herinterest.com » fast http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 How To Lose Weight Fast For Women http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-weight-fast-for-women/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-weight-fast-for-women/#comments Fri, 25 Apr 2014 10:57:09 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12961

How do we lose weight quickly and effectively? It’s an age old question and one which I’ve no doubt will still be circling for decades to come. What works for some women may not work for another and some weight loss tips just end up being fads. Yet here we are, with a few extra pounds which we’re struggling to shift. Tiring, isn’t it? I’ve stubbled with my weight for years but it’s only been the past couple that I’ve managed to get into control and have found methods that work for me. I’ll admit I’ve tried plenty of things that were just a waste of time too but the point is that not all weight loss tricks are pointless. That’s why I’ve put together my personal experience and a whole lot of research to come up with this list of one hundred ultimate ways to lose weight fast, aimed directly at women. It’s a mix of tips, tricks, diet plans, exercise regimes, motivational speeches, and much more. Like I said, not everything works for everyone but thankfully I’m sure you’ll find at least some tips that will work for you amidst this extensive list. Are you ready? Here goes…


1. Have a Goal


When it comes to losing weight, the place you need to start is deciding on your goal weight. Before you swear off junk food and buy your gym membership, I highly recommend you make a note of how many pounds or how many inches you’re looking to lose. Also, write down your starting weight and measurements so you can keep track of how far you’ve come. If you’re goal is reasonably far off then I suggest you make yourself a few mini goals (e.g. for every half stone lost). All in all, goals will help to motivate you and you’ll find it easier to motivate yourself throughout your journey.


2. Ban Any Fast or Processed Foods


When it comes to losing weight and being healthy in general, cutting out all fast and processed foods is a must. Yes, I said ALL. I can’t stress enough that they’re full of absolutely everything that’s bad for you and I can’t even think of any redeeming qualities they have. Seriously, even if you exercises daily, if you’re eating fast and processed foods you’re never going to lose weight. It’s a losing battle before you even take that first calorific bite. Don’t give into your cravings, while it may taste good now you’ll regret it as soon as that last bite is gone, trust me, I know. If you have to have a pizza or a burger then at least do it the healthy way and homemake them. They’ll taste better and you’ll be healthier and slimmer for it.


3. Remember to Eat!


When we’re trying to lose weight it’s obvious we’re going to cut our calorie intake but let’s not be silly about this. We can’t live off of just a few calories per day and while this may help us lose weight at first after a couple of days your body will start to fight back and hold onto the extra fat, plus we’ll be super unhealthy. Women are supposed to eat 2000 calories per day to stay the same weight but when trying to diet you shouldn’t eat less than 1200. This is because your body needs food to fuel it. Not eating enough calories will cause your metabolism to drop, thus making it incredibly hard to shift your excess weight. Plus, if you don’t eat enough your body will go into starvation mode and it will start storing whatever food you do eat as fat. I can’t stress enough how important it is to eat – honestly, I’ve only just scratched the tip of the iceberg so please chow down of you’ll never lose weight!


4. Don’t Target One Area of Your Body


Some of us want to lose fat from all over our bodies, some of us just our arms, others our thighs, others our stomach, well, you get the picture. Anyway, my point is, while we may just want to target one part of our body when it comes to weight loss this isn’t realistic or in fact possible. We need to concentrate on our entire body seeing as it’s not possible to spot reduce fat. This means exercising all of you, not just your bum or your legs. Of course, you can still do exercises that focus on one area of your body (something which I’ll cover later) but make sure you don’t just do them or you’ll never see results.


5. Eat Slowly


Believe it or not, it takes your body a total of twenty minutes to realise it’s full so it’s important that you eat slowly so your body has a chance to let you know if you’re about to overeat. Try taking smaller bites and eating at a slower pace, you’ll likely be surprised by how much less you actually want to eat. This obviously means you’ll be eating fewer calories, one of the major factors when it comes to shedding those extra pounds. This tip may not seem like much but trust me, it works. My eyes are way bigger than my belly so my plate is always full however this trick has helped me stop overeating and has lead me to a healthier lifestyle.


6. Get Your Heart Pumping


No matter how little or how much weight you want to lose, it essential that you get your heart pumping with a little cardio. You need not to much, just twenty minutes each day, or a minimum of five days per week, will do the trick. This doesn’t mean you have to run yourself slim either so don’t panic if you’re no great athlete. Cardio is essentially anything that gets your heart pounding. You can do dancing, star jumps, trampolining, even fast swimming, whatever takes your fancy! Personally I love listening to music while I workout as it helps to motivate me and I often end up going for longer than I intended without even realising it, helping me to burn off even more calories. No matter your goal, cardio should be a part of the plan to get there.


7. Never Trust The Scales


When you’re trying to lose weight and shape up a little the scales can easily become your worst enemy. Standing on them every day and seeing little to no change can cause your to quickly lose motivation and become unhealthily obsessed. Plus, the number on the scales can also be incredibly even be misleading. Believe it or not, how much you weight isn’t the be all and end all when it comes to shaping up and losing those extra pounds. As you exercise, your fat slowly changes into muscle and muscle weights a lot more than fat. This means you may very well be losing fat while still gaining weight, something that’s definitely not a bad thing, so quit staring at the scales and look in the mirror.


8. Realise There’s No Miracle Cure


You’ve probably heard that if something’s too good to be true then it probably is and that saying goes double for weight loss. I’m sorry to have to tell you but there is no miracle cure when it comes to losing weight. There’s no quick fix, magic pill, miracle vegetable, or overnight slimming exercise that will help you reach your goal. This journey is all about you. When it comes down to it it’s all about hard work, perseverance, a good diet and exercise regime, and a clean state of mind. Forget any notion you have about finding a quick fix and you’ll find yourself able to focus fully on the things that are important.


9. Say NO to Soda


When you’re losing weight soda is a massive no, no. Nothing bloats you faster! Every can is full of calories and sugar, most of which are made up of high fructose corn syrup which your body doesn’t really have a clue how to digest. This means all those sugars end up becoming fat, ruining all your hard work. Even if a can of soda claims to be calorie and sugar free, don’t be fooled, it’s still terrible for you and something you should stay away from. Switch to water instead, you’ll be happier, lighter, and healthier for it. This should be a golden rule of life even when you’re not trying to lose weight. I really can’t stress enough how bad soda is for you.


10. Follow the 5:2 Diet


The 5:2 diet is a form of intermittent fasting. Basically, when on the diet you will eat normally and healthily for five days each week and then you will essentially fast for the two remaining days. This in theory should reduce your insulin levels and make you less likely to suffer from various diseases. Also, fans of the diet claim that as well as losing fat you will also increase your life span, there’s a pro you don’t get from many diets! the 5:2 diet is more achievable than many diets as it means you only have to be stern on yourself for two days each week so you’re more likely to stick to the diet. As with all diets, you still have to be physically active for the diet to work, a downside for some but simply a part of their lifestyle for others. Like all diets, the 5:2 diet is really what you make of it.


11. Follow the Three Day Diet


A three day diet? Count me in! That said, the reason you can only follow this diet for three days at a time is because it allows you shockingly few calories in that time, something which contributes to the diet’s flowers losing weight so fast. The good news however is that you’re allowed to follow the diet for three days, eat normally for a period, and then follow the diet again. While on the diet, you’ll eat lean meat, grapefruit, tuna, eggs, toast and vegetables and only approved seasonings which are salt, pepper and ketchup. The diet may sound bland however you can drop 10 pounds in just three days using the Three Day Diet, so I’d say it’s worth it! In a month you can lose up to 40 pounds. This is a great diet to help kick start your weight loss plans.


12. Follow the Atkins Diet


No doubt we’ve all heard to the miracle Atkins diet, especially since you can lose up to fifteen pounds in two weeks when following it. Sounds tempting, right? The diet is a very low-carb, high-protein weight loss program which comes in phases, each lasting a pre-determined length of time depending on you, your current body, and your weigh loss goals. To find our more why not speak to an Atkins expert and see what they’d recommend for you before signing up?


13. Love Water


I told you before how bad soda was for you and advised you switch to water instead but now it’s time I told you why. Basically, when it comes to any type of weight loss water is absolutely key. Make it your new best friend and have a bottle of it with you day and night. Drinking six to eight glasses of water each day will keep you feeling fuller and well hydrated meaning you’re less likely to binge on too many calorific goodies. Water is also great for flushing any bad toxins out of your skin too meaning not only will it aid you when it comes to losing some of that unwanted weight but it will also keep you looking radiant too!


14. Look For Colourful Foods


When it comes to your diet, there are countless healthy choices out there, you need only open your eyes to see them. The key to choosing food is to fill your plate with colour, and a variety at that. Chances are, the more colour that’s splashed across your plate the better the meal is for you. Basically, I’m taking about adding a colourful side of fruit of veg to your meals and snacking on these things too. But remember, mix it up. Don’t just indulge on leafy greens, make sure you eat other colours too. The same goes if you’re snacking. The worst things you can eat are things like pastries, white bread, baked beans, etc. Basically, things with that horrible, processed, washed out orange colour. The next time you’re eating, remember, colourful equals slim.


15. Follow the Cabbage Soup Diet


If you’ve heard of the cabbage soup diet then you may have heard it’s a fad diet. Well, that’s possibly true but there’s no denying the diet works. In fact, you can lose up to ten pounds in one week by following it! Plus, you don’t have to do any exercise to achieve that. Plus the diet is so simple too, everyday you eat cabbage soup for your lunch and then tea and on specific days you can eat these added extras:

Day One – You can eat all fruits, apart from bananas.

Day Two – You can consume any and as many raw or cooked vegetables.

Day Three – All fruit and vegetables are on the menu, with the exclusion of potatoes and bananas.

Day Four – You can eat up to eight bananas.

Day Five – Beef and tomatoes are your added extras for today.

Day Six – You can consume beef and veg, with the exception of potatoes.

Day Seven – Today you can have rice, fruit juices and vegetables.


16. Follow the Scarsdale Medical Diet


For some of us counting calories when dieting is a downright chore and is one of the reasons that our efforts in weight loss fail. If that sounds like you then perhaps you might consider trying out the Scarsdale Medical Diet. Believe it or nor, this diet is a great way to lose weight without having to count calories, weigh foods or measure portions! The downside however is that you shouldn’t follow the diet for more than two weeks in a row – something which isn’t so bad when you can potentially lose seven to fifteen pounds in that time!

When on the diet you’ll eat lean protein and low carbohydrate foods. Vegetables, fruits, salads and lean meat will all be a big part of your meal plans. If you’re interested, you can find the diet plan in it’s entirety online (another bonus seeing as it means you don’t have to shell out loads of cash to reach your goal weight!).


17. Drink Up Before You Chow Down


So I’ve already covered how vital water is to your diet and also your health in general but now I have an even better water related tip: drink a glass of cool water before you eat and you’ll find yourself eating considerably less, thus cutting your calorie intake. This is because we tend to eat more when we’re thirsty and the water also fills us up so we feel like we want to eat less. This simple tip can lead you to much speedier results, plus it’s great for promoting a healthy body too. This tip genuinely works because it’s one I’ve been using for years. Even after I’ve reached my goal weight I still follow it simply because it’s healthy too.


18. Control Your Portions


Believe it or not (I didn’t at first!), most of us are eating double the portions we should be at mealtimes on a daily basis. This is why we should always take a moment to read the side of the packet when preparing a meal and find out just how much of that particular food you should be eating. Trust me, you’ll probably be surprised by how much you’re constantly overeating and how quickly your extra pounds start to fall off once you address that. Also, when you’re eating out, remember that most restaurants serve you with two to three times bigger portions than recommended. Don’t be afraid to ask for a doggy bag, you’ll likely be slimmer for it.


19. Read the Labels


Don’t worry, I’m not repeating myself, this tip isn’t about portion sizes. It’s about what your food is made of. It’s always worth taking a moment to read if your food has any unnatural chemicals, hidden additives or fattening sugars or fats in it. Seriously, you’ll likely be shocked by exactly what you’ve unknowingly been putting into your body all this time, potentially causing you to gain weight in the first place. You should do this even with any diet foods too as even they are sometimes not be as cleaner and healthy as they first appear to be. Being aware of exactly what is in your food is a fantastic way to help you keep track of your health in general as well as helping you towards your weight loss goals.


20. Swim Yourself Slim


One of the best exercises to help you lose fat, tone up, and improve your health and flexibility is swimming. It’s a fantastic cardio exercises that’s got a low impact on your body, making it pain free for your joints if they’re slightly achy. Plus, the water provides great resistance which helps you to tone up and slim down without pushing your body too hard. I try to swim at least three times per week and my body is now looking better than ever. Swim regularly and you’ll be looking lean and toned in no time at all! Oh, and did I mention there’s the added bonus of getting to hop in the jacuzzi after?


21. Consult an Expert


Before you decide to start any exercise or diet program to help you lose weight I recommend that you see your doctor first. This is especially important if you have any pre-existing health conditions that may worsen with a changed diet or exercise plan. Your doctor will be able to advise you on if your diet plan is good for your health and if it is suitable for you. Expert advice shouldn’t stop there though. After you’ve started your diet, a personal trainer will no doubt be able to give you loads of professional tips and tricks to help you lose weight faster than ever. Of course, if you wanted you could also see a nutritionalist too however my personal recommendation is that you see your doctor and consult a personal trainer first and foremost. These experts are professionals for a reason so I urge you not to shun their advice, it’s helpful, really.


22. Eat More Often


I know, you had to read that twice and still aren’t sure if you read it right. Well, believe it or not, I did just advise you to eat more often. You should focus on eating five small meals each day instead of three regular meals each day. This helps your body to keep your metabolism high as it means you’re constantly digesting food and as a result you’re always burning fay. I like to have breakfast, then a mid-morning snack, a late lunch, dinner and then supper. I find that eating more often is also a great way to curb your appetite so you’re less likely to binge too. Don’t start fantasising about all that food just yet though. I did say five SMALL meals so you still need to watch your portion sizes as we said earlier. Still, it’s better than nothing!


23. Don’t Go It Alone


It’s a well known fact that dieting and working our are easier when you don’t go it alone, i.e. when you do it alongside a friend. Doing things like swapping recipes, going for a run together, and exchanging results will help the two of you to stay motivated and as a result you’ll reach your goals quicker. You’ll be able to inspire and push each other and it’s much harder to quit something when you’re doing it with someone too.


24. Never Miss Your Breakfast


Okay, so I know eating fewer calories is the key to dieting but that doesn’t mean you should start skipping meals – especially breakfast. Skipping breakfast means your body goes into what’s known as starvation mode which basically means you metabolism slows in an attempt to hold onto fat so your body can function as it should. In shot this means you’re actually more likely to gain weight than lose it. A healthy breakfast is the best way to combat this and kick start your body into diet mode. When it comes to losing weight and slimming down, there are few things you body will thank you for more than eating breakfast. You don’t have to eat much, a bowl of oatmeal, a slice of brown toast, or even a piece of fruit will suffice.


25. Make Every Exercise Count


When you’re exercising you might as well make sure you’re doing it properly and effectively so you can be sure to shed some extra pounds. Keep a good posture throughout your routine to get the best results. If you’re going to do a halfhearted routine then you may as well have stayed in bed as it will have little to no effect. As well as this, make when you exercise count too. Doing a few stretches and a quick bit of cardio right after you wake up and before you eat breakfast is a fantastic way to burn fat.


26. Reign In Your Sweet Tooth


I don’t know about you but I have a terrible sweet tooth, something which cause me to put on a lot of weight a few years back. The fact of the matter is that sweets are full of preservatives, sugars, and countless other unhealthy additives. When you’re trying to lose weight or even simply not gain weight then it’s vital that you stay away from sweets. Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t still satisfy our sweet tooth with sugar however, only now it should be natural sugar. Try eating fresh fruit or frozen fruit juice instead of sweets. Or you could even go for dried fruit with a light star coating. They taste just as nice and are way better for you in the long and the short run. Who said snacks were bad for your diet?


27. Drop the Salt


Yes, I know, I know, salt is incredibly tasty and we can’t imagine eating fries without them (though on your diet should you really be eating fries?) but the fact of the matter is salt is incredibly bad for us. Just a small amount causes our bodies to hold onto water which makes us appear bloated. Now, we do need salt in our diets to maintain a balanced diet but if you’ve been reading your labels properly like I told you then you’ll be aware that most food contains salt anyway so there’s no need to add more. There are plenty of other healthy seasonings you can use instead.


28. Reduce Your Alcohol Intake


If you’re serious about losing weight then I’m afraid to tell you that it’s best you cut out or at very least cut down on your alcohol consumption. Alcohol has adverse effects on your liver which ends up slowing down your body’s natural fat burning process. This makes it incredibly hard to lose weight and it gets harder with every glass of wine you drink. Of course, the occasional drink won’t do too much harm but you’re still best to steer clear. For those times when you just can’t resist a drink, a glass of red wine is your best option. It’s low in carbs and has other mild health benefit despite the adverse ones so you don’t have to feel too guilty about drinking it. As always, moderation is key.


29. Become Sleeping Beauty


I was over the moon when I found out that studies have shown that people who get between seven and eight hours sleep per night have higher metabolisms and also more energy to help them eat clean, cook healthy meals, and exercise hard. These are all essential factors when it comes to losing weight so make sure you frequently get enough sleep. Early nights and long lies have never sounded so tempting! Beware however as it’s said that people who sleep between nine and ten hours per night have the same low metabolisms as those who don’t sleep enough – it’s a fine line to walk.


30. Focus On Small Changes


Committing to lose weight is a lifestyle change as much as anything, meaning it can be daunting to get started. The best way to combat this fear is by making small changes in your life such as parking your car further away from your office, taking the stairs instead of the lift, fidgeting while you sit down, walking to the shops instead of driving, using low fat milk instead of full cream milk, swapping chocolate for fruit, and that’s just to name a few but I’m sure you get the picture. Basically do little things to get your body moving and to put healthier foods inside of you.It’s simple, but it works.


31. Try Not To Stress


When we’re stressed most of us have a tendency to comfort eat which is bad for our weight loss plans for obvious reasons. As well as this, stress causes our bodies to release different hormones which can alter our metabolisms. When our metabolisms fluctuates or is low it’s almost impossible to lose weight so it’s vital that we try not to put ourselves in stressful situations and that we try whenever possible to take some time for us so we can unwind and de-stress. It doesn’t matter how you choose to relax be it with a book, on the beach, at a spa, or in the bath, just so long as you do it.


32. Be In Control


For those of us who are living with our parents, our partner, or with friends it can be tempting to simply let them deal with making food and eat what they give us but trust me when I say this won’t help your waistline. You should always make your own meals that way you can be in control of the ingredients used and the portion sizes too. Remember what I said before about reading labels? Well, chances are your family and friends aren’t going to do it for you. You need to be accountable and not let all your hard work go to waste. Don’t ruin all your progress by letting someone else give you too big a portion, used processed ingredients, or splash too much salt on your food.


33. Hold Yourself Accountable


None of us are perfect meaning that we’re all going to slip up now and again. Don’t panic if this happens to you, it’s okay just so long as you don’t let it ruin all your efforts so far. If you simply can’t resist having a treat then try your hardest to stop at one and if you find yourself with no energy to hit the gym for a day that’s also okay, just so long as you don’t miss more than one day. Once you get into these bad habits it can be a slippery slope to crawl back up so be sure not to let yourself go too far off course in the first place. You may find it easier to do this by keeping a food and exercise diary which will make you feel more accountable for your actions.


34. Mix Up Your Routines


Eating the same foods and doing the same workouts day and and day our may be the easy option but it’s not the smart one. If you do that, soon enough you’ll undoubtedly reach a plateau. Your mind and body will soon grow complacent and you’ll stop shedding pounds even if you are still eating healthy and exercising lots. Come this point, it’s incredibly easy just to throw in the towel but that’s not the way forward. Mix up your diet and exercise regime to stop your mind from getting bored and your body from getting complacent. As a result you’ll continue to shed those pesky extra pounds. Even alternating your days is better than the same old thing day after day. I like to have a three day cycle as it always keeps my body guessing, then once a week I do something totally different to shock my body.


35. Keep It Up


At this point you’re probably weary just reading this article and thinking of all you have to do but I’m here to motivate you and tell you to keep up the good work. It can be all too easy to just give up and decide you’re happy as you are (I’ve done it many a time but I’m never truly happy) but you have to push through that feeling and keep going. You have to remind yourself why you started and what you’re aiming for. Keeping in mind how far you’ve come and where you’re going are great ways to help you stay strong and motivate yourself. This is where having a friend to diet with may help as then you can motivate each other. Stay strong, keep going, you’re worth it.


36. Sweat It


If your workout isn’t challenging you and causing you to sweat then you might as well be sitting on the conch instead. Seriously, pain is gain so you need to feel the burn to see results. If your muscles don’t ache after your workout and you’re not covered in a sheen of sweat then you’ve not been working out hard enough. Set yourself goals and then smash through them, this is a great way to push yourself and to mix it up all in one. You need to walk away from a workout feeling like you’ve achieved something and that your time has been worth it. If you can’t feel results as they happen then you’ll never see results because they’ll never truly appear.


37. Breathe Deep


Don’t laugh, I’m being serious. To lose weight we need to stay healthy and to stay healthy we need to breathe. No, I don’t just mean like you’re doing right now. I mean focussed breathing and deep breathing. This is a great way to help your body ignore any craving, relieve stress, and also push through a hard workout. Deep breathing in this way clears your mind and helps to focus it on one particular goal. For some of us this tip comes naturally and for others it’s really hard. If you find it difficult to focus on your breathing then why not attends a yoga or a Pilates class for some advice and some other health benefits too?


38. Eat More Fibre


Fibre is like the Holy Grain of ingredients when it comes to weight loss. You should be making a conscious effort to include it in your diet. Fibre helps your digestive system to run smoother and also helps your body to detox itself. Oh, and it helps to increase your metabolism too. One of my favourite sources of fibre is oatmeal – I love to have it for breakfast as it keeps me fuller for longer and gives me more energy too. You can also find fibre in lots of wholegrain foods which are much better for you than their white carb cousins.


39. Take A Break


If you’re stuck sitting behind a desk all day then your metabolism is going to plummet and it will become difficult for you to lose weight. To combat this, whenever possible get up and go for a brusque walk to help up your metabolism and to ensure your body is continuously burning fat. When break time comes around, don’t spend the entirety of it sitting in the canteen either. After you’ve finished your food go for a quick walk (or walk and eat if you don’t have much time). These little walks will soon add up and the amount of calories you burn will soon be mounting. I work from home but I love going for a quick fifteen minute walk down the river when lunch time rolls around. It’s not much but I feel much better for it, stretching my legs and getting some fresh air does me the world of good.


40. Eat Less Bread


Bread is a staple food for a lot of us but I’m afraid to say that it’s notorious for causing us to gain weight or at very least be unable to shift it. It’s terrible when it comes to bloating you as it holds water, causing our stomachs to balloon. If you must give in and have a sandwich, a roll, or a slice of toast then opt for multi grain bread instead. It’s much lower in calories and is high in fibre, making it much better for you all around. I love the ‘low fat’ breads too. I’ll admit, they’re not actually low fat, they just come in smaller slices so you eat less, however they taste delicious and you soon get used to not eating as much. Again, this comes back to portions.


41. Understand Your Eating Habits


Some of us turn into comfort eaters when we’re unhappy, others love to gorge when they’re stressed, some starve themselves when they’re busy and then binge when they’re not. Recognising traits such as these in yourself is vital when it comes to helping you lose weight because as soon as you recognise them you can control them. When you’re fancying a piece of cake, stop and ask yourself why you want it. Is it because you’re hungry or because you’re unhappy? Once you realise you’re comfort eating or have other bad eating habits then they’ll be much easier to control and you’ll be able to eat your way to a healthier you. Perhaps you could keep a food diary and highlight when you’re eating lots of bad foods to help you recognise this quicker.


42. Fidget Constantly


To burn off some extra calories remember to fidget constantly. While this may not sound like much you’ll burn loads of extra calories just by crossing your feet, drumming your fingers or wriggling your toes. every single calorie counts so never think it’s pointless. Even such tiny movements will contribute towards your overall weight loss goal.


43. Avoid Any Distractions While Your Eat


Since I was little my family always sat and ate dinner in front of the TV but it was only a few years ago that I learned how bad this or any distraction while eating actually is for you. It’s things like this or listening to the radio that are standing between us and our dream bodies.  This is because they distractions tend to cause us to eat more that we would otherwise, therefore filling up on calories, and they also cause us not to notice when we feel full so we keep on eating still. The best way to eat a meal is around a table with no electronic appliances about. It’s okay to talk while eating but still be aware that even too much talk can have the same effects as the TV or the radio.


45. Remember To Enjoy Working Out


If you’re not enjoying your workouts then chances are you’ll soon lose interest and quit, even if they are giving you fabulous result. You need to make sure you enjoy your workouts and that they don’t become too monotonous for you. Working our need not be boring, there’s more to exercise that running, gym sessions, weights, pushups, and sit ups. Everyone enjoys doing something different but some of the workouts that I consider to be more fun are Zumba, cycling, iceskating, martial arts, and dancing. It doesn’t matter what you do, just so long as you do it so choose an exercise you enjoy moving and get your body moving and your heart pumping.


46. Want Your Goals For A Reason


So tell me, why exactly do you want to lose weight? What is it that motivates you to want to eat less and get slim? Having reasons behind your weight loss goal is more likely to motivate you better than the numbers on the scales. Your reasons can be anything you want, just so long as they’re achievable and will help to motivate you. Some of the best ones I’ve heard are ‘to look good in a bikini’, ‘to make everyone I used to know look twice at me’, ‘to be proud of yourself’, and ‘to look good in those skimpy shorts’. You get the idea! Try writing these goals down and pinning them to your fridge or your sweet cupboard, they’re likely to make you think twice about eating something you shouldn’t.


47. Take Before and After Pictures


When it comes to proving your progress it’s not the number on the scales or the inches around your waist that matter, it’s the before and after pictures. When you’re trying to lose weight I highly recommend that you take before, during, and after pictures to track your progress. I know, you’re asking how this could possibly help you to lose weight fast, right? It’s because it helps you see how far you’ve come and once you’ve seen this you’re more likely to push yourself further. You’ll also see your before picture where you weren’t happy with yourself and had some excess weight and you’ll vow that you’re never going back to that. I hate looking at old pictures of myself now but every time I do it’s motivation to keep eating clean and not gain the weight again.


48. Get Into A Routine


You’ll find that the weight comes off much quicker if you can get yourself into a routine and are dedicated to sticking to it. Before you even start on your weight loss journey decide what days you’re going to exercise, a rough time you’ll start and how long you’re going to exercise for. Knowing all of this ahead of time will help you get into the right frame of mind and also means your workout is much more likely to happen. The same should be roughly true when it comes to your eating habits too. Plan our your meals the day before to ensure you have all the ingredients you need and you’re more likely to eat healthy.


49. Keep Your Mind Busy


When it comes to dieting, boredom is your absolute worst enemy. Not the cakes you mum just made, not the snacks they hand out at work, and not the bakery down the street, boredom. Boredom is your worst enemy. This is because a lot of us tend not to differentiate between boredom and hunger so we end up eating for the sake of it. To combat this, keep yourself occupied for as much of the time as possible. It doesn’t matter what you do whether it’s reading, playing on the internet, going for a walk, anything! Well, I say anything, but the one exception to this rule I’d say is watching TV. I don’t know about you but I’m a sucker for a bag of crisps or a sweet when I’m watching TV. I try to limit my TV watching time as much as possible because I’ve recognised this dangerous trait in myself.


50. Eat Lots of Protein


When you’re trying to lose weight it’s vital that you don’t skimp on your protein intake. Protein is great because it helps you to feel fuller for longer, helps you build lean muscle which helps to burn off body fat quicker, it repairs your muscles after workouts, and also helps you to keep your skin, hair, and nails looking healthy. You can get plenty of protein from things such as fish, eggs, white meats like chicken, tofu, beans, and asparagus amongst other things. Try to eat a portion of protein in at least two of your meals each day to see the best results. Also, you can calculate online just how much protein you should be eating for your specific height and body weight for even better results.


51. Ditch the Salad Dressings


We all know that sales are great for us when it comes to dieting. All those left greens and juicy vegetables, perhaps even a breast of lean, protein-rich chicken on the side. That is, it’s healthy until you start drizzling lots of salad dress ins such as thousand island sauce and mayo all over it. Almost instantly your healthy lunch goes from super healthy to super fattening as you’ve suddenly loaded a near calorie free meal with hundreds of calories. That’s why if you want to lose weight fast it’s important that the ditch the salad dressings and simply enjoy your food au natural. If you must have something then I recommend you go for a vinaigrette dressing as these are lower in calories however I still say avoid them if you can.


52. Keep Healthy Snacks On Hand


If you’ve followed my advice so far then chances are you’re already eating five meals per day but even so the muchies can often take us by surprise now and again. It’s in these times that we tend to do all sorts of naughty things like eating a chocolate bar or drinking a soda. This of course won’t help you in your weight loss battle. Instead of giving into these cravings, stop them before they’ve barely begun by keeping a healthy snack on hand at all times. That way when you get hungry you can simply snack away guilt free. I recommend carrying fruit, dried fruit, nuts, and rice cakes.


53. Be Aware of What’s In Your Cupboards


It only makes sense that if you only have junk food in your cupboards then it’s junk food that you’re going to eat. You can’t eat healthy unless you have healthy food available. That’s why you need to always be aware of what’s in your cupboards and when you’re out shopping I highly suggest you don’t stock up on any junk food. Most houses tend to have a sweet or a junk cupboard in them but if you’re serious about losing weight then this is a thing you need to eliminate. Seriously, if you know it’s there then you’ll crave it and chances are you’ll give in (I’m an expert on this from personal experience unfortunately). It’s better not to have any tempting treats floating about. Stock up on fruit, rice cakes, fruit lollies, and other healthy treats instead.


54. Eat Dessert Second


The mistake a a lot of us make when dieting is thinking that we can skip our main meal and just have dessert. We’re cutting calories and still eating the good stuff, right? Don’t be afraid to admit it, I’ve done it many a time. That is, until I learned how bad it was for me and that it was probably causing me to gain more weight than I lost. Yes, you’re still cutting calories but by eating a sugary dessert first you’re causing your blood sugar to rocket upward which ultimately causes your body to store fat. In reality you’re actually better off eating a filling main meal which consist or veg, carbs, protein, and all the rest and then (yes, I said ‘and’) having your dessert. As you’ve had your proper meal first your blood sugar climbs at a slower rate so you’ll store less fat. In essence you get to eat your main and your dessert so you’re not missing out on anything while still losing weight. Score!


55. Find Replacement Foods and Drinks


I mentioned earlier about replacing soda with water to help you cut calories, become healthier, and ultimately lose weight and the good news is you can do this for most any food or drink going. If you like snacking on chocolate, eat a sugary piece of fruit instead. If you like pizza, try homemaking one and topping it with low fat cheese. Why not swap full fat milk for skimmed milk? There are loads of little substitutes you can make that won’t make any different to your life but will make loads of difference to your waistline. You can do them all at once but personally I advise brining them into your diet slowly so it’s not too daunting for you. This way you won’t even realise you’re doing it so you won’t miss all the bad stuff you’re cutting out of your diet.


56. Don’t Park At The Door


I briefly touched on these small changes earlier but now I want to go more in depth. All too often when we venture out to work or the shops in our car we look for a parking space as close as possible to the building we want to be in. This isn’t a great habit to be in if you want to lose weight. Instead, park at the other end of the car park so you have to walk further, therefore you’ll be burning off more calories. Sure, it takes a bit longer but it’s worth it in the long run.


57. Take The Stairs


Similar to parking further away from your destination, takes the stairs instead of the lift. This is so simple but it gets your body moving and those calories burning. Plus, if you’re only going up a couple of floors it’s sometimes quicker as lifts can often take what seems forever to come anyway. Oh, and did I mention that stair walking is great for shaping your thighs too?


58. Save Coffee For After Meals


I’ll admit that I’m a bit of a coffee addict. Not regular coffee that comes out of a jar either – I like good quality coffee that you can only buy in decent coffee shops. I love mochas, lattes, capuchins, you name it. The think is however all these fancy coffees tend to be loaded with fatty milk and sugar so they act on your body in the same way eating dessert does if you drink them before meals. Instead, save your coffee for after your meals that way you won’t experience a sugar high and therefore your body won’t start storing fat. This is a great way to still enjoy the finer things in life while not missing out on anything. Oh, but one side note. I don’t recommend having coffee and dessert. Choose one or the other, ladies!


59. Share Dessert


I mentioned dessert earlier and I also told you that it was okay to eat it but I’d like to suggest sharing your dessert with someone else to cut your calorie intake. If me and my fiancee go out we tend to share a slice of cake, that way we’re cutting the cost, cutting my calorie intake, and we don’t even notice because by that time we’re mostly full anyway. It’s a great way to save calorie and money while still getting a taste of the good stuff.


60. Hire A Personal Trainer


Personal trainers don’t often come cheap but if you can afford it I advise you have at least a couple of sessions with one to see exactly what you need to be doing to help you lose weight fast and effectively. Personal trainers are basically people who’s job it is to tell you what to eat, what exercise to be doing, and how to get the best results. Sometimes if you join a gym there will be an offer to get one session with a personal trainer free or at a discounted price so it’s worth keeping your eyes open or simply asking. Like I said they can be expensive but they’re worth it.


61. Exercise Daily


I mentioned before about doing cardio five times per week but it’s best you exercise daily if you want to see real results quickly. It doesn’t have to be much, even just twenty minutes of brusque walking will do, just so long as you get your body moving. It need not be a big part of your day or even interrupt your day at all. Try finding exercises you can do while you work like moving your legs at your desk or offering to deliver messages around the office to get you working. Every calorie you burn counts, don’t forget that.


62. Find Healthy, Positive People To Be Around


Spending your time hanging out with people who are unhealthy and negative is obviously going to have a negative impact on you and your efforts. They’ll beat you down and sap your energy until you unwillingly fall back into your old habits and find yourself regaining all the weight you’ve lost. Instead, surround yourself with healthy, happy, positive minded people to be around. They’ll be able to encourage and motivate you and you them until you reach your goals. You’ll be healthier in mind and body for this, and likely much, much happier too.


63. Try An Exercise DVD


If you find working out alone or even to music too boring then you might consider using an exercise DVD to help you on your way. Personally I find them way more fun and they really help to focus me. Plus, they come in various lengths from ten minutes to a couple of hours so you’re sure to be able to fit them into your life. Some of them are relatively easy while some of them are incredibly hard but there’s something to suit everyone no matter their physical ability. If you’re looking to lose weight fast I recommend the Insanity program or the Slim in Six DVDs. They don’t come cheap but believe me they work – I’ve done both of them and loved them. You may even be able to find them cheap, secondhand if you’re lucky.


64. Dance Yourself Slim


Dancing is a fantastic way to shed some extra pounds and to hep you shape up. No, I’m not talking about rigid dance classes either. I mean just dancing be it when you’re cleaning, in the shower, or simply walking around. When I’m in the house by myself I love putting on my favourite album, turning it up loud, and dancing my way around my chores. It’s great motivation when you’re hoovering or washing the dishes too, plus you’ll be having so much fun you wn’t even notice that you’re exercising.


65. Skip Yourself Slim


One of my favourite exercises for weight loss is skipping or jumping rope. It’s great because it’s good cardio which gets your entire body moving and your heart pumping but it’s also great fun too. I’m quite a competitive person so jumping rope suits me well as I can push myself to do a higher amount of jumps than I’ve done previously. Plus if you have a big enough house you can do this from the comfort of your own home, I love to do it while I’m watching TV. You hardly notice time passing, even if you are exhausted by the end, and with ever jump you’re burring off more calories and getting one step closer to your goals.


66. Ride A Bike


Few exercises are as fun as cycling. It’s fab if you get a lovely sunny day and you have a beautiful coastal or country road to follow. Cycling is a great exercise to help you lose weight as it’s a form of cardio while not being too harsh on your body. It’s wonderfully relaxing but while you’re happily cycling along you’re still working your legs and can wind up with them being beautifully toned. When you’re out and about, why not take a healthy picnic or one of your low calorie snacks with you to really make a day of it? Or, if possible, why not cycle to your destinations instead of driving there.


67. Go For A Walk


I love walking for leisure, especially in the wide open countryside. I’ll admit that I have a dog so I have to go out but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it and wouldn’t do it anyway. If workouts aren’t really your think then walking is a great alternative. Sure, you burn off calories slower but at least you’re still burning them. Here’s a handy tip; you burn more calories if you walk uphill or brusquely so maybe make your leisurely stroll not quite so leisurely and pick up the pace.


68. Eat With Fewer People


I mentioned before about distractions while eating and yes I said it was okay to eat with people and talk amongst yourselves but perhaps it’s wise to eat with fewer people still. You don’t want conversation becoming the new TV and causing you to eat more after all. I like eating with just one or two other people, that way it’s enough to be leisurely but there’s not really enough conversation going on to distract me from my food.


69. Have A Shopping List


If you amble into a supermarket unprepared and having no idea what you need then it only makes sense that you’re likely to buy all the things you shouldn’t. I never go shopping without a list of everything I need otherwise you can be sure I’ll arrive home again with none of the things I needed and a tonne of stuff I’ll probably never use. Write out your healthy shopping list before you step outside your front door, this way you’re likely to buy what you need and you may even find yourself spending less as a bonus.


70. Avoid The Middle Of Supermarkets


Speaking of shopping, while you’re in the supermarket I advise that you miss out the centre aisles. That’s because this is where they keep all the things that are bad for you like biscuits, crisps, soda, and sweets. On the outsides of the store however you’ll find fresh foods, and fruit and vegetables. You may not have noticed this before but once you realise it’s easy to see and also once you’ve realised it’s easier not to fall into the trap of buying these things.


71. Keep A Food Journal


I mentioned before about being accountable for what you eat and personally I think the best way to do this is by keeping a food journal. I started doing it a couple of years ago and honestly I’ve never looked back since. It’s great to note down everything you’ve ate and the calories so you can work out whether you should have that extra snack or not. You can get a lot of apps on your phone that will work out the exact calories even in home made food and can even calculate how many calories you’ve burned exercising too. Food diaries are so simple to keep and take no time at all but they make such a big difference to your life and your diet. They’re also a great tool for helping you to track your progress too.


72. Be Inspired


Nothing can stifle your weight loss journey quicker than lack of inspiration. It’s a sure fire way to get you down and have you wondering why you’re even bothering. Remember how important it is to stay inspired and motivated and push yourself to your weight loss goal. I love sticking little inspiring sayings up around the house to help me or a picture of what I’d like to look like. It’s so simple but it really helps to keep you on track.


73. Read Fitness Magazines


Speaking of inspiration, you can find heaps of it in fitness magazines, books, and TV shows. You’ll be able to read real life success stories which will make you determined to have your own and you’ll also be able to stock up and loads of tips and tricks too. I find fitness magazines great for finding new recipes, running trails, and various new fitness methods. There’s so much information in them they really are what you make of them. There’s something in them for everyone, you just have to find exactly what appeals to you.


74. Listen To Your Body


I can’t stress enough how important it is to listen to your body. If you’re hungry eat, if your muscles are sore then take a minute to relax, if you need a drink of water then drink up. Your weight loss journey is about pushing yourself but it’s not about killing yourself so be sure not to push yourself too far or you’ll only end up hurting yourself and going back to square one. Listen to your body as it’s the best coach you can get when it comes to teaching you about you.


75. Make The Weekends Count


Most of us work Monday to Friday and no doubt look forward to our weekends as they’re a time to chill out, relax, and pretty much be lazy. Sadly however that’s not the attitude you need if you’re trying to lose weight. You need to make sure every day counts, the weekends included. Don’t panic though, this doesn’t mean you have to go to bootcamp every weekend. Just be sure you keep doing your daily workouts and maybe do an activity that works your body as well as allows you to have fun. Maybe go rock climbing, surfing, to hiking, something fun that still keeps your body moving.


76. Have A Celebrity Idol


Admit it, we all look at celebrities and wish we looked like them. It’s not fun but we all do it. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to do that and it can even be healthy and helpful for you. I find it great motivation to pick a celebrity idol and push myself to try and look like them. Of course, you have to be somewhat realistic perhaps by comparing your height statistics to theirs and their natural body shape but in theory there’s no reason you can’t look like your favourite celebrity superstar if you push yourself.


77. Visualise Your Future Self


Another thing I find very helpful is to visualise my future self after I’ve reached my goal weight. It’s really motivational to picture how great you’ll look, the clothes you’ll get to wear, what people will think of you like etc. It’s daydreaming but in it’s best possible form. Visualising your future self can be both motivational and inspiring, it will help you say no to that extra doughnut or skipping that workout.


78. Invest In A Tape Measure


I mentioned earlier about not trusting the scales but just incase you didn’t fully understand I suggest you invest in a tape measure. Take weekly measurements of your upper arms, waist, hips, bum, and thighs to accurately see how many inches you’ve lost and keep a note of the numbers. This will tell you better than the number on the scales whether you’re losing body fat or not. Even if you can’t see great results in the mirror that doesn’t mean you might not have lose an inch here and there.


79. Reward All Your Successes


I said before about setting yourself goals mini targets but I want to make sure you stick to that. To do that, reward yourself every time you reach a target. And no I don’t mean with chocolate unfortunately. Perhaps buy yourself a new pair of shoes, go on a day trip somewhere, whatever you like, just so long as it makes you feel like you’ve achieved something. To reach a goal, even a mini goal, you’ve worked incredibly hard and you deserve to celebrate that. Go on, reward yourself!


80. Be Realistic With Your Time Scales


Okay, so I’m writing an article on how to lose weight fast but I’m afraid I still have to remind you to be realistic with your time scales. This isn’t going to happen overnight, ladies. You’re not just going to wake up one day and look like Megan Fox (though I wouldn’t complain if I did…). Don’t be disheartened if you don’t see mega results in a week or even in a month. This is a lifestyle change you’re going for, not a phase, and change takes time. Be patient, it will come. Just don’t stress about it because we already covered why that’s bad for you.


81. Buy Sports Clothes


I’ve heard the saying many a time ‘dress for the job you want, not the job you have’ and that saying applies to dieting too. You may not be an athlete but that doesn’t mean you can’t dress like one while you’re training your body and ridding yourself of your unwanted weight. I always find that when I’m dressed for the part I always act the part much better and my workout is much more productive.


82. Get Kissing!


Kissing only burns off about eight calories per minutes but that’s still eight calories more than you’d burned off a minutes earlier so warm up your lips and get kissing!


83. Buy Your Dream Dress A Size Too Small


Is there a dress, a top, a jacket, or a pair of jeans you absolutely love? An item of clothing you’ve decide you just have to have in your life. If so then I urge you to buy it! Well, buy it but buy it one size too small. That way you’ll find yourself desperate to fit into it so you can wear it, therefore you’ll work yourself that much harder to reach your goal.


84. Stay Positive and Don’t Lose Focus


I think that this is another good time to remind you to stay positive and not to lose focus. Every now and again we need a pick me up and for someone to remind us why we started and exactly where we’re headed. At this moment in time, that’s me but in future you have to be your own motivator. Every time things get hard push yourself a little bit harder. Remember what inspires you and stay positive. Don’t be down just because you had a bad week or ate something you shouldn’t. You’re only human but you’ll get there.


85. Fall In Love


This is an odd tip but honestly it works. If you’re too busy falling head over heels for someone then you’ll find yourself not worrying about what you’ll have for lunch or if you want that cake. Too many people put off dating until they’re perfect without realising that dating may well be what helps them become perfect. I say get out there, go and meet the man of your dreams. Plus won’t it be fun to meet someone and then watch as they fall ever more in love with you as the pounds come off? Don’t hide away, go fall in love!


86. Make Love!


Speaking of falling in love, why not make a little love to help you shed those extra pounds and burn off a few calories? Sex burns on average eighty five calories per hour so if your love life heats up then all the better. On that I’m saying no more…


87. Be Truly Happy


In my old job I was happy but not truly happy if that makes sense. On my breaks I’d constantly be at the vending machines and at home I’d eat nothing but junk. Since I’ve started doing exactly what I want I’ve become much happier and the pounds have been falling off me. I find that since I’ve been happier I don’t feel the need to eat as much, I was comfort eating without knowing it I guess. Now I don’t even think about food and I have to remind myself to eat, therefore I find it much easier to eat healthily.


88. Drink Smoothies


Drinking smoothies is a great way to make yourself feel full in a healthy way. You can get all sorts too. I love any sort of grit smoothing but you can get some amazing tasting vegetable smoothies too. The great thing about smoothies is that they’re so low in calories yet incredibly filling. You can ever have them as a meal replacement now and again. You can also drink protein shakes and soup for a similar effect too.


89. Don’t Add Sugar


No matter what your taste buds may tell you, it’s not necessary to add sugar to your oatmeal, cereal, coffee, or anything else or that matter. Sugar is bad for you for so many reasons, not least of all because it’s full of calories and fattening. If you still feel you need a little something extra on your food however then why not try sprinkling a little cinnamon over instead? It’s even better than sugar in my opinion plus it’s good for you too.


90. Beware Of Fat Free Foods


If a food is fat free that’s good right? Well, sometimes… All too often you end up buying fat free food and find that you’re trading fat for massive amounts of sugar and sodium which are also bad for your body. So while you’re helping yourself lose weight in one sense you’re stifling your journey in another. This is why you should always read the label like I said earlier. You may be shocked by what’s hiding in your food.


91. Get Rid of the Dips


I don’t know about you but I’m an absolute sucker for a dip to go alongside my crisps. I love soured cream and onion or mango chutney. Sadly however these are both incredibly bad for me and only useful if you want to pile on the pounds and ruin all your hard word. I have however found a great alternative to these dips which is pureed fruit. Yup, you read that right, pureed fruit. Things like peaches, pears, mangos, and nectarines all puree really well and taste surprisingly nice when used as a dip. It’s great because it opens your mouth up to great new tastes too seeing as these are dips you don’t find at the supermarket.


92. Have More In Your Life Than Food


If you’re overweight then all too often food becomes the only real source of pleasure in your life, therefore it can be hard to give it up when you decide to lose weight. To combat this, try to reconnect with other things you once loved. Perhaps take an art class, go to more gigs, become a regular at the movies, do anything to fill your time and make your days revolve around anything other than where the next meal is coming from. I don’t mean to be harsh by saying this but a lot of people don’t even realise they’re doing this until it’s pointed out – I for one certainly didn’t.


93. Eat By The Seasons


We find a lot of fruits and vegetables in our supermarkets year round however that’s not to say they’re in season. Actually, a lot of this produce is actually genetically modified to grow out of season so we can eat it year round, something which may seem good but something which isn’t incredibly great for us. These foods aren’t exactly bad for us but they’re no where near as healthy as their in season cousins. Try buying fruit and veg that’s in season as it’s healthier and likely to be cheaper too.


94. Stock Up On Apples


Eating just one apple before every meal is a great way to help you feel fuller faster during your meal, therefore you’ll eat less and take in fewer calories. Apples are a great source of fibre too so they have other great health benefits as well as this as we covered earlier. Of course, this tip isn’t always practical but still whenever you can an apple before a meal will go a long way to helping you reach your weight loss goals.


95. Replace Butter With Peanut Butter


If you’re wanting to have butter or cream cheese on anything then it’s best you resist for obvious reasons. That doesn’t mean you have to have your crackers dry as a bone however. Instead you could try spreading on some peanut butter or even some almond butter so you still get a tasty treat but at least it will be much healthier for you. Yes, peanut butter does have lots of calories but eaten in small amounts it has lots of health benefits too.


96. Eat Eggs For Breakfast


Research has shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast are less hungry throughout the rest of the day than people who eat cereal or high carb breakfasts. This is most likely due to the protein in the eggs. This means eggs are a fab way to start your day if you’re trying to lose weight. Plus, eggs never get boring wither as you can have them scrambled, eggs Benedict, poached or fried if you use vegetable oil to fry them. You can even couple them with a slice of wholegrain toast for an extra tasty, healthy breakfast.


97. Consider Other Goals


When it comes to setting ourselves a goal most people think firstly in weight numbers and secondly in inches. These however aren’t your only options. When setting yourself a goal why not think outside the box. Perhaps set yourself a dress size instead. This may not be the normal way of doing things but for some people it works much better as it’s easy to track, you can see your results, and you don’t have to worry if the numbers on the scale aren’t going down so long as your jeans are still going up.


98. Donate Old Clothes


As your excess weight starts so come off and you find yourself creeping ever closer to your weight loss goals you should consider donating all your old clothes. Once your clothes are too big for you it’s time to get rid of them. Donate them to a local charity shop. You’ll be doing a good deed plus it will be incentive to stay on track. You’ll no longer be able to allow yourself to gain weight as you’ll have to clothes to fit if you do. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Plus you’ll be so happy to wave goodbye to your old, larger self. It will be a great relief when you finally rid yourself of your large clothes.


99. Don’t Eat After Seven O’clock


Do your best not to eat after seven o’clock at night. If you do you’re much more likely to make unhealthy food choices and you’ll sleep worse which can impact your weight loss progress. Plus, if you eat so late at night your body has less time to burn off the calories before you go to sleep so they’ll wind up being stored in your body as fat. I like to have a quick snack just before seven and then that’s me for the night. You’ll lose more weight, sleep better, and wake up ready for breakfast too.


100. Take Naps


I know, this tip sounds like absolute bliss, right? The fact is that our cravings often sneak up on us when we’re tired and it’s then that we find ourselves binging on all the calorific treats we should really be avoiding. Whenever possible, take a quick nap during the day to revive yourself. Even if it’s just for half an hour you’ll find yourself feeling refreshed and your cravings will be banished for a time longer. I’ll want you however, I started using this tip and it can be highly addictive. I’m quite often sad when I don’t get my afternoon nap, despite being a fully grown woman. I’ll also say don’t sleep too long either or you may not sleep well come night time. Who says naps are just for children? Not anymore!


Have you enjoyed this list? If so I’d love to hear from you and I’m keen to know which tricks worked for you, which didn’t, and of course if you’ve got any of your own to add. Weight loss isn’t just a phase, it’s a lifestyle change so remember that and keep the tips and tricks listed here in mind long after you’ve reached your target weight and size. Weight loss starts in the mind after all. Well, that’s about it from me. Before I go I’d like to wish you the best of luck and I urge you to read my other weight loss articles if you’ve enjoyed this one. On my author profile page you’ll find plenty more neat tips and tricks to help you reach your dreams. Good luck!


(all images sourced via pinterest.com)


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