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I think it’s only natural that all of us have a hobby of some shape or form. Something that can keep boredom away, broaden our horizons, and inspire our creativity. For some of us one hobby might not even be enough, some of us have two, three, or many hobbies to fill our days and bring variety and fun into our lives. For some of us we love the solitary time that hobbies such as reading or swimming provide but for others one of the benefits to having a regular hobby is getting regular social time. In my opinions, hobbies are what keep us sane. I mean, how boring would life be if it was just work, eat, sleep, watch a little TV…You get the picture! So for those of you that haven’t yet discovered your ideal hobby I’ve compiled this list of thirty-five of what I consider to be the best hobbies out there. Hopefully they’ll inspire you, entertain you, and fill your days with a little excitement.


1. Writing


Okay, okay, I admit it – I’ve started off with one of my own hobbies. For me, writing is more than just a job; it’s a way of life, it’s something fun that brings out my creativity and brings joy to my life. As well as being my job, writing is also my hobby.

Writing is a great hobby for countless reasons. Whether you enjoy writing novels, short stories, flash fiction, articles, or anything else, writing brings out the passion inside of you. It sets your imagination to work and your mind comes alive with what if questions. It’s amazing how easily writing can pass the time and there are few feelings better than getting lost in a world of your creation. I strongly advise that everyone tries writing at some point. Be it a full blown novel or just a page you write, the sense of freedom you get is wonderful.


2. Reading


You caught me! It seems hobby number two is another of my personal passion but again it’s something I think everyone should try. I’ve got no doubt that there’s a book of some shape or form out there for everyone no matter what you’re interests are. Personally, I can’t recommend a good fiction book enough. There are few feelings better than leaving behind your dull, everyday life and stepping into the pages of a book and instantly becoming a film star, a gangster, or a heroine. Your imagination has an amazing way of bringing every word to life so it’s as though the dragons flying above you are real, the conversations you hear really happened – everything just comes alive and for a little while at least you live a life less ordinary and become someone entirely new.


3. Dog Walking


I know, I know, you never expected to see this on the list, right? Surely dog walking’s a chore, not a hobby? Well, that’s where I disagree with you. Walking is a hobby so why can’t dog walking be? Dog walking is a fantastic hobby because it get’s you out and about and you get to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. You become an explorer, walking around castle ruins, finding things down by the river, and all the while you get to do it with your best friend at your side.


4. Squash


Me and my fiancee love to play squash once or twice a week. We find it to be a great way to spend some quality time together while getting a good workout too. When we first started it was a game we knew little to nothing about but after just five minutes in our local squash court we were hooked. It doesn’t matter how bad you are at returning the ball seeing as the enclosed court means the ball isn’t going anywhere. You can just take your time to get better and enjoy the idle chatter with your squash partner while you do. I’m going to be honest with you – me and my fiancee still don’t actually know the rules to squash. We just turn up and hit the ball and still have a fantastic time. My point is, don’t be put off by squash if you’re not competitive or hate sports.


5. Horse Riding


Of course horse riding had to be on the list. It’s something most women try at some point or another (be it when they’re a tiny tot or as an adult) but it’s something that’s much loved by people around the world. The allure is easy to see too. For some, horse riding is a great hobby because you get to spend some quality time with your four legged friend, others love the sense of freedom it gives them, some enjoy the showing side of it, while others simply love trotting along through the beautiful countryside and enjoying nature. In addition to all this, horse riding is also a great way to keep fit!


6. Watching Movies


It’s no secret that I’m a massive movie geek. Right now I’m sat looking at my collection of over five-hundred DVDs. The reason watching movies is a great hobby is similar to why reading is a great hobby – it’s freeing. The second you press play or you here the credits start to roll you’re instantly transported to another world. While you don’t get the benefit of becoming the main character like you do in first-person books, you still get to become a part of their world. Their struggle becomes yours, you feel their emotions, you want their dreams. If you haven’t the patience to read a book, watching a movie can be a great alternative, or you can always do both like me!


7. Art


I’ll put it out there now that I’m not much of an artist at all. I can sketch a few lines and splash a bit of colour on the page but, all in all, I’m no Picasso. The thing is, I still love art. There’s something magical about bringing life to a blank canvas. Art as a hobby holds so many possibilities too – you can work with pencils, oil paint, water paint, pastels, charcoal, or something even more creative. You can paint on paper, on a canvas, on a rock, wherever you please. I think art is about finding your niche and figuring out what works for you. Plus, as I said before, it’s one of those hobbies where you don’t have to be a master or even skilled to enjoy it.


8. Cooking


Despite what you may think, cooking isn’t just something that has to be done if you want to eat. Cooking is a great hobby, one which allows you to show off in front of people, enjoy some solitary time or time with friends, one which can bring people together for the end results, and one which is just downright enjoyable. I’ve always loved baking cakes and the likes but it wasn’t until I moved out that I discovered the true joys behind cooking. I cook because I want to – if I didn’t I’d just grab a pizza out the freezer – and I get incredibly joy out of creating the perfect quiche, a mouthwatering casserole, homemade marshmallows, and much more. I love listening to music, an audio book, or cooking with a friend while I work too.


9. Singing


No doubt we all love singing along to the radio in the car and we’re all suddenly transformed into Beyonce in the shower, and why not? No matter how good or bad we are it’s fun, it’s relaxing, and it’s a great way to unwind. That said, why not take your passion one step further and take singing lessons or join a band to further your talent?


10. Join a Band


Speaking of joining a band…Even if you can’t sing that doesn’t mean you can’t join a band. Perhaps you can play the guitar, the drums, or any other musical instrument. If there’s not a band near you looking for members, you could always create your own band. Simply get together a few of your talented friends and you’re set!


11. Running


Running is a great hobby because not only does it keep you fit it also helps to clear your mind and relaxes you. Running is an amazing way for you to get some fresh air, see some nature, keep your body healthy, get amazing looking legs, and relieve yourself of any stress or worries. You’d be amazed by all the benefits it has! It doesn’t have to be done in silence either – when I run I love to listen to music to keep me motivated and sometimes it’s great to run with a friend too. If you’ve got a dog, you can even take them along.


12. Swimming


While we’re on the subject of sport hobbies, swimming is fantastic. It’s great for getting in shape, improving your flexibility, and toning up. I swim twice a week, once with friends and once by myself. Going with friends is great because it’s relaxing and we can have a catch up while we swim. Going alone on the other hand gives me loads of time to think and really centre myself. Swimming is incredibly peaceful but is also loads of fun too. No doubt your local pool will have lots of different swimming sessions, some of which will be adult only, ladies only, aqua fit, etc, so why not take a look and see which one suits you best?


13. Scrapbooking


Scrapbooking may sound outdated but it’s still incredibly fun and is an awesome hobby. It’s not all about pretty pictures either, it can be about anything you want. I know someone who has a scrap book for almost anything – places she wants to visit, her relationship with her boyfriend, her friendships, music she likes, literally everything! Scrapbooking is about taking things you’re passionate about and immortalising them. It can be anything you want it to be too seeing as you can choose the topics, the materials, whether or not you have quotes – make it as personal as you dare. I’ve known some people even use scrap books as a journal or diary of sorts too.


14. Jewellery Making


Many of us just take walking into a shop and buying necklaces or earrings for granted but it’s becoming ever more popular to make your own jewellery. Many bead shops are now holding classes to teach people how to make their own jewellery and you can buy all the materials cheaply online too. Some people are even turning this unique hobby into a job by selling their creations so this hobby can even prive profitable for you.


15. Wine Tasting


Wine tasting is a great hobby, especially if you do it with friends. Learning how to appreciate a good quality wine is amazing fun and helps you develop a new talent too. Many wine shops, hotels, etc offer classes or taster sessions where you can learn to art and many even do monthly meetings.


16. Track Driving


So tell me, who said track driving was just for men? Ladies, please forget that nation immediately! Track driving is for men and women alike and is incredibly fun! You get the thill of driving incredibly fast, the adrenalin rush from the danger, and all in all a fantastic day. Many places now offer track driving experience days but you can also join clubs to do it regularly too. Don’t be put of by the stereotype side of it and don’t knock what you haven’t tried. It’s more than likely that you’ll surprise yourself and absolutely love it! I did, I just wish the nearest track to me wasn’t two hours away!


17. Pole Dancing


Believe it or not, pole dancing isn’t all about sexy poses and wearing hardly any clothes. Despite what people may think, it’s a sport! Pole dancing is much like gymnastics in my opinion, it’s all about the moves and positions and doesn’t have to put you on show if you don’t want to. You can find pole dancing classes in just about any town or city now, all of them closed so it’s just you and your class mates, no spectators. Of course, if you want you can opt to enter competitions or ‘show’ your new found talent where you please but it’s not obligatory. I’ve tried it and would take the sport back up again if there was a class near me and I highly recommend every woman tries it at some point.


18. Knitting


And who said knitting was just for grannies? That’s an awful stereotype, especially since chunky knitted clothes are at the height of fashion right now. Knitting takes a lot of skill but once you master it you can make most anything you please. My mum knitted the most beautiful throw for her bed which is much nicer than anything she could have bought and my granny was always knitting gorgeous baby clothes, showing the hobby is practical as well as fun. It’s a great way to pass some time productively and you get a great sense of accomplishment once you’ve finished something.


19. Gardening


Gardening is a fantastic hobby and one that wields measurable results. Whether you’re into growing beautiful flowers or cultivating your own veg, gardening is a great way to relax, work your body, and make a real difference to your small area of the world. It’s a hobby you can take real pride in and something you can enjoy year round too. No matter the season, there’s always something to be done in the garden so I suggest you grab your gloves and give it a go.


20. Photography


Digital cameras are falling in price just about daily and they’re becoming increasingly easy to use. You can also find tonnes of cheap beginners photography courses where you can learn this hobby too. Or, if you’re not one for lessons of any type, you can always just start clicking away and seeing what pictures you capture. You can photograph anything from family events such as weddings to ants on the pavement. Whatever takes your fancy really. And it’s so easy to take a relatively normal picture and turn it into a masterpiece with photo editing software these days too. Photography is also a great hobby to merge with blogging or scrapbooking too.


21. Join a Book Club


If you like reading but find it awful lonely then why not join a book club? Most book clubs meet once a month to discuss a set book and go over the highs and lows, what they liked and disliked etc. Book clubs are a great way to meet likeminded people and explore the world of fiction. I attended my first book club just a few months back and absolutely loved it – it was great talking to people who actually understood what I was talking about when I referenced the book. Plus, some book club even have guest speakers such as authors to make it even more exciting too.


22. Collect Things


As odd as it may sound, collecting things is a great hobby and one which can be extremely personal too. I have a love of giraffes so have all kinds of giraffe ornaments, photos, picture frames etc but I also have a weird love of collecting quirky, inspirational beer mats. My DVD collection is also one of my biggest prides. A friend of mine absolutely loves cows and has perhaps the greatest collection of anything I’ve ever seen. Her house is cow crazy but she loves it, it works for her.

In short, choose something you love and are passionate about be it an animal, an object, stamps, magnets etc and exploit it!


23. Learn To Play An Instrument


Learning to play an instrument is a great hobby, especially once you’ve mastered it. I’ll admit, I can’t play any instrument to save my life but I wish I could. Over the years I’ve tried to learn the recorder, the piano, and the guitar amongst other things and I’ve loved the experience of doing so – sadly, I’ve just never been able to grasp the concept of playing them and have failed miserably! Still, it’s a fun thing to do, especially if you prove to have a natural talent for something.


24. Candle Making


Candle making is incredibly easy, personal, and fun. When you’re making your own candles you get to choose the shape, scents, colours etc. You can get supplied from most art stores and even online, all of them reasonably cheap too. This is a hobby you can either do by yourself or with friends too. If you’re nervous about trying something so new, you can even attend classes to learn the art of candle making.


25. Yoga


Yoga is a great way to get in touch with your inner self, to increase your flexibility, bring peace to your mind, and strengthen your body. Loads of celebrities are practicing it to keep in shape and to unwind after a hectic day. This is a hobby you can do with friends, alone in the privacy of your living room, on the beach, at a class, anywhere! Once you know the basic moves you’re set, all you need is a yoga mat to get started too.


26. Volunteering 


Volunteering is a fantastic hobby which fills your time while endlessly helping others. You can volunteer is countless ways and you can choose which cause you support be it Cancer Research, helping the homeless, or something else entirely. You can volunteer in charity shops, to collect donations on the street, to run charity events, help out at soup kitchens, hand out aid – whatever you think you can do. Any help is appreciated. This is a real feel good hobby that not only helps you but helps countless other people too.


27. Gym


Going to the gym isn’t just great for keeping you fit, healthy, and toned, it’s also great for socialising and relaxing too. I love going to the gym with a friend or even going by myself and listening to music or watching TV while I work up a sweat. Believe it or not, the gym is an incredibly relaxing place where you can work away all your stresses and the days troubles. Plus, you come away feeling great about your body too!


28. Online Games


Okay, so you might not class this one as a hobby but I sure do. Playing online games is incredibly fun, especially since there are millions of different ones out there. There are loads of sites where you can play countless mini games or you could even join an online gaming community such as World of Warcraft (honestly, it’s not as geeky as it sounds!). You’ll get the chance to speak to people around the world, play strategy games, play for fun, and compete for the high score. Warning – this hobby can be incredibly addictive though!


29. Foraging


So we covered growing our own food in gardening but why stop there? Why not go out into the wild and forage our own food? You can find herbs, spices, fruit, veg, and much more just by taking a stroll through nature. I will say however, before you head out foraging find a decent guide book to ensure you’re not picking anything poisonous and to get tips on how not to harm the environment while foraging. Also, be aware of the area you’re foraging too. It’s worth finding out if it’s public land before you set out to ensure you’re not trespassing.


30. Caving


Caving is an amazing hobby! It’s an incredible feeling exploring the underground world which allows you to see some absolutely unimaginable things. You’ll get the opportunity to see wildlife not seen on the Earth’s surface, underground rivers and waterfalls, the most beautiful rocks and minerals and much more. Caving is really exciting too because while it is, for the most part, safe you still get the thrill from feeling you’re doing something dangerous. It’s also a fantastic hobby to do with friends seeing as it really is like you’re going on a real life adventure with them.


31. Host Board Game Parties


Board games may not sound all that exciting but in reality that’s far from the truth. We have a few friends who we do board game nights with and they’re all incredibly fun. We love ordering in a takeaway, opening a bottle of wine, and letting the fun begin. There are countless boardgames out there for you to try but of course some of the best are Monopoly, Cluedo, Articulate, and Pictureka. Board game parties are cheap, fun, exciting, and they change every time you host them depending on the game, the players, and everything else so they’re never dull.


32. Chart Your Family Tree


Charting your family tree may not sound like the most exciting hobby in the world but you’d be surprised just how much you learn. It’s amazing looking back into your family history and finding our who married who, where people lived and how they died, who accomplished what, how the war affected your family, and everything else. It’s odd looking into the lives of essential strangers but still feeling an immense connection to them. You’ll undoubtedly learn things you never even imagined while charting your family tree. The hobby can be quite addictive too seeing as the more you learn the more you want to learn and you want to go as far back as you possibly can.


33. Run a Side Business


Some of us have hobbies which we can even turn into a business to supplement our income. Take me for example – writing for me started out as a hobby, then I started doing it in addition to my day job, and now I’m a full time freelance writer. How cool is that? Loads of hobbies can be turned into a business too – candle or jewellery making, cooking, photography, blogging… It’s always worth seeing if you could earn a little extra cash simply by doing what you love. You’ll find you may even enjoy your hobby that bit more if it’s providing you with an income too.


34. Restoration


Restoration is a fantastic hobby, not only because it requires you to learn new skills but because you can see the results of your passion and your work. It’s a talent that can be applied to any number of things too. Some people restore old cars, some people nurture old books back to health, some convert vintage furniture or clean up ageing jewellery. The possibilities really are endless. In short, restoration is about using your talent and skill to take something ageing or broken and fixing it up. This hobby is also great for turning into a side or full time business too – I know loads of people who are doing it already.


35. Go Travelling


Finally we come to my favourite hobby on the list – travelling. There is nothing better than going out and seeing the world. You’ll gain some amazing experiences, see some incredibly sights, and creature priceless memories. Why not escape to see the Colluseum, sail down the watery streets of Venice, peer into the Grand Canyon, climb the Pyramids of Giza, journey across the plains of Africa? While an around the world trip ma be what we all desire and while the jungles of Madagascar and outback of Australia may be what we all wish to see, you needn’t even go that far. Within your own country there are bound to be thousands of incredibly sights, you need only open your eyes and hop in the car to see them.

Travelling is also a great hobby to combine with photography, writing, blogging, or scrapbooking. This gives you the opportunity to share your amazing journey with others and immortalise your wonderful life.


So there you have it, thirty-five great hobbies that all women can enjoy. I hope I’ve inspired you to go out and try something knew and give you some great ideas on how to fill your time. I know I’ll even be trying out a few of these – maybe even all of these! Happy hobbying!


(all images sourced via pinterest.com)

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40 Cute Goodnight Texts And Why They Work http://www.herinterest.com/40-cute-goodnight-texts-and-why-they-work/ http://www.herinterest.com/40-cute-goodnight-texts-and-why-they-work/#comments Tue, 07 Jan 2014 13:45:42 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=8032

If you’ve got someone special on your mind, sometimes the best way the end the day is with a cute goodnight text to them. It’s a great and simple way to let them know you’re thinking of them and to get them thinking of you. Whether you’re already in a relationship with them or you’re hoping soon to be, this is a great thing to do. You’ll get a rush of feelings by letting them know you’re thinking of them and they’ll feel loved knowing that you are. And, if they send a message back, you’ll no doubt be on cloud nine as you dream tonight.


While you may want to send them a message, sometimes knowing exactly what to text someone can be tricky. All too often we’re overcome by our shyness and send nothing at all. This is a big no, no! How are they ever going to know what you’re thinking or how you feel if you don’t find some courage and tell them? Even if you’re not shy, deciding what to write can still be a nightmare. That’s why I’ve come up with a fool proof list of 40 (yes, 40!) of the best cute goodnight texts. There’s a mix of bold, subtle, poetic, wise and loving messages so you’ll no doubt be able to find a message for any mood or situation.

Here goes…


For The Couples

If you’re already in a relationship and are looking for something fun, cute, loving or bold to send your other half, this list is perfect. These cute messages work because they’re something to help you express exactly how you feel towards your partner, something to make them feel loved and to get them thinking of you if they weren’t already too.


  • I love you, my sweet.
  • I couldn’t sleep until I told you how much I missed you. Goodnight, my love.

Good night quotes-1

  • Everyday I love you more than I did the day before. I can’t image how I could possibly love you more than I do but somehow everyday I manage it. I can’t wait for tomorrow to love you more again.

Good night quotes-2

  • I started counting one star in the sky for each reason I love you…Then I ran out of stars and I realized the reasons are infinite.
  • Goodnight, my prince, my love, my everything. Sleep well and dream of your princess.
  • You mean the world to me, don’t forget that. Goodnight and sweet dreams.
  • The thoughts of how much I love you are keeping me awake longer and longer each night

Good night quotes-3

  • My day has been hectic, it’s been non stop and I never got to see you. It was hard but  the thought of falling asleep without saying goodnight to you was unbearable. Goodnight, sleep tight, I can’t wait until the next time I see you.
  • You’re in my heart tonight, tomorrow and forever. Sweet dreams, handsome.

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  • You prove to me more each day why I should love you. I’m going to spend every day giving you reasons to love me.

Good night quotes-5

  • I know that you are the one, because when we are apart I feel incomplete. I never want to be without you. Goodnight.


For The Couples To Be

If you’re not already in a relationship but know exactly who you want to be in a one with, you need to read this section. Whether the person you’re falling for is a friend or just a classmate, so long as you know them at least a little these texts are great. I’ll admit, some of them are extremely bold but sometimes you need that and some of them are dependent on having spent time with the person in question too. Either way, you’re sure to find something on the list to suit your needs.

These messages work because they let this person know you’re thinking of them and (if you send a subtle message) they’ll get them wondering why you’re thinking of them and their mind will begin to explore the possibilities of you two being a couple.


  • I’ll dream of you.
  • Today was perfect.
  • I miss you already.

Good night quotes-6

  • One day I want to fall asleep beside you and wake up with you.
  • Dream of me.
  • If I wish hard enough, maybe my dream will come true and I’ll wake up next to you.
  • Do you think about me before you go to sleep?

Good night quotes-8

  • Sweet dreams, I hope I’m in them. You’re already in mine.
  • I want to be the girl you can’t go to sleep without thinking about and you can’t go a day without loving.


For Couples And Couples To Be

Some cute goodnight text messages could be used for both couples and couples to be so instead of listing them all twice I’ve listed them all here. Again, some of them are bold and daring but, like I said before, there’s nothing wrong with that. You need to let this person know how you feel somehow so why not be up front about it?

Here comes a mix of the daring, the sickly sweet and the cutest quotes you’ve ever heard…

Good night quotes-10

  • You’ll be the last think I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up.

Good night quotes-11

  • Dreaming keeps me going. It means I don’t have to be apart from you for so long

Good night quotes-12

  • Starlight, star-bright, you’re the only star I see tonight.

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  • I don’t want to fall asleep because reality with you is better than any dream.

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  • During the day I keep myself busy and sometimes time passes. By night, I really miss you.
  • I’d walk a million miles to sleep with you tonight.
  • I keep hugging the pillow and wishing it was you. It’s hard not being with you.
  • Goodnight, handsome.
  • I just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you.

Good night quotes-15

  • Hey! Just wanted to say good night. Sweet dreams. Hugs. Kisses. Rainbows. Moons. Stars. Supernovas.
  • You can’t sleep? Me neither. Let’s can’t sleep together.


Goodnight Poems

If all else fails, rhyme. Poems are perhaps the most expressive form of writing there is so combining them with a text (which is often considered rather impersonal) can be a great mix. These cute goodnight poems can be used whether you’re in a relationship or are still getting close to the certain someone.

These texts work simply for the fact they are cute and that an immense amount of thought and love has been put into each of them. Even if you didn’t write them, your special someone will love that you took the time to look them up and feel flattered that you feel that way about them.

good night poem1

  • My day may be hectic.
    My schedule may be tight.
    But I would never let the day end
    without saying Good night and. Sweet dreams!

good night poem2

  • As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, all the good times are yours to keep. Sweet dreams & Good Night.
  • Goodnight, sleep tight, dream of me with all your might.
  • The stars lean down to kiss you and I lie awake and miss you.


Quotes To Use

If you don’t like anything you’ve read so far and would like to take a more cultured approach to texting cute goodnight messages, using a quote can be perfect. Some of the most respected and wisest individuals throughout history have brought us some incredible and much loved quotes on the subject of love. Using them to express our own feelings is perfectly acceptable. So we’re not quite as eloquent as some of these people, that doesn’t mean we don’t love someone as much as they did.

Let’s see what some of these incredible people had to say…

good night poem3

  • In dreams and love, there are no impossibilities. – Janos Aranay

good night poem4


  • Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone. – Anthony Burgess

good night poem5

  • My night has become a sunny dawn because of you. – Ibn Abbad

good night poem6

  • At this moment 3.7 million people are sleeping, 2.3 million are falling in love, 4.1 million are eating & only one sweet person in the whole world is reading this message!! Good night! – Anonymous

good night poem7

  • If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. – A. A. Milne


So there you have it, 40 of the best cute goodnight texts, why they work and how and when they should be used. Just remember, all of these texts can be customized. You can change things like ‘my sweet’ and ‘handsome’ to whatever you happen to call your other half and there are countless variations of ‘goodnight’ and ‘sleep tight’ that you could use. For some ideas on what to nickname your partner in both texts and real life, try reading my other article 28 Cute And Fun Nicknames For Your Boyfriend.

It’s worth remembering that these messages should come from the heart. This extensive list is a great starting point but remember to add a bit of personality to the messages.

Please share any other cute text ideas you have, I’d love to hear what ideas you have. Also, I’d love to hear about your experiences too! What texts have you sent? What’s the cutest text message, email or social networking message you ever received? Was it a goodnight message or just a nice surprise? I know, I know – I’m nosey, right? I just love hearing what you have to say!

I’ll let you go now, you’re free to go and try out some of my messages and the tips I’ve thrown in along side them.

Good luck and goodnight!


(All images sources via Pinterest.com)

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How to Keep A Guy Interested http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-keep-a-guy-interested/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-keep-a-guy-interested/#comments Wed, 25 Dec 2013 23:31:53 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=7581


Well, you’ve done it.  You’ve gone and snagged your ideal man; the two of you have really hit it off and you’re thinking he may be the one.  You’re into him and he’s into you, and now the only thing left to do is keep him on the line indefinitely.  As any savvy lady knows, this isn’t always as easy as it sounds.  Somehow, the shine always seems to wear off of every relationship and when it does you may be left wondering how to keep a great guy from losing interest in the greatest woman on earth.

Let’s face it, deep down, all guys are looking for a woman that not only floats their boat but also keeps them coming back for more.  Here are 20 ways that any woman can use to keep her man coming back again and again, without fail.

1.) Be YOU.

The first thing you need to do is be true to yourself.  Remember, he fell in love with YOU.  So, be the girl he fell head over heels for.  Don’t be pretentious or start putting up walls at the first sign of trouble; these things can be very confusing and off-putting for a guy.  They need to know that the you they know is the real you, and you can prove that by not selling yourself out.  Staying true to the you that’s really you also makes you exude confidence, and guys eat that up.

2.) Surprise Him Once in a While

Being yourself doesn’t mean that you have to be boring or routine.  Guys like spontaneity and surprises to shake things up once in a while and break up the doldrums of everyday life.  One of the funnest things of a new relationship is the novelty.  Keep things exciting by doing the fresh and unexpected every once in a while.  You don’t have to go totally schizo, but a surprise now and then is a great way to keep your relationship feeling like new.

3.) His Friends Are Your Friends

Be cool with his guys.  Even if they’re your least favorite people on the planet, when they show up to chill, you should resist the urge to roll your eyes and make that face.  Instead, put on a genuine smile and offer them a beer – then give them some space.  Remember, as much as you love your man, you’ve got to let him breathe and be a dude.  Many a relationship has gone south because of arguments over guys hanging out with other guys.  Accepting and embracing his testosterone fueled pool of friends early on can save you a lot of headaches down the road.


4.) Keep It Hot

While it might seem a bit cliche, knowing how to keep your guy satisfied between the sheets can go a long way toward keeping him interested.  I mean, come on.  This is what guys are chasing when they’re taking us out on the town and showing us off.  Don’t be afraid to take the lead and show him that you want him as much as he wants you.  Make it so good that you’re all he can think about.

5.) Keep Yourself Clean

One of the things that guys love the most about girls is that they always smell so sexy and sweet.  If you want your man to think about burying his face in your neck all day, every day, you need to make sure that you always smell delicious.  This can be trickier than it sounds, though, as we ladies know all too well.  If you want to master the perfect lingering scent, go for something that works well with your body chemistry and don’t overdo it.

6.) Don’t Be A Drama Queen

If there’s something most men can’t stand, it’s perpetual drama.  Sorry ladies, but if you want to keep your man happy, try to keep the Jerry Springer out of your life and your conversation.  Don’t bombard your guy with complaints about the chick in the next cubicle the second he walks through the door or start going off about how your friend’s brother’s girlfriend’s ex really makes you mad first thing in the morning.  It’s not that he doesn’t care about your life, it’s just that he doesn’t understand all of the unnecessary drama.

7.) Don’t Talk About Your Exes

On that note, ladies, no man on the planet wants to hear every detail about your ex-boyfriend.  They just don’t.  On some level, they realize that you’ve probably dated other men and that you have a past, but no man really wants to think about some other guy being all over his girlfriend.  Which is precisely what comes to his mind every time your exes name comes out of your mouth.   Even if you are comparing him favorably to that scum bag you’re better off without, he’d probably rather you never said that name again.

8.) His Interests Are Your Interests (well, some anyway!)

One thing that can help secure your relationship is to be interested in what he’s interested in.  Whatever that may be.  Even if you’ve never skied before, if he’s a snow-bunny, you’re probably going to want to invest in some lessons.   You don’t have to love everything he loves, but you should definitely show and interest.  You never know, maybe you’ll discover a new passion in life that the two of you can share.

9.) He Has A Mom, He Doesn’t Need Two

Don’t be his mommy,  but be his lover and his friend.  Show him support when he needs it, have his back.  If you want your guy to be around for the long haul, he has to know that you are going to support him no matter what.  Make him want to tell you his deepest darkest secrets and hash out his craziest schemes.  As long as he knows you’ll always be there when he needs you, he’ll never need to turn anywhere else.


10.) Be Like Family

Become part of the family.  Okay, not on the first date, but if you are planning a future with a guy, you are going to want to get in good with the people that know and love him best.  Remember, you may have loved him for the last 6 months, but these folks have loved him his entire life.  If you can find yourself a sweet spot within his family unit, he won’t have to squint too hard to picture you as a part of it.  Also, be aware of and sensitive to any touchy family dynamic issues, and when in doubt, refer back to tip number nine.

11.) Keep Your Finances in Check

Another great way to ensure that your guy sticks around is to make sure that you are in a good financial situation.  It may sound harsh, but nobody wants to take on someone else’s bad credit or train-wreck finances.  While love is definitely more important than material things, the fact of the matter is that financial problems are a real strain on even the most established relationship.  Keeping yourself in the black is just good all-around planning, guy or no guy.

12.) Be Smart

Don’t be afraid to dazzle your guy with your big, sexy brain.  Guys love a girl that knows what she’s talking about.   You don’t have to be a know-it-all, but being able to hold up your end of an intelligent conversation is a big relationship selling point.   After all, most of your relationship is going to be spent just chatting it up.  You have to be able to talk to each other.  As an added bonus, you may discover new shared interests.

13.) Respect his Boundaries

Most guys aren’t cool with public displays of affection.  If that’s the case, don’t be a pusher.  If you’re too clingy or kissy in public, you’re going to make him uncomfortable, and nobody wants to be in a relationship where they’re perpetually uncomfortable.  If your guy’s not all about the public displays, settle for hand holding or walking close together – and knowing that he’s coming home to you at the end of the day.

14.) Be Optimistic

I know this sounds trite, but nobody wants to be around a sour puss all the time.  Sometimes in a relationship, you can focus so much on your man that you forget about yourself, and when that happens you may find yourself down in the dumps emotionally.  Make sure that you are paying attention to your own emotional well-being and keeping upbeat and positive.  Of course, everybody has their bad days, but if you’re constantly feeling down you tend to bring others down with you.

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15.) No Nagging

Nobody wants to be nagged. It’s that simple.  While you may think that you are just doing your duty as a woman by pushing your guy a little further or to try a little bit harder, the fact is if he constantly hears you griping at him over the little things, the little things can become big things.  Sure, it’s okay to give an opinion or ask for help if you need it, but there is no need to be the broken record playing in the background.  I promise, he heard you the first time.

16.) Stay Loyal

Don’t be too big of a flirt with other guys.  No dude wants to feel like he’s still competing with the crowd for your attention once he already has you.  You don’t have to give up your social life, but you know what’s appropriate and what’s not.  Don’t do anything behind his back that you wouldn’t do with him standing next to you.

17.) Through his Stomach

As trite and cliche as it may be, mens hearts and stomachs DO appear to be interconnected in some mystical, as yet to be discovered way.  If you can cook like you own that kitchen, go for it.  This is an especially good tip if your guy has a physically demanding job.  Nothing makes a man happier than coming home after a hard day’s work to a hot, home-cooked meal.  Even if you’re not the best cook on the block, making an effort to fill up a man’s empty belly goes a long way, and he’ll love the fact that you tried.


18.) Overly Attached Girlfriend?

Don’t be that clingy girl that needs his attention every second of every day.   Don’t blast your relationship status and every fight and make-up all over your favorite social network site for the world to see.  Don’t burn up his phone with calls every half hour when he’s at work.  Back up a little bit.  As excited as you are that he’s in your life, you have to remember he’s a grown man with a life of his own, too.  Call if you need to, send a text every now and then, but don’t be too crazy.

19.) Be Creative in Bed

Did I mention that you should be sexually inventive?  Men are sensual, sexual creatures.  You can put them in a suit and tie and send them to an office to work, but deep down they are all thinking about it more often than not.  The trick to keeping a good man is to ensure that when he’s thinking about it, he’s thinking about it with you.  Keeping your sex life spicy and inventive will always keep him coming back for more; after all, he just might be getting something new next time.

20.) Respect Yourself

Finally, and perhaps above all else, when it comes to keeping a man around, you need to respect yourself.  Never lower your standards or compromise your beliefs because you think you have to in order to make a relationship work.  The right man, the man who is going to be around until the end, isn’t going to want you to be anything other than your truest self.  He’s going to want you to love you as much as he loves you, because he won’t be able to understand how anyone could do anything but adore you.

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20 Rainy Day Date Ideas http://www.herinterest.com/20-rainy-day-date-ideas/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-rainy-day-date-ideas/#comments Tue, 10 Dec 2013 17:27:15 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=7049

Have you ever had great plans for a date with your special someone, only to have the weather turn bad on you? Having a date messed up by the weather can be a real bummer, but the date does not have to be a complete loss. There are still plenty of fun things you can do and still have that date. Picnics and walks in the park may be canceled and a trip to a theme park or the beach may be out of the question, but there are still plenty of options that you can choose from:

date idea 7

Arcades.  Most towns have arcades or similar spots where for a few dollars you can go and have fun. Try and win your special someone some prizes, and maybe see if there are any special events going on.
Roller rink. Strapping on a pair of roller skates can be a fun experience and it can also be a good trust building exercise- nothing says trust like relying on someone to catch you if you start to fall.
Get cultured. Visiting museums, theater performances, and the like can be a nice and romantic date. Share your interests with each other and learn something new along the way.
Get artsy. A rainy day can be a great chance to get in touch with your creative side. Try working on a painting together, play some instruments together if you are both musically inclined, or work on a writing project together.
Go shopping. This doesn’t mean run up the charge card and have the guy sit all day waiting for you. Find places where you both will enjoy just browsing- book stores, art stores, and any other place where you both share a hobby, passion, or love.
date idea 3

Relive old memories.  If you have been together for a while, look through some old photos of the two of you. Or pull out the family albums and relive your own history with your special someone.
Tub time.  Enjoying a nice soak in the hot tub, or a romantic bubble bath with some scented candles can be a great way to spend a cold and dreary day.
People watching. Go to the mall or some other place where lots of people gather, grab a coke or an ice cream to share, and just watch all the people and enjoy some time together.
Enjoy the rain. There is something to be said for a romantic afternoon, snuggled together under the covers, listening to the rain falling outside.
date idea 1

Indoor picnic.  Don’t let the rain ruin your picnic, instead have one indoors! Spread a blanket on the ground, make up some finger foods, and put some nice music on to play and you have the perfect indoor date.
Video games. Whether you both like shooter games like Call of Duty or RPG games like Final Fantasy, you can still enjoy some game time together. Classics like Rock Band, Wii Sports, and many more are great games to enjoy a nice afternoon together.
Make out.  Simple yet oh so much fun. Do not forget the simple things that made you both fall in love with each other.
Play photographer. Even if you are not a pro, it can be a lot of fun to snap pictures of each other. Make some collages of the pictures you take and make some great memories together.
Movie marathons. Do you both like movies such as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or other big series movies? Have yourself a marathon and watch all of your favorite movies back to back. It can be a great way to spend the day and enjoy the company of your loved one.

date idea 2
Book-Worm it. If you both are book lovers, try snuggling up b y the fireplace or under the covers enjoying some good books. Read your own books or take turns reading from the same book out loud.
Chill out. There is nothing wrong with simply relaxing the day away.  Don’t feel like getting out of bed or changing out of your pajamas? Then don’t. Spend the day in bed, relax in your PJ’s and have a chill day to yourselves.
Board games. Make it a board game day. If normal board games seem a bit bland, then try to shake things up a little – strip poker or twister anyone?
Be the chef. Work a little culinary magic in the kitchen together. Even if neither of you are that great at it, it can still be a great time and you may be surprised by the results.
Go walking. There is something romantic about walking in the rain. Remember all of those movie scenes of kissing in the rain? Well now you can make your very own special movie moment. A little rain never hurt anyone.

date idea 6

Have sex. Enough said right?


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28 Cute and Fun Nicknames For Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/28-cute-and-fun-nicknames-for-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/28-cute-and-fun-nicknames-for-your-boyfriend/#comments Sun, 08 Dec 2013 21:13:39 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=6875

Nicknames are used in all kinds of situations and for countless reasons. They can symbolize familiarity, humor, love, and even sometimes things a little less sweet. Whatever the reason behind them however, nicknames show that someone means something to you and more often than not that they hold a special place in your heart.

In a relationship this is especially true and using pet names for each other is common practice. In this situation nicknames can be a sign of closeness, a show of affection and can also be a way to flaunt your bond and intimacy in public without being…hmm…rude, shall we say?

That said, you’re probably now thinking about what you call your other half and whether or not you need a change in name for them. Perhaps you’ve been together years and still haven’t found that perfect nickname or maybe you’re only just beginning your relationship and are looking for a way to express your feelings – either way charming nickname will never go amiss. If only it were as easy as just plucking one out of thin air!

Never fear though for we’ve done the hard part for you and have found some great nicknames to get your mind going. Here goes!


Classic and Simple Names…

A lot of people think that a nickname needs to be bold and make a statement – that it has to be unique to your partner and couldn’t possibly suit anyone else. We say, forget all that. So long as the name suits them, what does it matter that it’s been used countless times before? It’s like they say, if the shoe fits.

Here are a few classic names that are classic for a very good reason…

  • Handsome
  • Gorgeous
  • Babe
  • Sweetie


For the Lookers…

So he’s a looker (and he probably knows it!). Firstly, we’d like to say lucky you! And secondly we’d like to tell you that your job just got a whole lot easier. Why waste your time fretting over what trait of his personality to name him after when there’s one strikingly obvious choice? He’ll love knowing that you adore his looks and pointing them out will serve to build his confidence and bring about that oh so gorgeous smile of his.

  • Eye-candy
  • Gorgeous
  • Hot Stuff
  • Hunk


From the Movies…

So he’s a movie geek…or maybe that’s you…either way naming him after a timeless character who embodies all of best traits or is everything he dreams of being is sure to make him feel epic. He’ll thrive knowing you are comparing him to a daring adventurer, a fearless warrior or even a selfless lover.

  • Rambo
  • Mr. Bond
  • Rocky
  • Superman


For the Lover…

So he’s a romantic and a lover – lucky you! We’re jealous! This is something to be celebrated and we can’t think of a better way than pointing it out daily with a nickname. We will admit though, while he might be the ultimate romantic around you, he may not want all his friends to know about that side of him so bear that in mind when using your chosen nickname in public. You wouldn’t want to embarrass him, after all.

  • Romeo
  • Casanova
  • Precious
  • Prince Charming


For the Athlete…

For those of you with an athlete for a boyfriend, something to compliment his talents and his manliness would perfect. He’ll be thrilled to know that you love that aspect of him and are proud of that part of his life, not shying away from it as though it’s just another sport. We’ve gone pretty generic here but these four great nicknames do the job all the same.

  • Stud
  • Hero
  • Slick
  • Tiger


Soft and Sweet Names…

First off, let’s just point out that he may not like you going all gooey on him in front of his friends. While he’s still the same person with them that he is with you, he’s also still a man and wants to maintain the tough exterior that he shows the rest of the world. Using some of these names in public will likely embarrass him and, we’re sorry to say, may not do your relationship any favors.

That said, chances are he is all soft and sweet when it’s just the two of you. When you’re snuggling together he’s probably your teddy bear and he’s likely constantly wearing that soppy smile of his when he tells you he loves you. So yes, these names are still very appropriate. It’s just a case of when and where you use them.

  • Honeybun
  • Peachy
  • Marshmallow
  • Sweetie Pie


So there you have it, ladies, 28 of the best nicknames for your boyfriend. Bear in mind that they’re only suggestions though – a nickname is a very personal thing and it’s not a one size fits all kind of deal. We suggest selecting a few that you like best and think will work and trying them out for size. Good luck!


(All images sourced via Pinterest.com)

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40 Truth Or Dare Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/40-truth-or-dare-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/40-truth-or-dare-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/#comments Sun, 08 Dec 2013 12:57:45 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=6765

Truth or Dare – the timeless game that can be simultaneously fun and terrifying. It’s a game to make you squirm, a game to make you laugh and, more importantly, a game that can teach you an awful lot about another person (and yourself!). That’s why we think it’s the perfect game to play with your other half. It’ll let you in on their inner most secrets, it’ll teach you how they behave under pressure and, of course, it’ll teach you what they’d like to know about you. Just be sure you’re ready to step up to the mark and spill your secrets too!

Here’s the 40 ultimate Truth or Dare question’s to ask your boyfriend and the reasons they’re great…


Tell Me The Truth…


1. What are you most afraid of?

Reason – Men aren’t all as macho as they seem. Whether it’s spiders of lions, this question proves he’s human. Plus it takes a lot for someone to reveal their innermost fears – him answering shows he trusts you.


2. What’s your dream job?

Reason – This one will tell you whether he’s ambitious, realistic or perhaps even a dreamer. It’s important to know what he wants out of life and if you can go there together.


3. What’s your favourite movie?

Reason – A classic question but it’s classic for a reason. It will tell you more about what he likes, whether it’s an action, a sci-fi or a rom-com. Just be sure to be supportive whatever it is.


4. What’s your perfect date?

Reason – You might see him as the macho man who likes cars and DIY but when it comes to romance he’s likely to have a soft side. This will allow you to see the other side of him.


5. What do you like most about me?

Reason – Of course we had to throw this one in there. Does there have to be a reason? We just want to know!


6. What’s your favourite colour?

Reason – Simple but effective. Colours reflect moods and people. Are his inner thoughts passionate or calm? Dark or daring, bright or innocent? This will let you know!


7. Do you have any guilty pleasures?

Reason – Whether it’s a soppy song or a TV show, we all have guilty pleasures. It’s the things people don’t usually admit to that tell us the most about them, making this a fab  question.


8. What’s your favourite food?

Reason – This is a great question because it’s useful. If you want to book a surprise meal or cook for him one night, it always helps to know what he loves. He’ll love you all the more for remembering too.


9. What are you most talented at?

Reason – Here you can tell if he’s an artist or a sportsman, a musician or a chef. Plus, whether he answers shyly or full of bluster can tell you a lot about what he thinks of himself.


10. What are you most passionate about?

Reason – This is important simply because it’s important. If you want to be with him, you need to know what makes him tick and why. Here’s your chance to find out what it is!


11. Who’s your idol?

Reason – Who he looks up to and admires can tell you a lot about him. Does he admire fashion icons or entrepreneurs? World leaders or writers? Whoever they are, you’ll find he probably takes after them in some way and aspires to be like them.


12. Where would you most like to visit?

Reason – Whether he wants to visit somewhere full of history and culture or sun, sea and fun can tell you a lot about what type of guy he is inside.


13. Who’s your favourite fictional character?

Reason – As well as telling you if he sees himself as an action hero or the romantic type, this tells you what types of setting he sees himself in. Is he a realist from New York or was he made of the for the stricken lands of Middle Earth? You’re about to find out!


14. Do you collect anything?

Reason – People often collect quirky things so what and the extent of their collection can be eye opening. It’s not something people often share either so you may find yourself surprised.


15. What’s your favourite animal?

Reason – Our favourite animals are often a reflection of ourselves. Here you can see if he sees himself strong like a lion, wise like an owl or happy like a dog.


16. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do with your superpower?

Reason – This one will divide the cheeky chaps and the bad boys from the ones with hearts of gold and the shy ones. This is a real ‘show your true colours’ question.


17. What is the one question you’re dreading me asking you?

Reason – Is he hiding anything or keeping something back? Now’s your chance to find out. Just be sure you really want to know before asking though.


18. What’s the cheesiest pick up line you’ve ever used?

Reason – Of course, you know how you pair got together, but what was he like before you came along?


19. What’s the most embarrassing moment of your life?

Reason – Truth or Dare can sometimes be a little too serious, this question will lighten the mood.


20. Have you ever lied in Truth or Dare and was it in this game?

Reason – No explanation necessary.


I Dare You To…


1. Kiss me passionately.

Reason – Simple and predictable but we love this question all the same. Do we really need to explain the reason?


2. Let me blindfold you for the next five minutes.

Reason – He’ll be at your mercy for this time, yours to do whatever you want with be it tickle him senselessly, taunt him with kisses or something a little more adventurous.


3. Wish a stranger ‘Happy Toenail Appreciation Day’.

Reason – It’s hilarious for you and you’ll get to see the colour of his blush as he does it.


4. Give me a piggyback down the street.

Reason – It’s cute, it’s fun, it’s out of the ordinary and it’ll have you both laughing until your sides hurt. What more could you want?


5. Tell me what you really think of me. No holding back.

Reason – Okay, so maybe this one should be in truth but we never get tired of hearing how much he loves us. It’s great to hear him confess to things he may not have otherwise.


6. Do a pole dance for me.

Reason – This one will have you both in stitches and it’s a great way for you to relax around one another and show you feel comfortable together.


7. Get in the shower fully clothed.

Reason – Wouldn’t it be nice to see him soaking wet, clothes clinging to him Mr. Darcy style? You know you can’t resist!


8. Wear all your clothes inside out for the rest of the day.

Reason – Simply because we all need a good laugh.


9. Stand outside my window playing our song on a boom-box.

Reason – It was an unforgettable moment in the movie ‘Say Anything’ that made our hearts melt. Don’t we all want a guy like that, even if we have to dare him into it?


10. Roll a dice. Each dot stands for one day. You cannot watch sports for that time.

Reason – It’s a great way to steal his attention for potentially the next six days. This one’s even better if the World Cup is just starting!


11. Prank call your grandparents and pretend you want to order a pizza.

Reason – Role playing shows how far he’s willing to go and lets you see another side of him. We advise calling family or friends over strangers though, they’re more likely to see the funny side.


12. Tuck your shirt in a drop a few ice cubes down there. Leave them until they melt.

Reason – For no other reason than we want to see him squirm.


13. Do your best impression for me.

Reason – This will show how confident he is and might just give you both a few laughs at the same time.


14. Do the splits.

Reason – Here’s another one to make you both laugh. Bonus, he’ll probably ask you to do the same and he’ll love it if you can!


15. Wear a pair of my underwear for the rest of the day.

Reason – For the rest of the day you’ll both have your own little secret. You’ll both love being the only ones in on it and it might well bring about a bit of intimacy between you.


16. Go topless for the rest of the game.

Reason – If you’re already dating this shouldn’t be a hard one for him. It may not be anything out of the ordinary but at least you’ll get a great view for the rest of the game.


17. Walk up to a stranger and ask them to tie your shoe laces.

Reason – It shows his level of embarrassment tolerance and once again gives you a lot of laughs.


18. Kiss me passionately.

Reason – Oops, did we put this one in twice? Such a shame. We don’t hear you complaining though!


19. Plan a lovely date for us next weekend.

Reason – You shouldn’t have to dare him into this but you’ll love the results all the same.

lovely date

20. Kiss me where you’ve never kissed me before.

Reason – Whether it’s your back, neck, arms or feet this is sure to bring about a unique sense of intimacy…And maybe an abrupt end to the game.


We hope you’ve enjoyed our suggestions, now you’ve just got to go out there and use them. Just remember though, ladies, whatever you ask him, he can reverse and ask you so beware and be prepared to get a taste of your own medicine!


(All images courtesy of Pinterest.com)

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