herinterest.com » Cameron Diaz http://www.herinterest.com Fri, 08 Nov 2013 12:52:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5 Cameron Diaz Plastic Surgery Leaks! http://www.herinterest.com/cameron-diaz-plastic-surgery-leaks/ http://www.herinterest.com/cameron-diaz-plastic-surgery-leaks/#comments Fri, 08 Nov 2013 12:49:00 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=4761 This beautiful starlet is well known to be one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood and with her acting skills almost outweighing her pretty little face, you can see how she has managed to blag some of the most amazing film roles out there.

We all remembered Cameron Diaz with THAT hair in There’s Something about Mary, don’t we? That movie certainly made us laugh, and even when we watch it these days, we still love it! That film was back in 1998 and it would seem that she has barely aged a day since then despite having mental filming schedules and racking out a pretty impressive number of films.


You had the Shrek films which let’s face it; we all adored. She was also in Bad Teacher in 2011, Knight and Day in 2010, My Sister’s Keeper in 2009, What Happens in Vegas in 2008…. Do you see the pattern here? It would appear that she keeps herself nice and busy!

Maybe that’s what keeps her looking so youthful? Although reports have suggested that there may be a pretty extensive Cameron Diaz plastic surgery list which we are going to try and get to the bottom of…

Cameron Diaz – Plastic Surgery Reports

Although it would seem as if she has barely aged a day since her early 20’s, when you take a closer look it would appear that her face has changed rather significantly over the years. There are reports that she may have had rhinoplasty to fix the shape and size of her nose. Her forehead is very smooth which would suggest that she could possibly have had Botox or another type of filler in her forehead. There are even suggestions from plastic surgeons around the world that she could have had some sort of noninvasive facelift celebrity plastic surgery, a chemical peel from time to time and possibly even a boob job!


Now the nose job we can easily explain – she has actually come out and admitted to having rhinoplasty, mostly because of a medical reason. According to the beautiful blonde, the surgery wasn’t considered to be beautifying process like most forms of celebrity plastic surgery, but instead was to sort out the breathing problems that she was facing, all down to a deviated septum. Although the medical issue is important, it would seem that the nose shape she has now is much “prettier” than the one she had before so perhaps the surgery had more than one purpose for Cameron Diaz…. Two birds with one stone and all that!


When you take a look at the nose that she had a few years ago and the nose that she has now, you can see that it is has been significantly slimmed down, causing her face to have a much more smooth look to it. There are even suggestions that the nose itself may have been shaved down a bit to make it appear less pronounced on her face. When she had the surgery back in 2006, she actually put it down to  a skiing accident making the breathing problems worse. Either way we think she was beautiful with both noses but she is clearly happier now and that’s all that matters!

From time to time Cameron Diaz appears puffier than usual on the red carpet or at social events and many surgeons believe that this could be down to filler injections around the forehead and face. Although these can look very slight when done properly, too much filler will leave you with a puffy and shiny skin surface and can be difficult to mask with makeup. Although she looks great now, she would probably be encouraged to slow down on the fillers a bit to ensure that she doesn’t go too far with it. She wants to enhance her look rather than destroy it after all!


Of course, we can’t talk about the Cameron Diaz plastic surgery list and not talk about the boobs can we? Although there has been speculation for sometime over whether or not she has had her breasts enhanced, it would seem that looking back through photos of her over the years would support the theory that she does now have bigger breasts. The only problem with guessing the answer to the plastic surgery rumours is that bra’s can often help the boobs appear much bigger than they are and with the help of fillers that you can place in the bra yourself, and even gel and water bras, you won’t always be able to tell whether plastic surgery has actually taken place or not. We wouldn’t like to say one way or another but we will just say that her boobs are certainly bigger these days…. We would love for Cameron Diaz to come out and let us know either way so that we can stop guessing!


Celebrity plastic surgery seems to be on the rise these days and this is very much the case for the nose job. There are plenty of celebrities out there that have had nose jobs, whether they like to admit to it or not. Tom Cruise famously had his schnoz fixed, as has Ashley Tisdale from High School Musical, Paris Hilton, Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing, Lance Bass from *NSYNC, and even Jessica Simpson’s younger sister Ashley. Maybe rhinoplasty is more popular than we first thought?

We took a closer look at rhinoplasty when we investigated another celebrity plastic surgery rumour – Kerry Washington. Why not check out Kerry Washington – Plastic Surgery Reports for more information if you are thinking of going under the knife yourself to fix your nose. Alternatively, you could just take a peek at what other celebrity plastic surgery rumours we have uncovered:

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