All posts tagged "advice"
20 Questions to Ask Your Crush
Having a crush on someone is already hard enough. But when you don’t even know what to talk about with your potential boyfriend, the whole situation becomes even more stressful. Try out these 20 questions that will...
- Posted December 5, 2013
10 Signs He Wants You Back
Guys are very hard to read after a break-up. They often hold their feelings in to prevent what could be a rejection from your end. If they play it cool and you turn them down, oh well....
- Posted October 9, 2013
The No-Contact Rule and How it Works
You know the usual break-up pattern, you cry, text him, beg him to come back, and tell him your feelings over and over again. You just know that once he sees how much you love him, he...
- Posted October 9, 2013
10 Signs Your Boyfriend is Cheating
You have that uneasy feeling in your stomach. You think your boyfriend might be cheating. Are you just being paranoid or is he truly being unfaithful? If any or all of these signs fit, don’t question your...
- Posted October 4, 2013
10 Clues That He’s using you
A real man has no ulterior motive for being with you. You could be broke with not a thing to offer and he would still love the real you. Another kind of man uses women. Whether he...
- Posted October 4, 2013