herinterest.com » boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 15 Romantic Things to Do For Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/15-romantic-things-to-do-for-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/15-romantic-things-to-do-for-your-boyfriend/#comments Wed, 11 Jun 2014 21:59:41 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14643

When we love someone, it is in our nature to want to show them how much we adore and appreciate them. But let’s be honest: men aren’t as easily swayed into romance as woman, and a lovey dovey poem attached to a gorgeous vase filled lined with decadent roses isn’t going to cut it. So what’s a girl to do? We’ve got the answer with 15 romantic things to do for your boyfriend.

7b5df6d858b1480a17ab1e4a74d2a8f51. Get Dolled Up

Your man loves you, well, for you. Whether you’re in your pajamas sick with a cold or in your workout clothes, he loves you all the same. But nothing excites him more than seeing his lady all dressed up. After all, he doesn’t see you in your fanciest attire with the most beautiful hair every single day, so why not glam it up once in awhile. He will appreciate your efforts: that you got all dazzled up, just for him. Not to mention you might notice him acting a little bit more passionate after seeing you in this fancy outfit, so really getting all dolled up for your man is a win win situation.


2. Let Him Have a Night Out

Men are always complaining about how they never get to spend enough time with the boys, and when they do finally get the chance, the lady is calling and complaining that he needs to get home. Did you ever think it might be a selfless act of romance and love to just cut him loose for a night? Tell him to go have a great night with the boys. See a game, go to the bar- whatever he and his pals like to do. When he goes out, don’t bother him with text messages or phone calls. Just let him have fun and when he is ready he will contact you or come straight home. Either way, you’ll be welcoming a man that is refreshed and happy when he walks through the door.


3. Give Him a Massage

He gets up every morning, 7 o’clock sharp. He hops in the shower for 5 minutes, runs out, throws his work clothes on, and he’s off for the day. Sometimes you don’t see him till 3, 4, maybe even 5 o’clock at night. And he does this 5 to 7 days a week. Don’t you think this might be a little draining and overwhelming? Whether he’s doing construction in the heat or using his brain in a bank, he needs a little relaxation. And what better way to relax him then with a nice, gentle massage from his woman. Break out the baby oil, candles, and soft music, and show him what you’re made of. He will love it, without a doubt.


4. Give Him a Gift

Ok, so we already mentioned earlier about how no man wants to get a girly romantic gift like a bouquet of roses or a poem so perfectly written it could melt his heart into two- so throw those ideas out. You’ll need to dig deeper to give a surprise gift for your man. Is he into sports? Maybe surprise him with a new baseball glove before practice Friday night or give him a pair of tickets to his favorite Hockey team. Is he a gamer? Try giving him a brand new headset for his XBOX or surprise him with the latest Call of Duty game. The best part about giving him a special gift you know he will love is it shows you took the time to know what his interests are, and then wanted to give him something related to his interests. That’s a HUGE plus for any man!


5. Write Him Something

So we already told you (twice) not to do any poetry. And we absolutely mean that one hundred percent. But that doesn’t mean that guys don’t like to read something sweet and special one in awhile. Write him a little note- whether it’s a simple “I love you” on a sticky note attached to his computer screen or a page long, silly love note that he can read before bed. Just make sure you’re witty, fun, and romantic all in one. You don’t want to bore him to tears with an overdose of romance, but you also don’t want to make him think it’s a joke. You know your man the best- write something he will actually enjoy reading that will tell him exactly how you feel.


6. Do a Little Dance..

You can take this one of two ways. We’ll start with the more sweet and romantic way, dancing underneath the stars to your favorite songs. Yes, it’s a little bit sappy, but it’s totally adorable and romantic too. Whether you’re out on the porch in your pajamas or get dolled up for the event, he will enjoy having your hips sway back and forth against his, eyes locked on each other as you dance to your favorite tunes.

On the other hand, if your guy isn’t into dancing whatsoever and would much rather watch *YOU* dance…ahem, alone, then I suggest you go out and buy a nice piece of lingerie to cater to this special event. I mean, come on- what’s more romantic in a man’s eyes then watching his sexy woman in a skimpy article of clothing swaying her hips erotically in front of him? No stripper could ever please him like that! So be his special stripper/erotic dancer for the night. He will absolutely love it.


7. Make Him a Special Dinner

When it comes to romance, sometimes staying inside is better than going to a 5 star restaurant. If you really want to do something extremely romantic for your man, cook him a special dinner. Get the table set up for two, and have it ready when he comes home from work. If you want to get extra brownie points for your efforts, we suggest cooking his favorite meal. For instance, if your guy is a steak and mashed potatoes kind of guy, make both. And don’t forget his favorite dessert, apple pie! It might seem like a long day in the kitchen, but it is definitely worth it to show your man you love him and care for him deeply. Trust us, he won’t mind eating his favorite finger-licking-good food either!

8. Pack Him Lunch

We talked earlier about how grueling your man’s day is. He rushes out of the house so fast in the morning he rarely ever has time to make his own lunch. So why not surprise him with a delicious lunch made and packed by yours truly? Again, to score extra brownie points make sure you pack in all his favorites. A nice, juicy sandwich with bacon and lettuce and a few nacho cheese Doritos on the side. Oh, and of course we can’t forget a bottle of water and an apple to make sure he gets at least a little bit of vitamins in his day. He will love your efforts and be very proud of the fact that his lady cared enough to make sure he was satisfied for lunch, even when she isn’t there.

9. Plan a Special Date Night

One of the biggest couples make that typically leads to a breakup is routine. Routines get boring, and ‘date night every Wednesday at the same diner you’ve been to for the last 3 months’ is probably getting boring to. We have one suggestion for you: SWITCH IT UP. Instead of Sally’s diner on a Wednesday, try going out for that new action movie Friday night. End the night with some drinks and see how free you can get with one another. Surprise him with tickets for two to the game next Saturday. It doesn’t really matter what you do, as long as it’s not something you do often and is different from the norm.


10. Go on an Adventure

Have you ever been deep sea diving? Have you ever had alone time with your man in a cabin in the woods? Have you ever nestled up with your guy on the shores of Panama? Did you really just say no to all three of those questions? If you want some serious romantic one on one time with your man, we highly suggest packing up your bags and taking off. It doesn’t have to be anything drastic like traveling across the sea to Italy. It can be as simple as going camping on the local camping grounds, spending the night in a hotel on the beach, or just going on a fun hiking trip. Possibilities are truly endless but it’s a great way to do something romantic for your man.


11. Photos!

Has anyone ever given you a special photograph, placed inside of a beautiful picture frame so you could easily hang it up on your wall? It’s such a simple gift, yet it has so much meaning to it. So for this next suggestion on romantic things to do for your boyfriend, go print up your favorite picture of the two of you together. Buy a frame. It doesn’t really matter what type, but something manly like a dark wood frame or metal frame would work just fine. (You could also make your own frame!) Place the photo inside and surprise your man with it. He will love seeing the two of you so happy together and will gladly hang it in his room or at his office so he can see your smiling face whenever he wants.

12. Compliment Him

Whether you have been in the relationship for 5 days or 5 years, men love to get a compliment from their woman. Well, men love to get compliments from anyone really; but when it comes directly from their lover, it means so much more. You don’t need to come up with anything fancy or extravagant. Just tell him how incredibly handsome he is and how his bulging muscles still turn you on to this day. These simple little compliments will make him feel loved and wanted, and that’s a winning combination.


13. Get Kinky

Remember when we said one of the biggest mistakes in a relationship is to develop a routine? Well this includes inside the bedroom too, ladies. You need to keep things interested. Remember a few weeks back when your man said he would love to see you in one of those silky lingerie numbers? Well, now might be the time to surprise him with it. Remember when he asked you to try ‘that one thing’ but you weren’t brave enough to do it? Maybe it’s time to find your courage. Keeping things spicy not only entices him and makes him lust for you even more, but also shows him that you adore him and want to make him want you.

14. Do What He Wants to Do

If he has been asking to see the new Spiderman movie, over and over and over again, and you just so happen to be Spiderman’s biggest hater, you might consider putting yourself aside for a moment just so you can indulge in something your man wants to do. As an added bonus, you’ll get him to quit asking! This is seriously such a simple act of selflessness and love that really proves to him how much you care.


15. Give Him Plenty of Kisses

At the end of the day, nothing says romance and love like kissing. To show your man how romantic you are and how much you love him, cover him head to toe in kisses, as much as you possibly can. Surprise him with kisses on the lips while he’s playing video games, surprise him with kisses right when he wakes up. The more kisses, the better!


Who knew it could be so easy to do romantic things for your partner. Dance with him, cook for him, shower him with kisses. We promise you he will love every moment of it!


What are some of your favorite ways to be romantic for your boyfriend?

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How to Get Him to Propose – 7 MUST KNOW Tips http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-him-to-propose-7-must-know-tips/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-him-to-propose-7-must-know-tips/#comments Sat, 24 May 2014 03:38:08 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14300

So you’ve been in a relationship for quite some time- we’re talking weeks, months, years- and you still haven’t gotten the ring. He tells you he loves you and you’re sure he’s the man for you. You want to spend the rest of your life with him, but he just hasn’t gotten down on one knee yet. What are you doing wrong? Check out these 7 must know tips on how to get him to propose!


1. First Find Out: Does He Want to Get Married?

Men aren’t like women. Women (for the most part) are on a mission to find the man of their dreams, settle down in the perfect home, and chase after cute little rugrats with dinner on the table for their partner every night. But a lot of men are afraid- or should I say petrified- of the thought of marriage, and would rather avoid it altogether. Before you even think about a future saying ‘I do’ on the altar with your boyfriend, you need to first find if he even wants to get married. And hey, some guys just don’t. So if he says absolutely not, don’t take it offensively.


 2. Evaluate: Is it the Right Time to Get Married?

You could take this a lot of different ways. First and foremost, are the two of you ready for this type of commitment? You need to make sure you know him well enough to be able to spend the rest of your life with him. After all, if you find out something you absolutely despise later on in the marriage, it could be grounds for divorce. Make sure the two of you know each other extremely well and have reached a certain connection that can’t be broken.


Secondly, you need to look at finances. A wedding typically costs a few thousand dollars, and that’s not including the dress, wedding cake, seating, and everything else that goes into your dream wedding. This could lead to a hefty bill costing you well over ten thousand dollars. And aside from an expensive wedding, you have to think about how costly it is to rent an apartment/condo/house, on top of other bills like electricity, cellphones, water, trash- it adds up pretty quickly. Are the two of you financially ready for marriage?


Lastly, is it a good point in your guys’ lives where you’re ready to take the plunge? If you’re both on the young side, it might be best to wait it out a bit longer to make sure there’s no problems. Or if someone is planning to move off for college, you might want to wait till after they are done. Perhaps there was a traumatic event in one of your lives which would halt you from giving 100 percent to the wedding and marriage. If there isn’t a clear path for the two of you at the moment, wait until there is ‘sunny skies’ before making this type of life changing and time consuming commitment.


3. Think: Are You Pressuring Him?

If it’s been several months or years and he still hasn’t gotten down on one knee, you need to ask yourself this important question: are you pressuring him? Nothing scares a guy off from marriage more than a pressuring woman. He doesn’t want to be pressured (and don’t make me repeat myself!). This is not only scary to him, but is also a big turn off as you may come across as a needy gal. Don’t talk about your perfect wedding, don’t talk about when you want to get married, and most importantly don’t ask him when he is going to propose. He wants to be the man and make that huge decision on his own, so don’t pressure him!


However, if you do want to say at least one thing about your wedding dreams, let it be something in regards to your dream wedding ring. A lot of men halt their proposals for the simple fact that they don’t know what kind of ring to get their lady. The next time you two are walking through the mall and you come across a wedding shop, just casually mention which one you think is breathtaking. Then let it go and continue walking to the next shop. Totally casual, yet it will stick in his mind until he pops the question.


4. Think: Are You Dropping Subtle Hints?

There’s a difference between saying, “I wish we were married right this instant” and “I wouldn’t mind spending many more fun, exciting, and romantic years together”, just like there’s a difference between “Why haven’t you proposed to me yet” and “What age do you see yourself getting married”. It’s totally OK to drop subtle hints, or mask your pressuring questions with a simple question that doesn’t really give it away. Subtle hints are the best and it also gives him the confidence to ask for your hand in marriage. I know we don’t really think it, but men get scared too- and nobody wants to be rejected. These little hints just let him know you’d say yes, if the question were to come up at random.


 5. Act: Are You Being the Woman in the Relationship?

If your guy doesn’t feel like the man in the relationship, there is no way he is going to propose. That would be like proposing to his best friend, his mom, or whatever else he may think of you as. This means you need to cut down on the nagging or controlling nature you might have, and let him take the reigns. Being the woman in the relationship means letting the man be the top dog in most situations. However, that doesn’t mean you let him control you or the relationship. This simply means that he feels he is the strong, protective man he is, and you are there for him no matter what.


6. Act: Do You Make Him a Better Man?

At the end of the day, men just want a woman they can come home to every night. A loyal woman who is there to take care of him, talk about his day, and make him smile. A lady who will stay by his side no matter what and always encourage him to do better. You need to make sure that you are that loyal, encouraging gal he’s always dreamed of, but be careful not to go overboard and act as a mother towards him.


7. Act: Looking Good is a Must

Men fall in love with what they see, not what they hear. And when you’ve been with someone for an extended period of time, you might start to get… “comfortable”. Which to me is just a nice way of saying gaining weight, wearing less makeup, and throwing your hair up in a ponytail every chance you get. If you want to keep him intrigued and enticed for many, many years to come, you need to keep things interesting and always look your best. This doesn’t mean you need to throw on a pair of stilettos and your sexiest red minidress with hair glammed up to next week, this simply means take care of yourself. Eat healthy, go to the gym often, and look good when it’s appropriate. To put it plainly, if it’s 6PM on a Saturday night and you’ve already got your footie pajamas on, we might need to have a talk.


 8. Last Resort: Conversation 

So you’ve tried everything, huh? You’ve tried dropping subtle hints. You are always by his side no matter what, constantly giving him the compliments and encouragement he needs- I mean, you even helped him get that huge promotion at work! But no matter what you do, he just won’t budge. Not to mention you’re both working amazing jobs and it couldn’t be a better time to get married. What gives?


If you’ve been waiting and waiting and still haven’t even heard the word ‘wife’ or ‘marriage’ come up in your man’s vocabulary, it might be time to sit down with your man and have a nice conversation about where you two stand in the relationship. Again, don’t come at him in a mean, nagging, or pressuring way. Simply ask him where he sees the relationship going. This is an easy, relaxed question that will give you the answer you need right away. He could have some evident reason he hasn’t asked you to marry him yet, or he might just be waiting for the perfect time. Whether he tells you what you want to hear or not, at least you can put an end to all of your questions.


There is nothing more aggravating, depressing, and annoying than being in a long term relationship and never hearing the words, “Will you marry me?” I can’t promise you these 7 tips will land you a husband, but I can tell you this: these ARE 7 of the most important things you can do to get closer to the ring. If after all this time and conversation you still haven’t tied the knot, it might be time to consider other options. However, I do wish you hear wedding bells in your near future.


Married women, what are some tips you could give that helped you get the ring? And for the girls wanting to tie the knot, did any of these tips help you?

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15 Signs You Should Marry Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/15-signs-you-should-marry-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/15-signs-you-should-marry-your-boyfriend/#comments Fri, 16 May 2014 00:19:24 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14146

So you’ve been seeing someone special for awhile now. It’s been weeks, months, maybe even years, and you’re wondering, could he be the one for me? Before you take the plunge into marriage, check out these 15 signs he is definitely the perfect man for you.


1. You are Comfortable and Happy to Make Future Plans With Him

If making plans with this man doesn’t get you excited- or at least happy- then he might not be the man for you. If you can’t make a simple future plan together, how will you spend the rest of your LIFE with this guy? You should be completely comfortable and happy to make future plans with your man, from a simple trip to the lake next month to ten kids in the next 20 years.

2. He Treats You the Way You Want to be Treated

We all have different ideas of how we should be treated. But if he makes you feel like his princess by the end of the day, he sounds like a keeper. If he has anger problems or makes you feel bad about yourself, you should highly reconsider the actual relationship- let alone a future marriage.

3. He Brags About You to Family and Friends

When a man is in love, he wants the world to know. And as annoying as it, they always seem to brag about their ‘perfect’ woman. If you’ve been the woman he’s talked (bragged) about to all of his family members and friends, he’s probably certain your the ideal woman and wants to make a very bright future with you. If this is true, quit blushing and giggling and give yourself a pat on the back: he’s marriage material and he totally loves you!


4. He’s Still Romantic and Chivalrous

I can’t tell you how many times a marriage is destroyed by the simple fact that there is no longer any romance or chivalry. Your man should always keep you feeling special and loved, even if its something simple like a sappy love poem or sweet date night under the stars. Once the romance is over, the relationship fizzles- and that’s just a fact. And trust me, if he’s already stopped being chivalrous, he’s not going to suddenly pick it up again.

5. You Share Morals and Values

You want kids, he doesn’t. You believe in a certain religion, he doesn’t. You love smoking cigarettes, but he hates smoking more than anything. These are just a few important things you need to make sure the two of you have in line before walking to the alter. If you don’t share the same morals and values, the relationship is headed for failure instead of a bright, thriving future.


 6. You’ve Met Each Others Families

This is more important than you think! After all, if he hasn’t brought you around his folks, what does that say about how important you are in his life? If you’ve met his parents- and they like you- you’re almost a shoe-in.

7. He Loves You for You

When a man loves his woman, he doesn’t want to change you. He enjoys all your quirks and your silly jokes, he even loves your ‘large’ nose or goofy smile; and that’s that. If he loves you for you, flaws and all, then he is definitely a keeper.

8. You Want to Spend Every Second With Him

Once you two get married, you will be seeing a lot of this man- and we mean a lot. After all, you guys will be living together. You will see him when you wake up, multiple times throughout the day, and every night. Does this sound like a dream come true? Then you’re probably ready to get married. But if this thought makes you squirm and your face cringe, take a step back.


9. The Two of You Share Everything

Secrets don’t make friends- and they certainly don’t make lovers. If you two are comfortably to share everything together, good or bad, then this is certainly a relationship that will last. (Plus he listens to you- doesn’t that mean he earned some serious extra boyfriend bonus points?!)

10. Amazing Communication

If your relationship would crumble over the silliest mishaps, then he probably isn’t marriage material. But if the two of you have amazing communication and can talk through any problems you might have, it is a definite sign you’re ready to put a ring on it. After all, so many marriages are ruined for the simple fact that they couldn’t reach a certain communication level and weren’t able to talk things out.

11. Still Plenty of Steam

Just like there should always be plenty of romance and chivalry to keep things interesting, there should also be plenty happening inside of the bedroom. This is incredibly important, as a relationship that doesn’t keep things steamy and enticing in the bedroom may lead to one partner getting bored- and possibly cheating. If the two of you are always trying new things and can’t wait to get alone time so you can please each other, we see a very bright (and erotic) future that you both will enjoy until death do you part!

12. The Relationship Comes Easy

You have probably heard this phrase before: a relationship shouldn’t be hard. You shouldn’t have to work on it or have any struggles holding on.  If the relationship seems to flow like the smoothest river, then the marriage will probably run just as beautifully.

13. You’re Always Happy Around Each Other

Ok, nobody is happy with their partner ALL the time (you know, like when he farts in front of you and it stinks beyond belief). But if your both happy for a majority of the time, it’s a safe bet to say the relationship is perfect for the next step: marriage. I mean, why not be happy for the rest of your lives?

14. He Complements You

Does he seem to have a superpower of making you smile when you are distraught? Do you always give him the ego boost he needs just before a hard day at work? If you complement one another, it’s a recipe for success. This is probably the best sign to tell if you are a match made in heaven, as so many people do the opposite of complement each other!


15. You Just “Know”

As woman, we seem to have this ‘sense’ when it comes to men. And although we might not be 100 percent right ALL the time, we still have a pretty good intuition about the guy we are with. If you just know he is the one and you can’t seem to find a reason why he shouldn’t be your husband, then there’s no argument: your boyfriend should be upgraded to husband in the near future.


Do I hear wedding bells ringing? Or did your wedding plans just fall through abruptly? We’d love to hear about what you thought of these 15 signs you should marry your boyfriend, and we’d love to know what YOU consider to be a top sign he is the one for you. Happy planning, ladies!

http://www.herinterest.com/15-signs-you-should-marry-your-boyfriend/feed/ 0
40 Personal Questions to Ask a Guy http://www.herinterest.com/40-personal-questions-to-ask-a-guy/ http://www.herinterest.com/40-personal-questions-to-ask-a-guy/#comments Sun, 13 Apr 2014 19:25:41 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12328

Wanting to get a little closer to your potential man? Try out these 40 personal questions to ask a guy and you’ll find out the hysterical, surprising, and event steamiest hidden secrets he’s hiding inside.


1. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

This questions might be filled with tons of giggles and laughter. But pay close attention to how he answers. If he’s OK with sharing an embarrassing story, it means he’s comfortable with you and probably has a silly personality. However, if he is unsure or avoids telling you an embarrassing story, he is either a closed, shy individual that doesn’t like to make himself look bad or simply isn’t comfortable with telling you.

2. What is the biggest lie you’ve ever told?

Beware of this question! It could be something simple, or it could be something that probably should break off the ties, such as him lying to his ex-girlfriend about cheating or damaging his parents car and not informing them.

3. Would you give up a poker night with the boys to take care of your sick girlfriend?

Hey, some men are the type that will always rather be with the boys than their girlfriend. This is obviously an important matter to find out early on the relationship.

4. What would you do if your ex-girlfriend suddenly wanted to get back together?

If he says he’d get back with her, then it’s obviously time for you to go running in the opposite direction. On the other hand, if he says he would politely reject her then it shows he’s completely over his past relationship and ready to meet someone new. If he says he would mention he’s ‘talking’ to someone (you, of course) then he’s definitely scored extra brownie points!

5. What is the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?

Some like to play it safe. Does the guy you’re talking to think that ice skating is dangerous, or are you in the midst of an incredibly dramatic and enticing story that is built for an action film? There’s only one way to find out, and that’s with this question!


6. What do you think of open relationships?

It might be every guy’s dream to have multiple girlfriends at one time, but even if he does wish for that he shouldn’t tell you. (Unless you’re also into open relationships, in which case more power to the both of you!)

7. Who is the most important person in your life?

It could be his mom, it could be his dad. Perhaps a grandma, uncle, or best friend? This is a great question and will probably come with an interesting explanation as to why they chose the person they did.

8. What are you attracted to in a woman?

Every man has a different answer to this important, prying question, so obviously it’s a great one to ask! Plus, if you find out he’s into gamers with brown hair and you’re a blonde haired lady who despises video games, you might realize it’s not a match made in heaven after all.

9. Do you have any enemies? Why?

Who knows what this guy did to gain enemies. Egg their cars? Steal their girlfriend? Or maybe he’s so sweet and likeable that he has no enemies. How cool would that be? Ask him this intense question and wait for a very exciting answer!

10. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate me?

Everybody loves to be rated, right? If you’re not afraid of the truth and really want to know how he feels about you, this is a great question to ask.


11. How did your last relationship work out?

Everybody loves to know about peoples past relationships, and it’s definitely an important thing to find out when you’re considering dating someone. You might find out that he’s an overly jealous and controlling man that drove his girlfriend away, or perhaps he was the victim of a cheater.

12. What is your dream tattoo?

You have to seriously like something to get it inked onto your body, so with this particular question you can find out what he’s really interested in or what he loves the most. Maybe it would be a tattoo of his mother’s name, or maybe it would be something silly like his favorite cartoon character.

13. Have you ever cheated on a girlfriend?

If he says yes to this question, we highly recommend you stop talking to this man. Once a cheater, always a cheater! (Although we do appreciate and respect his honest answer).

14. Have you ever had a one night stand?

If he has, it doesn’t always mean he’s a bad person. You know, these things just happen sometimes. But if he’s been a recurring one-night-stander, it may mean he’s only interested in you for one thing.

15. What’s your biggest fantasy?

Let’s just say this question could get very, very…interesting.

16. What is your biggest turn on?

Take note of the answer he gives you- you can use this information later on in the relationship to easily turn him on.

17. What is your biggest turn off?

Just like it’s great knowledge to know what turns him on, it may be even more important to know what turns him off. We suggest avoiding doing anything that turns your man off. (Um, duh!)

18. How many girls have you been with?

Surprisingly you can learn a lot about a man with this simple question. Just beware. men love to lie about this silly question. However, if he says a low number it could mean he’s into more serious relationships while a higher number typically means the man is a player and likes to sleep around.


19. Do you have any phobias?

He could tell you something that will make you laugh, such as a fear of butterflies, or it could be a more in depth question such as fear of death or something else serious.

20. What makes you angry?

If the little things in life tend to send him into an angry rage, then he might not be a good man to enter into a relationship with. On the other hand, it’s good to know what things set him off so you can avoid doing said things. Obviously a very important question that will help you during your time with this guy.

21. What is your deepest, darkest secret?

Here’s a fun one that can either make you laugh or make you scared. Either way, if he’s willing to share his deepest, darkest secret with you, he must feel pretty comfortable with you- and that’s a plus!

22. Have you ever wanted to be a woman?

If he says yes, let’s just hope he has a really good reason for his answer.

23. What is one question you absolutely refuse to answer?

There are some things we just don’t like to discuss or answer. You can find out what your potential mate doesn’t like to answer, simply by asking him this question. Just remember- you won’t be able to find out the answer to the question he refuses to discuss, so take note of this before asking him. It might just drive you nuts!

24. What are you most insecure about?

We all have things that we are insecure about, but is your guy so stuck up that he’s confident in every aspect? Or is he willing to admit that he’s insecure about his nose/eyes/personality/job? Whatever his answer his, reassure him that he has nothing to be insecure about and you love his _____.


25. What does love mean to you?

Everyone has a different answer for this, and it’s definitely an important thing to find out early on the relationship. We just hope he doesn’t respond with one of those, “I don’t believe in love” phrases. We hate those!

26. What are some of the morals you live by?

You can seriously find out a lot about a person by knowing the morals they live by. We guarantee this is a prying, personal question that is unlike any of the others.

27. What is your goal in life?

Another excellent personal question that will help you discover a bit more about his personality, wants, and needs.

28. Do you like the lights on or off?

This is just a fun question that you can save the answer to for later. (Wink wink).

29. Do enjoy one on one outings or do you prefer big groups?

You can discover a lot about a person’s personality with this simple question.


30. What is your favorite body part on a female?

If he says anything other than the breasts or butt, that’s huge brownie points for him. Shows that’s not ALL he thinks about!

31. What is one thing you don’t like about me?

He should say you’re perfect, of course! But in case he doesn’t, just be positive and don’t overreact to his answer.

32. Are you a virgin?

You will probably find out the answer to this with some of the above questions, but if you just want to flat out find out if he’s been busy or not, then ask him this straightforward question.

33. How many times have you been in love?

This is just one of those questions that you should be asking your potential lover. It’s important, as you’ll find out whether he’s quick to fall for someone or if it takes time.

34. Have you ever longed for a woman that was much older than you?

One of his sexual fantasies, perhaps?


35. What is the worst date you’ve ever been on?

Get ready for tons of laughter with this one!

36. What is a deal breaker for you?

Obviously this is something very important to know. If his deal breaker is a girl that doesn’t like football and you absolutely hate football, it clearly won’t be a very long-lasting relationship and you should probably let him know ASAP.

37. Are you religious?

The answer to this could either be really good or really bad, depending on where you stand.

38. What is your strangest habit?

We all have one, right? What’s his? You won’t know until you ask him!

39. Have you ever had a wet dream?

I think every man has had one, right? Well now’s the time to own up to it, dude!

40. Are you financially stable?

Of course we aren’t talking to him for his money (or lack thereof). Find out if your man has a secret stash in his bank account from all his hard work, or if he wants you by his side as he struggles through college trying to reach his dream career.


Image credit: Anthony Royer, Olivia Sultani, Iram95, BeyondEverything, Chantesays.

http://www.herinterest.com/40-personal-questions-to-ask-a-guy/feed/ 1
How To Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-your-ex-boyfriend-back/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-your-ex-boyfriend-back/#comments Mon, 13 Jan 2014 13:22:04 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=8435

If you’ve suffered a breakup and are now realizing that you made a huge mistake then chances are you’re wondering how you can get your ex back. I’ll say this upfront, no plan is foolproof or guaranteed but, if you follow these simple tips, you’ll find yourself that bit closer to reuniting with your ex.


Consider If You Really Want Him Back

First and foremost, take a while to think over exactly why you broke up. What went wrong? Was it him? Was it you? Were you just incompatible? I’m not just suggesting you quickly take a minute to think over all this either – take a day, take a week, as long as it takes for you to know exactly what went wrong and why and if it’s something the two of you could work on.

Now that you’ve come to terms with exactly where your relationship hit the rocks, reconsider if you really want him back? Was he good to you? Did you have a lot in common? Most importantly, why do you want him back? If you just want him back for the sake of your pride or because you’re lonely then you might as well quit while you’re ahead. You have to want him back because you miss him, not the pair of you as a couple or simple the feeling of being in a relationship. You have to be head over heels for him and know that you made a terrible mistake by letting him go. And you have to know that you’ll do whatever it takes to make the relationship work this time around.

Are you sure you want him back? If the answer to that was yes then keep reading.


Go Back To The Beginning

What was it about you that made him fall in love with you? If you know the answer then now consider if you still have all those traits, are you still the same person you were back then? If not, are you able to bring back what he loved about you and is it even a good idea? People change for a lot of reasons but if you’ve changed for the better then maybe it’s not a great idea changing back just for him.

If you think you can go back to being the girl you used to be, use that to your advantage and show him that. Fingers crossed he’ll fall in love all over again.


Plan What You’re Going To Say

If you’ve plucked up the courage to go and speak to him, make sure you know exactly what you’re going to say ahead of time. Your first words could either make or break your plan so consider them carefully. You don’t want to sound desperate or creepy but nor do you want to sound like you don’t care. Try saying something casual, something friendly and say it with a smile. And remember not to be scared or shy, don’t show you’re upset without him. You want him to know you miss him but not that you’re a little lost without him.


Remind Him Of The Good Times

Reminding him of all the great things about the two of you together is a great way to get him thinking of the idea of getting back together. When you’re talking to him, tell him you just walked passed the restaurant you used to love and that it got you thinking about all the great times you had there (even better if you can give specific examples). If you’re not talking to him in person you could always send a text or an email saying you just saw something that reminded you of him and it got you wondering how he was. It’s a great way to open contact and it won’t make him feel pressured.

If you’re talking to him in person, consider wearing the top you wore on your first date or the jacket you wore when you went for a romantic starlit walk. Wear anything you can that will remind him of specific time or place. This is a subtle way to get the cogs in his mind turning without him realizing what you’re up to.


Plan A ‘Date’

If you’ve decided to stay friends with him, why not get the ball rolling by asking him if he fancies going to the cinema with you or going bowling. Go somewhere that you can hang out as friends but will also be suitable for a first date. Having fun together will remind him of all the good times and it will prove that the pair of you can be together without whatever issues tore you apart. If the ‘date’ goes really well, why not ask him to walk you home or ask if he’d like to do it again sometime?



Throughout all of these steps, listen to what your ex is saying. Don’t just listen to the words, listen to how he’s saying them. He may say he still wants to be friends but, if he’s just trying to be nice, you’ll be able to hear it in his voice. His every move and word will give off a subtle hint as to whether he’s still interested in you or not, just make sure you look and listen closely in case you wind up going on a wild goose chase.


Look Fabulous!

I know from experience that after a break up it can be easy to let yourself go a bit. Perhaps you spend most of your time in sweats or haven’t done anything with your hair, maybe you haven’t worn makeup in weeks and have been overindulging in chocolate. Either way, whether you want your ex back or not, you need to get a grip (Sorry about the tough love! It helps, honest!). Make an effort every day no matter if people will see you or not. Not only will your ex love how great you look, he’ll also love the self confidence that’s radiating from you over how you look. Win, win!


Ask Him To Talk

If you think enough time has passed that the two of you can be grown ups and talk things over, invite him to talk about everything with you. Tell him you just need to get a bit more perspective and understanding of what went wrong. While you’re talking would be a good time to express your doubts about the break up. Ask him is it possible for the pair of you to work through it? I know you’re scared but just remember the worst he can say is no. If he does, you’re no worse off than you were before the situation and you’ll know better where you stand.


Throw Yourself Into Other Things

Now’s the time to join that aerobics class you fancied or start going out with your friends more. When you break up with a guy it can be hard to focus on anything else. It feels like your world is collapsing so how could you possibly do anything normal with that going on? The honest answer is that you just have to get on with it. Life doesn’t stop just because you’re suddenly single. Taking up walking or swimming can be a great way to clear your mind. It doesn’t matter what you do, just do it. Do anything to take your mind off of your ex. You’ll feel much better and when he sees that you’re doing just fine without him his attention in you will be spiked once again.


Don’t Despair

No matter how hopeless the situation may seem, don’t give up hope. No situation is hopeless. The two of you getting back together may be a long shot but trust me when I say that stranger things have happened. Couples who’ve probably been through a hell of a lot worse than you reunite every day. You’ve probably heard the saying before but I think now’s a great time to throw it out there – love conquers all. Believe it or not, it’s true. If the pair of you are meant to be then you’ll find a way to be together. Fate works in mysterious ways.


Have A Good Reason Why

When the two of you get to the part where you discuss the possibility of getting back together, you need to have a good reason why. Even before this you need to know why simply for your own sake but not your ex needs a reason too. You can’t just tell him you’re lonely, you miss him or you’ll never find anyone better. Those reasons are lame. You need a valid reason. Consider why you broke up. Were you happy most of the time you were together? Did you want the same things in life? Be prepared to explain yourself in full to him. You may wonder why I’m not going over reasons he should be giving but just remember, it’s you looking to get him back, not the other way around (even id he does feel the same way).


Unfortunately, I can’ guarantee success. While no situation is hopeless, some are closer to it than others. Feelings aren’t something you can manipulate so if you’re ex simply isn’t interested then you’re best to leave it at that. He’s not worth your time if he can’t see how great you are and what an amazing woman he lost. If you get him back, great, well done you! If not, it’s not the end of the world. There’s someone out there for everyone, sometimes you just have to wait a little while until the come along. Trust me though, whoever your Prince Charming is will be worth the wait.

(Images sourced via Pinterest.com

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40 Cute Things to Text Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/40-cute-things-to-text-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/40-cute-things-to-text-your-boyfriend/#comments Wed, 08 Jan 2014 06:22:35 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=8108

Absolutely love texting your boyfriend, but running out of cute texts that will make him smile? You’re not alone. After texting the same person for several months, finding things to make them smile can be a little difficult. But with these 40 cute things to text your boyfriend will surely make him laugh and smile.


1. Hey there handsome.

So much better than simply reading ‘Hi’ or ‘Hey’. Make him smile with the very first text you send. It can only get better!

2. I miss your cute smile.

Who doesn’t love a compliment on their appearance? Men love compliments, and this one will definitely make him smile with that cute little grin you know and love.

3. I love you.

This one should obviously be reserved for more serious relationships, but once he reads this he will definitely get butterflies in his belly.

4. You are so handsome.

Again, every man loves to be complimented. You can use other words like hot or sexy, but hearing he’s handsome will definitely up his ego in a more meaningful way.

5. I love your ____.

Really you can say just about anything with this text. Maybe you love his gorgeous green eyes, maybe you love his hilarious personality, or maybe are head over heels for his long blonde hair. Whatever it is that drives you crazy, let him know with this text. It’ll boost his ego and keep him happy for days on end.

6. I love it when you ____.

Tell your boyfriend some things you love that he does, like picking you up and hugging you or bringing you flowers before your date. This will not only make him feel good about himself, but will also let him know that he should continue doing it- and more often, too! It’s a win for the both of you.

7. I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

Such a classic line, but it gets a smile every time. I mean, the image is priceless yet it has a lot more meaning than you’d think. It’s really just an adorable text that will make him laugh the second he reads it, while still making his heart melt. Who knew you had such amazing powers?

8. So, there’s this really amazing guy. I like him a lot. His name is (insert boyfriend’s name here).

At first he’ll think, ‘Who is she talking about?’ Then he’ll be greatly surprised (and happy!) when he sees his name. Such a cute way to shower your man with compliments!


9. I was having a bad day, but then I thought of you and suddenly my world lit up.

It might be corny, but it’s definitely one to use on bad days when the only thing that makes you smile is him.

10. <3 

Ah, the heart symbol. So tiny, yet has such an impact. It’s a way of telling him you love him without words.


11. Guess what? (What?) I love you!

Yeah, you didn’t really have a surprise. You just wanted a clever way to tell him you love him! Who wouldn’t smile at that?

12. I wish you were here right now.

Everybody wants to feel wanted, and your man will love knowing that you wish he was next to you.


13. I can’t imagine life without you.

Another great text idea to really show him how much you care about him and want to be with him.


14. Words can’t describe how much I love you.

Another cute text idea for those in serious relationships. It must be pretty deep if words can’t even describe it!

15. I’d do anything to make you smile.

This is a great text to show your man how much you care about him and just want him to be happy!

Cute things to text your boyfriend-10

16. You know I really want you to come over. But you’re so hot my air condition bill would sky-rocket the second you stepped foot in the door!

Oh, it’s so unbelievably cheesy. But yet, at the same time it’s so funny and adorable! He will love this text- guaranteed.

Cute things to text your boyfriend-09

17. You’re my drug and I’m addicted to you!

There’s really no question why this text would run over well with your guy.

18. You make my heart race. 

He must be pretty great to make your heart race. Why not tell him?

19. You’re sweet like candy.

This is such a better option then just saying, ‘Oh you’re so sweet’, which he’s probably heard 100 times already.Cute things to text your boyfriend-06

20. I hope you know CPR, ‘cause you just took my breath away!

Here’s another corny text, but boy does it bring out the biggest smiles.


21. You’re the cheese to my macaroni. 

What’s macaroni without cheese? Nothing!

22. You looked great in that muscle tee.

This is a great way to let him know you were checking out his body, and you liked what you saw.

23. Can’t wait to see you again.

This adorable text will have him smiling and eager to come see you.

Cute things to text your boyfriend-08

24. I feel so safe with your arms around me.

A compliment about your boyfriend’s strong, masculine arms? Yeah, there’s just no way you can go wrong with that.

25. You understand me so well. I can tell you anything.

Your man wants to know that you’re completely comfortable with him, so he’ll obviously love reading this text from you.

26. My friends are so jealous that I have you.

Letting your guy know you love him is great. But telling him that even your friends are  jealous boosts his ego that much higher. And as an added bonus, he’ll probably flaunt you even more in front of your gal pals.

Cute things to text your boyfriend-07

27. You’re the man of my dreams.

Basically letting your guy know he competes with unreal characters of your dreams- yeah, it’s a weird concept- but one he will love to hear.

28. I don’t know how you put up with me.

There’s probably a few times where your man’s gotten irritated by you (maybe you’re cranky, goofy, sarcastic, etc), but this text will definitely make him smile and lighten his tension. There’s no doubt he’ll find this text cute AND funny.


29. You make me feel like a princess.

This is, after all, every guy’s mission: to make his lady feel like the princess she really is. This text is just reassurance that he is doing his job right and will definitely make him feel secure and happy.

30. I’m stealing your shirt next time I see you.

This adorable text lets your man know that you want a little piece of him to take home and snuggle with when he’s away. (Plus you get a brand new comfy pajama shirt). Win-win situation!


31. You’re so great at everything. Is there anything you can’t do?

Making your man feel like he’s the most masculine superhero on the planet is obviously a great idea. He will seriously love this text and is something you need to send him ASAP!

32. I had such a great time on our last date.

This is a wonderful text soon after a great date between the two of you. If your gigantic smiles during the entire date wasn’t enough to make it obvious, this text will seal the deal and make sure your man knows it was a great night.

33. I love watching you work out.

Again, there is no way you can go wrong complimenting your man’s physique. He will feel like a muscular stud and, of course, that’s something you want to do.

34. I want to know more about you. You’re so interesting!

There’s nothing like wondering whether or not you’re another boring fling. This text will make your guy know he is totally interesting and you can’t wait to find out more about him. Way to boost his ego, girl!

35. You are so unbelievably sweet and caring.

Usually guys want to hear that they are the hottest, most muscular man on the planet. But even so, they still like to hear that they are sweet from time to time. This cute text will let him know he’s more than just eye candy.

36. I love how ambitious you are.

Every woman loves a man with his eye on the prize. A hard-working man is just simply what every woman wants. This text will not only make him grin and feel like a million bucks, but will also boost his ambitious attitude and help him work harder at his job.

37. You always know just what to say to make smile.

It’s your man’s duty to keep a smile on your face. This text is not only really cute, but will let him know that he is doing a wonderful job as your boyfriend and to keep doing what he’s doing- it’s obviously working!

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38. I don’t know what I would do without you.

This text basically tells your man that you need him in your life, that he completes you. This is obviously a great text to give your man some security and let him know just how important he is.

39. You’re so strong. I feel so protected around you.

Again, you can’t go wrong with complimenting your man’s strength. And as every man’s goal is to protect his woman from the danger’s of this world, there’s no way he won’t adore this text. Definitely one to send to your boyfriend as soon as you can.

40. You’re so cute when you ____.

Does your boyfriend do something really cute that just makes you giggle the second he does it? Why not tell him! This cute text will make him a little embarrassed, but definitely in a good way. Let your man know even the silly things he does makes you smile!

Image credit: Passion for Fashion, Rose Elizabeth, Bernie Biersack, Luni Tamtelahitu,

http://www.herinterest.com/40-cute-things-to-text-your-boyfriend/feed/ 20
20 Romantic Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/20-romantic-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-romantic-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/#comments Wed, 08 Jan 2014 06:06:18 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=8100

Trying to get a little bit more intimate with that special someone in your life? Well, get cozy and relaxed with your lover and try out these 20 romantic questions to ask your boyfriend.

1. How long do you see our relationship lasting?


There’s no better way to find out how serious someone is about a relationship than with this question. If he says anything other than ‘till the end of time’ or ‘forever’ or something along those lines, you may need to rethink!

2. How much do you love me?

bw lovers

Get ready to be showered with compliments, hugs, kisses and the likes, simply by asking this romantic question.

3. What is your opinion of marriage?


It’s every woman’s dream to get married, so if your man isn’t on board with marriage you may have a problem. On the other hand, if he thinks the man is a provider who should care for his woman till the end, you’ve struck gold.

4. Do you see us ever getting married?


Is there wedding rings and honeymoons in your future? You’ll never know until you ask him this romantic question.

5. What do you love about me the most?

love signal

Again, this compliment-provoking question is simply one you have to ask.

6. If I died in a horrible accident, how would you react?


If he is anything other than terribly distraught for months on end, he might not be as serious as you think he is.

7. How can I prove my love for you?

Feeling like really proving to your guy you love him more than anything on earth? Then you need to ask this question and find out what he’s craving for.

8. Do you feel like you can tell me anything?


Without trust and a bond, a relationship cannot be sustained. If he truly loves you he should be ready and willing to share even his deepest, darkest secrets.
9. Do you still remember our first kiss?


This question is actually more important than you think. Your first kiss was one of the milestones  of the relationship and should be one of the most important things to remember. Warning: Hearing your man relive the night you and two shared your first kiss may be a tear jerker.

10. Do you remember the day we met?


Again, if your man remembers this amazing day, then he is definitely head over heels about you. Plus this question makes for a highly romantic reminiscing session.

11. What about me were you first attracted to?

sit next to

Was it your beautiful green eyes? Your long brown hair? Your hilarious personality? Find out what has made your man gaga ever since the start.

12. What song reminds you about me?

This can really tell you a lot about what’s going on in his mind. Would he choose a crumby, yet totally adorable song like ‘Brown Eyed Girl’, or is it something a bit raunchy like ‘Ms New Booty’?

13. What’s is the craziest thing you would do for me?

If you’re wondering what exactly your man would be willing to do for your love, you’ll find out instantly with this cute question.

14. Would you sacrifice (something) to keep our relationship going?


Would he give up his hateful, jealous friends just to keep you? Would he stop playing video games if it meant saving your relationship? Choose one of his favorite things and see if he’d be willing to give it up for you!

15. Would you be my lover in the next life?


If he wouldn’t want you in the next life, he probably doesn’t really want you in this life. Time to hit the ‘end’ button.

16. Would you be loyal even if your celebrity crush tried to sleep with you?

Who could resist their celebrity crush? Only a man who truly loves you, of course! Can your man say no to the temptations?

17. Will you be with me no matter what?

Even if your looks went sour or you were suddenly dirt poor, your man should still be right by your side through it all.

18. What memory of ours do you never want to forget?


Finding out your man’s fondest memory of the two of you is always a heart melter. Enjoy as he reminisces about his favorite moments and take a second to just enjoy what the two of you have been through together.

19. Am I perfect in your eyes?


The answer should always be yes, no questions asked.


20. Where would our dream honeymoon be?


It’s nice to imagine the two of you eventually saying your vows, exchanging rings, and being together for the rest of your lives. But that’s not all. There’s also the honeymoon. What romantic place would the love of your life take you? A beautiful beach paradise or by the fireplace in a cabin amongst ice-capped mountain tops?

 Image credit: Kelley Dupre, 400, Sha, and Marta.
http://www.herinterest.com/20-romantic-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/feed/ 5
20 Deep Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/20-deep-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-deep-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/#comments Sat, 04 Jan 2014 05:57:13 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=7786

Knowing the basics about someone is great. But diving deep into the crevices of one’s brain and finding out the answers to life’s deepest questions is even better. Try asking your boyfriend one of these 20 deep questions to ask your man and find out what’s truly going on in the depths of his mind.

1. Do you think there is an afterlife?


Everyone has an entirely different idea when it comes to the afterlife, from an extravagant magical place to a empty void. The best part about this question is there is no right or wrong answer- in fact, nobody knows the answer period. See how wild and imaginative your man may be about what’s to come.

2. How much money would you donate to charity? Which charity?


With this question you can identify your man’s real passion. Would he be willing to spend his entire paycheck on the charity of abused animals, or is would he rather spare some money for the homeless?

3. What’s your biggest regret in life?


We have certainly all made mistakes in life, but what does your man regret the most? With this question you can really find out how ‘bad’ your guy was in the past and see if he truly has remorse for something terrible he has done. This could also make for a very funny story!

4. What is one thing you would change about yourself?


Nobody loves themselves completely. But how insecure is your guy? Would he change something basic, like his eye color, or would he want to change himself from being selfish about the things he has to being more giving to others?

5. What era would you visit if time machines existed?


This question can give you some great insight on where your man’s head is. After all, some of us simply want to travel to the 80’s for the crazy hair and exciting music while others want to go back to ancient times to discover their hidden secrets within the caves.

6. If a genie granted you 3 wishes (and you can’t wish for additional wishes), what would you wish for?


See if your boyfriend would wish for a beautiful ritzy house or lavish vehicle or if he’d spend his own wishes on helping others.

7. How do you define yourself?


As everyone defines themselves in different way, whether it’s their social status, amount of money, or the way they act around others, and finding out what your boyfriend thinks can uncover a lot about his personality.

8. What would you do if you were told you only had 1 month to live?


A single month is surely not a lot of time. You’ll find out his priorities with this simple question.

9. How would you feel if you were told you terminally ill?

Nobody wants to even think about this terrible event, but how would your boyfriend react? Would he keep a smile on his face and hide it from you, or become a wreck in your arms?

10. What is the worst dream you’ve ever had?


Dreams can be incredibly creepy, and may even appear real. Find out what once haunted your man in his slumber.

11. What defines beauty?


Don’t let his answer be cut off with ‘you’. Although this is an incredibly sweet comment that will melt you, keep prying for what your man truly thinks is beautiful and what defines the word itself.

12. What brings true happiness?


Some people believe happiness can be bought, while others believe happiness comes from being around the ones you love. Find out what your man thinks about this whole debate.

13. What would you do if your family unexpectedly died in a horrible car crash?


Surely this is a thought that sends shivers down your spine, but it’s a prying question to find out how he would handle such devastation.

14. What is something you are deeply offended by?

Everyone has their own set of beliefs and their own comfort zone. What ticks off your man? What does he find absolutely grotesque that others are completely OK with?

15. What part about the future scares you?


With so many advancements continuously popping up, it’s hard not to be scared of what’s coming. Find out what your guy is most afraid of and why!

16. Would you rather be respected or liked?

Such an intense question, as sometimes you simply can’t have both. Find out whether your man would rather be a likable character doing the wrong thing for attention or a respectable man who sticks to his guns.

17. If you had to pick a new name, what would you choose?


Maybe he’d go with something really basic, or maybe he’d come up with a funky name you’ve never heard before. This could get interesting!

18. What would be your last meal?


He has absolutely no more chances to eat. Will your guy go for a lavish meal with steaks and lobster or simply have a feast of desserts and sweet treats?

19. What do you think about when you’re by yourself?

With this question you will find out whether your man is a philosophical guy who wonders about the world or if he simply thinks about what he will have for dinner that night.

20. If your house was on fire, what would you go back to save?

on fire

Again, this question allows you to uncover what your man sees as important. Would he go back to save his beloved pet, leaving everything else to burn, or would he snatch up his expensive video game equipment?

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10 Third Date Tips http://www.herinterest.com/10-third-date-tips/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-third-date-tips/#comments Thu, 02 Jan 2014 01:13:36 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=7684

Did you know that the third date can really be the deciding factor between ‘just friends’ and ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’? It’s true, many relationships make it or break it in the third date. Check out these 10 third date tips to make sure you have a great night and land your dream man.


1. Don’t Tell Him Too Much

One classic mistake many woman make on date number three is getting comfortable and disclosing too much personal information and baggage. While the woman might think this is enhancing their bond for a closer future, it is actually doing quite the opposite. Knowing your baggage this early in the game is a definite turn off for 99% of men. At this stage, men are still trying to decide whether he wants to pursue a future with you and are forming their opinions of you. Don’t let his opinion go from great to bad by telling him too much to soon. Leave your baggage and personal flaws for later in the game.

2. Don’t Get Insecure

In the beginning, when things were fresh and new, you may have come across as a very secure woman, not worrying about when you’d see him again or if he was involved with anyone else. But by the third date, a lot of woman become interested to the point of clingy and needy. Don’t be this woman. Maintain your security with dignity and keep your cool. If he wants to continue seeing you, he’ll let you know. Don’t beg for another date or continuously ask him if he’s seeing someone else or how much he likes you. This will surely turn him off.


3. Don’t Sleep With Him

So, two dates down and the third one is about to close. The two of you have had an absolutely perfect time and he may even be the ‘one’. But this is surely no reason to hop into bed with him. In fact, doing so this early in the game can completely ruin your chances for a serious relationship. The best advice? Wait! Keep him wanting more every time you leave him, and you won’t have the problem of him thinking your easy or him getting bored of you.

4. Choose a Casual Setting

You’ve probably done something formal and something adventurous on your first two dates. Let your third date be something completely cool and casual, where the two of you can just really have fun and continue learning about each other. Perhaps lunch at the local deli? A walk in the park with ice cream cones?

5. Talk About the Future (Without Looking Needy)

If you’re both having a wonderful time and feel a real connection, you might want to dip into the future a bit. Simply asking him where the two of you are going on your next date and seeing his reaction is a great way to find out whether or not there really IS a future. Remember not to appear needy, though.


6. Don’t Treat Him Like Your Boyfriend- Yet

At this point, woman will oftentimes start treating their potential mate like a boyfriend- holding hands constantly, giving him hugs and kisses, rubbing his arms and chest- you know, the whole boyfriend and girlfriend thing. But it’s important to remember that he’s not your boyfriend just yet, and you should definitely save this type of affection till after the two of you are official.

7. Flirt, Flirt, Flirt!

While you don’t want to be overly affectionate, you still need to keep your flirt on. You may even think about a little dirty talk- as long as it’s done in a fun, flirty sort of way that isn’t taken too seriously.

8. Don’t Hold Back

If you appeared shy or uncomfortable on the first two dates, now is your time to become relaxed and let him into your personal space a bit (of course, remembering not to disclose too much information). Let him know a little bit more about yourself, and try to remain calm at all times. He wants to see you are comfortable with him, so plenty of talking and laughing is a must.

9. Keep Things Interesting

If you bore him by the third date, chances are the two of you won’t have a successful future. Unless there is truly no connection between you and him, there is no reason why the date shouldn’t be fun and engaging. Don’t be overly shy or afraid to speak up. Nobody wants to talk to a brick wall- especially on a date.


10. Show Him a Different Side of You

If you were a shy girly girl on the first date, then why not show him a different side of you- perhaps your tomboy, tough side- on the third date? Without acting like an entirely different person altogether, show him your well rounded and don’t just care about hair and makeup, but also about the football game that evening. (Of course, remember not to be pretend to be something you’re not).


Image credit: Alice, Angela, Cocheteux Elise, and ArianaGrandeYup.

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10 Second Date Tips http://www.herinterest.com/10-second-date-tips/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-second-date-tips/#comments Sat, 28 Dec 2013 22:40:13 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=7604

So your first date went over well and you’re wondering if this could potentially be the relationship of your dreams. But at the same time, you’re also worried about screwing things up on the second date. However, by simply following these simple 10 second date tips you can ensure your second date sparks just as many fireworks as the first.


1. Choose a Different, Fun Location

For your first date you probably stuck with the typical date scenario: dinner at one of the local restaurants in town or simply grabbing a drink at one of the fancier diners downtown. For your second date, opt for a more fun and engaging experience that gives the two of you a chance to get to know each other better. Choose something fun that doesn’t go overboard, for example a wine tasting course or horseback riding along the beach. Both offer a fun experience in a relaxed environment.

2. Don’t Dwell on First Date Mishaps

If something went wrong on your first date- like your soda going through your nose all over the table after an overly hilarious joke- don’t dwell on it. Simply apologize for the mishap and move on. He probably won’t be bothered by it, he may even think whatever happened was cute. One thing to remember is that he asked you for a second date, so whatever the mishap was on the first date was not enough to sway him into never seeing you again.

3. Don’t Be Overly Eager

Even if your date ended with a smoking hot kiss under the stars, that doesn’t mean the fire should still be lit the moment you see your date. This means absolutely no going in for a ‘hello kiss’ or trying to pounce on your potential mate the second you see them. Being eager is not only annoying, but extremely unattractive to most males. Put on your charm, keep your dignity, and most importantly, continue giving him that shy, innocent appearance he craves. You never know how the night will end if you just keep your cool (even if your heart is racing and your lips are dying for another taste!).


4. On the Other Hand, Don’t Be Disinterested

It’s true, you don’t want to be obsessive or eager- but you don’t want to come off as completely disinterested either, like you’re ‘too cool’ for the second date. Simply saying something like ‘It’s great to see you!’ with open arms and a great big smile is enough to show him that you’re happy to see him, but not desperate to be his lady right there and then.

5. Show Him You Care With Excellent Memory

You’re probably thinking, ‘What the heck does that mean?’ Allow me to break it down for you. Let’s say your potential boyfriend told you a couple things about himself during the first date, such as he’s afraid of heights or has 4 sisters. Bring this up in conversation during the second date to show him that you were paying attention and that you cared enough to remember the things he’s told you. That’s an instant way to win extra brownie points with your guy.

6. Be Secure in Yourself

During the first date you may have felt a little nervous and uncomfortable. You might not have given your opinion about certain matters or ended up agreeing with your date just to keep things running smoothly. But by the second date, you should feel more secure in yourself and be able to express your thoughts and feelings without remorse. If he is, in fact, offended or angered by your opinions and thoughts, he’s probably not the right man for you anyways. Better to find out sooner than later!

7. Switch Up Your Look

If you wore something a bit typical for the first date, like a pair of skinny jeans with a tank top and heels, then you might want to switch it up for the second date. Show him your style and how you can go from typical to dazzling within a moments notice. This will spark his interest and of course keep his eyes on you all night.

8. Don’t Forget to Flirt!

Some people will quit flirting after they get their first kiss with a potential mate. If you did, in fact, get a kiss goodnight on the first date, this doesn’t give you a license to stop flirting. Make your potential man feel hot and special with plenty of flirting. This gives him a generous confidence boost while also letting him know you’re still very interested in pursuing him.


9. Ask Him Plenty of Questions

The point of the first few dates is to really get to know a person (although you’ll continue learning about them for the rest of your life), so make sure you are asking him plenty of questions- but nothing to personal. This can be a huge turn off, while simple questions will let him know you are interested in finding out more about him as a person.

10. A Smile Goes A Long Way

Have you ever been on a date when the other person didn’t smile? Yeah, talk about a disaster date. During your second date, make sure you’re smiling as much as possible. Odds are he is head over heels about your beautiful smile and loves to see it. Plus a smile shows that you are enjoying yourself and the company you are with- a win, win situation!


Image credit: Kiron Ahmed, Fatima Aguirre, Annasphotographs, BooHoo

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