herinterest.com » fitness http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 Kim Kardashian Diet and Workout http://www.herinterest.com/kim-kardashian-diet-and-workout/ http://www.herinterest.com/kim-kardashian-diet-and-workout/#comments Thu, 10 Apr 2014 11:16:12 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12304


Thrity-three year old, American born Kimberly Noel “Kim” Kardashian rose to fame in 2007 when she and her family were signed to star in the reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians. The success of the show lead to many spin offs which she also starred in including Kourtney and Kim Take New Yorkand Kourtney and Kim Take Miami. Since then, Kim Kardashian has become the highest paid reality TV show of all time and in 2010 it was estimated that she was worth a whopping six million. She’s now engaged to the rapper Kanye West and together the have a daughter named North West who was born in June 2013. The star is now considered to be a worldwide success and her occupations include television personality, fashion designer, model, actress, businesswoman and author after she and her two sisters Kortney and Khloe Kardahian released a book named Kardashian Konfidential in 2010.

As well as her career, Kim Kardashian is constantly talked about for her figure. She’s not known for being the slimmest woman in the world however despite being naturally big boned and voluptuous she still manages to maintain a slender yet curvy figure that people admire. After giving birth to her daughter she was left with a lot of excess weight post pregnancy which she struggled to shed but now, two years on, she is back to looking her usual slim yet curvy self. She lost this extra weight and now maintains her figure with her exercise regime and diet plan.


Kim’s Personal Trainer


To maintain her hourglass figure Kim Kardashian quite often works out twice a day with her personal trainer Gunnar Peterson. She does these workouts along with her brother Robert Kardashian and during these workouts she runs on the treadmill, does various cardio exercises such as using the elliptical trainer, and she also alternates her cardio exercises with upper and lower body exercises. She aims to keep her heart rate up to maximise her calorie burn and fat loss and to tone as much muscle as possible. When she’s doing her cardio exercises, the star attaches five pound weight to her ankles for added resistance and to up her calorie burn.


Evening Workouts


In the evenings for three days a week, Kim Kardashian does a range of workouts. Usually she begins by doing either some strength truing or Pilates and then moves on to strengthening circuits. The circuits the star does are a range of lunges, pushups, squats, shoulder presses, curls, and high kicks amongst other things. Between her repetitions of these moves she keeps her heart rate up and he body in fat burning move by either dancing, running on the spot, doing jumping jacks, or jumping rope for one minute and them continuing.




During her Pilates workouts, the star sticks to a range of her favourite moves that use the hips, legs, and butt to tone them all. She likes to do heel beats, pelvic curls, Pilates swimming, and double leg kicks most of all. She also really enjoys doing exercises that allow her to make use of the medicine ball. As well has helping to shape and slim her body, the star loves doing Pilates as she finds it refreshing and says it quietens her mind. It’s proven to help aid stress, something which the star finds helpful with her hectic lifestyle.


Kim Kardashian’s Diet


Kim Kardashian eats two thousand calories per day and is on the Atkins diet which helped her to lose her post pregnancy weight. She eats primarily healthy fats and proteins. On most days, her meal plan looks a little something like this…

Breakfast – A two egg omelet filled with cheese and spinach. “Starting my day with a good breakfast sets the tone of the day.” Kim says and reveals she never skips breakfast.

Lunch- For lunch she eats grilled salmon with asparagus and a side of salad. Fish is one of her favourite foods and she revealed “I’ve loved eating fish after my pregnancy.”, something which helped her stick to her diet.

Snacks – The star often enjoys and afternoon snack of turkey with cheese or greek yogurt with berries and almonds. She says that snacking helps her keep her energy levels up throughout the day.

Dinner – To finish her day, Kim Kardashian usually eats chicken breast with broccoli and a leafy green salad.

While the star’s diet may sound incredibly tasty it’s not without it’s drawbacks. She doesn’t allow herself to eat carbs such as white bread or white pasta, any sweets, processed foods, or really sugary things which she sometimes finds a challenge.


After giving birth Kim Kardashian had lose forty three pounds within six months and revealed “This was the biggest challenge of my life, and I still have some to go, but I feel so accomplished that I did this,”. She did this through a mix of hard work, exercise, and a good diet, something I think we can all take inspiration from.

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Kourtney Kardashian Diet and Workout http://www.herinterest.com/kourtney-kardashian-diet-and-workout/ http://www.herinterest.com/kourtney-kardashian-diet-and-workout/#comments Thu, 10 Apr 2014 10:34:33 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12292


American born Kourtney Mary Kardashian is now thirty four and is the oldest of the Kardashian sisters. Having first been brought into the spotlight by her friend Paris Hilton, her and her family were commissioned to their own reality TV show Keeping up with the Kardashians in 2007 which thrust them all to stardom. Since then she’s starred in spin offs such as Kourtney and Khloé Take Miami, Kourtney and Kim Take New York, and Kourtney and Kim Take Miami and is now known for being a television personality, fashion designer, and model.

When Kourtney Kardashian first came into the public eye she was slender, tall, lean, and beautiful however it wasn’t long before she got pregnant. She gave birth to her son Mason Dash Disick in December 2009 and found herself forty five pounds heavier than she had been pre pregnancy. Within just three months of giving birth however she’d lost thirty five pounds of the weight however and pushed her self to quickly lose the rest seeing as she had a photo shoot fast approaching. This however proved to be a mistake however and she ended up collapsing on a beach while running due to exhaustion from pushing her body too far.

When she gave birth to her second child a daughter named Penelope Scotland Disick in July 2012 she found herself once again with a lot of excess weight however she vowed that this time she’d not push herself to lose it as quickly. Instead, she took things slower and soon enough she had her perfect beach body back. Want to know how she did it? Here’s how…




The TV star credits much of her remarkable weight loss from both pregnancies to breast feeding. She guesses it mush help her to shed an extra six hundred calories per day which over a period of time helped her to shed the extra pounds. It’s good for you and helps to give your baby a great start in life. As a result, she advises any new mother to do the same.




While she may have been running when she collapsed after her first pregnancy, it hasn’t dampened the star’s spirits. She loves running and enjoys few things better than putting a few of her favourite songs on the iPod shuffle and going for a jog along the beach. If she doesn’t have time to venture out into the world to run, she simply jumps on her treadmill or her elliptical trainer so she’s not missing a workout. She tends to run most days but at a minimum she runs four times per week.

To make running a more intense workout for her, she sometimes does some extra drills during the workout too. Every now and again she stops running and does things like high knees, low walking, lunges, and sprinting. She’s also been known to say she much prefers running when she has a friend or one of her sisters to run along with.


Mix It Up


Kourtney Kardashian always tries to vary her workouts and do things that her body won’t expect and isn’t used to. This means it’s more likely to burn off extra calories as it’s not getting a chance to relax and adapt to the workout. As a result, she’s always pushing herself and doing exercises which will challenge her.


Kourtney Kardashian’s Diet Plan


“I can never follow a diet,” she says and admits that eating healthy can be hard when her and her family eat dinner at her mother’s house twice a week. “She always has a huge spread – soups, salads, pasta, rice, meatballs – and I like to have a little bit of everything.” She says she doesn’t have a strict diet but tries to stay away from processed foods, foods with high sugar, and starchy foods like bread. She absolutely loves eating salad with deli turkey, lettuce, cucumber and sunflower seeds. Salmon and chicken are also two of her personal favourites. Where possible, the star has cut out any unnecessary calories but eliminating fruit juice, switching Chai latte to one espresso shot that saves 235 calories and has also stopped eating dried fruits. “I was eating a lot of dried fruits, and I didn’t realize how much sugar that added. And now I’ll eat raw almonds instead of salted ones.”

On a daily basis she always makes sure she eats a filling breakfast and throughout the day she drinks plenty of water to keep her hydrated and feeling full. She says that one of the keys to a successful eating plan is to keep a positive attitude towards your diet. You have to enjoy your food as well as ensuring it’s somewhat healthy or you’ll only end up binging on all the bad stuff. That’s why she focusses on eating all her favourite healthy food like salad and lean chicken.

(all images sourced fiat pinterest.com)

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Beyoncé Knowles Diet and Workout http://www.herinterest.com/beyonce-knowles-diet-and-workout/ http://www.herinterest.com/beyonce-knowles-diet-and-workout/#comments Thu, 10 Apr 2014 09:53:32 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12280


Born Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter, the Huston, Texas born star is now known around the world for her talents. Having risen to fame in the late nineties as the lead singer in the band Destiny’s Child, she soon went solo and became a hit. When she released her first solo album in 2003 it sold an incredible eleven million copies, won five Grammy Award and featured two Billboard number one singles. If that isn’t a way to launch your solo career then I don’t know what is! Since then she’s gone from feat to feat, conquering the musical industry and also taking a punch at being an actress too.


The star stands at five foot six and, in addition to her worldwide success, she’s known for her voluptuous figure and her beautiful booty. When she was pregnant with her daughter Blue-Ivy, Beyoncé Knowles gained a massive sixty pounds but post pregnancy she worked hard to regain her curvy yet slim figure. The star has always told how she’s not naturally slim and, as much as she’d like, skipping gym sessions and indulging in her favourite foods just isn’t an option for her or else she’ll gain weight like crazy. As a result, she works hard day in and day out to stay looking lean and slim. Want to know how? Keep reading, I’ve got all the answers for you!


Beyoncé Knowles’ Personal Trainer


To keep in such great shape, the star works out with her personal trainer Marco Borges. Together, they focus on the Power Moves Training Philosophy which is Marco Borges’ signature in many respects. The philosophy enables the star to workout many different muscle groups at a time and focus on all of her body, not just one are. The training is done in intervals and ranges from high to low intensity which helps Beyoncé Knowles burn off more calories per session than she might do otherwise. The training is a variation of workouts but primarily it involves using the treadmill, spinning and running.



Five Minute Workouts


Whenever she gets a spare bit of time, Beyoncé Knowles fills the gap with various five minute workouts to help her burn more calories throughout the day. She does a mix of lunges, squats, planks, stretches, etc. When doing these exercises, she loves to listen to her favourite music. She says that the mix of music and working out really refreshes her and gets her energy levels up throughout the day.


She Runs


For at least fifteen minutes every day, the star runs. She does this partly as a warm up exercise before her main workout and partly to keep her heart, lungs, and mind healthy as well as her body. She says it’s a great stress reliever and a great way to start your day.


Weight and Resistance Exercises


As part of her workout which she does five days per week, Beyoncé Knowles does a variety of weight lifting, pushups, military presses, bench presses, lunges, squats, dumb less curls, amongst other things. During her workout, she does one hundred reps of each exercise before moving on to the next one. This usually takes up about forty five minutes to one hour of her day and is followed by thirty minutes of cardio.


She’s a Popstar!


Even without all these exercises, bear in mind that Beyoncé Knowles spends a lot of her time on stage which means she spends even more of her time preparing for it. When she’s getting ready to tour she often spends nine hours per day dancing on stage in preparation for her show, something which is bound to shed the calories and pounds.


Beyoncé Knowles’ Diet


Beyoncé Knowles credits much of her weight lost after giving birth to her daughter to breastfeeding. She says it really helped her shed the extra pounds and is now an advocate for the practice and advises other women to do the same. She also says that post pregnancy she made sure she always ate one vegetarian meal per day which helped her to lose a massive fifty seven pounds, leaving her only three pounds heavier than before she got pregnant.

Beyoncé Knowles is a big fan of left green vegetables and now follows a vegan diet. So long as she is aware of what vitamins and minerals each vegetable provides her, she can manage to supplement a balanced diet and is not losing any essential nutrients. Some of her favourite foods are green apples, cucumber sprinkled with vinegar, lemon and cayenne pepper, and edamame. When the star has a show coming up or needs to loose weight quickly, she says that she skips eating full meals and instead opts for protein shakes to help her slim down faster than she might do otherwise. This is however not a practice she enjoys and doesn’t keep it up afterward.

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Audrina Patridge Diet and Workout http://www.herinterest.com/audrina-patridge-diet-and-workout/ http://www.herinterest.com/audrina-patridge-diet-and-workout/#comments Thu, 10 Apr 2014 09:18:05 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12269


Audrina Patridge, American born star of the Hills, Audrina, and Dancing with the Stars, has a two piece ready body year round. The twenty-eight year old actress and model constantly in the best shape possible and never misses an opportunity to show of her supple, lean figure. And why would she? Since she rose to prominence back in 2006, her perfect beach body has become something for women everywhere to envy! It seems Audrina Patridge is fast becoming known for her perfect body which has many of us mere mortal women wondering how and Earth she manages to stay looking do incredibly good! She’s got a wonderfully ones stomach, a fantastic set of legs, lean arms, and even a great set of breasts – she seems to have it all. If, like me, you can’t help but be amazed by how fab she looks then you’ll be pleased to hear I’ve done a little digging and found out exactly what Audrina Patridge does to stay looking so enviably good. Here’s how…


The Body Box Routine


To keep her bikini body year round, two or three times per week the twenty-six year old dose a routine which her personal trainer Jarett DelBene calls the body box routine. “We alternate rounds of boxing combinations that include punches and kicks with circuits of body weight–only strength moves,” he says with regards to the star’s routine. “It’s high intensity, so you burn lots of calories while you’re firming up. And because the exercises don’t use any gear, Patridge can stick to them whether she’s on the road or at home.”

The routine starts off by doing either shadowboxing or jumping rope for a total of three minutes. Audrina Patridge then goes on to do one set of twenty reps of each of various moves in order with no rest in between. Sometimes, Audrina Patridge either jumps rope of shadow boxes for one minute between each set to increase the amount of calories she burns. On a typical workout, she repeats this entire workout twice. This workout is fab for the star as it requires no equipment – even a jump rope is optional as she can mimic the moves without one. This means she can workout anytime, anywhere, a must for someone who travels so much and who has such a busy life.


Five to Six Workouts Per Week


Audrina Patridge Body Boxes two or three times per week but she’s far from idle on her supposed days ‘off’. She works out five or six times per week and when she’s not Body Boxing she’s either doing Pilates, doing body weight training, doing strength training or working on her core to ensure her abs stay sleek and lean. It’s little wonder she looks as good as she does considering the amount and the intensity of the workouts she does. After all that, I for one say she deserves her enviable body!


Audrina Patridge’s Diet


One of Audrina Patridge’s favourite things to eat is apples. She says she’s far rather eat a delicious apple than have a cup of coffee or a bar of chocolate. She loves how she gets so many different vitamins and minerals from them too – they’re tasty and incredibly good for her!

That said, she still has a love for various other junk foods. She’s never willing to stray too far from her healthy diet however so is always sure to keep her craving under control. She allows herself calorific treats at times but she always watches her portion and makes sure it’s just a little part of an overall healthy diet. When it comes to eating healthy, she’s a massive fan of healthy shakes. She’s always saying that she recommends shakes made up from various differently fruits such as mangoes, peaches, pineapples, and berries, but sources say she even enjoys vegetable green smoothies too. Another of the star’s favourite things to eat is natural or greek yoghurt mixed in with plenty of fresh fruit. It makes for a delicious snack or can even be consumed as a light meal.


So there you have it, ladies, Audrina Patridge’s diet plan and workout routine. While it seems she works incredibly hard day in and day out to stay looking so fantastic, she’s not quite as tough on herself as many celebrities are, something I admire her for. The fact that she allows herself all her favourite foods only in moderation is something else we should commend her for – she’s not starving herself slim, something that some celebrities seem to fall prey to with all the pressures on them. If you’ve enjoyed this article you can real plenty more in the Celebrity section of Her Interest, plus, if you have a request on who you’d like to read about next just let me know!


(all images sourced via pinterest.com)

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Kelly Osbourne Diet and Workout http://www.herinterest.com/kelly-osbourne-diet-and-workout/ http://www.herinterest.com/kelly-osbourne-diet-and-workout/#comments Thu, 10 Apr 2014 09:08:34 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12250

British Kelly Michelle Lee Osbourne is merely twenty-nine but already she’s an accomplished singer-songwriter, actress, television presenter and fashion designer. Born to parents Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne, the star was never likely to be a wilting flower however.

Once a chubby, overweight celebrity, since 2009 Kelly Osbourne has shed at least seventy pounds. Yes, that’s right, seventy pounds! Now, the multi-talented star has a slim and alluring figure. She’s lean yet curvy, slim and sexy. Out of no where she went from shabby to chic, fat to absolutely stunning! Who knew that underneath her extra weight a gorgeous woman was just waiting to blossom? As well as having lose weight, the star has also been through rehab to overcome her alcohol and drug problems and now she is an ambassador for a fit and healthy life. Yes, Kelly Osbourne certainly is a poster girl for turning your life around! The stars persistence paid off and now, with her new slim figure and clean lifestyle, she’s an inspiration to millions of people around the world, men and women alike. While just a few short years ago she hid her body under loose clothes, Kelly Osbourne is now constantly pictured wearing skin tight dresses, bikinis and showing off her gorgeous legs. But how did she do it, you ask? For some of us losing seven pounds is a challenge, never mind seventy! Well, you asked and I answered. Here’s Kelly Osbourne’s seeming miracle diet plan and exercise routine…


Kelly Osborne Got A Personal Trainer


The first step to Kelly Osborne’s amazing weight loss was to hire a personal trainer (and to buy a set of five pound dumbbells!). Kelly Osborne did a lot of work with her trainer Sarah who’s often associated with the blue clay foundation in Los Angeles. She helped the star get fit by training her and getting her to practice Bosu, Power Plate and lots and lots of cardio.


Kelly Osborne’s Workout Routine


Even now after she’s lost so much weight Kelly Osborne still works out and she always starts her workout by doing a gently warm up. To warm us, she does some light exercises and jogs for about ten to fifteen minutes. When jogging, she uses a treadmill opposed to going outside. Kelly Osborne then moves on to various exercises of her choice. She does a mix of squats, push ups, planks, exercise bikes, cross training and anything else you can think of. The key is, she sticks to just a few exercises per session and does them for as long as possible before taking a break for thirty to forty seconds and then continuing. Well, I say she takes a break, she actually does a mountain walk for this time so she’s consistently burning off calories. Kelly Osborne does this for about half an hour three times per week at a minimum though when she first started her weight loss journey she was working out five or six times per week.


Kelly Osborne’s Other Workouts


In addition to her high impact cardio workouts, Kelly Osborne also loves to practice yoga, Pilates, weights and resistance training. It’s the wide variety of exercises which she practices that has helped her to be so successful in her journey.


Kelly Osborne’s Diet Plan


When it comes to her diet, Kelly Osborne isn’t too strict on herself. She’s actually against dieting because she’s well aware that as soon as you eat normally again you gain the weight all over again. For her, it’s all about eating normal and healthyish, not eating perfectly. While she tries not to overeat and only eat bad foods like she used to, she does allow herself to eat unhealthily at times. She usually starts the day with a heavy breakfast which cane anything she fancies. She’s even admitted to having pizza for breakfast at times. For lunch, she usually has salad as she’s still normally full from breakfast and for dinner she likes to have oatmeal. Her thinking is that if she eats badly at the start of the day she has the rest of the day to work it off. She allows herself to have cheat meals and even cheat days at times, just so long as she tries to eat healthy overall.


Kelly Osbornes’s Weight Loss Tips


The star spoke out in May 2013 about her weight loss and was even kind enough to share some great tips with the world on how she did it and what she’ll keep on doing. Her first rule was to never, ever skip breakfast – it does you more harm than good. Secondly, drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day to keep your body in tip top condition. Thirdly, only eat when you’re hungry or you end up consuming calories for no reason. She also advised that people don’t go shopping when they’re hungry. If they do they’re more likely to buy unhealthy foods like chocolate and ready meals. These are all rules Kelly Osborne sticks to and tips she praises for her fab new body.


(all images sourced via pinterest)

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Angelina Jolie Diet and Workout http://www.herinterest.com/angelina-jolie-diet-and-workout/ http://www.herinterest.com/angelina-jolie-diet-and-workout/#comments Tue, 08 Apr 2014 13:44:04 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12100

Angelina Jolie (born Angelina Jolie Voight) started acting at the tender age of seven and now three decades later and at the age of thirty-eight she’s a fully fledged actress, director, screenwriter, producer, fiancee to Brad Pitt (jealous much?) and the mother of six. Her accomplishments are undeniable and as a result she’s become Hollywoods highest paid actress. In her time (which is far fromover I might add) the star has received an Academy Award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and three Golden Globes, each a true testament to her skill and talent.

As well as her impressive CV, Angelina Jolie is also known for her incredible looks. She’s in perfect shape and has even been named by various media outlets as the worlds most beautiful woman – now that’s an accomplishment! Despite having given birth to three children (the other three are adopted) Angelina Jolie looks as amazing as ever. She’s got a killer smile, a hot body, and a set of lets even a supermodel would envy. With such a busy life, how on Earth does the A lister manage to stay looking so incredibly good? Well, it’s not without a lot of hard work, I can assure you.




Angelina Jolie does lots of martial arts training and kickboxing to help her stay sleek, strong, and slim. If you’ve ever seen Tomb Raider or Salt, you’ll have seen her throw a kick or a punch and that’s just a taster of what the star can really do. Thanks to kickboxing, she’s incredibly fit and strong. The exercise also helps her to boost her stamina, keeps her flexible, and also burns off lots of calories per session. No wonder she looks so good with all the benefits regular kickboxing provides her!


She Practices Yoga


The American actress is keen to keep her body in great, if not perfect, shape. To do this, she loves to practice yoga, especially the moves that promote muscle toning and stretching. This ensures that the star maintains her lean and sleek figure that’s famed around the world. It’s also a great way for Angelina Jolie to unwind after a long day at work, in the public eye or simply after a busy day with her six children. It’s fab for helping her to de-stress considering her hectic life.


She Loves Twisted Lunges


Angelina Jolie has a fantastic butt which she achieved and now maintains by practicing what’s called the twisted lunge. If you fancy a butt like hers, I suggest you follow her lead. The twisted lunch was developed by the personal trainer Gunnar Peterson and is now widely used by celebrities everywhere.


Resistance Training Is Key


Angelina Jolie also likes to add some resistance to her workouts. For the ultimate fat burning exercise, she likes to combine aerobics with resistance for great results. Due to her busy schedule, she’s always changing what exercises she does depending on what she has time for but some of her favourites are lunges, bicep curls, shoulder presses, step ups, pull ups, push ups, squats, and planking.


Angelina Jolie’s Diet Plan


As you can possibly imagine, Angelina Jolie has a strict diet regime which helps her keep her body and figure in tip top condition. It was during the filming of Tomb Raider (which required her to be incredibly fit and look the part too) that she started to training to become fitter and more athletic and, as a result, it was then when she started focusing on her eating habits too. To build plenty of lean muscle, she started eating a very high protein diet which was low in carbs. This is something that she kept up even after the film was finished and now, like many of her fellow Hollywood celebrities, she still eats lots of protein. She’s also a big fan of fruits and steamed vegetables. Water is also a key feature in her diet. Complex carbs are something she eats very little of, in fact she only eats enough to replenish her body’s energy supplies and no more. Other things Angelina Jolie tends to avoid are red meats as well as wheat based foods. To bulk up what she’s eating and make her meals more substantial, she eats a lot of salad, either as a side to her main or as a snack on its own. Overall, the star eats incredibly healthily, albeit very strictly. It’s extremely rare that she allows herself to indulge in something sweet and she’s always watching her calorie intake.


So there you have it, Angelina Jolie’s diet plan and workout routine. While it may be extensive, it’s not as strict as many of the top actresses and models out there. With a life as busy as hers that’s extremely understandable though. With six kids to care for, I’m amazed she has time to even do a single squat! She truly is a wonder woman!


(all images sourced via pinterest.com)

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Jennifer Lopez Diet and Workout http://www.herinterest.com/jennifer-lopez-diet-and-workout/ http://www.herinterest.com/jennifer-lopez-diet-and-workout/#comments Tue, 08 Apr 2014 10:47:03 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12089

After beginning her acting career in 1986 in a minor role, American born Jennifer Lynn Lopez fast became the most successful Latina woman in the entertainment industry. Now aged forty four, the worldwide star boasts a CV which lists her as an actress, dancer, producer, recording artist, and the brains behind various clothing, perfume and cosmetic lines. Twenty eight years since she started her career and she still shows no signs of wishing to retire, in fact she’s a busy as ever and all the while she’s looking a young and as fantastic as ever too.

While the star has an undeniably lean, toned and admirable body what you may not know is that Jennifer Lopez isn’t obsessive over keeping it that way. She’s happy with herself no matter how she looks and urges other women to feel the same. Yes, she works out and eats relatively clean but she’s not obsessive and to her gaining a few pounds isn’t the end of the world. That’s life. Unlike some celebrities, she doesn’t want to whittle away every second of her spare time picking at salad or doing push ups, she’s rather simply enjoy her time. That said, she still does do some exercise, more to keep fit than anything else, so let’s take a look at Jennifer Lopez’s diet plan and workout routine.


Who Says You Need to Lose Weight?


Like I said before, Jennifer Lopez doesn’t obsess about her weight. In fact, she believes that losing weight beyond a certain point is a waste of valuable time and energy. She’s always said that she’d rathe rook and feel good than worry about what the scales say which is why she spends her time toning her body instead of whittling it away. She does this by doing resistance training up to three times per week with the guidance of her various trainers.


Mix It Up


Cardio is said to be the Holy Grail of exercises and is what experts believe helps to burn away the most calories in one go. This is advice that Jennifer Lopez follows and therefore she does a mix of cardio including running, cycling, the stair master and boxing. She does all these exercises on a regular basis but is always carful to mix up her routine to keep her body guessing and to ensure that it doesn’t adapt to the exercise, thus defeating the point of doing them.


Keep It Consistent


Jennifer Lopez believes that consistency is the key to having a great workout. It’s not about focussing on how much weight you want to lose or what you want to look like, it’s about helping your body to remember the routine by doing it constantly and making yourself fitter over time. If you focus on fitness over looks you’ll go much further and with much less stress. Having a positive attitude is definitely the place to start in Jennifer Lopez’s opinion.


What’s Her Secret?


After giving birth to twins, Jennifer Lopez was dedicated to getting back in shape, something that many people remember about her. She says it was her extensive variation and a combination of lunges and squats that helped to shift the fat from her body. She’s a firm believer that the best tool you have to shape your body is your body and you should use its own weight against it.


Protein and Minerals


The majority of Jennifer Lopez’s diet is made up of protein. This come either in the form of meat or Soya foods. This helps her body repair dry cells which is attributed to slowing down the ageing process. It’s also a great help when it comes to tonight your body and keeping fit. The star also drinks lots of water, preferably with minerals in it, which helps her skin to glow and refreshes and cleanses her body from the inside out.




Jennifer Lopez has never starved herself to lose weight and insists that she never will. It’s her number one rule. Doing so only helps you lose energy opposed to fat. She’s completely against size zero being a size and says that once people accept that it’s not realistic their journey will be much simpler.


Never Be Greedy


The star always eats what she loves but never becomes obsessive about eating. She eats fast foods, carbs, chocolate, and anything else she fancies so long as she controls her cravings and never becomes greedy. Greed only leads to increased weight gain, she insists. You don’t have to control and count every single calorie you consume but be aware of how much you’re eating and try not to indulge and overeat (or at least try not to indulge too often if you must). Keep your diet balanced by eating plenty of good and bad foods. Your body will be happier for it.


(all images sourced via pinterest.com)




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Selena Gomez Diet and Workout http://www.herinterest.com/selena-gomez-diet-and-workout/ http://www.herinterest.com/selena-gomez-diet-and-workout/#comments Tue, 08 Apr 2014 09:55:41 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12080


Since making her TV debut in 2002, twenty one year old Selena Marie Gomez has broken into the film industry, played the lead role in Disney Channel’s Wizards of Waverly Place, and is fast becoming a pop princess. Already she’s starred in eighteen movies and twelve TV shows, despite her young age. With all her achievements so far, the young star is likely to become one of the big names in both film, TV, and music over the next few years. Selena Gomez was thrust into the spotlight when in February 2011 months of rumours were confirmed when she was found to be dating Justin Bieber, a relationship which has since ended however rocketed her to stardom.

So it’s obvious that Selena Gomez is much loved for a number of reasons. Whether you love her for her musical attributes, her movie roles, or her time as a Disney Channel star, there’s no denying that she’s something of a beauty however. She’s pretty, she’s slim, and somehow she manages to stay looking fabulous despite a full time music and acting career. She’s even been rated the seventy fifth sexiest woman in the world by FHM! The question is, how does she do it? Well, once again I’ve been doing my research and I’ve managed to find some info on Selena Gomez’s diet and workout routine, the secrets to how she stays looking so great. Here goes…


Selena Gomez’s Diet


Okay, so I said I’d discovered the secret to how she stays looking so great but I’ll admit I may have lied a little bit, or at least found out the secret is nothing to do with what she eats. Selena Gomez is a massive fan of junk food. She eats Snickers, M&M’s, Kit-Kat bars, and Goobers much more often than is healthy and hardly ever even looks at the healthy alternatives. In fact, the young star was hospitalised back in 2012 due to food poising and exhaustion, something that likely wouldn’t have happened if she’d been eating right. At the time, Selena Gomez admitted that while she always ate plenty, even she knew she wasn’t eating right, her sweet tooth just got the better of her.


Selena Gomez’s Diet Advice


After her stay in hospital, MTV News’ nutritionist, Lisa C. Cohn of Park Avenue Nutrition advised Selena Gomez of various ways to improve her diet to avoid a repeat occurrence. The star was advised that she replaces her love of sweets with various energy boosting foods such as berries, chick peas, fresh cilantro, and lentils. Things like bananas and peanut butter are also a good alternative to her love of candy seeing as they’ll fill her up and keep her feeling full but they’re not full of so much sugar and fat. In reference to Selena Gomez’s love of junk food, the advice was simply steer clear. She needs to stay away from things containing processed fats such as trans fat. Junk food is full of all these things and will drain her energy, making her feel like she wants to eat more so it’s a never ending cycle. When she visited hospital, it was found that Selena Gomez’s iron levels were low, something which can cause anaemia, so to give them a boost it was advised that she should try and eat more things like turkey, eggs, lentils, and soya beans as they’re all naturally high in iron. Selena Gomez was also advised that she should consider switching to dairy free foods and using alternatives such as soy or almond milk as studies show these are better for breathing, digestion and (the top tip for a pop-star) the voice.


It may all sound quite strict however the young star was told she didn’t have to banish junk food entirely. She was advised to follow the eighty-twenty rule which means that eighty percent of the time she should eat healthy, unprocessed, and whole foods while the other twenty percent of the time she’s allowed to splurge and eat all her favourite foods such as junk food and candy. This should help her stay in control of her cravings while eating her way to a healthier body all around.


Selena Gomez’s Workout Routines


Seeing as the young star is constantly on camera be it for a movie or being filmed at a concert, she needs to stay looking lean and healthy. To do this, Selena Gomez loves to dance. She follows the ballet-inspired dance class from the studio Pop Physique which is in Silver Lake, California. The workout is a mix of Pilates, ballet and some light weight work, mixed with various core shaping stretches and a series of strengthening isometrics. The workout targets her entire body and keeps her fit and lean so she can tackle any upcoming show or performance while looking and feeling great.

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Victoria’s Secret Models Diet and Workout http://www.herinterest.com/victorias-secret-models-diet-and-workout/ http://www.herinterest.com/victorias-secret-models-diet-and-workout/#comments Thu, 03 Apr 2014 19:05:34 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11885


Victoria’s Secret was founded way back in 1977 in San Francisco, California and now, nearly four decades on, is a household name and is America’s biggest retailer in lingerie. The models that grace the catwalk on behalf of the brand are famed around the world (and are from around the world) and, like the brand they represent, many of them are also household names. Miranda Kerr, Lindsay Ellingson, Behati Prinsloo, Lily Aldridge, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Candice Swanepoel, Doutzen Kroes and Erin Heatherton are names we’re all likely familiar with. But before people even associate many of these women with the brand Victoria’s Secret, many people think of the fact that these women are all supermodels who are famed for their beautiful, lean figures. Many of the models are even promoted to Angel status, including those I just named, boosting their reputation globally.

Because of their incredible figures, the question of what the Victoria’s Secret Models and Angels do to stay looking so healthy, lean, fit and flawless is often on people’s lips. Just what does it take to look like a Victoria’s Secret Model and what kind of diet and fitness plan do you need to follow to stay in such great shape? I’ve been doing a fair bit of research and am pleased to say I’ve come up with the answers. Here’s several of the supermodels and the secrets to their fabulous figures…


Candice Swanepoel


South African, Candice Swanepoel absolutely adores her job and loves few things more than walking down the runway. To keep in such great shape, she works with her personal trainer Justin Gelband. The five key exercises that they focus on are for stability (important for walking down a runway), the lower back, hips, butt and balance. To work and enhance all these areas, Candice Swanepoel does a lot of kickboxing but also jumps rope and works with little weight to tone her muscles. “Being in shape and healthy helps me deal with everything that’s thrown my way.” she says, something which is especially true with all the work and travelling she has to do.

Candice Swanepoel usually manages to eat healthily but admits that while working and travelling it can be difficult to maintain. Instead of sticking to a rigid diet, she allows herself to eat all her favourite foods, two of which are pizza and pasta.


Miranda Kerr


To keep her gorgeous figure, Miranda Kerr likes to do a mix of ballet, pilates and yoga. She works with Andie Hecker, the founder of Ballet Bodies, and he’s kindly shared some of her moves which are great for shaping muscles.

1. Fondue to Arabesque

2. Arabesque Pulses -

3. Inner Thigh Splits to Sous-Sous

4. Side Lying Développé Series

5. Supine Grand Battements Series

When it comes to food, Miranda Kerr follows the Blood Type Diet. This means she eats what is recommended by the diet’s creator for her blood type which is type A. She eats lots of iron rich vegetables to stop her becoming anaemic as she doesn’t like to eat meat. Miranda Kerr also follows the eight twenty rule, meaning that eighty percent of the time she eats healthily and the other twenty percent of the time she splurges on her favourite foods such as ice cream and chocolate. This means she stays in control of her cravings.


Erin Heatherton


Opposed to focusing on just working out a specific part of her body, American Angel Erin Heatherton focuses on training her whole body. She works out four times per week her her personal trainer but also loves to run and practices yoga. When she’s with her personal trainer, she does High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and also enjoys weight resistance training. She always informs her trainer of any upcoming events she’s got so he can help her look her absolute best perhaps by intensifying training before hand. “My workouts are always changing because your body is always changing.” she says.

In comparison to many other models, Erin Heatherton’s diet is simple. She eats healthy and tries to maintain a balanced diet. She likes to eat little and often to keep her energy levels up throughout the day.


Joan Smalls


While Joan Smalls doesn’t diet (an oddity in the modelling world) she makes sure to pay extra attention to her fitness. “For fitness, mix it up and always remain active. I mix boxing with cardio and Pilates. If I’m not busy or working, I’ll work out every day. If I am busy, I’ll try to at least sneak in 30 minutes or try to work out every other day,” were her comments on how to stay fit.


Alessandra Ambrosio


With a 34-25-35 body that any woman would envy, Brazilian Amessandra Ambrosio is undeniably one of the hottest women on the planet. Believe it or not (and you might not if you only looked at her body!) she’s also the mother of two (a son, Noah, who was born in 2012 and a daughter, Anja, born in 2008) meaning she has an incredibly hectic life.

Eleven years ago she began her modelling journey by choosing to get into shape. She approached her trainer, Lenadro Carvalho, with a set of demands. She wanted him to help her get longer looking legs, thinner thighs and a tight tush. He put all his effort into her demands and came up with the Brazil But Lift, a workout routine which is now famous and countless celebrities are lining up to try out the miracle exercise. Amessandra Ambrosio also works out with elastic bands, ankle weights and performs capoeira. It’s safe to say that with this winning mix, she certainly got the legs she wanted.

In terms of what Amessandra Ambrosio eats, she pretty much eats whatever she wants. Bacon and eggs make up her breakfast, lunch is usually something meaty and a salad, and her dinner is usually Japanese foods with s’mores, nuts, snacks and coffee. She’s not afraid to indulge so long as she does so in moderation.


Karlie Kloss


Twenty one year old Karlie Kloss hasn’t shared much of her fitness tips but she revealed this much to Hollywood Take – “I like to be active every day. My whole thing is that it’s not always possible because you’re working, you’re traveling, and [you know] life gets in the way. But I try to be active and just break a sweat. Whether it’s going up and down stairs on the way to your apartment or going for a bike ride or run. A body in motion stays in motion!”


Lily Aldridge


Lily Aldridge is another American model who worked with Victoria’s Secret until 2011. She keeps her figure by working out four to five times per week. She works with her personal trainer Justin Gelband at his gym in New York City. Mostly, she tries to focus on working her butt and arms and does this by doing exercises such as sliders, Pilates and boxing. Depending on what work she has coming up, her workout may vary.

In terms of food, she follows the Blood Type Diet. Her personal trainer does not keep track of her eating and says that he’ll know anyway as the food will be reflected in her body and her performance in a workout anyway.


Behati Prinsloo


Behati Prinsloo is one of the Victoria’s Secret Models ranked as an Angel and is originally from Nambia. She’s a self proclaimed mermaid due to her love of the water meaning that much of her workout is made up of swimming and water sports. She enjoys few things more than surfing and paddle boarding. When she’s not being a water baby, Behati Prinsloo follows Pilates and especially enjoys it if it involves exercise balls and mat exercises. The variation in her workout motivates her and means it’s always new and exciting for her.

When it comes to food, she eats relatively healthy however her downfall is smoking. Thankfully, she’s been eating better in recent years and has overcome the anorexia rumours that circles her back in 2006. She always makes sure she drinks plenty of water to keep her skin, hair and body healthy and also reduces her appetite and fights off hunger during a busy working day.


Adriana Lima


There’s no denying that Adriana Lima is a Brazilian beauty. Despite being the mother of two small children, she still looks incredibly hot and has an enviable, lean figure. To keep her figure, she works with Michael Olajide, a former boxing champion and the co-founder of Aerospace High Performance Centre in Manhattan. Together they work on boxing and also Pilates to keep her in shape. Adriana Lima trains with Olajide three times a week at Aerospace. With his help, it took her only a matter of months after each pregnancy to get back into shape and look runway ready once more.

When she has an upcoming modelling show, Adriana Lima stops eating solid foods and only intakes liquid. Once time reaches twelve hours before the show she stops consuming anything at all, even merely water. This is extremely radical and not something to be recommend to anyone as it is highly dangerous. There are plenty of other healthy and less radical alternatives.


Doutzen Kroes


Dutch model Doutzen Kroes is merely twenty-eight year old and is one of the most famous supermodels in the business, and not to mention the fifth highest paid. Ever since she became a Victoria’s Secret Model back in 2008, she’s been using her supermodel status to promote healthy living, something which I think she should be highly commended for. In order to maintain her fabulous set of pins and ensue they’re never too thin or too muscly, Doutzen Kroes uses a range of toning exercises which include squats, yoga and stretching. She loves doing cardio and runs a lot but her favourite cardio exercise is jumping rope as it tones her, makes her flexible and keeps her looking lean. Doutzen Kroes is also a massive fan of boxing to work out as it keeps her super fit and keeps her energy levels up so she can tackle her busy life. She also accredits her fitness to fact she’s constantly running around after her son who’s hit his terrible twos.

When it comes to eating, Doutzen Kroes always tries to eat natural and avoid processed foods. She loves eating whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables. Doutzen Kroes accredits her fitness to the fact she’s very aware of the fact she needs to eat both pre and post workout snacks to keep her metabolism up. She’s always telling people not to deprive themselves of their favourite foods. She’s a sucker for french fries and loves to indulge now and again, provided she does so in moderation.


Lindsay Ellingson


To maintain her five foot eleven supermodel figure, twenty nine year old American Victoria’s Secret Model Lindsay Ellingson trains with her personal trainer Mark Gordon. When she’s working out, she focuses on working her butt and her legs but does some overall conditioning to keep all of her body in such stunning condition. Her absolute favourite workout is yoga but prefers to do the moves which involve the use of an exercise ball.


If you’re up for the challenge, you can find lots of instructional videos online which feature the Angels and Models of Victoria’s Secret sharing all their best exercise tips, moves and routines. I’ve learned a lot from them and it’s really interesting to see all the different moves and exercises they’re all doing. It just goes to show that no one size fits all so if you’re trying to get fit or lose weight (or both!) try a few exercises to see what works best for you and don’t lose patience or give up. It’s worth it, especially if you can end up looking like one of these fine ladies!

If you enjoyed this article, you can also read more in-dept diet plans and workout routines of Victoria’s Secret Models and several more of your favourite female celebrities by checking out my author profile. Enjoy!

(all images sourced via pinterest)

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Khloe Kardashian Diet and Workout http://www.herinterest.com/khloe-kardashian-diet-and-workout/ http://www.herinterest.com/khloe-kardashian-diet-and-workout/#comments Thu, 03 Apr 2014 14:46:29 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11876


Having been thrust into the limelight back in 2007 when her and her family featured on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Khloe Kardashian has become a household name. The star has since then featured in spin offs of the show such as Kourtney and Khloé Take Miami and Khloe & Lamar, and has even hosted as season the American X Factor. For a time she even had her own radio show called The Mix Up With Khloé Kardashian Odom so it’s little wonder that she’s such a well known name. Oh, and did I mention that in addition to being a radio host, television presenter, and actress, she’s also a fashion designer, business woman, author and socialite? Khloe Kardashian certainly is a woman of many talents!

Another thing that the Kardashian sisters are known for is their curvaceous figures and Khloe is no exception. At five foot nine, she’s always been curvy and her weight has always been a little on the high side. Despite this, she still manages to keep her weight in check so that she stays looking curvy opposed to overweight and does this with a varied mix of workout routines and diet plans. In addition to giving her a healthier looking body, working out also helps Khloe Kardashian to de-stress and have a more positive outlook on life.


Khloe’s Diet Plan


It’s been reported that Khloe Kardashian relates food to the time she spends with her family and loves to indulge. After employing a chef who prepares her low fat meals, she recently lost  twenty five pounds in just twenty days which has made her more aware of what she’s putting into her body. She tries to eat everything in moderation which she wasn’t prone to do before.

During her period of weight loss, Khloe Kardashian ate much less sweets than she would have otherwise and stuck to her workout routines religiously which ultimately helped in her success. Now that she’s lost the weight, she’s trying to eat more normally and simply eat everything but in moderation. She’s trying to make this a life long habit and not see it as a diet or a phase which will hopefully make it easier for her to stick to.

In addition to enjoying food, Khloe Kardashian loves to drink alcohol, she says it brings her sanity, which may also contribute to her curvaceous figure. She is however trying to consume less of it and take that in moderation too.


Khloe’s Miracle Workout Plan


Like her eating habits, Khloe Kardashian is trying to make exercising a part of her daily routine and make it simpley a way of life not a challenge. She never tries to overdo her workouts and knows her limits, realising that weight loss is a journey not a race.

In addition to her personal chef, Gunnar Peterson was the personal trainer who helped Khloe Kardashian lose such a great amount of weight in such a short period of time. The star followed various high intensity workouts frequently to lose weight. Much of her journey was made up of cardio exercises but Khloe Kardashian also practiced Pilates and circuit exercises too, the mix of which helped fuel her weight loss. To burn off extra calories, Gunnar Peterson also did many boxing sessions with the star to ensure her weight loss didn’t cease.

Khloe Kardashian says that she worked out with her personal trainer anywhere from three to five days per week which was the key to her losing twenty five pounds so quickly.


Khloe’s Continued Efforts


Khloe Kardashian hasn’t stopped working out now that she’s lost a bit of weight. According to her she can’t seeing as she’s like to slim down more too. She’s known to conduct intense workouts on the beach alongside her sister and has continued to practice boxing three days per week. According to her, she loves boxing and it’s great for relieving tension as well as keeping her fit and slimming her down. Usually she boxes Monday, Wednesday and Friday to spread the workouts out.

When she’s not boxing, Khloe Kardashian is still working out and makes sure to exercise every day of the week. She varies what exercises she does but especially likes cardio exercises like cyclone and running on the treadmill. According to her, she prefers to workout with a friend seeing as she’s competitive by nature and this helps to push her harder and is more motivated. Because of this, the star loves to go hiking with her sisters too.

Khloe Kardashian used to have a rest from exercising on Sundays, as many people do, however found that Mondays were simply too difficult to cope with afterward. She then realised that she needed to keep active throughout the week to keep up her fitness levels and continue losing weight.


(all images sourced via pinterest.com)



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