herinterest.com » celebrity http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 Nicki Minaj Plays Barbie… But Has Plastic Surgery Made Her Fake? http://www.herinterest.com/nicki-minaj-plays-barbie-but-has-plastic-surgery-made-her-fake/ http://www.herinterest.com/nicki-minaj-plays-barbie-but-has-plastic-surgery-made-her-fake/#comments Wed, 06 Aug 2014 16:14:35 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=15584

Nicki Minaj is a weird and wonderful creature, isn’t she? You’d look twice if you saw this girl in her most natural state – known for playing Barbie with multi-coloured wigs, a love of all things pink, and eyelashes almost bigger than her booty. Ah yes… We’ll save the booty ’til last! ;) 

Nicki Minaj Plastic Surgery

She may have a love for false lashes and false hair but she spoke out to her fans; fans that she calls her “Barbie’s”, denying the fact that she’d had any sort of plastic surgery on her face. Her lips were real, her nose was real, her cheeks were real, there was no Botox in her forehead… She was an all-natural girl, just not in the most natural of settings. 

She puts her ever-changing appearance down to good makeup skills, and even went on the record to say that ‘contouring’ with makeup was one of the biggest tips in of the trade commonly used. With all the Pinterest how-to guides out there, we’re all trying our hand at contouring, aren’t we? We’ve all seen how much clever makeup tricks can completely change the shape of your face. We believe her… we think?

Nicki Minaj Plastic Surgery

There has been talk of Botox, and even a face lift but we think these rumours are probably a bit far-fetched. She is only 31 years old – we know plenty of 31-year old women that don’t have any wrinkles. If she has started with the celebrity plastic surgery already, she probably shouldn’t have done. There’s also talk of fillers in her cheeks to give her that defined face it would seem she didn’t have much earlier on. 

Think about it this way – if you have that much work done so early on, imagine the work you are going to need much later on, when you are older…

Moving on to that incredible backside of her’s, and it would appear that coming out about her facial plastic surgery rumours was all she was prepared to do… There was no mention, confirmation or denying of the whole ass-implant reports. We wonder what that could mean…?

Going back through the years, her ass has gone progressively bigger but this is something that could be achieved with the help of exercises like squats. We’re not sure that the end result would be something that impressive, but who knows? She’s not talking to speculation is really all we have. 

Nicki Minaj Plastic Surgery

Another part of the body to come under scrutiny for Nicki Minaj is her chest. They’ve got bigger too apparently. What do you think when you look at the old Nicki Minaj versus the new Nick Minaj? 

Nicki Minaj Plastic Surgery

For such a young idol, it would be a shame if this bootilicious babe had felt the need to go under the surgeons knife. In fact, it would be almost hypocritical in nature for her to talk about being so ‘real’ and ‘genuine’ in her songs, only to be as plastic as Barbie in real life. 

We’ll let you make your own mind up. What do you think? 

Has Nicki Minaj had plastic surgery?

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Reese Witherspoon-Finally Ditching the Chin? http://www.herinterest.com/reese-witherspoon-finally-ditching-the-chin/ http://www.herinterest.com/reese-witherspoon-finally-ditching-the-chin/#comments Thu, 27 Mar 2014 06:14:51 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11633


Reese Witherspoon is mostly known for her lovely blonde locks, awesome acting in hit movies like ‘Legally Blonde’ and ‘This Means War’, and of course, her not-so-lovely pointy chin that jutted out like the Rocky Mountains. Did the starlet finally get tired for being recognized by her chin and do something about it? Did other operations occur to deal with post-baby body?

We have to say that Reese Witherspoon is looking incredibly hot these days. She is hitting the gym hard and goes multiple times per week, and some say may be also involved in a yoga class. However, it’s unfortunate for Reese Witherspoon that most fans and media aren’t talking about her newly found hot after baby bod. Instead they are focusing on her face, which has obviously had some work done. It’s so obvious that we can’t even tell you that she’s almost back to her before baby figure- we’re too busy noticing some serious changes in the lower half of Reese Witherspoon’s face.

largeThe most obvious procedure Reese Witherspoon has had is the chin reduction. She’s always been recognized (within seconds, mind you) by her pointy chin. But if you see her now, you won’t see her trademark chin- you’ll see a smoothened out chin that fits her face beautifully. I mean, we have no room to talk or put Reese down for her decision on the chin reduction. She looks absolutely stunning and a million times better. The surgeon did a seriously awesome job by giving her a chin that matches the rest of her facial structure to a tee. It’s a shame she didn’t do the surgery sooner!

The only downside to Reese Witherspoon’s plastic surgery choices is the botox. She’s had one too many botox injections around her face, which has left her with the totally awful frozen face that is so common with ladies who have multiple botox injections. Her face, especially around the forehead and eyes, appears very waxy and fake- and obviously that is unattractive.


All in all, Reese Witherspoon looks amazing her new after baby body and reduced chin. She looks like a completely different person! However, we wish she would’ve passed on the botox injections and left the rest of her face alone. She didn’t really need anything done as she had no visible wrinkles, but to each their own. She’s still looking fab!


Image credit: szami81, 7thMay

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Patricia Heaton-Perfect Plastic Surgery Turnout http://www.herinterest.com/patricia-heaton-perfect-plastic-surgery-turnout/ http://www.herinterest.com/patricia-heaton-perfect-plastic-surgery-turnout/#comments Thu, 27 Mar 2014 06:06:56 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11629


There is just something adorable about Patricia Heaton. She has this genuine sweetness about her, and a lovely youthful face that any woman would dream of having. However, after giving birth to her four boys she was left feeling a little out of sorts, which led her to multiple plastic surgery procedures. And we couldn’t be any more pleased with how the results turned out.

Every woman who has had a child knows the toll having a baby takes on the body. You may be left with unsightly stretch marks, sagging skin, a not-so-flattering tummy that wouldn’t be caught dead in a bikini-the list goes on- and you can imagine the toll it took on Patricia Heaton’s body after having not only one child- but four. She complained about having excess fat around her tummy as well as extensive stretch marks and sagging breasts from the result of breastfeeding her boys. She decided something needed to be done to regain her perky and youthful appearance.


Patricia Heaton admitted to having a tummy tuck in order to remove the excess fat around her tummy, which would in turn remove most of her unsightly stretch marks she referred to as ‘repulsive’. Not long after the cute mom decided to do something about her sagging breasts which appeared a bit disproportionate with the rest of her body, and that’s when the breast reduction surgery took place. She was like with a tight, toned body that was glowing and youthful- and dare I say, incredibly sexy. Fans of Patricia Heaton said she’s never looked better in her whole career and they are loving her new body!

Besides her tummy tuck and breast reduction surgery, there is still a few speculations that Patricia Heaton has had other minor surgeries done on her face. After all, she’s got the face of a 25 year old that is adorable and full of youth- is this just the product of amazing genes or beauty products, or did something else take place? Spectators say that Patricia Heaton may have had facial reconstruction surgeries including that of a brow lift, botox injections, fillers around the face, and a lip injection. Whether that’s true or not is still unknown, but we can say one thing is for sure: Patricia Heaton is rocking Hollywood and is easily one of our favorite, most beloved actresses in the industry- and is one HOT mom!


Image credit: Ida Smeds

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Julie Bowen-Admits to Plastic Surgery! http://www.herinterest.com/julie-bowen-admits-to-plastic-surgery/ http://www.herinterest.com/julie-bowen-admits-to-plastic-surgery/#comments Wed, 26 Mar 2014 06:51:44 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11551


If you are familiar with the hit show ‘Modern Family’, then there is absolutely no doubt you have heard of Julie Bowen. The adorable actress is not only hilarious in every way shape and form, but has also admitted to having a few subtle procedures on her face. The best part is she isn’t afraid to admit it and also doesn’t care what others have to think about her. (Not like she has anything to worry about- we all love her more than life!)

The star knows how incredibly important it is to look your best at all times when you’re popular in Hollywood- and she couldn’t be more right, especially considering she is the star of one of the most popular television shows ‘Modern Family’. However, she also states that she doesn’t let that get to her head. She doesn’t want to be like 99% of the Hollywood women who have had multiple procedures that change their faces completely. And that’s why she has admitted to having several laser procedures on her face.


Laser procedures are an extremely basic procedure that simply keep the firm looking firm and tight. And who could blame her for getting this done? Her face has barely changed in 10 years, which means Julie Bowen has no problem keeping a bright and youthful appearance without any major surgery. All we can say is this: way to go, Julie. You’ve kept your natural face and have had no face alternating surgeries which has left you looking beautiful and natural- something other Hollywood stars should consider.

There is still some speculation as to whether or not Julie Bowen has had breast implants. It would appear that her breasts became much larger at one point, but after having her children they seemed to have returned to a normal size. The jury is still out on this plastic surgery rumor, though, and we might not ever know the answer- and we’re OK with that.


Julie Bowen, one of the funniest women on television, is basically a gorgeous inspiration to women across the world. She’s only had a few laser procedures to keep her youthful appearance free of wrinkles, and she’s left it at that. We are excited to see her develop and grow in the upcoming years, not only in her popular show ‘Modern Family’ but possibly other hit television shows and movies as well.


Image credit: Emmely, Hannah

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Gretchen Rossi-The Fake Housewife of Orange County http://www.herinterest.com/gretchen-rossi-the-fake-housewife-of-orange-county/ http://www.herinterest.com/gretchen-rossi-the-fake-housewife-of-orange-county/#comments Wed, 26 Mar 2014 06:42:10 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11544


I think we are all well aware that the majority of women on the infamous ‘The Real Housewives’ series have had some plastic surgery. But when it comes to Gretchen Rossi, she may just be the queen of the plastic surgery, which is why we’ve decided to nominate Gretchen as being the ‘fake’ housewife of Orange County.

It’s funny because Gretchen Rossi continuously stated she did NOT have any plastic surgery. She was so avid about it that you really couldn’t even bring it up without the claws coming out. She only admitted to having a few botox injections to fend off impending wrinkles, but we are thinking otherwise. And really, who could believe her about this statement when everything else she’s ever said on the show has been a lie, too?


We were skeptical from the moment we saw Gretchen Rossi that some kind of plastic surgery took place, but we definitely couldn’t tell what. That is until pictures of Gretchen from high school started to surface. That’s when we really started questioning the princess- oh, I mean the boss (from her opening on Real Housewives of Orange County, “Don’t call me the princess. Call me the boss.).

It’s really clear that Gretchen Rossi has had some work done after looking at her high school photograph- and we’re not just talking about the botox. We believe the wanna-be starlet has had her nose job, even if it was just a minimal procedure that fixed a few quirks here and there. Another possible procedure that looks almost blatant is an eyelid procedure that would fix her noticeably droopy eyelid on her left side. Last but not least, there is rumor that Gretchen has had a chin implant. Yes, you read that correctly. A chin implant. Definitely not a procedure you hear about often and definitely one that kind of makes you go, ‘What?’ But the details are in the more prominent chin you see the diva wearing today.


The conclusion? Gretchen Rossi has had some serious work done. She started out with a droopy left eyelid, a nose that was sub-par, and a hiding chin that apparently didn’t meet her expectations. Now we see the woman sporting a prominent chin, pearly white teeth (the work of lumineers or caps?), a thinner nose, lifted eyelid, and perhaps even breast implants. (Was it just me, or was that a rather long list-especially for a woman her age?)


Image credit: BravoTv, Audrey Saucerman, Olga Majori

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Diane Lane-Plastic Surgery Rumors http://www.herinterest.com/diane-lane-plastic-surgery-rumors/ http://www.herinterest.com/diane-lane-plastic-surgery-rumors/#comments Wed, 26 Mar 2014 06:34:11 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11538


Ah, Diane Lane. The woman recognized as being one of the most elegant, sophisticated, and downright beautiful woman in the industry- oh, and of course her amazing performance in 2002 movie ‘Unfaithful’. And while the starlet prides herself on being completely plastic surgery free, many wonder if she’s had a few subtle procedures on her face to keep her youthful appearance- and one big procedure, too.


Taking a glance back at younger photos of the brunette bombshell, it is clear that she wasn’t quite ‘blessed’ when it comes to the female chest area. However, if you take a look at more recent pictures of Diane Lane, it is apparent that there may have been a breast implant procedure. I mean, isn’t it rather obvious? She appears to much ‘fuller’ up top while still having a set that complements her height and weight perfectly. If she did in fact get the breast enhancements, they were done one hundred percent correctly (unlike other stars who show up with humungous breasts bigger than their heads).

Diane Lane

When it comes to Diane Lane, many wonder if she is the product of a lady with incredible genes and a great set of beauty products to keep her from aging. Even at her older age, Diane Lane appears with vibrant and youthful skin free of almost any wrinkles. Is she just so incredibly elegant and lovely that wrinkles missed her? Has she taken such good care of her skin that there isn’t even the slightest glimpse of sagging- anywhere? These questions continue to circulate in the Hollywood industry, but Diane Lane is still saying she would never be the product of plastic surgery. In fact, she’s spoken out about plastic surgery on several occasions, stating that she loves her natural face and body and would not even consider getting a procedure. Still, one can only assume there was at least one or two injections to keep her face looking firm and tight.

Whether or not Diane Lane has had plastic surgery is still a mystery. At this point we can only assume that she has had breast implants and maybe one or two other very minor surgeries- so minor we really can’t tell right off the bat. However, we do know this: Diane Lane is an exceptional lady with immense beauty and a classy style we adore and wish to achieve in our lives as well.


Image credit: Ai Aka Ito, Mia

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Helen Hunt- From Good, To Bad, to Perfect http://www.herinterest.com/helen-hunt-from-good-to-bad-to-perfect/ http://www.herinterest.com/helen-hunt-from-good-to-bad-to-perfect/#comments Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:44:11 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11523


Sometimes things don’t always work out the way we planned them, whether it’s a relationship, a job opportunity, or even a plastic surgery. And that’s exactly the case when it comes to the lovely actress Helen Hunt.

Helen Hunt was always a beautiful lady, and everyone seemed to enjoy her even since the start of her acting career back in the 1970’s. But there came a point in time, around the year 2009, when the actress suddenly didn’t look so wonderful. In fact, it seemed as though overnight her skin had turned saggy and full of wrinkles- like she had aged 20 years in a single night. We could clearly see that something wasn’t right here, but we weren’t sure exactly what happened. And that’s when the skepticism of malpractice came into play. The poor woman was left looking a mess. And it wasn’t that she looked horrible, she still had her genuine elegance about her- but you could very well see the difference, and it wasn’t a good one.


Helen Hunt wasn’t just going to sit around and live with the botched surgery. The smart woman decided to do something about it as soon as possible, only a few years after the initial malpractice took place-and we are pleased to announce the next surgery was a complete success. We couldn’t be more happy or enthused with the results. In fact, we believe Helen Hunt- even in her older age- can keep up with even the youngest and hottest Hollywood stars.

The wise women had had enough of her sagging, aged face. She is believed to have gone in and had a facelift to take years off of her age. To ensure she was look as good as possible, it is also said that Helen Hunt had multiple fillers and botox injections to help with the remaining wrinkles on her face. Some of the places she received fillers and botox includes around the eyes and cheeks.


At the end of the day, we can tell you this much: Helen Hunt is an astoundingly gorgeous women who is a wonderful mother and brilliant actress. She is also a great inspiration for women who are victims of malpractice, showing them that it is possible to get your beautiful face back. She is now vibrant and taking over Hollywood, and we are loving every single minute of it.

Image credit: Iraci Santana, Moviezadda

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Vera Farmiga – Finally Falling for Hollywood’s Expectations? http://www.herinterest.com/vera-farmiga-finally-falling-for-hollywoods-expectations/ http://www.herinterest.com/vera-farmiga-finally-falling-for-hollywoods-expectations/#comments Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:20:51 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11512


Vera Farmiga isn’t your typical celebrity. She doesn’t live the regular Hollywood lifestyle, shuffling in and out of million dollar cars, she doesn’t need to have the trendiest bag on the market, and for the longest time, wouldn’t even dream about going under the knife for a bout of plastic surgery. But has Hollywood’s flashy lights and alluring lifestyle finally crept its way under Vera Farmiga’s skin?

Some people are still skeptical whether or not this sweet actress went under the knife, and who knows if we will ever know for sure as Vera Farmiga refuses the allegations of nose surgery. However, at one point the press spotted her with a bruised and swollen nose, trying her hardest not to be noticed as she dashed into an office building. A few weeks later we saw the lovely actress sporting a nose that seemed a bit thinner and smaller. Just a coincidence? We think not!


The weirdest part about this whole surgery scandal is the time it happened. Why would Vera Farmiga wait until long after her career was well established to get the surgery? Why would she wait until her late 30′s to get the procedure? The answer to these questions will probably remain unknown for the rest of Vera Farmiga’s career, but we can only guess that we were correct in saying the Hollywood lifestyle finally caught up with Vera. I mean, who could resist the lavish life of a Hollywood star? And when you have the money Vera Farmiga has, it’s only natural to want to fix a few flaws on your face.


I guess it is safe to say that Vera Farmiga’s surgery will remain a mystery to us. If she did in fact get the surgery, we don’t blame her at all and think she is still a very sweet, kind, and outspoken Hollywood star that is nothing short of fabulous. We love her soft, ladylike appearance and professionalism and wouldn’t change a single thing about her. On the other hand, if she did undergo the nose job, we have to say we love the slightly thinner nose and we’re glad the surgery went so well that it is barely noticeable. Props to the plastic surgeon for keeping it real and leaving out that horrendous ‘pinched nose’ look that is so common amongst men and women who get their nose done. Keep it classy, Vera Farmiga- and we know you will.


Image credit: Natasha Chenkov, YouWillKnowHerName

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Vanessa Ferlito-Say No to the Nose http://www.herinterest.com/vanessa-ferlito-say-no-to-the-nose/ http://www.herinterest.com/vanessa-ferlito-say-no-to-the-nose/#comments Fri, 21 Mar 2014 22:13:09 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11367

Whether you know her from her parts on ‘Death Proof’, ‘Grindhouse, or ‘CSI:NY’, you’ve definitely heard of Vanessa Ferlito. And while she’s a pretty well-known star, she is also popular for another reason: her infamous nose job.


Some might say it is a good thing that the young lady has gotten so much publicity from her plastic surgery, and that could be true- if the job was done right. I mean, after all, let’s face it: you don’t want to be noticed in Hollywood due to a bad procedure, and that’s unfortunately what’s happened in this young lady’s life.


Let’s just take a step back for a second and take a look at Vanessa Ferlito’s before picture.  She is an absolutely gorgeous woman with a face and body any women would dream of having. She didn’t really need anything done, but we all have something about ourselves we want to change- so I guess we can’t blame her for that. We do wish, however, that she would have been happy with her cute nose and left it that way.

Instead, Vanessa complained about her nose and wanted to make it appear more symmetrical. Her nostrils seemed to be a bit too far out and noticeable for her liking as well, and that’s when the nose job came into play. I think she was hoping for a cute button nose with tighter nostrils that would frame her face beautifully, but instead she was left with an unnatural looking nose featuring the classic ‘pinched’ appearance that screams nose job. Not only that, but her nose was also left a little bit too upturned- and no, not like the cute, preppy girl upturned nose we all dream of having- the exact opposite.


Besides her nose job, Vanessa Ferlito did have one successful procedure: her lip filler injections. Her kissable lips came out absolutely perfect, looking full and sensual and one hundred percent beautiful- unlike some other celebrities who can put so much lip injections they come out looking like ducks right out of the pond.


All in all, Vanessa Ferltio is a gorgeous woman and a wonderful actress. And while she still looks like a million bucks, we definitely think she could have gone without her nose job. But if she wants to continue filling her lips with some subtle injections, we say more power to you girl!

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Barbara Walters-Ageless Beauty? http://www.herinterest.com/barbara-walters-plastic-surgery/ http://www.herinterest.com/barbara-walters-plastic-surgery/#comments Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:59:15 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11358

A woman’s appearance is incredibly important- and even more so when you’re constantly in the spotlight like Barbara Walters. And while older women across the planet are constantly searching for age defying products that will knock years off their skin, Barbara Walters seems to have found the answer- or did she? Is her flawless skin a product of perfect genetics, assortment of high quality beauty items, and years of good nutrition? Or has she resorted to Hollywood’s way of dealing with wrinkles- with a plastic surgeon?


If you’ve seen Barbara Walters at all recently, it’s pretty easy to spot: the beautiful woman seems to have knocked off at least 20 years off her appearance, and to be honest that’s just not natural. And even if you’re an avid Barbara Walters fan and think she’s a natural youthful women, you can still admit that there was something odd about her pulled back appearance, which made her face look incredibly tight.

We can notice right off the bat that her face looks a lot tighter than we’ve ever seen it before, which may or may not mean that she succumbed to a full fledged facelift. But if you look a bit lower, you’ll also notice something else: she doesn’t seem to have any- and I mean ANY- neck fat that is commonly seen in women her age. Having the neck of a 18 year old girl on Spring Break, we are thinking a necklift may be the culprit. And it doesn’t stop there.


Even young girls (and hey, guys too!) deal with wrinkles around the eyes. It’s just one of those places where wrinkles pop up rather quickly. But when you take a look at Barbara Walters, it seems as though she isn’t dealing with the same issue as 99% of the population is. We can only guess that she’s had injections around her eyes and may have even undergone blepharoplasty (an eyelid procedure) which removes baggy skin from the eyelids. A complete eye makeover? When you are Barbara Walters, sure why not!


Here is our final words: we think Barbara Walters is a great woman, and yes- she IS a beauty. But with so many procedures, such as the facelift, necklift, blepharoplasty, and injections around the face (eyes, lips, etc), we think she may be going a bit overboard trying to keep a youthful appearance. Be a bit more natural, honey.


Image credit: Lemon Duck, Joella Marano

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