All posts tagged "girls"
Has Demi Lovato Had Plastic Surgery?
It seems as if the girls on the celebrity plastic surgery list are getting younger and younger, doesn’t it? We can understand the likes of Joyce Meyer wanting to have plastic surgery because she’s a bit older,...
- Posted January 1, 2014
Biggest Turn-offs For Men on the First Date
There is a lot of pressure, both for the guy and girl, when it comes to the first date. You both are nervous and excited, and you both want to make the best impression possible. But...
- Posted December 9, 2013
20 Awkward Questions that Guys ask Girls and How to Answer
Awkward is in the eye of the beholder…at least when it comes to guys and girls. To guys, a question along the lines of how long it takes to get ready isn’t that awkward and most will...
- Posted October 7, 2013