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I think it’s only natural that all of us have a hobby of some shape or form. Something that can keep boredom away, broaden our horizons, and inspire our creativity. For some of us one hobby might not even be enough, some of us have two, three, or many hobbies to fill our days and bring variety and fun into our lives. For some of us we love the solitary time that hobbies such as reading or swimming provide but for others one of the benefits to having a regular hobby is getting regular social time. In my opinions, hobbies are what keep us sane. I mean, how boring would life be if it was just work, eat, sleep, watch a little TV…You get the picture! So for those of you that haven’t yet discovered your ideal hobby I’ve compiled this list of thirty-five of what I consider to be the best hobbies out there. Hopefully they’ll inspire you, entertain you, and fill your days with a little excitement.


1. Writing


Okay, okay, I admit it – I’ve started off with one of my own hobbies. For me, writing is more than just a job; it’s a way of life, it’s something fun that brings out my creativity and brings joy to my life. As well as being my job, writing is also my hobby.

Writing is a great hobby for countless reasons. Whether you enjoy writing novels, short stories, flash fiction, articles, or anything else, writing brings out the passion inside of you. It sets your imagination to work and your mind comes alive with what if questions. It’s amazing how easily writing can pass the time and there are few feelings better than getting lost in a world of your creation. I strongly advise that everyone tries writing at some point. Be it a full blown novel or just a page you write, the sense of freedom you get is wonderful.


2. Reading


You caught me! It seems hobby number two is another of my personal passion but again it’s something I think everyone should try. I’ve got no doubt that there’s a book of some shape or form out there for everyone no matter what you’re interests are. Personally, I can’t recommend a good fiction book enough. There are few feelings better than leaving behind your dull, everyday life and stepping into the pages of a book and instantly becoming a film star, a gangster, or a heroine. Your imagination has an amazing way of bringing every word to life so it’s as though the dragons flying above you are real, the conversations you hear really happened – everything just comes alive and for a little while at least you live a life less ordinary and become someone entirely new.


3. Dog Walking


I know, I know, you never expected to see this on the list, right? Surely dog walking’s a chore, not a hobby? Well, that’s where I disagree with you. Walking is a hobby so why can’t dog walking be? Dog walking is a fantastic hobby because it get’s you out and about and you get to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. You become an explorer, walking around castle ruins, finding things down by the river, and all the while you get to do it with your best friend at your side.


4. Squash


Me and my fiancee love to play squash once or twice a week. We find it to be a great way to spend some quality time together while getting a good workout too. When we first started it was a game we knew little to nothing about but after just five minutes in our local squash court we were hooked. It doesn’t matter how bad you are at returning the ball seeing as the enclosed court means the ball isn’t going anywhere. You can just take your time to get better and enjoy the idle chatter with your squash partner while you do. I’m going to be honest with you – me and my fiancee still don’t actually know the rules to squash. We just turn up and hit the ball and still have a fantastic time. My point is, don’t be put off by squash if you’re not competitive or hate sports.


5. Horse Riding


Of course horse riding had to be on the list. It’s something most women try at some point or another (be it when they’re a tiny tot or as an adult) but it’s something that’s much loved by people around the world. The allure is easy to see too. For some, horse riding is a great hobby because you get to spend some quality time with your four legged friend, others love the sense of freedom it gives them, some enjoy the showing side of it, while others simply love trotting along through the beautiful countryside and enjoying nature. In addition to all this, horse riding is also a great way to keep fit!


6. Watching Movies


It’s no secret that I’m a massive movie geek. Right now I’m sat looking at my collection of over five-hundred DVDs. The reason watching movies is a great hobby is similar to why reading is a great hobby – it’s freeing. The second you press play or you here the credits start to roll you’re instantly transported to another world. While you don’t get the benefit of becoming the main character like you do in first-person books, you still get to become a part of their world. Their struggle becomes yours, you feel their emotions, you want their dreams. If you haven’t the patience to read a book, watching a movie can be a great alternative, or you can always do both like me!


7. Art


I’ll put it out there now that I’m not much of an artist at all. I can sketch a few lines and splash a bit of colour on the page but, all in all, I’m no Picasso. The thing is, I still love art. There’s something magical about bringing life to a blank canvas. Art as a hobby holds so many possibilities too – you can work with pencils, oil paint, water paint, pastels, charcoal, or something even more creative. You can paint on paper, on a canvas, on a rock, wherever you please. I think art is about finding your niche and figuring out what works for you. Plus, as I said before, it’s one of those hobbies where you don’t have to be a master or even skilled to enjoy it.


8. Cooking


Despite what you may think, cooking isn’t just something that has to be done if you want to eat. Cooking is a great hobby, one which allows you to show off in front of people, enjoy some solitary time or time with friends, one which can bring people together for the end results, and one which is just downright enjoyable. I’ve always loved baking cakes and the likes but it wasn’t until I moved out that I discovered the true joys behind cooking. I cook because I want to – if I didn’t I’d just grab a pizza out the freezer – and I get incredibly joy out of creating the perfect quiche, a mouthwatering casserole, homemade marshmallows, and much more. I love listening to music, an audio book, or cooking with a friend while I work too.


9. Singing


No doubt we all love singing along to the radio in the car and we’re all suddenly transformed into Beyonce in the shower, and why not? No matter how good or bad we are it’s fun, it’s relaxing, and it’s a great way to unwind. That said, why not take your passion one step further and take singing lessons or join a band to further your talent?


10. Join a Band


Speaking of joining a band…Even if you can’t sing that doesn’t mean you can’t join a band. Perhaps you can play the guitar, the drums, or any other musical instrument. If there’s not a band near you looking for members, you could always create your own band. Simply get together a few of your talented friends and you’re set!


11. Running


Running is a great hobby because not only does it keep you fit it also helps to clear your mind and relaxes you. Running is an amazing way for you to get some fresh air, see some nature, keep your body healthy, get amazing looking legs, and relieve yourself of any stress or worries. You’d be amazed by all the benefits it has! It doesn’t have to be done in silence either – when I run I love to listen to music to keep me motivated and sometimes it’s great to run with a friend too. If you’ve got a dog, you can even take them along.


12. Swimming


While we’re on the subject of sport hobbies, swimming is fantastic. It’s great for getting in shape, improving your flexibility, and toning up. I swim twice a week, once with friends and once by myself. Going with friends is great because it’s relaxing and we can have a catch up while we swim. Going alone on the other hand gives me loads of time to think and really centre myself. Swimming is incredibly peaceful but is also loads of fun too. No doubt your local pool will have lots of different swimming sessions, some of which will be adult only, ladies only, aqua fit, etc, so why not take a look and see which one suits you best?


13. Scrapbooking


Scrapbooking may sound outdated but it’s still incredibly fun and is an awesome hobby. It’s not all about pretty pictures either, it can be about anything you want. I know someone who has a scrap book for almost anything – places she wants to visit, her relationship with her boyfriend, her friendships, music she likes, literally everything! Scrapbooking is about taking things you’re passionate about and immortalising them. It can be anything you want it to be too seeing as you can choose the topics, the materials, whether or not you have quotes – make it as personal as you dare. I’ve known some people even use scrap books as a journal or diary of sorts too.


14. Jewellery Making


Many of us just take walking into a shop and buying necklaces or earrings for granted but it’s becoming ever more popular to make your own jewellery. Many bead shops are now holding classes to teach people how to make their own jewellery and you can buy all the materials cheaply online too. Some people are even turning this unique hobby into a job by selling their creations so this hobby can even prive profitable for you.


15. Wine Tasting


Wine tasting is a great hobby, especially if you do it with friends. Learning how to appreciate a good quality wine is amazing fun and helps you develop a new talent too. Many wine shops, hotels, etc offer classes or taster sessions where you can learn to art and many even do monthly meetings.


16. Track Driving


So tell me, who said track driving was just for men? Ladies, please forget that nation immediately! Track driving is for men and women alike and is incredibly fun! You get the thill of driving incredibly fast, the adrenalin rush from the danger, and all in all a fantastic day. Many places now offer track driving experience days but you can also join clubs to do it regularly too. Don’t be put of by the stereotype side of it and don’t knock what you haven’t tried. It’s more than likely that you’ll surprise yourself and absolutely love it! I did, I just wish the nearest track to me wasn’t two hours away!


17. Pole Dancing


Believe it or not, pole dancing isn’t all about sexy poses and wearing hardly any clothes. Despite what people may think, it’s a sport! Pole dancing is much like gymnastics in my opinion, it’s all about the moves and positions and doesn’t have to put you on show if you don’t want to. You can find pole dancing classes in just about any town or city now, all of them closed so it’s just you and your class mates, no spectators. Of course, if you want you can opt to enter competitions or ‘show’ your new found talent where you please but it’s not obligatory. I’ve tried it and would take the sport back up again if there was a class near me and I highly recommend every woman tries it at some point.


18. Knitting


And who said knitting was just for grannies? That’s an awful stereotype, especially since chunky knitted clothes are at the height of fashion right now. Knitting takes a lot of skill but once you master it you can make most anything you please. My mum knitted the most beautiful throw for her bed which is much nicer than anything she could have bought and my granny was always knitting gorgeous baby clothes, showing the hobby is practical as well as fun. It’s a great way to pass some time productively and you get a great sense of accomplishment once you’ve finished something.


19. Gardening


Gardening is a fantastic hobby and one that wields measurable results. Whether you’re into growing beautiful flowers or cultivating your own veg, gardening is a great way to relax, work your body, and make a real difference to your small area of the world. It’s a hobby you can take real pride in and something you can enjoy year round too. No matter the season, there’s always something to be done in the garden so I suggest you grab your gloves and give it a go.


20. Photography


Digital cameras are falling in price just about daily and they’re becoming increasingly easy to use. You can also find tonnes of cheap beginners photography courses where you can learn this hobby too. Or, if you’re not one for lessons of any type, you can always just start clicking away and seeing what pictures you capture. You can photograph anything from family events such as weddings to ants on the pavement. Whatever takes your fancy really. And it’s so easy to take a relatively normal picture and turn it into a masterpiece with photo editing software these days too. Photography is also a great hobby to merge with blogging or scrapbooking too.


21. Join a Book Club


If you like reading but find it awful lonely then why not join a book club? Most book clubs meet once a month to discuss a set book and go over the highs and lows, what they liked and disliked etc. Book clubs are a great way to meet likeminded people and explore the world of fiction. I attended my first book club just a few months back and absolutely loved it – it was great talking to people who actually understood what I was talking about when I referenced the book. Plus, some book club even have guest speakers such as authors to make it even more exciting too.


22. Collect Things


As odd as it may sound, collecting things is a great hobby and one which can be extremely personal too. I have a love of giraffes so have all kinds of giraffe ornaments, photos, picture frames etc but I also have a weird love of collecting quirky, inspirational beer mats. My DVD collection is also one of my biggest prides. A friend of mine absolutely loves cows and has perhaps the greatest collection of anything I’ve ever seen. Her house is cow crazy but she loves it, it works for her.

In short, choose something you love and are passionate about be it an animal, an object, stamps, magnets etc and exploit it!


23. Learn To Play An Instrument


Learning to play an instrument is a great hobby, especially once you’ve mastered it. I’ll admit, I can’t play any instrument to save my life but I wish I could. Over the years I’ve tried to learn the recorder, the piano, and the guitar amongst other things and I’ve loved the experience of doing so – sadly, I’ve just never been able to grasp the concept of playing them and have failed miserably! Still, it’s a fun thing to do, especially if you prove to have a natural talent for something.


24. Candle Making


Candle making is incredibly easy, personal, and fun. When you’re making your own candles you get to choose the shape, scents, colours etc. You can get supplied from most art stores and even online, all of them reasonably cheap too. This is a hobby you can either do by yourself or with friends too. If you’re nervous about trying something so new, you can even attend classes to learn the art of candle making.


25. Yoga


Yoga is a great way to get in touch with your inner self, to increase your flexibility, bring peace to your mind, and strengthen your body. Loads of celebrities are practicing it to keep in shape and to unwind after a hectic day. This is a hobby you can do with friends, alone in the privacy of your living room, on the beach, at a class, anywhere! Once you know the basic moves you’re set, all you need is a yoga mat to get started too.


26. Volunteering 


Volunteering is a fantastic hobby which fills your time while endlessly helping others. You can volunteer is countless ways and you can choose which cause you support be it Cancer Research, helping the homeless, or something else entirely. You can volunteer in charity shops, to collect donations on the street, to run charity events, help out at soup kitchens, hand out aid – whatever you think you can do. Any help is appreciated. This is a real feel good hobby that not only helps you but helps countless other people too.


27. Gym


Going to the gym isn’t just great for keeping you fit, healthy, and toned, it’s also great for socialising and relaxing too. I love going to the gym with a friend or even going by myself and listening to music or watching TV while I work up a sweat. Believe it or not, the gym is an incredibly relaxing place where you can work away all your stresses and the days troubles. Plus, you come away feeling great about your body too!


28. Online Games


Okay, so you might not class this one as a hobby but I sure do. Playing online games is incredibly fun, especially since there are millions of different ones out there. There are loads of sites where you can play countless mini games or you could even join an online gaming community such as World of Warcraft (honestly, it’s not as geeky as it sounds!). You’ll get the chance to speak to people around the world, play strategy games, play for fun, and compete for the high score. Warning – this hobby can be incredibly addictive though!


29. Foraging


So we covered growing our own food in gardening but why stop there? Why not go out into the wild and forage our own food? You can find herbs, spices, fruit, veg, and much more just by taking a stroll through nature. I will say however, before you head out foraging find a decent guide book to ensure you’re not picking anything poisonous and to get tips on how not to harm the environment while foraging. Also, be aware of the area you’re foraging too. It’s worth finding out if it’s public land before you set out to ensure you’re not trespassing.


30. Caving


Caving is an amazing hobby! It’s an incredible feeling exploring the underground world which allows you to see some absolutely unimaginable things. You’ll get the opportunity to see wildlife not seen on the Earth’s surface, underground rivers and waterfalls, the most beautiful rocks and minerals and much more. Caving is really exciting too because while it is, for the most part, safe you still get the thrill from feeling you’re doing something dangerous. It’s also a fantastic hobby to do with friends seeing as it really is like you’re going on a real life adventure with them.


31. Host Board Game Parties


Board games may not sound all that exciting but in reality that’s far from the truth. We have a few friends who we do board game nights with and they’re all incredibly fun. We love ordering in a takeaway, opening a bottle of wine, and letting the fun begin. There are countless boardgames out there for you to try but of course some of the best are Monopoly, Cluedo, Articulate, and Pictureka. Board game parties are cheap, fun, exciting, and they change every time you host them depending on the game, the players, and everything else so they’re never dull.


32. Chart Your Family Tree


Charting your family tree may not sound like the most exciting hobby in the world but you’d be surprised just how much you learn. It’s amazing looking back into your family history and finding our who married who, where people lived and how they died, who accomplished what, how the war affected your family, and everything else. It’s odd looking into the lives of essential strangers but still feeling an immense connection to them. You’ll undoubtedly learn things you never even imagined while charting your family tree. The hobby can be quite addictive too seeing as the more you learn the more you want to learn and you want to go as far back as you possibly can.


33. Run a Side Business


Some of us have hobbies which we can even turn into a business to supplement our income. Take me for example – writing for me started out as a hobby, then I started doing it in addition to my day job, and now I’m a full time freelance writer. How cool is that? Loads of hobbies can be turned into a business too – candle or jewellery making, cooking, photography, blogging… It’s always worth seeing if you could earn a little extra cash simply by doing what you love. You’ll find you may even enjoy your hobby that bit more if it’s providing you with an income too.


34. Restoration


Restoration is a fantastic hobby, not only because it requires you to learn new skills but because you can see the results of your passion and your work. It’s a talent that can be applied to any number of things too. Some people restore old cars, some people nurture old books back to health, some convert vintage furniture or clean up ageing jewellery. The possibilities really are endless. In short, restoration is about using your talent and skill to take something ageing or broken and fixing it up. This hobby is also great for turning into a side or full time business too – I know loads of people who are doing it already.


35. Go Travelling


Finally we come to my favourite hobby on the list – travelling. There is nothing better than going out and seeing the world. You’ll gain some amazing experiences, see some incredibly sights, and creature priceless memories. Why not escape to see the Colluseum, sail down the watery streets of Venice, peer into the Grand Canyon, climb the Pyramids of Giza, journey across the plains of Africa? While an around the world trip ma be what we all desire and while the jungles of Madagascar and outback of Australia may be what we all wish to see, you needn’t even go that far. Within your own country there are bound to be thousands of incredibly sights, you need only open your eyes and hop in the car to see them.

Travelling is also a great hobby to combine with photography, writing, blogging, or scrapbooking. This gives you the opportunity to share your amazing journey with others and immortalise your wonderful life.


So there you have it, thirty-five great hobbies that all women can enjoy. I hope I’ve inspired you to go out and try something knew and give you some great ideas on how to fill your time. I know I’ll even be trying out a few of these – maybe even all of these! Happy hobbying!


(all images sourced via pinterest.com)

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Cool Hobbies to Try With Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/cool-hobbies-to-try-with-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/cool-hobbies-to-try-with-your-boyfriend/#comments Fri, 04 Jan 2013 16:55:16 +0000 http://herinterest.com/?p=203

Having separate interests is good when you are in a relationship, but sometimes you need to have things that you can do together in order to survive the long haul. You don’t want to spend your entire life working and living independently from your partner!

Luckily, there are more than a few things that you can do as a couple. You just need to find some interests that you both love. If you are struggling for inspiration, let us give you a little hand!

Why not join a gym together?

It doesn’t even have to be a gym – it couldn’t be any sporting event that you both fancy taking an interest in. You don’t even need to be good at it! Losing weight and bonding a great connection at the same time; what more could any couple want? One great thing that you could try your hand at is rock climbing. It’s manly enough for him to enjoy it and gives a great upper body workout!

Get a golfing buddy!

If sport gives you the chills, why not try your hand at golf? This is a lazy sport when you think about it, but does combine a good outdoorsy game with beer and a golf buggy. Again, you don’t even need to be good at it. Sometimes playing badly and having fun and games on the course is all it takes to rekindle your spark.

Mmmm! Beer!

You like beer. He likes beer. What’s the problem? In fact, you could even do the same with wine. Why not make your own at home? This is a superb hobby for the two of you!

Play Rock Guitar!

Come on! Boys love pretending they are a rock star, so why not try one of the various musical game playing games there are out there! The Wii, the PS3 and even the Xbox has their own take on this fabulous game and you never know, after a while you could even try getting the instruments in “real life” and giving those a bash too!

The thing with trying to find a hobby with your partner is to not take life too seriously. You don’t have to do something “cool” to have fun together – you could even play a game of Scrabble if you really wanted to. It’s just about finding something that you both love and enjoying it together.

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