herinterest.com » beautiful http://www.herinterest.com Wed, 23 Oct 2013 06:28:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5 Then and Now – Christina Ricci Plastic Surgery http://www.herinterest.com/then-and-now-christina-ricci-plastic-surgery/ http://www.herinterest.com/then-and-now-christina-ricci-plastic-surgery/#comments Wed, 23 Oct 2013 06:22:40 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3989 Christina Ricci is one of those actresses that stars on the oddest of films but somehow manages to pull it off just right. Many of us sure remember her as Wednesday Addams in The Addams Family. She was also in Sleepy Hollow alongside Johnny Depp, Buffalo 66, Penelope, The Ice Storm… Do we need to go on? We’ll stick by saying that she is a fabulous actress!

Christina Ricci

She was the child star that wants to keep her looks which is perhaps one of the reasons why those Christina Ricci plastic surgery rumors keep spreading like wildfire. She underwent breast reduction surgery rather than the conventional breast enhancement surgery that most women want. Although the pictures of the actress seem to show rather clear signs that she has undergone some sort of breast reduction surgery, she has always said that the rumors are untrue and she has never gone under the knife to reduce her bust size… Take a look at the pictures – what do you think?

Christina Ricci Brea

Reduction Mammoplasty is the proper name for a breast reduction surgery. As the name suggests – the breast size is made smaller with Christina Ricci plastic surgery type that she reportedly underwent. There are a lot of things that can determine the size your breasts will be and although they will tend to fluctuate throughout a woman’s life, some women simply have breasts that are too large for them, or so they feel. In much the same way that many women want larger breasts, many women out there actually want smaller breasts as well.

The breasts are generally reduced with the fatty tissue and excess skin removed, and the nipples are often repositioned to make sure that the breasts still look like normal breasts. This type of celebrity plastic surgery can also ensure that the breasts are the same – some women may find that one breasts is noticeably smaller (or larger) than the other.

There are many things that you will need to bear in mind if you are considering breast reduction surgery. The scars are one of the main factors that you should think about. If people see them, are you going to be ready for the questions? Then there are the usual concerns with infection and finding the right plastic surgeon for you, but these are usual things that you should expect to come hand in hand with any form of surgery. You will also need to consider any future children because there will be a high risk that you will not be able to breast feed once you have undergone this form of celebrity plastic surgery. You may also find that the nipples are much less sensitive than they were before. There are a lot of factors to consider and this is definitely not a decision that should be made overnight. If the Christina Ricci plastic surgery rumors are actually true, we are sure that these are things that she took into careful consideration before going ahead with her surgical options of choice.

Not just rumored to have undergone breast reduction surgery, the Christina Ricci plastic surgeries extend further than that. Many people believe that she has undergone a rhinoplasty too, which basically means that she had her nose made smaller and reshaped. When she was younger, especially in The Addams Family, her nose seems to be rather snub-nosed in style; it was pushed up, as such, at the end. These days she has a much cuter ski-slope style nose; this is one of the most sought after nose shapes and looks.


It would appear that these Christina Ricci plastic surgery rumors are indeed true – she admitted to having a nose job. We don’t understand why she would admit to this but not her breasts so maybe she really didn’t alter the size or shape of her bust? A lot of women find that they lose bust size when they lose weight and this could have been the case with Christina Ricci as it would appear her weight has fluctuated on occasion during her time in the public eye.

Two reputable plastic surgeons have both said that it is clear that she has had a nose job, but the finished look was perfect. When you look at the pictures, you have to admit that her new nose certainly looks perfect on her cute as a button face.

Of course, there are a number of actresses out there that have openly spoken about their celebrity plastic surgery adventures. The nose job or rhinoplasty seems to be one of the most popular forms of surgery that they are jumping on the bandwagon for; something we discuss in Has Zooey Deschanel had Plastic Surgery?

You could also check out Kerry Washington – Plastic Surgery Reports! for more information and gossip on the celebrity plastic surgery world. If you keep reading, we’ll keep exposing. It’s amazing how many of the stars could have had plastic surgery without you even knowing it!

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Kerry Washington – Plastic Surgery Reports! http://www.herinterest.com/kerry-washington-plastic-surgery-reports/ http://www.herinterest.com/kerry-washington-plastic-surgery-reports/#comments Wed, 23 Oct 2013 06:10:28 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3979 Kerry Washington certainly is making a name for herself in Hollywood. One of the first films that we remember this young black actress starring in was the amazing Save the Last Dance in which she plays the overbearing sister of the hotter than hot Derek. Do you remember that now?

Kerry Washington STLD

This film actually gave Kerry Washington the big break that she needed to start making something of herself in the Hollywood world. From then you may have remembered her part in the film that bought Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt together – Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

It would seem that Kerry Washington is another of the big celebrities that seem to be jumping on the plastic surgery bandwagon. Reports have said that she has had rhinoplasty (a nose job) and perhaps a bit of botox in her forehead. There may even have been some possible cheek implants or fillers too. Her cheeks are apparently more prominent now than they used to be. The nose job is fairly obvious however – not even the best makeup artist in the world can make changes like that without a helping hand from a plastic surgeon.

When you Google the words “Kerry Washington plastic surgery” you will come across thousands of pictures showing before and after shots of Kerry. The tip of her nose definitely used to be larger, and it would seem that the bridge has been narrowed down a little bit. Thankfully the surgeon behind Kerry Washington plastic surgery has done a great job and many people are unaware that she has even had any work done at all.

She’s getting a bit older now – Kerry Washington was born in The Bronx, New York on January 31st, 1977. That makes her around 36 years old at present. At the moment you will see her in the coolest of TV shows including the ABC drama Scandal. She’s been keeping herself busy and you know what happens when you work yourself too hard – you start to look tired. Some people have suggested that Kerry Washington plastic surgery list could even include some eyelid work, lip fillers, and possible cheek fillers or implants. She hasn’t confirmed or denied ever have surgery, but it’s hard to miss when you look at the before and after photos that are right there in front of you.

Kerry Washington B & A

Rhinoplasty seems to be a popular celebrity plastic surgery type with Jennifer Aniston publicly speaking out about her early nose job, plus speculation that Zooey Deschanel has even had a spot of plastic surgery. Take a look at Has Zooey Deschanel had Plastic Surgery? if you don’t believe us.

Rhinoplasty is a general term for cosmetic surgery in the nasal area. Most people have their nose reduced in size, but some need fillers to make the tip look fatter, and some even have bone shaved off the bridge to ensure that it looks thinner and more defined. There are a lot of different things that you can do to a nose it would appear.

Kerry Washington 2

Of course, if you had the money to have celebrity plastic surgery, you wouldn’t need to worry about the time that you would need off work to recover, as well as the pain of enduring those black eyes for a few weeks, and that’s before you even start to think about the cost….. It can be a very expensive surgery, especially if you are adamant about the specific way that you want your nose to look. Kerry Washington has had very good plastic surgery done – most people, as we have said before, don’t’ know that she has even had any work done to her face. This is the type of work that you are going to want to look for unless you want to answer a thousand questions about your surgery. Subtle yet obvious is the thing that you should be going for… Take baby steps if you need to.

Some people need augmentation done when it comes to their rhinoplasty surgery. This is when specific parts of the nose can be altered to change the way that your face looks. The tip shape can be amended as well as the nostrils, the bridge, and can be used to make the nose bigger or smaller, depending on preference. It would appear that Kerry Washington plastic surgery list would include this type of plastic surgery, especially when you look at how subtle the changes really are.

Moving along and there have been other reports that Kerry Washington could have had fillers in her forehead to keep her looking younger for longer and although her lips were fairly big before, they do seem to have gotten a bit bigger although this could be put down to good makeup, of course. Unless she says yes or no for sure, I guess we will never know.

Have you had rhinoplasty to alter the shape of your nose? Is this something that you might be considering? Why not let us know and maybe even let us see your before and after pictures to show how proud you are?

Please take a look around the site at more articles on celebrities and plastic surgery. While you’re there, you could check out:


  • Has Zooey Deschanel had Plastic Surgery?


http://www.herinterest.com/kerry-washington-plastic-surgery-reports/feed/ 0
100 Hottest TV Actors 2013-2014 (Part B) http://www.herinterest.com/100-hottest-tv-actors-2013-2014-part-b/ http://www.herinterest.com/100-hottest-tv-actors-2013-2014-part-b/#comments Sat, 19 Oct 2013 18:49:56 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3897 So we’ve had a look at some of the hottest names in TV so far – there was Sons of Anarchy actor David Labrava kicking things off at number 100, incorporating Jim Parsons who plays the hilarious Dr. Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory, Barrett Foa, Tony Goldwyn who you may remember from the hit film Ghost, taking us right through to number 81 on our list – Eric Christian Olsen.

For now, we are going to continue and dive right on into our list….. Are you ready for the next twenty hotties that will be on your TV’s for 2013-2014? Just take a moment to think about the hottest TV shows on our TV’s right now – those actors are more than likely going to end up in our list!

80 – Chris Colfer

Chris Colfer

You will have remembered this guy if you have ever watched the amazing TV show Glee. It will be soon making a comeback with news of the sad death of Cory Monieth in the show, and this is the perfect opportunity to check out this guy once again.

Admittedly he isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and he might be a bit young for some but for others, he’s the best thing since sliced bread and you can tell this from the rather impressive fan following he seems to have accumulated since he first appeared on the show.

One thing that you may not know about Chris Colfer, who was originally born in California on May 27th, 1990, is that he was once much bigger than the size of man you see today. Back in 2007, he worked hard and with plenty of exercise and a healthy and balanced diet, he managed to lose 40 pounds. Doesn’t he look fantastic for it, girls?

Chris Colfer 2

In Glee, he plays Kurt Hummel, and this role has won him a whole host of awards. At the Golden Globes, for example, he won awards for Best Supporting Actor in a Series, and he was awarded for a couple of Emmy’s as well as appearing on Time’s list of 100 most influential people back in April 2011.

Hot and influential – what more could you possibly ask for?

79 – Michael Kelly

Michael Kelly

Michael Joseph Kelly is actually 44 years old and was originally born in Pennsylvania on 22nd of May, 1969. He might be older than most TV actors but he’s certainly hot, and as well appearing in some of the most amazing films of our time, he has also had the pleasure of starring in some pretty impressive TV shows, hence the fact that we are slotting him into our list.

There was Changeling back in 2008 with Angelina Jolie, Chronicle in 2012, Dawn of the Dead in 2004 and even The Adjustment Bureau in 2011. It is the role of Doug Stamper in House of Cards that has made him a household name these days, and this has certainly invoked a fairly impressive fan following, especially among the female fans of the show!

He’s been in a fair few TV shows over the years including the brilliant The Good Wife in which he starred back in 2011, and there was also a few Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior shows that he appeared in too. He’s certainly keeping himself busy and we are sure that his female fan base certainly aren’t complaining!

78 – Brendan Robinson

Brendan Robinson

It was ABC’s Pretty Little Liars that made Brendan Robinson a household name, and within this TV show he plays the part of Lucas Gottesman.

Not just an actor for TV, he also classes himself as a producer and writer, and it would seem that the young guy has come a long way over recent years.

Brendan Robinson 2

He was born in Oregon on February 28th, 1990 and has also been in seen in shows like How I Met Your Mother, Good Luck Charlie, Weeds and even Cold Case.

In case TV wasn’t enough for you, there is a film called Feels So Good that will star Brendan Robinson and should be out at some point later on this year. It is currently in post-production and we are super excited to see it!

77 – LL Cool J

LL Cool J

Perhaps better known for his film roles such as Deep Blue Sea and Any Given Sunday, but also known to be a Hip Hop and rap artist, LL Cool J has been playing his hand at TV acting recently which is why we have decided to fit him nicely into this list. He didn’t make the Hottest Black Men – there were simply too many to choose from, so we feel that he definitely belongs here. We wanted to see his beautiful smile for a start.

LL Cool J 2

James Todd Smith was born in New York on January 14th, 1968 making him a whopping 45 years old. We definitely didn’t think he was that old! His nickname/stage name LL Cool J is actually an abbreviation of Ladies Love Cool James – LL Cool J and as well as romantic ballads that he released in the 90’s such as “Hey Lover” and “I Need Love”, he also has a few harder style rap and Hip Hop songs under his belt, with 13 studio albums under his belt and even two compilations of greatest hits. He actually released another album this year called Authentic and although we haven’t listen to it yet, it’s definitely on our to-do list!

LL Cool J 3

More recently, LL Cool J has taken a step back from music and acting in films to star as Sam Hanna in the CBS drama and crime TV show called NCIS: Los Angeles. It looks as if this may be a long term thing for dark-chocolate cutie too – there are no films coming out soon that will star this guy.

76 – James Tupper

James Tupper

We’ve had a few Brits and Americans on the list but now we come to a Canadian and what a hot Canadian he sure is! James Tupper was born in Nova Scotia in Canada on August 4th, 1965 making him a respectable 48 years old. We didn’t believe he was that old when we found out either! He certainly doesn’t look two years away from fifty, that’s for sure!

James Tupper 2

Another film and TV actor combined, you will have seen him in the 2011 film Mr. Popper’s Penguins as well as the 2012 film Playing for Keeps and the 2006 film Men in Trees. It was perhaps his role in the NBC medical drama TV show Mercy that ran from 2009-2010 that made him a household name, and you will also have noticed him in such delights as Grey’s Anatomy in which he played Dr. Andrew Perkins, and more recently the relatively new TV series called Revenge, in which he plays David Clarke. There are a couple of smaller films coming out over the next few months starring James Tupper but, for the most part, if you want to check him out, you will just have to watch Revenge… What a shame!

75 – Luke Kleintank

Luke Kleintank

He’s hot, handsome and perfectly chiseled and also in one of the coolest TV shows around. It was his role as Elliot Leichter in Gossip Girl that first shot him to fame, and since then he has gone on to star in The Young and the Restless as Noah Newman. You can see him these days in the hit show Pretty Little Liars playing Travis, and there are also a couple of films coming out over the next year or so starring this cute guy.

Luke Kleintank 2

Just one example of the films that you are going to see him in is 1000 to 1 in which he plays the part of Brendan Trelease, and will also star David Henrie. You will also see him in Sacrifice in 2014, making his total film count now up to three. It would appear that he is slowly branching away from TV and we won’t complain – we don’t mind in the slightest! The more we get to see this cutie, the better.

74 – Sean Murray

Sean Murray

Another NCIS favorite, Sean Harland Murray first struck our attention many years ago when he played the part of Thackery in the utterly brilliant film Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker. Come on – admit it! We’ve all seen that film a thousand times and loved it more with every single repeat viewing!

Sean Murray 3

These days he is more known for playing the infamous Timothy McGee in the CBS show NCIS, plus also starring in the parent series to NCIS called Jag in which he plays Danny Walden.

Sean Murray 2

A far cry from the young lad that we fell in love with when he was in Hocus Pocus, Sean Murray is now 35 years old. He was born in Maryland, USA on November 15th, 1977 which means he will soon be 36! Yet another guys whose age we can’t believe. What is with the guys in TV and film? Why do they always look much younger than they actually are? It’s just not fair, is it ladies?

73 – Trevor Donovan

Trevor Donovan

Trevor Donovan Neubauer is his real name and he was born in California, USA on October 11th, 1978. This means that the blonde haired, blue eyed beauty is now 34 years old. Another guy that was older than we thought he was – go figure!

This guy is best known for his role as Teddy Montgomery in the TV series 90210 – the most recent one, not the one that was years ago, of course!

Trevor Donovan 2

Not just known for 90210, it would seem that this guy has a few films under his belt as well. The 2012 film Savages received pretty impressive reviews in the media and also starred Blake Lively, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Taylor Kitsch. There was also the film Surrogates that was released back in 2009, plus a couple of other TV series too! You may remember him from The Client List in which he played Dashiell Codd, or even Drop Dead Diva in which he played a guy called Keith.

Luckily for us ladies that cannot get enough of Trevor Donovan, there is a film coming out soon that is called Wonderland. This family drama is said to be in post-production and is also said to star Christina Milian plus Alicia Witt. We are quite excited for this!

72 – T.J. Thyne

T.J. Thyne

You may remember him from Bones – he plays an entomologist called Dr. Jack Hodgins. Not just an actor in TV however, he also has a few films under his belt including How the Grinch Stole Christmas back in 2000, and even Erin Brockovich and Ghost World that came out in 2011 and 2001 respectively.

T.J. Thyne 2

Born in Boston, USA on March 7th, 1975, T.J. Thyne is a 38 year old Pisces that has had a pretty impressive career behind him considering he’s not considered to be a massive household name as such. You may have remembered him from the one episode of Friends in which he played Dr. Oberman – that was back in 1998. For now, you’ll just need to check out more Bones if you need your fix. It’s a great TV show though so we aren’t complaining too much.

71 – Barry Sloane

Barry Sloane

We have finally come to another Brit on our list of Top 100 TV Actors 2013-2014. He is actually from Liverpool in the UK and was born on the 10th of February in 1981 which makes him fairly young in the grand scheme of things. Most of the actors that we have looked at so far have been slightly older – this guy is only 32 years old.

He’s been around for a few years, especially within the TV land of Britain. Now seen in the hit show Revenge as the part of Aiden Mathis, he was also in the British TV show Holby City as well as Doctors (a daytime TV soap) and even played a part in The Bill and Casualty. It has been only recently that he has been seen in American TV shows and it would appear that this was a great move for the beautiful British man.

Barry Sloane 2

He will be a fantasy/drama film in 2014 called Noah which will see him starring alongside Emma Watson, Jennifer Connelly and Logan Lerman which clearly means his move to USA TV has definitely been a great one for him. You’ll also see Anthony Hopkins in this film as well as Russell Crowe and Douglas Booth. You just know that this will end up being a massive film – especially with those great names in there!

70 – Eric Steinberg

Eric Steinberg

The youngest of two kids, Eric D. Steinberg was born in Washington, D.C. and is an actor that is perhaps best known for his role of the father of Emily Field (Wayne Field) in the hit TV show, Pretty little Liars. This show seems to have features a lot in this list of Top 100 TV Actors 2013-2014 so maybe it’s time to watch it if you haven’t already.

A keen traveler, he spent a lot of his childhood in Montana and has also had the pleasure of visiting Korea and Thailand, and as well as being famous for being in Pretty Little Liars, he has also been in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, The Mentalist and even Torchwood.

Not quite as conventionally attractive as some of the actors we have featured in this list, he certainly has that tall, dark and handsome thing going on about him and it would appear that he has developed himself quite the fan base, especially after his stint in Pretty Little Liars.

Who knows what could come up next for this hot actor of 2013-2014!

69 – Matthew Gray Gubler

Matthew Gray Gubler

Have you ever seen Criminal Minds? If you have, you’ve probably noticed Matthew Gray Gubler already. You will also have noticed him in the 2009 film 500 Days of Summer as well as the 2007 film Alvin and the Chipmunks. Sticking with the theme of Alvin and the Chipmunks, there is a fourth one announced and once again, this hot TV actor will play the voice of Simon.

Matthew Gray Gubler 2

Back to Criminal Minds and Matthew plays the part of Dr. Spencer Reid. Back to real life and this guy was born in Las Vegas, believe it or not, and currently stands at 33 years of age with his date of birth being March 9th, 1980. He’s been acting since about 2004 when he was in the TV show Arrested Development and aside from a couple of films he has coming out, it would seem that he is staying with Criminal Minds for just now. Acting is not the only pie he seems to have his fingers in either; he also classes himself as a fashion model, director, photographer and painter. It must be great to have so many talents under his belt, don’t you think? We’d watch him on TV and then let him model for us anyway!

68 – Eric Szmanda

Eric Szmanda

This guy is most known for his role in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and if you are a firm follower, you will probably already recognize him better as Greg Sanders in the CBS police drama show. Not just a TV actor, Eric Szmanda has also appeared in his fair share of films too – in 2002, we saw him in The Rules of Attraction alongside the delectable Ian Somerhalder, and that is just one example!

Originally from Wisconsin, Eric Szmanda was born on July 24th, 1975, making him stand at a rather respectable 38 years old! Isn’t it amazing how much older these guys than you thought they were!

Eric Szmanda 2

For now, you can continue to see this guy in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. It doesn’t look like he has any other films coming out at any point soon so the TV show will just have to do!

67 – Gustaf Skarsgard

Gustaf Skarsgard

You might remember the name – Alexander Skarsgard is the hot blonde guy in the show True Blood. Well Gustaf Skarsgard is Alexander’s younger brother. Born in Sweden on 12th November, 1980, this sibling is a bit younger standing at just 32 years old. He’s been acting since 1989 however – there are a few things that you may have seen him in.

Gustaf Skarsgard 2

For now, you may have noticed that this guy is in the TV show – Vikings in which he plays the part of Floki. Wherever you may have seen him, you’re not likely to forget his face at any point soon – it would seem that he is to stay in the TV show and with TV shows like this, you know it is only going to go from strength to strength!

66 – Matt Milne

Matt Milne 2

This guy was in the amazing film War Horse back in 2011. He was also in Wrath of the Titans as one of the elite guards. Now you can see him in the amazingly brilliant British TV show that has taken the world by storm – Downton Abbey, playing the part of Alfred Nugent.

Matt Milne

Originally born in Hereford in the UK in 1990, he hasn’t been around for long in the acting world but he has certainly played his part in some of the most well known and respected films and TV shows of our time. Downton Abbey, for example, has taken the UK by storm and everyone is waiting with bated breath for the next installment. We can only assume that from this point, this guy’s career is going to sky rocket! We certainly hope so anyway – the cracking ginger hair and pretty smile seem to have drawn us in.

65 – Jim Parrack

Jim Parrack

Some of us will remember this guy as the super cute yet rather simple Hoyt Fortenberry in the hit TV series True Blood. He was also in the TV series Alcatraz, playing the part of Guy Hastings. He was LCPL. Peter Kerns in Battle Los Angeles in 2011, and has also been in a couple of episodes of Criminal Minds. Is there anything this guy can’t do?

He is relatively unheard of in some houses but in others, he’s the biggest attraction. He’s not conventionally good looking but there is something about him that has the girls screaming, and you certainly can’t ignore that! He is a guy that had our office divided – we imagine he’s much like Marmite. You either love him or you hate him.

Jim Parrack 2

For those that love him (and Marmite too!) he has been a VERY busy boy recently and has a string of films and shorts coming out. A Night in Old Mexico, for example, is currently in post-production and will see Jim Parrack starring alongside Robert Duvall and Jeremy Irvine. There is also The Labyrinth that is due to be released in 2014 that will also see James Franco starring alongside the vampire-lover!

64 – Clive Standen

Clive Standen

This guy is another British actor that has made the list, and before you argue against that fact saying that you don’t know who he is, let us tell you what this guy has been in. He’s currently in Vikings, playing the part of Rollo. He was in the British TV series Camelot too playing the part of Gawain. Robin Hood is another TV show that saw him acting as the role of Archer. He played Private Harris is a couple of episodes of Dr. Who, and he was even in Waking the Dead, another British show.

Clive Standen 2

Born in Northern Ireland on 22nd July, 1981, he stands at an impressive 32 years old and shows no signs of slowing down at any point soon. It would appear that this Brit has been rather underrated, especially when you consider that he has only really been acting since about 1994.

Unfortunately, for those of you that are lusting after this guy, he is happily married with three kids. We can all dream though, right ladies?

63 – David Walton

David Walton

He certainly has the looks, doesn’t he? David Walton is dark haired, dark-eyed and dark-looking and has all the ladies swooning. Standing at 34 years old, he was born in Massachusetts on October 27th, 1978. He’s been acting since around 2002 but seems to have racked up quite an impressive resume over the years.

He was in the beautifully amazing Burlesque film with Cher and Christina Aguilera back in 2010, and has since been in a film with Julia Stiles called The Makeover which was released in this year. He was also in Fired Up! back in 2009. He has a couple of films coming out soon too, just in case you were interested – Think Like a Man Too is out in 2014 and will see David Walton working alongside Kevin Hart, who we all know is a damn funny guy!

It’s New Girl that you will probably know David Walton from – he plays Sam in the hit TV show. Unfortunately, he’s not up for grabs now though – he married an actress back in 2011 called Majandra Delfino and in June 2012, they welcomed their first daughter into the world. Reapeat after me – awww!

62 – Theo Rossi

Theo Rossi 2

We love Sons of Anarchy right now. We are especially said that Charlie Hunnam pulled out of the lead role in Fifty Shades of Grey, but that’s not to say that there isn’t plenty more eye-candy to admire. After all, there’s this guy too…

Theo Rossi plays the part of Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz in the hit FX TV series, and his latino looks have certainly helped things along for him. He has a stunning smile and although he looks a little on the badass side, that’s probably because of his character more than for his actual personality.

Theo Rossi

He’s a good guy deep down – he does a lot of charity work for military men and women, and even founded “Staten Strong” after Hurricane Sandy hit. He has already rebuilt two homes and is currently building a third. What a nice guy!

Not just known for Sons of Anarchy, Theo Rossi has been in a few films too, and perhaps the oddest one was Cloverfield which puzzled most of us here in the Herinterest office. He was also in Kill Theory back in 2008. It doesn’t appear that he has many films coming out soon however – it would seem that the Sons of Anarchy show is working well for him right now.

61 – George Eads

George Eads

Just take a look at this guy – he’s tall, dark and handsome and he ticks all the right boxes for millions of women all over the world. His role in the hit CBS police drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation has certainly helped things along, and his position as Nick Stokes in the show will be remembered for a long time! He has been in a few films over the years and even starred in a couple of episodes of Two and a Half Men, but it would seem that the CSI show gave him the big break he needed to become a household name.

Born in Texas on March 1st, 1967, the 46-year old actor originally moved to LA in California in a borrowed pick-up truck, and worked hard at getting his dream before he finally got there. It just goes to show that with a little persistence, you will get there in the end!

George Eads 2

Funnily enough, back in March 2009, George Eads was voted as one of the Sexiest TV Actors in the TV Guide special edition issue. We told you he was hot.

So there you have it – the next installment in our great series of 100 Hottest TV Actors 2013-2014… What do you think of the list so far? Has it met your expectations? Who do you think will be coming next? We don’t want to ruin things for you but just think about it this way – we have 60 more spots left and a whole load of actors. Where will Stephen Moyer from True Blood come? What about Rupert Friend? We can’t possibly forget about Ian Somerhalder either….

We are excited to bring the next batch of twenty hot male actors… Are you?

*Photos lovingly stalked from Pinterest.com!

http://www.herinterest.com/100-hottest-tv-actors-2013-2014-part-b/feed/ 0
Top 20 Hottest Black Men (Part One) http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-hottest-black-men-part-one/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-hottest-black-men-part-one/#comments Sun, 15 Sep 2013 10:33:06 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2510 Wow, things have been hitting up around here recently, haven’t they? First we had the Justin Bieber frenzy. We can’t forget about the One Direction moment we had either. Then there was the Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013, swiftly followed by the Top 10 British Men, and then by the Top 10 Australian Men. 

What could Herinterest possibly have next, we hear you cry!

Well ladies and gentlemen, the next instalment in our post-summer man-loving is the hottest black men out there! We are going to bring to you only the most melt in your mouth chocolate brown hunks. Are you ready for this?

If you are sitting comfortably, we shall begin….

20 – Dolvett Quince

Dolvett Quince

This handsome buff man is one of those faces that you recognise from the TV but aren’t entirely sure why. In case you needed a gentle reminder, this muscly hunk is one of the trainers in the hit US TV show The Biggest Loser. You know the show – those that want to lose weight feature on the show and are blasted until they physically can’t take anymore. Now I don’t know about you but that sure sounds my idea of hell but with Dolvett Quince running the show, we might just be tempted to give it a shot!

Dolvett Quince 2

He was originally born in Stamford, Connecticut and has featured on the show since around 2011. Not just a personal trainer, he is also a proud father to his son, Isiah, and has also released workout DVDs, books and much more besides! We guess he likes to keep things busy. To be honest, we wouldn’t imagine we would do much in the form of exercising if we were watching this man on a DVD. We might drool a lot though, right?

19 – Reggie Bush

Reggie Bush 2

This hot black cutie was born on March 2nd, 1985 in Spring Valley, California in the States. You may know him better as one of the running backs for the American football team Detroit Lions. You may also know him from his younger days when he dated the socialite Kim Kardashian. Maybe you remember him from when he was nominated for Best Male Athlete for both 2007 and 2009 in the BET awards?

Whenever it was that Reggie Bush first caught your attention, you can’t deny the gleaming white smile and beautiful deep eyes have a calming yet pulse-racing effect on you. He’s just a beautiful man right?

Reggie Bush

Unfortunately, he’s not up for grabs. His girlfriend, Lilit Avagyan, has provided him with a beautiful baby girl, Briseis, since their relationship struck up sometime pre-October 2012. We can still dream though….

18 – Blair Underwood

Blair Underwood

You know this guy but you’re not sure where from, right? Have you ever seen Sex and the City? Yes, that’s right! He was Robert – Miranda’s boyfriend for a while before she got back with Steve! Now you remember, right? Steve walked in on Miranda and Robert having sex one afternoon and he puts tampons up his nose because he is a Doctor for the Nicks! Sorry… We have clearly seen the show far too much!

That’s right; that’s Blair Underwood. Blair and his beautiful smile.

Blair Underwood 2

He’s an actor and a director, originally born in Tacoma, Washington on August 25th, 1964. He’s now married to Desiree DaCosta and they have three kids together so it would seem that not only is his family life going great, but judging by the Golden Globe nominations and one Grammy Award, his acting career is going from strength to strength as well. He’s now in LA Law playing the role of Jonathon Rollins, and he’s been in the show for seven years now!

17 – Daniel Sunjata

Daniel Sunjata

Daniel Sunjata Condon is his real name and he was born on December 30th, 1971 in Illinois, USA. Better known for his role as Franco Rivera in the hit show Rescue Me, he has been in a number of other amazing films as well. For example, he starred in Bad Company back in 2002, The Devil Wears Prada in 2006 and even The Dark Knight Rises just last year. These are all pretty big hit movies and that’s why belongs on this list! Not only is he hot but he can act his pants off too!

Daniel Sunjata 2

To see more of Daniel you will need to keep an eye out for a film called Lullaby. Not only starring this chocolate-brown charmer, you will also find Amy Adams, Garrett Hedlund and even Jennifer Hudson in the movie.

You know it’s going to be a winner! 

16 – Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson 2

Can you smell what The Rock is cookin’? That’s right, Dwayne Douglas Johnson is The Rock; the semi-retired professional WWE wrestler. Not just that but he is now known to be one of the best actors of our time. He seems to have it all going on, right? That’s before we even get onto the subject of his ripped muscles and MASSIVE arms! We would give anything for a bear hug from this guy, right ladies? Sigh…

Dwayne Johnson

From 1997 to 2007 he was married to Dany Garcia but they out of the blue announced one day that they were having an amicable split and would stay the very best of friends. That’s got to be a first for Hollywood surely? An amicable split?!

Dwayne Johnson 3

If you’ve not really seen Dwayne around and about, you’ll need to check out some of these films – The Mummy Returns, The Scorpion King and Fast Five. Also, the best friend of Arnold Schwarzenegger will soon be seen in Fast & Furious 7….. Watch this space, ladies!

15 – Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne 2

What’s not to love about this mini rap artist, seriously? Dwayne Michael Carter, Jnr. is also known as Baby D. Born in New Orleans on September 27th, 1982, he is a CEO, producer and rap artist and is well known all over the world. You must have remembered the song he did with Destiny’s Child? “I need a soldier….” You know it – sing it with us!

Lil Wayne

His “blinged” up style and unique gravelly voice has made him popular in all types of music. He has been known to do rap, a bit of rock, some alternative and punk stuff…. He’s a pretty alternative guy, it’s safe to say.

He’s well into his tattoos, just like most other rap artists, but Lil Wayne also has a bit of a thing for piercings. He’s got a couple of lip piercings and we just think that makes him cuter still! When you combine this with his crazy dress sense, the gold grill he normally has in his mouth, and all the big blinged up jewellery that he loves to wear and you certainly have a little something unique. Perhaps that’s why so many women love him. And men too…

Lil Wayne has four kids and apparently was already a father by the time he had reached 15 years of age. (WOW!) He also suffers from a medical condition called epilepsy which, for years, had been speculated to be some sort of drug or alcohol problem. Thankfully these rumors have now been dispelled but to be fair, that’s the crazy life that happens when you are a famous rap artist – you’re always addicted to one drug or another, or having beef with another artist. It’s a mental life to lead but Lil Wayne seems to manage it rather well.

Such a cool guy that he is; Lil Wayne has even been in reference made by Barack Obama. If the President of the United States of America thinks he’s cool, then cool he is!

14 – Tyrese Gibson

Tyrese Gibson

This smooth crooner has been behind many a baby-making session around the world. His smooth tones and beautiful chocolate brown skin have charmed the pants off of many women and when you combine that with his dazzling smile, you have a recipe for success with many, many women!

The R&B and Hip Hop artist is not just a singer. He’s also a model, an actor, a screenwriter, a songwriter, an author, TV presenter and even film producer. Is there nothing this man can’t do when he puts his mind to it???

Originally born in Los Angeles, California, Tyrese Darnell Gibson’s birthday is December 30th, 1978. You will probably have seen him in the Fast and Furious series of films too. He’s been in a few of them and he is really hot in them too!

He’s been in a few other films too. Transformers in 2007, for example, put him well and truly on the Hollywood map and he was in Transformers: Dark of the Moon in 2011 which just reiterated why so many people adored him.

13 – Drake


Aubrey Drake Graham – it’s definitely not the coolest name in the world but somehow, for Drake, it just works quite nicely, don’t you think?

This guy isn’t American; he’s Canadian and was originally born in Toronto, Ontario on October 24th, 1986! It’s hard to believe he is only 26 years old at the time of writing this. He seems so much older than his years, doesn’t he?

Actor, songwriter, singer, rapper…. These are all professions that Drake has managed to tuck under his belt and although his love life hasn’t really gone to plan, his musical career is certainly going from strength to strength.

Drake 2

Speaking of his love life, who could forget THAT romance with Rihanna? They dated for a while in 2009, once Chris Brown had allegedly attacked her, and although their dating period didn’t last that long, they have stayed friends ever since. That’s more than can be said about him and Chris Brown, however; there was a massive bar brawl in which almost ten people got injured. The cause hasn’t been identified but there sure was a mess to clear up!

To date, Drake has been a bit of a record breaker over the years. First of all, he has sold over five million albums worldwide. That’s an astounding amount, don’t you think? He’s also won a few awards – there was the Grammy Award, six BET Awards, three Juno Awards and a whole bunch more!

He’s also been known to write songs for other people and just a few of the great artists that have sung a Drake song include Alicia Keys and Jamie Foxx. On top of that, he was voted the number two spot on the MTV Hottest MCs list back in 2012.

We knew he was hot. 

12 – Ludacris


We don’t know about you but Ludacris makes us feel young again! Do you remember listening to this guy when you were at school? He was cool, right?

In fact, Ludacris is still cool. Christopher Brian Bridges is his real name and he was born in Chicago, Illinois on September 11th, 1977. His birthday was just a couple of days ago!

Happy Belated Birthday Ludacris! 

Not just an actor and a rapper, he is also an entrepreneur. Disturbing tha Peace is the record label that he co-founded, and it has since released a line of headphones called “Soul by Ludacris” and even a line of Puma shoes. It’s not all bad!

For those of you that have rolled his role of Tej Parker in the Fast & Furious movies, you will be excited to hear that you can soon see him in Fast & Furious 7 which will be coming out next year! Also, he accidentally leaked that he was currently working with the legendary soul singer called Anita Baker! This should hint a new album… Are we excited for this?

11 – Pharrell Williams

Pharrell Williams 2

These days, Pharrell Williams tends to get called just Pharrell. It’s like he became too cool for two names so joined the likes of Sting and Madonna in the one-name crew. We think it makes him cooler.

Born April 5th, 1973 in Virgina, USA, this guy is the jack of all trades! Not only is a producer, fashion designer, rapper, singer, musician and songwriter, he is also incredibly HOT!

Pharrell Williams

He formed a group called The Neptunes with Chad Hugo, and he’s also a part of N.E.R.D. We would imagine life could get quite busy for this guy. This is even more so the case when you consider that he also co-founded the two clothing brands – Ice Cream Clothing and Billionaires Boys Club. Just another final nail in the coffin to prove just how hot this guy is, Esquire actually bored him as the Best Dressed Man in the World back in 2005. So not only is he hot but he can dress the part too! Could this man truly be the perfect black man package? You’ve heard him sing too right?

He may be a busy man but he still has plenty of time to be the chest daddy to his little boy, Rocket Man Williams. This kid is so cool already and he was only born in 2008! Have you ever seen Despicable Me? Well the song Rocket’s Theme was actually written by Pharrell for his kid! How cool is this daddy? He apparently married his girlfriend in August of this year. The model-slash-designer, Helen Lasichanh and Pharrell certainly make a great couple!

So there you have them – we have concluded the first part of our next two-part series on the hottest men out there at the moment. We will bring you the second part of our Top 10 Hottest Black Men soon, we promise, so make sure that you keep your eyes peeled. For now, why not check out some of the other articles on our site? How about the Top 20 Hottest Guys from the Philippines ? Have you checked out those guys yet?

That’s all from us for just now but we’d love to know your views on the hottest black men at the moment. Just think of the possibilities for the men that could be on the top ten countdown on this list. Could Chris Brown possible sneak his way in there? What about Will Smith – surely he needs to be in there somewhere too, right? What are your predictions for our Number One spot?

We’d love to know what you think! For now, have some more eye-candy… Just a tantalizing treat as to what could be coming in our next episode of the Top 20 Hottest Black Men!

Will Smith Usher Michael Ealy

*Images lovingly sourced from Pinterest.com

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100 Most Beautiful Places in the World (Part C) http://www.herinterest.com/100-most-beautiful-places-in-the-world-part-c/ http://www.herinterest.com/100-most-beautiful-places-in-the-world-part-c/#comments Sat, 07 Sep 2013 09:51:38 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2270 If you’ve been reading for a little while, you will already have come across the first 50 parts of our journey around the world. If you haven’t, you can catch up here:

We are now coming into the third part of our series, and what an exciting adventure it is sure going to be! We’ve already seen great burning holes in the ground, beautiful waterfalls, amazing Indian palaces and shining lights in the sky… What else could our amazing earth possibly have to throw at us?

Well… Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

51 – Great Blue Hole, Belize

Great Blue Hole, Belize*provided by Lonely Planet

The Great Blue Hole is a beautiful sight to see either from high in the air or deep below the crystal clear and beautiful blue waters. It’s basically a huge sinkhole just a little way of the Belizean coast and is part of the Belize Barrier Reef System in the Lighthouse Reef, which you can actually see from space. Just so you know!

If you like water and diving, you definitely need to check this place out – many people actually believe this should be known as one of the wonders of the world. It even became a National Heritage site back in 1997.

Diving into this amazing freak of nature has been called terrifyingly beautiful and is something any adrenaline junkie or lover of water should check out! Have you guys ever been here? Did it look as good as it does in our heads?

52 – Hotel la Montana Magica, Huilo Chile

Mireya Peters Martinez / flickr.com

Mireya Peters Martinez / flickr.com

Check this place out! Doesn’t it look just like something out of Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit? Cute and back to nature are definitely two ways to describe this pretty amazing landmark, and it’s definitely intriguing!

A hotel set in a pointed mound, you can see windows poking out from beneath a deep green flurry of plants, with tree top canopies for you to brave yourself up against, and a pretty interesting idea of interior design!

You have choices from different styles of rooms and there is even a “bunk-bed” suite which we were pretty impressed by – who didn’t love bunk beds when they were younger?

53 – Venice

Rhys A. / flickr.com

Rhys A. / flickr.com

The whole of Venice is a beautiful sight to see and is definitely one that deserves it’s place on the 100 Most Beautiful Places in the World.

It’s the city of love – who doesn’t want to come here and fall in love on the scenic and peaceful gondolas or enjoy wandering around aimlessly, looking those amazing street views and indulging in a bit of shopping? It’s an interesting place and a beautiful one too and is the perfect setting for a romantic mini-break.

*Hint hint boys!

There’s a couple of places that you should check out if you ever get the chance – the Rialto Bridge on San Polo is a beautifully designed bridge, and you’ve also got the Basilica di San Marco if you want to see something religious and truly breathtaking. There’s plenty of museums and other activities to do while you’re here so technically, you’ve got a little something for everyone.

54 – Great Barrier Reef

MNatividad / flickr.com

MNatividad / flickr.com

If you want to see something truly beautiful offered by our little gem of a planet, you should definitely check out the Great Barrier Reef for your next vacation. Just like the Great Blue Hole in Belize (number 51 on this list) you can enjoy amazing views from the air or even under the water with activities such as snorkeling, diving, fishing and boating here – who knows what weird and wonderful sea life you could spot here?

Did you know that the Great Barrier Reef is actually the world’s largest coral reef system? There are 900 islands scattered around here as well as almost three thousand individual reefs, and when you spot the out-of-this-world sights that you can see here, you will soon understand why this place has also made it as a National Heritage Site.

There are so many beautiful sea creatures here that snorkeling and diving is a must-do activity! You can take cruises in glass bottom boats if you aren’t a fan of being in the water, and if you want something a bit higher up, you can always take a helicopter flight.

55 – Cathedral Cove, New Zealand

Vendin / flickr.com

Vendin / flickr.com

New Zealand is such a beautiful place full stop and if you are going to come to this picturesque country, you simply must visit Cathedral Cove in the Coromandel Peninsula. There is a naturally formed archway hidden in the Cliffside and this gives a beautiful view of a standalone rock that sits in the crystal clear waters. The white sandy beaches certainly help things along nicely and it is the perfect spot for a romantic mid-afternoon picnic and a cheeky dip in the balmy waters.

56 – Shifen Waterfall, Taiwan

Jennifer Turek / flickr.com

Jennifer Turek / flickr.com

Situated in the Pingxi District of Taiwan, you will find twenty-meter high waterfalls called the Shifen Waterfalls, which not only spans the 20 meters or so wide, but also has a width of around 40 meters, making it a pretty impressive waterfall!

You can get pretty close to the waterfalls for great photo opportunities, especially if you follow the specifically laid out pathways that encompass it. It has naturally formed itself into a horseshoe style design and because of this, it has been nicknamed “Little Niagara”. It might be much smaller than the real thing but it does look fairly similar.

It’ll take you around four hours to complete the entire tour of the Shifen Waterfall, but it is well worth doing so if you come, make sure that you have enough battery in your camera, enough memory cards for the many photos you are guaranteed to want to take and also have a pair of rather comfortable shoes on!

57 – Flower Fields, Holland

M. Snodgress / flickr.com

M. Snodgress / flickr.com

If you have nothing planned from the end of March through to early May, you should definitely head to the Netherlands for an explosion of color that you simply won’t find anywhere else. You’ve got pinks, blues, yellows, greens, purples, reds…. You name it – you will find it here and the views are simply incredible!

It all kicks off with the crocuses that bloom at the end of March. The smaller tulips and daffodils will generally come next in April, the hyacinths and larger daffodils will follow from the middle of April to the end of the month, and the larger tulips burst into an explosion of color for the rest of the season.

There are a couple of places that you should head towards to get this view in all its glory. There’s a place called the North Sea Dunes and you will find some amazingly colored fields in this area in the middle few weeks of April. The province of Flevoland is also a well known hotspot for the flower festival.

58 – Antelope Canyon, USA

Alaskan Dude / flickr.com

Alaskan Dude / flickr.com

If you want something big, bold and beautiful then you need to head back to the United States of America. To be more specific, you are going to need to head towards the Navajo near Page in Arizona.

Antelope Canyon is the most photographed slot-canyon in the whole of the American Southwest and just one peek at this amazing place will show you what kinda thing we are looking at here.

Years of flash-flooding and erosion has caused the beautiful markings in the magnificently colored stone and at certain times of the year the area is still prone to flash-flooding so always make sure in advance that it is a good idea to come here. August has been a bad month for tourists before – the Lower Antelope Canyon sadly took the lives of 11 tourists in a crazy flash flood.

59 – Eiffel Tower, France

House of Hall / flickr.com

House of Hall / flickr.com

Everyone knows that Paris is the city of Love and if you are going to visit the city where passion is all around you, there is no way that you can leave before you have had the chance to visit one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world – the magnificent Eiffel Tower.

It stands at around 325 meters tall and you go up it if you are willing to pay the price! It is known to be the world’s most-visited paid monument! All you need to do is take a look at the romantic films, stories, backdrops, music videos, etc. have been including this famous landmark in France and you can understand its romantic appeal with many men and women choosing to propose to their loved ones either in front of it, or on one of the tower’s three levels.

60 – Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia

enjosmith / flickr.com

enjosmith / flickr.com

You can find this amazing National Park in Lika-Senj County in Croatia and it’s not like you could miss it – not only is it the largest national park in Croatia, it’s also the oldest national park in Southeast Europe.

You’ve got so much stuff going on here from the stunning waterfalls to the beautiful scenery, the crazy wildlife that seems to be all around you and plants that you have never before seen in your life. You know all those kids books that you read about adventures in woods with cliffs and caves? Well they could all be set right here at this amazing backdrop in the Plitvice National Park.

61 – Tianzi Mountains, China

explorehangjiajie.com / flickr.com

explorehangjiajie.com / flickr.com

These majestic mountains in the Tianzi Mountain Nature Reserve re so high, they are often covered in a c loud of fog which gives them a rather eery appeal. They odd shapes of mini-mountains and stunning valleys, their 1,260 meter high peaks (at the highest peak) has plenty of photo opportunities, and with the odd scattering of waterfalls, caves, small forests and a variation of wildlife, not only does it look mysterious but there’s plenty of things to do while you’re here.

For those of you that want to do a something a little scarier than trek through a mysterious set of mountains with scary looking caves and forests, there’s the cable-cars that you can take to the tops of some of the mountains. Are you ready for the view?

62 – Petra, Jordan

Eric Borda / flickr.com

Eric Borda / flickr.com

Also known as the Rose City because of the colors of the rock that the entire city seems to have been founded from, Petra is one of the most amazing sights to see on this planet, and also has a lot of history and religion surrounding it, meaning that it will be a significant place that you would have viewed in your life.

It could have been started as early as 312 BCE. This could be the oldest place on earth that you will visit. How cool would that be?

As you can see from the picture, the city is literally built into the rock with ornate entrances that it must feel so scary to walk through! The narrow passages that you get to walk down are outweighed by the beauty and significance of the place, and your camera must have enough battery to get you all the way around this beautiful yet large place.

63 – Twelve Apostles, Australia

Sergio Lordao / flickr.com

Sergio Lordao / flickr.com

If you’re ever in Australia, try to head to Victoria to a set of limestone stacks called the Twelve Apostles. Originally created out of sea erosion, there are many myths surrounding their existence also, making them a fun and interesting place to visit and on top of that, there is a danger element at the same time.

Back in 2005, one of the stacks collapsed and out of the twelve original stacks, still stands eight of the odd columns. It’s okay when this happens though as the clever people have predicted that the current cliffs could easily be eroded in the same way as the original limestone stacks, so it is likely that the same formation of rocks will continue to occur, and hopefully will continue to make the Australia landmark as popular to tourists as it is today.

64 – Great Wall of China

Francisco Diez / flickr.com

Francisco Diez / flickr.com

Running along the old and historical Northern borders of the country of China runs a wall that was painstakingly made out of stone, wood and rocks, some sections of which were initially created in as early as the seventh century BC, and were first believed to be protecting an empire.

As time went on, the individual walls starting meeting together and this is where the wall as we know it today was starting to form. Now it’s just collectively as the Great Wall of China and is a landmark that not only can be seen from space, but also has visitors to flocking to it on a yearly basis from every other part of the globe.

As you can expect from its age, some of the wall is starting to fall into disrepair but for the most part, it is still in pretty good condition when you consider how long it has been standing there for!

65 – Devils Pool, Victoria Falls, Australia

joepyrek / flickr.com

joepyrek / flickr.com

If you really want to feel the thrill of swimming on what feels like a pool set right on the edge of the earth, Devils Pool is Australia is definitely the place for you, and you can see the magnificent Victoria Falls while you are there!

This natural pool of water which basically acts as a swimming pool can be dangerous for those that choose to swim outside of the designated safe swimming areas which are simply and easily sign-posted. Since 1959, 17 deaths have been reported here and although there are common sense issues to bear in mind here such as the fast flowing water over volatile rock passages, there are also ancient curse stories that it is always fun to find out about. For example, the ancient Aborigines suggested that the pool would disrespect those that disrespected the pool. Various incidences that have happened here seem to suggest that this could be the case with a story of one man kicked the plaque within the pool and then being sucked in and drowning at the exact same place that a body had literally just been recovered. It’s a chilling story – would you be brave enough to swim in the Devils Pool?

66 – Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

magdy29 / flickr.com

magdy29 / flickr.com

Another manmade creation that has made the list of the 100 Most Beautiful Places in the World and we come to the most magnificent creations that are the Pyramids of Giza. It is only when you are stood at the foot of these enormous rock formations that you can really get a sense of their vast size and in comparison, it can make you feel like a very small part of the world at that precise moment in time.

You can find the pyramids on the outskirts of Cairo, and as well as having the luxury of being next to the three great pyramids, but you can also check out that Great Sphinx cat that you see every now and again on the internet.

There are many conspiracy theories as to how these pyramids and formations created from work were places and built, but no one will really know for sure how these great landmarks came to exist. You must also bear in mind that there are actual pharaohs buried within these great sights, brining a great sense of history to the occasion.

67 – The Dead Sea

Seetheholyland.net / flickr.com

Seetheholyland.net / flickr.com

The Dead Sea or “Sea of Salt” as it is otherwise known is a very special sea and although it might not look like much in some of the pictures that you will see from here, it has some pretty super-cool properties.

The high salt content in this water means that you will literally just happy float, bobbing away on the water; unable to sink because the salt wouldn’t let you.

Situated in the Jordan Rift Valley, there are a couple of causes that may have been the cause behind the pretty super-cool properties, but as for what really happened to create it, no one really knows. The good thing about it is that it has now been known for its many health boosting properties that it offers. It doesn’t matter what your problems is whether it’s a skin condition, a nasal problem, a bone issue… whatever it is, this place can apparently help fix it.

To be honest, we are just as excited as floating in that salty water as we are to experience the healing properties. That’s just an extra bonus, right?

68 – Meteor Crater, Arizona, USA

Steve Jurvetson / flickr.com

Steve Jurvetson / flickr.com

Time for something really out of this world now and we come to an actual massive meteor crater not far from Flagstaff in the northern part of the Arizona desert. This cool place is home to the largest meteor crater ever discovered on our crazy planet, and is meant to be around fifty thousand years old. That’s pretty impressive, right? Also, scientists have dated the soil and stuff in the earth that far down in the meteor crater and have found evidence of rocks that would have been formed over 265 million years ago!

You’ll need to pay a small entrance fee if you want to go and see this massive sight, but it has been turned into a tourist attraction with the American Astronaut Hall of Fame, a gift shop, movie theatre, and even observation areas. You can even go on a guided tour!

69 – Loch Ness, Scotland

Dave Stokes / flickr.com

Dave Stokes / flickr.com

There is something going on in the waters of Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. It’s a big lake – it’s very deep (almost 300 meters at some points) and spans 2.7km at its widest point too. It might not look like much but there is something legendary about this lake… Apparently it has a monster!

The Loch Ness monster is what has made the place as famous as it is all around the world – the second largest loch in Scotland which could actually comfortably hold the BT Tower in London standing up and you still wouldn’t see it, contains more fresh water than all of the rest of the lakes in Wales and England put together. Could it also be home to a monster?

It was in 1933 that the monster of Loch Ness was first “spotted”. Since then there have been numerous reports of people seeing strange things in the water. The description of the monster seems to change with every report that is made of a sighting and even though people have looked, nothing has ever been found in there apart from some pretty impressive species of fish. There have even been films made about this supposed monster too!

70 – Crescent Lake, China

sandandtsunamis / flickr.com

sandandtsunamis / flickr.com

This beautiful lake is actually a desert oasis, situated just 6km south of the city of Dunhuang, Gansu Province. It’s a truly beautiful sight, especially if you have been travelling all day in the hot sun, and really stands out from its desert background.

Unfortunately, over the years, the lake has shrunk. Back in the 60’s it was around 7 and a half meters deep but at the last count in the 90s, this has shrunk to around 1.3 meters. The government have thankfully taken matters into their own hands and are refilling the lake in a bid to keep its true beauty alive. If you want to see this beautiful place in the world, you might want to head there soon before global warming takes it away completely!

71 – Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy

irene. / flickr.com

irene. / flickr.com

If you are ever in Europe, you really must come to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, just to laugh at the odd construction behind the leaning landmark. The building of this beautiful bell tower took part over 199 years and they still couldn’t fix the leaning problems! It was actually built in three stages and because the ground was too soft on one side of the tower, the foundations couldn’t support the rest of the weight. Over the years it kept tilting and although it has been partially fixed and stabilized to make it safe for visitors and tourists to travel up the almost-300 steps to the top.

72 – Ayers Rock, Australia

DuReMi / flickr.com

DuReMi / flickr.com

The real name of this massive landmark is Uluru but most of us will know the Australian place of beauty as Ayers Rock, situated in central Australia. The closest town is Alice Springs so if you head towards this way, you will be heading in the right direction but you should bear in mind that the town is still 450km away by the road.

You’ll need to buy a pass to come to this massive rock formation but once you’re here, there are plenty of things to do. You can go climbing which is one of the attractions most popular activity, but the locals request that you don’t as the place is said to have significant spiritual undertones. They won’t climb the formation but they won’t stop you from doing it. The government that owned the massive rock gave it back to the people but agreed on a lease so that they could keep it as a visitor attraction and agreed upon a deal so that people could still enjoy climbing around it.

73 – Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

Colin Tsoi / flickr.com

Colin Tsoi / flickr.com

This chapel is not only one of the most breathtakingly painted places on the planet but it also holds so much in the form of religious history that you can just feel the buzz about this place as soon as you get in the vicinity of it. It’s the official residence of the Pop so, as you can expect, the place is incredibly luxurious and using the word exuberant would be an understatement!

It’s been painted by some of the most famous artists in our history including Michaelangelo, Pinturicchio, and Sandro Botticelli, making it a place that you definitely need to put on your bucket list!

74 – Monument Valley, USA

Moyan Brenn / flickr.com

Moyan Brenn / flickr.com

If you head to the state lines of Utah and Arizona you will find a part of the Colorado Plateau that looks pretty impressive in the horizon. You will find Monument Valley, a cluster of butts made from sandstone that have made an odd sky-scraper-looking piles that you will have seen in many movies.

The National Park that the Monument Valley is set in is called the Navajo National Park and as long as you pay a small access fee, you can go on a drive that spans over 17 miles that will take you a good two or three hours to complete. There are guided tours that you can take as well to see things like Hunts Mesa and Mystery Valley…

75 – Vasco da Gama Bridge, Portugal

FH Mira / flickr.com

FH Mira / flickr.com

In the capital city of Portugal, Lisbon, you will find a bridge that looks as if it were too bit to have ever been created by men. It’s a cable-stayed bridge that goes across the River Tagus, and has been open since 1998, making it one of the newer places that we have incorporate into this list of beautiful places on earth.

Although not especially beautiful in nature, you definitely need to marvel at its greatness – the size of it is actually scary to look at whether you are on it, looking at it from the side, or even scarier than that – looking at the great expanse it covers from above!


So there you have the third section of our 100 Most Beautiful Places in the World! Just in case you missed Part A and Part B, you can find them in just a second and keep your eyes out for the final section of our exploration around the world.

Who knows where we will end up next?

Check out the first two parts of the series here:

http://www.herinterest.com/100-most-beautiful-places-in-the-world-part-c/feed/ 1
100 Most Beautiful Places in the World (Part B) http://www.herinterest.com/100-most-beautiful-places-in-the-world-part-b/ http://www.herinterest.com/100-most-beautiful-places-in-the-world-part-b/#comments Wed, 04 Sep 2013 23:36:58 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2226 We have already checked out some of the most breathtaking places you can explore in 100 Most Beautiful Places in the World (Part A) such as Niagara Falls, Blue Lagoon in Iceland, Jacob’s Well in Texas and Yellowstone National Park in the USA. It’s time to look at 25 more of the most beautiful and amazing sights our crazy planet has to offer us.

Let’s jump right in shall we?

26 – Pongua Falls, Vietnam

Pongua Falls, Vietnam

Known as a City of Love, Dalat in Vietnam is a pretty romantic place in general – there are beautiful waterfalls, poetic landscapes and plenty of history and culture to see anyone through and one of the most beautiful of all of these sights is Pongua Falls.

100m wide by 40m tall, Pongua Falls falls down seven different levels and is a truly breathtaking display, especially with the masses of dark forests that seem to surround it all the way around.

There are a number of places that you can explore around the Pongua Falls including many other falls, the Valley of Love and even Dalat City. Perhaps this could be the romantic destination you had been looking for?

27 – Mossbrae Falls, California

Alaskan Dude / flickr.com

Alaskan Dude / flickr.com

Sticking with the theme of falling water and we come to another pretty display of nature in Mossbrae Falls, California. Flowing into the Sacremento River, this is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world with a height of around 15 meters versus a pretty impressive width of around 46 meters.

At present you can’t reach the falls by foot on the mile-long hiking trail as the route has been closed off. The important people are trying to find a safer route to take to reach the falls as accidents easily occur along the slippery paths.

28 – Baatara Gorge Waterfall, Lebanon



We seem to have found a firm theme with waterfalls in the list of 100 most beautiful places in the world, haven’t we? Baatara Gorge waterfall is found in Lebanon and is a pretty impressive water display to behold, that’s for sure!

Not only is the height of this waterfall a whopping 255 meters, but it also drops into a Jurassic cave full of limestone, right into a basin that is known as the Baatara Pothole.

29 – Split Apple Rock, New Zealand

kewl / flickr.com

kewl / flickr.com

If you are looking for something that moves a little away from the water theme, we bring to you Split Apple rock; a pretty impressive rock display on the Northern coast of the South-East island of New Zealand, just off the Tasman Bay.

The rock itself is a formation of granite that looks exactly like an apple that has literally been sliced right in half. You can even get there for a great photo opportunity on low tide and this is a tourist attraction that has brought in thousands from around the globe, just to get a cheeky snapshot of the impressive display that literally looks like something out of a movie with giants!

30 – River of Five Colors, Columbia



The River of Five Colors or Caño Cristales as it is otherwise known, is a river set in Columbia and gets its name from the beautiful colors that the river appears to be as it glides easily over a bed of fresh multi-colored moss over slippery rocks.

This strange phenomenon only happens for a few months out of the year – usually in between the wet and dry seasons, right as they are changing and merging into each other. Late July right through until December are the best times to see this stunning display of colors, and although you won’t find any fish here because of the stuff in the water that makes the river appear to change color, you will find a number of other creatures including 420 different species of birds, 8 primates and even 10 different species of amphibians.

If you want to come and see this beautiful sight, you can’t stay overnight and you definitely can’t cook anything here. There were special rules brought into place as people began to realise the potential of the place for tourists, and you can now only get there as part of a guided tour on which you will need to travel upon a donkey.

31 – Horsetail Falls, Oregon

Sonnett / flickr.com

Sonnett / flickr.com

Set in Oregon in the States, along the Columbian River Gorge, Horsetail Falls are two smaller waterfalls that are joined together to make one big one. You have the upper falls and the lower falls and you will find the upper ones can easily be reached by a footpath for some great photo opportunities.

If you want to find this tourist hotspot, you’ll need to head towards the Historic Columbian River Highway and look for the sign posts. You’ll soon spot where the horse’s tail-looking waterfalls are!

32 – Waiotapu Thermal Reserve, New Zealand

Mrs. Gemstone / flickr.com

Mrs. Gemstone / flickr.com

Ever since 1931, Waiotapu Thermal Reserve has been known for its tourist-attracting properties, but when you add to the mix the many health benefits the place is said to have, you can understand why so many people choose to flock here.

The thermal-stuff comes from the fact that it is set in the Okataina Volcanic Centre, and the beautiful colored pools and springs accompany mud pools and geysers. The mud pool was created from a 1920’s mud volcanic explosion that occurred and the Lady Knox geyser is one of the most famous in the world. If you are here at 10:15 in the morning, you will have the opportunity to spot  a geyser that can shoot up to 20 meters in the air.

33 – Tree Tunnel, Belgium



This cool looking tunnel is a freaky accident of nature – it’s basically a pathway with very tall trees lining it on both sides, covering it at the top as if to protect it from rain and the elements. It’s a beautiful sight to see, especially in the fall when the leaves start to change color and fall from the trees. There’s a few freaky tunnels like these dotted all around the world but with websites like Pinterest popping up all over the place, photos of the Tree Tunnel, Belgium has made the place more popular.

34 – Whitehaven Beach, Australia

Wickerfurniture / flickr.com

Wickerfurniture / flickr.com

On Whitsunday Island, you will find a beach so beautiful, you wouldn’t even imagine sights like this to be possible in our overly populated, overly polluted world. Whitehaven Beach is exactly as the name describes – a white sandy beached-haven from everyday life.

7km long, it was actually named as one of the cleanest beaches in Queensland in 2008 and this could be because of two things. Firstly, you can’t smoke on the beach and secondly, you can’t take dogs on the beach either. It seems to work to keep the beach clean.

The sand is more silica than anything else which is what mainly gives it the white color. It has another added bonus though – it doesn’t retain heat like “regular” sand so it won’t burn your feet on a beautiful hot summer’s day.

35 – Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

Dougtone / flickr.com

Dougtone / flickr.com

Moving on to something manmade yet still beautiful and we come to the breath-taking Golden Gate Bridge, the inspiration for many a piece of art the world over.

The Golden Gate is actually where the Pacific Ocean joins San Francisco Bay and the bridge is a suspension one that has been destroyed in many a great film over the years. It has actually been declared as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World so if you’ve been there, own that travel stamp with pride!

At night, the orange glow makes the bridge look perfectly beautiful especially when there is fog surrounding it. If you are ever lucky enough to be flying above Golden Gate Bridge, you will normally find that you will just see the very tips of the bridge through the low-lying cloud, which can make the bridge even more beautiful still.

It’s definitely a place that you should check out if you ever get the chance! And who doesn’t want to visit San Francisco?

36 – Karijini National Park, Australia

Phillie Casablanca / flickr.com

Phillie Casablanca / flickr.com

Situated in Western Australia, Karijini National Park was previously known by another name – Hammersley National Park.

Usually set in a semi-arid climate, this is a beautiful view if you get here at the right times of the day, and with splendid thunderstorms during the summer months and frosty winter nights, there is definitely plenty to see here.

There are five gorges that flow out of the park itself and each one has its own unique rock styles and formations, such as Kermit’s Pool in Hancock Gorge which is definitely worth a quick view if you’re ever in the area!

With pools alongside smashing waterfalls and even amazing water holes, you will find a whole host of wildlife for any enthusiast. Legless lizards are joined by bats, snakes, birds, wallaroos, geckos, and even red kangaroos.

37 – Sea Cliffs, Etretat, France

sanderovski / flickr.com

sanderovski / flickr.com

Set in Northern France, the Sea Cliffs in Etretat are amazing to look at and even better to get some amazing photographs of! A giant hole in the side of the cliff makes it look as if a giant has made himself a window, and the quaint farming town just has a beautiful old-school traditional feel to it; a feel that seems to welcome many a guest! With the three natural arches and a pointed needle that lead to a beautiful looking expanse of water, you have a very cute little town to have your vacation in, especially if you like a taste of the traditional European.

38 – Pammukale, Turkey

jdelard / flickr.com

jdelard / flickr.com

You’ll need to head to south-west Turkey to find the town of Pammukale, a name given because it means ‘cotton castle” in the native Turkish.

There’s some pretty hot flowing water here and for those that are interested, there are even hot springs dotted around that the tourists seem to love. When you add to the mix a set of beautiful terraces caused by deposited rock from the hot springs over the years, you have a very picturesque setting for your vacation!

You’ll find tadpoles here along with a wealth of culture, mythology and history which means there is something for everyone. The volcanic activity that causes the hot springs and carbon dioxide combustions in the water seeks many a secret geek, and now known as a World Heritage Site, it would seem that the tourists just love to flock to this area.

39 – Lake Windermere, England

Rockabilly_girl / flickr.com

Rockabilly_girl / flickr.com

If you are going to come to the Lake District in the UK, you need to do so during the fall months – September/October time. If you come November through to January, you might expect to get a little snow and although this looks beautiful and sure is fun to play in, England is a country that deals well with snow, especially when it comes to travel conditions!

The largest natural lake in England, Lake Windermere is a lover for anyone looking for a beautiful scenic view with rolling hills and beautiful colored trees, but also has sporting history with power boat racing taking part here, and water-speed records being broken here.

There’s plenty dotted around for you to do from the Peter Rabbit museum to the beautiful lake-top restaurants in Barrow-in-Furness, and there is even a boat museum and the Cumberland Pencil Museum nearby if the kids want something a little different to explore.

40 – Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Rhys Vandersyde / flickr.com

Rhys Vandersyde / flickr.com

This temple in Cambodia is not only the most well preserved temple in the country, it is also the most beloved! Set on over five hundred acres, it is one of the most beautiful places in the world and is rich with history, culture and religion, making it perfect for anyone of any age!

Founded in the twelfth century, it was originally a Hindu temple although is now better known for it’s Buddhist religion, and was once believe to be a miniature replica of the universe with architectural features that far surpassed its years.

To see the full beauty, it is often commented that you should see and photograph this marvel at either sunrise or sunset, and it is definitely recommended that you do this over a couple of days – there are many temples to see and you don’t want to miss out on anything magical! Three days should be enough – it’s definitely not something that you can have done and dusted in a day.

41 – Glass Beach, California

BuzzFarmers / flickr.com

BuzzFarmers / flickr.com

Set near Fort Bragg in the MacKerricher State Park is the Glass Beach in California. This beach can look beautiful in certain lights but has a rather sad story to behold. The beach of glass came about because of years of garbage that had been dumped right into the coastline, just set a little North of the town itself. Usually throwing the garbage over the cliffs, the bottles became broken and were washed up onto the beach, softened and smoothed by years of the ocean waves lapping at the beach and, over time, the small round colored glass pebbles that you can see today were formed.

If you go and check out this beach, you can’t take the stones but you can still find bits of the glass on other beaches that you could pick up and add to your collection.

42 – Lake Bled, Slovakia



Bled is the name of a gorgeous little Alpine town in Slovakia, set in the northwestern part of the country. Within this town you will find a beautiful lake called Lake Bled. It is now considered to be one of the country’s most formidable tourist attractions and if you just take a peek around on the internet, you can soon see the beauty in this fascinating place.

The town has existed for around a thousand years and now is home to some great fishing, beautiful walking trails around the mountains that frame it and the lake, tranquil and picturesque spots, boats, and plenty of outdoor sporting activities! Definitely a must-see in Europe!

43 – Spotted Lake, Canada

Hardo / flickr.com

Hardo / flickr.com

Set in British Columbia, the Spotted Lake is in the town of Osoyoos not far from Highway 3. There are lots of different minerals doing their thing here, which is what causes the spotted effect, and it is when the water evaporates during the summer, hotter months that you can see the lake in full swing, so to speak.

The spots change color for those of you that are wondering about the different pictures you might have seen online – it depends on the mineral composition that is happening at that very time, but you will usually find that the spots themselves are created by the residue of something called magnesium sulfate.

There are apparently healing powers in this lake and that is thought to have something to do with the vast quantities of “good stuff” that is in there including silver, titanium, sodium sulphates, calcium and 8 other minerals!

44 – Aurora, Iceland

Emil Kepko / flickr.com

Emil Kepko / flickr.com

The Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis as they are properly known are a weird phenomenon that causes beautiful drifts of light to beam across the sky, basically making the entire night sky appear to be dancing with all the colors of the rainbow.

Iceland is one of the best places to see this beautiful sight although you can spot them in other places too – we have personally seen the lights in BC, Canada too!

You’ll need clear skies if you want to see this and there are plenty of spots that you can flock to, to get a better view and hopefully a decent picture!

45 – Danxia Landform, China

rolondo000 / flickr.com

rolondo000 / flickr.com

The photo gives the game away here – these landforms in China are some of the most beautiful things that you will ever see on this earth!

Situated in South East and South West Chine, the Danxia Landform is a collection of steep cliffs made out of various shades of red and orange rock in the Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park. Just in case you were wondering where this is, just head to the Gansu Province and you’ll be headed in the right direction.

Caused by the crashing together of tectonic plates (the same responsible for the creation of the Himalayan mountains) and battered by wind and rain, the layer cake effect has definitely left behind a beautiful landscape. Not just that but you will find a whole range of sights too from waterfalls and valleys to towering formation and mini-mountains that seem to explode with color.

46 – Door to Hell, Turkmenistan

Martha de Jong Lantink / flickr.com

Martha de Jong Lantink / flickr.com

This is something that you must be pretty brave to see – it literally looks like a doorway to hell, just as the name would suggest.

You’ll find this landmark in Derweze (or Darvaza) in the Ahal Province of Turkmenistan and it’s not something you will easily miss. It’s basically a giant hole in the ground that was created by Soviet scientists right back in the early 1970’s. They found a natural gas reserve here and started drilling and the whole ground collapsed! No one was injured, thankfully, but there was a lot of methane gas coming out of that hole and plenty of other bad gases too.

Clearly this posed a rather nasty threat to those living nearby so the people in charge decided that they would burn off the gas and set the hole on fire. It was predicted to have lasted for around four days before it burned out but four decades later, the fire is still going strong!

At present, the government are trying to export the gas to reduce the stuff coming out of the big burning hole in the ground that spans a diameter of 70 meters!

47 – Lake Baikal, Russia

Kyle Taylor / flickr.com

Kyle Taylor / flickr.com

Moving away from fire and heading along to something a bit more tranquil and we come to Lake Baikal in Russia. This rift lake can be found in Siberia, to the south, in Russia and is now the most voluminous freshwater lake in the entire world! Surely that needs to earn it a place here on the 100 most beautiful places, right?

Did you know that almost twenty percent of the world’s freshwater that is unfrozen and on the surface?! It goes really deep too – as much as sixteen hundred meters down in some places and it has been estimated to be even deeper than that still!

We’ll bring you a few statistics – it’s the seventh largest lake in the world. It’s also the oldest and can be dated back as far as twenty-five million years. On top of that, it is one of the clearest lakes you will ever see and that definitely causes for a few decent photo opportunities!

48 – Aogashima Volcano, Japan



The island of Aogashima was created from a volcano and is a very small yet beautiful and tropical island in the Philippine Sea. The island is made of a crater but within this crater, there is another volcano that is considered to be smaller. It hasn’t erupted since the 1700’s but is still considered to be an active volcano but there are still 200 people that live on it!

To get the best views, you are going to want to head to Otonbu, the very peak of the island and at the highest point, it is over 430 meters above the level of the sea. You can’t get here unless you plan on travelling by boat or helicopter, but the latter only runs one time daily and can only carry a handful of people at once.

There is a sauna here but not much else – you would come here purely for the beautiful scenery and to say that you have been stood on an active volcano!

49 – Crystal Cave, Iceland



We’re going back to the cave-land times but this time, we are going to be heading to Iceland, where you can find the beautifully stunning Crystal Cave.

Iceland is a pretty cool country when you consider that you can see a great many cool things that the world has to offer here. We’ve already mentioned the Aurora Borealis, but he cave is something else entirely.

Caused by an iceberg hitting the coast, it is a cave that can be dated back for centuries and is definitely breathtaking to look at. Things can get pretty tight in here so if you don’t like enclosed spaces, this probably isn’t the place for you. If you like rock climbing or are a fan of ice however, this is definitely the place for you to vacate at this year!

50 – Chittorgarh Fort, India

Milo & Sylvia in the world / flickr.com

Milo & Sylvia in the world / flickr.com

Heading back to India again and this time, we are looking at the Chittorgarh Fort. This fort is the largest in the country and because it is set upon a hill, it looks even more majestic and taller still! The hill alone is over 180 meters high! The fort is also fairly impressively set over 700 acres too – doesn’t this rolling landscape just add to the appeal?

With history filled with sacrifice, romance, pride and spirit, it was believed to have been built in the 7th century and all you need to do is take a few moments online to understand the true heritage behind this amazing sight.

We have now concluded 100 Most Beautiful Places in the World (Part B) and Part C will be coming really soon! I wonder what delights we can find on our beautiful planet to bring to you next time? Are there any that you would like to see added to the list?


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