herinterest.com » hottest men 2013 http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 Top 20 Hottest Black Men (Part One) http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-hottest-black-men-part-one/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-hottest-black-men-part-one/#comments Sun, 15 Sep 2013 10:33:06 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2510

Wow, things have been hitting up around here recently, haven’t they? First we had the Justin Bieber frenzy. We can’t forget about the One Direction moment we had either. Then there was the Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013, swiftly followed by the Top 10 British Men, and then by the Top 10 Australian Men. 

What could Herinterest possibly have next, we hear you cry!

Well ladies and gentlemen, the next instalment in our post-summer man-loving is the hottest black men out there! We are going to bring to you only the most melt in your mouth chocolate brown hunks. Are you ready for this?

If you are sitting comfortably, we shall begin….

20 – Dolvett Quince

Dolvett Quince

This handsome buff man is one of those faces that you recognise from the TV but aren’t entirely sure why. In case you needed a gentle reminder, this muscly hunk is one of the trainers in the hit US TV show The Biggest Loser. You know the show – those that want to lose weight feature on the show and are blasted until they physically can’t take anymore. Now I don’t know about you but that sure sounds my idea of hell but with Dolvett Quince running the show, we might just be tempted to give it a shot!

Dolvett Quince 2

He was originally born in Stamford, Connecticut and has featured on the show since around 2011. Not just a personal trainer, he is also a proud father to his son, Isiah, and has also released workout DVDs, books and much more besides! We guess he likes to keep things busy. To be honest, we wouldn’t imagine we would do much in the form of exercising if we were watching this man on a DVD. We might drool a lot though, right?

19 – Reggie Bush

Reggie Bush 2

This hot black cutie was born on March 2nd, 1985 in Spring Valley, California in the States. You may know him better as one of the running backs for the American football team Detroit Lions. You may also know him from his younger days when he dated the socialite Kim Kardashian. Maybe you remember him from when he was nominated for Best Male Athlete for both 2007 and 2009 in the BET awards?

Whenever it was that Reggie Bush first caught your attention, you can’t deny the gleaming white smile and beautiful deep eyes have a calming yet pulse-racing effect on you. He’s just a beautiful man right?

Reggie Bush

Unfortunately, he’s not up for grabs. His girlfriend, Lilit Avagyan, has provided him with a beautiful baby girl, Briseis, since their relationship struck up sometime pre-October 2012. We can still dream though….

18 – Blair Underwood

Blair Underwood

You know this guy but you’re not sure where from, right? Have you ever seen Sex and the City? Yes, that’s right! He was Robert – Miranda’s boyfriend for a while before she got back with Steve! Now you remember, right? Steve walked in on Miranda and Robert having sex one afternoon and he puts tampons up his nose because he is a Doctor for the Nicks! Sorry… We have clearly seen the show far too much!

That’s right; that’s Blair Underwood. Blair and his beautiful smile.

Blair Underwood 2

He’s an actor and a director, originally born in Tacoma, Washington on August 25th, 1964. He’s now married to Desiree DaCosta and they have three kids together so it would seem that not only is his family life going great, but judging by the Golden Globe nominations and one Grammy Award, his acting career is going from strength to strength as well. He’s now in LA Law playing the role of Jonathon Rollins, and he’s been in the show for seven years now!

17 – Daniel Sunjata

Daniel Sunjata

Daniel Sunjata Condon is his real name and he was born on December 30th, 1971 in Illinois, USA. Better known for his role as Franco Rivera in the hit show Rescue Me, he has been in a number of other amazing films as well. For example, he starred in Bad Company back in 2002, The Devil Wears Prada in 2006 and even The Dark Knight Rises just last year. These are all pretty big hit movies and that’s why belongs on this list! Not only is he hot but he can act his pants off too!

Daniel Sunjata 2

To see more of Daniel you will need to keep an eye out for a film called Lullaby. Not only starring this chocolate-brown charmer, you will also find Amy Adams, Garrett Hedlund and even Jennifer Hudson in the movie.

You know it’s going to be a winner! 

16 – Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson 2

Can you smell what The Rock is cookin’? That’s right, Dwayne Douglas Johnson is The Rock; the semi-retired professional WWE wrestler. Not just that but he is now known to be one of the best actors of our time. He seems to have it all going on, right? That’s before we even get onto the subject of his ripped muscles and MASSIVE arms! We would give anything for a bear hug from this guy, right ladies? Sigh…

Dwayne Johnson

From 1997 to 2007 he was married to Dany Garcia but they out of the blue announced one day that they were having an amicable split and would stay the very best of friends. That’s got to be a first for Hollywood surely? An amicable split?!

Dwayne Johnson 3

If you’ve not really seen Dwayne around and about, you’ll need to check out some of these films – The Mummy Returns, The Scorpion King and Fast Five. Also, the best friend of Arnold Schwarzenegger will soon be seen in Fast & Furious 7….. Watch this space, ladies!

15 – Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne 2

What’s not to love about this mini rap artist, seriously? Dwayne Michael Carter, Jnr. is also known as Baby D. Born in New Orleans on September 27th, 1982, he is a CEO, producer and rap artist and is well known all over the world. You must have remembered the song he did with Destiny’s Child? “I need a soldier….” You know it – sing it with us!

Lil Wayne

His “blinged” up style and unique gravelly voice has made him popular in all types of music. He has been known to do rap, a bit of rock, some alternative and punk stuff…. He’s a pretty alternative guy, it’s safe to say.

He’s well into his tattoos, just like most other rap artists, but Lil Wayne also has a bit of a thing for piercings. He’s got a couple of lip piercings and we just think that makes him cuter still! When you combine this with his crazy dress sense, the gold grill he normally has in his mouth, and all the big blinged up jewellery that he loves to wear and you certainly have a little something unique. Perhaps that’s why so many women love him. And men too…

Lil Wayne has four kids and apparently was already a father by the time he had reached 15 years of age. (WOW!) He also suffers from a medical condition called epilepsy which, for years, had been speculated to be some sort of drug or alcohol problem. Thankfully these rumors have now been dispelled but to be fair, that’s the crazy life that happens when you are a famous rap artist – you’re always addicted to one drug or another, or having beef with another artist. It’s a mental life to lead but Lil Wayne seems to manage it rather well.

Such a cool guy that he is; Lil Wayne has even been in reference made by Barack Obama. If the President of the United States of America thinks he’s cool, then cool he is!

14 – Tyrese Gibson

Tyrese Gibson

This smooth crooner has been behind many a baby-making session around the world. His smooth tones and beautiful chocolate brown skin have charmed the pants off of many women and when you combine that with his dazzling smile, you have a recipe for success with many, many women!

The R&B and Hip Hop artist is not just a singer. He’s also a model, an actor, a screenwriter, a songwriter, an author, TV presenter and even film producer. Is there nothing this man can’t do when he puts his mind to it???

Originally born in Los Angeles, California, Tyrese Darnell Gibson’s birthday is December 30th, 1978. You will probably have seen him in the Fast and Furious series of films too. He’s been in a few of them and he is really hot in them too!

He’s been in a few other films too. Transformers in 2007, for example, put him well and truly on the Hollywood map and he was in Transformers: Dark of the Moon in 2011 which just reiterated why so many people adored him.

13 – Drake


Aubrey Drake Graham – it’s definitely not the coolest name in the world but somehow, for Drake, it just works quite nicely, don’t you think?

This guy isn’t American; he’s Canadian and was originally born in Toronto, Ontario on October 24th, 1986! It’s hard to believe he is only 26 years old at the time of writing this. He seems so much older than his years, doesn’t he?

Actor, songwriter, singer, rapper…. These are all professions that Drake has managed to tuck under his belt and although his love life hasn’t really gone to plan, his musical career is certainly going from strength to strength.

Drake 2

Speaking of his love life, who could forget THAT romance with Rihanna? They dated for a while in 2009, once Chris Brown had allegedly attacked her, and although their dating period didn’t last that long, they have stayed friends ever since. That’s more than can be said about him and Chris Brown, however; there was a massive bar brawl in which almost ten people got injured. The cause hasn’t been identified but there sure was a mess to clear up!

To date, Drake has been a bit of a record breaker over the years. First of all, he has sold over five million albums worldwide. That’s an astounding amount, don’t you think? He’s also won a few awards – there was the Grammy Award, six BET Awards, three Juno Awards and a whole bunch more!

He’s also been known to write songs for other people and just a few of the great artists that have sung a Drake song include Alicia Keys and Jamie Foxx. On top of that, he was voted the number two spot on the MTV Hottest MCs list back in 2012.

We knew he was hot. 

12 – Ludacris


We don’t know about you but Ludacris makes us feel young again! Do you remember listening to this guy when you were at school? He was cool, right?

In fact, Ludacris is still cool. Christopher Brian Bridges is his real name and he was born in Chicago, Illinois on September 11th, 1977. His birthday was just a couple of days ago!

Happy Belated Birthday Ludacris! 

Not just an actor and a rapper, he is also an entrepreneur. Disturbing tha Peace is the record label that he co-founded, and it has since released a line of headphones called “Soul by Ludacris” and even a line of Puma shoes. It’s not all bad!

For those of you that have rolled his role of Tej Parker in the Fast & Furious movies, you will be excited to hear that you can soon see him in Fast & Furious 7 which will be coming out next year! Also, he accidentally leaked that he was currently working with the legendary soul singer called Anita Baker! This should hint a new album… Are we excited for this?

11 – Pharrell Williams

Pharrell Williams 2

These days, Pharrell Williams tends to get called just Pharrell. It’s like he became too cool for two names so joined the likes of Sting and Madonna in the one-name crew. We think it makes him cooler.

Born April 5th, 1973 in Virgina, USA, this guy is the jack of all trades! Not only is a producer, fashion designer, rapper, singer, musician and songwriter, he is also incredibly HOT!

Pharrell Williams

He formed a group called The Neptunes with Chad Hugo, and he’s also a part of N.E.R.D. We would imagine life could get quite busy for this guy. This is even more so the case when you consider that he also co-founded the two clothing brands – Ice Cream Clothing and Billionaires Boys Club. Just another final nail in the coffin to prove just how hot this guy is, Esquire actually bored him as the Best Dressed Man in the World back in 2005. So not only is he hot but he can dress the part too! Could this man truly be the perfect black man package? You’ve heard him sing too right?

He may be a busy man but he still has plenty of time to be the chest daddy to his little boy, Rocket Man Williams. This kid is so cool already and he was only born in 2008! Have you ever seen Despicable Me? Well the song Rocket’s Theme was actually written by Pharrell for his kid! How cool is this daddy? He apparently married his girlfriend in August of this year. The model-slash-designer, Helen Lasichanh and Pharrell certainly make a great couple!

So there you have them – we have concluded the first part of our next two-part series on the hottest men out there at the moment. We will bring you the second part of our Top 10 Hottest Black Men soon, we promise, so make sure that you keep your eyes peeled. For now, why not check out some of the other articles on our site? How about the Top 20 Hottest Guys from the Philippines ? Have you checked out those guys yet?

That’s all from us for just now but we’d love to know your views on the hottest black men at the moment. Just think of the possibilities for the men that could be on the top ten countdown on this list. Could Chris Brown possible sneak his way in there? What about Will Smith – surely he needs to be in there somewhere too, right? What are your predictions for our Number One spot?

We’d love to know what you think! For now, have some more eye-candy… Just a tantalizing treat as to what could be coming in our next episode of the Top 20 Hottest Black Men!

======Continue to Part two======

Will Smith Usher Michael Ealy

*Images lovingly sourced from Pinterest.com

http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-hottest-black-men-part-one/feed/ 1
Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013 Part D http://www.herinterest.com/top-100-hottest-men-in-the-world-2013-part-d/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-100-hottest-men-in-the-world-2013-part-d/#comments Thu, 21 Mar 2013 22:14:30 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=1321

We’ve seen the likes of Chris Hemsworth, Matthew Fox, Channing Tatum and Leonardo DiCaprio. Who could we possible have left on our Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013? Well, let me let you in on a few of the secrets we have to come. If you like laughter, Irish accents, footballers, vampires and pranks, you are in for a real treat…. Let’s dive right on in, shall we?

76. Colin Farrell

Colin Farrell 1

He’s the bad boy in Hollywood, right? The one that we all secretly want but know that we could never handle. It could be the Irish charm that makes him so desirable to us ladies, or perhaps it’s the badass good looks? Whatever it is, he sure does have a great fan following from ladies all around the world.

Colin Farrell 2

Originally born in Dublin, Ireland in May, 1976, and he first hit super stardom when he starred in the 2000 film Tigerland. It was his very first film, but certainly not his last. For the British ladies out there, you might be keen to find out that Colin actually auditioned to be in the boy band Boyzone but didn’t quite make the cut. Thankfully for Hollywood his boy band days didn’t last long and he was soon finding himself in some pretty interesting roles including American Outlaws in 2001, Hart’s War with Bruce Willis in 2002! Now that’s a big hit film!

From that point, he has gone from strength to strength with a few personal struggles thrown into the mix, just like any badass movie star should have. In between films such as Minority Report, Alexander, Phonebooth and S.W.A.T., he has been giving girls an excuse to watch the boy films for many years. His battles with drug addiction lead to a spell in rehab in 2005, and he also had a rather bizarre encounter with deranged stalker on the Jay Leno show in 2006. With his personal relationships not going brilliantly either, he sure has had his fair share of the limelight.

Colin Farrell 3

There was his bizarre reported pursuance of the sadly deceased Elizabeth Taylor and was, in fact, one of the only non-family members that were actually present at her funeral. There was a sex tape incident in 2006 involving one of his ex-girlfriends, Nicole Narain, and the alleged “non-marriage” that took part on the beach with another ex, Amelia Warner, whom he dated for a few months back in 2001. Emma Forest was also another featured star in his love life and the couple dated for around a year.

A number of famous women have been linked romantically to this Hollywood hottie including Angelina Jolie, who recently underwent a double mastectomy, Britney Spears, currently making a comeback, and even Demi Moore.

As it stands, it would seem as if Colin Farrell has decided to make doting dad as his next role in life after he fathered a child in 2009 with Alicja Bachleda-Curus, but just a year after his son was born, the couple parted ways.

Back to his film career, Colin Farrell has been a rather busy boy recently with a few films coming out over the next few months. Epic is an animated film due to be released very soon and with Saving Mr. Banks, Winter’s Tale, Miss Julie and Solace all said to be coming out in the next 12 or so months, it seems that fatherhood and his filming is practically all he is concerned with right now!

77. Kellan Lutz

Kellan Lutz 1

You’ll know his face if you don’t know his name – Kellan Lutz was one of the super-hot vampires in the hit films The Twilight Saga. Emmett Cullen was the vampire we are talking about right now, and we all know him – he was actually nominated and won the Teen Choice Award for Scene Stealer  - Male in both The Twilight Saga: New Moon and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

You can clearly see that this guy loves sports – you only have to take one hard look at his hot, half-naked body to see that. We’ll just give you the chance to refresh your memory:

Kellan Lutz 2

Born March 15th, 1985, North Dokota-born Kellan Christopher Lutz has been in his fair share of films over the years, some of which you may not even have realized. He starred in Prom Night, 90210 (the TV show), A Nightmare on Elm Street, Immortals and even recently, the TV show 30 Rock.

There’s plenty of chances to fit in some eye-candy over the next few months too as Kellan will be starring in his fair share of films. Java Heat is due out this year and will see Kellan playing Jake in the quite controversial film about a Muslim detective and an American dude pretending to be a graduate student in the hunt to find who is responsible for a nasty set of bombings that appears to be happening more and more frequently in Indonesian based bombings.

A comedy drama is also said to be released this year, starring not only Kellan Lutz but also Amber Heard, Shiloh Fernandez and Brittany Snow called Syrup. There’s a few more being released over the next 12 months as well including Guardians of Luna, Tarzan, which already sounds delicious, and Hercules 3D!

Well known for dating the 90210 co-star AnnaLynne McCord, he was also dating the Australian actress Sharni Vinson and were together for about two years. At present, it doesn’t appear that he is dating anyone, which is good news for us ladies, and it is also very good news for the fashion designer and model that goes by the name of Jasper Orton, who is just 18 years old!

 78. Chris Pine

Chris Pine 1

Oh, Chris Pine, Chris Pine, Chris Pine. We shall just give you a moment o marvel at the beauty of this delicious man! What’s not to love about him? He’s hot, he’s a bit of a geek, and come on; he sure has been in his fair share of films!

Chris Pine Geek

You may have first remembered Chris Pine for his role in one episode of ER in 2003. Since then he has gone from strength to strength scoring a part in the massive film The Guardian alongside Ashton Kuchter and Kevin Costner. There was the second Princess Diaries film plus Smokin’ Aces, Star trek, This Means War and more recently, Rise of the Guardians.

His personal life seems to be a rather quiet one with Chris spending more time on his acting career than chasing the ladies. He was in a relationship for about a year with a model called Dominique Piek but they broke up in April of last year which means good news for us ladies – he is back on the market and probably ready to start dating again any time now….

Chris Pine Star Trek

Coming from a show business family certainly hasn’t hindered his progress in the acting world – his grandparents are Max M. Gilford and Anne Gwynne! Born August 26, 1980, Christopher Whitelaw Pine has been keeping himself busy since his last relationship split and has a string of films coming out over the next few months. He played the voice of Captain Kirk in the latest Star Trek video game and the new Star Trek film is set to be released soon! There are a few others soon to be released – Jack Ryan, Into the Woods and Mantivities are all coming out over the next year or so.

79. Anton Yelchin

Anton Yelchin 1

Sticking with the Star Trek theme, we come to Anton Yelchin. A Lot of people don’t know this guy, originally born in what is now known as St. Petersburg in Russia on March 11th, 1989, despite the fact that he has been in so many of the greatest films of our lifetime. As we have already mentioned, there’s Star Trek under his belt, with Star Trek into Darkness coming out very soon. He was in The Smurfs too, starring as the voice of Clumsy. Repeat after me – aaawwwww!

Some of you may have noticed that he also played the part of Jacob in the amazing film Like Crazy, which is actually one of our personal favorites, and he is also known for his roles in New York, I Love You, Terminator Salvation, and many more.

Anton Yelchin - Like Crazy

2013 and 2014 are going to be very good years for this actor, with a number of apparent hit movies set to be released. As we have mentioned, the next Star Trek film is due to come out very soon and following that there are a few others – Only Lovers Left Alive sees Anton playing the part of Ian, alongside stars such as Tilda Swinton, Tom Hiddleston and John Hurt in a drama filled with vampire-action. Broken Horses, The Smurfs 2, and Rudderless are all films that you can expect to see him in over the next few months. Keep your eyes peeled!

80. Alexander Skarsgård

Alexander Skarsgard 2

We all know him as the vexed vampire Eric Northman in the hit TV show True Blood, but you may also have seen him in such films as Generation Kill in 2008, Battleship in 2012, and Melancholia in 2011.

Alexander Johan Hjalmer Skarsgård – what a mouthful of a name! He was born on 25th August, 1976 which means it will be his birthday really soon! Happy Birthday and we love you!

Born in Stockholm, Sweden, Alexander has got one film coming out in 2013 called Hidden. A thriller based on a family trying to survive an “outbreak”, he stars alongside Andrea Riseborough and Emily Alyn Lind. There are also rumors of a new Tarzan film coming out, although the release date is not yet confirmed, and the same can be said for any co-stars.

For those that can’t wait for their next fix of Eric Northman in True Blood, the Sixth season is currently underway and there is a seventh season in the pipeline! Woo hoo!

Alexander Skarsgard 3

As for his love life, current rumors seem to be pointing in the direction of Alexander being in a secret relationship with Ellen Page – on or off? I guess we’ll just have to watch this space…

81. Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson 2

Some of us know him as Dwayne Johnson – massively built car-stealing, fast-racing criminal/cop Hobbs in the hit films Fast & Furious, and with a seventh one rumored to be in pre-production for 2014, we’ll see plenty of him in action!

The “People’s Champ” or Rock, as some of us know him as, it was perhaps his first substantial role playing Mathayus in The Mummy Returns in 2001 that first brought him to the most of our attentions. Then the 2003 hit film The Rundown with Seann William Scott didn’t hurt his VIP status. From there it would seem that he kept himself a rather busy boy, releasing the films The Scorpion King in 2002, and Walking Tall in 2004 with Johnny Knoxville.

Dwayne Johnson 1

He’s a proud Papa on top of his booming film career. Daddy to Simone Alexandra was born to Dwayne Johnson and his then wife Dany Garcia, whom he married in 2007, on August 14th, 2001. The couple are no longer together and although there were a whole host of speculations on the ins and outs of their breakup, the reasons were never officially confirmed. She continued to be his manager and keep reign on his finances for him, despite their divorce, which just goes to show that sometimes; divorce can just be amicable.

There are plenty of films coming out over the next couple of years to keep you happy if you like a bit of what The Rock is cookin! Journey 3: From the Earth to the Moon is said to be in the makings, and although The Rock starring in the film is just a rumor, we all know he’s going to be in it, right?

82. Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik 1

You will know Zayn Malik better as one of the members of the latest boy band to take over the world – One Direction. Born on the 12th January, 1993, the Bradford-born pop star has a rather exotic look to him due to his English mother and Pakistani father. His exotic look seems to have won him over quite an impressive fan base – you’ve seen how crazy the girls get for these guys on the TV, right?

Zayn Malik 2

The group shot to stardom on the hit TV show X Factor, and the boys have since grown into their own. His love life has followed closely, seeing him linked with a number of girls romantically. In 2010 there was his fellow X Factor starlet, Geneva Lane. In 2011, there wasn’t a lot of time between his breakup from Miss. Lane to his sparking up of a relationship with the follow up star of the X Factor show, Rebecca Ferguson. The 6 year age difference with her being older than him made their relationship stand out in the limelight, and it was said that they broke up because of his infidelity.

Zayn Malik 3

These days it would seem that Zayn is dating yet another X Factor star, Perrie Edwards from the band Little Mix; the shows eighth winners.

For those of you that love to keep up with Zayn, you will continue to see him in the media, especially with the boys currently promoting their latest single “Best Song Ever”

83. Jeremy Renner

Jeremy Renner 1

You may remember Jeremy Renner from the film 28 Weeks Later – the follow-up to 28 Days Later. He plays a hot US soldier in this film, much in the same way that he does The Hurt Locker, the other film that has sky-rocketed this actor to super-stardom.

Born in California, his good looks and great acting ability have taken him far in the world of Hollywood and he has been a very busy boy over recent years. We had The Bourne Legacy in 2012, Avengers Assemble in the same year, and Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol and Thor in 2011.

Jeremy Renner 2

He has a few films coming out soon and they are all looking like they could be big ones too! Mission: Impossible 5 has been announced for 2015. The Avengers: Age of Ultron is also reported to be released in the same year. Next year (2014) we have a couple from Jeremy – Kill The Messenger is currently being filmed and will see Jeremy playing Gary Webb in this mystery and crime drama. American Hustle is said to be released later on this year as well – he will play Carmine Polito alongside Jennifer Lawrence, Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro!

84. Joey Essex

Joey Essex 1

You may not know who Joey Essex is. This guy is one of the dumbest men ever to be in show business but in the UK, The Only Way Is Essex star is somewhat of a sought-after kinda guy! He shot to fame when he entered the show in 2011, incidentally following the departure of the show’s current big-time promoter, Mark Wright. It seems that Joey has slipped right in, and despite having his fair share of ups and downs, especially with his on-again/off-again relationship with Sam Faiers, he is a much loved character in the world of British reality TV.

Joey Essex 2

It doesn’t look like The Only Way Is Essex is showing any signs of ending soon so, if you are curious as to what’s so hot, or so not, about Joey Essex, take a peek and have a laugh for yourself! His perfect teeth and perfectly groomed hair are just a clever exterior for the cute yet incredibly dumb stuff that seems to come out of his mouth!

85. Daniel Radcliff

Daniel Radcliff 1

Sticking with the British theme once again and we come to Daniel Radcliff – the star of the hit films that literally took over the entire world, the Harry Potter series. These films may very well have finished now, but Daniel’s film career certainly hasn’t. Our impressions of the geeky-faced boy certainly changed in the horror that scared us all that was The Woman In Black just last year.

Born 23rd July, 1989, Daniel is a British movie star that has certainly set blood rushing for many girls, all over the world. When you add to his ever-growing film career to his charity work, especially with the Demelza House Children’s Hospice – how could you not love him?

Daniel Radcliff 2

It would seem that many women out there are having their hearts broken by the wizard wonder-boy. Recently spotted out and about with a cute brunette, he has been linked to an actress that he met on the set of Kill Your Darlings, said to be released later on this year, Erin Darke. He hadn’t long split from long-term girlfriend Rosie Coker when he first started dating Erin, so perhaps Daniel isn’t as fresh-faced and innocent-eyed as we would like to believe!

As well as Kill Your Darlings, Daniel has a number of films said to be released over the next few months. The F Word is another rom-com/drama that is going to be released later on in the year and will see Daniel starring alongside Amanda Crew and Zoe Kazan.

86. Will Smith

Will Smith 1

How can you not love this guy? He’s made some of the most memorable films EVER including I Am Legend, The Pursuit Of Happyness and even the Men in Black films!

Just take a look at some of the incredible films that this amazing man has given us over the years:

  • Bad Boys 1 & 2
  • I, Robot
  • Ali
  • Wild Wild West

And who could possibly forget the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

Will may be getting older but his film career certainly isn’t showing any signs of slowing down soon. He has plenty coming out soon including I, Robot 2, Hancock 2, and even Bad Boys 3.

Will Smith 2

Willard Christopher “Will” Smith, Jnr, or Will Smith as he is more commonly known, was born in Pennsylvania, USA on September 25, 1968.

Will Smith 3

He has an adorable family, and most people already know that he is married to Jada Pinkett-Smith and has a couple of kids – Willow and Jaden. The thing that many people don’t know is that Will Smith was married before and has a son called Trey. It would seem that Family Man is quite his thing!

87. Jude Law

Jude Law 1

We first fell in love with Jude Law in the film The Holiday! That film really tugged on our heart strings and it is a common thing for us to watch it every Christmas, big bowl of popcorn in front of us, a box of tissues to the side. When was it that you first fell in love with Jude Law?

Jude Law 2

He’s known for some pretty amazing films. The Holiday, as we mentioned, was released in 2006. There was also Alfie in 2004, The Talented Mr. Ripley in 1999, Sherlock Holmes alongside Robert Downey Junior in 2009, and then again in 2011 in Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows.

He has a few films coming out over the next year or so. Dom Hemingway is the next one to be released and will see Jude playing the part of safe-cracker Dom Hemingway. Richard E. Grant is also in this film, which would suggest it’s going to be a big hit, especially when you add to the list of names Demian Bichir too!

Jude Law 3

Of course, you can’t talk about Jude Law without mentioning his love life. It has been very well documented in the media, that’s for sure. He was with Sadie Frost and were married for 6 years, having three kids during that time. It was Alfie in 2003 that started things moving with Sienna Miller, although he was caught doing the dirty with the nanny, and things soon started to fall apart. Since then, he has fathered a child with a US model called Samantha Burke, and he got back together again with Sienna Miller, although back in 2011, they broke up yet again. For now, it would appear that he is single…

88. Daniel Craig

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Another one on the list for the Brits, and you can’t mentioned the 100 Hottest Men without having at least a small mention for Daniel Craig; possibly the hottest Bond guy we’ve ever seen. You know what we are talking about ladies – those short, shorts in that Bond film. Yummy, right?

Three Bond movies later, and we are still very much in love with Daniel Wroughton Craig, born in Cheshire, England on March 2nd, 1968. There have been a whole host of films that have made this guy stand up in the world of Hollywood. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo in 2011 really put him on the map, and there are rumors that another film – The Girl Who Played With Fire is said to be announced soon. There are also mentions of two more Bond films, but with other rumors suggesting that he didn’t want to play 007 anymore, I guess we will just need to watch this space.

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In other Daniel Craig-related news, did you know that he married an actress called Fiona Loudon in 1992, and had a daughter called Ella with her? They divorced just two years after they married, which is sad, but good news for Rachel Weisz, who Daniel Craig had been best friends with for many years. They began dating at the end of 2010, and later married in June 2011. Repeat after me – awwww!

89. Liam Payne

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We’ve already seen Harry Styles and Zayn Malik. Now we have come to yet another beauty from the boy band One Direction – the latest British boy band to drive the world crazy!

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Liam James Payne was born on August 29th, 1993 and is originally from the West Midlands in England. These days, the boys of One Direction seem to be in the papers just as much for their bad boy behavior, love life, tattoos and partying as they are for their music, and with Liam Payne, there is no exception. The most recent stories were late-night tattoo shopping with the other band members, and the sad announcement that he is now in a relationship.

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It was during a GQ interview back in July that he first let things slip – he was long-term dating an X Factor dancer called Danielle Peazer. This will certainly have broken the hearts of many girls all around the world, who still wait with bated breath to hear of the day he becomes single again. Until then, the promotion of their newest addition to the world of pop – “Best Song Ever” will have him in the limelight more than enough!

90. Adam Brody

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Perhaps best known for his role in Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Adam Brody sure is hot stuff in Hollywood right now! Born and raised in San Diego, California, Adam Jared Brody’s birthday is December 15th, 1979. As well as Mr. & Mrs. Smith, you may have seen him in Scream 4, Lovelace in 2013, Jennifer’s Body in 2009, or even in the hit TV show The Gilmore Girls.

He’s been busy, it would seem, and he has a few films that are said to be released over 2013-2014. Think Like A Man Too, for example, is said to be released in 2014, and is a rom-com starring Adam alongside Kevin Hart, Terrence Jenkins, Michael Ealy and Regina Hall. If that’s not quite enough Adam Brody action for you, make sure that you keep your eyes peeled for Life Partners, also coming out in 2014, Baggage Claim and Growing Up And Other Lies – the last two are both due to be released in the coming months!

91. Niall Horan

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One of the cheeky chappies in the British boy band One Direction, Niall Horan was born in Ireland on 13th September, 1999 and has hit massive heights of fame with the brilliant boy band. It was about time Britain had another hit boy group – it would appear that they are returning with a bang after the minor slump since the boy-group heights of the 1990’s.

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The rumor mill has gone crazy with these boys and with Niall, there is no exception. Since One Direction became as big as they did, he has been romantically linked to a string of women, although in June of this year, it seemed to have slipped out that he was dating an Irish model that went by the name of Zoe Whelan. Although this hasn’t been admitted by either party as yet, the rumor mill has clearly gone into a bonkers overdrive, and for now, it would seem that they are right with her answering the question “Are they dating” with a rather interesting response – “It’s a secret”

What could this mean?

92. Cory Monteith

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The Canadian actor and singer Cory Allan Michael Monteith was recently in the news for a rather sad reason. It would appear, if the newspapers and media are to be believed, that this was yet another young star that was set to leave our silver screens far too soon. Unfortunately just last month (July 13th, 2013), he was found dead in his hotel room from a rather nasty combination of heroin and booze. He left behind a very devastated Lea Michele, with whom he had been dating since early 2012.

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Born May 11th, 1982, Cory had a rather troubled childhood, with a substance abuse problem starting from a very early age, some reports going back to as far as when he was just 12 years old. It was when he hit 19 years old that he was first placed in rehab, and it would seem that he had gone some way to rebuilding his life when he sadly went into the decline once again, booking himself back into rehab in March of this year.

Glee will continue – the TV show that Cory had become very famous on. His life will be celebrated, and his character Finn Hudson will also pass away in the hit TV show.

93. Ed Westwick

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The Gossip Girl actor, Ed Westwick, sure has burst onto our screens with a bang and is now known as one of the hottest men of 2013. English born and bred, he was born on June 27th, 1987 in Hertfordshire, and as well as being a TV and film actor, he is also a musician.

His band The Filthy Youth has had a couple of songs featured in the Gossip Girl TV series, and for all the British football fans out there, he is a Chelsea fan, in case you were wondering.

Ed Westwick

From 2008 to 2010, he was romantically involved with a co-star of Gossip Girl, Jessica Szohr, but since then, aside from bring romantically linked to a couple of women, it would seem that he is keeping things on the low down. Work-wise however, he has kept himself very busy indeed, with more seasons of Gossip Girl being filmed as well as a couple of movies coming out.

2013 will see the release of Romeo and Juliet, where he will play Tybalt. Stellan Skarsgård, (the father of True Blood actor Alexander) will also play in this film, which promises to be a good one!

94. Alex Pettyfer

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Have you seen I Am Number Four? What about Magic Mike? Surely you must have seen that by now? The hottest film out there aimed for women in the last decade? Well, Alex Pettyfer has starred in both of these movies and what’s even better, there are a few more than he can add to this list too!

Beastly in 2011 was one of the first films that first alerted us to the gorgeous-ness of Alex, and In Time with 2011 showed off his acting ability. Thankfully, for those that are into this hunk, there are more than a few films coming out over the next couple of years to keep you happy.

The Butler will be coming out later on this year and will see Alex playing Thomas Westfall alongside Forest Whitaker and Mariah Carey. A biographical drama about a White House butler, you know this film is going to be very interesting to watch!

Alex Pettyfer 2

If that’s not quite enough Alex Pettyfer for you, keep your eyes peeled for the following films – Endless Love is currently being filmed and is said to be released in 2014. A dark obsessive romance about teens is promising to be a good, gripping view, that’s for sure!

Dianna Agron was his love interest for a while – they were dating until January 2011. After that, Riley Keough, the granddaughter of Elvis Presley was his lover, and they reportedly engaged. This has not been proved otherwise as yet so I guess we will have to watch this space.

95. Jesse Williams

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Born August 5th, 1981, Jesse Williams is surely one of the hottest men in Hollywood right now. Just in case you haven’t fallen in love with his beautiful eyes yet, let us allow you a few moments to bathe in them in this wonderful picture of him:

Jesse Williams 2

He’s been in a few things over the years, some of which you might not even have been aware of. Grey’s Anatomy starred him for a few episodes in the latest 2013 series, and he was also in another TV series called Beyond The Break in 2009. There have been a few films along the way too – The Cabin In The Woods is one that he is perhaps more famous for. This was released in 2011. There’s a few films set to be released later on this year and into the next as well, which should keep most of his fans with enough of a fix to keep them going.

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Snake And Mongoose, for example, is one film due out soon starring Jesse. A film about Southern Californian drag racers, Jesse will star alongside John Heard, Ashley Hinshaw and Ian Ziering. Just in case that’s not enough Jesse Williams to keep you satisfied, They Die By Dawn is another film due to be released later on this year, as well as Rich Girl Problems, both of which are shorts.

He seems to be a stable relationship kinda guy, meeting his Real Estate broker wife, Aryn Drake-Lee and marrying her in 2012. They were together for five years before they got married so it would appear that this Hollywood hottie is most definitely off the market…. For now!

96. Louis Tomlinson

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The final One direction lad to make our Hottest men for 2013, Louis Tomlinson is the cute one that you have all been waiting for, right? Currently promoting the band’s new single “Best Song Ever’, you are bound to see plenty of this cheeky little chappie no your TV stations over the next few months, so for those of you that consider yourself to be fans, start circling the TV guide now!

Not just a singer for the boy band, Louis is also a semi-professional footballer for the British team Doncaster Rovers. He also considers himself to be an actor.

Louis Tomlinson 2

He’s been in a few British TV shows including the hit one about schools – Waterloo Road, and even had a few goes on the show called Fat Friends.

The oldest member of One Direction, Louis was dating  a girl called Hannah Walker, whom he started dating back in 2010. They broke up in 2011 though so it would appear that for not, Louis is still single. Can we get a scream of cheers for that, ladies?

97. Wentworth Miller

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You might know him as an actor but Wentworth Miller, born June 2nd, 1972, is also a screenwriter, model and producer. It was his part in the hit TV show Prison Break that first shot him to super-stardom, and following on from this, he later made his screenwriting debut just this year with the film Stoker.

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Another British actor, Wentworth was originally born Wentworth Earl Miller III in Oxfordshire, England and has starred in his fair share of hit films, believe it or not. He was in the 2004 hit film Underworld, as well as the 2010 film Resident Evil: Afterlife. There is just one film coming out in the next couple of years with his name on it and that is the thriller called The Loft that is said to be released in 2014 and will star Wentworth alongside Karl Urban and James Marsden.

His relationship statuses seem to have kept out of the media for the most part, although he has been linked romantically to a few women. It would seem that he isn’t really dating anyone, and if he is, we can’t be hearing about it so that’s good news for us, right ladies?

98. Ben Affleck

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You can’t really mention the hottest men for 2013 and not have a quick word for Ben Affleck, right? He has been a firm favorite of many women over the years and despite his ongoing relationship with Jennifer Garner, whom he started dating and then married nine months later in 2005, he is still lusted after by millions of women all around the world. This is even more so the case when you discover that he is a yummy-daddy to three kids – two daughters and one son.

Ben Affleck 3

It’s not just Jennifer Garner that Ben Affleck has been romantically attached to – Gwyneth Paltrow had a rather public relationship with him back in 1998, not long after she stopped dating Brad Pitt. Jennifer Lopez also has been linked to him, although they split before they were due to get married back in 2004, after he was apparently caught later partying hard with Christian Slater and a few lap dancers.

Ben Afleck 1

2013 has been quiet for Ben, with just one film set for release – Runner Runner. He will play Ivan Block in this crime thriller/drama. Gemma Arterton also stars in this film with Justin Timberlake, Anthony Mackie and David Costabile.

2014 will be a good year for Ben Affleck – he has another film released then, plus one more in 2015 – Live By Night and Gone Girl respectively.

99. James McAvoy

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Another Brit, this time we come to James McAvoy – a Scottish actor born 21st April, 1979. Originally born in Glasgow, Scotland, you will probably know this guy more for his role in the massive film Wanted in 2008, in which he had a rather feisty on-screen relationship with Angelina Jolie in the action thriller. He was also in X-Men: First Class, of course, which was released in 2011, and there have also been a string of other great films starring this very talented man – Gnomeo & JulietAtonement, The Last King of Scotland and even Arthur Christmas.

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He hasn’t been lying low of late, and has a number of films set to be released soon. Filth, for example, is going to be released soon and will see James working alongside Jamie Bell and Imogen Poots. If that doesn’t strike your fancy then there is always X-Men: Days of Future Past which will be released next year and is currently being filmed, plus a Frankenstein project that should be out later on in the same year.

Of course, those British amongst us will have remembered James McAvoy from his stint in the fabulously hilarious TV show, Shameless. During his time here, he struck up a relationship with his on-screen love, Anne-Marie Duff. He also dated a Scottish actress called Emma King for six years before this, but it would seem that he has finally met his match and settled happily with Emma King. They married in 2006 and have one son together.

100. Paul Walker

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An American actor but with Albanian heritage, Paul Walker was originally born Paul William Walker VI on September 12th, 1973 in California. It was his 1999 film Varsity Blues that seems to shoot him to the Hollywood super stardom that he wanted, and with the impressive success of the Fast & Furious films, and reports that Fast & Furious 7 is currently in pre-production, it would seem that Paul Walker isn’t going anywhere fast! Set to be released in 2014, it will be joined by another film starring Paul Walker called Brick Mansions, and there’s a couple to be released later on this year that look pretty good – Pawn Shop Chronicles, and the recently released Fast & furious 6.

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It would appear that Paul Walker is currently single, if the internet is to be believed, but he was involved with someone long term with whom he had a daughter. He does a lot to help charity, and also loves to do his own stunts in movies, which instantly makes him much hotter to us, doesn’t it ladies? For all the car fanatics out there as well, he actually owned the Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-Spec II that was featured in the film 2 Fast 2 Furious!

So there you have them – the 100 Hottest Men of 2013! What did you think of our carefully thought out choices? Was there anyone that we left out? Remember that we didn’t do them in order so we apologize if you don’t agree with how we have listem them. Let us know – who’s your favorite?!

Photos lovingly sourced from weheartit.com & pinterest.com

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Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013 Part C http://www.herinterest.com/top-100-hottest-men-in-the-world-2013-part-c/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-100-hottest-men-in-the-world-2013-part-c/#comments Thu, 21 Mar 2013 20:04:50 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=1237

Have you already checked out Top Hottest Men in the World 2013 Part A? You will have seen the beautiful faces of the likes of Adam Levine, George Clooney, Bradley Cooper and Ryan Gosling.

The Top Hottest Men in the World 2013 Part B will have seen you drooling over super-hot men like Jason Statham, British singer James Arthur, and we have even seen Taylor Lautner with his top off! Not that we want you to take a peek or anything!!

Now we have come to Part C of our collection – Number 51 to 75. We will kick things off with the delectable Vin Diesel, and we can promise you that much more in the way of hot men will be coming shortly!

51. Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel 1

My oh my, who doesn’t love a little bit of Vin Diesel? He’s hot, he’s ripped, he’s huge and he’s cute! What’s not to love? Let us just take a couple of moments to marvel at the beauty of this amazing man:

Vin Diesel 2

Oh and just so you know ladies; Fast & Furious 6 is coming out this year! It must be one of the very few car-based films out there that actually appeals to the likes of men AND women! We wonder why…?

As well as the much-anticipated Fast & Furious 6 in 2013, Vin Diesel has a few other films coming out too – Riddick, the third part of the series, in which you will see Vin Diesel starring alongside the likes of Karl Urban, Katee Sackhoff and Keri Hilson. Apparently, there’s another xXx film on the cards too! Excited squeak!

Vin Diesel F&F6

Mark Sinclair Vincent aka Vin Diesel, was born in New York on July 18th, 1967 and is best known for his role as Dominic Toretto in the Fast & Furious collection, with his big ripped muscles and very deep voice. Despite ongoing rumors that he is gay, (we aren’t sure where these keep stemming from!) he once dated his co-star Michelle Rodriguez, and is now with a model-girlfriend called Paloma Jimenez, with whom he has a daughter. He is well known for keeping his personal life very personal, and once quoted his vote of privacy for his family to be like that made my greats as Marlon Brando and Al Pacino.

52. Pauly D

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I don’t care how many people protest against this, I’m putting him on the list. He was one of our favorite characters on the hit TV show Jersey Shore and we are sad that Snooki went and had herself an adorable baby boy and inevitably ended the show as we loved and knew it.

The adorable DJ, Paul DelVecchio, born 5th July, 1980, has one of those Rhode Island accents that you know you want forget in a hurry, and his crazy “blow-out” style of hair has made him loved by thousands, perhaps even millions of women all around the world.

Classing himself as Italian-American, he started DJing at the age of 16, but it was his stint playing the infamous Pauly D in Jersey Shore that sent him right to D-List fame. Starting in 2009 and running for six seasons, we have seen this cheeky chappy in many a dodgy situation, and laughed at his many catch phrases. “Fist pump, push-up, chapstick” and “GTL: Gym, tan, laundry” will always be firm favorites of ours. And who could possibly forget “The caaabs are heeere!”

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He has his spin-off show, The Pauly D Project going on still, and he signed up with 50 Cent’s label in August of 2011 so he’s bound to be keeping busy. And his love life – well, if you’ve seen the show, you’ll know why we wouldn’t be able to write too much on that! Winky face!

53. Liam Neeson

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Rooting for the Brits again and we come to the frightening but incredibly sexy Liam Neeson. Another older guy on the Hollywood Hottie list, he was born on June 7th, 1953 (one day after our writers – a fellow Gemini!) in Northern Ireland. One working as a fork lift driver for Guinness, (a pretty enviable job!) he is now better known for the craze that circled the globe after the film Taken, and then Taken 2 were released. Now responsible for plenty of meme’s on sites such as Pinterest.com, you will also have seen him in legendary films like Wrath of the Titans, The Grey, The A-Team, Batman Begins and Love Actually.

Liam Neeson Meme

Sadly for Liam, his marriage to the actress Natasha Richardson following a bad skiing accident was cut short in 2009, when she died. He has two sons and has since turned to Islam faith, and has now been naturalized as an American Citizen.

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2013 is going to be a very good year for Liam Neeson. He is a voice in the new film The Nut Job alongside Katherine Heigl, Brendan Fraser, Will Arnett, Stephen Lang and Jeff Dunham. He is also going to be starring in films – Khumba, Non-Stop, A Walk Among the Tombstones, The Third Person and The Lego Movie in 2014. He has been a very busy boy indeed!

54. Channing Tatum

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Shall we give you a minute ladies? How about another picture?

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Better now? Channing Matthew Tatum, born April 26th, 1906, is not only an actor but a producer too! That’s before you even begin to drool over his perfectly formed body, his dancing abilities in the EPIC film Magic Mike, based on his life when he spent eight months ACTUALLY stripping in Florida.

Unfortunately for us ladies, Channing Tatum met the love of his life, Jenna Dewan in 2006 when they working on the Step Up movie together. They married in 2009 and in the latter stage of 2012, they both announced that they were expecting their first child together.

Channing may be taken in real life, but that doesn’t stop us drooling over him in film-land. Of course, he’s been in a few hit movies other than Magic Mike. There was The Vow alongside Rachel McAdams, 21 Jump Street, Dear John and She’s the Man. Each one of these films has just increased the fan base for Channing Tatum, and he is now considered one of the most attractive men in the Hollywood land, winning “Top Ten” style awards for being a hottie all over the world.

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2013 is going to be a very busy year for Channing, with a number of hit movies set to be released. There is the inevitably hilarious 21 Jump Street 2, which we can’t wait to see! There’s also Foxcatcher coming soon, which will see Channing starring alongside Steve Carell, Sienna Miller and Vanessa Redgrave. White House Down is also eagerly anticipated, also starring Jamie Foxx, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Jason Clarke. There’s also G.I. Joe: Retaliation, Side Effects, which has just been released, and also a couple of films reported to be released in 2014 too – plenty of time to get our Channing Tatum fix, that’s for sure! (We’re sure he gets his top off in at least one of the films!)

55. Colin Egglesfield

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This is certainly a very pretty face in Hollywood but I bet quite a few of you are wondering where you would have seen this Hollywood hottie before, right? Well, let me list a few things – Something Borrowed, S.W.A.T., Beautiful Dreamer… Ring any bells?

Born on February 9th, 1973, Colin Egglesfield is perhaps better known for his long running part in the 1970‘s hit TV show, All My Children, in which he plays Josh Madden. It might also have been the part of Auggie Kirkpatrick in Melrose Place that first sent him to super-stardom? What about the shows Gilmore Girls and Charmed? He starred in these too! Whichever one it was, it seems to have done the trick and Colin is now not only a Hollywood hottie, but also a busy boy over the next few months!

You’ll continue to see Colin in the TV show The Client List, but there’s also a film in the pipeline called A Stranger in Paradise, in which Colin plays the part of Josh alongside Stuart Townsend. There’s also the film called Home which has just finished the production phase of the film journey, and more details are set to be released soon! Oh and for the absolute cherry on the cake, he is also in the running for the part of Christian Grey in the hit novel-turned-films 50 Shades of Grey! Can we get a hell yeah?

Colin Egglesfield - 50 Shades

Also a model and owner of Shout Out Clothing, Colin Egglesfield was linked romantically to Jennifer Love Hewitt when they filmed Client together. Despite this, nothing really has materialized and it would seem that Colin keeps his personal affairs very close to his chest.

56. Conor Maynard

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Another Brit taking one for the team, if you haven’t heard of Conor Maynard yet, you soon will! Born November 21st, 1992, this British cutie from Brighton is signed up to the great label EMI, and has released a few pretty rockin’ tracks, including his collaboration with US music legend Ne-Yo – Turn Around. He also had the super-cool Better Than You, in which he sung alongside another British great – Rita Ora. With Wiley starring in the latest musical offering this British wonder-child has to give, it would seem that the kid is destined for great things!

Conor is going to have a hectic schedule for the year of 2013 with plenty of promotion going on as well as a guaranteed spot at the KissBeach festival line up. Also, with his reported romance with a British actress, Preeya Kalidas; 12 years his senior. Maybe he’s trying to rival Harry Styles as being a Cougar-Dater?

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There is a second album due to come out soon, set to rival that of his Number One (in the UK charts) – Contrast. With his desired to work with the likes of Drake, Ed Sheeran and John Mayer, I guess we’ll just have to watch this space and see what happens….

57. Andrew Garfield

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Andrew Russell Garfield, born August 20th, 1983 was born in LA but moved to Britain with his British Mother and American Father when he was just 3 years old. With a number of hit films behind him already, we are expecting to see him around for a fair while yet, especially when you consider the eagerly anticipated The Amazing Spider Man 2 set to be released in 2014.

You will have seen him in a few good films recently; not just The Amazing Spiderman in which we saw him starring alongside Emma Stone! There was also The Social Network which, let’s face it; was simply brilliant. You would also have spotted him in Never Let Me Go, the Doctor Who TV series, and Lions for Lambs, released in 2007.

Andrew Garfield Spider Man

Just like many Hollywood actor & actress-style romance lines, Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield met on the set of The Amazing Spiderman, and although their alleged romance was kept quiet for as long as possible, many people commented on the screen connection. This was in actual fact how come they both got the part – they were perfect with their already-present chemistry. They apparently moved in together in April of 2012, but just a while later in an interview with USA Today, he pronounced that they weren’t together. I guess we’ll just have to watch this space…

58. Matthew McConaughey

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The blonde hair, the blue eyes, the Texan drool – everything about Matthew McConaughey screams HOT! Born November 4th, 1969, he comes from Texas and is actually the youngest son of a gas station owner – it would seem that he has come quite a long way!

Matthew McConaughey has been in a lot over the years. There was the unbelievably hot Magic Mike in which he stars alongside Channing Tatum, also in our Hot List! There was also The Lincoln Lawyer, U-571 (a personal favorite of ours here at Herinterest!) and Ghosts of Girlfriends Past as well as How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, which we all loved and laughed along at!

Matthew McConaughey HTLAGI10D

Despite a few rocky patches in his past, Matthew McConaughey is quite the doting family man. In 1999, he was arrested for a number of issues – resisting arrest, possession of cannabis, although this was dropped, and breach of the peace. He was fined just $50 and has since redeemed himself, especially with the personal help he gave to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. He actually rescued pets in the flooding of New Orleans! Could he be any cuter?

Married in 2012, Matthew has been with Camilia Alves since 2006 and they have now had three kids together – 2 boys and 1 girl. This hasn’t kept him from his Hollywood job though, especially when you take a look at all the films he is starring in that have been set for release in 2013.

Dallas Buyers Club will see Matthew working with Jennifer Garner and Jared Leto as the part of Ron Woodroof – a woman-loving, drug-taking homophobic man living in the 80’s and told that HIV/AIDS is going to kill him. There is no doubt that this film will no doubt cause controversy and we can’t wait to see what the fuss is all about! There is also The Wolf of Wall Street, starring Jonah Hill and Leonardo DiCaprio and is about a New York Stockbroker.

Matthew McConaughey Magic Mike

Now if only they would promise us a Magic Mike 2……

59. Josh Duhamel

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First of all, we would just like to a say a massive congratulations to Josh Duhamel, who has just announced with his partner Stacy Ann “Fergie” Ferguson, (better known as Fergie from The Black Eyed Peas) that they are expecting their first child! It was just February 18th, 29013 that they confessed the news via Twitter! We do love a celebrity baby!

So now you know he’s a family man, doesn’t it make you love this guy just that little bit more? Well luckily for you guys, he’s going to be around a little bit of 2013, giving you plenty of opportunities to have a good ogle at him!

Josh Duhamel Safe Haven

There are a few films that are set to be released in 2013 – Movie 43, for example, is set to be a massive hit, and with Safe Haven (love story from the same guy that wrote The Notebook and Dear John), Scenic Route and You’re Not You also reported to be released over the next few months, it would seem that he is going to have to balance publicity with changing diapers real soon!

60. Chris Hemsworth

CinemaCon 2011 - Day 1

We all remember Thor, right? That beautiful blue eyed-beauty that played the God, with the hot brother that was in The Hunger Games. Yup, that’s Chris Hemwsorth!

Born in Australia on August 11th, 1983, Chris Hemsworth is best known and loved for his roles as Thor and also his part in The Avengers, but it was his part in the TV series Home & Away that some of us will best remember his pretty little face.

Chris is married to a Spanish actress called Elsa Pataky, and they have one beautiful baby girl together. He’s been fairly busy over the last few years with the whole baby-making thing going on as well as a number of films – 2009 saw Star Trek and A Perfect Getaway, 2010 saw Ca$h, 2011 saw The Cabin in the Woods and Thor. Then in 2012 there was the Avengers movie as well as Snow White and the Huntsmen.

Chris Hemsworth 2

2013 is now different for this guy – he seems to be showing no signs of slowing down in the slightest. A film called Rush is going to be released soon and this will see Chris filming alongside Olivia Wilde in a film about the life of F1 legend, Niki Lauda.

Thor: The Dark World is also set to be released in 2013, alongside the second Snow White film, and even a possible Avengers 2 later on in 2014-15!

61. Ryan Reynolds

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With films like Green Lantern, The Change-Up (hilarious!), the new film: The Croods, and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, it is no wonder that interest seems to have picked up for this pretty-faced beauty! When you take a look at the films he will be releasing over the course of 2013, and you might just find that Ryan Reynolds is the only name you’ll be hearing in Hollywood this summer.

The Croods, as we have just mentioned, is the first film in 2013 with this guy’s name on it, and is said to be THE kids comedy of the summer! You will probably have seen trailers for this around and about at the moment – you should most definitely check it out in theatres!

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R.I.P.D. is an action-comedy style film starring Ryan Reynolds alongside Kevin Bacon, Jeff Bridges, and Mary-Louise Parker.

Filming for a new film called Turbo is also going on at the moment – this is said to be another animated film for this Hollywood beaut and from the big names in it, it might just be worth taking a closer look at!

When it comes to relationships, it would appear that Ryan Reynolds was making his way through some of the hottest female names to grace your magazines. First there was Canadian singer and songwriter, Alanis Morissette – they got engaged in 2004 and broke up in 2007.

Next there was Scarlett Johansson – they met in 2007, shortly after the Morissette-Reynolds breakup, got engaged in 2008, married later that year, broke up in 2010 and in July 2011, the divorce was finalized.

It doesn’t stop there though – it would seem that Ryan Reynold was collecting wives like most women collect shoes. Next he had moved on to his Green Lantern co-star Blake Lively. The same sort of story followed, of course – October 2011 they started dating, followed by a new home being bought in June 2012, married by September of the same year. All this guy wants is to be married!

Ryan Reynolds & Blake Lively

We struggled with the next spot on the list – it was Orlando Bloom or Stuart Townshend, and seeing as Stuart Townsendd seems to be starring in more movies for 2013, we went for him… good choice?

62. Stuart Townsend

Stuart Townsend 11

I would just like to point out that I personally fell in love with Stuart Townsend when he starred in the film Queen of the Damned with Aliyah (RIP!) The Irish actor and producer, born in Dublin on 15th December, 1972, was snapped up by Charlize Theron from pretty early on – they met on the set of the 2002 film Trapped, lived together in Ireland for a while and then broke up when Charlize came back from a holiday in January 2010, where she had partied it up in Mexico. Since then, there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of romantic attachments since then, although he’s in a few films coming out over the course of the next few months, so perhaps rumors will start to surface soon?

Stuart Townsend 1

There are two main movies starring Stuart Townsend that will be released in 2013, both of which have been predicted to be huge in the movie charts. First, there is A Stranger in Paradise. This thriller is set to be released in around May time of this year, and will star Stuart Townsend alongside Catalina Sandino Moreno, Colin Egglesfield (Number 55 on this list!) and Bryon Mann.

The second of the films being released in 2013 starring this guy is Betrayal, which is reported to be a TV movie about a photographer who starts an affair with a lawyer and stars James Cromwell.

63. David Beckham

David Beckham 1

Now I don’t know how many people around the world will have seen the new British TV commercial with David Beckham in a skimpy pair of briefs, and at one point, pulling them out of his butt crack, but it should be made mandatory for every red-blooded woman in the world to have the delight of seeing this beautiful sight at least once in their lifetimes.

The happily married (?!) man is one half of power couple – David and Victoria (Posh Spice) Beckham. They have been together since 2007, and seem to have lasted longer than many other A-List celebrity marriages, but it sure hasn’t been without its fair share of struggle and strife. In fact, it was within the last two days in Britain that new reports had surfaced about his alleged infidelity with THAT woman – Rebecca Loo’s, with the reality TV “star” talking about the “ordeal” in recent interviews, sparking fury from Victoria Beckham, if the news and media are to be believed.

On a slightly happier note, David Beckham and his wife Victoria recently welcome a baby girl into their growing family, called Harper who was born in 2011. Are they going to make any more babies? Watch this space! We are sure there are more to come; it would appear that they came together to make the cutest babies in the world!

David Beckham & Harper

Not just well known in the football world, David has his fingers in a lot of different pies. The couple are now well known for being fashion icons and have been known to endorse a serious amount of products over the years, including Coca Cola and more recently he was seen in his underpants in the H&M commercials.

David Beckham H&M

64. Garrett Hedlund

Garrett Hedlund 1

If you had seen the recent Troy movie, you will already know who Garrett Hedlund is. If you need a little inspiration, check out these films – Country Strong, Four Brothers, Friday Night Lights and On the Road.

Garrett John Hedlund is an American actor that was born in Minnesota on September 3rd, 1984. He met Kirsten Dunst on the set of On the Road in 2012, and it would appear that they have been happily dating ever since.

Saint Laurent - Front Row - PFW F/W 2013

Don’t worry though ladies; there will be plenty of opportunities to check him out over the course of the next year. Inside Llewyn Davis is a film about New York’s folk music scene in the 60’s era, and will see Garrett filming with the likes of Justin Timberlake, another Hottie that can be found on our list (Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013 – Part A) John Goodman and also Carey Milligan.

Lullaby is another film set to be released in 2013 and you will see Garrett playing the part of Jonathon in drama film, also starring Terence Howard and Amy Adams.

65. Joseph Morgan

Joseph Morgan 1

We will better know Joseph Morgan as his part of Klaus Mikaelson in the hit US series The Vampie Diaries. He has tried his hand at a fair few films over the years though – He was Lysander in Immortals in 2011 and Philotas in Alexander in 2004. It would appear that he likes the Hollywood world and is starring in a couple of films that are reported to be released later on this year.

Open Grave is a horror that will see Joseph Morgan playing the part of Nathan and sure does sound a little freaky!

Joseph Morgan The Vampire Diaries

An English actor, Joseph Martin (Joseph Morgan) was originally born on May 16th, 1981 in London and although it would seem that his love life has seemed relatively quiet, he has been very outspoken about his love for the charity Positive Women, even going as far as asking fans to donate to this charity for his birthday present! That’s one way to get on board with millions of women all around the world, that’s for sure!

66. Liam Hemsworth

Liam Hemsworth 1

Those Hemsworth parents certainly knew how to breed beautiful kids, didn’t they? There was Chris Hemsworth – Number 60 on our Hottest Men in the world 2013 list, and now we have finally come to Liam….

We will perhaps know Liam Hemsworth better as the face of Gale in the amazingly brilliant The Hunger Games film, the second of which is said to be due out in the later stages of this year. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire will see more trouble and strife for Gale and Katniss Everdeen, played by Jennifer Lawrence, and is just one of the many films that is said to be released to 2013 starring this super-cute actor.

Liam Hemsowrth Hunger Games

Empire State is another film to be released soon and will see Liam starring as the role of Chris Potamitism alongside Dwayne Johnson, who will also star a little later on in the Hottest Men in the World 2013. A drama based on two friends from childhood, Empire state is now in post-production and the release date should be announced soon.

You will also see Liam in a couple of other films soon to be released. Paranoia, also starring Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman will be out soon, as will Timeless, although the release date for this appears to be up in the air.

Liam Hemsworth The Last Song

Born 13th January, 1990, Liam is an Australian actor, originally from Melbourne, and is now dating Miley Cyrus, whom he met on the set of The Last Song in 2009. They broke up and made up a few times, before Miley was reportedly spotted out and about with a whopping engagement ring on her finger. 2012 saw the couple officially announcing their engagement, but oddly enough, Miley was reported to have stated “That’s my hubby!” and confessing her love for the man that she had married in an interview with Cosmopolitan magazine in March of this year, further fuelling the rumors that the couple had gotten married in secret.

 67. Matt Bellamy

Matt Bellamy 1

If you are a fan of the British band, Muse, you will already have an idea of who Matt Bellamy is and for those of you that don’t – he is the front man of this very fabulous, alternative band. He is very well known all over the world for his high-pitched singing voice, eccentric on-stage persona and his epic guitar playing!

Born in Cambridge, England on 9th June 1978, this Gemini has had a pretty impressive career over the years and his band, Muse, is now known as one of the biggest things to come out of Britain. The originally formed in Devon, England in the early part of 1994 and has gone seemingly from strength to strength ever since. (Muse is also one of our favorite bands! One of our writers actually went to see them in London’s 02 arena last year and said that they were AMAZING to watch live!)

Matt Bellamy 2

Muse were the first band to ever sell out at the newly built Wembley Stadium in London, have had six studio albums released over the years, and in just 2010, Total Guitar rated Matt as one of the hottest guitarist of his decade, placing him alongside the greats such as Jimmy Hendrix! He is also a record holder – The Guinness Book of Records stated that he was the record holder for having the most smashed guitars on a tour! It was the Absolution tour that caused all the havoc – he reportedly smashed 140 guitars!

Matt Bellamy & Kate Hudson

Despite his rock n’ roll lifestyle, Matt is the keen family man has been with actress, Kate Hudson since 2010. It was just a few months later, in the January of 2011, that Matt and Kate announced that she was pregnant with their first child, and in April of the same year, they announced their engagement. They had a son just a few months later and are still living their happy ever after as we speak!

 68. Leonard DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

Who hasn’t had a crush on Leonardo DiCaprio over the years? For many of us, it was his role as Jack Dawson in the epic film Titanic that sparked our interest. For others, it was his slightly odd character in The Beach. One thing is for sure, although Leo has been up and down over the years, he is certainly back on fine form, and from the list of films that are set to be out in the course of the next few months, he is definitely back and working hard!

Leonardo DiCaprio has certainly played more than a few different characters over the years. Between Blood Diamond, Django Unchained, The Departed, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape and many others, he has become somewhat of a heartthrob and has shown the film world that he is so much more than just a pretty face.

Leonardo DiCaprio 2

In 2013 alone, there are two main films coming out that will star this heartthrob. The Great Gatsby, for example, was written and directed by the great Baz Luhrman, responsible for such greats Romeo and Juliet, also starring Leonardo, and will star Hollywood icons like Isla Fisher, Carey Mulligan, Tobey Maguire and Jason Clarke.

There is also The Wolf of Wall Street due out this year, starring Leonardo DiCaprio alongside Matthew McConaughey and Jonah Hill, and is set to the crime/drama of the year!

His romances with other great and beautiful women have always been a media focus, and his love life has been followed very closely by both fans and the paparazzi alike. There was Emma Miller, a British model and socialite, Kristen Zang, Gisele Bundchen, Bar Refaeli and even Blake Lively and Erin Heatherton. Who he is currently dating, and what else is in store for Leo is anyone’s guess, although we are sure it will make headline news!

 69. Ian Somerhalder

Ian Somerhalder 1

Ian Somerhalder is perhaps better known for his role in The Vampire Diaries, playing the unforgettable Damon Salvatore. He has tried his hands at films for 2013, with Caught on Tape being released in the early stages of 2013, but on imdb.com, the film was only rated as having 2.6 stars out of 10, which doesn’t seem to bode well. He has worked on a few films over the years, but it would seem that none of them hit the big stakes, and The Vampire Diaries is still his most successful venture to date.

Nina Dobrev, his co-star in The Vampire Diaries admitted that the two of them were dating in September of 2011, and it would seem that they are still living the dream together.

Ian Somerhalder  & Nina Dobrev

He might not be big in film for 2013, but his charity work sure says a lot about what he gets up to in his spare time. He helped with the big clean up after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill/disaster in 2010, and is a keep supporter of the St. Tammany Humane Society; hosting various bashes to help raise money. He also supports something called the It Gets Better Project, and he has also revealed that he will be founding the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, which was launched on December 8th, 2010, (this is his birthday, too!) and he has asked for fans to donate to the foundation in his honor and for occasions such as birthdays and Christmas.

70. Zac Efron

Zak Efron 1

Far from the young lad that we first met in High School Musical and the film 17 Again, it would seem that Zac has grown up into quite the handsome young guy! It was also seem that he has found his feet in the Hollywood world, especially when you consider the popularity of films such as The Lucky One, another film offering from the writer Nicholas Sparks, who was also the culprit behind The Notebook! (This gives you some idea of what kind of film The Lucky One is!) Nicholas Sparks is also the writer behind 2013’s romantic film – Safe Haven, which has just been released. Zac doesn’t star in this, but Josh Duhamel does!

Zak Efron - The Lucky One

Zachary David Alexander Efron was originally born California on October 18th, 1987, and thankfully shortened his mouthful of a name to Zac. In the early 2000’s, his acting career began and it would seem that he has flown from strength to strength to strength, from his roles on ER and The Guardian, right through to shows like NCIS, The Suite Life of Zac and Cody and of course, High School Musical, which has international success.

Zak Efron 2

Zac was with his High School Musical co-star Vanessa Hudgens from approximately 2007 to December 2010, but it would seem that he is currently on the market. If this wasn’t enough to get all the girls running, he was actually listed on the Forbes Celebrity 100 list in 2008, with an estimated earnings from June 2007-June 2008 being almost 6 million dollars. Single, hot and wealthy – could he be any hotter?

2013 is a good year for Zac Efron and he has a few films coming out. Are We Officially Dating? Will see him starring as Jason, a Manhattan bachelor, and Parkland will see him acting alongside Billy Bob Thornton. Hopefully there will be plenty of opportunities for us to check out Zac without his T-shirt on!

71. Charlie Hunnam

Charlie Hunnam 1

Another Brit rocking our socks off and we come to Charlie Hunnam, born 10th April, 1980 in Newcastle, England. He’s been known for a few TV shows – Queer as Folk and Undeclared, but it was his part of Jax Teller in the amazing US TV show, Sons of Anarchy that many of us fell in love with him. We certainly did!

Charlie is now dating jewelry designer, Morgana McNelis and has been since around 2007, but before that he has been linked romantically to a couple of girls, mostly Katharine Towne, whom he met when they both auditioned for Dawson’s Creek.

Charlie Hunnam 2

There are a few films in the future for this rough around the edges hottie. There is one scheduled to come out in 2013, and another one called Crimson Peak, but the release date for that hasn’t been announced yet.

The one that is due to come out this year is called Pacific Rim and will see Charlie Hunnan playing the part of Raleigh Becket, and will see him playing alongside SOA co-star Ron Perlman. This sci-fi film will see Charlie battling against aliens – the boys are sure to love it! (And we get our eye-candy, right girls?)

72. Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr 2

Robert Downey Jr. has had his fair share of problems over the years, especially when you take a closer look at his battles with drugs and alcohol, and it was actually his drug addiction that caused the split of him and Sarah Jessica Parker, with whom he dated until 1991. He then married Deborah Falconer in 1992 and had a son with her, but again his battles with drugs and alcohol seemed to lead to their demise, alongside a whole host of other problems. It was 2001 that it all came to a head, and he ended up in rehab. He thankfully met Susan Levin, a producer, during the filming of Gothika, and they are still together now, living happily. He actually credits her for being responsible for being free of drugs since 2003!

Luckily, his turnaround seems to have lead to a pretty impressive Hollywood career, seeing Robert Downey Jr. starring in some of the biggest and best films EVER! Who can forget Iron Man or Due Date? (One of our writers met Robert Downey Jr. at the London Premiere of Due Date in Leicester Square and he was the perfect gentleman!!)

Robert Downey Jr 1

There’s only one film due to come out in 2013 for Robert Downey Jr., but there plenty more coming out for 2014 and 2015. Iron Man 3 will come out this year seeing Robert playing Tony Stark again, and in following years you will see him playing the voice of Gepetto in Pinocchio, The Judge and a second Avengers film. We are super excited for the third Iron Man, that’s for sure!

73. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp 1

No list of hot guys would be complete without Johnny Depp and he has developed quite the fan base over the years. Now a little older, it would appear that he attracts to such a wide range of women – from the youngest right through to the oldest. When you take a closer look at his career, you sure can understand why!

John Christopher Depp, AKA Johnny Depp was born June 9th, 1963. He shares a birthday with Number 67 on our list – Matt Bellamy of Muse. This Gemini has been linked romantically to a whole host of women over the years, but he seemed to be happy with Vanessa Paradis, who he has never married. Unfortunately, the two of them broke up in June of 2012, and he hasn’t been linked to anyone since. There is hope for us yet! He still plays the doting father to their two kids!

Johnny Depp 2

This guy is well known to be one of the most versatile guys in Hollywood and when you take a good look at some of the wide range of films he has starred in, you will see such a range of characters, it would almost seem impossible that he has played them all! There was Edward Scissorhands, of course, and his part of Captain Jack Sparrow in the hit Pirates of the Caribbean films. In actual fact, the fifth Pirates of the Carribean film is said to be out in 2015 – not long to go yet ladies! Oh and you can’t possible forget when he played Willy Wonka too! That sure was a shock for some girls out there!

Johnny Depp Willy Wonka

Luckily for us ladies, there are a few films set to be released over the next year or so with this Hollywood hottie in. The Lone Ranger will be out soon, and will see Johnny Depp playing a Native American warrior (we are sure he will be topless in some scenes!) and then Black Mass is said to be out next year. Lots of drooling time available for us, and if not, we’ll just throw our Blu-Ray of Pirates of the Caribbean on!

74. Christian Louboutin

Christian Louboutin 1

Now I know that this guy isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but to millions of women all over the world, he is like God! He makes the most beautiful shoes that most women can only ever dream of wearing, and his footwear has been flaunted by the likes of Victoria Beckham, Kim Kardashian, and plenty more red carpet A-Listers! It would seem that in order to be classed as part of Hollywood’s royalty, you need to own the right shoes, and these shoes are most definitely the way forward!

Christian Louboutin 2

You’ll know the shoes if you see them – they have the familiar red soles and signature autograph of Mr. Christian Louboutin himself. Take a quick peek online and you will see the most amazing range of both male and female shoes that he designs and lovingly creates.

Christian Louboutin 3

Born on January 7th, 1963, he has been active as a shoe designer since 1991, and has literally burst into the fashion world with shoes that may not be comfortable, but sure do look the part. It would be unfair of us to make a list of the Hottest Men in the World 2013 without mentioning the name of the one man that has the ability to make every woman feel a million dollars, just by getting a glimpse of these beautiful shoes.

75. Danny O’Donoghue

Danny O’Donoghue 1

Born October 3rd, 180, Danny O’Donoghue has had hearts fluttering all over the world for some time now. Lead singer of the Irish hit band, The Script, he has gone from strength to strength very quickly over the last few years, and now has a whole host of job titles to add to his extensive collection.

Not just a singer, Danny O’Donoghue is also a rapper and a song writer, and now even has TV presenter to add to the list with the British TV show The Voice making the number one spot. It would seem that his love life has been inspiration for a lot of the music that the band creates – it was the Breakeven video that saw Danny meeting the Lithuanian model, Irma Mali, with whom he was in a relationship with until 2012, when the couple had officially announced their split. It was reported that this break up was behind the massive hit song, Six Degrees of Separation that was released later in the same year. For now, he is back on the market! (YAY!)

Danny O’Donoghue 2

The good news for any Danny O’Donoghue or The Script fans is that they will be touring this year. For now it is just the UK they are hitting, but there are talks of a round the world tour coming soon! We will keep our fingers crossed. For now, have some eye candy!


So ladies, we have reached the end of Part C of our Hottest Men in the World 2013…. Watch this space for the final installment – the final 25 guys of the year. Until then, why not have a peek around the website and see what other good stuff you can find? Make sure that you check out PART A and PART B!

Continue to Part D >>>


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Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013 Part B http://www.herinterest.com/top-100-hottest-men-in-the-world-2013-part-b/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-100-hottest-men-in-the-world-2013-part-b/#comments Wed, 13 Mar 2013 01:45:10 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=1180

Following on from PART A – Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013, we have decided to bring you 25 of the world’s most desirable men right now! If you disagree with any that we have mentioned, please feel free to let us know why and don’t forget, if you haven’t seen your favorite on the list yet, we still have another 50 to go after this one – plenty of time for you to check out the eye-candy!

26. Shiloh Fernandez

Shiloh Fernandez 1

Have you seen the film Red Riding Hood? If you had, you will have noticed the rugged, slightly scruffy good looks offered by the likes of this relatively new Hollywood great. This is one of those actors where you aren’t sure of the name but the face sure does ring a bell, and it would seem that, with his very busy schedule of late, that his name is not something that we are likely to forget in a hurry.

Born February 26th, 1985, Shiloh Fernandez was born in California and was an American Apparel catalog model before making his screen debut in Cold Case. From there however, he seems to have gone from strength to strength, starring in TV shows such as Jake and Josh, Gossip Girl, CSI:NY and having a few films under his belt – Deadgirl, Red and Skateland, just to name but a few.

Shiloh Fernandez 2

With regards to his love life, it would seem as if Shiloh Fernandez were keeping his private life very much private. He was reported to have said that he was still very much in love with his high school sweetheart, even though they haven’t been dating the entire way through, and he has been romantically linked very recently (January 2013) to Shailene Woodley.

Shiloh, (reported to have been next in line for the part of Edward Cullen in the hit Twilight series) has been a busy boy recently and has a number of films set to be released in 2013. There’s The East, in which he stars alongside Alexander Skarsgård, Evil Dead, Syrup with Kellan Lutz, Deep Powder, and plenty more!

27. James Arthur

James Arthur 2

If you haven’t heard of this fabulous new singer on the scene, you have clearly been living under a rock. James Arthur, born March 2nd, 1988 first shot to massive super stardom when he won the British talent and singing contest, The X Factor. You may have heard his debut single – Impossible, which has hit the charts in a big way, all over the world. He, of course, got the well sought after Number One spot in the British charts, and has since gone on to sell over 1.4 million copies AND becoming the fastest and best selling single ever to be released from the TV show.

His love life has been just as mental as his super-fast beeline to fame. He has been spotted out and about with a massive number of “mystery” blondes and brunettes, partying the night away after his big win, and has even been romantically linked to a few bigger names as well – there was a few rumors flying around between him and Caroline Flack for a while, but as for his current love life status; it is anybody’s guess!

James Arthur 1

2013 will give us even more of this undeniably-rough-around-the-edges hottie – he will be touring, promoting his album, and releasing a few more singles, we are sure! That gives you plenty of time to recognize and learn all about this beautiful British man with his soulful and amazing British voice! And let’s be honest about this; what’s not to love? He has an amazing voice, a great stage presence, tattoos, piercings and bad-boy rock image!

28. Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner 1

Shall we just take a moment to bask in the beauty of this amazing hunk of a man! Come on girls, whether you were Team Edward or Team Jacob, you were always rooting for Taylor Lautner! That body, those eyes… phwoar!

Believe it or not, this Hollywood superstar still lives with his parents, choosing to pay more attention to his drug and alcohol-free life, and complex exercise regimes which keeps him with the buff body that we have come to know and love. Those abs don’t come for free, you know!

Taylor Lautner 2

Of course, you can’t be THAT hot and not have a few Hollywood links in the romance department. Both Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift have been linked romantically to Taylor, although any official statements never materialized.

Taylor Lautner 3

It was very sad news when the Twilight Saga finally came to a close – the movie theatres were full of crying girls, sad that the end of an era had come. And yes, we here at Herinterest were part of that crying crew! Don’t panic though ladies – there’s plenty more Taylor eye-candy heading our way with a couple of films that are set to be released in 2013. Grown Ups 2, for example, sees Taylor starring alongside Adam Sandler, Chris Rock and Kevin James. There is also a film called Tracers set to hit the silver screen, although final details of this has not yet been released.

29. Tom Burke

Tom Burke 1

Have you heard of Tom Burke? You will have known of him if you had ever seen the British film Donkey Punch, (which wasn’t all that great) and I Want Candy. If you have not heard of him, don’t fear; he’s doing plenty of silver screen work in 2013 to keep us entertained!

Tom Liam Benedict Burke was born in England in 1981, and is lucky enough to be able to call Alan Rickman his Godfather. His love life seems pretty quiet, although he’s rise to super stardom seems to have only just begun so there is plenty of time for the romance tables to turn! No doubt we will see him in the future linked to a number of his co-stars; that seems to be the norm with relatively new acting names….

Tom Burke 2

He has been incredibly busy over the last few years and has a serious number of films set to be released in the coming year. The Invisible Woman, for example, will star Tom Burke and Ralph Fiennes, The Hooligan Factory will see him starring alongside Craig Fairbrass and was written by Nick Nevern, and Only God Forgives, in which he stars alongside the undeniably hot Ryan Gosling. Who are we going to be lusting after more? Watch this space ladies….

30. Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt 1

You can’t compile a list of hot men without mentioning Brad Pitt at least once. He’s like George Clooney – one of the hottest men in Hollywood, has been for some time, and is sure to remain for many years yet!

Of course, we all know about his love life. There was Jennifer Aniston who it seemed he was happily married to until Angelina Jolie came along, starring alongside him in the massive film Mr. & Mrs. Smith. They are still together, reported to be married/getting married (no one really seems to know) and have a brood of kids; some of which have been adopted, and a couple of which are biological children of Angelina and Brad. And come on – he’s best friends with George Clooney. Now that is one dinner party that we would love to be invited to!

Brad Pitt 3

Coming back to the here and now and Brad has a lot going on in 2013. There’s Word War Z, Twelve Years a Slave, The Counselor, and the Voyage of Time, giving us lucky ladies plenty of time to see some of the hottest eye candy going. Not only that but he is the front man for the newest commercial for the hit perfume for women, Chanel Number 5. It would appear that he is going to be everywhere, not that we mind. He may belong to Angelina, but we can still have him in our thoughts, right women?

Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie

31. Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox 1

The American actor, Matthew Chandler Fox, was originally born on July 14th, 1966 and is perhaps better known for his role on the hit TV show Lost, where he plays Jack Shephard. This TV show hit the world in such a big way that it would be impossible to not know about this guy, or at least have seen his face around! Of course, it might even be Party of Five that you first remember spotting this face – he played Charlie Salinger!

It would seem that Matthew is trying his hand at a spot of the silver screen acting now though; he is set to star in one of 2013 anticipated biggest films – World War Z, where he will star alongside Hollywood greats such as Brad Pitt!

Matthew Fox Lost

Matthew Fox is a family man, usually, but he does have a darker side that seems to have come out of late. For example, there was an allegation in the later part of 2011 where it was reported that he had punched a female photographer in the chest, but no charges were bought and a civil suit soon followed. However, in 2012, he was arrested for driving under the influence, and he admitted to this.

When he is not getting himself into trouble, Matthew Fox is a doting husband to Marherita Ronchi, who he married in 1992, and he is also a loving father to two kids – a boy and a girl. It’s like the perfect little family! He’s a keen photographer too, and even had a bonus disc released with one of the Lost series’ of his photos of the crew and cast!

32. Tobey Maguire

Tobey Maguire 1

When we think of Tobey Maguire, we automatically think back to that scene in Spiderman where he upside-down-kissed Kirsten Dunst! He was very hot in that film, right ladies? And you can’t forget about the unforgettable cuteness that was Lou the Beagle from the film Cats & Dogs – Tobey Maguire actually played his voice. He sure has had his fair share of hit films over the years too!

Looking forward into 2013 for Tobey and it would appear that he has most definitely been working hard! There’s a few films set to be released – The Great Gatsby, for example, is due out in 2013 and will see Tobey starring besides Leonard DiCaprio and Isla Fisher. You will also see Tobey in Labor Day, and even a couple of movies that are to be released in 2014.

It gets better with Tobey Maguire – he has been a vegetarian since 1992 and in 2009, he went the whole hog (excuse the pun!) and became a vegan. In fact, it was in 2002 that saw Tobey winning the award for Sexiest Vegetarian, as award by PETA.

Tobey Maguire & Child

He had a brief romance, if the rumors were to be believed, with Kristen Dunst, but in 2003 he met Jennifer Meyer, and they got married in 2006. They now have two kids and are married, living the Hollywood Happy Ever After! There’s nothing cuter than a vegan, family man! Especially when he is Spiderman too!

33. Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal 1

Jake Gyllenhaal is a man of many faces, and has also played some pretty diverse roles over the last few years. We couldn’t forget his odd and slightly demented character in the hit film Donnie Darko, and he also crossed some boundaries, creating quite the stir with the gay scene in the thought-provoking film Brokeback Mountain. If you haven’t seen it, it’s definitely one of those films that you should definitely watch. This film definitely showed new sides of Jake; something that has helped him on his way to being one of Hollywood’s Greats! Especially when you combine those characters with those found in films such as The Day After Tomorrow, Jarhead and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.

Jake Gyllenhaal Brokeback Mountain

In true Jake Gyllenhaal fashion, there are some films coming out for 2013 which carry on with the theme of diverse randomness. For example, he will be starring in a film called An Enemy in which he plays a man looking for his doppelganger after seeing him in a film he had seen, and also a film called Prisoners, starring alongside super-hot Hugh Jackman.

Jake Gyllenhaal 2

Kristen Dunst was also linked romantically to Jake Gyllenhaal, and he also dated Hollywood sweetheart, Reese Witherspoon for a couple of years 2007-2009. He also briefly dated Taylor Swift (who hasn’t?) for a few months 2010-2011. It would appear ladies, that Jake Gyllenhaal is back on the market…..

34. Ryan Tedder

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Coming away from the Hollywood for a moment, we are going to have a closer look at some of the super cute guys in music! Ryan Benjamin Tedder, lead singer of the fabulous band OneRepublic, was born June 26, 1979 and has some pretty fantastic hidden talents that he should most definitely boast about!

Ryan Tedder 2

Did you know that Ryan Tedder was also a hit music writer as well as a singer? He has created some of the biggest and best songs out there for stars such as Adele, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Leona Lewis, Maroon 5 and even The Wanted! Now that’s impressive, time for some eye-candy!

Ryan Tedder 1

Not only can this man write music, and sing about it beautifully, but he’s a loving family man, and has a little boy who was born in 2010! When you combine that with his boyish good looks and impeccable scruffy-chic style, you certainly have a match made in heaven.

To boast about his talents some more and he became involved in the Hollywood restaurant Southern Hospitality, with Justin Timberlake, in 2007. This restaurant has now become a mini-chain, and a second location has now been opened! There are actually plans to have in ten cities – maybe we need to keep our eyes opened?

Over the next few months, you are going to see Ryan Tedder quite a bit as there is a new album coming out. It gives the ladies out there even more chances to see his beautiful baby faced charms!

35. Joseph Gordon-Levitt

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It would appear that Joseph Gordon-Levitt has been somewhat of a super star for most of his life so far. With his appearance in his TV series Third Rock from the Sun, as well as films like 10 Things I Hate About You with the sadly departed Heath Ledger, he certainly had something to offer the acting world, even from an early age. His career has just flown from strength to strength with some pretty impressive films under his belt – (500) Days of summer, Inception, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, Looper and The Lookout, and it would seem that 2013 was going to be no exception.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt 2

With stars such as Scarlett Johansson and Julianne Moore, Don Jon is set to be THE comedy of 2013, and there is the much-anticipated Sin City: A Dame to Kill For which stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt along with Bruce Willis, (another of our Hottest Guys in 2013) Jessica Alba, Mickey Rourke, Jaime King, and Ray Liotta, amongst many others.

When it comes to Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s love life, it would appear that he keeps things very close to his chest. There were a few rumors going around about him and (500) Days of summer co-star Zooey Deschanel, but in an interview with Playboy Magazine, he stated “We’ve been friends for 10 years,” but there was no romance. Do we believe them ladies?

36. Shia La Beouf

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Shia La Beouf first hit our movie theatres in the film Holes in 2003 but it was his part in the Disney TV show Even Stevens for which he is possible better known. He has come a long way since then, however, and has been partly responsible for some the best films of this decade, including the legendary Transporters films which attracted popularity from the boys and girls alike, and saw the star playing alongside the always-stunning Megan Fox. It was also these films that sent him on his war to being a Hollywood hottie!

Shia La Beouf & Megan Fox

Born June 11th, 1986, the American actor has had a string of Hollywood actresses lusting after him, including his co-star of the Transformers films (surprise, surprise) Megan Fox, although she was seeing her now-husband Brian Green at the time. He was also romantically linked with another actress, Isabel Lucas, while she was dating someone else. Other lucky ladies that have been rumored to be attached to this Hollywood hottie include China Brezner and Carey Mulligan.

Shia La Beouf 1

Shia La Beouf will be hitting our screens in a couple of films over the course of 2013 – The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman, alongside Harry Potter legend Rubert Grint and also Nymphomaniac, who stars Stellan Skarsgård, the Father of True Blood hottie Alexander Skarsgård.

37. George Eads

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Are you a fan of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation? If you were then you will already know why this hot TV star is on the list. George Eads plays the undeniably sexy Nick Stokes in the hit TV show that has made it big all over the globe. He worked on a few made-for television films at the same time as this that you may wish to take a look at, including Evel Knievel and Monte Walsh. There was also a spot on ER!

George Eads 2

There is a thriller coming out in 2013 called Gunshot Straight starring George Eads alongside other TV stars such as AnnaLynne McCord with Vinnie Jones, Steven Seagal and Stephen Lang too! There is also the new series of Young Justice, running now for three years.

George Eads 3

Rumors have been circling for some time now that George Eads, born in Texas on March 1st, 1967 is gay, or at the very least bisexual, but as with most Hollywood rumors, these have yet to be proved or disproved. He is engaged to a long term girlfriend, Monika Casey, but as usual, those rumors keep resurfacing. The fact that he claimed that he and Ellen DeGeneres were “on the same side” when he went on her TV show, with everyone knowing that she was openly lesbian, certainly helped to fuel the fires.

38. Jason Statham

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This British hottie has tried his hand at many things over the years, and seems to have been successful with all of them. He was a diver on the British National Diving Team and in the Championship competitions in 2002; he came 12th in the world! Pretty impressive, right? On top of that, he has been a black market salesman, a fashion model, and it would seem that he has now found his calling with acting.

Jason Statham 2

If you have followed Jason Statham throughout his acting career, you will already know that his debut acting role was as Bacon in the amazingly brilliant British Film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

From there, we have seen Jason in some of the best, fastest and most brilliant films including Snatch, in which Brad Pitt stars as an Irish gypsy (must be seen to be believed) the Transporters films, and the Crank duo. Also, there is the firm favorite of mine – Death Race!

There is a lot in store over 2013 for Jason Statham with a number of amazing films set to be released. Hummingbird sees Jason played an ex Special-Forces soldier who is homeless and living on the bad streets. Fast & Furious 6 sees Jason starring alongside the usual culprits for this series of films – Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson and Paul Walker, all of which you will see later on in this list! Yippee!

There are a few other films that you should keep your eye out for if you want to get a little fix of Jason Statham – Homefront and Heat, and the Expendables 3 is set to be released in 2014/15 too!

Jason Statham 3

Jason Statham has been lucky enough to get his hands on a couple of the hottest girls in the world. He was with British model-turned-actress Kelly Brook for around seven years, until it was reported that she had left him for Billy Zane. He has been with a Victoria’s Secret model, Rosie Huntington-Whitely since the beginning of 2012, and they are showing no signs of splitting yet…..

Jason Statham & Rosie H-W

39. Prince William

Prince William 1

Oh come on ladies – we all wanted to be the next princess; the new Mrs. Wales…. Prince William, the eldest of the two Princes, born William Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge, on June 21, 1982.

Alongside being a Prince, William has a few things to offer the average lady – he was educated in four of the best schools in the UK, spent a gap year in Chile, Belize, Tanzania and Kenya, and he still goes back there every now and again to have a vacation. He’s also in the Air Force, and all girls love a guy in uniform, right?

Unfortunately for us, Prince William has found his fairytale ever after, marrying his girlfriend Kate Middleton in April 2011, and BIG CONGRATULATIONS to the happy couple who have recently stated that they have having a baby. The current rumors are flying around that this baby will be a little princess, although this has not yet been proven to be true as yet. We wish this happy couple every ounce of happiness in their adventures coming forward! It’s exciting news for the British monarchy!

Prince William & Kate Middleton

Now we shall take a moment to swoon. Oh and remember his brother, Prince Harry, will be coming up soon!

40. Max Irons

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Have you seen Red Riding Hood? If you said yes, you may already have an inkling who Max Irons actually is. Yes, that’s right; he played Henry. You may also have recognized him from the 2009 film, Dorian Gray too. Let’s be honest, with good looks such as these, what’s not to notice?

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Maximilian Paul Diarmuid Irons, AKA Max Irons, was born in 1985 on October 17th, in Camden, London. He is the son of an actor (Jeremy Irons) and actress, (Sinead Cusack) so it was almost destined that he would follow in their footsteps.

Max seemed determined to keep acting as the main focus in his life when, in 2011, he started dating a fellow actress, Emily Browning. Unfortunately for him, (but lucky for us) it was reported that she had broken up with him in the summer of 2012 so that means he is back on the market for now. The bad news is that she broke up with him because he was too addicted to his work. I’m sure that’s something we can overlook, right girls?

Max Irons 3

His newfound single-dom seems to have lead the way for an impressive year of films for this British star. The Host is set to be released in 2013 with Diane Kruger, and is the latest novel-to-film from Twilight writer Stephanie Meyer.

There’s also a film in post-production called Vivaldi in which Max Irons will play Antonia Vivaldi, also starring Neve Campbell.

41. Sam Worthington

Sam Worthington 1

The Brits seem to be taking Hollywood by storm recently with a very sudden influx of hot men that women are lusting after like nothing else on earth. Sam Henry John Worthington, born 2nd August 1976, is just one of those chaps, especially after his appearance in the amazing film Avatar, and other great hits such as Clash of the Titans, Terminator Salvation and Wrath of the Titans. These may be “boy-films” but they sure provide the ladies with a fair bit of eye-candy. Seriously girls; you should give them a watch! Especially for this guy – he is just super cute!

Sam Worthington Clash of the Titans

With the eagerly awaited Avatar 2 said to be in the works, we hopefully shouldn’t have to wait too long before we get to spot this hottie on our screens again. Until then, there is a film released in 2013 called Drift which will star this British beauty and should give us the Sam-fix that we need.

He seems to have an on-off relationships with long-term girlfriend, Natalie Mark, with them breaking up in 2010 but recently photographed together in random locations. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors? We will keep a beady little eye on them and see where it goes. If he turns “officially” single, we’ll be the first to let you know!

42. Max George

Max George 1

Have you taken a look at that photo? He’s hot right? Well Max George is a British singer, front man of the band The Wanted, and is perhaps, one of the best looking blokes on the planet right now. His beautiful eyes and amazing voice has definitely helped him to create quite a fan base, and when you combine this with the handsome, chiseled good looks and the fact he is a former football player (he played for local British team Preston North End) you will be surprised to know that he actually shot to fame after his appearance on the UK hit TV show The X Factor. Originally Max had gone on with another band – Avenue, but they were banned because they had gone against the terms and conditions of appearing on the show and having a record deal with a label at the same time. It must have been fate however, as the band were noticed as The Wanted, (after a change around) and went on to get pretty big in the UK indeed!

The good news for us ladies; is that Max George is now single. He was with Michelle Keegan, (Coronation Street actress) and the couple had gotten engaged, but they have since broken off their engagement, amongst reports that he had cheated on her. You know those big kiss and tells that you get in the Sunday papers – that’s what happened with this super-gorgeous couple. They seemed to be on-off for a while, but for now it would appear that it is most definitely off.

Max George 2

2013 will allow us plenty of opportunities to ogle at this boy band beauty, especially with the release of The Wanted’s third album, Third Strike, which is set to be released in March. There is also a tour on the cards for the coming year – something we are all very excited about! Book your front row tickets now!

43. Chris Evans

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Not to be confused with the same British Chris Evans with his unruly ginger hair and his love of beer (radio DJ and old-school presenter), this Chris Evans is the Hollywood starlet that is known for his Captain America status – the film that made the ladies love him that little bit more. Think about it – you get your Chris Evans eye-candy time and your partner/boyfriend/best male friend gets his comic book fix. It all makes perfect sense.

Chris Evans - Captain America

Christopher Robert Evans was born in Massachusetts on June 13th, 1981, and already has some pretty impressive films under his belt. The Fantastic Four films, for example, were a huge success and showed Chris Evans as one of the lead roles. There was also Avengers Assemble, What’s Your Number, The Losers, Not Another Teen Movie and The Perfect Score.

His love life has been fairly dull compared to fellow Hollywood greats and goes as follows – 2007: he dated Minka Kelly. 2004: he dated Jessica Biel. 2006 – he broke up with Jessica Biel. 2012: he dates Minka Kelly again.

Chris Evans - Whats Your Number

2013 is going to be a very busy year for Chris Evans, with a number of films set to be released. A story of unrequited love will see Chris in the film A Many Splintered Thing, and there is the futuristic Snowpiercer soon to follow. 2014 will be the best year, however, as Captain America: The Winter Soldier is due to be released.

44. Eminem

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Well, what can we say about Eminem? (Aside from the fact that we love him!)His badass image that he has portrayed well over the years soon had women lusting after him, especially when he played the doting father and the wrongly-done husband at the same time. Despite all his troubles with drugs, alcohol, anger, family dramas and many more things; he still seemed to have the ladies fawning, with more than one wanting to look after him and protect him from his difficulties.

Marshall Bruce Mathers III, born in Missouri on October 17th, 1972, had a difficult run of things with marriages, divorces, deaths, bad childhoods, and growing up in bad neighbors setting the path for some of the best rap songs we will ever hear. Drawing from his personal experiences has made him one of the biggest selling artists of our time, and his little exploration into acting certainly hasn’t hindered his progress, with the film Eight Mile, said to be about his life as an up and coming young rap artist.

Eminem - Eight Mile

2013 will finally bring about the much-anticipated eighth studio album, but the name is yet to be confirmed. One thing is for sure and that is it sure will be a fast seller so it might be worth pre-ordering this on iTunes!

Eminem 2

As far as his love life is currently standing, it’s difficult to know for sure. Kimberly Anne Scott was his wife twice (yes they divorced and remarried) and they have one biological child together, plus a whole bunch of other kids that Eminem has guardianship over, including Kimberley’s sister’s daughter. He has been linked to a number of other women over the years, including some rather bizarre reports of him dating Mariah Carey and her writing a song about him called “Obsessed” However you know what the celebrity rumor is like; what actually happened is anyone’s guess.

45. Matt Bomer

Matt Bomer 1

Matt Bomer is perhaps better known for his part as Neal Caffrey in the hit US TV show White Collar. Some of us might remember spotting him in the fabulous film for women Magic Mike. Let’s be honest though – Channing Tatum is half naked in a lot of that movie; noticing other people would have been fairly difficult. It would appear that this Hollywood hot-thing is going to be coming up on our screens a lot over 2013 so we here at Herinterest thought it would be in your interests to investigate further.

Matt Bomer 2

Matthew Staton Bomer, born in 1977 on October 11th, is a family man now, and has been with a publicist called Simon Halls, since coming out as openly gay in 2012, having three sons together. Two of these sons were surrogates for the family.

2011 CFDA Fashion Awards

Despite his hectic family live with three kids to care for, Matt Bomber has been a busy bee, with a number of films coming out in the next few months. He plays the part of Clark Kent in the eagerly await Superman: Unbound, as well as Space Station 76, a dramatic comedy that also stars Liv Tyler, Patrick Wilson and Marisa Coughlan, and Winter’s Tale is currently being filmed, starring other Hollywood stars such as Russell Crowe, Will Smith and Colin Farrell. It would seem that life is very good for Matt Bomer right now!

46. Olly Murs

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British and Essex cutie Olly Murs has a reputation for being a cheeky chappy and his cool and upbeat brand of music definitely lightens our spirits, right ladies? Oliver Stanley Murs, born May 14th, 1984, first found fame when he appeared on the hit British TV show The X Factor and was a runner up in 2009. From there, he has gone from strength to strength, leaving him with a couple of number one records so far.

In the very end of 2012, Olly Murs finally revealed he had a girlfriend, but it was early days. He is one of those celebrities that seem to keep their personal lives very much private, and this has worked in his favor, leaving him as the golden boy of UK pop.

Olly Murs 2

2013 will see Olly Murs on a UK tour that will take him up and down the country. This tour has already gotten him some pretty rave reviews and he seems to be heading his way into music history!

47. Jared Leto

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He’s a singer, a song-writer, a musician, a director, an actor and with his amazing blue eyes, is pretty much every girls dream! Jared Joseph Leto, born December 26th, 2971, has had some pretty big films to his name as well as budding music career with the great band 30 Seconds to Mars, in which he plays alongside his brother Shannon Leto.

You would have seen Jared in films including Requiem for a Dream in 2000, Lord of War alongside Nicholas Cage in 2005, Mr. Nobody in 2009 and Fight Club with Brad Pitt in 1999. Fight Club is now 14 years old – doesn’t the time just fly by!

For those of you that have missed his acting presence, he is coming back in 2013 with a new film called Dallas Buyers Club – a drama loosely based on the life of a womanizing, drug addict who had been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, which is bound to get opinions rolling. He will play alongside such acting greats as Jennifer Garner, Matthew McConaughey and more.

Jared Leto 2

Another vegan in the Hollywood world, Jared Leto once dated Cameron Diaz from 1999 to 2003 but it would seem that his love life had been somewhat quiet since then, with him choosing to focus on his film and music career.

48. Gerard Butler

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Let’s just take a moment to amaze and adore that beautiful man in the picture! Gerard James Butler sure is a hottie in the Hollywood world and has a pretty intense female fan following, with girls lusting after his rugged good looks and beautiful Scottish accent.

It was films like P.S. I Love You and The Phantom of the Opera in 2004 that first made him a big hit with the ladies. He soon after became a massive hit with the men too, with amazing films such as 300, How to Train your Dragon, RocknRolla and Law Abiding Citizen; the latter being one of the cleverest films we’ve ever seen here at Herinterest!

Gerard Butler 2

Gerard Butler has been fairly open about his difficult relationship with alcohol, and recently underwent treatment for a dependency to pain-killers, much like plenty of other celebrities in famous-land.

His love life seems to have been kept under wraps for the most part, but revelations have recently come out that he was once sexually linked to Real Housewife of Beverly Hills star Brandi Glanville, although he claimed to not know her name at the time of the event. He does have a reputation for being a bit of a ladies’ man and all of his co-workers report him to be one of the most charming men they have ever met, which surely can only work in his favor? He claims his favorite lady in his life is his pooch – Lolita, which of course, instantly makes us want him more.

Gerard Butler 3

2013 is going to be a good one for Gerard Butler, with a few films set to be released. Movie 43, for example, sees him playing a leprechaun. Olympus Has Fallen is also coming out with a whole host of other stars including Morgan Freeman and Aaron Eckhart, and the second How to Train your Dragon movie is set to be released in 2014!

49. Prince Harry

Prince Harry 1

One Prince is down (Prince William) and there is now only one more single Prince left – Henry Charles Albert David, born 15th September, 1984.

This Prince was always the bad boy and has been in the press a lot over the years for his bad behavior, which is perhaps what makes him the center of attraction with the ladies. For example, when he was 19 he was caught smoking weed at a party in which his under-age friends were drinking too. He was always lashing out at photographers and getting into shouting matches with them, and caused quite the stir when he wore a Nazi themed fancy dress outfit for a party, although an official apology for this was later made. All of these things, plus his touseled strawberry-blonde hair just makes the girls lust after him even more, and with his keen sporty ways, he would seem to be quite the catch.

It was just last year in August that Prince Harry was photographed partying naked with blonde mystery girls, and again, another Royal scandal was born. It seems hi love life is relatively stable however – he was with Chelsy Davy for quite a while but publicly proclaimed himself to be single and on the market again in 2011 – good news for us eh, ladies?

50. Will.I.am

Will I am

What’s not to love about Will.I.am? He’s super cool, has a fabulous style, recently released a great pop/dance song with Britney Spears, is best friends with Cheryl Cole and is one of the most successful singers, song-writers, voice actors, record producers and recording artists in the world. Known better for his role in the massive band The Black Eyed Peas, he has released four solo albums, and has made his mark in music history, winning a number of awards.

He has worked with a pretty impressive number of artists over the years including Michael Jackson (RIP) who he claims was one of his biggest inspirations, Justin Bieber, Britney Spears, the Game, Nicki Minaj and Justin Timberlake.

Will I am & Rita Ora & Harry Styles

William James Adams, (his real name) was born in California on March 15th, 1979. Currently singer, he has been linked with a number of our favorite celebrities. He dated band member Fergie for a while, apparently hooked up with fellow singer Nicole Scherzinger, Tila Tequila was apparently an interest for a while, and even Natalie Imbruglia has been named.

2013 is going to be busy for Will.I.am with another series of The Voice hitting the UK screens. He also has a new album set to be released this month called #willpower so expect to see him promoting this around the globe with his fascinating wardrobe choices and funky style!

Don’t worry ladies – that’s all we have time for right now but we will be back soon with the next installment of the Hottest Guys of 2013 – there are many more delights to come, we promise you! In the meantime, why not have a browse around the site and see what other super cool stuff you can find!

Continue to Part C >>>

Photos funkily found on Pinterest.com & Weheartit,.com!


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Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013 Part A http://www.herinterest.com/top-100-hottest-men-in-the-world-2013-part-a/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-100-hottest-men-in-the-world-2013-part-a/#comments Sat, 09 Mar 2013 19:05:18 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=1065

Hollywood is great for giving us ladies the hottest, sexiest, most desirable men in the planet. From the older gentleman to the younger kids with “swag”; there is a man out there to suit every taste, and with more and more talent coming about every year, it would be impossible to list them all. We can, of course, give you the top 100 hottest men in the world 2013 however, and may we suggest that you buckle your seat belts, grab yourself a drink and settle yourself in the for long haul… This could get steamy!

We did attempt to put these in order of preference but it was just too difficult so in no particular order….. (Just as a last minute note, we are about to show you pictures of the 100 hottest men in the world!)

[ Read : 100 Hottest TV Actors 2013-2014 ]

1.       Adam Levine


Adam Noah Levine was born on March 18, 1979 in LA meaning that he already had celebrity blood pulsing through his veins. This Pisces hottie is well known for his role as the lead singer with the band Maroon 5, and has an amazing body to boot. His rough, bad-boy image is thrown out there with his scruffy, disheveled hair and plentiful “ink”, and his near-naked shoot for The Icons Issue of 7 Hollywood Magazine has just shown off the world how hot this guy really is. We would just like to clarify that we don’t just love Adam Levine for his figure; we love him for his voice too. You’ve heard “Payphone” right?


Currently in a relationship with Victoria’s Secret model Behati Prinsloo, he seems to have a thing for these gorgeous ladies. He has only been with Prinsloo since June 2012, but just a few months before that he was dating yet another Victoria’s Secret model, Anne Vyalitsyna. He has a reputation for being somewhat of an idiot to the ladies, but when you consider that Anne broke up with Adam very publicly in a press release, you can understand why he felt the need to sleep with one of her friends and colleagues….

In 2013, you will see Adam Levine on the fourth season of The Voice, touring with his band Maroon 5 who have said that they are playing over thirty different tour dates in just four months, and releasing his own celebrity fragrance! Who wouldn’t want their man to smell like Adam Levine?!


Adam Levine has also joined ranks with some of the many singers out there that have tried their hand at acting – he is said to star alongside Keira Knightly and Mark Ruffalo in Can a Song Save your Life?

2.       Robert Pattinson


Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson was born in London on May 13, 1986. A keen musician from an early age, this Taurus soon ventured into acting, until he hit gold with his role as Cedric Diggory in 2005’s Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. From then, he has hit strength to strength, becoming internationally famous for his role as Edward in the hit Twilight series, and alongside his great film roles, his love life has always made him center stage.


It was his “are they, aren’t they?” relationship with fellow Twi-star, Kristen Stewart that first kept him in the limelight. They neither agreed nor disagreed the allegations until much later on and although they have had their ups and downs, especially with Kristen’s alleged affair with director of her film Snow White and the Huntsman, Rupert Sanders; it would appear that they are still on – sorry ladies!


In 2013, you will see R-Patz in a number of films that are currently in production. He will play alongside Guy Pearce in The Rover, as well as starring alongside Rachel Weisz in Maps to the Stars. You could also keep an eye out for his music, which he seems to do on the down-low – you can check out YouTube for a sampling of his beautiful, yet deep voice.

3.       Nicholas Hoult


Just a baby, Nicholas Hoult is perhaps better known for his role in the hit British film About a Boy. Born in Berkshire, England on December 7th, 1989, this Sagittarius is said to be in a number of films in the coming year, including Warm Bodies, alongside film great John Malkovich and hottie Dave Franco. Also due to be released soon is Jack the Giant Slayer, in which he plays the lead role of Jack alongside Ewan McGregor and Stanley Tucci.


Hoult was with Silver Linings Playbook star Jennifer Lawrence for quite a while, and there was rumoured to be an “issue” with them coming face to face for the first time on the red carpet at the BAFTA’s (2013) since their split. There was no such drama however, and it would seem that the pair was even more grown up than some of their older acting friends, who can’t seem to manage the same dignity. As it stands, it would that the cute Warm Bodies star is single – form an orderly queue ladies!


4.       George Clooney


No “Hottest Men” list would be complete without older silver fox, George Timothy Clooney who has seemed to be out of the limelight for a while now. His love life has kept him in the media just as much as his movies  – he was once married to actress Talia Balsalm for a brief spell in the late 80’s/early 90’s, but since then has been linked with a string of starlets. Lisa Snowdon, Sarah Larson, Elisabetta Canalis and even Kelly Preston have been on his hit list since then, alongside Renee Zellweger, Krista Allen, and Celine Balitran.

Born in Kentucky on May 6th, 1961, this Taurus has certainly been busy with his crazy love life and busy filming schedules. Not only that but his political activism and place as United Nations Messenger of Peace has kept him busy (and hot in our eyes) and when he’s not doing all of this, he is being best friends to hot Hollywood couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and playing with their kids; something he is often papped doing.

There are a couple of films in the pipeline for this aging hottie in 2013, including Gravity in which he stars alongside Sandra Bullock, and The Monuments Men, in which he stars alongside a whole host of beautiful men, including Daniel Craig and Matt Damon, and even Hollywood beauty Cate Blanchett.


As it stands, (from the end of 2012 at least) it would seem that Clooney is still dating Stacy Keibler, despite allegations that they had split. The former professional wrestler/model/actress has been with him for a little over a year now, and it would seem that they are still going strong. Although with Clooney, Hollywood’s most eligible bachelor, that could change at any moment!

5.       Henry Cavill


You may not know an awful lot about this guy, but don’t worry; we can fill you in! Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill was born in Jersey, (Channel Islands) on May 5, 1983. Brits will know him a little better from his role as Charles Brandon in The Tudors, but those on the other side of the pond will hear of him soon with his up and coming role of Clark Kent-slash-Superman in the new 2013 film, Man of Steel.


So why’s he hot? Well every woman loves a guy with a British accent right? And his tall, dark and handsome part in The Tudors has certainly made him the talk of the town, and being in one of 2013’s guaranteed HIT movies sure isn’t going to hinder his Hollywood progress!


Unfortunately, for the ladies out there, Cavill has a brand new love interest. They made their debut as a couple at the Golden Globes, and have recently been seen out and about at the BAFTA’s. Yes, we are talking about Cavill with Gina Carano, an actress, fitness model, TV personality and formed mixed martial art Queen. Wow, this girl kicks butt! (Maybe even Superman’s!)

6.       Bradley Cooper


Well ladies, we’ve all heard of Bradley Cooper. He’s hot, he’s a little bit badass, and he looks super adorable with a pink carry cot and a pink diaper bag! That’s right; we come to the star of Hangover 1 & 2!

Originally born in Pennsylvania on January 5th, 1975, this Capricorn has been in his fair share of hit movies over recent years, and this probably has a lot to do with his amazing body, butter-wouldn’t-melt looks, and a charming personality that can clearly be seen in all of his roles. 2009 saw the star shoot to fame with the hit movie The Hangover in which he plays Phil; one of the lead characters. From then, things have gotten progressively better with his latest release, Silver Linings Playbook, starring alongside Hunger Games starlet, Jennifer Lawrence.

He has been linked to a string of women over recent years, starting from his short marriage in 2006-2007 to fellow actress Jennifer Esposito, to Zoe Saldana and Renee Zellweger. Who he is dating at the moment is anyone’s guess! Perhaps he is on his way to being like George Clooney – Hollywood’s most eligible bachelor?


He’s working hard at the moment, with a couple of films being set for release at various points of 2013. The eagerly awaited The Hangover Part 3 is on its way, as is Serena, where he will be starring alongside Jennifer Lawrence again. With her recent (ish) split from About a Boy star Nicholas Hoult, perhaps Lawrence is his next love story?


7.       Harry Styles

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Harry Edward Styles is one fifth of Britain’s hottest boy band right now – One Direction. Originally starting out in the hit TV show The X Factor, he was thrown together with the four other boys after a up-and-down start with the show, and the band has gone from strength to strength ever since, conquering first the UK and then the states. Well known for his husky, sexy voice and his floppy, curly brown hair, he has hearts racing from women of all ages, all over the world.

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Born on February 1st, 1994, this young Aquarius has been attached to a string of ladies over recent times, with the most recent being Taylor Swift, from whom he recently broke up with after a short relationship. Ever the gentlemen, he praised his ex-lover on her recent performance at the 2013 Brit Awards where they were both present. Before Taylor Swift however, there were links between him and Caroline Flack, and the model Cara Delevingne. It is the latter that he was recently seen partying with since his split from Taylor Swift…. I guess we should watch this space to see the newest chapter in this young star’s love life!

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2013 is going to be hotter than hot for this cute pop start. Hazza, as he is known to his friends, will no doubt be boosting his badass image by having even more tattoos to add to his already impressive collection, and with a documentary set to hit the silver screen called 1D3D, there is no sign of him slowing down at any point soon.

8.       Scott Disick

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You can’t talk about what’s hot right now without mentioning Scott Disick, Kourtney Kardashian’s partner. You will have seen him in the hot US TV shows, Keeping up With the Kardashian, Lord Disick: Lifestyles of a Lord, and Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami. In short, he’s a regular in any TV reality drama starring the beautiful Kardashians.

Born May 26, 1983, this Gemini isn’t exactly a celebrity in his own right. There have been many debates over the years as to whether or not he deserves celebrity status, but if you have ever watched any of the Kardashian shows, you will see how hilariously funny he is, and why he has such a huge fan following! Of course his beautiful blue eyes and romantic-style brown floppy hair sure adds to the appeal.

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For the ladies, however, there is disappointment. It would seem that Khloe and Scott are happily in love and with two children, certainly form the cutest family. You can still get your fix in 2013 though – there will be plenty of Kardashian drama to keep up with.

9.       Mark Wahlberg

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Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg has been around for many years in the hottest men lists and shows no sign of ever leaving the lists at any point soon. Born June 5th, 1971, the Gemini was the youngest of nine children and has been in his pick of the hit films over the years. Recently you would have seen him in the hit film The Fighter in 2010 where he produced it, as well as the recently released Ted, which has been a massive hit for the big children and older kids alike! 2013 has shown a lot of promise for this older hottie. A number of films are said to be in production including Broken City where he is again producing, Three Mississippi, Teamsters, The Missionary and many others that are set to be released over the next couple of years. It would be safe to say that this chiselled hot movie star is showing no signs of slowing down at any point soon.

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He was first attached to childhood actress Soleil Moon Frye in the early 90’s, but since then he has married a model – Rhea Durham. They started dating in 2001 and married in 2009, having four beautiful children together. It would seem that these two are still going strong; a rarity for anyone in Holywood limelight.

10.   Ryan Gosling

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Let’s just take a moment while we swoon over this beautiful creature! Ryan Gosling has gone from strength to strength over recent years, starring in some of the biggest and most romantic films around. There was The Notebook, which possible made women all over the world sit up and start listening. This film is sure to have your sobbing your heart out at the end, and if you haven’t seen it, it’s about time you did!

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Ryan Thomas Gosling, born 12th November 1980, is actually a Canadian star, and this Scorpio has been linked to a string of hot Hollywood tottie over the years. Sandra Bullock was the first on his hit list, perhaps having something to do with the film they both starred in – Murder by Numbers. Rachel McAdams was next on his list, with whom he starred besides in The Notebook. Despite describing the beautiful actress as the “love of his life”, they broke up after a two-year relationship, and since then he has been linked to another actress, Kat Dennings in 2009, Blake Lively in 2010, and then Olivia Wilde in 2011. He didn’t stop there though – he decided to get his beautiful hands on one more Hollywood star – Eva Mendes and the couple have been together since late 2011, with no signs of breaking up at any point soon. Sad news ladies!

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2013 is going to be just as hot as 2012 was for Ryan Gosling. We had The Ides of March in 2012, as well as Crazy, Stupid, Love in 2011, and coming up soon for the hot Hollywood heart throb is a number of films. Only God Forgives is set to be released this year where he will star alongside Kristen Scott Thomas and Tom Burke, but this will more than likely have a few girls screaming as they watch Ryan battered in a boxing-gangster style film. He is also set to star in Gangster Squad with Sean Penn and Emma Stone yet again; perhaps another romance is set to be on the cards between him and Emma Stone?

10. Chace Crawford

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Christopher Chace Crawford, born in Texas on July 18th, 1985, is perhaps better known for his role in the hit US TV show Gossip Girl as Nate Archibold – the man that many a woman all over the world has fallen in love with. With his beautiful blue eyes and brown, floppy hair, it is no wonder how he managed to capture the hearts of so many females out there, and his badass side certainly helps to add to the effect. 2010 was a pretty bad year for the hottie – he was arrested for being in possession of marijuana.

Over the years, Chace has been linked to a string of women, including starting rumors that he was dating Kelly Osborne. In September 2010 however, Kelly squashed these rumors, saying the hints of their romance were not true.

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It was rumored that Chace was dating a model by the name of Jennifer Akerman, the sister of the actor Malin Akerman who starred in Watchmen in early 2010. Other female celeb followers/exes include Shauna Sand and Ashley Greene (they were caught “making out” in 2009). There have been no serious mentions of a girlfriend, however, since his Hottest Bachelor list of 2009, on which he was listed.

Although no definite plans, there is a show in pre-production that Chace is going to be the leading role in, named Responsible Adults – a romantic comedy, in which Katie Holmes is also said to be starring in. With her recent split from Tom Cruise, I guess we should say watch this space, ladies…

11. Tom Hardy

"Inception" Premiere

Ladies, can we please just take a minute to say “Mmmmmmmm!” This absolute hunk is possibly one of the hottest things to ever come from the UK! Born Edward Thomas “Tom” Hardy on September 15th, 1977, he first shot to massive fame after becoming the villain in the hit film The Dark Knight Rises.

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He has had an up-and-down life over his relatively short years. He was married in 1999 to Sarah Ward, but they soon divorced just five years later. He has had a pretty aggressive sounding past too – he suffered with addictions to alcohol and crack-cocaine but has been clean now for almost ten years. He had a beautiful baby boy with his then-girlfriend Rachael Speed, but met Charlotte Riley during his filming of The Take and Wuthering Heights, proposing to her in 2010.

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Tom Hardy has a busy couple of years coming up – over the course of 2013 and 2014, you are going to see this hottie in a fair few productions. Mad Max: Fury Road, for example, is due out soon and Tom is said to be starring alongside such greats as Charlize Theron and Nicholas Hoult. You’ll also spot him in coming films Everest and Locke, as well as Child 44 which has a release date of 2015.

Now for a couple of beautiful photos of him. You know… Just because we can!

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12. Justin Timberlake

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Well, well, well. Justin Timberlake. We all know what this singer come actor has had going on in his life love over the years. Justin Randall Timberlake, born January 31st, 1981, first hit to fame with the American boy group N-Sync. It was during this time that he started his very high profile relationship with fellow star from the Mickey Mouse Club, Britney Spears. It was his public breakdown of this relationship that actually led to his biggest rise to fame. The early 2002 split gave him the inspiration he needed to write his very massive song Cry Me a River, from his very popular album, Justified.

Justin Timberlake & Britney Spears

Since the Britney split, he has been linked to some of the hottest women in the world. He and Cameron Diaz, for example, met at a kids award show in 2003, and it was in late 2006/early 2007 that their official statement came out saying that they had officially broken up. This break up was reportedly down to the fact that JT had been having a secret fling with actress Scarlett Johannson.

In January 2007, JT and Jessica Biel were apparently together and stayed that way for four years when they broke up for a brief spell. They got married in October 2012 and seem to be experiencing their happy ever after…

Tom Ford - Front Row - LFW F/W 2013

Don’t worry though ladies, you are still going to be seeing Justin around. He performed recently at the Grammy awards with the new song – Suit and Tie. This points us in the right direction to a new album due to be released soon, which means plenty of promotion for this newly married man, and more chances for us to spot his beautiful face on TV!

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14. Robert Buckley

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Robert Earl Buckley, born 2nd May, 1981 in California, is best known for his role in the hit TV shows One Tree Hill and Lipstick Jungle. Recently, he has been advertised to be starring in a new show, set to hit the top of the ratings charts, called 666 Park Avenue – keep your eyes peeled girls!

Robert has had a relatively successful love life for someone so popular, and his slightly rough round the edges appeal has made him a big hit with the ladies. Unfortunately for us, he has been happily going along with his girlfriend Jena Sims since 2011. Jena is not only an actress, but a beauty queen as well…. We have no chance!

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In 2013, you should definitely keep your eyes peeled for Robert. As we have mentioned, he is going to be starring in a new show that is set to hit our screens soon called 666 Park Avenue.

15. Bruce Willis

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Bruce Willis is getting a bit older now but still has the same dashing good lucks that made many of us girlies falling in love with them all those years ago. We couldn’t make a list of 2013 hottest men without at least mentioning him – he has been a very busy boy recently, and has a string of new films coming out over the next year!

Born March 19th, 1955, his TV career first kicked off in the 80’s. However, since then he has gone from strength to strength and definitely made a point of becoming one of Hollywood’s Greats! You have the Die Hard series in which he played John McClane, 1994’s Pulp Fiction, 1998’s Armageddon, and 2005’s Sin City that really made him stand out as one of the hottest in Hollywood.

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Many remember Bruce as one half of Hollywood’s once power couple, alongside Demi Moore. They were married for 13 years and had three daughters, but their relationship came to an odd and abrupt end, with no real reason given for the public statement that they had split.

After Demi, Bruce had a 10 month relationship with actress Brooke Burns, to which he become engaged for a brief spell. Following Brooke, he married a model called Emma Heming in 2009, and they have since had another daughter together and seem to be living the new-parent dream!

Bruce willis & Daughter

Despite his manic life at the moment with a newborn daughter to take care of, Bruce has somehow found the time to make what seems like a hundred movies that are due to be released over 2013-2014. There’s another Die Hard coming – A Good Day to Die Hard, plus G.I. Joe: Retaliation in which he plays alongside Channing Tatum and Dwayne Johnson. Can we get a hell yeah! We also have Red 2 and a new Sin City coming out in the next twelve months so we have plenty of opportunity to drool over one of Hollywood’s older hot men!

16. Russell Brand

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Russell Brand has that odd kind of hot going on that you don’t really understand, right? However, everyone loves a bad boy and this British actor/writer/comedian, born June 4th, 1975, has certainly lived up to this image. Known from being a total ladies man, even his marriage to one of the hottest women in the world couldn’t tame him. He married Katy Perry, American singer and songwriter, in 2010 in a seemingly odd Hindu ceremony. The marriage only lasted 14 months, however, and Brand has since been attached to an impressive number of women since, just as always.

Russell Brand & Katy Perry

Not only is he a bad boy in love, Russell Brand has been dealt with some pretty shocking personal lows over the years. A self-confessed sex and heroin addict, Brand is also now a recovering alcoholic, and as you can image, his lifestyle once fit in well with these bad personal choices, with excessive partying and making a fool of himself, if the tabloids are to be believed. He is now reported to be clean and healthy, leading a spiritual life that seems to have done him well, starring in many hit films such as Arthur and Get Him to the Greek.

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There are a few films coming up that star the infamous Russell Brand, (thank God eh ladies?). Due out in 2013, Paradise is a film about survival after a plane crash and sees Brand starring alongside the hotter than hot Julianne Hough and Holly Hunter. He is also the voice of one of the great characters in the second Despicable Me film – Despicable Me 2, and there are a couple more films that are in pre-production that are said to star this British crazy man. Plenty of chances to get a peek at this still-single British hottie!

17. Zachary Quinto

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If you don’t consider yourself to be a “Nerd” then you may not know who Zachary Quinto is. If you have seen the recent 2009 film Star Trek, you will know exactly who we are talking to…. Spock!

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Born June 2nd, 1977, Quinto is perhaps not every ladies cup of tea but for those in the somewhat geekier world of science-fiction, this guy is a super cute nerd! Unfortunately for us ladies, Quinto is gay. He came out in the later part of 2011 and is in a relationship with a fellow actor, Jonathon Groffa, a great stage actor.

There’s quite a bit coming up in 2013 for Zachary Quinto – he will still be starring in the US show American Horror Story, and he will also be playing Spock a couple more times – first in the Star Trek game, and then in the predicted to be massive film Star Trek into Darkness. There is also another film called The Invitation that is said to be released later on in the coming year.

18. Ryan Kwanten

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Ladies – have you SEEN Ryan Kwanten in the hit US TV Show True Blood? In that show, he was nothing short of super hot, if not a bit stupid from time to time. An Australian actor, Ryan was born 28th November, 1976 in New South Wales, and if you had ever seen the Australian show Home and Away, you will have recognised him from there too. Oh and Australian magazine GQ made him their Man of The Year in 2010…. As if we needed another reason to adore him, right ladies?

The Sagittarius has been a busy boy of late, making some films that are predicted to be huge. There’s Knights of a Badassdom, 7500 in which he stars alongside Amy Smart, Reach Me with Sylvester Stallone, Mystery Road and The Right Kind of Wrong. There is apparently a few films in pre-production also, making him a very busy boy indeed!

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It could be his love life that keeps him committed to his acting career, or rather the lack of one. He is apparently very unlike his role of Jason Stackhouse in real life – he has been linked to a couple of women over the years, but it would seem that he either doesn’t date that often, and if he does, he keeps it very close to his chest indeed. Maybe he’s just waiting for “the one”…. There’s hope for you yet, girls!

19. Matthew Morrison

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If you have been on Planet Earth recently, you’ll know who Matthew Morrison is by face, even if you didn’t know who he was by name. One of the biggest names in the hit US show Glee, he has been shot to super-stardom, and has become a firm favourite on many a girls hot-men wish-list!

Matthew Morrison & Glee

Still continuing to perform his ass off in the Glee TV show, he is also said to star in a live version of the show – Glee! Live at Radio City Music Hall in 2013.

Born on the 30th October, 1970, Matthew is just as well known for his fame in the stage show world as he is for the Glee show, and he has even been signed by the label that is owned by Adam Levine (Number 1 on our list and front man of hit American band Maroon 5) – 222 Records.

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Matthew Morrison is currently single (shock horror!) after his relationship with a fellow actress Chrishell Stause ended in 2007. They were engaged for a brief spell and the relationship seemed to end very abruptly. He’s still on the market girls – good news for us!

20. Chris Brown

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Oh Chris Brown…. everyone has an opinion on this guy! You can’t talk about Chris without at least mentioning Rihanna – it just makes sense for us to start our tale with this beautiful singer!

They first met in 2005 but it wasn’t until 2008 that they started to embark on a proper relationship. They had what looked like a lovely relationship until 2009, where everything went very wrong. A big argument turned into a case of what looked to be physical abuse – Chris Brown has apparently attacked Rihanna. There was a long and complicated court case but it seems that things have taken a turn for the better – Chris Brown sorted his act out (despite being caught fighting with Drake in a club in June 2012, where 8 people were injured, and then once again in January 2013 when he was once again apparently caught having an altercation with Frank Ocean over something as small as a parking space!) and just recently (January 2013) Rihanna and Chris proclaimed their love for each once again; stating that they were back together.

Chris Brown & Rihanna

You can’t deny that this singer/dance/songwriter is hot stuff, with his beautiful big white smile, his swag and his amazing dance moves. He is reported to have a new album out for release for 2013, and his dance songs are bound to be hitting the clubs over the summer months. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that things work out this time between Chris and Rihanna….

 21. Hugh Jackman

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With British parents but born in Australia, Hugh Jackman has become a firm favorite with the ladies over the past few years. Born October 12, 1968, Hugh shot to massive fame after he played the part of Wolverine in the hit movies X-Men. Of course, starring in Van Helsing hasn’t hurt his star-dom too much, and Real Steel and Les Miserables certainly helped to build a pretty impressive fan base. He’s old school handsome – tall, dark, hair, muscle-y and slightly older. Just a glimpse at this hot Hollywood actor has many pulses racing and with a figure like this, it’s hardly surprising:

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Unfortunately for us pining ladies, Hugh Jackman is a long term family man. In 1996 he married Deborra-Lee Furness, and they adopted two children after they suffered at the hands of two very sad miscarriages. The fact that he is a family man just makes us love him more, right ladies?

The good news is that Hugh is starring in quite a few films coming up over 2013 – Movie 43 will see Hugh starring alongside some serious Hollywood greats including Kristen Bell, Halle Berry, Emma Stone, Uma Thurman, Richard Gere, Kate Winslet and even Johnny Knoxville. The list doesn’t end there either – this movie has some serious stars in it!

2013 will also see Hugh Jackman starring as Wolverine again in the film The Wolverine. Prisoners is another 2013 film for Hugh and he will be starring alongside Jake Gyllenhaal, Terrence Howard and Mario Bello. Lots of Hugh-candy coming up ladies!

22. Josh Hutcherson

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Most of us will know Kentucky-born Josh Hutcherson from The Hunger Games film in which he short to super-stardom. You may also have recognized him in Bridge to Terabithia or Journey to the Center of The Earth. It might even have been Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant that first caught your eye. Whatever it was, you can’t deny – Josh Hutcherson is actually pretty cute!

His love life has been somewhat quiet for a Hollywood super star, and although Josh and Vanessa Hudgens briefly dated, they are now more like good friends than in a relationship, and they are often stated saying that they remained very good friends after they broke up. Since then, there have been very few rumors about his love life, which is good news for us as this possibly means that he is single!

2013 is going to be a very good year for Josh. There is the eagerly awaited The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. This series of films is set to be the next “Twilight” and from the money and publicity than the first film drummed up, you can see it heading in exactly that direction.

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That’s not all Josh is up to however; there are a few other films set to be released in 2013 which are worthy of a mention.

Epic is an animated movie from the same people that created Ice Age and Rio and will see Josh playing the voice of Nod. There’s a few other celebrity names in this film too – Beyonce is having a go, alongside Pitbull, Steven Tyler, Jason Sudeikis, Colin Farrell and many more.

Josh Hutcherson, Nylon Guys, October 1, 2009

23. Justin Bieber

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This name is going to cause a debate, that’s for sure. Some people think he belongs at the number one spot whereas others don’t believe he should be on this at all. Justin Bieber is like Marmite – you either love him or you hate him so for those of you that hate him, I’m sorry you had to see him here because I love him! I also love Marmite.

Justin Bieber is so hot because he is talented – anything that he has put his hand to, he has been successful at – he can dance, he can sing, he can write songs, he can act and ….. *drum roll please*….. he can solve a Rubix Cube. He’s smart!

Justin has been dating Selena Gomez for a while. They were first spotted together in February 2011 but they didn’t officially admit that they were dating until a few months later. They broke up for a brief spell (November 2012) after what was reported to have been two years of dating, and they had their fair share of relationship difficulties. Justin was reported to have fathered a baby with a fan, but it all turned out to be a huge, crazy publicity stunt, and it was proved that Justin wasn’t the father. They since have gotten back together again but in just January 2013, they had apparently broken up again.

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez

Despite his clean-cut image, Justin Bieber is a bit badass at heart. He is always getting himself into trouble for flipping out at photographers and going a bit nuts with the paparazzi. He has also been in trouble for speeding in his flashy, fast cars saying that he was trying to lose photographers.

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2013 will still Justin continuing with his “Believe” tour, and I’m sure, more paparazzi craziness as always. We should watch this space as far as his relationship status is concerned though… Justin – we know a few women who would love to date you if you guys DO break up for good!

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24. James Franco

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James Edward Franco, born in California on April 19, 1978, is one of the newest hotties on your screens and he has been a very busy boy lately! The list of films with his name in said to be released in 2013 is astounding and definitely awards this cute actor a place on the Hottest 100 Guys for 2013.

Most of us remember James Franco from the hit TV show Freaks and Geeks. For others it could be any one of the following award-winning films – 127 Hours, Pineapple Express, Rise of The Planet of The Apes, or even in the Spider-Man trilogy. One thing is for sure and that is the fact that he comes on keeping those women begging for more! He was even the face of Gucci’s new male fragrance back in 2008 so that just proves how right we are!

Franco’s love life seems to be relatively quiet compared to other Hollywood hotties out there. He was dating a fellow actress for five years – Marla Sokoloff, and after that he was linked to Ahna O’Reilly for a while but they broke up in the middle part of 2011 and he hasn’t really been sporting any other love interests since then. That means, for us adoring ladies; that he could still be on the market! Happy news all around!

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He has been a bit of a busy boy recently and has a number of films coming out in 2013 – he plays Hugh Hefner, King of the Bunnies, in Lovelace, due out soon, as well as Oz the Great and Powerful, Child of God, Homefront, This is the End, Black Dog, Red Dog and even a few films set for release in 2014 too! It is safe to say that his love life has taken a back seat because he has been focused on his film career, perhaps?

25. Tim McGraw

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I don’t know if you are a fan of cowboys, but here at Herinterest.com, we sure can’t manage a whole list of 100 hot men for 2013 and not mention this hot country-singing-cowboy! Samuel Timothy Smith, AKA Tim McGraw, born May 1st, 1967, has had some serious country hits over the years (he has sold over 40 million albums), making him one of the most successful artists out there. He has won awards galore(including three Grammys), stolen the hearts of ladies all over the world, and has even ventured into the world of acting from time to time, starring in films such as Four Christmases, The Blind Side and Friday Night Lights.

Unfortunately for us cowboy-lovin’ ladies, the lovely Tim McGraw is happily married to fellow country singer, Faith Hill and they aren’t showing any signs of breaking up anytime soon. However, for those of you that are a fan of this musical legend, here’s a bit of eye-candy to keep you going:

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So ladies, we have concluded the first part of our 4-part section of Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013! Keep your eyes peeled for the next part – Part B, and feel free to have a look around Herinterest at our other articles! We promise there will be much more eye-candy to come in Part B!

Photos lovingly stalked from Pinterest.com & Weheartit.com! So much eye-candy!

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