herinterest.com » beautiful places http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 Most Beautiful Places in Europe http://www.herinterest.com/most-beautiful-places-in-europe/ http://www.herinterest.com/most-beautiful-places-in-europe/#comments Sat, 30 Nov 2013 00:15:09 +0000 http://herinterest.com/?p=718

Europe is a continent that houses many countries. Each of those countries has its own tourist attraction sites. This article highlights and briefly describes the list of 10 most beautiful places in Europe that you should visit sometimes in your life.
Dubrovnik in Croatia

Dubrovnik in Croatia

This site is also referred by some other fancy terms as the Great Wall of China but in Europe. It is a must place in Europe to visit and in return gauge the experience yourself.
Amsterdam the capital city of Netherlands

Amsterdam the capital city of Netherlands
The man made country is perhaps something of worth in Europe. Amsterdam stands tall as one of the most beautiful cities in the world and anything you seek is at its heart!
Berlin in Germany

Berlin in Germany

The Berlin wall would have been something to see, but it’s no longer there because it was taken down. However, there is still much to see and experience when vacationing in Germany and there is a lot of history too!
The small country of Switzerland

The small country of Switzerland
Yep, Switzerland is in Europe for those who had no idea. It’s mountainous and rocky and if shopping in Geneva is not enough then try out taking strides along the beaches
The plitvice lakes back in Croatia

The plitvice lakes back in Croatia
Someone would say that God may have taken time to shape this area, it’s an absolute nature thus why Croatia stands above the rest for those looking for real nature.
Rome in Italy and the coliseum

Rome in Italy and the coliseum
You only hear tale of gladiators but standing face to face with the coliseum, you can already hear blades clacking. Rome is a wonder and there is a lot of history within, hence try it today!
The meteora in Greece

The meteora in Greece
If you want to understand more about the Greek mythology, there is no better way to ascertain that rather than making personal appearance to the area to learn from the masters.
France and its land marks

Eiffel tower and the arc de triomphe

The Eiffel tower and the arc de triomphe are essential Europe attraction zones that you cannot leave out in your list of attractive sites.
Russia is also another European country that houses a lot of history that touches on the world. A travel to Russia could also help you understand why it’s believed to be the biggest country in the world.
Do not forget about other small countries, which are also contributing to the beauties of the world and world history such as Spain revered as the country of love.

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100 Most Beautiful Places in the World (Part A) http://www.herinterest.com/100-most-beautiful-places-in-the-world-part-a/ http://www.herinterest.com/100-most-beautiful-places-in-the-world-part-a/#comments Wed, 04 Sep 2013 21:54:24 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=1940

We all wish we had more time to go travelling, and if anyone asked us where we would like to be if money wasn’t an object, most of us would definitely not reply with the place that we were currently residing in!

The fact of the matter is that there are so many beautiful places in the world – so many things that we would ALL love to see! There is simply not enough time, and most of us do not have the finances to fund all of the trips that we want to plan.

So, without any further ado, if you want to see the most beautiful places in the world, you should check out Part A of the 100 Most Beautiful Places in the World!

*In no particular order- we couldn’t possibly choose!

1 – Niagara Falls, Canada

Artur Staszewski / flickr.com

Artur Staszewski / flickr.com

Niagara Falls alone is one of the most beautiful places in the world – there’s no denying that. If you have ever been there (which I have) you will not be able to appreciate the pounding that you feel in your heart when the highest flow rate of any waterfall in the world storms over the side of the three smaller waterfalls that make up Niagara Falls. You have the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls emptying Lake Erie into Lake Ontario at a rate of four billion cubic feet per minute on average.

Niagara Falls will make you cry when you see it. It will cause a tear to form in your eye – it is literally one of the most beautiful and breath-taking places in the world and if you ever get the chance to go and see it, you should make every effort to do so!

2 – Vaadhoo Island, Maldives



Now clearly there was going to be some of these tropical places such as the Maldives in this list – they aren’t known as tropical paradise vacation spots for nothing after all. However, we aren’t going to talk about the natural beauty of the sandy white beaches and beautiful blue waters. We are going to talk about something called Bioluminescent phytoplankton.

We don’t want this to be a biology lesson so we will be brief and to the point – on the Vaadhoo Island in Maldives, you could spot a type of plankton that literally glows in the dark. The waves are lapping upon the beauty, clean white beach shore, and as it does so, the water and the ground sparkles like hundreds of hundreds of shiny little diamonds. It really is one of the most beautiful sights in the world and one that we definitely want have the privilege of seeing!

3 – Lake Retba, Senegal

jbjdodane / flickr.com

jbjdodane / flickr.com

Lake Retba is situated North East of Dakar in Senegal and is famous for its beautiful pink waters. There is a type of algae in the water that makes it the pink color, and if you want to see the full effect, you should aim to go in the dry season. It’s high in salt content too so you’ll float in it like you would in the Dead Sea, which even makes it perfect for the oldies, the youngsters, and even those that are afraid of water and drowning!

4 – Blue Lagoon, Iceland

MindsEye_PJ / flickr.com

MindsEye_PJ / flickr.com

A geothermal spa situated in Iceland, the Blue Lagoon is one of the most frequented tourist spots in the country. In the middle of a lava field, the waters are rich in minerals, which are said to help with many skin conditions, and has a lovely warm temperature to make sure that you are completely comfortable and relaxed.

5 – Poseidon Undersea Resort, Fiji

Poseidon Resorts

Just take a look at this luxury resort literally under the sea! It’s set 40 feet under the sea in the middle of a lagoon which means that you are going to see some of the most beautiful things you will ever see in your life! You can get married down here in the underwater chapel and there’s a restaurant, bar, gym and 25 suites. It’s costly but then again you gotta be brave to do it!

6 – Thor’s Well, Oregon

W Mustfeez / flickr.com

W Mustfeez / flickr.com

Part of Cape Perpetua in the USA (Oregon)is Thor’s Well – a deep stretch of rocks that does something pretty epic. The deep hole causes the waves to crash right into it and when it fills, it spouts water up to and over 20 feet in the air, completely overflows and then sucks the water back out to the sea.

7 – Heaven’s Gate, China



One of the things that makes this landmark so beautiful is the fact that it is almost always covered by either a cloud of eery fog or beautiful sunlight. Heaven’s Gate or Heaven’s Gate Stairs is in Tianmen Shan in China. With legends and stories ranging from 999 steps carved into the stone to enlightenment, to the steps to the God’s Above, it’s definitely a place to visit for anyone looking for a real something special from their vacation.

8 – Angel Falls, Venezuela

Inti / flickr.com

Inti / flickr.com

Almost 1,000 meters high, Angel Falls is actually two levels of falls situated in Venezuela. This one actually holds the record for being the world’s longest uninterrupted waterfall with a massive drop of 807 meters, making it  a must-see for anyone that’s looking for something classed as a natural beauty!

9 – Jacob’s Well, Texas

San Marcos Local News, 2009

San Marcos Local News, 2009

Sticking with the water theme and we come to Jacob’s Well in Texas, USA. The “well” name gives it away – it’s basically a well formation in Cypress Creek, Texas, with a number of underwater caves for scuba divers to explore. Although dangerous, the 10 meter depth “well” is a must-see for tourists looking to cool down in the hot summer days. Natural spring water attracts thousands of visitors that love to enjoy the natural health properties it can bring too!

10 – Lake Louise, Canada

Danny Nicholson / flickr.com

Danny Nicholson / flickr.com

Situated in the province of Alberta in Canada, Lake Louise is literally one of the most amazingly beautiful places on earth with scenery and colors that will literally take your breath away. Snow all year round is possible here with a subarctic climate making it a must-see place for those that love their winter sports, and the bright blue waters look amazing against a back drop of dark green trees and frosty white snow. What more could you possibly ask for from a romantic winter break in heaven?

11 – Valley of Fire, Nevada

Ken Lund / flickr.com

Ken Lund / flickr.com

The important thing that you should know about the Valley of Fire is that it is the oldest state park in the state of Nevada. Back in 1968 it became a National Natural Landmark, and with over forty-two thousand acres of land with beautiful red sandstorm formations giving it the great name, some of the rocks being over 150 million years old, you can also see rock art left by ancient generations in the form of petroglyphs.

12 – Taj Mahal, India

Taj Mahal, India

We couldn’t not mention this amazing landscape, could we? You can find this beauty in Agra, Uttar Pradesh in Indian and even the name itself speaks royalty, literally meaning ‘Crown of Palaces”

In one year alone (2001) this amazing landmark brought in over two million visitors and over two hundred thousand of those visitors were from overseas! Now that’s pretty impressive, right? The locals are charged a smaller admission fee than the foreigners are to ensure that everything is fair all round, and there are even mini replicas of this building dotted around the world!

13 – Hidden Beach, Mexico



If you want a vacation with a bit of really interesting history attached to it then you should check out the Hidden Beach of the Marieta Islands in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. It was originally created by a giant bomb blast when the Mexican Army were doing their whole target practice thing! Imagine going home and telling everyone you had spent a few days in an idyllic bomb blast hole in Mexico!

Crystal clear waters, sparkling clean white sandy beaches, and wildlife that you could normally only ever dream of seeing is what you can expect on this paradise island. It’s even hard work to get here too – you literally have to swim to your destination through a tunnel!

14 – Yellowstone National Park, USA

Redeo / flickr.com

Redeo / flickr.com

If nature is your thing then this really is one of the most amazing places on the planet. Yellowstone National Park is really situated in Wyoming in the states, but also falls into Idaho and Montana too. Technically, this is actually the very first national park anywhere in the world which makes it super special, and with a wide variety of ecosystems, there is a pretty amazing landscape to behold.

There’s waterfalls, forests, canyons, lakes, volcanic eruptions and even natural springs up here… This surely is an adventurers dream!

15 – Marble Caves, Chile

Marble Caves, Chile

Found on the border of two countries technically – Chile and Argentina, you will find one of the coolest natural sights you will ever find. The marble rocks that make up the caves that encase the crystal clear and stunning blue waters of the General Carrera mountain lake, and tourists literally flock him from all corners of the globe. There’s also a pretty impressive fishing thing going on here too if you like that kind of thing, and the opportunity for the most amazing photos you will ever take are right there in front of you. What’s not to love?

16 – Grand Canyon, Arizona

kla4062 / flickr.com

kla4062 / flickr.com

If its beauty on a MASSIVE scale that you like then the Grand Canyon is going to give you everything you’ve ever wanted. The Colorado River curved the most beautiful canyon paths in the world and the Grand Canyon National Park that encases it gives visitors the chance to see some of the craziest things. You’ve got different rock formations and dramatic weather systems. The cleanest air in the whole of the USA can be found here and the different ecosystems that the canyon offers gives you the chance to see things that you wouldn’t normally see in their natural habitat. It doesn’t matter what you like, there are too many activities to list too – sight-seeing, helicopter tours, hiking, running, tock climbing, rafting and even camping!

17 – Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye (Scotland)

LienT5 / flickr.com

LienT5 / flickr.com

No one really knows why these pools of water dwindling away from the Cullin Mountains are called Fairy Pools but it’s probably got a lot to do with the way they look – they are crystal clear waters (which are best seen on a slightly cloudy day, the day after a mild downpour) with amazing colors peeking out through them. The water is cold but you should definitely dunk your toes in there, and if you are really brave, you can even swim in there, although bathing suits are advisable because things can get mighty chilly!

18 – Borneo Rainforest Canopy Walkway

Little Raven / flickr.com

Little Raven / flickr.com

How many of you have wanted to actually pretend we were real life Tarzan and Jane? Imagine being able to do this in real life! On the North cost of the island of Borneo, the Rainforest Canpoy Walkway is situated in the Danum Valley Conservation Area. You will have the pleasure of making your way through the rainforest 30 meters in the air, for a distance of around 300 meters. Birds, views and a bit of the tropical high life… what more could you ask for?

19 – Giants Causeway, Ireland

Amandabhslater / flickr.com

Amandabhslater / flickr.com

Based in Northern Ireland, the Giants Causeway is actually the result of a volcano that erupted many years ago, creating weird looking columns of rock. Situated in Country Antrim, it’s certainly a marvel to look at and attracts thousands of visitors, especially from overseas, every year.

20 – Black Sand Beach, Hawaii

Matt McGee / flickr.com

Matt McGee / flickr.com

This beautiful black sand is generally found on the beaches of Punalu’u Beach on the Big Island of Hawaii. Caused by yet again a volcano, the beach is basically a combination of the lava eruption and basalt, and is a great place to head to if you like the sound of viewing Green turtles which are often seen having a quick cat nap on the black sand.

Although the waters are dangerous and rocky, there are plenty of beautiful fish to see and you should definitely take along your camera!

21 – Waitomo Glow Worm Caves, New Zealand



The Waitomo Glow Worm Caves are classed as a magnet for tourists simply because it is such a beautiful sight to see. The view of millions of glow worms that live in the caves give a glimmering like diamonds effect and is a truly magical tour, especially if you take one of the world famous boat rides through the caves to get a closer look!

22 – Flathead Lake, Montana



Did you know that the Flathead Lake in Montana is the largest natural freshwater lake in the States with an area spanning over 510 square kilometers. You get to play on the beautiful waters as well as within it, and fishing is perfect at this amazing little spot. 28 miles long and 15 miles wide, you will see some beautiful mountain sights that are guaranteed to take your breath away, and with the plentiful wildlife roaming around, you might want to consider having your camera at the ready.

23 – Algarrobo Swimming Pool, Chile



If you want something that isn’t quite so close to nature, you definitely need to check out the largest swimming pool in the world, holding an astounding 66m gallons of water. Just to do one length of this pool, you would need to swim the length of 20 Olympic sized swimming pools, just to give you some idea!

Set in Chile in the city of Algarrobo, is filled with crystal clear seawater, and not only holds the record for being the biggest swimming pool in the world, it is also the deepest with a depth of a pretty impressive 115 feet! You’ll definitely need your goggles to go down that far!

24 – Lover’s Bridge, France



The Petit Pont de l’Archevêché bridge seems to have started something in France – it was the bridge that lovers used to head to, to put their padlocks on the bridge and throw away the key to symbolise endless love. It seems to have started a trend in France now, however, with other bridges having padlocks clasped on them because the original one is getting too full up!

Overlooking the Seine, the padlock art seems to have annoyed Paris somewhat and a few years ago, there were plans to have the padlocks removed, although this hasn’t deterred tourists from the world over coming here to declare their undying love for their partners.

It would seem that this craze of locking a padlock to show eternal love wasn’t originally started in France – it was Hungary that things first kicked off, and although some people would protest that the padlocks are an eyesore, it certainly holds some romantic appeal, doesn’t it?

25 – Hotel de Glace, Quebec



You must have heard of the ice hotel by now – that famous hotel made entirely of ice situated in Quebec, Canada. It is said to be one of the most romantic places on the planet, with many people choosing to get married there year after year, and although it only opened fairly recently (2001,) the place has actually been described as one of the top ten destinations to get married at in the world. You can’t argue with statistics like that!

In 2005, the hotel even had its first same-sex marriage, and in its fifth season of being open, it was reported that some seventy thousand tourists had the pleasure of staying here! It’s certainly a palce on our top list, that’s for sure!

So there you have the first 25 places in our 100 Most Beautiful Places in the World! Why not keep your eyes peeled for Part B? We promise it will be coming really soon!

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