ;)

This is a great, simple text message to start a conversation. Plus it’s flirty thanks to the winking smiley face. Win, win situation here!

2. Good morning handsome. Have a great day!

This isn’t just your average good morning text. It’s a compliment and a well wish all in one, and that’s a winning, flirty combination!

3. Would you rather do you homework or come hang out with me?

If you want to hang out with your crush, ask him this. You really think he will pick homework over you? Doubt it!

4. Ugh, I have a problem. I can’t stop thinking about you.

This is so funny and cute! At first he will be thinking you have an actual dilemma, but the only problem is he’s stuck on your mind- and he will love that.

5. You look good in that new shirt.

Is he wearing something extra cute today? Why not let him know with a flirty, complimenting text message.

6. Blue is definitely your color ;)

Again, this is a great compliment that lets him know it isn’t just the shirt- but anything blue makes him look amazing. Don’t forget the winking smiley face!

7. I’m so bored! Wanna go on an adventure?

Dates don’t always have to be for dinners and movies; sometimes you just wanna have fun! Invite him out for an exciting day or afternoon and see the sparks fly.

8. This homework is killing me! I can’t do anymore. Save me?

Men love to be the hero- even when it comes to simple, silly things like these.

9. Good luck on your game tonight. You’ll do awesome and look sexy doing it ;)

Everyone gets nervous before a big event, whether it’s a game, speech, or outing. Boost his confidence by not only wishing him good luck, but telling him how great and handsome he is!

10. We just landed in Hawaii. Ugh, I wish you were here!

Did you go on an exciting trip and miss your crush? Then you need to tell him!


11. Happy Birthday! If you could have one wish, what would it be? ;)

This might sound like a normal Happy Birthday statement, but the winking smiley face at the end lets him know you might have some R rated thoughts on your mind. Wonder what he will come up with?

12. I’m trying on these new bras, but I need a second opinion. Care to share your thoughts?

Warning: he might need a new phone after slobbering over his when he sees this text message! Be prepared to send him into a lustful daze with a few pictures of your new bra!

13. Come over, I have all your favorites. Pizza, beer, and of course, ME.

Let’s be honest: what guy could possibly resist that? He will be flying over to your house as quickly as possible with this flirty and alluring text!

14. OMG, you were amazing last night.

Trust me, every guy wants to hear this compliment. It’s what he lives for, and you’ll definitely see a boost in confidence the next time you guys are ‘together’.

15. Can’t wait to see you tonight. I think you’re going to like what you see ;)

If you’re planning to see him later on, why not get him excited? He’ll love reading this and you’ll definitely spark his interest.

16. Hmm, should I wear the red panties or the black ones? Can’t decide..

All men love to have input when it comes to the panty department. Seriously, ask him this question.

17. I could seriously use a little bit of testosterone in my life..

If he isn’t very suave, he might not get this text message. But 99% of men will know that you’re ‘testosterone’ comment is really a G rated way to say you want him.

18. When he asks what you’re doing, tell him you just got out of the shower.

He will probably start daydreaming about you dripping wet in nothing but foam suds. Yeah, he will certainly enjoy that.

19. I’ve been thinking about you all day.

Because everyone likes to know they are on someone’s mind.


20. Follow up with… it hasn’t all been rated G either.

This lets him know you’re not only thinking about HIM, but thinking about YOU and him- ‘together’.

21. Send me a picture ;)

Hopefully he will catch onto the winking smiley face and slip you a sexy picture. Then the ‘sexting’ can ensue.

22. Where have you been hiding?

When he texts you out of the blue, this is a cute way of telling him you’ve missed him and are very pleased he sent you a text message.

23. Hey cutie. Haven’t talked to you in awhile. Thought I’d say hello!

If you haven’t talked to him for awhile, send him this. This compliments him while also letting him know he’s been on your mind.

24. Sweet dreams….with me in them ;)

It’s one thing to wish someone sweet dreams before they go to bed. It’s a whole other thing to wish them sweet dreams with YOU in them. He will certainly like the sound of that and close his eyes to his imagination running ramped.

25. Oooooh, I like the sound of that ;)

If he texts you something flirty or alluring, this is always a winning response (for obvious reasons).

26. Follow up with… Tell me more ;)

Combine these two if you’re really in the mood to turn him on, as these texts combine let him know you love what you hear and you’re sitting on pins and needles to hear more of his sexy comments.

27. I’m just laying in bed, bored. Care to join?

Perfect for those boring weekday nights when you’re in bed but don’t want to miss out on any of the fun. Either he’ll come over or you guys can have an enticing text message conversation until wee hours of the morning.

28. I really like our friendship, but I was thinking… maybe we could be friends with benefits?

Wow. His jaw will literally drop to the floor when he sees this. It’s definitely what every man wants to hear!

29. Let’s hang out tonight. I promise you won’t regret it ;)

Hmmm, have something sexy and fun planned tonight? This lets him know that he is in for a REAL treat. Just don’t flake on your promise ladies!


30. Let’s play 20 question. What’s your name? What’s your favorite color? Wanna go out with me Saturday night?

He will NEVER see it coming- and that’s what we love about it! Who could resist this totally not obvious and adorable way of asking someone out?

31. Randomly text him… Hey! Stop thinking about me!

This will undoubtedly put a smile on your face, and he will either tease you and say that you weren’t, or he’ll say ‘how did you know’? Either way, it’s a winner in our book!

Flirty text-8

32. Hey, I was wondering, do you believe in love at first sight? Or do I need to walk by you again?

Come on, I got a giggle out of writing this silly yet flirty text message! Put a definite smile on his face with this funny text.

33. I just woke up and you’re already on my mind.

What better way to say good morning to someone than with this adorable, flirty text?

34. Mmm, sexy. I love a man that can (fill in the blank).

This is a GREAT text message for any situation. Let’s say you asked him what he was doing and he said he was making dinner. Why not send him this text as a response? It works for almost anything: cooking, cleaning, working on a motorcycle, playing a musical instrument- anything!

35. I know you have a busy day ahead of you, but could you add me on to your to-do list?

This is sexy, and he won’t even see it coming. And let’s face it: we ALL enjoy texts like these. This will definitely turn him on, and he won’t be able to help himself buy say OF COURSE!

36. You have the most amazing (fill in the blank).

Again, this is an easy and flirty text that can let you say almost anything. You could say his smile his amazing, his eyes are amazing, or even his personality is amazing. It really doesn’t matter what you say- this text message is bound to make him smile.

37. I want to take you home with me and pleasure you in ways you didn’t know possible.

Wow. This steamy text message is certainly not for new relationships. But if you and your crush or boyfriend have been at it for awhile, why not send him this sexy message and get the fireworks flying? C’mon, you know he will absolutely love this text message. Be brave and let him know!

38. You make me feel so (fill in the blank).

Does he make you happy? Does he make you feel complete? Does he make you feel ‘hot’? Any text that lets him know he makes you feel a certain way is definitely a winner in our books.

39. I love your lips.

Of course, this is a spicy and romantic text message that boost his confidence and lets him know that yes, it is OK to kiss you and you absolutely love it.


40. Follow with… I can’t wait to taste them again.

There’s something about the waiting game that drives us all mad. So telling him you can’t wait to kiss him and taste him again is a surefire way to peek his interest and make him feel all warm and intense on the inside.

Flirty text-9

41. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would definitely put U and I together.

You’ve probably seen this clever text message on other websites or even television shows, and for good reason! This cute text message is flirty and clever all wrapped up into one, easy and quick text message. It will definitely make him smile!!

42. Come over. Now.

Sometimes guys like it when women are a little demanding. This will peek his interest for 2 reasons. One, your being assertive and most men find that a very attractive trait. And for two, why do you want him over? And not just tonight or sometime this week, but NOW? Do you have something special planned? He will be running over before you can even send the next text message!

43. Dang, you look extra hot today.

People love to hear that they look good today. And saying something as simple as this will boost his confidence incredibly fast. He might just do a few more struts passed you so you can get an ever better look.

44. Have you been working out?

There’s only one reason why you would ever ask a guy that they’ve been working out: there muscles look bigger (or they look better overall). So if you’re asking him if he’s hit up the gym lately, you’re clearly stating that he’s caught your attention because he looks so great. To put it plainly. this text message simply can’t go wrong.

45. Mmm, come over here. I want to touch you.

Every man wants to be touched. End of story. This text will undoubtedly turn him on and he won’t want to wait another second to come closer to you.

46. Can’t wait to see you XOXO

At the end of the day, we all just want to be wanted- right? This text will make him feel special. It will make him feel wanted. And that’s something that will definitely make him happy and excited to see you too!

47. Guess what I’m wearing right now.

This will really make his imagination run wild. Are you wearing a sexy dress? Maybe a piece of lingerie? Who knows! Just prepared to send him a picture of what you’re wearing afterwards.

48. I was just telling my friends about you. They’re so jealous ;)

You’re talking to your friends about him? Yeah. Guys LOVE that. And they also love to know that they are making your friends jealous. Plus the winking smily face lets him know you told them ALL the details- and they are even more jealous about THAT.

49. I had a dream about you last night. It was definitely R-rated…

This can only mean one thing: you had a naughty dream about him. Be ready to fill him in with all the dirty details!

3420eed0d6034fe24656b0caae1cc6e6 50. Did you know I can do the splits?

Men love a girl that is flexible. This sparks interest because he will want to see just how flexible you can be.

51. I’ve been a bad girl today. I need a spanking.

Men love it when a nice girl can be dirty, and they love it even more when they can spank her for it. Send him this text message and drive him WILD.

52. Talk dirty to me.

It might be on the spot, but men thrive on that! He will want to show you how passionate and exciting he can be over text messages. And trust us, you’ll love all of the things he comes up with trying to impress you and turn you on.

53. Don’t waste all of your energy at work today. You’ll need some extra energy for later…

He’ll be thinking, “Oh really? For what?” Maybe you have something extra spicy planned for tonight. The point is to get him thinking all day long and let the intensity build up so he’s ready to go at it all night when he gets home.

54. Ugh, I was rushing out of the house and totally forgot to wear a bra.

I’m pretty sure his jaw will drop after reading this, and soon after his imagination will kick in, day dreaming about how alluring you look in a top without a bra on.

55. I found my old cheerleading outfit. It still fits…

Every man has a fantasy about a girl in a cheerleading outfit. I don’t know why, don’t ask me. The point is- it’s just a fact about men, and he will love to hear this. Be ready to showcase it for him!

56. Ugh, I’ve had a horrible day. I need to unwind… ;)

I wonder what you have in mind? What better way to unwind than to…. (you fill in the blank).

57. Can you guess the color of the underwear I’m wearing?

Men like to talk about girls and their underwear. And that’s just that.

58. I’ve never met a man that can (fill in the blank) as well as you.

This could be something G or X rated- you make the call!

59. If I were with you right now, what would we be doing?

Get inside of his head!

Flirty text-10

60. I’m trying to fall asleep, but I can’t stop thinking about you!

This is just too cute for words.


What’s your favorite flirty text?

http://www.herinterest.com/60-flirty-text-messages/feed/ 2
How to Get a Boy to Ask You Out http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-a-boy-to-ask-you-out/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-a-boy-to-ask-you-out/#comments Wed, 18 Jun 2014 18:54:21 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14702

You like this guy, and he likes you. So why hasn’t he asked you out than? Maybe he’s shy, or maybe he isn’t ready. Or maybe he simply doesn’t know that you actually want him to ask you out. But with these 10 awesome tips, he’ll be asking you out in no time- and that’s the goal, right? Try these great ideas out NOW!


1. Seem Interested in the Person He Is

There is a huge difference between getting to know someone in a friendly way, and getting to know someone intimately. Someone who is genuinely interested in another human being will want to simply know more- not just the basics. Find out about things he likes- from food to sports. Ask him about his friends, family members, hobbies, and anything else you can think of. The point is to make him feel special and let him know that you actually care to hear what he has to say.


2. Smile at Him Often

You’ve heard this one before: a smile goes a long way. And whether it’s a job interview or just trying to show someone you’re interested in them, a smile always does the trick. You want to first make eye contact with him, then proceed with a smile. This makes him know that he brought a smile to your face, you weren’t just smiling at something else when your eyes met. And when you’re having a conversation with this boy, smile often so he knows you’re enjoying the convo with him.

3. Flirt With Him- In Every Way, Shape, and Form

There’s tons of ways to flirt. Whether you’re teasing him about tripping in gym class or touching his arm and giggling after some jokes he tells, the point is to do it as often as you can. Because, well, let’s face it: there’s really no better way to show someone you’re interested in them than with a few simple flirts.


4. Compliment Him Often

This could definitely fall into the ‘flirt with him often’ category, but we decided to give this tip its own column because we believe it is very much important. Compliments don’t have to be outrageous. Simply telling him you like how his hair looks today or letting him know he looks great in his new blue shirt is an easy way to boost his confidence while showing your interest. If you’re comfortable and know the guy better, feel free to make your compliments even deeper. Tell him his big muscles are protruding through his shirt and you can’t take your eyes off of them. Tell him he’s the sweetest, most gentle man you’ve ever met and you absolutely love it. You can’t go wrong with compliments, just remember not to overdo it.

5. Try to Find Something You’re Both Interested In

You’re having a conversation about music. Suddenly he says how his absolute favorite band of all time is One Direction, and that just happens to be your favorite to. The next thing you know, the two of you are discussing upcoming concerts you’ve heard about, and he suddenly asks you to accompany him to one of the concerts. Mission: accomplished. It’s real simple. Find a common interest and he’ll probably invite you along.

6. Subtle Hints

Have you thought about maybe dropping a little hint here and there? Remember, it’s important not to be too obvious about it. Don’t just blurt out, “Oh my gosh I want to date you I wish you would ask me out” all in a single breath. You want to make subtle hints. Try telling him you enjoy spending time with him, or you wish you could see more of him. Simple sentences like these are obvious signs you enjoy his accompany and wouldn’t mind- in fact you’d love- if he asked you out on a date.


7. Let Him Know When You’re Free

If he doesn’t know when you are free, he probably doesn’t feel comfortable asking you out out of fear of rejection. But be coy about it. Don’t tell him you are free 24/7, as this can appear desperate. But also don’t be so busy that he thinks you are to busy for him. Maybe suggest that you’ve had a really long week and you can’t wait to have a relaxing weekend, but you’re still looking for something fun to do. Or tell him how lucky you are to have every Tuesday and Thursday off from work. These totally coy yet easy statements lets him know when to ask you out!

8. Tell Him Places You’re Going 

Don’t take this the wrong way: you don’t need to text him every time you leave the house. But if you’re planning on going to an event where you wouldn’t mind his accompaniment, for instance a party where the two of your have mutual friends, let him know you’re going and see if he’d like to tag along.


9. Lead Him Towards an Open Opportunity

This kind of goes hand in hand with letting him know when you’re free, but still a good enough tip to deserve its own spot. If the two of you are having a conversation, you could let him know that you are available this Friday night and you’re looking for something fun to do, and ask him if he has any ideas. Or you could tell him that you really want to go to this upcoming movie, but you don’t have anyone to go with you. These little things will give him an easy opportunity to slip in and ask you on a date.

10. Let Him Know Your Intentions

If all else fails, you have two options. You can either decide to give up on this guy who is obviously not picking up on your hints, or you can take a huge risk and be blatantly obvious with him. Which of course could either go on of two ways.

-He might have been completely clueless to your hints, and you bringing it up in the conversation is exactly what he wanted to hear. He thinks you are a brave woman and says something along the lines of, “Wow, I’ve been wanting to ask you out forever, but I didn’t think you liked me.” In which case the two of you run off into the sunset.

-On the other hand, if you are totally obvious with him and tell him you want to be with him or for him to ask you out, he might think you are desperate or you might find out he wasn’t interested in you in the first place. Which, of course, is totally embarrassing. But for most, knowing this is better than being left in the dark about everything. Are you willing to take that kind of risk?


Sometimes men are blind to our hints, but if you want to get that boy to ask you out, you’re going to have to try some of these great tips. Whether you decide to compliment him a bit more, lead him into more opportunities to ask you out, or bluntly tell him how you feel, at the end of the day you’ll know you’re one step closer to being on a date with that special boy.


What are your favorite ways to get a boy to ask you out?

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15 Romantic Things to Do For Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/15-romantic-things-to-do-for-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/15-romantic-things-to-do-for-your-boyfriend/#comments Wed, 11 Jun 2014 21:59:41 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14643

When we love someone, it is in our nature to want to show them how much we adore and appreciate them. But let’s be honest: men aren’t as easily swayed into romance as woman, and a lovey dovey poem attached to a gorgeous vase filled lined with decadent roses isn’t going to cut it. So what’s a girl to do? We’ve got the answer with 15 romantic things to do for your boyfriend.

7b5df6d858b1480a17ab1e4a74d2a8f51. Get Dolled Up

Your man loves you, well, for you. Whether you’re in your pajamas sick with a cold or in your workout clothes, he loves you all the same. But nothing excites him more than seeing his lady all dressed up. After all, he doesn’t see you in your fanciest attire with the most beautiful hair every single day, so why not glam it up once in awhile. He will appreciate your efforts: that you got all dazzled up, just for him. Not to mention you might notice him acting a little bit more passionate after seeing you in this fancy outfit, so really getting all dolled up for your man is a win win situation.


2. Let Him Have a Night Out

Men are always complaining about how they never get to spend enough time with the boys, and when they do finally get the chance, the lady is calling and complaining that he needs to get home. Did you ever think it might be a selfless act of romance and love to just cut him loose for a night? Tell him to go have a great night with the boys. See a game, go to the bar- whatever he and his pals like to do. When he goes out, don’t bother him with text messages or phone calls. Just let him have fun and when he is ready he will contact you or come straight home. Either way, you’ll be welcoming a man that is refreshed and happy when he walks through the door.


3. Give Him a Massage

He gets up every morning, 7 o’clock sharp. He hops in the shower for 5 minutes, runs out, throws his work clothes on, and he’s off for the day. Sometimes you don’t see him till 3, 4, maybe even 5 o’clock at night. And he does this 5 to 7 days a week. Don’t you think this might be a little draining and overwhelming? Whether he’s doing construction in the heat or using his brain in a bank, he needs a little relaxation. And what better way to relax him then with a nice, gentle massage from his woman. Break out the baby oil, candles, and soft music, and show him what you’re made of. He will love it, without a doubt.


4. Give Him a Gift

Ok, so we already mentioned earlier about how no man wants to get a girly romantic gift like a bouquet of roses or a poem so perfectly written it could melt his heart into two- so throw those ideas out. You’ll need to dig deeper to give a surprise gift for your man. Is he into sports? Maybe surprise him with a new baseball glove before practice Friday night or give him a pair of tickets to his favorite Hockey team. Is he a gamer? Try giving him a brand new headset for his XBOX or surprise him with the latest Call of Duty game. The best part about giving him a special gift you know he will love is it shows you took the time to know what his interests are, and then wanted to give him something related to his interests. That’s a HUGE plus for any man!


5. Write Him Something

So we already told you (twice) not to do any poetry. And we absolutely mean that one hundred percent. But that doesn’t mean that guys don’t like to read something sweet and special one in awhile. Write him a little note- whether it’s a simple “I love you” on a sticky note attached to his computer screen or a page long, silly love note that he can read before bed. Just make sure you’re witty, fun, and romantic all in one. You don’t want to bore him to tears with an overdose of romance, but you also don’t want to make him think it’s a joke. You know your man the best- write something he will actually enjoy reading that will tell him exactly how you feel.


6. Do a Little Dance..

You can take this one of two ways. We’ll start with the more sweet and romantic way, dancing underneath the stars to your favorite songs. Yes, it’s a little bit sappy, but it’s totally adorable and romantic too. Whether you’re out on the porch in your pajamas or get dolled up for the event, he will enjoy having your hips sway back and forth against his, eyes locked on each other as you dance to your favorite tunes.

On the other hand, if your guy isn’t into dancing whatsoever and would much rather watch *YOU* dance…ahem, alone, then I suggest you go out and buy a nice piece of lingerie to cater to this special event. I mean, come on- what’s more romantic in a man’s eyes then watching his sexy woman in a skimpy article of clothing swaying her hips erotically in front of him? No stripper could ever please him like that! So be his special stripper/erotic dancer for the night. He will absolutely love it.


7. Make Him a Special Dinner

When it comes to romance, sometimes staying inside is better than going to a 5 star restaurant. If you really want to do something extremely romantic for your man, cook him a special dinner. Get the table set up for two, and have it ready when he comes home from work. If you want to get extra brownie points for your efforts, we suggest cooking his favorite meal. For instance, if your guy is a steak and mashed potatoes kind of guy, make both. And don’t forget his favorite dessert, apple pie! It might seem like a long day in the kitchen, but it is definitely worth it to show your man you love him and care for him deeply. Trust us, he won’t mind eating his favorite finger-licking-good food either!

8. Pack Him Lunch

We talked earlier about how grueling your man’s day is. He rushes out of the house so fast in the morning he rarely ever has time to make his own lunch. So why not surprise him with a delicious lunch made and packed by yours truly? Again, to score extra brownie points make sure you pack in all his favorites. A nice, juicy sandwich with bacon and lettuce and a few nacho cheese Doritos on the side. Oh, and of course we can’t forget a bottle of water and an apple to make sure he gets at least a little bit of vitamins in his day. He will love your efforts and be very proud of the fact that his lady cared enough to make sure he was satisfied for lunch, even when she isn’t there.

9. Plan a Special Date Night

One of the biggest couples make that typically leads to a breakup is routine. Routines get boring, and ‘date night every Wednesday at the same diner you’ve been to for the last 3 months’ is probably getting boring to. We have one suggestion for you: SWITCH IT UP. Instead of Sally’s diner on a Wednesday, try going out for that new action movie Friday night. End the night with some drinks and see how free you can get with one another. Surprise him with tickets for two to the game next Saturday. It doesn’t really matter what you do, as long as it’s not something you do often and is different from the norm.


10. Go on an Adventure

Have you ever been deep sea diving? Have you ever had alone time with your man in a cabin in the woods? Have you ever nestled up with your guy on the shores of Panama? Did you really just say no to all three of those questions? If you want some serious romantic one on one time with your man, we highly suggest packing up your bags and taking off. It doesn’t have to be anything drastic like traveling across the sea to Italy. It can be as simple as going camping on the local camping grounds, spending the night in a hotel on the beach, or just going on a fun hiking trip. Possibilities are truly endless but it’s a great way to do something romantic for your man.


11. Photos!

Has anyone ever given you a special photograph, placed inside of a beautiful picture frame so you could easily hang it up on your wall? It’s such a simple gift, yet it has so much meaning to it. So for this next suggestion on romantic things to do for your boyfriend, go print up your favorite picture of the two of you together. Buy a frame. It doesn’t really matter what type, but something manly like a dark wood frame or metal frame would work just fine. (You could also make your own frame!) Place the photo inside and surprise your man with it. He will love seeing the two of you so happy together and will gladly hang it in his room or at his office so he can see your smiling face whenever he wants.

12. Compliment Him

Whether you have been in the relationship for 5 days or 5 years, men love to get a compliment from their woman. Well, men love to get compliments from anyone really; but when it comes directly from their lover, it means so much more. You don’t need to come up with anything fancy or extravagant. Just tell him how incredibly handsome he is and how his bulging muscles still turn you on to this day. These simple little compliments will make him feel loved and wanted, and that’s a winning combination.


13. Get Kinky

Remember when we said one of the biggest mistakes in a relationship is to develop a routine? Well this includes inside the bedroom too, ladies. You need to keep things interested. Remember a few weeks back when your man said he would love to see you in one of those silky lingerie numbers? Well, now might be the time to surprise him with it. Remember when he asked you to try ‘that one thing’ but you weren’t brave enough to do it? Maybe it’s time to find your courage. Keeping things spicy not only entices him and makes him lust for you even more, but also shows him that you adore him and want to make him want you.

14. Do What He Wants to Do

If he has been asking to see the new Spiderman movie, over and over and over again, and you just so happen to be Spiderman’s biggest hater, you might consider putting yourself aside for a moment just so you can indulge in something your man wants to do. As an added bonus, you’ll get him to quit asking! This is seriously such a simple act of selflessness and love that really proves to him how much you care.


15. Give Him Plenty of Kisses

At the end of the day, nothing says romance and love like kissing. To show your man how romantic you are and how much you love him, cover him head to toe in kisses, as much as you possibly can. Surprise him with kisses on the lips while he’s playing video games, surprise him with kisses right when he wakes up. The more kisses, the better!


Who knew it could be so easy to do romantic things for your partner. Dance with him, cook for him, shower him with kisses. We promise you he will love every moment of it!


What are some of your favorite ways to be romantic for your boyfriend?

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How to Start a Conversation With the Guy You Like http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-start-a-conversation-with-the-guy-you-like/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-start-a-conversation-with-the-guy-you-like/#comments Tue, 10 Jun 2014 21:42:34 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14614

You’ve had your eye on this guy for quite some time now. He sits across from you in class, he works in the same office, or you can’t keep your eyes off of him as he works the weights in the gym. Wherever he is, you want to talk to him, but you don’t know how to start. Here are some great ideas on how to start a conversation with the guy you like!


1. Eye Contact With a Flirty Smile

This is probably the easiest (and best) way to go about things. Not only does a simple, flirty smile let you know that they are interested in them, but 9 times out of 10 men like to make the first move. Letting him know you like him by using your eyes and a smile makes it easier and more comfortable for him to come on over and strike up a conversation. Plus you don’t have to do any of the work. Perfect idea for the shy girls out there!

2. Accidentally ‘Bump Into Him’

You’ve probably seen this one in the movies. The girl walks by and ‘accidentally’ knocks right into the man she is interested in. Her books fall to the floor, and suddenly they are both on the floor picking up the books and setting up a dinner date for that night. While it may not be that dramatic and you might not score a date right that second, you will at least be able to say one word to the guy- even if it is “Sorry!”


3. Ask Him For Help With Something

Men absolutely love to help. With everything. It’s simply in their nature to be the hero, and they will almost never turn down a chance to help a woman out. Whether you need help sharpening your pencil, opening up your water bottle, or even needing your car jumped- ask him! He will probably be more than willing to help you. Plus, when all is said and done, you can keep the conversation going with a simple “You’re so helpful” compliment. Another something that men absolutely love to hear from a gal.


4. Ask Him About Work/School

If you’re both in the same class, ask him what his major is or what he thinks about the class you are both in. If you work at the same place, ask him how he likes the work or if he has other goals in life. This not only makes it easy to start a conversation on something you are both involved in, but also makes it easy for a more in-depth conversation to arise. Just think about it. You could start off talking about how terrible he thinks the class is, and suddenly the two of you are talking about your future goals 20 minutes later. Endless possibilities with a very simple startup!


5. Compliment Him on Something

Man or woman, big or small- everyone loves to hear a compliment. So why wouldn’t this be an easy way to start a conversation with a guy you like? You don’t have to go in depth or come up with anything totally clever. You could simply tell him you like the color shirt he wore today or you think his new haircut looks great on him. Something as easy as that lets him know you like what you see, you might have an interest in him, and he can definitely talk to you whenever he wants. ‘Killing three birds with one stone’, or so they say!

6. Tell Him He Looks Familiar

Have you ever had someone walk up to you and say something along the lines of, “Wow, you look just like my aunt Joy!” or “Do I know you from somewhere? You look awfully familiar”. Whether they were just trying to be friendly or it was a guy trying to make a conversation with you, this is an easy trick that almost always works. Simply ask him if he might know you from somewhere else or if he had a different class with you. This will surely open up a long-lasting conversation without looking to obnoxiously obvious.


7. Ask Him For the Time

Don’t you love those easy questions that let you talk to someone without letting them know you’re too interested or giving yourself away easily? Yeah, this is definitely one of them. And even though everyone can easily grab their phones and check the time, it doesn’t mean we sometimes forget them, right? If you need a really quick way to strike up a conversation with a guy you’re interested him, just ask him for the time. He will tell you the time- and probably tease you a bit for not having your phone or forgetting to check there first. All that for just a quick little question- it’s simply brilliance!


8. Tell Him He Looks Like a Celebrity

This is like a compliment and an easy way to spark up a conversation in one. I mean, what guy doesn’t want to hear that they look like Channing Tatum or Brad Pitt? The options are really limitless when it comes to choosing the celebrity you want to compare him to, but we can almost guarantee he will enjoy this easy compliment. He might even want to hear your reasoning for the comparison- which, of course, means a longer conversation between the two of you. Huge win!!

9. Ask About a Mutual Friend/Coworker

So the two of you work in the same office, and you haven’t seen that one girl Chloe in awhile. She is usually always on time and never misses a day, and you couldn’t ever imagine a reason why she would be fired. So what gives? Even if you don’t necessarily care all too much where she’s been, it’s still a great way to start conversing with the guy you like. Ask him where a coworker has been, if he has seen them, or something along those lines. Whether he has or hasn’t, he WILL have to answer you. And who knows what will happen after that?


10. Ask Him If He Knows Him/Her

Let’s say you saw the guy you like hanging out with one of your good friends John. Viola! This is a GREAT conversation starter! Simply go up to him and ask him if he knows (insert name of person you know here). Say something like, “Hey, do you know John Smith? I thought I saw you two hanging out at the pub downtown last weekend”. Then go on to tell him how you know John and ask him about their friendship. Easy, right!?

11. Ask Him For His Name

You mean to tell me you still don’t know the name of that cutie that sits across from you in lab? Ok, even if you do- you shouldn’t let him know that. If you want to make it a bit obvious that you’re interested in him while still easing the way into a good convo, we recommend simply asking him what his name is. Trust us- he will love the easy attention and it’s a definite way for him to know that you’ve been checking him out and simply must know the name attached to that handsome face.


12. Tell Him He Did a Good Job on Something

Let’s say the guy you’re after just finished his oral report on the monkey species. You thought it was downright amazing and you can’t help but deem him one of the most (handsome) and intelligent men you’ve ever ran across. Why not tell him what a great job he’s done? This gives you a chance to compliment him, make him smile and feel manly, and also start a conversation. It could be anything from a nice dunk shot at basketball practice to an awesome job figuring out the hard math equation. If he did a great job, let him know! You can’t go wrong.


13. Ask Him If You Can Use His Phone

Ah, darn. Did you forget your phone at home again? Are you supposed to give your friend a call right when class is over to make sure she is there to pick you up? Well, you don’t want to be stranded, right? You really have only one option left available to you: go over to that cute guy and ask him if you can borrow his phone. Of course he will say yes, and the two of you can laugh about how hard it is to leave a phone at home. And if you’re lying and simply using this tactic to talk to him, make sure your phone is on silent so he doesn’t ‘catch’ you with a phone ringing in your pocket. I mean, how embarrassing would that be, right?


14. Start Small Talking Him

What better way to start talking to someone then by, well, talking to them? Small talk is obviously the easiest way to start talking to someone. Talk about how terribly hot it is out today. Talk about how mad you are that your favorite team lost last night. Talk about how you can’t wait for the weekend. Really, when it comes to small talk, anything goes. And don’t feel bad about it either. The only way to get to know someone is to start with the basics, and you never know where this simple small talk will lead.


15. Ask If You May Sit Next To Him

Even if there is a ton of seats available or none at all, give this a shot. Not only will you be able to sit next to him for the remainder of the event (and indulge in that masculine cologne he decided to wear that day) but you will also have an easy time making conversation with him. After all, he’s right next to you. You talk to someone who sits right next to you, right? It’s totally rude and awful not to do that, right? With this easy tactic, you are a show in for conversation.


16. Ask Him About a Feature, Such as a Tattoo

Want a unique way to strike up a conversation? Take notice of something that is different or unique about him, for instance a tattoo. Maybe you’ve noticed a tattoo of a little girl on his shoulder. Why not ask him what it is all about? You might find out he has a precious little 4 year old girl named Joan, or maybe you find out that is his little sister that passed away in a car crash. You never know until you ask, but you will have something to talk about nonetheless. Maybe you two will start sharing about other cool or special tattoos you have, and decide you’re a match made in tattooed Heaven?


17. Make a Small Joke

We can’t say this enough: men love it when a girl has a sense of humor and can make them laugh. So what better way to make a first impression than by telling him a silly joke? This will definitely intrigue him, and always give you two an easy way to keep talking. No awkwardness, to weird small talking. No quick questions, and no silly antics. Just a girl with a silly joke, making the man of her dreams laugh. Is there anything wrong with this picture? No, there isn’t. And if you have something funny to say, we definitely recommend relaying this funny message onto the guy you’re seeking. It’s simply one of the best ways to intrigue him!


18. Drop Something Near Him

Just like accidentally ‘bumping’ into him, this is one of the oldest tricks in the books- and probably another antic you’ve seen on television at one time or another. Whether you do the old ‘Oops, I dropped my pencil” right next to you or drop something else you will need right away, we simply can’t lie: it’s a great tactic and will definitely go places. He might pick up the pencil, look into your eyes, and suddenly realize that he hasn’t payed enough attention to you. Or he might just pick it up and hand it to you, continuing on with his day. We can’t guarantee anything, but you won’t know until you try, right? That’s like anything else!


19. Flirt With Him Casually

There is a huge difference between a casual compliment like the one listed above and a flirty compliment. If you really want to let him know right there and then that you are seriously interested in him, then try casually flirting with him. It doesn’t have to be anything outrageous like grabbing him by the arm, pulling him close, and telling him that you can’t stand another second without his lips attached to yours (although that might be the EXACT thought process going through your brain right now). Just come up with something simple. Unlike the casual, “I like the shirt you’re wearing today”, try something more romantic like, “Wow, I’ve never seen a man fill out a muscle tee like you do”, which could be proceeded by a bite of the lip or a touch of his arm. Either way, he will fall prey to your spell and you’ll be a shoe-in for future conversations.


20. Tease Him

When all else fails, why not revert back to our kindergarten days when showing someone you liked them was as easy as teasing them about their hair or chasing them around the playground. If you want an easy and cute way to start a convo with the guy you like, try a simple flirty tease. If he accidentally trips in front of you, giggle a bit and say “Ouch, nice one!” or if he does something wrong in class, smile and say “Way to go! Exit is that way!” something along those lines. Not only is it sure to get a smile, but he might tease a bit back- which can only lead to a little bit of conversation, and then who knows?


Tease him, flirt with him, ask him about the weather- there’s seriously tons of different ways to spark up a conversation with a guy you’re interested in. Nothing dramatic, and easy stuff even the shyest girl can do! What are you waiting for? Go get that guy!


What’s your favorite way to start a conversation with a man you like?

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10 Ways to Make Him Jealous http://www.herinterest.com/10-ways-to-make-him-jealous/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-ways-to-make-him-jealous/#comments Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:12:04 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14507

We have to admit: intentionally making someone jealous is kind of cruel, be we totally understand that sometimes jealousy is the only tactic that works. Sometimes people need a taste of their own medicine, or sometimes they just don’t react until it really affects them. Whatever your reasons are for wanting to make him jealous, here’s 10 easy ways to get his blood boiling.


1. Look Amazing

You know when you see your ex walking down the street, and they look 10 times hotter than when the two of you were dating? Suddenly you feel like maybe it wasn’t the best idea to break up with him over that stupid text message. You hated that feeling, right? So why not give it a shot!

If you want to make someone jealous, it is really as simple as that: look so good they regret the day the broke up with you, ignored your call, or just simply didn’t give you the time of day. Then when they realize your mistake you’ll be getting too much attention from everyone around you to even notice them. Now that’s some sweet payback you can enjoy!

Some great ideas to suddenly look better than you ever did before:

-Try eating healthier and following a regular exercise routine to shed a few pounds.

-Switch up your makeup. Maybe some romantic red lipstick would catch his eye?

-Get a new hairstyle or brand new hair color that pops. Maybe he’d be mad about missing out on a brand new blonde?

-Wear your most flattering clothes. That flirty skirt has never looked so good!


2. Act Like You Don’t Care

Human nature is so weird sometimes. I mean, why do we suddenly want something or someone more when we can’t have it or they don’t want us back? It’s so ridiculous, but that’s just the way it is.

Let’s say you’ve been trying to get his attention for some time. Every text you send or flirty comment you make is ignored and brushed off like it doesn’t matter. Have you tried doing the opposite? Don’t send him text messages, in fact, act like he doesn’t really exist. Try not to look at him, and when he comes up to talk to you act like it doesn’t really matter. A simple smile and a few short words before you have somewhere else to be. A little taste of his own medicine might realize what he lost.


3. Pretend to be Busy

So he finally decided he wants to hang out. After days of trying to set something up, he is finally free enough for you. Well you know what? Don’t jump on it- in fact, do the exact opposite: pretend YOU are the busy one. To make him even more jealous, keep your plans mysterious. Are you busy seeing someone else? He will never know!


4. Don’t Respond to Him Immediately

If you’re trying to make someone jealous, you can’t be needy. That’s a fact. So when he tries texting you or calling you, you definitely don’t want to respond right away. You should wait anywhere between 30 minutes and 4 hours, but any longer than that is just plain rude (and yes, that IS something we are trying to avoid). Unless you are actually busy doing something, we recommend a 30 minute wait to keep him on his toes. When you do finally respond, try to keep the conversation brief- tip number 5.


5. Keep Conversations Brief

This roots back to not being needy and keeping everything mysterious. You don’t want to seem like you have all the free time on your hands and never want to stop talking to him. Instead, make him jealous by not saying much and being very casual with him. Here is an idea of what we mean by keeping conversations brief.

What not to do:

Boy: Hey what’s up?

Girl: Oh my gosh, hi! How are you? I was just thinking about you. I’m just relaxing in my room. What are you doing? We should hang out soon!

What you should do:

Boy: Hey what’s up?

Girl: (Remember, at least 30 minutes later. If you’re really wanting to talk to him, 15 minutes is the absolute lowest amount of time to wait!) Hey, I’m just getting ready to head out. You? (Even if you’re just in your jammies at home, say something like that!)

Boy: Oh, doing anything fun? I’m just finishing up my lunch.

Girl: Yeah, it’s going to be a great night.

-Saying things like that makes him wonder what you are doing and WHY it’s going to be such a ‘great’ night. And yes, even if you’re just going to be at home in front of your television watching the X Files with a huge bowl of popcorn, you don’t want HIM to know that. Make him jealous with simple comments like that one!


6. Have a Great Time Without Him

When someone thinks that you need them, they think it’s impossible for you to have a good time without them. To kick this certain someone off their high horse and make them seething with jealousy, all you really need to do is have a great time without him. He won’t believe it. After all, you’re supposed to be lost without him, right? There’s no WAY you could enjoy yourself without his company. So go ahead and put on some heels, call up your gal pals, and have a night to remember- all without that certain guy you’re trying to make jealous.

If you want to make him a little more jealous, try adding some guy friends to your outing, or going on a one on one outing with a guy. Doesn’t have to be a date, just two friends hanging out. But remember- whether it’s one guy, two guys, or twelve, he will be incredibly jealous that all these men around you but he isn’t one of them.


7. Talk About Other Men

You know when you’re talking to a guy you like, and he keeps commenting about other females? Which ones he likes, which ones he thinks are pretty- hey, he even commented on how great that girl looks in her short shorts- RIGHT in front of you. Pretty irritating, right? Well, why not pull this same trick on the guy you’re trying to make jealous. After all, if it works on 99 percent of the rest of the population, why wouldn’t it work on him too? Remember to keep your comments smooth and natural, not obnoxious so you give it away that you are actually TRYING to make him mad. Some things you might consider saying:

-Slipping in that you hung out with a guy the other night and watched the movie he’s talking about.

-Mentioning how hot the singer looks in a certain band.

-Telling him to hold on so you can respond to a text message from this guy.

-‘Accidentally’ blurting out loud how muscular and handsome that guy looked in his tank top.


8. Flirt With Other Men

If he’s not getting the attention, someone else is- and that is bound to make him ferociously jealous. But with this tip, you need to be extra careful. You don’t want to take the flirting overboard and make it look like you’re a bit of a floozy. Just keep it simple and casual. Laugh with other men and touch their arm. Tell other men they look good in their shirts. Ask other guys if they’ve been working out. Nothing overboard, yet all comments that flatter another man other than the one you’re trying to make jealous.


9. Date Another Man

Ladies, let me warn you: this option can either go really bad, or really good. It all depends on the guy and how he will react to you dating another man. However, it is certainly the most extreme way to make someone else jealous and if he reacts in the way you want, then consider yourself lucky. This could go one of two ways:

-The first situation starts out like this. You want to make a guy jealous, and nothing seems to be working. You decide enough is enough and try to make him jealous by dating another man. The other guy gets overwhelmingly jealous and decides that it was a mistake to dump you or not pay attention to you in the first place. He decides he will do anything to get you back and take you away from your newfound lover. He comes to your window at night with guitar in hand, singing your favorite tune. He brings you a bouquet of roses and tells you how beautiful you are. After a week or two of some serious courting, the two of you decide to become a couple. And while you successfully got your dream guy, you left the other guy hanging. It’s a little messed up, but maybe he will understand.

-Second theory. There’s a guy who just recently dumped you or acts like you don’t even exist, despite your many times to get his attention. You think that the only way he’s going to react is if he sees you hand in hand with another man. So you go out and land yourself a good looking guy, and flaunt him everywhere- especially in front of the other guy. The only problem is, the other guy saw- multiple times- and has done nothing. In fact, he continues about his business like nothing even happens. And in that moment, you realize he doesn’t care. Maybe you didn’t get the guy of your dreams, but at least you found a man that likes you, right?


10. Use Social Media

Social media is a useful tool for an abundance of things. I mean, you can find your best friend from preschool, sell your brand new weight loss product, or create a cool horror movie fan club group where everyone shares their favorite scenes of the most gory films. So why not use it as a tool to get that guy jealous? You can use social media in so, so many different ways. Here are just a FEW awesome examples below.

-Post a hot picture. You know, the one you took before heading to the club last weekend. The one where you have the red miniskirt and crop top and your hair came out just oh-so-perfect? That’s the one!

-Post a picture of you and your friends having fun. Remember, you’re not supposed to be able to function without him, let alone have a great time.

-Post a picture of you and another guy- even if you’re just friends. How would this NOT make him jealous?

-Post a status about how great your night was, but keep the details mysterious. You might want to end your status update with a winking smiley face or something along those lines.

-Change your status to ‘In a Relationship’, even if you’re still single. At least that will get his attention right?

-Comment and like on another guy’s pictures and statuses; just don’t go overboard.

-If he decides to message you on the social media website, think of it as a text message and use the same rules listed above: brief conversations, keeping plans mysterious, and not responding immediately.


There, you have it. The top 10 ways to make a guy super jealous. And whadd’ya know, they’re all fairly simple tips, right? Look your best, have a great time (with and without other guys), and don’t act like he’s too important. You will probably have him in the palm of your hands before you know it.


Ladies, what are some tactics you have used to make a guy jealous? Did they work?


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16 Ways to Make Him Fall in Love With You http://www.herinterest.com/16-ways-to-make-him-fall-in-love-with-you/ http://www.herinterest.com/16-ways-to-make-him-fall-in-love-with-you/#comments Sun, 01 Jun 2014 05:51:10 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14483

“She wasn’t exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the same way.” -Nicholas Sparks. If that sounds like you’re love life right now, you’re probably wondering if there’s any way to guarantee he loves you back. But while there’s no way to make someone fall for you, there’s still some easy steps you can take to get one step closer. Take a look at these 16 ways to make him fall in love with you!


1. Always Be Yourself

If you’re putting on a show or being someone you’re not in the hopes that he will fall in love with you, you are only setting yourself up for failure. The second you slip out of what you think is ‘perfection’ for him, he will not only view you as a liar- but won’t love you anymore. He wants to know the real you. He wants you with all of your flaws. That’s why he picked you. So stay true yourself and always be who you are. You’d be surprised how much further that gets you than trying to be something you’re not- which leads us to tip number 2.


2. Be Different Than the Rest

If you’re too busy trying to be like everyone else, how can you be different from the pack? Men don’t want another plastic replica of everyone else. They want a lady who is unique. Be that girl, not another clone of the rest of the world. That will attract him and make him fall for you quicker than any item of clothing, piece of makeup, or false appreciation for video games.


3. Look Your Best

I’m not even going to try and sugarcoat this statement: men fall in love with what they see. So if you’re not looking your best, how far do you think that’s going to get you? Always put your best foot forward. This doesn’t mean you need to buy the most expensive clothing or be a size 0. Simply take care of yourself and wear clothes that accentuate your best features. Find out the things he loves and try to do them often. Your guy loves red lipstick? Go out and buy yourself a lovely shade of red and glide it across your lips- he’ll go crazy! Have a man that likes women in cute summer dresses? Buy a couple flowery, cute (and of course short) summer dresses to turn him on.


4. Don’t Be Easy

Have you ever heard that saying, “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” It’s kind of harsh; but it’s also ridiculously true. Men like a challenge, and being quick and easy isn’t going to make him fall for you- let alone respect you. And this doesn’t just mean not being easy when it comes to having sex. You can be easy in other ways, like saying yes to every date he asks you on or agreeing with everything he says. You need to be independent, have your own opinions, and make him work for it- from the first date to the first kiss and everything that follows. Just remember not to hold out too long, as this can be a big turn off too.


5. Be a Great Listener

Women aren’t the only ones who like to talk for long periods of time, get their feelings out, or simply have a nice conversation. Men like it too, and nothing makes someone feel worse than talking to someone who isn’t listening to them- which really implies they don’t care. If you want your man to fall in love with you, pay attention to him. Listen to him when he wants to talk, and be there for him- even when the conversations are repetetive or boring. He needs an ear to listen, you should be the one with open ears ready for whatever he needs to say. You never know, the next conversation might be the time he expresses his love for you.


6. Be Positive

Who wants to be around someone who is negative? Surely not your boyfriend. Positivity only sprouts one thing: more positivity. If you want a positive, happy relationship with only positive and happy outcomes, you need to be positive from the beginning. Even when the going gets rough, be positive for your man and for yourself. This positivity will ignite future positivity which could lead to love and marriage.


7. Be Sweet

Nothing makes a man fall in love faster than a nice, sweet, innocent girl (with a hidden naughty side, of course- but we will get to that later!). If you really want to suck him into your love spell, just be sweet- from the moment he meets you. Have a smile on your face and be as feminine and gentle as possible. He will love your sweet attitude and will naturally gravitate towards you. It’s just physics, ladies!

fall in love with you

8. Be Silly

Women always say it’s a huge plus if a man can make them laugh. Why wouldn’t it be the same for a man? Men LOVE it when a girl can make them smile, and it’s only extra brownie points if she can make him laugh too. Be that girl that he actually enjoys being around. Don’t be afraid to let your hair down and have some fun. Make silly comments and do silly things, without feeling embarrassed or ‘too hot’ to do fun things. That’s a huge turn off for guys! Even those corny jokes you think are stupid to say- don’t be afraid to blurt those out too. He will probably find it adorable and funny all at the same time. Major WIN!


9. Be Trustworthy

You know what breaks a relationship up the quickest? A lack of trust. Trust (along with communication) are the stepping stones that make up the perfect relationship. And not just a perfect one, a long lasting one. You won’t get him to fall in love with you if you’re constantly insecure, asking him where he is at every time he leaves the house or accusing him of being with another woman just because he said ‘Hello’. Be secure in yourself and have faith in your partner. It really does work wonders, and you won’t believe how strong it will make your relationship.


10. Give Him Space

This goes hand in hand with tip number 9. You need to trust him enough to give him some personal space. After all, being around someone too much is never a good thing. Everyone needs their personal time- even your man. Let him go out with his buddies and have a good time. Let him stay home and get caught up on his work every once and awhile. Give him some space, and you’ll notice a stronger relationship. You will not only prove to him that you trust him, but also give his mind some relaxed time where he can let loose.


11. Be Supportive

When a man has a bad day, you know what he wants to come home to? A woman who will be positive, encouraging, and supportive. Even when the hard time comes, he needs his lady by his side no matter what. Show him that you are indeed that woman and he won’t be able to resist falling for you.


12. Let Him Be the Hero

It is in every man’s nature to want to be the hero. They want to be the strong protector that can do anything for their woman, from opening that tough jar of mayonnaise to bringing home the bacon. You act like you’re a dainty, feminine girl that actually needs him to perform the masculine tasks, and you’ll have him in your grasp in no time (while also giving him a huge, much needed ego boost).


13. Flirt a Lot

Who doesn’t love to be flirted with? A flirt, big or small, makes you feel special. It makes you feel wanted and needed, and most of all, attractive. Your man wants to be flirted with, whether it is the first date or the three hundred and third date. This not only makes him feel great about himself, but keeps the relationship spicy and romantic. Remember ladies: never stop doing the simple things that you did in the beginning of the relationship. That’s the best piece of advice for keeping a relationship alive. So when he tells that funny jokes, giggle and touch his arm like you did the first time. When he comes out wearing your favorite blue shirt, tell him how unbelievably handsome and muscular he looks. He needs this; and he will definitely appreciate it.


14. Keep Things Spicy

Yes, it’s time for the sex talk. Remember earlier when we made the, ‘wild in bed’ comment? Well, we meant it. Guys love this. They want a lady who can turn them on in the bedroom. If you’re not keeping things spicy and interesting, then he might get bored- and nobody wants that. Boredom only leads to two things: cheating and breakups. Try to switch things up often, whether it’s with a new outfit or a new candle, or something even freakier- it really depends on how crazy your man is and what he prefers. Ask him what kinds of things he’d like to try in the bedroom and surprise him with one of his fantasies. He will absolutely love this and won’t want to stop being with you; a little blend of lust and love.


15. Try New Things

It’s as simple as that: try new things often, in and out of the bedroom. In the bedroom, try out one of his fantasies, even if it isn’t in your comfort zone. You might find out you like it. But that’s not the only place you should be adventurous.

Let’s say your guy loves to scuba dive, but you’ve never tried it before. In fact, the thought of swimming around with fishes terrifies you. He assures you that it is tons of fun, and he will be right there next to you to guide you and protect you. With all of that reassurance, why not give it a try? You might discover a newfound love for scuba diving, and you did four great things: 1. You showed him that you are an adventurous woman who isn’t afraid to try new things. 2. You two now have something awesome you can do together often. 3. You showed him that he is your big, strong, powerful man, and by his side you can do anything. You trust him! 4. You want to explore things he likes, just because HE likes them. And that shows you really care about him, and he can’t help but admire that.

So the next time he wants to do something new and exciting, why not give it a shot?

16. Have Fun Together

This goes along with trying new things. But even if it’s something you’ve already done a million times before, HAVE FUN! Nobody wants to be stuck in a boring relationship, right? So keep things interesting and always have fun, whether you’re just playing video games on the couch together or going deep sea fishing. Being fun will keep you both happy and positive, which will only make the relationship grow tremendously.


It may seem like a challenge, but getting your man to say those three special words ‘I love you’ may be easier than you think. Just remember to keep a sweet, fun, and spontaneous attitude and always be yourself. Keep your trust and faith in your special someone and make him feel like the perfect guy he is. He won’t be able to resist you!


Ladies, what are some of the reasons why your man fell in love with you?

http://www.herinterest.com/16-ways-to-make-him-fall-in-love-with-you/feed/ 1
How to Attract Men http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-attract-men/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-attract-men/#comments Fri, 30 May 2014 21:18:10 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14430

Every woman wants to be noticed. If you’re looking for the best ways to attract men, we’ve got you covered. Here is a list of 15 great ways to capture the attention of the entire room- without being sleazy or obnoxious.


1. Confidence is Key

You’ve probably heard this over a million times, but only because it’s the absolute truth: there is nothing more attractive than confidence. Even if you think your nose is larger than it should be or your thighs aren’t as toned as you’d like, nobody will notice if you walk into the room and own it. They won’t see your flaws, only your shining confidence that leaves you with a smile on your face. And trust me, men won’t notice anything wrong about you. They’ll be too busy checking out all of your best features as you strut proudly across the floor. Ladies, wherever you go and whoever you’re with, always bring your confidence with you. It’s truly a life changer and the number ONE way to attract a man.


2. Dress Up Your Figure

We all have something we love about ourselves. Maybe you’ve got a set of perfectly perky breasts that completes a low cut v-neck magnificently or maybe you’ve got a gorgeously flat stomach that craves a crop top. Whatever it is, buy and wear clothes that accentuate your good qualities while downplaying the others. This will not only help grab men’s attention, but also give you an extra boost of confidence.


3. Keep it Classy 

However, just because you have a butt like Kim Kardashian, it doesn’t mean you should walk around in the smallest booty shorts you can find. Surely that might get you some attention from the guys, but it will be the wrong type of attention that gets you nowhere in the long run. When picking out your clothes, remember to keep it classy, cute, and modest. You know the old term “leave something to the imagination”. That phrase still holds true today and should be something we all keep in mind during our shopping trips. To help you out, here’s a few examples of clothes men absolutely love:

-Anything form fitting, such as a body contouring dress.

-Jeans that fit well. (doesn’t have to be skinny jeans, but nothing that’s baggy or loose).

-Summer skirts and dresses that show some leg.

-High heels no taller than 4 inches.


4. The Right Amount of Makeup

A lot of girls think you need to pack on the makeup. Foundation, concealer, blush, powder, eyeliner, mascara- the list goes on and on. But when you ask a man what they is the most attractive, almost any guy will tell you less is more. They want to see your natural beauty, not some fake, drawn on face women think is perfection. Men don’t want plastic perfection. They want a real woman. Keep your makeup to a minimum, and try to do the natural look as much as possible. Dress up your makeup when the time is right, for instance hot red lipstick with your tiny black dress on date night in the city.


5. A Beautiful Scent

Nothing captures a man’s attention more than a beautiful scent, right? If you really want to know how to attract a man, spray on some of your best smelling perfume and they’ll be drawn to your delicious scent. Plus it makes for a great conversation starter. He might just want to get closer to you and know a bit more about what you are wearing…and who you are.


6. A Smile Goes a Long Way

So we have two of the biggest things listed already: confidence and perfume. But what’s another important piece of the puzzle? A smile. Men are incredibly attracted to a smiling woman and love when a lady can light up the room just with a simple look like this. If you are trying to attract a specific man around you, make sure you flash him plenty of smiles, whether they are the flirty smiles with teasing eyes or full fledged big smiles that show you’re interested.

7. Make Eye Contact

The eyes are incredibly powerful, and as some say, are the windows to the soul. And that’s why making elongated eye contact with the man you are interested in is so heavily important. However, you don’t just want to stare at him in a creepy way for several minutes. When it comes to eye contact, make it sensual. Give him the ‘I want you’ seductive eye contact that will pull him in. You’d be surprised how quickly a man will run over to greet you just by flashing him your eyes every now and then. He won’t be able to look away from those mysterious brown eyes, those elegant emerald green eyes, or those passionate blue ones.


8. Touchy Flirty

Let’s say you’re talking to a guy and he says some silly joke. You giggle a bit and touch his arm and say, “You’re so funny”. That simple little touch of the arm- that, my friends, drives men absolutely insane. They love it, and they can’t get enough of it. Your soft touch against their skin sends shivers down their spine and makes their stomachs turn into a butterfly factory. Ladies, if you want to attract a man (and give him a bit of nervous and intrigued chills in the meantime), do a bit of playful touching while talking and flirting. It’s simply a recipe for success.

9. Be Easy-Going and Natural

This could go both ways. After all, who wants to hold a conversation with someone who is frigid and nervous? This only leads to an awkward time that both parties wish they could get out of. If you want to attract him AND keep his attention, be relaxed and easy going. Be completely calm during your interaction with the guy, even if you feel like you are about to explode on the inside. This easy-going and natural nature will come across as confidence to him, which will in turn intrigue him and make him attracted to you. If the conversation flows easily, why would he want to stop it?


10. Show Him Your Silly Side

Men love it- and I mean LOVE it- when a woman can make them smile. It’s one of those things that every guy looks for, and once they find it they cherish it like gold. It’s one of the most attractive things you can do, and is definitely something you should do often. Yes, it’s okay and completely normal to have serious conversations. But during casual conversations, you should certainly have a silly joke or a funny remark to make him smile. He’ll enjoy it so much he won’t want to stop talking to you!


11. ..And Your Smart, Sophisticated Side

On the other hand, don’t be silly 100 percent of the time. This can come across as annoying and immature. Sure you want to make him laugh every now and then, but just as you want to make him laugh, you should also want to make him think. Show him your intelligent side. After all, you are a sophisticated woman with an education under your belt, and no man wants to be with a ditzy girl that doesn’t know a thing. Show him you are a smart girl with her head on her shoulders and he’ll be instantly drawn to you.

12. Don’t Be Needy

You know those guys who are constantly trying to talk to you, bugging you when to hang out, and sad when they can’t see you for more than 3 hours? Yeah, me too. And nobody likes that type of person. When it comes to attracting men, one thing is for sure: don’t be needy. Needy personalities are a HUGE turn off for men. They want a woman who is secure in herself and doesn’t need a man to be happy. And if you’re begging for his attention, you appear as just the opposite. Show him you’re an independent woman who would love to have him around, but doesn’t necessarily need him to survive- it’ll keep him intrigued and wanting you even more.


13. Be Positive

Have you ever tried to hold a conversation with someone who is constantly negative? They are mad when it’s sunny, mad when it’s raining. They have a negative comment about every movie you watch, and never want to hang out with anyone because they are annoying or boring. We all know those people, and let’s face it: we don’t like hanging out with them, let alone talking to them. That being said, how do you think you are supposed to attract a man with all that negativity? Sure some things must have a negative reaction. But for the most part, you should be positive and uplifting. Men are drawn to an uplifting lady as she will be able to encourage him and uplift him in the future (if a relationship does transpire). This all roots back to the smile: even when you’re having a bad day, keep a smile on your face and try to be positive. It really works wonders!

14. Show Signs of Interest

If you don’t act interested, why would any man want to come and talk to you, let alone keep a conversation going with you? There are many different ways to act interested in another person. Here are some simple ways to show signs of interest:

-Make plenty of eye contact, both before and during conversation. Just remember to break contact every now and then to avoid looking creepy.

-Lean in forward, showing that you are interested and engaged in the conversation. Sitting back in your chair or standing away from someone shows that you are not interested in the conversation at hand- and that’s what we are trying to avoid.

-Smile plenty. Before the conversation, flash him several smiles. During the conversation, try to keep a small smile on your face at all times and laugh at his jokes.

-During the conversation, ask questions and put in your comments as much as possible. This shows that you are listening to him and want to be a part of the conversation. It also shows that you have a mind of your own and have your own set of thoughts and opinions about different topics.

-Going back to our touchy flirty tip, again I remind you to do plenty of soft touching during the conversation. This is a very obvious sign you are interested in him and enjoy getting close to him.


credit : www.etsy.com/shop/ducieldesigns

15. Embrace Your Feminine Side

Men like cute, flirty, and feminine girls. Why? Because they are supposed to be the strong ones. They are supposed to be manly and aggressive. They are supposed to be the big protectors that guard dainty woman from danger. It is engraved in their minds, and has been since the early days. You don’t have to act like a hopeless, frail person to grab a man’s attention. You should, however, embrace your dainty and feminine side as much as possible. For instance, even if you could open that jar of pickles, just ask the man to do it anyways. They love it. Even if you’re a kick boxer and could easily take out any man, wear a cute dress and a lovely smile in public to attract men.


It’s easier than you think to attract a man. Enter the room with a beautiful smile on your face, always stay positive, and don’t forget to dress yourself up with cute clothes and a dash of amazing smelling perfumes. Keep the conversation going by acting interested, being silly every once and awhile, and showing him you are a elegant, sophisticated, and totally adorable woman who simply can’t be resisted.

http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-attract-men/feed/ 0
How To Tell If a Guy Likes You http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-tell-if-a-guy-likes-you/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-tell-if-a-guy-likes-you/#comments Wed, 28 May 2014 02:57:14 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14392

At one point or another, every woman has asked herself: Does he like me? It’s one of the most confusing, annoying, and nervous questions we can ask ourselves, but it’s something we are constantly trying to figure out. Make this question a bit more easy and get the answer you need with these 25 ways to tell if he really likes you- or sees you just as a friend.


 1. He Seems to Smile at You. A Lot.

Don’t get me wrong. There’s always those people out there who smile at everybody and everything. They’ll smile at strangers, they’ll smile at the silliest jokes- they’ll even smile during a physics quiz. If you’re talking to a guy who has one of those never-ending smiles, he might just be doing what’s natural to him by smiling at you often.

But let’s face it: most people aren’t like that. If you catch him smiling at you often, it may be a sign that he’s into you and the sight of your face brings a smile to his lips. Pay close attention to his smile, too. Is it one of those fake, forceful smiles? Or is it a genuine smile full of love? This will really help you determine whether or not it’s a true, “I like you” smile.

2. The First Form of Flirting: Teasing

Remember back in the day on the school yard when boys would chase the girls and call them names, and everyone said it’s because he likes you? It may seem so kindergarten, but even in our later years men still use teasing as a form of flirting. If he (playfully) teases you often, then it could be a sign he’s going back to his roots and using teases to show he’s interested in you. Of course, if he is just being flat out rude about something than he’s probably not into you- in a girlfriend or a friend way- and I suggest you run for the hills.


 3. Flirty Compliments That Leave You Blushing

On the other hand, maybe you’re talking to a guy who’s matured past the teasing tricks and actually knows how to flirt. If he compliments you a lot- whether it’s a simple compliment about how nice your hair looks that day or how great you performed your oral presentation- it’s probably a definite sign that he’s interested in you.

I mean, yes- it’s completely true that people will compliment each other on a job well done or a nice t-shirt. But a compliment is one thing, a flirt is another. Surely you can tell the difference by the way it’s said and what words are used. For example:

Regular compliment: I like your shirt! (Pat on the back.)

Flirty compliment: That shirt looks great on you. (Smile)

See the difference?


 4. Playful, Accidental Touching

When you like someone, you want to be close to them. That’s just nature! If you find your guy friend playfully or accidentally touching you on a regular basis, it could just be his way of trying to get close to you. Some examples of playful or accidental touching would include:

-Running up behind you and picking you up for a fun hug.

-‘Accidentally’ brushing your hand while the two of you work on a project together.

-Wanting to play a silly game like thumb wars or arm wrestling.

-Patting you on your thigh after talking to you while sitting down.

 5. Men Hate Phone Calls. But He Doesn’t?

We all know how much men hate to talk on the phone. When you ask them to call you, it’s like pulling teeth. Or perhaps even a root canal. Without any medication for numbing. (Yes, it’s that bad sometimes, right ladies?). But for some reason he will call you completely out of the blue, just to talk. And he actually enjoys it and says he’s had a nice time talking to you. No, he hasn’t been abducted by space aliens that changed the wiring in his brain. It’s as simple as this: man likes woman, man goes to great lengths to show that he cares. Which brings us to the random phone calls where you spend 6 hours talking about movies, sports, music, clothes, school, celebrities- whatever. So go ahead, pick up the phone. He surely didn’t call you because he hates talking to you!


6. Not Just Your Basic Text Messages

So not every guy will suddenly enjoy talking on the phone because he likes you, or maybe he’s just too busy to call you. Insert: text messages, the most convenient way to talk to another human being.

So you say he’s texting you often, hmm? Well let me ask you a question first before we jump to any conclusions. Is he texting you the basic texts like, “When are you going to be here?” or “Can I borrow your homework?” or anything along those lines? Or is texting you just because? If he’s sending you good morning texts, asking how you’re doing or what you’re up to, or trying to start an actual conversation over a text message, it may be a sign he is interested. Again, let’s do a quick example.

Friendly text: “Hey, are you coming to Mark’s party?”

Flirty text: “Hey Molly. How are you doing? I was wondering if you were going to go to Mark’s party. Can’t wait to see you!”

 7. Pay Attention to His Grammar

When a guy likes a girl, he tries to impress her- we all know that! But sometimes it’s not always about incredible out of this world gestures to grab our attention and impress us, and that’s why we need to pay attention to details. If he tends to talk in slang often but really tries hard to use proper grammar and punctuation when talking/messaging you, it could be a simple sign he’s trying to impress you with his mind. Here’s an example, using the text messages used in number 6:

Friendly text: “Wassup u coming to Mark’s party?”

Flirty text: “Hey Molly. How are you doing? I was wondering if you were going to go to Mark’s party. Can’t wait to see you!”

Note how he is using bad grammar in the first text, while the second text is not only significantly longer by texting standards, but also uses proper grammar and punctuation. See ladies, even something as simple and subtle as this could be a definite sign he likes you and wants you to notice how smart he is.


8. Even Social Media Can Be a Hint!

Whether you’re both on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (or any other popular social media networking site), if he likes your post often, it could be a sign that he likes you. Sure we sometimes just go scrolling down our newsfeed liking pictures we think are cute or interesting, but if he has made it a goal to like almost all of your posts, from pictures to status updates, he might be trying to show you that he cares. If he sends you comments on your posts often, that’s just another great sign he might be interested in you!


9. Make it or Break it: Eye Contact

You’ve probably heard this over and over again, but eye contact is ridiculously important, from first dates to job interviews. If you notice he’s looking at you often and makes it a point to have eye contact with you while the two of you are talking, this not only means he likes what he sees but is trying to get you to notice him as well.

Friend: Will obviously talk to you, but will probably be looking around the room or interrupting your conversation to holler at another friend. He probably won’t randomly stare at you with hearts in his eyes, either.

More than a friend: Will make it a point to focus on you and only you during conversation, and you will probably catch him staring at you often. (And he might have his jaw dropped sometimes, too- it happens).


 10. Him? Sophisticated and Mature? No Way!

So he is the kind of guy to make crude jokes and mess around with his guy friends at all times. Even when there is a girl present he won’t mind being his goofy, totally immature and somewhat nasty self. But when you are around, everything changes. Suddenly he turns into a somewhat sophisticated man who is reserved and respectful, and might even tell his friends to stop with the crude humor while a lady is present. This, my friends, is one of the easiest ways to tell if a guy is interested in you. After all, he doesn’t want you to think he’s some disgusting pig with no respect for woman, so he knows to turn it off when you come around. You should not only feel honored that someone would do that for you, but feel confident in knowing what his intentions are.

11. Girl? What Girl?

When you are friends with a guy, you get used to that fact that they will probably be checking out females often. They might even make a remark to you about how cute they think the girl that just walked by is. And they won’t have a problem telling you that they’re planning on seeing Samantha from the coffee shop down the road. But if he’s interested in you and wants to be more than friends, you won’t hear a single peep out of him with regards to another female. In fact, you might notice a pretty girl walking by quicker than he does.

If you notice he doesn’t really say anything about girls or dating anyone anytime soon, you might want to ask him if he is interested in anyone. His answer will say it all!

12. Curious About Your Relationship Status

When you’re just friends, it really doesn’t matter whether you are married with three kids or never been on a date in your life. Nobody really asks, and why should they? The two of you just go out as friends having a good time- nothing else. But if your guy friend wants to know about your relationship status is or if you’re interested in anyone, he could be trying to ease his way into becoming your boyfriend. If he asks you what a guy would have to do to get you to be his girlfriend, you can definitely take this as a sign he wants you as more than just a friend.


13. “We Should Be Together. Just Kidding…”

Have you ever heard that saying that the biggest lie you could ever tell is just kidding? It seems like adding ‘just kidding’ to the end of something serious automatically turns it into an untrue, laughable joke. But the fact of the matter is, 99 percent of the time when someone says they’re just kidding about something, they really aren’t.

That being said, if your guy pal kids about you and him being an item, he might actually want it to happen. For example:

The two of you are playing video games and suddenly start laughing out loud about a joke only the two of you would find funny. As the wave of laughter comes to an end, he jokingly says “We would make the perfect couple.” Let’s face it ladies, he probably isn’t joking. And if this kind of thing happens somewhat often, I’d take that as a definite sign he wants you.

14. Where Are You Two Going?

Pay close attention to where you guys go. Do you do the basic friend thing, like go to parties together, hang out downtown, or do a lot of other group activities with the rest of your friends? Or are your hangouts a bit more romantic, with just the two of you? If the bulk of your adventures are done in group, you’re probably just friends- or he is trying not to be so obvious. But if he asks you to do a lot of one on one things, he might be trying to get to know you better and see if the two of you are a match made in heaven.


15. Oh, You Shouldn’t Have!

There is a huge, huge, huge difference between doing a friend a favor, and doing something especially sweet for someone. If he gave you a ride home from work one day, I wouldn’t get carried away and assume he likes you. But if he does a lot of nice things for you on a regular basis, like buying you those special shoes you couldn’t afford or offering to pick you up from work every single night, there might be more to it than just a friendly gesture. Pay close attention to this, as this can sometimes get confusing. You wouldn’t want to mistake kindness for love!

16. Your Knight in Shining Armor

It’s the male instinct to protect the woman you love- and if you notice he is acting more like your knight in shining armor than your best guy friend, it’s a possibility he’s into you. It could be as simple as telling some people to stop saying mean things about you to completely going berserk on a guy who shoved you in public. Whatever his knightly duty was, don’t take it lightly. He not only did this to protect you, but impress you and show he cares for you and your safety.


17. The Green Monster Pays a Visit

When you like someone, you get jealous- that’s nature. Whether it’s an innocent flirt or they are talking about being with someone else, the little green monster pops his head up instantly. If he gets jealous about you talking with other guys or mentioning other guys, this is a definite clue he likes you.

18. Remembering the Finest Details

Remember when you told him you broke your arm when you were 5? Yeah, he just so happened to remember that. He also remembers about that silly joke you said a couple months back that had him rolling on the floor laughing during the Christmas party. Men are notorious at forgetting things, especially the fine details. If he seems to remember all that and more, this is a serious sign he is interested in you and actually listens when you talk to him.


19. Are You Impressed Yet?

As we’ve said so many times before (and you’ve probably known for quite some time), men love to impress females- especially ones they are interested in. If he seems to try to impress you, whether it’s with his clothing or picking up a giant boulder *right in front of you*, he’s probably trying to get you to notice him in a way other than friendly.


20. Need Any Help With That?

This kind of goes hand in hand with doing favors for you more than the average friend. But if he seems willing to do certain tasks- even the most boring or hard like changing your oil or fixing your broken glass window- this is a sure sign he likes you. Plus he gets to show off how manly and handy he is. Double win!

21Just a Few More Minutes..

At the end of the night or a conversation with a friend, it’s usually easy to say goodbye. But when you’re interested in someone, you never want it to end. You could be together all night long, not saying a word, and it would be the best thing ever. If he always tries to spend more time with you or stay on the phone just a bit longer, he’s probably very interested in you.


22. Asking Friends and Family for Help

There is no better way to get to know someone than by asking around. If he’s asked your friends and family members questions trying to get to know you better, I’d take that as a very obvious sign he is wanting to be more than friends. Some common questions he might ask those closest to you include the following:

-Does she have a boyfriend?

-What kind of guys is she interested in?

-What are some of her favorite things to do?

-Any idea what her dream date is like?

Don’t be surprised if someone close to you says so and so has been asking questions. It’s not weird, he just really wants to know more about you and surprise you with something he knows you would absolutely love. That’s great investigating and really shows that he’ll go the extra mile to learn about you!


23. A Kiss to Remember

Your guy friend just kissed you. Like, woah. Completely out of nowhere. You two were walking home from the party and he grabbed you and kissed you. You were left completely speechless. And, you know what, this really doesn’t need further explanation. Either he was drunk out of his mind or he’s been wanting to kiss you for awhile.

24. “I Like You.”

If he flat out tells you he likes you, then, well, he likes you. And that’s that. No more questioning or wondering. It’s pretty much all on the table at that point, and it’s up to you to decide how you will react. At least you won’t have that lingering question in the back of your mind, right? Even if it’s totally awkward, it’s a huge relief off of your shoulders- and that’s something to be thankful about. Let’s just hope the guy you’re friends with has the guts to come out and tell it like it is! (Yes, men, we totally appreciate a guy who does this. Be brave!)



That’s right. Sometimes enough is enough and you just need ANSWERS. If he isn’t budging, just ask him to tell you so you can quit wondering.

It can be torture sitting around wondering if your guy pal wishes the two of you were ‘more than friends’. It doesn’t have to be hard, though. With subtle hints like playfully teasing and touching to going out of his way to do you awesome favors, there’s plenty of ways you can put your curiosity to rest- and possibly land yourself a boyfriend.


Ladies- what are some great ways a guy friend has proven to you that he wants to be more than friends?

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15 Flirty Would You Rather Questions http://www.herinterest.com/15-flirty-would-you-rather-questions/ http://www.herinterest.com/15-flirty-would-you-rather-questions/#comments Mon, 26 May 2014 19:43:54 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14327

Oh, great. Another boring game of silly “Would you rather?” questions. Or…is it? Not with these enticing and totally flirty questions! Amp up your game and surprise your crush with these incredibly flirty “Would you rather?” questions he will actually enjoy answering!


1. Would you rather kiss or girl or be kissed by a girl?

Some men like to be dominant while others like a girl who can step up to the plate and make the first move. This question will let you know a bit more about his personality, and hey- who doesn’t love to talk about kissing?

2. Would you rather have one partner or several at once?

There are those guys who love to pamper their girlfriend and love her like no other- and then there are the ones who wish they could have 7 different girlfriends, one for every day of the week. What type of relationship does he prefer?


3. Would you rather have a long term relationship or flings?

Again, this is not only a fun and flirty question, but it also gives you a few hints into what type of man he is. A guy who would prefer flings is probably not somebody you want to get involved with in the future (for obvious reasons, unless of course you’re looking for a fling too) while someone who loves long terms relationships will probably treat you better.

4. Would you rather have a hot girlfriend or an OK girl with a great personality?

If he takes the hot girl, he might be shallow. If he wants the girl who’s not overly good looking but has an amazing personality, he is someone who looks beneath the surface. This is definitely a fun question you’ll want to know about the guy you’re talking to!

5. Would you rather check out a girl from the front or the back?

Is he a ‘boob guy’ or a ‘butt guy’? Maybe he’s a ‘stomach guy’? Or maybe he’s one of the rare few that prefers to see a woman’s smile over anything else? You won’t know his likes until you ask him this cool and flirty question.


6. Would you rather go out for your date or stay in?

Does he prefer romantic nights cuddled on the soda with your favorite movie, or would he rather go out and about on the town for dinner, drinks, and a show? This not only says a lot about the kind of guy he is, but can get you excited about a potential date with this guy!

7. Would you rather find true love or be rich?

Some people aren’t into the love game- some people don’t even believe it exists. Is the guy you’re talking to looking for love or would be rather get his happiness from wealth?


8. Would you rather kiss a girl on her cheek or her lips?

He might be the kind of guy who just likes to give his girl a cute and sweet little peck on the cheek, or he might want to devour her with his lips. You won’t know until you ask him!

9. Would you rather date someone older or younger than you?

This is just a fun question. I mean, you could find out he likes ladies over 20 years older than him (maybe that’s his fetish) or that he likes them around his age group. The more you know, the better.

10. Would you rather see a girl in a short dress, shorts, or a skirt?

Every guy has different tastes in what they like to see women wear. Find out what he prefers and wear it around him to really catch his attention!

11. Would you rather your girlfriend wear red lipstick or pink lipstick?

Does he like that red hot woman with lots of attitude, or does he enjoy a sweeter more innocent style? This is a great, flirty question to ask and you can find out what kind of makeup you should wear around him.

12. Would you rather do it in a bed or in a car?

Hey, some guys like a little adventure in their sex life! Are you talking to one of them?

13. Would you rather kiss a girl on the first date or wait?

He might be old fashioned, or he might be quit to jump into it with his lady friend. Find out what kind of guy he is with this easy question.


14. Would you rather get back with your ex or find someone new?

Some guys are still holding on to old flames. If that’s the case, you might want to forget about trying to be with him. But if he says he is looking for someone new, then keep asking him plenty of questions- you could be his next love!

15. Would you rather date me or be my friend?

This is a personal one- and we have to warn you, be ready for the answer. You might find out he has a secret, passionate love for you, or he just simply thinks of you as a great friend. Wouldn’t you like to know how he feels while still asking in a flirty and fun way? Of course!

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How To Be a Better Girlfriend http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-be-a-better-girlfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-be-a-better-girlfriend/#comments Mon, 26 May 2014 16:17:04 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14314

Relationships are tough, and if you feel like you’re not doing your part, it can become overwhelming. Make sure your girlfriend duties are in check and become the girlfriend you’ve always dreamed of being with these 15 steps to being a better girlfriend.


1. Stay Hot, Honey!

You know what they say, you should never change yourself for anyone- and that’s absolutely true. However, you can still do whatever it is you need to do to make sure you’re looking your best for your partner. After all, he thinks you’re the most beautiful woman in the world and happily has you on his arm wherever he goes. He wants to flaunt you in all your womanly beauty, so why not look your best? Whether you hit the gym, change your eating habits, or simply dress up every once in awhile, he will surely appreciate it (and will of course love the bragging rights even more so).


2. Trust Him

Nothing is more annoying- and breaks up a relationship quicker- than a partner who doesn’t trust their lover. Trust is important. It is the stepping stone of every great relationship, so if you’re lacking in this department, you might want to cut ties before it gets to heated. Not to mention no man wants to be with a woman who is constantly doubting his loyalty, even though he has given you 110 percent of his love and attention. In the end he’ll just think you are crazy and don’t care.


3. Give Him Some Space and Be Independent!

An independent woman? A HUGE turn on to men. Sure you want to be around your boyfriend as much as possible and spend plenty of time with him, but everyone needs their space. Show him you can be independent and successful without being glued to his hip and he will want you even more. (He will also enjoy those fishing trips with the guys!)


4. Stand By His Side- No Matter What

A great girlfriend- one who really and truly cares about her lover- will stand by his side no matter what. Even if there are rumors coming from every angle or he’s just lost his job, she will be there to encourage him and defend him till the end. Doing so will make him feel cherished and secure while also elevating you to the woman of his dreams. After all, don’t we all just need someone we can depend on through and through? Someone who won’t flake at the first sign of disaster? Your boyfriend’s looking for this person, and YOU should be it.


5. Love Him

You’re probably thinking to yourself, “Well of course I love him! That’s an easy and (kind of) stupid tip!” Think again. There’s a difference between loving someone and showing someone you love them. Do you think he can read your mind? Of course not! (Even though some woman are still under the impression their man should be able to know what they’re thinking.) You need to show him you love him, whether it’s with plenty of hugs and kisses, a sweet romantic gesture, or even something over the top- hey, guys like lovely surprises too!

6. Love Yourself

No man wants to be with a woman who puts all of her self worth into the guy she’s with. This shows extreme lack of confidence and a sense of neediness that really nobody wants to put up with. Love yourself first, and he won’t be able to stop from loving you too.


7. Be Uplifting and Positive

Have you ever had one of those friends that was constantly negative? No matter what happened, they would end up sulking and have something negative to say. Can you imagine entering into a relationship with somewhat like that? Talk about a downer! Your man needs a woman who will brighten his day- not bring a raincloud along. That doesn’t mean you’re not entitled to have a bad day every once and awhile, we all have those. But the bulk of your life should be filled with positivity and an uplifting spirit that will make him want to better his (and yours) lives!


8. Encourage Him

This goes hand in hand with being uplifting and positive, and is an essential trait of the perfect girlfriend. Whether he just needs some extra encouragement to finish his last school assignment or he needs some serious encouragement to conquer his finals, you should be there cheering him off. After all, the woman is supposed to better the man; why wouldn’t you want to egg him on in the right direction? Best part is you will be able to reap the positive benefits together and have a very rewarding future.

9. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Silly

Men absolutely love it when a woman can take her hair down and just be silly. Playing video games, making jokes, frolicking through the sand- there’s seriously tons of different ways to just let loose and have fun, and even if you think you might embarrass yourself, we still suggest you give it a shot. He will certainly love seeing you in this new, silly way and the two of you will make a new memory you can joke about for ages. Sounds good to me!

10. Make Him Feel Special

We always hear about how men come home with flowers and chocolate, or they take their girls on random romantic dinners on the beach, or swoop their girlfriend up from work to take her on a dreamy trip to the cabin in the mountains. But what about the man? Doesn’t he get anything? A relationship should never be take, take, take, and I’m sure your guy wouldn’t mind a little recognition here and there. You don’t have to give him a bouquet of roses and a sappy love poem, but there are a lot of other ways to make him feel special. It could be from something as simple as telling him you love him and appreciate him to buying him something he’s been eyeballing for the past few months (like a new tool or piece of sports equipment, whatever he is into). You know your guy best, and you’ll know what kind of things will make him feel warm and cozy on the inside.

11. Treat HIM Once and Awhile

A girl paying for dinner? That’s unheard of! While you probably shouldn’t do this on the first couple of dates, after many weeks or months of being together it’s definitely okay to treat your man to dinner every once and awhile. After all, he’s probably taken the bills several times before and has no problem spending money on you, so why wouldn’t he deserve this? Whether it’s dinner, movies, ice skating rink, or a ball game, treat your man and he will definitely appreciate it.


12. Like… Or At Least Accept His Friend

Okay, we’re not saying you have to totally love and want to hang out with his beer drinking, armpit scratching, loud mouth friends, but you should at least accept them and not mind your man being around them. In fact, you should hang out with them every once and awhile too so they can get to know you. But try to refrain from saying anything negative about his boys (unless it’s something serious, obviously). He won’t appreciate your comments and you’ll probably come across as some nagging, whiny woman who just wants to keep him away from his friends. (Huge turnoff, ladies.)

13. Be Willing to Try New Things

We get it- there is some things you absolutely will not do, like jumping out of an airplane or going deep sea diving. But you should open and willing to try some new things, especially if he’s a huge fan and would like to include you in his activities. Just be confident, secure, and know that your partner is right by your side to help you through every step of the way. You might find out that an activity you once thought was scary or boring is actually one of your favorite things to do, too!


14. Keep Things…Interested

Yes, ladies. We are talking about in the bedroom. A boring sex life leads to a breakup. And that’s just the honest truth. Men need to be enticed and stimulated in the bedroom, so make sure to keep things interesting. Maybe ask him about something he has been wanting to try with you, or try adding some sexy lingerie into the mix. Anything to keep those sparks flying and keep him interested and satisfied.

15. Quit Nagging!
This is probably the best tip of them all: ladies, STOP NAGGING. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve watched as a woman incessantly nagged or whined herself all the way up to a breakup. If you want to be the best girlfriend you can be and ensure your relationship will sustain a lifetime, you need to stop nagging or whining about him as much as possible. It’s okay to say your opinion, of course- but when all you seem to do all day is nag him about everything, you have a problem. Lighten up and just be sweet and fun with your man. It will seriously pay off.


Every woman wishes she could be the best girlfriend to her man, and with these simple 15 steps you can come awfully close to being the absolute perfect gal.

What do you think about these 15 steps to being a better girlfriend? What do you think the perfect girlfriend should do for their boyfriend?

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