herinterest.com » how to make him jealous http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 10 Ways to Make Him Jealous http://www.herinterest.com/10-ways-to-make-him-jealous/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-ways-to-make-him-jealous/#comments Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:12:04 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14507

We have to admit: intentionally making someone jealous is kind of cruel, be we totally understand that sometimes jealousy is the only tactic that works. Sometimes people need a taste of their own medicine, or sometimes they just don’t react until it really affects them. Whatever your reasons are for wanting to make him jealous, here’s 10 easy ways to get his blood boiling.


1. Look Amazing

You know when you see your ex walking down the street, and they look 10 times hotter than when the two of you were dating? Suddenly you feel like maybe it wasn’t the best idea to break up with him over that stupid text message. You hated that feeling, right? So why not give it a shot!

If you want to make someone jealous, it is really as simple as that: look so good they regret the day the broke up with you, ignored your call, or just simply didn’t give you the time of day. Then when they realize your mistake you’ll be getting too much attention from everyone around you to even notice them. Now that’s some sweet payback you can enjoy!

Some great ideas to suddenly look better than you ever did before:

-Try eating healthier and following a regular exercise routine to shed a few pounds.

-Switch up your makeup. Maybe some romantic red lipstick would catch his eye?

-Get a new hairstyle or brand new hair color that pops. Maybe he’d be mad about missing out on a brand new blonde?

-Wear your most flattering clothes. That flirty skirt has never looked so good!


2. Act Like You Don’t Care

Human nature is so weird sometimes. I mean, why do we suddenly want something or someone more when we can’t have it or they don’t want us back? It’s so ridiculous, but that’s just the way it is.

Let’s say you’ve been trying to get his attention for some time. Every text you send or flirty comment you make is ignored and brushed off like it doesn’t matter. Have you tried doing the opposite? Don’t send him text messages, in fact, act like he doesn’t really exist. Try not to look at him, and when he comes up to talk to you act like it doesn’t really matter. A simple smile and a few short words before you have somewhere else to be. A little taste of his own medicine might realize what he lost.


3. Pretend to be Busy

So he finally decided he wants to hang out. After days of trying to set something up, he is finally free enough for you. Well you know what? Don’t jump on it- in fact, do the exact opposite: pretend YOU are the busy one. To make him even more jealous, keep your plans mysterious. Are you busy seeing someone else? He will never know!


4. Don’t Respond to Him Immediately

If you’re trying to make someone jealous, you can’t be needy. That’s a fact. So when he tries texting you or calling you, you definitely don’t want to respond right away. You should wait anywhere between 30 minutes and 4 hours, but any longer than that is just plain rude (and yes, that IS something we are trying to avoid). Unless you are actually busy doing something, we recommend a 30 minute wait to keep him on his toes. When you do finally respond, try to keep the conversation brief- tip number 5.


5. Keep Conversations Brief

This roots back to not being needy and keeping everything mysterious. You don’t want to seem like you have all the free time on your hands and never want to stop talking to him. Instead, make him jealous by not saying much and being very casual with him. Here is an idea of what we mean by keeping conversations brief.

What not to do:

Boy: Hey what’s up?

Girl: Oh my gosh, hi! How are you? I was just thinking about you. I’m just relaxing in my room. What are you doing? We should hang out soon!

What you should do:

Boy: Hey what’s up?

Girl: (Remember, at least 30 minutes later. If you’re really wanting to talk to him, 15 minutes is the absolute lowest amount of time to wait!) Hey, I’m just getting ready to head out. You? (Even if you’re just in your jammies at home, say something like that!)

Boy: Oh, doing anything fun? I’m just finishing up my lunch.

Girl: Yeah, it’s going to be a great night.

-Saying things like that makes him wonder what you are doing and WHY it’s going to be such a ‘great’ night. And yes, even if you’re just going to be at home in front of your television watching the X Files with a huge bowl of popcorn, you don’t want HIM to know that. Make him jealous with simple comments like that one!


6. Have a Great Time Without Him

When someone thinks that you need them, they think it’s impossible for you to have a good time without them. To kick this certain someone off their high horse and make them seething with jealousy, all you really need to do is have a great time without him. He won’t believe it. After all, you’re supposed to be lost without him, right? There’s no WAY you could enjoy yourself without his company. So go ahead and put on some heels, call up your gal pals, and have a night to remember- all without that certain guy you’re trying to make jealous.

If you want to make him a little more jealous, try adding some guy friends to your outing, or going on a one on one outing with a guy. Doesn’t have to be a date, just two friends hanging out. But remember- whether it’s one guy, two guys, or twelve, he will be incredibly jealous that all these men around you but he isn’t one of them.


7. Talk About Other Men

You know when you’re talking to a guy you like, and he keeps commenting about other females? Which ones he likes, which ones he thinks are pretty- hey, he even commented on how great that girl looks in her short shorts- RIGHT in front of you. Pretty irritating, right? Well, why not pull this same trick on the guy you’re trying to make jealous. After all, if it works on 99 percent of the rest of the population, why wouldn’t it work on him too? Remember to keep your comments smooth and natural, not obnoxious so you give it away that you are actually TRYING to make him mad. Some things you might consider saying:

-Slipping in that you hung out with a guy the other night and watched the movie he’s talking about.

-Mentioning how hot the singer looks in a certain band.

-Telling him to hold on so you can respond to a text message from this guy.

-‘Accidentally’ blurting out loud how muscular and handsome that guy looked in his tank top.


8. Flirt With Other Men

If he’s not getting the attention, someone else is- and that is bound to make him ferociously jealous. But with this tip, you need to be extra careful. You don’t want to take the flirting overboard and make it look like you’re a bit of a floozy. Just keep it simple and casual. Laugh with other men and touch their arm. Tell other men they look good in their shirts. Ask other guys if they’ve been working out. Nothing overboard, yet all comments that flatter another man other than the one you’re trying to make jealous.


9. Date Another Man

Ladies, let me warn you: this option can either go really bad, or really good. It all depends on the guy and how he will react to you dating another man. However, it is certainly the most extreme way to make someone else jealous and if he reacts in the way you want, then consider yourself lucky. This could go one of two ways:

-The first situation starts out like this. You want to make a guy jealous, and nothing seems to be working. You decide enough is enough and try to make him jealous by dating another man. The other guy gets overwhelmingly jealous and decides that it was a mistake to dump you or not pay attention to you in the first place. He decides he will do anything to get you back and take you away from your newfound lover. He comes to your window at night with guitar in hand, singing your favorite tune. He brings you a bouquet of roses and tells you how beautiful you are. After a week or two of some serious courting, the two of you decide to become a couple. And while you successfully got your dream guy, you left the other guy hanging. It’s a little messed up, but maybe he will understand.

-Second theory. There’s a guy who just recently dumped you or acts like you don’t even exist, despite your many times to get his attention. You think that the only way he’s going to react is if he sees you hand in hand with another man. So you go out and land yourself a good looking guy, and flaunt him everywhere- especially in front of the other guy. The only problem is, the other guy saw- multiple times- and has done nothing. In fact, he continues about his business like nothing even happens. And in that moment, you realize he doesn’t care. Maybe you didn’t get the guy of your dreams, but at least you found a man that likes you, right?


10. Use Social Media

Social media is a useful tool for an abundance of things. I mean, you can find your best friend from preschool, sell your brand new weight loss product, or create a cool horror movie fan club group where everyone shares their favorite scenes of the most gory films. So why not use it as a tool to get that guy jealous? You can use social media in so, so many different ways. Here are just a FEW awesome examples below.

-Post a hot picture. You know, the one you took before heading to the club last weekend. The one where you have the red miniskirt and crop top and your hair came out just oh-so-perfect? That’s the one!

-Post a picture of you and your friends having fun. Remember, you’re not supposed to be able to function without him, let alone have a great time.

-Post a picture of you and another guy- even if you’re just friends. How would this NOT make him jealous?

-Post a status about how great your night was, but keep the details mysterious. You might want to end your status update with a winking smiley face or something along those lines.

-Change your status to ‘In a Relationship’, even if you’re still single. At least that will get his attention right?

-Comment and like on another guy’s pictures and statuses; just don’t go overboard.

-If he decides to message you on the social media website, think of it as a text message and use the same rules listed above: brief conversations, keeping plans mysterious, and not responding immediately.


There, you have it. The top 10 ways to make a guy super jealous. And whadd’ya know, they’re all fairly simple tips, right? Look your best, have a great time (with and without other guys), and don’t act like he’s too important. You will probably have him in the palm of your hands before you know it.


Ladies, what are some tactics you have used to make a guy jealous? Did they work?


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