fashion tips – Mon, 29 Dec 2014 08:31:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 fashion tips – 32 32 What to wear with leggings Thu, 04 Dec 2014 08:52:51 +0000 Leggings are an important part of every fashion girl’s closet. However, it might be a challenge to succeed in wearing them due to their tricky nature: leggings are neither pants nor tights. That is why it is essential to consider carefully what to pair them with to avoid appearing underdressed. These 10 effortless tips will […]

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Leggings are an important part of every fashion girl’s closet. However, it might be a challenge to succeed in wearing them due to their tricky nature: leggings are neither pants nor tights. That is why it is essential to consider carefully what to pair them with to avoid appearing underdressed. These 10 effortless tips will help you get some inspiration when choosing what to wear with leggings. Just remember to make sure your leggings fit you perfectly and they are not too tight or too loose. Leggings that are too tight might resemble pajamas and leggings that are too loose might not be flattering to your legs.

  1. With a basic button-up.


Leather leggings will be great for this look, but, in fact, any black leggings can be worn with a classic button-up shirt. The outcome is business casual and ready for a long day in the office. This look will even be good for an interview, in case you are looking for a job in a creative field. Just make sure the accessories match each other for an ultimate professional look, and take extra care when choosing the shoes to go with the outfit.

  1. With a loose dress.


One of the timeless hits. Floral, print, lace, or plain knitwear dress will acquire a new distinct look when paired with leggings. Go for black ones during the day and alter them for something sparkly for a night out.

  1. With a tutu.


This is not an easy look to pull off, but the result will be absolutely worth it! Pair a tutu skirt with plain leggings for an absolute French socialite chic and sophistication. Pair the outfit with bold statement accessories to look hip. Do not be afraid to go for a bright skirt to emphasize your joie de vivre mood and the world around you will vibrate with new luminous colors.

  1. With a trench coat.


This look is great for a cold weather when you still want to be business-like and professional and traditional business outfits do not seem that exciting anymore. Just make sure before showing up at your office that they would be ok with you wearing leggings. Needless to say, your leggings should be black or earth tone to talk and not to scream out.

  1. With a tunic.


One of the easiest looks to pull off. It’s casual, it’s relaxed, it’s very traditional, and it’s simple. Nevertheless, with a proper choice of shoes and daring accessories, it might turn your whole style into chic and sophisticated one.

  1. With lots of layers.


Any leggings- leather, printed, sparkly, and sequined- will definitely look best when mixed and matched with lots of layers on top. This is a fabulous outfit for girls who like to experiment and try new looks. Combine your bottoms with printed shirt and a big scarf, add to that an oversized jacket and sunglasses. The great thing about this look that you can change just one item in your whole outfit to get a completely new look.

  1. With a mini dress.


Some girls do not really feel comfortable wearing minis. That is when leggings come to the rescue and turn into a perfect match for a bold dress. You will look sexy and hot without being dressed provocatively and that will make you stand out. With a proper pair of shoes, all eyes will be on you!

  1. With a baggy jumper.


For a cozy casual look pair leggings with a baggy jumper. The jumper should cover your hips ( or at least hit at mid-hip) and be one or two sizes bigger than your size to balance the leggings and to create a finished look. Looking underdressed is the biggest risk when wearing leggings instead of pants.

  1. With an oversized coat.

After having read all these tips, you still are not sure whether leggings are a good idea for a cold weather? The great news is yes, you can wear leggings in fall or winter if you put on a nice cozy coat. An oversized coat will keep you warm and make your legs visually thinner.

  1. With socks.


Yes, you can wear leggings with socks! Just make sure you match your socks with the rest of your outfit. Go for various shades of the same color scheme and do not forget to wear nice comfortable shoes.

Leggings are extremely versatile and are great for girls of any height and size. That’s why we love them so much! Leggings do not have to be black. Animal prints, funky patterns, bright colors- the choice is all yours. Just keep in mind this simple rule when wearing leggings: the top should be long enough to make your look complete. Experiment with them and you will look great all the time!

(all images sourced via pinterest)

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10 Fashion and Beauty Tips for Women over 60 Fri, 28 Nov 2014 16:13:27 +0000 Women over sixty get challenged by the modern popular culture that praises youth. But, with these guidelines a woman over sixty will learn how to use the benefit of her age and charm to look great and sophisticated. Find your personal style. Being in your sixties means only one thing: it is time for you […]

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Women over sixty get challenged by the modern popular culture that praises youth. But, with these guidelines a woman over sixty will learn how to use the benefit of her age and charm to look great and sophisticated.

  1. Find your personal style.


Being in your sixties means only one thing: it is time for you to get your personal signature style that distinguishes you from hundreds of other women your age. Style is made of your hair, your makeup, your accessories, the way you wear those pants that everyone else has, your posture and the way you walk. Write down a list of qualities and features that makes you YOU and follow the guidelines that you created personally for yourself.

  1. Accept the way your body is changing.

Diane Keaton

Diane Keaton

Contrary to popular belief, there is no contradiction between accepting your body and looking good for others. You body does change, and it probably has changed a lot since you were forty or fifty, but this process is natural and there is no embarrassment in being a sophisticated woman of age. Learn to love yourself, as once you do that, others will find you attractive as well. Accepting your body is an essential part of looking your best after sixty.

  1. Be confident.

Jane Seymour

Jane Seymour

Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can wear. In most part it is your attitude that matters the most, although what you wear plays key role in building your confidence and self-esteem.

  1. Challenge stereotypes.

Susan Sarandon

Susan Sarandon

Live life with passion. Find new hobbies and interests. You have lived six vibrant decades, so you earned the right to do anything you want to your body that makes you feel good. 68-year-old Susan Sarandon says that she enjoys aging gracefully. Even though she has not had plastic surgery, she does not disapprove of women who have. In her opinion it’s an aesthetic choice for each person individually.

  1. Get a tailor.

Susan Sullivan

Susan Sullivan

It would be efficient to buy clothes at thrift shop or during sales season and have them tailored for you. These include a dress, a pair of pants, a top and a jacket or a cardigan to cover your arms and shoulders when needed. The key is to get these items tailored perfectly, as then there is no limit to the number of marvelous outfits that you can construct with the right accessories and trendy items. If you think tailoring is too expensive, think about all the money that you waste on belts to hold up your poorly fitting pants, shirts you never used, and other items that just take up space in your closet; then suddenly tailoring seems like a bargain. The other alternative is to recall those sewing classes you probably had in school.

  1. Follow trends.

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Of course, I do not mean you should actively buy all the fashion magazines and dress like models in them. The rule here is to not wear outdated items that you had when you were 30-40-50. Those were in style years ago and will not flatter anyone, especially women in their sixties.

  1. Design your core wardrobe.


The foundation for the wardrobe after sixty should be a set of four perfectly fitting clothing basics. Your must-haves are a dress, a pair of fitted pants, a shirt and a jacket. When fitted perfectly, you can mix and match them with trendy accessories and items.

  1. Create your personalized beauty routines.


Take care of your hair and you face. Moisturizer and sunscreen are two fundamentals you need to start using on a regular basis, as your skin gets more sensitive and dry. In addition, after sixty you might want change the way you used to put on makeup. Use softer and lighter colors, like beige, soft pink, rosy brown and skip the eyeliner. You might choose to stop dying your hair and go for a good layered hairstyle that will frame softly your face instead. Always wear sunglasses and a hat outside.

  1. Get good shoes.


You earned the right to wear comfortable. Comfortable shoes mean a lot for our mood and the way we walk and feel.

  1. Get encouragement.

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep

There are plenty of blogs for women over sixty, they will help you understand that age is just a number and you can stay stylish and hip at any age. Get as well inspired by celebrities that are walking into their 60’s with grace and dignity.

Women over sixty are special. They have the right to be and at the same time, they are realistic expecting people to speak honestly. This is certainly true about fashion and beauty. So, if you want to look your best in your 60s, just be real, truthful and love yourself.
(all images sourced via pinterest)

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10 Fashion Guidelines for women over 50 Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:36:55 +0000 Fifty is the new forty of our century, considering that women of today take more care of themselves and do not age as quickly as they did only a few decades ago. Age in style. Monica Bellucci[/caption] There are two types of women over fifty—those who dress at Forever 21 and those who have been […]

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Fifty is the new forty of our century, considering that women of today take more care of themselves and do not age as quickly as they did only a few decades ago.

  1. Age in style.

    Monica Bellucci

Monica Bellucci[/caption] There are two types of women over fifty—those who dress at Forever 21 and those who have been wearing their favorite dresses for the past twenty years. Both are mistaken. How to avoid these common errors? Inspire in celebrities over fifty. Monica Belucci’s outfit is a perfect example of age-appropriate fashion, it is a demonstration that you do not need to wear miniskirts and spaghetti tops to look stunning.

  1. Make sure your clothes fit.


Madonna[/caption] Do not wear clothes that is too tight or too loose, take extra effort in making sure your clothing items fit. This rule applies to women of all ages, but more so to women over fifty, who sometimes might go from one extreme, like wearing tight revealing clothes, to another one, like choosing baggy outfits. Neither looks good, which is why, your clothing should be fitting to emphasize your curves, which most women get by the time they turn fifty.

  1. Use warm tones.

    Michelle Pfeiffer

Michelle Pfeiffer[/caption] With age your skin changes its tone and cold tones emphasize all those little wrinkles you do not really want to be emphasized. Warm tones in your makeup will lighten up your face and your eyes. Here you can see that Michelle Pfeiffer, age 56, appeals to warm and mild makeup tones, and it literally warms her up.

  1. Reevaluate your capsule wardrobe.

    4 - Copy

It’s time to build a new core. You will need a crispy white shirt, a knee-long skirt, a trenchcoat, a pair of wool pants; four different types of shoes, such as black sling-backs, comfortable flats, a pair of evening shoes, and a pair of casual shoes; boot cut or straight dark and white jeans. Mix and match your core by adding prints, scarfs, trendy accessories. Make sure your shoes and your handbag do not match. Yes, right, no more shoe and purse matching after fifty!

  1. Ditch the black.

5 - Copy

Contrary to the popular beliefs, black clothes do not fit every woman, especially women in their fifties. Neither do they make you look skinnier. Get rid of your mournful outfits and add a splash of color to both your wardrobe and your life.

  1. Comfort takes over.

    Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock[/caption] Fifty is right to finally get rid of those tight jeans and cropped top that you were wearing because you always believed beauty requires sacrifice. It’s time to start wearing things that are comfortable for you. Note, comfort still does not mean plain, choose items that are both easy and meaningful.

  1. Use your assets.

    Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone[/caption] The key to looking great in anything is to hide your flaws and to reveal your assets. It should define your clothes choice. Typically, women in their fifties still have great legs, so why not go for a slit skirt. If you are happy about your toned arms, three-quarter sleeves are made for you.

  1. Hair matters.

    Heather Locklear

Heather Locklear[/caption] The hairstyle that looked great on you ten years ago, might not look that flattering anymore, that’s why get a professional stylist advice on which hairstyle to choose. Notice that your hair color might go gray, so if you plan to dye your hair, go several shades lighter than your natural color. It will help to light up your face and de-emphasize any lines and wrinkles. Also, turning fifty does not necessarily require you to have short hair. Long, shiny, well-kept locks are quite chic and sophisticated.

  1. Express yourself.

    Angela Bassett

Angela Bassett[/caption] What is your true identity, what do you like in life, what is your personality? Are you adventurous, risky, and outgoing or more quiet and romantic? Ask yourself these questions, and choose your outfits based on your personal style and fashion, that is, if you are more soft and laidback, a knee-long floral dress might be a good choice for you.

  1. Remember size and age are just numbers.


Many women realize only by the time they are fifty what they really want in life and who they truly are. There are many great examples of women who reinvented themselves after fifty and became role models for their friends and families. At the same time, the list of successful hot celebrities that are in shape and in high demand is endless, because being fifty does not mean it’s time to give up your dreams.

In the end, I would like to add that a fifty-year-old woman who wears quality well-fitting clothes and has a distinguished signature style, will always look better than any youngster that does not take care of herself.


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10 Fashion Tips for Women over 40 Thu, 27 Nov 2014 14:50:54 +0000 If you are a woman over 40, you must know that this age is great—you still have the beauty of the youth and a sophistication and style of your age. The key to using the advantage of your age is to follow some simple rules that will help you stay sexy without imitating teenage styles, […]

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If you are a woman over 40, you must know that this age is great—you still have the beauty of the youth and a sophistication and style of your age. The key to using the advantage of your age is to follow some simple rules that will help you stay sexy without imitating teenage styles, because, as your body is changing, so should your clothing.

  1. Do not dress too young.


Ditch the miniskirts for something classier and more elegant. It is ironic that dressing younger does not make you look younger; in fact, it makes you look older than you are. Why? Because wearing something designed for teenagers creates a misbalance between your look and your outfit. Take a look at Catherine Zeta-Jones, who at the age of 45 keeps is simple, stylish and age-appropriate.

  1. Do not dress too old.


Sometimes women follow the first rule so meticulously that they go to other extreme and find somewhere grandma’s shoes and cardigans. Forget about those granny items for at least thirty more years, you are not a grandma yet (even if you already have grandchildren). Cate Blanchett’s gray jumpsuit is a great example of how you can age in style.

  1. Take care of your hair.


A woman in her 20’s can pull off a simple hairdo and all she needs to look good is a wash and a brush. A woman in her 40’s needs to take extra care of her hair, since it immediately makes you look younger, more sophisticated and chic. Take extra ten minutes to style your hair. Get a fresh cut regularly. Can you tell Kate Beckinsale is 41? Her hair makes her look at least five years younger.

  1. Know your type.


It is important that by the age of 40 you know your body and skin type and choose styles and colors accordingly. However, always keep in mind that your skin type might slightly change from when you were 30, so revise the clothes shades you were wearing until now. You might want to go brighter or change the color palette; that is why do not be afraid to experiment and try new things. You might get pleasantly surprised to find out that this shade of red in fact fits you perfectly. Especially with your signature red lipstick.

  1. Go classy.7


Do not shop trends, shop style. Forty is a good time to find your personal style, to learn what suits you best, to create your own rules and follow them. Instead of going hip, invest in timeless jewelry and handbags, which will help you develop your signature look, like, for instance, 42-year-old Gwyneth Paltrow does.

  1. Get inspired by celebrities your age.5


Look at movie actresses you like and follow their look without replicating it. Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry, Lucy Liu, Jennifer Aniston all look great in their forties. There is no reason why you should look worse than any of them.

  1. Makeup! 6


Have you been using the same palette in the past ten years? Remember, your skin changed and so did the makeup rules and trends. What was in vogue ten years ago and looked great on you, now will just reveal your age and outdated preferences. Moreover, if you never used makeup, now it is time to start doing so, since your natural beauty might get somewhat faded with age. Do not underestimate the power of makeup. Carefully chosen and applied, it will emphasize your beauty and glow. Heidi Klum would look very plain has she not used her makeup wisely.

  1. Focus on shoulders and legs.


With age, your chest and neck might get wrinkly and less smooth, so it’s probably time to cover them with some nice accessories. As for your legs and your shoulders, they are the slowest to age, and that is why you can always show them off. Of course, I do not ask you, however, to wear minis, but wearing a nice pencil skirt will work great for women over 40.

  1. Shop at stores that cater for your age.


You love Forever 21? Great, suggest your daughter to shop there. Your shopping niche is already different. It is more sophisticated. It is wrong however to think that over 40’s fashion provides only high-end shopping experiences. Budget stores like Asos, Banana Republic, and Mango offer great variety of outfits for women in their forties as well.

  1. Use layers.


Do not underestimate the power of layering. Simple silhouettes turn more complex and visually stimulating, play with the layers and just be creative!

Follow these simple rules and you will look and feel great about yourself and never have a moment of fashion awkwardness again. And remember: age is just a number!

(all images are sourced via pinterest)

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10 Fashion Tips for Petite Women Wed, 26 Nov 2014 14:20:53 +0000 Have you ever struggled finding right clothes that doesn’t make you lost? Are you 5’4’’ or under? Then these fashion tips are for you—they will help you define your style and take pride in your miniature body. Get a perfect fit. Oversized coats and shirts might be comfortable but clothes that are actually your size […]

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Have you ever struggled finding right clothes that doesn’t make you lost? Are you 5’4’’ or under? Then these fashion tips are for you—they will help you define your style and take pride in your miniature body.

  1. Get a perfect fit.


Oversized coats and shirts might be comfortable but clothes that are actually your size are way more flattering and easier to wear. A jacket that is right for you will not fall off your shoulders and will benefit your petite body, emphasizing your assets. Get your clothes adjusted if they do not fit you perfectly.

  1. Avoid bulk.


Choose items that are plain with as little de’cor as possible. Too much design adds size and can make petite women look shorter and heavier than they are. As a petite woman, you probably would like to look taller and not broader, therefore avoid ruffle and rumple. If you still want to add more fluff to your outfit, opt for something that looks neat and accurate, like a bow blouse, a peplum dress, or a lace hem jumper.

  1. Choose the right bag.


Remember that you might get lost behind an oversized bag, so when investing into a good purse opt for something smaller and less massive. A clutch or a crossbody bag are always in style and will give a final touch to your petite style.

  1. Know which shoes are best for you.


Everyone knows that the easiest way to add height is by wearing heels. However, it’s not that simple and not all heels add height. Wedges and platforms could be right for a petite girl only if she has either curves or tiny feet, otherwise they might make your elfin legs visually shorter and larger. Ankle shoes and sandals can look great on you in case your legs are super skinny. The heels do not have to be extremely high; always pick a height that is comfortable for you. Stilettos will work magic for your legs, making them longer and more noticeable. If you think stilettos are not for you, pick shoes with heels that are not too heavy. Plain light flats will work well too. Shoes with open or pointed toes, no matter heels or flats, can give the illusion of height as well.

  1. Go skinny.


Skinny or straight jeans were made for petite girls. To keep a thin line, choose pants without cuffs, bulky pockets, or any other decorations. Also, forget about those baggy cargo pants and boyfriend jeans. Petite pants for petite women!

  1. Work with color.


Decide which skin type you are and dress accordingly. Wear monochromatic clothes that do not distract attention from your little figure. Besides, unicolor clothes lengthens your frame. A petite woman might simply vanish behind something too colorful. If, however, you would like to add a splash of color, aim for different shades for your top and bottom, but stay within homogenous outlines.

  1. Choose the right patterns.


Petite women have delicate features so big patterns might be too overwhelming for them. Small and gentle outlines will look great on you without shifting the focus from the airiness of your body and your features. Also, remember to go for patterns that elongate you, like, for instance, vertical stripes.

  1. Take care of your neckline.


V-necks and scoops look great on petite girls. They elongate your look and show your beautiful neck. There is nothing else to add here, just make sure your tops and dresses, no matter which style and design, open your neck and maybe some cleavage. Take a look at Eva Longoria’s outfit in this photo; doesn’t she look great in this V-neck blouse?

  1. Wear fine accessories.


Narrow belts, thin silver or golden necklaces, stud earrings- fine jewelry should be your first choice. Petite women cannot always pull off bold heavy accessories, so rather pick something more expensive that would be an investment jewelry. You should avoid extravagant accessories, especially when your height is or below 5’4”. Do not go for big heavy earrings or a choker, because women with petite figure do not usually have long necks. When deciding on a belt, choose a thinner one that will cover just your waist and not half of your torso. Nowadays, there is always a big selection of designs available to choose from, which can complement your look while preserving your gentle frame.

  1. Go cropped.


What is your best asset, as a petite woman? Many miniature women are proud of their think wrists and ankles, and they are right. Your delicate arms and legs are worth showing; besides wearing full-length pants and shirts might make you look smaller than you are. That is when cropped jeans and three quarter sleeves work magic.

I hope these tips will be useful to our petite audience. Remember though that every person is different and you will need to play with these recommendations and see what works best for you. (all images sourced via pinterest)

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