herinterest.com » beyonce http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 Beyonce – Those Plastic Surgery Reports Investigated http://www.herinterest.com/beyonce-those-plastic-surgery-reports-investigated/ http://www.herinterest.com/beyonce-those-plastic-surgery-reports-investigated/#comments Wed, 06 Aug 2014 13:51:27 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=15561

Beyonce has been in the news a lot recently, and not for all the right reasons it would seem. There are reports of her marriage to Jay-Z apparently being on the rocks with her scouting around for a new apartment ‘on the sly’. Well, that’s if you believe all the media gossip of course…



You can’t have missed those infamous Instagram shots of the Queen however, with those apparently airbrushed legs that appeared much thinner than how they appeared when she was on stage later on that week…

We’ll let you come to your own conclusions.

One thing that Beyonce seems to get is constant criticism, despite the fact that she has a beautiful body, and a voice to match. She’s too big. She’s too small. She only had bigger dancers around so that she appears smaller than what she actually is… We’ve all heard those rumours, and when you throw the Beyonce plastic surgery rumours into the mix as well, you can’t help but feel sorry for the poor girl!

She’s apparently had a nose job, a boob job, Botox, skin lightening, lip reduction, and the list seems never-ending. For a woman that;s always making music and having a brand new tour out, as well as bringing up a young child, she sure seems to have a lot of time to head to her cosmetic surgeon.

Herinterest decided to take a closer look.

With regards to the nose job, Beyonce has reportedly had her nose made thinner, smaller and more defined along the bridge area. Later on, once the rumours of this cosmetic procedure has surfaced, a plastic surgeon by the name of Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel went on record to say that he believed she had definitely undergone the operation. According to his statement, he believed she had the bridge redefined, as well as the tip, and the nose had been narrowed too.

Beyonce Plastic Surgery

Her lips appear to have changed shape – the top lip does appear to be thinner. Could it be that she has had augmentation to change the definition of her top lip? We think that thinning lips is just part of the ageing process, and you do need to take into consideration that the beautiful Beyonce is 32 years old, she’s hardly a teen anymore, is she? Plus, you can achieve that look with smart make up tricks so personally, we believe that she hasn’t had any celebrity plastic surgery done here.

One thing that seems to have got bigger in contrast to everything else getting thinner or smaller, is her bust. It does look bigger now than it did back then but again, there are a few things to take into consideration here. For a start, she’s had a baby. Secondly, her weight has gone up and down over the years, so it’s inevitable that her bra size is going to change. Sadly, the chest seems to be the first place to lose the weight, doesn’t it?

Beyonce Plastic Surgery

With the rumours of skin lightening thrown in (although these are probably tricks of makeup rather than a surgical procedure), and suspected liposuction on her tummy and thighs (further fuelled by those apparent slimmed-down Instagram pictures), the Beyonce plastic surgery rumours are never ending. There is even talk of her having Botox around her forehead and faced to prevent any pesky wrinkles from appearing. To be honest, there are a few women we know that don’t have wrinkles at the age of 32 so we aren’t sure whether or not we believe this rumour either…

She does look fabulous, that’s for sure!

You can’t expect to be as fabulously famous as Beyonce and not get attacked from all angles. Where there is love, there will always be hate, so with as many fans as there are of the beautiful singer, you’ll still find those that wish to critique her.

Of course her body will have changed with the welcoming of a child, and of course her face is going to change as she grows older. She has kept schtum about those celebrity plastics surgery rumours and to be honest, who would blame her? When you are Queen B, you don’t need to answer yourself to anyone!

What do you think?

Has Beyonce has celebrity plastic surgery?

Why not read more about Queen B – Beyonce on Herinterest:

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Beyoncé Knowles Diet and Workout http://www.herinterest.com/beyonce-knowles-diet-and-workout/ http://www.herinterest.com/beyonce-knowles-diet-and-workout/#comments Thu, 10 Apr 2014 09:53:32 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12280


Born Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter, the Huston, Texas born star is now known around the world for her talents. Having risen to fame in the late nineties as the lead singer in the band Destiny’s Child, she soon went solo and became a hit. When she released her first solo album in 2003 it sold an incredible eleven million copies, won five Grammy Award and featured two Billboard number one singles. If that isn’t a way to launch your solo career then I don’t know what is! Since then she’s gone from feat to feat, conquering the musical industry and also taking a punch at being an actress too.


The star stands at five foot six and, in addition to her worldwide success, she’s known for her voluptuous figure and her beautiful booty. When she was pregnant with her daughter Blue-Ivy, Beyoncé Knowles gained a massive sixty pounds but post pregnancy she worked hard to regain her curvy yet slim figure. The star has always told how she’s not naturally slim and, as much as she’d like, skipping gym sessions and indulging in her favourite foods just isn’t an option for her or else she’ll gain weight like crazy. As a result, she works hard day in and day out to stay looking lean and slim. Want to know how? Keep reading, I’ve got all the answers for you!


Beyoncé Knowles’ Personal Trainer


To keep in such great shape, the star works out with her personal trainer Marco Borges. Together, they focus on the Power Moves Training Philosophy which is Marco Borges’ signature in many respects. The philosophy enables the star to workout many different muscle groups at a time and focus on all of her body, not just one are. The training is done in intervals and ranges from high to low intensity which helps Beyoncé Knowles burn off more calories per session than she might do otherwise. The training is a variation of workouts but primarily it involves using the treadmill, spinning and running.



Five Minute Workouts


Whenever she gets a spare bit of time, Beyoncé Knowles fills the gap with various five minute workouts to help her burn more calories throughout the day. She does a mix of lunges, squats, planks, stretches, etc. When doing these exercises, she loves to listen to her favourite music. She says that the mix of music and working out really refreshes her and gets her energy levels up throughout the day.


She Runs


For at least fifteen minutes every day, the star runs. She does this partly as a warm up exercise before her main workout and partly to keep her heart, lungs, and mind healthy as well as her body. She says it’s a great stress reliever and a great way to start your day.


Weight and Resistance Exercises


As part of her workout which she does five days per week, Beyoncé Knowles does a variety of weight lifting, pushups, military presses, bench presses, lunges, squats, dumb less curls, amongst other things. During her workout, she does one hundred reps of each exercise before moving on to the next one. This usually takes up about forty five minutes to one hour of her day and is followed by thirty minutes of cardio.


She’s a Popstar!


Even without all these exercises, bear in mind that Beyoncé Knowles spends a lot of her time on stage which means she spends even more of her time preparing for it. When she’s getting ready to tour she often spends nine hours per day dancing on stage in preparation for her show, something which is bound to shed the calories and pounds.


Beyoncé Knowles’ Diet


Beyoncé Knowles credits much of her weight lost after giving birth to her daughter to breastfeeding. She says it really helped her shed the extra pounds and is now an advocate for the practice and advises other women to do the same. She also says that post pregnancy she made sure she always ate one vegetarian meal per day which helped her to lose a massive fifty seven pounds, leaving her only three pounds heavier than before she got pregnant.

Beyoncé Knowles is a big fan of left green vegetables and now follows a vegan diet. So long as she is aware of what vitamins and minerals each vegetable provides her, she can manage to supplement a balanced diet and is not losing any essential nutrients. Some of her favourite foods are green apples, cucumber sprinkled with vinegar, lemon and cayenne pepper, and edamame. When the star has a show coming up or needs to loose weight quickly, she says that she skips eating full meals and instead opts for protein shakes to help her slim down faster than she might do otherwise. This is however not a practice she enjoys and doesn’t keep it up afterward.

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