herinterest.com » health http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 15 Castor Oil Uses for Face, Skin, Hair and Health http://www.herinterest.com/15-castor-oil-uses-for-face-skin-hair-and-health/ http://www.herinterest.com/15-castor-oil-uses-for-face-skin-hair-and-health/#comments Mon, 04 Aug 2014 07:36:53 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=15497


Castor oil is derived from the castor bean plant and the oil comes from pressing the ripe seeds. Castor oil has been used for centuries for its array of health and beauty benefits. It is simple to use and gentle on the skin, making it ideal for many different ailments. Just make sure to do a small patch test before use to ensure that you are not allergic or sensitive to this oil. Most people can use it without any problems, but the patch test ensures you do not experience problems due to things like an allergic reaction.

1. Better Skin


Castor oil is very moisturizing and it helps to protect the skin, making it a great remedy for many skin issues, such as dry skin, sunburn, stretch marks and acne. It may also help with things like athlete’s foot and even stretch marks. However, to get the full benefit of this oil, you must use it properly or you may not get the results that you need. Start by taking a clean cotton ball and dipping it in the oil until it is about half saturated. Take this and apply it directly to the area of the skin you are trying to treat and keep it on this area for one hour. You can use medical tape or a bandaid to keep the cotton ball in place. After an hour, remove the cotton ball and cleanse the area of the excess oil. You can do this twice a day, once during your morning routine and once during your night routine, to achieve optimal results.

2. Help Treat Ringworm

Ringworm is a relatively common skin issue and castor oil can help to complement medical treatment. This oil contains undecylenic acid which helps to complement ringworm therapies. You will mix four teaspoons of coconut oil with two teaspoons of castor oil and mix these well. Take a piece of sterile gauze and apply this to the area that has ringworm and secure it with medical tape or a bandaid. Leave this on overnight and then wash it thoroughly in the morning. Repeat this process until you no longer have ringworm.

3. Banish Wrinkles and Fine Lines

This oil deeply penetrates the skin and it may help to stimulate elastin and collagen production. It is also an effective skin moisturizer. These actions come together to help keep skin flexible and plump so that fine lines and wrinkles are not able to set it. You can treat the entire face, including the eye area, but use great care to not get any of this oil into your eyes.

4. Treat Acne

The penetrative ability of this oil is also ideal for acne. This oil has ricinoleic acid and this acid is effective in combating the bacteria that causes acne. It will help to clear up acne without drying out your skin like many commercial acne products do. Use warm water and thoroughly wash your face before going to bed. Take a small amount of this oil and completely massage it into your clean skin, allow it to dry and then go to bed. Simply wash your face in the morning and go about your usual skincare routine.

5. Skin Moisturizer


This oil is a quick and effective moisturizer because it penetrates the skin well and is full of fatty acids. It helps to restore hydration to your skin and it eliminates dry patches. You can apply it anywhere you need to hydrate your skin, allow it to soak in overnight and when you awake in the morning your skin will be smooth and silky. When you apply it to your body, wear cotton pajamas and socks to keep the oil in place so that it is able to deeply moisturize all night long.

6. Reduce Scars

Scars can make you self-conscious and it is not easy to fade them, but this oil can be helpful. You must apply this oil directly to the scar regularly and be patient because it takes time to fade scars, especially those that are very dark or raised. The fatty acids penetrate the tissue well and help to heal scars from the inside out.

7. Fade Stretch Marks


Stretch marks are something most women will experience at some point in life, such as due to weight gain or pregnancy, and they are hard to get rid of. You can apply castor oil regularly to your stretch marks to help fade them over time. It can take months for visible results, so stick with the regimen and be patient.

8. Battle Bacteria

This oil has antimicrobial properties to fight off bacteria and germs. You can apply it to minor wounds to prevent infection by disinfecting it. Just make sure to first cleanse the minor scratch or cut with soap and water, dry it thoroughly and then apply this oil to disinfect the area and alleviate some pain and itching.

9. Grow Longer Hair


For hair to grow, it needs to be strong and healthy, and your scalp has to be healthy too. Castor oil works well to improve the health of your hair from root to tip. For the scalp, it increases the circulation of blood to the follicles to promote hair growth and health. The omega-6 fatty acids penetrate each strand and strengthen them from the inside out. Apply this oil to your hair, wrap it in a towel, go to sleep and then wash it out in the morning for a moisture and nutrient-intense hair treatment. You can do this two to three times per week to promote hair growth and to improve the health of your hair and scalp.

10. Get Thicker Eyebrows

Some people over-pluck their eyebrows or they just naturally have eyebrows that are thin and hard to see. This oil may help to thicken your brows so that you have more to work with. Simply apply castor oil to your eyebrows before bed and wash this away in the morning. To wash it off, a mild cleanser and warm water gets it off easily. This can take a little time to get results and you must make sure to do it every night and stick with the regimen.

11. Treat Scalp Infections

Scalp infections can cause a variety of issues, such as hair fall and itching. This oil has antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties which allow this oil to tackle just about any minor scalp infection. You will want to apply this oil to your scalp regularly for best results and it can be done each night until the scalp infection is completely gone. Massage it in at night, cover your head with a towel or shower cap, go to bed and when you wake up in the morning, wash and condition your hair to reap the rewards.

12. Make Your Hair Darker

If you want darker hair, castor oil may be just what you need. It has humectant properties that help to increase the color of your hair when you use it as a leave-in conditioner. This is not a permanent darkening and once you wash your hair, your hair goes back to its normal color.

13. Alleviate Constipation

Constipation is a very uncomfortable and very common problem. Castor oil works as a highly effective laxative to alleviate constipation. You want to use pure castor oil that is cold pressed and you can use it once a day. Only use one teaspoon and never use this oil longer than three days. It is best to consult with a physician before using this remedy to ensure optimal safety and proper use. Overusing this remedy for constipation can cause significant health issues, so always follow the dosage instructions exactly.

14. Relieve Joint Pain and Arthritis


Painful joints make it hard to get through your daily activities, but this oil may help you to find some relief. It makes it easier to massage your joints so that you can work out the stiffness and pain. Apply the oil to the painful joint and gently massage the area for about 10 minutes. Take a cotton cloth and soak it in this oil, wring out the excess oil and put the cloth on the painful joint. Put a dry cloth on top of this, put a heating pad on top of the dry cloth and allow this to sit for 20 minutes to loosen up stiffness and alleviate pain.

15. Encourage Lymphatic Drainage

Sometimes, lymph nodes can get backed up, but this oil can help to keep lymph moving along as it should. Take a piece of large cloth, soak it in this oil, place this on your abdomen, lie back and get comfortable for an hour. Once the hour is up, remove the cloth and wash the excess oil off of the abdomen.

Before using castor oil, make sure to talk to your doctor first. This oil is natural and generally safe, but before you use any natural products, you want to make sure that they will not interfere with any current health conditions or medications. This oil has a variety of health benefits that you can take full advantage of once you know that it will be fully beneficial to you and the ailments that you are experiencing.

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25 Benefits of Pineapple for Face, Skin, Hair and Health http://www.herinterest.com/25-benefits-of-pineapple-for-face-skin-hair-and-health/ http://www.herinterest.com/25-benefits-of-pineapple-for-face-skin-hair-and-health/#comments Sun, 03 Aug 2014 08:15:25 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=15483

pineapple benefits

Pineapples are a tropical fruit that present with a wide array of health and beauty benefits. This sweet fruit is easy to find and the fresher it is, the better. You can easily incorporate pineapples into your daily diet or even apply them topically to reap the benefits of this bright yellow fruit.

1. Preventing Free Radical Damage

Pineapples are full of important antioxidants and these work to prevent cell damage within the body by fighting against free radicals. When you are getting enough antioxidants in your diet, you are working toward preventing several chronic diseases and conditions, such as heart disease, various cancers, atherosclerosis and arthritis.

2. Keep Colds at Bay


A cold can put you on the sidelines for a week or more, making it really difficult to complete your daily activities. This fruit is rich in vitamin C, a vitamin that plays a crucial role in keeping your immune strong, healthy and ready to fight against the virus that causes a cold. If you already have a cold, eating some pineapple each day may help to shorten the duration and alleviate your symptoms.

3. Keep Your Bones Strong

Pineapples contain the nutrient manganese and this plays an important part in strengthening the connective tissues and bones throughout your body. You can easily get about 73 percent of the manganese you need each day by drinking a single cup of 100 percent pineapple juice. Add this to your breakfast and you will never forget to get enough manganese each day.

4. Improve Gum Health

When your gums are not healthy, you are at risk for a wide array of potentially serious health issues, such as tooth loss, periodontitis and even heart disease. When you eat fresh pineapples, you are working to make your gums stronger when translates into healthier, stronger teeth as well.

5. Ward Off Macular Degeneration

This is a condition that affects the eyes and it ultimately leads to vision loss if it is not kept under control. Pineapples contain a high dose of beta-carotene, a nutrient that plays a major role in keeping your eyes healthy and resistant to this disease. Eat some fresh pineapple each day and enjoy better vision and healthier eyes.

6. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Inflammation in the body affects everything from your joints to your heart so you want to eat foods that reduce inflammation. Pineapples contain powerful compounds that fight off inflammation similar to how nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs combat inflammation. Just a small serving of pineapple each day can help to ease joint pain and other ailments associated with inflammation.

7. Cures Swelling and Irritation

Many illnesses that affect the human body as associated with swelling and irritation, such as sinusitis, gout, sore throat and other issues. When you eat pineapple, you are consuming a compound called bromelain and this contributes to these positive effects.

8. Anti-Cancer Abilities

Pineapples will not cure cancer, but the nutrients in pineapples may work well as part of a complete cancer prevention regimen. The nutrients in this fruit work to combat free radicals and they help your body get what it needs for optimal health. Keeping cell damage to a minimum and being overall healthy may work to prevent cancer.

9. Preventing Atherosclerosis


This condition makes it difficult for blood to pump through the blood vessels because they get stiff and thick. Preventing this condition can help to reduce your risk of many serious health issues, such as stroke and heart attack. The antioxidants in pineapples work to fight the free radical damage that may contribute to atherosclerosis.

10. Better Heart Health

Keeping your heart healthy should be a primary goal because a healthy heart is a major component of a long and healthy life. Adding pineapples to your heart healthy diet help to prevent heart disease and reduce your cholesterol. This fruit also combats free radicals, another action that is important for optimal heart health.

11. Boosting Immunity

When your immune system is strong and getting everything that it needs to combat foreign invaders, your risk of getting sick is decreased. Those with a strong immune system are less likely to get frequent colds and other illnesses. If you do come down with an ailment, a healthy immune system works to ensure that you recover more quickly and that the symptoms are not as severe. Start eating more pineapple now to build more immunity.

12. Improving Digestion

The digestive process is incredibly complex and it relies on strict mechanisms to work effectively. Fiber essentially helps to keep things moving in the digestive system to prevent issues like constipation and this fruit is packed with fiber. The vitamin C and bromelain present in this tropical fruit also play and important role in keeping your digestive system efficient and in good working order.

13. Younger Looking Skin


Looking youthful is a goal that everyone has and pineapples can help you to achieve this goal. This fruit helps to keep the skin flexible and firm because it increases collagen synthesis. It contains vitamin C and amino acids and these are all skin-friendly nutrients. You can apply fresh pineapple directly to your face to reap the benefits.

14. Battling Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a very uncomfortable condition that generally results in a forceful and frequent cough. This disrupts sleep and makes it harder to conquer your daily responsibilities. The anti-inflammatory properties that pineapples have help to calm the inflammation in your airways, which is what causes this condition. When inflammation is alleviated, the swelling decreases and you will find it easier to breathe. This also works to decrease your cough and other symptoms that come with swollen and inflamed airways. Some people say that a pineapple can complement an inhaler, but never stop using an inhaler for pineapples. Use both to fight inflammation in more ways than one.

15. Combating Catarrh

This is a condition that is characterized by the mucous membranes in the body becoming inflamed. This can lead to a host of problems, depending on which mucous membranes are affected. Pineapple helps to calm this inflammation to work toward alleviating this condition.

16. Prevent High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of the most common health conditions throughout the world and your diet plays a major role in whether or not your blood pressure is high. The many nutrients in this fruit, especially the potassium, help to keep your blood pressure stable and regulated.

17. Intestinal Worm Treatment

Pineapples, when combined with conventional medicine, may be beneficial in expelling intestinal worms from your body. Things like tapeworms do not like the bromelain in pineapples so getting plenty of this digestive enzyme essentially chases them away.

18. Alleviating Nausea

Nausea is something that all people experience from time to time, but you do not have to simply deal with it. You can drink some 100 percent pineapple juice to alleviate nausea associated with a wide array of health complaints, such as morning sickness and motion sickness. Simply sip on the juice and relax to decrease nausea.

19. Reduce Acne

Acne is a skin problem that can alter your self-esteem and it may even leave scars if left untreated. This fruit contains high amounts of anti-inflammatory substances and vitamin C, both of which fight the causes of acne. The vitamin C helps to improve your body’s ability to heal while the anti-inflammatory substances help to prevent new breakouts and a worsening of current ones.

20. Exfoliate Your Skin


Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and ensures that your skin is bright and glowing. Pineapples wedges will naturally exfoliate the skin so that your complexion and tone always look their best.

21. Eliminate Cracks on Your Feet

When your feet start cracking due to excessive dryness, pineapple can help to soothe this and restore health to the skin on your feet. Pineapple works to naturally exfoliate the skin, revealing smooth, radiant feet.

22. Healthier Nails

If you want your nails to grow and be strong, pineapples can help because they contain nail-healthy nutrients. Simply apply a fresh paste of pineapple, allow this to sit on your nails for 10 minutes, wash it away and thoroughly moisturize your nails.

23. Hydrating the Skin

Dull skin never looks good so you always want to ensure it has adequate hydration. Take one egg yolk, three tablespoons of fresh pineapple and a bit of milk and mix these together to create a hydrating face mask.

24. Stop Chapped Lips


When your lips are chapped, this can be painful and they can even bleed. Pineapple provides relief, hydrates the lips and it helps to exfoliate the dead skin. Combine with olive oil for even more hydration and for protective benefits.

25. Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss is something that millions of people battle, but the vitamin C content in this fruit helps to fight against hair loss. Simply eat some pineapple each day to strengthen your hair follicles from the inside out.

You can add pineapples to yogurt and even salads to get at least a cup into your daily diet. This will help you to get the internal health benefits from this fruit without any hassle. When you apply it topically, make sure to do a patch test behind your ear first just to make sure that you do not have any skin reactions.

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20 Chamomile Tea Benefits http://www.herinterest.com/20-chamomile-tea-benefits/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-chamomile-tea-benefits/#comments Sun, 03 Aug 2014 02:50:37 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=15446

chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is derived from the chamomile flower and it is often touted for its health benefits. The chamomile flower looks similar to a daisy, it has a strong aroma and it is native to Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. The tea has a fruity flavor and it is golden in color. Many people praise this tea for its wide array of health and beauty benefits. Just make sure you are using a quality brand and that the tea is properly steeped for the optimal benefits.

1. Antioxidant Properties


The antioxidant properties of chamomile are ideal for preventing the effects of aging and keeping the whole body young. Antioxidants fight against free radicals to promote youth and overall health.

2. Healing Properties

This tea has natural healing abilities to encourage faster healing for minor wounds. It also helps to prevent infection by disinfecting the wound, similar to how antibacterial gels work.

3. Soothes the Skin

Minor sunburns and skin irritation are soothed with a little chamomile tea. Simply make a cup of tea, allow it to cool completely and use compresses to apply it to the irritated area.

4. Fights Acne

Acne is a big problem that can greatly alter your self-esteem, so you want to do everything possible to stop it. The antioxidants in this tea help to fight acne and prevent new breakouts from occurring. It may also be beneficial in treating acne scars.

5. Reduce Under Eye Bags

Bags under your eyes make you look tired and it also ages you. Take two teabags of chamomile tea, steep them and then allow them to cool completely. Once they are cool, place them on your eyes for about 15 minutes to reduce under eye bags.

6. Skin Scrub


You can smooth the skin all over your body with chamomile tea because it works as an effective scrub. Simply mix the tea with some powdered milk and gently scrub your skin to remove dead skin cells and reveal glowing skin.

7. Moisturizes from the Inside Out

Drinking just a cup of chamomile tea each day helps you to maintain hydrated skin. You can drink it iced or warm, and add things like honey for a few extra health benefits.

8. Brighten Blonde Hair

Blonde hair can quickly get dull, but a little chamomile tea can restore the shine and brighten your golden locks. Simply make enough chamomile tea to saturate your hair and use it as a rinse.

9. Lighten Your Hair

If you want to slightly lighten your hair without powerful chemicals, mix up a cup of chamomile tea and apply it to your hair. Since it is natural and safe, you can use it as often as necessary to achieve the shade you want.

10. Dandruff Control

Dandruff is annoying and it can be hard to get rid of. As soon as you start to notice dandruff, use chamomile tea to rinse your hair each day to eliminate the flakes and soothe your scalp. Continue using this rinse once or twice a week to maintain the results.

11. Relaxes the Muscles


If you experience cramps during your time of the month, chamomile tea can help to relax the uterine muscles and alleviate your cramps. It reduces muscle spasms by increasing the glycine in the body. It also helps to alleviate stomach upset which works to alleviate stomach cramps at that time of the month too.

12. Stomach Ulcer Pain

Stomach ulcers can be very painful and uncomfortable and chamomile tea can help to soothe the pain and discomfort. One or two cups a day is generally helpful, but talk to your doctor first to ensure safety, especially if you have had surgery for stomach ulcers.

13. Antibacterial Properties

Increasing your immune system is a great way to avoid getting sick and to recover quicker if you do fall victim to an ailment. Start drinking a cup a day to take advantage of the immune-boosting properties. If you are already sick, add a little lemon and honey to soothe a sore throat and cough.

14. Blood Sugar Balance


This tea helps in keeping blood sugar levels balanced so that your glucose levels are not quickly increasing or decreasing. This is beneficial for those with diabetes, just be sure not to add sugar to the tea, but sweeten it with a little bit of organic honey instead.

15. Alleviate Black Eyes

Chamomile is very soothing and you can create ice cubes with chamomile tea to alleviate the swelling and bruising, as well as soothe the area. Just make sure to wrap the ice cubes in a washcloth first and never put ice directly on the skin.

16. Hemorrhoid Treatment

Hemorrhoids are painful and they make it nearly impossible to get comfortable. Make a cup of chamomile tea, let it cool completely, soak a piece of sterile gauze in the tea and then apply this to the external hemorrhoid for cooling relief.

17. Alleviate Digestive Complaints

Things like irritable bowel syndrome and heartburn can cause a variety of problems and make it difficult to enjoy your favorite foods. A cup of chamomile tea per day can help to alleviate the symptoms of these ailments, as well as reduce gas formation.

18. Rashes

Rashes need to be soothed and chamomile tea works perfectly for mild rashes. Just make sure you know the cause before self-treating a rash because some rashes indicate very serious medical conditions.

19. Better Sleep


One of the most popular uses for chamomile tea is to help ease you into a restful sleep. This tea has sedating properties that help to relax your mind and body so that you can fall asleep.

20. Migraine Relief

Chamomile tea does not do much to soothe a migraine in progress, but it may be helpful in preventing them if you drink the tea regularly. A cup a day can help to keep migraines at bay.

It is easiest to use pre-dosed teabags because then you do not have to worry about measuring out the right amount of chamomile. If you choose to use loose leaves, consult with a tea expert to ensure the proper amount and to make sure you steep it properly.

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15 Witch Hazel Uses for Acne, Face, Skin, Hair and Health http://www.herinterest.com/15-witch-hazel-uses-for-acne-face-skin-hair-and-health/ http://www.herinterest.com/15-witch-hazel-uses-for-acne-face-skin-hair-and-health/#comments Fri, 25 Jul 2014 05:37:49 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=15068

Witch hazel is a type of plant that is used to create witch hazel extract, a liquid with antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains a variety of natural components that are known for promoting health, including gallic acid, oils, flavonoids, tannins and resin. This unique combination of components and properties makes witch hazel a very unique product that can benefit many different health conditions.

witch hazel

1. Facial Cleanser

Every day, your skin is assaulted with pollutants, dirt and grime so it is important to wash all of this away before you head to bed at night. In the morning, you want to cleanse your skin to wash away any excess oils or sweat that accumulate at night. Start by removing your makeup and then use witch hazel to get rid of any trace amounts of makeup or dirt that are left on your skin. If you do not wear makeup and your skin is not excessively oily, you can often use witch hazel only to cleanse your face each day.

2. Acne Treatment

Acne can be hard to treat and keep under control, but the antioxidant and astringent properties of witch hazel may be just what you need. It works to cleanse the skin, minimize your pores and prevent the accumulation of bacteria. However, it is not nearly as drying as other acne products, so it will not leave you with flaking skin. You can also spot treat by apply witch hazel directly to blemishes. Use this product two times each day, once in the morning and once at night, to eliminate your acne. Once the acne is gone, continue to use this product once at night to prevent future breakouts from occurring.

3. Treating Scars and Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are something many people have to contend with, especially women, and they are notoriously difficult to get rid of. However, the loose skin associated with these marks can be tightened with witch hazel because it is an astringent. The colors of the marks are also reduced when you apply witch hazel. Apply this product to the affected area twice per day by soaking a gauze pad and allowing it to sit on the area for about five minutes so that it can soak into the skin.

4. Soothing an Irritating Diaper Rash

Diaper rash makes your baby miserable, but he or she does not have to be. A little witch hazel with something like petroleum jelly will soothe the rash and help to protect the skin from further irritation. The improvement is usually immediate because the irritation is immediately calmed by this combination of products. There are also diaper rash products available that already contain witch hazel if you do not want to do the mixing yourself.

5. Reducing Under Eye Bags

Under eye bags make you look exhausted and older than you truly are. Take two cotton pads and soak them in witch hazel, making sure to wring out the excess. Place the damp pads over your eyes, with your eyes shut, and lie back for 10 minutes while the witch hazel goes to work. Remove the pads and gently clean away any excess so that it does not get into your eyes. Your puffiness and any redness will be reduced.

6. Soothing the Blisters Associated with Chicken Pox

The blisters associated with chicken box are severely itching and so many things will not calm the itch. Take one cup of water and mix this with one cup of witch hazel to make a natural anti-itch remedy. You can apply this as many times per day as necessary to calm the itching. Apply it liberally to the affected area and simply allow it to dry. There is no need to rinse it away afterward.

7. Faster Healing of Bruises

Witch hazel can help you to heal your bruises faster due to its anti-inflammatory benefits. You should apply this product three times per day to the bruised area. Apply a liberal amount to a piece of gauze and place this in the bruise for about five minutes so it has time to absorb into the skin.

8. Cleaning and Healing Scrapes and Cuts

When you get scrapes and cuts, it is important to clean them out to prevent infection. Witch hazel is a viable substitute for rubbing alcohol and peroxide because it is able to kill germs and clean the wound. Only use this on minor cuts and scrapes, apply it liberally and allow it to dry on its own for optimal cleansing.

9. Soothing Razor Burn

Razor burn happens no matter how careful you are when you shave. This burn results in bumps that itch and burn due to the hair follicles getting inflamed and irritated. After shaving, splash a little witch hazel on the area to soothe the skin and prevent the inflammation from occurring.

10. Treating Sunburn

Sunburns actually damage your skin and cause intense inflammation in the burned area. This causes pain and significant discomfort. As the sunburn starts to heal, you are likely to experience itchiness and the skin flaking and peeling. Witch hazel is beneficial for all stages of a sunburn due to its properties. It can also help to prevent infection due to its anti-bacterial effects. Just make sure to only use this product on minor sunburns and never severe ones. If you have a severe sunburn, consult your physician. To use the witch hazel, soak a clean cloth in this product and then allow the cloth to sit on your skin for about 10 minutes.

11. Decrease the Visibility of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are unsightly and some of them can be very big and stand out. You want to reduce the appearance as much as possible until you are able to get a doctor to help you. Take a thin cloth, such as a piece of gauze and soak this in witch hazel. Apply this directly to the vein and allow it to sit for about 15 minutes. This helps to reduce some of the puffiness so the vein does not stand out as much. This is ideal before you head out to work or an event where you will be wearing clothes that expose your legs. You can do this once a day to work toward reducing the puffiness and appearance of varicose veins long-term.

12. Cure a Sore Throat

Everyone gets a sore throat from time to time and this can really put a damper on your day. The various properties in this product helps to cure a sore throat when you use it to make a gargle rinse. Make sure to never swallow it and always completely rinse your mouth out after use. Witch hazel has been used since ancient times to decrease the burning and irritation of a sore throat.

13. Moisturize Your Skin

Witch hazel itself is not a moisturizer, but it does not strip away the natural oils on your skin like other astringents do. When you apply witch hazel right after a shower, you help to seal in moisture to prevent dryness and tightness. For a double dose of moisture, after exiting the shower, apply your favorite moisturizer, allow it to dry and then apply a thin coat of witch hazel to seal it into place. This is ideal for those with dry skin and during the cold weather.

14. Decrease and Soothe External Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are very irritating and they can also be quite painful and produce a burning sensation. The itching and associated discomfort can be soothed by making your own natural hemorrhoid cream with petroleum jelly or aloe and witch hazel. This can be applied several times per day and if you use the aloe and witch hazel combination, you will cool the burning and alleviate the itching at the same time.

15. Shrink and Refine Your Pores

No one wants visible pores, especially on their face, but this is a common beauty problem. Its astringent properties work to shrink your pores with regular use. Over time, your pores become smaller and less visible, creating a much smoother look for your skin.

When you are using witch hazel, just make sure no to overuse the product. When used as part of your beauty or skincare routine, two to three times a day is plenty for oily skin and those with dry skin should limit use to about once per day. Proper use ensures that you reap the full benefits of witch hazel.

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Natural Ways To Increase Progesterone http://www.herinterest.com/natural-ways-to-increase-progesterone/ http://www.herinterest.com/natural-ways-to-increase-progesterone/#comments Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:17:16 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11616

Progesterone is found in females and is produced by the ovaries and the adrenal glands. It is one of the many female sex hormones which plays a vital role in a woman’s health. In addition, it also helps to balance a woman’s reproductive system and plays a crucial role in fertility and the menstrual cycle. When a woman becomes pregnant, progesterone aids the development of the baby throughout they pregnancy.

As you can seem progesterone is vital within a woman’s system. There are however cases when progesterone becomes unbalanced and low within the body which can cause depression, fibrocystic breasts, infertility, weight gain, an irregular menstrual cycle and increased PMS symptoms.

There are however many ways to increase your progesterone levels naturally which brings balance to your body. Here’s how…


1. Eat Plenty Of Zinc


Zinc is key for looking after your hormonal health, namely the production of progesterone. It helps to promote ovulation and stimulates a woman’s ovaries to produce progesterone as well as it’s counterpart oestrogen. Zinc is found in lots of everyday foods such as shellfish, pumpkin, wheatgerm, chickpeas, dark chocolate, veal liver, lean red meats and squash seeds so you have no excuse not to eat up and ensure you get your fill.


2. Use Natural Progesterone Creams


Mexican Yam Cream is a natural cream that helps to create a healthy oestrogen and progesterone balance. It’s also known as wild yam and contains diosgenin, a substance which, though a laboratory process, can be converted into progesterone. The resulting cream not only balances the hormonal system but nourished the skin and has wonderful regenerative properties due to the fact it’s rich in Vitamin E.


3. Herbal Remedies


Not all herbs are good for treating all ailments, in fact some can even make them worse. If you have a progesterone imbalance you should avoid herbs such as lavender, red clover blossom, liquorice and tea tree oil as these all contain oestrogen which makes the imbalance even worse. Avoid any herb that contains oestrogen or may stimulate production of it.

Some herbs however can considerably help to balance your hormone levels. Chasteerry, also known as vitex, does just that. It helps to reduce your levels of oestrogen and stimulates progesterone production.


4. Be Magnesium Rich


Magnesium is yet another key nutrient when it comes to ensuring adequate progesterone levels and an overall healthy hormonal balance. Whole grain cereals, halibut, spinach, black beans, okra, nuts and squash seeds are all excellent sources of magnesium but you can also take a vitamin supplement if you feel you aren’t getting enough.


5. Avoid Increasing Your Oestrogen Levels


Oestrogen and progesterone balance each other out, something which is vital for a woman’s health. Having low progesterone levels and too high oestrogen levels within the body can cause many phycological and also physical conditions, one of which is infertility. Many women have this issue and ca be diagnosed with progesterone deficiency because of it. If this is you, avoid all foods that could potentially increase your oestrogen levels as this can make the matter worse.


6. Get Your Vitamin C


Getting plenty of Vitamin C is proven to increase your progesterone production levels by considerable amounts. Just 750mg of Vitamin C per day over a period of six months is proven to have such an effect. That means eating plenty of oranges, ladies!


7. Just Breath


When you’re stressed it’s likely your progesterone levels drop considerably. This is due to the fact that your adrenal glands are unable to produce enough of the hormone called cortisol which they constantly need. Your body then proceeds to convert your progesterone into cortisol instead, depleting your progesterone levels.


8. Get More B6


B6 is what helps your body to maintain adequate levels of progesterone and not getting enough may stifle your progesterone production levels. It’s Vitamin B that helps you liver to break down oestrogen, thus stopping the levels of it getting too high and outweighing progesterone. To ensure you get plenty of Vitamin B and B6 eat plenty of whole grains, poultry, bananas, spinach, walnuts, lean red meat, potatoes, beans and fortified cereals.


As you can see, there are many natural remedies to create a balance within your hormonal system and increase your progesterone levels. While you can get supplements and doctor prescriptions to do so as well, you’re far better off sticking to natural remedies and treating your body right. You may even be able to solve what is causing your hormonal imbalance meaning you’re not just curing yourself but addressing the problem too. If you have any other natural remedies that you’d like to share please do you, I’d be interested to hear and I’m sure all my other readers would too. This is an issue that affects countless women, some of them without even knowing it, so it’s vital that we spread the word.

http://www.herinterest.com/natural-ways-to-increase-progesterone/feed/ 0
How To Lose Weight In College http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-weight-in-college/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-weight-in-college/#comments Thu, 20 Mar 2014 11:10:33 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11329

Being in college is great, it’s where you get the chance to really find yourself, to simply be young in indulge in life (as well as studying, of course!). The thing is however it can be a killer for anyone looking to lose weight or simply keep heir trim figure. With so many parties to attend, so many drinks to try, little time to exercise between classes and a diet of fast food it can be difficult to stick to your weight loss goals. I say difficult however, not impossible. There are, believe it or not, ways that you can stick in at college, enjoy the college lifestyle and still lose weight – and no, you don’t have to deprive yourself either. I’ve got your attention now, huh? That said, here’s twenty fantastic tips and tricks to help you shed those pesky extra pounds while you’re in college…


1. Be Aware Of What You Drink


In college, life can often be one big party which all too often leads to excessive drinking. Going to a party or a bar and drinking however can result in near instant weight gain, not what we want at all. Did you know that five shots of alcohol can contain one thousand calories? That’s half your daily recommended intake! Drink just four margaritas and you’ll find you’ve drank your entire daily recommended calorie intake. By drinking, it’s all too easy to fill your body with extra calories and pile on the pounds, that’s why it’s vital you stay aware of just what you’re drinking.


2. Ban Fast Food


Fast food is one of the worst things you can put into your body yet in college it’s a staple diet food. It’s full of calories and lots of other junk seeing as it’s been so heavily processed. You will get no goodness or the nutrients your body needs out of fast food, instead you’re likely just to get a few extra pounds of fat deposited onto your hips. To begin losing weight, it’s vital that you ban fast food altogether – and yes, that includes your Friday night treat.


3. Cut Out Soda


While we’re on the subject of banning things, I suggest you throw out all the soda in your fridge. Soda is a dieters worst nightmare! For a start it bloats you like few other things can and it’s filled with empty calories. Each can is loaded with sugar too and we all know why that’s bad for us. One second you’re enjoying a cool, refreshing sip of fizzy juice and the next second all those empty calories and all that sugar is resting on your hips as fat. Switch to healthier drinks instead like water or fresh fruit juices.


4. Share The Burden


With all your friends continuing to indulge in all these tasty treats it can be easy to become a little disheartened and discouraged from your diet. Share your weight loss goals with a few of your friends and get them to support you on your journey. Having their support will make it much easier to stick to your plans and see your weight loss journey through.


5. Take A Class


Yes, I know you’re already taking plenty of college classes and your schedule is probably very busy but if you want to lose weight then it’s important that you find the time to enrol in a fitness class. It can be anything you want – Zumba, yoga, spinning, aqua fit – just so long as you attend and it gets your heart pumping and your body moving. It will help you burn off those extra calories and pounds in no time. Bear in mind however that one class a week simply won’t be enough to make a difference – you need to work out at least four times a week to see results. The great thing about fitness classes is that they’re a great place to socialise and meet new people, and you can take a friend along if you don’t fancy going it alone.


6. Fitness Friends


You’ve no doubt got many circles of friends such as your home friends, your flatmates, the people you share your classes with, so why not grab yourself some fitness friends too. Try and make friends with people who share you weight loss goals and will help you stay focussed. Find the people who will drag you out for a morning run, will say no when you want to order pizza and will share with you some healthy tips, tricks and recipes to see you on your way. In turn, you’ll be able to keep each other strong and help each other reach your targets.


7. Don’t Lose Focus


With everything going on in college life it can be easy to lose focus of what you’re doing. Sure, you’ve got a lot to study for but your health is important too. Studies show that being healthier and fitter can even help you concentrate more when studying too so making time to exercise and eat right can help you in more ways that losing weight. That said, don’t lose focus and don’t slip, even if it is finals week!


8. Save Pizza For Special Occasions


Pizza is probably one of the main causes of the majority of pounds in the Freshman Fifteen. It’s just so easy to pick up the phone and have a delicious, hot pizza delivered right to your door and, in college towns, competition is fierce so pizza’s are often cheap too. I know what students are like, it’s rare that they share a pizza too. That said, pizza is too delicious to cut from our diets completely so instead simply save it for special occasions. Order it if it’s someone’s birthday or in celebration of a good grade but other times stay well clear of this calorific treat.


9. Get Those Zzzs


Getting plenty of sleep is vital for helping you to lose weight and, of course, keep studying hard in college. Make sure you get eight hours every night, no matter if there’s a party on or not. Sleep is vital for helping to keep your body in tip top condition so if you want to lose those extra pounds I suggest you start taking note of that. On the bright side, I doubt many of your will complain at the chance of taking a guilt free nap in the middle of the day. It’s healthy, after all!


10. Shop Right


Chances are you’ll have an on campus store where you usually shop and chances are that shop is full of nothing but foods that will do your body no good. Tinned ravioli, frozen pizza, chocolate – sound about right? These foods may very well be the reason you’re gaining weight. Instead, take a trip off campus and visit your local grocery store or even a farmer’s market. You’ll find fresher and healthier foods. Fill your basket with fruits and veggies and avoid the ready meals and sweets. Here’s a great tip – if you’re in a supermarket, avoid the inner aisles as these are usually where all the calorific food is kept. The fresh foods tend to be on the outskirts.


11. Make The Change


If you eat mostly in your college cafeteria and all they serve is calorific processed foods with not a piece of fruit or veg in sight then perhaps it’s time for a change. You pay your college tuition after all so you should have a say in whether or not you get served up a healthy meal or not. Try speaking to whoever is in charge of the kitchen or send a letter to student services outlining your opinion and your proposal. Make sure you mention that a well nourished body focuses and studies better too, therefore allowing you to get better exam results, I’m sure they’ll listen to that!


12. Move Your Body


Life in college can involve a lot of sitting around computers, slouching in lectures and sitting crouched over a book. This means you don’t get your body moving and thus is doesn’t burn calories meaning you’re bound to gain weight. Make sure you take the time to get up and move each day to keep your metabolism up. You’ll find this also stops your mind from deciding to essentially switch off as it keeps it entertained too. Between lectures, go for a walk. Don’t take the lift, take the stairs. You get the picture! do anything, just so long as it keeps you from sitting idle all day long.


13. Forget The Bus


Perhaps you have a few classes a week that are all the way across campus and, on a usual day, you’d take the bus. I urge you to stop doing that at once. No campus is that big so why not walk the distance or even cycle or run. This gets you out in the fresh air and enjoying the scenery while working your body and making you fitter all the while.


14. Say No To The Vending Machine

d8c3644b0c4a2d731337577cdf0e1a3b While they do exist, the vending machines that spit out healthy food are few and far between. That’s why it’s vital that you avoid vending machines at all costs. They give you nothing but calories and fat so ask yourself, do you really need that chocolate bar?


15. Wear A Pedometer


It’s recommend that we do at least ten thousand steps per day so why not wear a pedometer to see if you’re reaching this and push yourself until you do? You’ll find yourself wanting to challenge yourself and walking even further to lose weight.


16. Eat Breakfast


A lot of college students tend to sleep in but no matter what time you get up it’s vital that you eat breakfast. Aim to eat within an hour of waking up – even if all you have is a piece of fruit it will keep your body going and get your metabolism up so you burn off weight faster.


17. Pack For Fitness


Chances are you had some form of fitness gear when you were back home. Perhaps it’s just your gym clothes from school, your trainers or a set of weights. Whatever it is, make sure you bring your fitness gear with you when you go to college. You’re not going to be able to use it if it’s tucked under your bet at home, after all.


18. Forget The Elevator

84a1107e7dc4d1485853f4d470523818 If you’ve got the option of the elevator or the stairs, always take the stairs. Yes, always. I don’t care if your class is on the top floor either. Stair exercise is a great way to help you burn calories and pounds, especially if you’re getting little other exercise. It really works your muscles and, if you climb high enough, can give you a mini cardio workout session too.


19. Get Your Five A Day


I’m sure you’ve all heard that it’s important for us to eat at least five portions of fruit and veg per day. It keeps our bodies in tip top condition, fills us with important nutrients and keeps our minds sharp. Sadly however, very few of us ever reach our recommended fill of fruit and veg each day and we go lacking. If you’re trying to lose weight, I suggest you focus on meeting this number. You’ll be filling your body up with good calories and fuelling it so you can get the best from your body and mind.


20. Use An App

64a7e24e202102f93b25c8d4b12ada86 Sometimes one of the best ways to stay on track when losing weight is by keeping track of your progress. My personal favourite way to do this is by downloading an app such as My Fitness Pal, These apps help you track your weight and inch loss and you can even put in what you ate and what exercises you’ve done to see how many calories you body is taking in each day. The app will also be able to recommend how many calories you should be eating per day to help you reach your goals and by seeing everything written down you’ll be able to stop yourself before you unknowingly overeat.

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How To Get Rid Of Cellulite Fast http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-rid-of-cellulite-fast/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-rid-of-cellulite-fast/#comments Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:33:24 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=10934

Urgh, cellulite. It’s awful, right? It’s a depressing moment when we spy some of those ugly fat deposits in the mirror, those wrinkled dimples that are anything but cute. Some of us just downright hate them, others grudgingly learn to live with them and a lot of us are terrible embarrassed by them. No doubt we’ve all heard of quick fix solutions to the problem but we all know how well (or rather how horribly) they work. That said, don’t panic. Believe it or not there are ways for you to get rid of your cellulite fast and (you may want to sit down for this part) permanently! Yes, I said permanently! Interested? I though so. Keep reading for ten great ways to get rid of cellulite fast and for good.


1. Anti Cellulite Creams


There are countless creams on the market that claim to be miracle treatments for cellulite but the bad news is that most of them are fake. Still, that’s not to say some of them aren’t worth a go and don’t work wonders. When you’re choosing a cream, look for a one with as many natural ingredients as possible and one that claims to fight skin laxity as this is part of the root of the cellulite problem.


2. Anti Cellulite Diet


As with everything, diet is key. Make sure you get plenty of fruits and vegetables as they are known to keep cellulite at bay and reverse the effects of it. Other things it’s recommended you eat to help ease cellulite are onion, ginger, lemon, cayenne pepper, cloves and cinnamon so stock up!


3. Slimming Bath Salts


Yes, you read that right, you can buy bath salts that can help you to slim down while getting rid of that nasty cellulite at the same time. Make sure you buy your salts made with natural ingredients and for the best results I recommend you take a bath with them twice a week. It will likely take a couple of weeks for you to notice a difference in your cellulite but in the mean time you have the bonus of super soft skin.


4. Eat Healthier All Around


I mentioned before an anti cellulite diet but ultimately adding a few leafy greens into your diet isn’t enough. If you’re going to commit to this, you need to make a lifestyle change. That means cutting out all junk and processed food and replacing all your soda drinks (yes, even if they are diet!) with water. Drink plenty of water, six to eight glasses a day is recommended, and cut out the junk foods to help flush out your cellulite and improve your body and health all around. Your entire body will thank you for this, not just your cellulite.


5. Microcurrent Body Treatment


A lot of you may not have heard of this but basically it’s a procedure where electrodes send specialised electric pulses through your body which imitates the body’s ability to move fat naturally. In short, it helps you to lose weight, fat and cellulite all in one go! Plus, you’ll see results after only one treatment, how amazing is that? On the downside, it can be costly so maybe try a few of the other tips before splashing out on microcurrent body treatment.


6. Body Wraps


Sadly, body wraps are only a temporary measure for getting rid of cellulite but if you’ve got a big even just around the corner then they may be just what you need. Not only will a body wrap help to decrease your cellulite for a little while but it will also help you to trim a few inches temporarily too.


7. Exercise


As with any body improvement, exercise is the key. It doesn’t matter whether you walk, run, do yoga, cycle, swim – do anything, just so long as it gets the muscles in your lower body working. This will help to fight you cellulite and fat while toning you up and making you look fitter, healthier and slimmer. Seriously, where can you go wrong? Exercise is great for you for so many reason and it doesn’t have to be hard. Just a half hour each day can do wonders for your body.


8. Skin Brushing


Your skin is the largest organ in your body so it only makes sense that it’s there all the toxins and imbalances in your system show first. You need to keep your skin healthy and glowing and to do that you need to do more than hop in the shower every day. A simple dry skin brush is a great way to look after your skin and keep it healthy. It takes no more than five minutes per day but will show great results. Make sure the body brush you choose has natural bristles and that you brush all of your body, not just the problem areas.


9. Trio Lift Treatment


Trio lift treatment is an incredible non invasive treatment that tightens your body while liquifying fast, making for some fantastic results. It’s a revolutionary cellulite treatment but again it does come at a cost. If you’ve tried many of the other options and failed however then this may be worth a shot. At present, there’s only one salon in the USA offering this treatment but there are plenty of them all over Europe.


10. Anti Cellulite Massage


We all love a good massage so you’ll be pleased to know you can in face get one while fighting off cellulite at the same time. The procedure is done with a mix of suction and cylindrical rollers which aim to stimulate blood flow and lymphatic drainage which triggers the body’s system for eliminating fat cells. Chances are you’ll need more than one session depending on the severity of your cellulite but, after a few of these massages, you should be cellulite free!


So there you have it, ladies, ten great tips to help you to get rid of cellulite fast. Cellulite may be unsightly but don’t panic, it’s not forever. Work hard, eat clean and you’ll see results in no time at all!

http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-rid-of-cellulite-fast/feed/ 0
The Best After-Christmas Diet http://www.herinterest.com/the-best-after-christmas-diet/ http://www.herinterest.com/the-best-after-christmas-diet/#comments Tue, 24 Dec 2013 07:30:36 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=6639

We know that you are already panicking over how much weight you are putting on over the festive period this year. You might be stressed out to the max but sadly, it’s not making you lose weight. Instead you are eating every mince pie in sight, shoving fistfuls of party finger food in your mouth, and downing boozy alcoholic drinks at every opportunity. If this sounds about right, you should probably learn about the best after-Christmas diet… You might not want to start the full diet now but there is nothing to stop you putting some of the tricks you have learned into practice.

If you’ve massively overblown your calorie allowance, it’s time to get back on track. Those gourmet meals, holiday parties, work do’s, etc. have really taken a toll on your body. You might feel sluggish and bloated. You probably feel a bit stressed. If you want to feel better, you’ll need to try the post-Christmas diet.


Water is essential – you will more than likely be dehydrated because of all the booze you have been drinking. You’ve also eaten a LOT of junk for and need to flush it out your system as fast as you can. Water not only helps you to detox your body but also allows you to rehydrate your poor, tired body back to life.


If you don’t like water, throw some fruit juice into the mix. There are plenty of flavoured fruit juices you can make – as long as the base ingredient is water, you are on to a winner.

If you are drinking more booze than usual, you should definitely drink more water. Alcohol isn’t good for the body – water helps to undo some of the bad stuff.


The body has been filled with absolute garbage over the last few weeks and it’s time to give it a kick-start back to normal business. We don’t advise you go on a full detox diet, but there is nothing to stop you from using some of the tips of the most well known ones out there. It was Beyonce that madrone particular detox diet popular but it proved to be just as harmful as it was slimming. With the assistance of maple syrup, lemon juice and a rather odd Cayenne pepper, she reportedly lost around twenty pounds in order to get in shape for her role int he hit film Dreamgirls. It was a hit – the diet apparently wasn’t.

Extreme Dieting

We don’t like extreme dieting. Cutting your calories down won’t help you to lose weight. Yes it will probably help you to slim down for that big event but long term, you’ll probably end up fatter at the end of it. When you go back to “normal” eating once you are done with your extreme detox diet for the Christmas weight loss regime, you will put that weight you lost back on, and probably a bit more to boot.

Healthy Eating

For the most part, the healthier you eat, the better you will feel and the quicker you will lose that extra weight. The more healthy and fresh fruit and vegetables you will eat, the faster you will lose weight. If you like these foods – go crazy for them. Pile your plate with these nutritious foods rather than the leftover stodgy turkey curries and mince pies. You know what healthy eating is – it’s plastered all over the internet enough. It’s in all the newspapers and magazines. Most of us are just lazy and that’s why we can’t lose weight. The sooner you start to make the change, the healthier and happier you will be.


Why not check out some of the other healthy eating and weight loss articles on the website? Whether it’s the beach body you’re after, or just to shed a few Christmas pounds, we can help you… Are you ready to learn?

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Doin’ Leftover’s with Style! http://www.herinterest.com/doin-leftovers-with-style/ http://www.herinterest.com/doin-leftovers-with-style/#comments Mon, 23 Dec 2013 11:00:21 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=6599

There’s nothing worse than eating the same thing every day for a week because you have so many leftovers. Sadly this is the case with many houses around the world after Christmas, simply because people don’t know what to do with leftovers. You don’t need to eat a traditional roast dinner every day for a whole week because you had potatoes, turkey and vegetables left over. There are so many more things that you can do! We decided to show you exactly what you can do with your Christmas Day leftovers… and also how to make them healthy!


We won’t bore you with too many ideas about what to do with the leftover turkey – we feel that we have paid the bird plenty of attention. For now, we are going to concentrate on the things that you can do with the vegetables and the spuds – the good stuff!

Don’t fancy another roast turkey dinner? Why not try a leftover turkey dinner casserole. Literally throw everything into a casserole dish and whack in the over for a few hours with some extra vegetables and additions if you have them to spare. Alternatively, you could leave this to cook all day in a slow-cooker. It’s easy and lazy – that’s exactly what you need while you are feeling sluggish after Christmas, right?

If you want to tang your casserole up a bit, you could add lemongrass and ginger to give it a Chinese-style tang to it. You could even add garlic to add the Italian flair. Honey-mustard is another great sauce style to opt for – we told you there were plenty of choices!

If you have leftover Christmas pudding, why not make a strudel out of it? You could even make a cheesecake if you are smart, mixing cake with biscuit for a crunchy, tangy base! You could make Christmas pudding ice cream, mini christmas pudding strudels or tarts (or bigger ones if you prefer), Christmas pudding trifle, brownies and so much more! Not that we expect there to be any leftover Christmas pudding, of course!

If you have cheese left over from a cheese board, why not make a cheese and onion tart out of it? You can make the tart/quiche/flan bases ready made, and they aren’t difficult to make yourself. You could even consider attempting a souffle but that sure looks like a lot of hard work!


What about a spice parsnip and ham soup to use up the last of the ham and the vegetables you still have. You could throw onion in here, carrots, turnips; in fact, pretty much anything you fancy. You could substitute the ham for chicken, turkey, duck… Again, the possibilities are endless.

You could make a mincemeat crumble with low-fat custard for a hearty winter treat, a rustic soup to warm those cold winter nights, soups, risottos and much ore with your Christmas day leftovers.

Remember to take the usual notes into account and your Christmas leftovers could be just as healthy as you would want them to be – replace butter with low-fat spread, make sure you use lean cuts of meat, don’t fry anything and use low-fat or low-calorie substations where possible… Let’s end the year in style!

**Photos of the delicious goodies found on Pinterest.com

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Turkey Recipes for Healthy Leftovers http://www.herinterest.com/turkey-recipes-for-healthy-leftovers/ http://www.herinterest.com/turkey-recipes-for-healthy-leftovers/#comments Mon, 23 Dec 2013 08:30:17 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=6603

We all know that there’s only so many things that you can do with turkey after Christmas, right? There’s turkey curry, turkey soup, turkey stew, turkey sandwiches, turkey casserole…. Need we go on? It seems that there is a common misconception that this is all you can do with your Christmas day leftover’s. You would be surprised at exactly what you can achieve with the main ingredient of turkey!


We decided that it was time for Herinterest to take a closer look at imaginative and new ways to use turkey leftovers. We are sick of eating stodgy curries and dry sandwiches. We want something new and exciting and if we do, that means you do too!

We are determined to have a good Christmas this year without putting on too much weight so we are going to share with you the best recipes that we could find for healthy turkey leftover meals… Want to see what we found?

What about something like apricot, turkey and cranberry turnovers? It’ll take ten minutes to cook after ten minutes to prepare and will make 8 servings…


You’ll need a few ingredients, of course:

  • Oil, salt, pepper, oregano, 2 cloves of garlic, and 2 small onions, mayonnaise
  • 500g of turkey – minced up
  • An egg
  • Dried breadcrumbs
  • Sesame seeds
  • 2 x 23cm shortcrust pastry in rolled sheets
  • 100g of each: cranberries and apricots

The recipe is actually super simple to follow – you throw some oil into a pan along with oregano, onions, garlic and pepper and once they are pretty much done, you chuck them in a bowl. In this bowl you should then add the turkey mince, salt and pepper, 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise (lighter is better) plus the salt and pepper. Give it a couple of minutes and then pop in the breadcrumbs and egg to stiffen it all together. Once this has been achieved, throw in the cranberries and apricots and give it a good stir. You should have 8 evenly sized squares made out of your pastry sheets and you’ll need to spoon the mixture on to them before folding into a triangle shape and sealing the edges with egg. You basically use the egg as glue to make them stick together – isn’t that smart? Once they are triangular and sealed, brush some more egg on the top and sprinkle a few sesame seeds on – this adds a lovely crunch to them! You’ll need to pop some salt on and make a hole in the middle so all that hot air can get out and then you’ll need to pop them into a preheated oven – 190C or Gas Mark 5 for about 25-20 minutes. You’ll know when they are ready!

These are a really easy way to jazz up some leftover turkey and they aren’t too unhealthy either! There’s about 400 calories per portion with these so maybe have one as a replacement for the meat in the main meal. You can accompany them with a nice spinach salad for a real super-food boost!

For something a bit greasier for the hangover, why not cheat and have a turkey and apple burger? This is definitely less calorific than a Big Mac, and each burger will have around 400-500 calories, depending on how smart you are.


You’ll need some stuff to hand:

  • 350g turkey – minced up
  • 4 trimmed and chopped (finely) spring onions
  • 1 cored, peeled and treated cooking apple
  • 1 small orange – the rind only
  • 25g pine kernels
  • 75g breadcrumbs
  • Fresh black pepper
  • 1 beaten egg
  • Sunflower oil
  • 1 apple (whichever you prefer)
  • Healthy homemade mango chutney (or chutney of your choice), apple wedges in the place of chips, and bread rolls. Obviously a healthy bread roll is a good idea here as well. 

Again, you have a very simple recipe to follow and you can even do them in the BBQ if you want an excuse to get it out… In a large bowl you are going to want to chuck your turkey mince, spring onions, orange rind, grated apple, breadcrumbs and pine kernels. You’ll want to throw in enough salt and pepper to suit your taste too. Mix it all together so it’s good and mixed, and then throw in the egg. Once again, the egg works as a glue and from here you can gran the mixture and make four equal sized burgers. You could make 6 smaller ones if you wanted to – this is all down to you. Ideally you are going to want to let this burgers sit in the fridge for half an hour or so so they set hard enough to then cook, which you can do on a BBQ, in the oven, in a pan or even on the lean mean grilling machines that we’ve all got in our kitchens. We guarantee that these are tasty enough to suit your Boxing Day hangover, easy enough to make to suit your limited abilities, and moreish enough that you might not want to share them. You serve them with the chutney of your choice, an apple ring, in the healthy buns. You could even swap the apple slices for a healthy salad, or even make your own potato chips in an air fryer or similar for a healthy yet guilty pleasure…

These are just two recipes that we found simple enough to make with your bloated, hungover selves on Boxing Day. Don’t you think you could give them a go? Make sure you come back and let us know if you do!

Happy Eating! :)

You could always take a look at some of the other delicious healthy eating ideas we’ve come up with. After all, nobody wants to get fat over Christmas!

 **Photos of the delicious food were found on Pinterest.com! 

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