herinterest.com » flat stomach http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 How To Get Abs For Girls http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-abs-for-girls/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-abs-for-girls/#comments Wed, 19 Mar 2014 16:18:37 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11290

Once upon a time the dream of a washboard stomach and rock hard abs was something only men dreamed of. Women on the other hand were content with a flat stomach and a few seductive curves to match. Times are changing however and in any gym you enter you’ll no doubt see plenty of women working hard to sculpt themselves some toned abs and trying to bring definition to their midsection. A set of defined abs on a woman, to be blunt about it, looks downright sexy, meaning it’s something more and more of us are aspiring to. That leaves simply one question hanging on our lips however – how? How do we, as women, carve ourselves a six-pack?

You asked, I answered! I’m not going to lie, getting a six-pack is going to be hard but it’s far from impossible. Here’s thirty great tips and tricks to help you sculpt the abs you’ve been dreaming of!


1. Don’t Focus On Your Abs


I know, that was an odd tip to start with, right? While it may have been odd it’s entirely sensible however. The simple fact is that if you want defined abs you need to lose the layer of fat covering them. Despite what you may have seen on TV, the miracle cure you’ve seen in a magazine or what your friends may have told you, you can’t simply spot reduce. If you want to lose fat and therefore gain and show off muscle, you have to do it all over your body. You can’t just focus on your abs and expect it to work, things just don’t work like that. That’s why you can’t just focus on your abs, you need to concentrate on losing fat all over your body to sculpt those abs.


2. Know Your Portions


You may be surprised to hear that it’s likely you’re unknowingly eating far more than your recommended daily calorie allowance. The reason? Most of us don’t know what our portion sizes should be, more often than not we overestimate, and therefore take in more calories than we should. The simple way to counteract this is to read to labels on your food packets. Stick to the amounts you should be eating and you’ll find yourself cutting down on calories and belly fat (fat all over for that matter!) in no time at all.


3. Go Old-School


For countless years people have hailed the sit up for helping them achieve toned, sculpted abs so who are we to discount it now? Sit ups are great because they work even your deepest core muscles and you don’t need any equipment to do them. Just find a bit of floor space and off you go!


4. Do The Twist!


To do this fab exercise, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and then twist to touch your left fingers to your right toes. Then bring yourself up and attempt to do the same with your opposite sides. This exercise really does work your core and helps to make you more flexible. As well as sculpting those abs, it’s also great at clinching your waist in.


5. Don’t Starve Yourself

f4b39156d9ed023be264d924c3956aca Too many people think that by skipping meals and essentially starving themselves that fat will simply melt off their body, helping them to reach their goals in no time. Let’s bust that myth her and now – it’s far from true. In fact, if you eat too little your body actually goes into starvation mode and stores more fat instead of expelling it. Plus, if you want to build lean muscle which creates those abs you need to fuel your body with plenty of carbs and protein or else you’ll get no where.


6. Plank For Abs


In recent years, the plank exercise has been hailed as the holy grail of core exercises. It may not be easy to do at first but if you keep at it you’ll build your endurance and soon find you can hold the position longer and that your abs are firming up.


7. Crunch Away


Crunches may not be any fun but there’s no denying they’re great for helping to tone your abs. While doing them, just remember to crunch with your core and not your head or else you’re likely to hurt your neck and you’re not doing your abs any good what so ever.


8. Try The Inverted Bicycle


This exercise is great for sculpting your abs and working your legs all in one. Simply lie on your back with your hands behind your head and move your legs as though you’re on a bicycle. It’s so easy but it really does get your core muscles working.


9. Twist And Crunch


Yes, it turns out crunches so get more difficult but, still, they’re amazing at helping us reach out body goals. While crunching add in a simple twist by touching your left elbow to your right knee and your right elbow to your left knee. This will tighten your abs and help to bring in your waist.


10. Banish Soda


If you’re determined to sculpt yourself a set of abs, it’s an absolute must that you need to banish soda from your diet completely. Fizzy drinks and full of calories and heaps of sugar so they don’t help you to lose fat at all. In addition, they’re one of the worst offenders for causing bloating and I’m sure you can appreciate why you don’t want that. Instead, skip the fizz and opt for a healthy option instead, you’r body and your abs will thank you for it.


11. Do The Reverse Fly


This exercise is great for stretching your muscles and gaining flexibility as well as toning your abs. To do it, use a stand up machine that has a bar at waist height. Then simply gently bend at the waist and lower yourself down over the bar, keeping your arms stretched above your head. ‘Flying’ yourself back up in the challenge and really works you, you’ll certainly feel your muscles afterward.


12. Practice Leg Raises


While leg raises may not sound like they’ll help you sculpt great abs, they certainly get the job done. Lie on your back with your arms behind your head for support and gently lift your legs and bring them in to your core. Bend your knees slightly if you have to. Then lower your legs but don’t let your feet touch the floor and repeat. Sounds easy? Lets see if you’re still saying that after twenty reps!


13. Take The Stairs


Always, always opt for the stairs instead of the elevator! Stair walking is great for helping you to tone your abs (as well as your bum and thighs!) as it forces your core to work to balance you as you walk. You can also use the stair climber at the gym for the same effect but I warn you that can be a torturous affair!


14. Crunches On An Exercise Ball


You probably all know that crunches are great for helping you to sculpt those abs but did you know that by doing them on an exercise ball you’ll see results even quicker? This is because you’re using your core muscles to balance on the ball as well as crunch. To do this exercise simply lie with your lower back on the ball, place your feet on the floor and your hands behind your head, and crunch, all the while keeping your lower back touching the ball. I’ll admit this one is hard work but you’ll love the results.


15. Walk


Not all of us are built for running but, if that’s you, then that’s okay. Walking daily can be just as effective at helping you to tone your abs. Ensure you’re walking fast enough to get your heart and lungs racing and you’ll get getting a great cardio session while toning your legs and midsection too. This exercise can be so leisurely too, especially if you have some nice scenery in your area or a friend to walk along with you. You’ll barely notice as you lose calories and tone up!


16. Get Your Five A Day

eecc86ca7b4f82a312c5fe151b573530 Most of us are all too aware that we’re meant to eat five servings of fruit and veg per day but very few of us actually follow this rule. If you’re trying to sculpt your abs, I recommend you start sticking to it. Eating more fruit and veg will give you more energy and will keep you feeling fuller for longer, plus you’ll be getting your fill of lots of good nutrients too. Eating a healthy snack of food or having a side of salad instead of chips will help you to cut down on calories and blast that fat away too.


17. Spinning Classes


Spinning is a great cardio workout as well as an amazing way to tone your entire body. Few exercises burn as many calories so fast and leave you feeling like you’ve run a marathon afterward. If you’re determined to sculpt yourself a set of abs, I highly suggest you get yourself booked into a spinning class. Once you’re done you’ll feel like ever so satisfied that you’ve had a great workout but I will warn you that after my first class I could barely climb the stairs for two days afterwards. Few things work your body as much as spinning.


18. Take Any Class!


While we’re on the subject of classes, I recommend you sign up to a few. Most gyms, leisure centres and even community centres have several different classes on every week meaning there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re into Zumba, dance, boxing or aqua fit, joining a class with help you burn calories and fat and get your body into shape. Even better, you can socialise as you workout, fitness classes are a great way to meet new people.


19. Do Plenty Of Cardio


Cardio is basically anything that gets your heart pumping, like swimming, running or the elliptical trainer for example. Not only is it good for keeping your heart and lungs in tip top condition, it’s also great for burring off any excess calories and fat. It doesn’t just help you get sleek, toned abs, it helps you shed the pounds all over your body too. Try to get at least four forty minute sessions on cardio in each week for optimum results.


20. Squeeze As You Go


No matter what you’re doing be it exercising, walking, sitting at your desk or just going about your daily business, remember to keep your abs firm and squeezed in tight. This ensures you’re keeping your proper form, straightening your back and getting the best from your abs.


21. Dress For Your Body


Okay, so those pair of size eight jeans may fit you but does that mean they’re the right size for you? If you had to struggle to get into them, they nip you when you move or they give you the illusion of a muffin top then chances are you’re wearing the wrong size clothes. Make sure all your clothes fir you right and feel good when you’re wearing them, this way you don’t give off the illusion that you’re actually bigger than you are. You may even surprise yourself and find you have less of a way to go than previously thought.


22. Be Realistic


It’s one thing knowing how you want to look and an entirely new ball game getting there. Don’t just think you’ll suddenly wake up one morning looking like a supermodel, you need to be realistic about this. Remember that there is no quick fix and that this is a lifestyle change not simply a diet an exercise program. This will take time so remember that and don’t be disheartened when you don’t see results in a week or even a month. Stick at it.


23. Stay Inspired


If you’ve been following all the tips this far then chances are you’re starting to get a little bored of your journey. If that’s true then remember to stay inspired. Keep pictures of you looking less than fabulous, pictures of your dream body or even simply inspiration quotes around the house (especially in the kitchen where you snack) to keep yourself motivated.


24. Say Goodbye To Fast Food


Fast food may well be delicious but that’s all the good you’re getting from it. It’s loaded with calories, most of them coming from fat, and lots of other horrid preservatives and things you’d likely cringe at if you knew you were eating them. Instead, why not try making the exact same meals at home. Anything you can buy from a fast food shop, such a burger and chips or chicken wings, you can prepare yourself at home with a fraction of the calories and ten times more taste.


25. Yoga


Yoga doesn’t just help you to achieve inner peace, it’s also a great way to make your body more flexible and tone and tighten your muscles, namely your abs! You can either buy an exercise DVD of practice the art of yoga in the comfort of your own home or you can enrol in a class as I mentioned in point eighteen. Yoga is loads of fun too. It may not seem it but it’s one of those things I recommend you don’t knock until you’ve tried it.


26. Be Snack Aware


For many of us, the hardest part of trying to tone up and lose weight is staying in control of our cravings. Even if we eat three well rounded meals a day, many of us still get the uncontrollable urge to snack on something. If this sounds like you, be prepared for this and always keep a stash of healthy snacks with you. These can be anything such as carrot sticks, a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts or anything else you please. Just a little something to keep your energy up, stop you from indulging in calorific treats and see you through to the next meal.


27. Go Whole Grain



Making the simple switch from white bread to whole grain will do your body loads of good. White bread is filled with chemicals to preserve it (not to mention it tastes horribly bland!) whereas whole grain bread is filled with fibre and which will help to fuel your body and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Oh, and did I mention whole grain breads have more taste too?


28. Stand Tall

f0fd6739c018a7115515dcf3f001cbf5 Through all your waking hours, ensure you keep good posture. Stand tall and sit up straight, that way you’re keeping your abs tight therefore working them out and you’ll automatically find you look a little slimmer. If you slouch quite a lot you’re also likely to find that standing tall helps you to breath better too, in some cases it’s also been known to aid digestion as well. This is a rule we should all aim to stick to whether we’re trying to lose weight, tone up or are just living everyday lives.


29. Track Your Progress


When it comes to sculpting a great set of abs you need to gain muscle, not just lose weight and muscle weighs more than fat. This means that the number you see on the scales isn’t a reliable way to track your progress as even if it’s going up you could be looking better than ever. Instead, take pictures of yourself to see how your body is changing. Take one at the very start of your journey and one every two weeks from then on so you can see the progress you’re making. This is a far more reliable method than stepping on the scales each week.


30. Consult A Pro


When all else fails, why not consult a personal trainer? This is what they do, after all. If you’re a member of a gym there will likely be a resident personal trainer there or you can hire one independently. A personal trainer will be able to help you gain focus and will show you exactly where you’re going wrong and what you need to focus on to reach your goals. Many of them will even be able to create a nutritional meal plan that’s tailored to you for you to follow to help you see results even quicker. When it comes to personal trainers, you can either hire one for a few sessions per week, seek out one time advice or ask them for something completely different. They’ll be able to tailor their skills to suit your needs so you can get the most out of their help and you’ll be seeing great results and feeling fitter in no time at all. Personally, I think everyone should have the experience of working with a personal trainer at least once.


So there you have it, thirty great tips and tricks to help you lose weight and sculpt a set of kick ass abs. I’ve not mentioned it as an official tip but I will say drink as much water as you can to help you lose weight and tone up. It’s beneficial for so many reasons I’ve lose count of them all! It keeps you hydrated, gets your metabolism going, keeps your energy levels up and metabolism too, plus it detoxes your whole body to keep you in tip top condition.


If you’d like to know more about losing weight and toning up or would just like some extra advice then why not check out some of my other articles such as 20 Best Weight Loss Exercises For Women, How To Lose Belly Fat Fast For Women or 50 Best Healthy Foods To Help You Lose Weight. You’ll find lots more helpful advice and tips and tricks to help you on your journey.


Be sure to let me know how you get on with these tips, I’d love to hear from you. If you’ve got any addition questions then ask away! I wish you the best of luck in sculpting yourself a set of killer abs!


(all images sourced via pinterst.com)

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How To Lose Belly Fat Fast For Women http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-belly-fat-fast-for-women/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-belly-fat-fast-for-women/#comments Wed, 19 Feb 2014 13:22:07 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=10132

All of us have problem areas when it comes to our bodies – little things we’d change or like rid of and things we downright loath. For many of us, our problem area is our stomach or our muffin top as we jokingly call it. Never fear though, just because you have a bit of extra belly fat now doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. There are plenty of things you can do to banish that extra fat and get yourself a flat stomach in no time at all. Here’s 50 healthy tips to help you do just that…


1. Have A Goal -

Before you ditch the junk food and start hitting the gym a few days a week, you should decide on your goal. Take a minute to think about how much weight or how many inches you want to lose and make a note of it. Also, make a note of your starting weight and measurements so you’ll be able to track your progress on your journey. If your goal is quite far off then perhaps set yourself a couple of mini goals (e.g. have a mini goal of getting a quarter then a half way to your target). Having a clear and defined goal will help to motivate you and, as you see the pounds coming off, you’ll push yourself even harder.


2. Take Soda Off The Menu -

Nothing bloats you faster than a can of soda which means to lose belly fat it needs to come off the menu. Just one can is full of calories and sugars, most of which are made up of high fructose corn syrup which your body isn’t sure how to digest. As a result, all those sugars end up being converted into fat which tends to land around your stomach. Even if your soda claims to be calorie and sugar free, don’t be fooled, it still doesn’t mean it’s good for you.


3. Water Is Your New Best Friend -

For any type of weight loss and no matter what area you’re trying to slim down, water is key. It should essentially become your new best friend and you should take it everywhere with you. Drinking eight glasses of water per day will keep you well hydrated and feeling fuller, thus you’re less likely to indulge in too many calorific treats. It’s great for flushing any bad toxins out of your skin too so not only will it help you to lose some of that unwanted stomach fat but you’ll also start to look radiant too!


4. Stay Away From Fast And Processed Foods -

When you’re trying to battle the bulge and lose some precious inches, not just on your midsection, cutting out fast and processed foods is an absolute must. They’re full of everything that’s bad for you and have extremely few redeeming qualities. It doesn’t matter how much exercise you do, if you give into processed food you’ll never achieve your goal of a flat stomach. Don’t give into your cravings and simply stick a pizza in the oven or nip out for fries – it may taste good now but trust me you’ll regret your decision once the last bite is gone and your stomach won’t thank you for it.


5. Colour Is Key! - 

Okay, so you’ve cut out all the fast and processed foods to help you achieve a flat stomach but now you’re wondering what you can eat. Don’t worry, eating healthy isn’t hard and you don’t have to be a master chef to achieve it either. There are plenty of heathy choices out there for you indulge in but the absolute key to choosing them is filling your plate with a variety of colour. The more colour you have, the better the meal is likely to be for you and your dream of a flat stomach. This rule works for breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper and snacks so feel free to enjoy all the fruit and veg you want guilt free!


6. Remember To Eat - 

Cutting calories is great for losing weight and achieving a flat, toned stomach but that doesn’t mean you can live off of just a few hundred a day. Women are recommended to eat 2000 calories per day to stay the same weight and it’s recommended you don’t eat less than 1200 even when trying to cut down on body fat. The reason? Your body needs food to fuel it. Not getting enough food will cause your metabolism to drop, making it harder to shift those extra pounds, and your body will go into starvation mode meaning whatever food you do eat will be stored as fat.


7. Don’t Focus Just On Your Stomach - 

You may have the most sculpted legs or toned arms in the world but that doesn’t mean you can simply forget about them and focus on your stomach alone. There is no one exercise or food that promises to isolate your stomach fat and rid you of it, losing weight and shaping up is an all or nothing deal. You have to eat clean, train hard and don’t be disheartened if one week you lose an inch off your thigh and not your waist, it’s just the way exercise works.


8. Take Up Non Weight Bearing Exercise - 

Attempting to lose stomach fat fast (or even slowly) and tone your waist doesn’t mean you’re stuck with doing sit-ups and crunches and nothing else. Besides being of little use, your exercise regime would be tedious and you’d likely get bored and stop following it within the week. As I mentioned in point seven, you can’t just focus on your stomach when exercising. Throwing some different exercises into your routine like running or swimming will help you cut down on belly fat in no time and will add a bit of variety to your workout.


9. Hydrate Before You Eat - 

I mentioned before how vital water is not just to a healthy diet but also a healthy lifestyle. It’s true and drinking it constantly is a great way to help slim down your waist but if you drink at specific times you can expect even speedier results. Drinking a glass of cool water just a few minutes before you eat a meal is proven to help you lose weight. Why? Well, not only is it a fact that we eat more when we’re thirsty but it also fills us up slightly so we eat less.


10. Eat Slowly - 

It’s a scientific fact that it takes your stomach a few minutes (20 minutes to be exact) to realise it’s full, therefore it’s important that you eat slowly so that your body has a chance to tell you when you’re about to overeat. Take small bites and eat slowly – you’ll be surprised how much less you actually want to eat.


11. Take A Look At Your Clothes -

Okay, so this tip isn’t really a tip to lose belly fat but more of a helping hand to make you realise how much you actually need to lose. Are you looking at an unsightly muffin top while wearing super skinny jeans or trousers that chafe when you move? If so, you may not need to slim down as much as you thought, perhaps you just need to up the size of your clothes.


12. Cardio Rules -

When you’re trying to lose any kind of weight at all, it’s essential you add some cardio exercise into your diet. It doesn’t have to be much, just 20 minutes a day for 5 days a week will do the trick. Don’t panic if running isn’t your thing either, cardio is anything that makes your heart pound – dancing, trampolining, star jumps – so you have plenty of choice in what you do. Cardio is key to helping you lose belly fit and get a trim waistline so get some tunes on and get your heart pounding.


13. There Is No Miracle Cure -

If something sounds too good to be true then that’s because it probably is. I’m sorry to have to tell you, ladies, but there is no miracle cure when it comes to losing belly fat fast and shaping up. There is no miracle pill, diet or exercise you can use to help you, the key to losing belly fat fast is simply changing your diet for the better and working out.


14. Remember, Scales Lie! - 

When we’re trying to lose weight and shape up the scales can be our worst enemy. Standing on them every day can cause us to lose motivation, become obsessed and can even be misleading. As it happens, how much you weight isn’t everything when it comes to shaping up and losing belly fat. As you work out, your fat slowly changes into muscle and muscle weights more than fat. It’s entirely possible to tone up and lose belly fat while still remaining the same or gaining in weight.


15. Watch Your Portions -

As hard as it may be to believe, most of us are constantly eating double the portions we should be at mealtimes. When preparing a meal, take a moment to read the side of the packet and find out just how much of that food you should be eating and stick to it. You’ll likely be surprised by how much you’re overeating and how quickly belly fat disappears once you correct that. If you’re going to eat out, bear in mind that most restaurants provide you with 2-3 times bigger portions than recommended so remember you are allowed to ask for a doggy bag.


16. Swim To Be Slim -

I know I keep going on about exercise but it’s because it’s so vital to losing weight. One of the greatest exercises to banish that excess stomach fat is swimming. It’s great cardio and an amazing low-impact exercise so it’s not sore on your joints. The water provides resistance which is great for toning up and slimming down. Swim regularly and you’ll have a flat stomach in no time at all!


17. Read Every Label -

I mentioned before about reading the labels to check what each portion size should be but it’s worth taking a moment to check if the food has any nasty chemicals, additives or hidden sugars or fats in it too. You’re best to do this even with diet foods too as even they may not be as healthy as they claim to be. Being aware of exactly what is in your food is a great way to help you keep track of your diet and achieve the flat stomach you’re aiming for.


18. Stand Up Straight -

This is perhaps the best trick to not only make it look like you’ve lost more inches than you actually have but to help you lose that pesky stomach fat too. Maintaining a good, straight posture stretches you out so you look slimmer and forces you to tighten your abdominal muscles which tones them over time. Win, win!


19. Ask The Experts - 

Before starting any exercise or diet program it’s recommended that you see your doctor. This is especially true if you have any pre-existing health conditions. They’ll be able to advise you on if this course of action is good for you and if it is indeed healthy. Once you’ve begun your diet, a personal trainer will be able to give you plenty of pro tips and tricks to help battle the bulge and lose belly fat fast. With the combined help of these experts you’ll have a flat stomach and be on your way to a healthier you in no time. Remember, experts are experts for a reason so don’t be too fast to shun their advice if you don’t like it either.


20. Work That Push Up - 

Push ups may just be the perfect exercise. They’re amazing for strengthening your core and aiding good posture as well as working all your major muscle groups. Plus, if you do enough of them together, they can also be classed as cardio. They take a bit of practice but once you get that hang of them you’ll soon see the benefits. There are few things that will shape and define your abs as well as a push up so drop and give me twenty, girl!


21. Challenge A Friend -

There may not be a scientific reason for it but it’s a well known fact that working out and dieting is easier when you do it with a friend. Hitting the gym together, swapping healthy recipes and exchanging results will help the two of you stay motivated and you’ll be able to inspire each other. Whether you’re just trying to lose a bit of belly fat, shape up or change your lifestyle entirely it’s much easier with a friend by your side.


22. Focus On Your Core - 

Doing exercises that focus on strengthening your core is a great way to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach fast. Not only will they help on working and toning your muscles in that area but having a stronger core will help you achieve a great posture, something we already mentioned was great when it comes to getting a flat stomach.


23. Eat More Often -

Yes, you did read that right. To lose belly fat (or any other kind of fat!), you should focus on eating 5 small meals per day opposed to 3 regular meals per day. This will help to keep  your metabolism high as your body is constantly digesting food, thus burning fat as it does. Perhaps have breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, dinner and supper. Eating more often will also help to curb your appetite so you’re less likely to binge too. Don’t get too excited though, I did say 5 small meals so it’s vital that you still watch your portion sizes.


24. Curb Your Sweet Tooth - 

Some of us have a terrible sweet tooth, something which can stifle our attempts at gaining a flat stomach before we even begin. Sweets are full of sugar, preservatives and all kinds of other unhealthy additives so it’s vital we stay away from them. That doesn’t mean we can’t still satisfy our sweet cravings however. Instead of eating sweets, substitute them for fresh fruit, frozen fruit juice and even dried fruits without a sugar coating. They taste just as good and are so much better for you. Who said snacks were bad for your diet?


25. NEVER Skip Breakfast -

Eating fewer calories is the key to dieting, right? Right, but that doesn’t mean we can start skipping meals – especially breakfast. Eating breakfast is vital for achieving a flat stomach and losing weight. Skipping it means your body goes into what’s called starvation mode which means you metabolism slows in an attempt to hold onto calories and fat so your body can function. A healthy, often hefty, breakfast is the best way to start off your day and kick start your body into diet mode. When it comes to losing belly fat and getting a flat stomach, there are few things you body will thank you for more than eating breakfast.


26. Make Exercise Effective -

If you’re going to exercise (and I highly advise you do) then you might as well make sure you’re doing it properly and it’s effective in your battle to lose weight. Make sure you keep your a good posture and form throughout to get the best results – halfhearted moves may as well not be done seeing as they have so little effect. When you exercise can be important too. Doing a bit of cardio right after you wake up and before breakfast is more likely to burn fat as your body will be using the fat already on you opposed to what you just ate to fuel you.


27. Make Small Changes - 

There are plenty of simply, everyday changes you can make to help increase your metabolism and get your body moving. If you’re out in the car, park in the furthest space from where you need to be, if you have the option always go for the stairs instead of the elevator. Simple changes like these can have a big impact on your health and by following them you’ll find yourself with a flat stomach and losing inches sooner than you’d believe!


28. Step Away From The Salt -

As tasty as it may be, salt is incredibly bad for us. It causes our bodies to hold onto water which makes us appear bloated. If you’ve been reading the labels on your food properly, you’ll notice it’s completely possible to get all the salt you need from eating foods so there’s no need to add more to your meals too.


29. Get Those Zzzs! -

You’ll be pleased to know that studies have shown that people who get 7-8 hours of sleep per night have higher metabolisms and have plenty of energy to eat well and train hard, all essential elements when it comes to losing belly fat fast. Make sure you frequently get enough sleep to get the best results possible – it’s a great excuse for a long lie in too!


30. Cut Down On Alcohol -

If you’re serious about losing weight and getting a flat stomach then cutting out or at very least cutting down on your alcohol consumption is essential. It has adverse effects on your liver which slows down the body’s natural fat burning process, thus making it harder to lose weight. The occasional drink won’t damage all of your hard work but it’s still best to steer clear. If you do fancy a drink, your best option is a glass of red wine. It’s low on carbs and it has other mild health benefits despite the adverse ones. All in all, moderation is key.


31. Don’t Stress - 

Being stressed not only causes us to comfort eat but also causes our bodies to release different hormones which can cause a change in our metabolisms. A fluctuating or low metabolism is a flat stomach’s worst enemy so take some time to de-stress and, if possible, avoid getting stressed in the first place. Work, relationships, social lives and even diets can cause us to get stressed so make sure you get plenty of you time to relax and get you back to you. It doesn’t matter how you do it, whether you visit the beach, a spa or simply chill with a book, just so long as you do.


32. Be Accountable - 

We’re all going to slip up now and again and it’s okay so long as that little slip up doesn’t ruin all our effort. If you’re going to give in and have a treat then make sure you stick to just having one instead of a handful and if you’re going to miss a workout for a day make sure it doesn’t turn into you missing your workouts all week. Once you go off course it’s often incredibly hard to steer yourself back on track. Keeping a food and exercise diary will make it much easier for you to keep track of your hard work and will keep you accountable for your actions.


33. Control Your Food -

If we’re living with our parents, our partner or just a friend it’s tempting to let them make our dinner if they offer but trust me when I say this won’t help you to lose weight. Always make your own meals so you can control what you eat and the portion sizes too. I mentioned before about reading the labels on products to see just what you’re eating and how much you should have and it’s completely true. Don’t let all your hard work go to waste because someone else puts too much food on your plate, adds salt to your food or serves you up a plate of processed junk food.


34. Mix It Up - 

Eating the same foods and doing the same workout say in and day out is guaranteed to cause you to reach a plateau. Soon enough your mind and body will get complacent and you’ll stop losing weight and your goal of a flat stomach will be easily lost. At this point, it’s easy just to give up and give in but that’s not the way forward. Mixing up your diet and exercise regime is the perfect way to stop your mind from getting bored and your body from getting complacent meaning you’ll continue to see great results.


35. Get Plenty Of Sunshine - 

That’s right, just a quick spell in the sun each day is a great way to help shed that extra fat and get a flat stomach. It doesn’t matter whether you work out, go for a walk or run, spend time in your sun longer to take a stroll along the beach, just so long as your skin is soaking up those sunny rays. Sunshine is full of Vitamin D, also known as the happiness vitamin, which is great for helping you de-stress, something we already said was great for helping you lose weight. If you’re out in the sun, just remember to stay safe and use sunblock when necessary though.


36. Challenge Yourself - 

If your workout isn’t challenging you then you might as well not be doing it. You need to feel the burn to see results so if, after your workout, your muscles don’t ache and your not covered in a layer of sweat then you’re doing something wrong. This links into point 34. Mix It Up, you need to constantly change what you’re doing and push yourself so your body doesn’t get complacent and so your weight loss doesn’t stop. As well as having benefits for your body, challenging yourself will also keep your brain from getting bored so you won’t lose motivation.


37. Keep It Up -

Speaking of motivation, you need to stay motivated throughout your whole journey to a flat stomach. Focus on your ultimate goal or goals and remember why you’re pushing yourself and why it’s important you don’t give into your cravings. After a point, it’s easy to lose focus and go back to your old habits but they won’t get you results. You need to live for the body you want, not the body you have so keep that in mind the entire time. Every time you lose motivation, look at yourself in the mirror, read the nutrition information on that sweet, look at a picture of how you’d like to look – now, do you really want to eat that or skip your workout today?


38. Breathe -

It seems obvious, but to lose weight and be healthy we need to breath. Focussed breathing can help us relieve stress, ignore cravings and get a deeper, more effective workout. Deep breathing clears the mind and focusses us, helping us physically and mentally in countless ways. If you’re not in tune with your breathing or want some tips on how to make it aid your weight loss, try visiting a yoga or Pilates class where breathing is key.


39. Have A Healthy Diet -

By this, I don’t just mean cut out the sweets and eat plenty of fruit and veg. A heathy diet is more than that. To remain healthy we need to eat a particular amount from each of the five main food groups opposed to eating too much of one and not enough of another. If we neglect this, we neglect ourselves which has adverse effects on our bodies and can make it harder to achieve a flat stomach. Take some time to learn how much of each food group you should be eating per day and try to achieve it.


40. Eat Less Bread - 

Bread is tasty and one of the most common foods out there but it’s notorious for not helping weight loss, bloating you and making your flat stomach nothing more than a dream. It forces you to retain water, bloating you which isn’t good for obvious reasons. If you must give in to a sandwich or a slice of toast, opt for brown, multi-grain bread. It’s high in fibre, lower in calories and is all round better for you. Still, whenever possible simply cut bread out of your diet altogether.


41. Eat Plenty Of Fibre -

Eating plenty of fibre is essential when trying to lose weight. It’s key for making your digestive system run smoother and helps your body to naturally detox as well as increasing your metabolism. Oatmeal is a great source of fibre so replacing your usual bowl of choco snaps with this for breakfast will help you get a flat stomach in no time.


42. Understand Your Habits - 

Understanding your eating habits is key to helping you lose weight and getting a flat stomach. Some of us are comfort eaters, others turn to cake to relive stress and some binge when they’re worried. Recognising these or any similar traits in yourself is vital to helping you control your habits and eat your way to a healthier you. That way, the next time you reach for a sweet you’ll be able to ask yourself why you want it. If the answer is just because you’re depressed or something similar then this realisation will help you stay on track.


43. Take A Break - 

If you’re stuck sitting at a desk all day long then this does nothing for your metabolism. Whenever possible get up and have a brusque walk around to keep your metabolism up and your body burning fat. When it comes to your break, don’t spend the whole time sitting the the canteen either. Once you’ve finished your food go for a walk – it may not sound like much but the extra calories you burn will soon add up and your dream of a flat stomach will be real in no time at all.


44. Fidget - 

Similar to moving around at work, remember to fidget constantly. Again, it may not sound like much but you’ll burn loads more calories by wriggling your fingers or tapping your toes than you would otherwise. Every calorie you burn counts so don’t think it’s pointless. Like I said before, you can’t target just one area of your body to lose weight from so even if it’s just your toes you move it’s still helping towards you overall weight loss and a flat stomach.


45. Enjoy Your Workout - 

Working out is no fun if you aren’t enjoying it, even if the end results choose to be fabulous. Chances are, if you’re following a routine you aren’t enjoying you’ll soon lose interest and quit. When you’re choosing a workout to help you achieve that flat stomach, lose weight and tone up make sure it’s something you enjoy. Working out doesn’t have to just mean running or hitting the gym, what about dancing, iceskating, Zumba, martial arts or cycling? Your workout can comprise of anything, just so long as you workout so you might as well enjoy it while seeing great results.


46. Avoid Distractions When Eating - 

Many of us like to enjoy mealtimes while watching our favourite TV shows or listening to the radio but ultimately this is standing in the way of us reaching our flat stomach. If you eat while there is something to distract you from your plate you’re likely to find yourself eating more than you would otherwise and less likely to notice when you feel full. Distractions cause us to overeat, thus upping our calorie intake and defeating our weight loss goals.


47. Have Reasons Behind Your Goals -

Making a list of reasons why you want to lose weight, get toned and have a flat stomach is an incredibly effective way to help you stay focussed and reach your goals. Have it pinned above your desk, on your fridge or even write it on your phone so you’ll see it when you feel down and it can help keep you on track. The reasons can be anything you want, just so long as they’re personal to you, and can range from ‘to look great in a bikini’ to ‘looking great for my wedding’.


48. Plank Your Stomach Slim -

You can’t force weight loss on one particular area but one of the best exercises to tone up your midsection and get a flat stomach is the plank. It’s fantastic for strengthening your core, improving your posture and slimming down your stomach. Plank for one minute morning and night and you’ll see a flat stomach emerging in no time at all.


49. Keep Busy - 

Boredom is your worst enemy when it comes to losing weight. It’s one of the main reasons we snack and overeat so it’s something to be avoided at all costs. Keep busy to fight off a restless mind and stop you from thinking about food. You can do anything – read a book, go for a jog, clean the house – just so long as you’re not sitting idle.


50. Before And After Pictures Matter -

Take a before and after picture of yourself to remind yourself why you’re doing this. When you’re in the middle of your journey, looking at your before picture and seeing how far you’ve come and what you don’t want to look like will be a real motivator. At the end you’ll feel so proud to be able to compare the two photos it will ensure you don’t begin to go backwards and gain weight or let your stomach soften up. To see what I mean, take a look at other people’s before and after pictures online – that too is a real motivator and will give you a sense of wanting to be like them.


Once you reach your goal of having a flat stomach, I’m sorry to say your journey isn’t over. Being healthy and being slim is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Once you reach your goal you can be more relaxed with what you eat and how often you workout, just don’t slip back into old habits and undo all the hard work you’ve done. Good luck!


(all images sourced via pinterest.com)

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