herinterest.com » how to http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 How To Make Your Breasts Grow http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-make-your-breasts-grow/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-make-your-breasts-grow/#comments Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:05:00 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11596

A lot of women have issues with their bodies and all too often that comes in the form of their breasts – namely that they’re too small, or so we all seem to think. Everyday countless women look in the mirror come to the conclusion that their breasts are too small and that, given a wish, they’d make them larger. For a lot of us cosmetic surgery simply isn’t an option meaning we can either suck it up and live with our downsized breasts or we can find a way to fix the problem naturally. Yes, I said naturally! believe it or not there are ways to make your breasts grow naturally, plumping them our making you all the happier for it. Before we dive right into these methods however, I’d like to put it out there that if you’re still going through puberty then you have no reason to feel down about your breasts. Chances are they’re still growing and given time will be all you hope for them to be. For those of you that doesn’t apply to, here’s fifteen ways to make your breasts grow…


1. Breast Enhancement Herbs


Yes, breast enhancement herbs do exist and they’re waiting for you at your local health store. There are lots of different herb mixes which are aimed specifically at females, targeting the health, nutrition and growth or areas such as your breasts. After just a few months of taking such herbs you should see a definite change in your breasts and you’ll likely feel healthier all around due to all the natural minerals your system is taking in. If you’re not sure what herbs to buy, you should always consult a shop assistant, chemist or doctor as they’ll be able to advise you what will help you and of anything that may harm you.


2. Natural Breast Creams


You can buy lots of different creams which claim to make your breasts grow, giving you fantastic results. Sounds good, right? Well I’ve done some research on the effectiveness of such creams and I’m afraid I have to tell you that not all of them do what they say on the tin. However while these creams may not be able to increase your cup size I’ve found that they’re great for firming, tightening and lifting your breasts so they look and feel fuller without having actually grown. It may not be exactly what you asked for but that to me is a pretty neat trick that’s well worth a try.


3. Massage Them!


Rumour has it that if you massage your breasts on a daily basis this can stimulate tissue growth, thus resulting in your breasts enlarging. It just takes a quick minute while you’re in the shower, in bed or anywhere else for that matter. Don’t be embarrassed about it either, they’re your breasts to what you want with!


4. Exercise


Not all exercises are bound to make you lose weight and deflate your breasts, in fact there are plenty of exercises that are specifically designed for plumping up your pecks. The majority of these are weight bearing exercises so your breasts will turn into a plump handful of muscle, filling them out. Chest presses and pushups are especially good for gaining these results. If you’re not sure what other exercises will help your cause then try doing a bit of research on the subject or you could always visit a personal trainer, you might even get some other handy tips while you’re doing so.


5. Eat Right


While you should be eating a well rounded diet anyway, be sure you get lots of protein as this will help you build muscle through exercising. Eating lots of lean meat, fish, peanut butter and veg will keep your body in tip top condition while helping you to slim down, shape up and define your feminine curves. To keep you body glowing and growing where it should, try cutting out things such as processed or fast food and soda, instead replace them with delicious home cooked meals and icy cold water.


6. Use Fenugreek


Fenugreek comes in many shapes and forms and, while it’s usually used for cooking, it’s rumoured to help aid breast growth when rubbed into the tissue. Used over a long period of time and combined with several other ideas from this list you’ll likely see results from using fenugreek in a few months.


7. Indulge Yourself

f8ec84406d344ba4a80deef84a86d67d One of the quickest ways to grow your breasts is to gain a little weight so why not indulge in an extra slice of pizza, a cheeky bar of chocolate or a fried breakfast now and again? Just be sure not to do it too often or you risk harming your overall health. You can’t predict or decide exactly where this extra weight will go but a higher calorie diet mixed with exercise means you’ll be able to stay in shape while bulking up the cup sizes.


8. Papaya And Milk Smoothie


Mixing together papaya juice and milk and drinking the oddly delicious concoction daily is proven to help enhance and plump out your breasts. There are plenty of nutrients and vitamins found in these two drinks that when mixed together have wonderful effects on your breasts. If you’re not up for this weird but wonderful smoothie you could always try eating a papaya a day for a similar result.


9. Birth Control Pills


When I first started on the pill my body went nuts. Birth control pills are packed with oestrogen and this female hormone often goes straight to the users breasts. You’ll have to consult your doctor before starting on a birth control pill and they’ll be able to go over your options with you. There are lots of different kinds of birth control pills so if you tell your doctor your hoping to increase your breasts size they’ll likely be able to recommend a pill suitable for you.


10. Take Marshmallow Root


Marshmallow root is a herb that comes in pill form and is proven to add a little extra weight to your breasts, thus plumping them up. If you’re thinking of trying this method I suggest you consult your doctor or a registered chemise beforehand however as it can often interfere with any other medication you may be taking.


11. Eat Oestrogen Filled Foods


Eating oestrogen filled foods such as dairy, lima beans, apples, plums, carrots, barley and wheat can have the same effects on your breasts as taking different birth control pills would so I suggest you hit your local supermarket and stock up!


12. Flax Seed


Flax seed is another natural remedy to help aid breast growth. Once again, I advise you speak to your doctor or a registered chemist before you start using it though just to be sure it’s right for you and won’t do your body any harm.


13. Go Braless

7226ea3363c22a9388449119a5804622 Not wearing a bra can often make your breasts look larger. One scientific study even claimed that it helps to increase the elasticity in your breasts and makes them look perkier too!


14. Be Patient!


As with anything, your breasts aren’t just going to grow overnight and unfortunately you won’t wave up with an added cup size. Growing your breasts takes time and effort so don’t expect results if you don’t invest in them. Don’t give up just because you don’t see a change in a few days or even a few weeks, if you want larger breasts then you have to stick working at this and not be disheartened every step of the way. Work for it, girl, you can do it! Think about what you’re working towards and why to keep yourself on track.


15. Cheat!


When all else fails or while you’re working towards your goal then why not cheat? Any number of clothing stores will be able to sell you fantastic pushup bras that can enhance your breasts by any number of sizes. You’d be amazed by how real these bras make your breasts look too – seriously, no one will ever know you’ve got a little extra help. You can wear them for just a special night out or, if you’re really unhappy with your breast size, you can wear them daily so inflate your look. Honestly, I see no downsize to this simple plan, even if it is cheating!


There’s no shame in admitting that you’d like bigger boobs so don’t be afraid to try any or all of the methods outlined above. They’re certainly a much, much safer option that surgery and not to mention loads less costly too! Just remember to be patient while you’re on your mission. It may also be worth asking yourself why you want bigger breasts. I’m sure you look perfectly lovely just as you are – it’s often only you that notices the size of your boobs too, the majority of friends and strangers won’t even take a sneaky first glance never mind a second and they certainly won’t shun you if your boobs are considered small. Love yourself for who you are and what you’ve got, not what you want.

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How To Shave Your Legs http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-have-your-legs/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-have-your-legs/#comments Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:12:59 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11506

With summer fast approaching I bet we’re all excited for sunny days, picnics on the beach, sundresses and shorts. We may love summer clothes and getting our legs out however that leaves us dreading one thing in particular – shaving our legs. Constantly. Let’s face it, no guy is going to find our winter bear legs attractive and most of the time we don’t either. If only shaving were easy…If you’re anything like me (or me before I did all this research!) you’ll cut yourself constantly, be left with random, irritating bits of stubble and a far from perfect finished result. Thankfully, those days are over for me though and they can be for you too with the aid of these ten handy tips and tricks…


1. ALWAYS Use Warm Water


One of the biggest mistakes women make when shaving their legs is using cold or merely tepid water. Using warm to hot water softens your skin and your hairs, making them supple and easier to shave. You’ll find your razor glides over your skin much easier and with better results if you use this tip.


2. Don’t Rush Into Shaving


Following on from using warm water, you need to give your legs time to soak it up. Instead of shaving your legs as soon as you get in the bath or the shower, wash your hair and soap your body first. By the time you come to shaving your legs your hairs will be soft and ready for your razor.


3. Soap It Up


Okay, so I didn’t actually mean that, it just made for a good title. When shaving your legs you should avoid using soap at all costs as this can dry out your skin. Instead use a specialised shaving gel and rub it into a thick foam across your skin before using the razor. Here’s a handy tip – if you’re out of shaving gel you can substitute for conditioner. It makes your legs super smooth and your razor will just glide across your legs while shaving. Plus it’s cheaper too!


4. A Clean Shave


They say you should never shave against the direction of your hair growth but, from personal experience, you’re pretty safe to do this when it comes to your legs. Place your razor on your ankle and gently let it glide up your leg towards your knee. This will result in a smooth, clean shave.


5. Rinse Between Strokes


Always rinse your razor blade between strokes to keep it clean and sharp. This removes any hairs and excess soap which may otherwise get in the way while you’re shaving and cause a rash. While we’re on the subject of razor blades, make sure the one you use is always sharp. I change my blade once a week just to be sure and it results in a much smoother shave. Also, keep the blade wet while shaving too.


6. Exfoliate


Exfoliating before you shave means you’re removing dead skin from your legs and raising hairs so you get a cleaner, closer shave. It’s a simple step but one that should not be missed. I also like to gently exfoliate my legs again after I’ve shaved, just to get a super smooth finish.


7. Position Yourself


For an easier shave either sit on the edge of your bath or on the shower seat and prop your leg up. If you aren’t able to do it try resting your leg on something to elevate it slightly. Wherever you position yourself just be sure you’re stable – you don’t want to slip and cut yourself!


8. When Shaving Your Thighs


Shaving your thighs is the most difficult part of shaving but sadly needs must. Position yourself just like you would when shaving your lower leg and run your razor from your knee to the top of your leg, making sure to go all the way around you leg. Exfoliating is usually twice as important on your thighs and is essential if you want to get a smooth shave.


9. Rinse


Once you’re done shaving don’t forget to rinse your legs with warm water. This gets rid of any excess shaving foam, dead skin and hairs, leaving your legs silky smooth and supply.


10. Moisturise


Phew! We’ve finally finished shaving our legs and have reached the final tip! To really make the most of your shave and ensure you get supple, silky skin afterwards apply a small amount of moisturiser to your legs. You can use normal moisturiser but I highly recommend you buy one that either slows down the rate of hair growth (Yes, those do exist! Miracles do happen!) or, my personal favourite, buy an in-shower moisturiser. In shower moisturisers are fab, you just wash them on and wash them off. My legs have never been as soft as when I started using them!

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How To Get Abs For Girls http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-abs-for-girls/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-abs-for-girls/#comments Wed, 19 Mar 2014 16:18:37 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11290

Once upon a time the dream of a washboard stomach and rock hard abs was something only men dreamed of. Women on the other hand were content with a flat stomach and a few seductive curves to match. Times are changing however and in any gym you enter you’ll no doubt see plenty of women working hard to sculpt themselves some toned abs and trying to bring definition to their midsection. A set of defined abs on a woman, to be blunt about it, looks downright sexy, meaning it’s something more and more of us are aspiring to. That leaves simply one question hanging on our lips however – how? How do we, as women, carve ourselves a six-pack?

You asked, I answered! I’m not going to lie, getting a six-pack is going to be hard but it’s far from impossible. Here’s thirty great tips and tricks to help you sculpt the abs you’ve been dreaming of!


1. Don’t Focus On Your Abs


I know, that was an odd tip to start with, right? While it may have been odd it’s entirely sensible however. The simple fact is that if you want defined abs you need to lose the layer of fat covering them. Despite what you may have seen on TV, the miracle cure you’ve seen in a magazine or what your friends may have told you, you can’t simply spot reduce. If you want to lose fat and therefore gain and show off muscle, you have to do it all over your body. You can’t just focus on your abs and expect it to work, things just don’t work like that. That’s why you can’t just focus on your abs, you need to concentrate on losing fat all over your body to sculpt those abs.


2. Know Your Portions


You may be surprised to hear that it’s likely you’re unknowingly eating far more than your recommended daily calorie allowance. The reason? Most of us don’t know what our portion sizes should be, more often than not we overestimate, and therefore take in more calories than we should. The simple way to counteract this is to read to labels on your food packets. Stick to the amounts you should be eating and you’ll find yourself cutting down on calories and belly fat (fat all over for that matter!) in no time at all.


3. Go Old-School


For countless years people have hailed the sit up for helping them achieve toned, sculpted abs so who are we to discount it now? Sit ups are great because they work even your deepest core muscles and you don’t need any equipment to do them. Just find a bit of floor space and off you go!


4. Do The Twist!


To do this fab exercise, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and then twist to touch your left fingers to your right toes. Then bring yourself up and attempt to do the same with your opposite sides. This exercise really does work your core and helps to make you more flexible. As well as sculpting those abs, it’s also great at clinching your waist in.


5. Don’t Starve Yourself

f4b39156d9ed023be264d924c3956aca Too many people think that by skipping meals and essentially starving themselves that fat will simply melt off their body, helping them to reach their goals in no time. Let’s bust that myth her and now – it’s far from true. In fact, if you eat too little your body actually goes into starvation mode and stores more fat instead of expelling it. Plus, if you want to build lean muscle which creates those abs you need to fuel your body with plenty of carbs and protein or else you’ll get no where.


6. Plank For Abs


In recent years, the plank exercise has been hailed as the holy grail of core exercises. It may not be easy to do at first but if you keep at it you’ll build your endurance and soon find you can hold the position longer and that your abs are firming up.


7. Crunch Away


Crunches may not be any fun but there’s no denying they’re great for helping to tone your abs. While doing them, just remember to crunch with your core and not your head or else you’re likely to hurt your neck and you’re not doing your abs any good what so ever.


8. Try The Inverted Bicycle


This exercise is great for sculpting your abs and working your legs all in one. Simply lie on your back with your hands behind your head and move your legs as though you’re on a bicycle. It’s so easy but it really does get your core muscles working.


9. Twist And Crunch


Yes, it turns out crunches so get more difficult but, still, they’re amazing at helping us reach out body goals. While crunching add in a simple twist by touching your left elbow to your right knee and your right elbow to your left knee. This will tighten your abs and help to bring in your waist.


10. Banish Soda


If you’re determined to sculpt yourself a set of abs, it’s an absolute must that you need to banish soda from your diet completely. Fizzy drinks and full of calories and heaps of sugar so they don’t help you to lose fat at all. In addition, they’re one of the worst offenders for causing bloating and I’m sure you can appreciate why you don’t want that. Instead, skip the fizz and opt for a healthy option instead, you’r body and your abs will thank you for it.


11. Do The Reverse Fly


This exercise is great for stretching your muscles and gaining flexibility as well as toning your abs. To do it, use a stand up machine that has a bar at waist height. Then simply gently bend at the waist and lower yourself down over the bar, keeping your arms stretched above your head. ‘Flying’ yourself back up in the challenge and really works you, you’ll certainly feel your muscles afterward.


12. Practice Leg Raises


While leg raises may not sound like they’ll help you sculpt great abs, they certainly get the job done. Lie on your back with your arms behind your head for support and gently lift your legs and bring them in to your core. Bend your knees slightly if you have to. Then lower your legs but don’t let your feet touch the floor and repeat. Sounds easy? Lets see if you’re still saying that after twenty reps!


13. Take The Stairs


Always, always opt for the stairs instead of the elevator! Stair walking is great for helping you to tone your abs (as well as your bum and thighs!) as it forces your core to work to balance you as you walk. You can also use the stair climber at the gym for the same effect but I warn you that can be a torturous affair!


14. Crunches On An Exercise Ball


You probably all know that crunches are great for helping you to sculpt those abs but did you know that by doing them on an exercise ball you’ll see results even quicker? This is because you’re using your core muscles to balance on the ball as well as crunch. To do this exercise simply lie with your lower back on the ball, place your feet on the floor and your hands behind your head, and crunch, all the while keeping your lower back touching the ball. I’ll admit this one is hard work but you’ll love the results.


15. Walk


Not all of us are built for running but, if that’s you, then that’s okay. Walking daily can be just as effective at helping you to tone your abs. Ensure you’re walking fast enough to get your heart and lungs racing and you’ll get getting a great cardio session while toning your legs and midsection too. This exercise can be so leisurely too, especially if you have some nice scenery in your area or a friend to walk along with you. You’ll barely notice as you lose calories and tone up!


16. Get Your Five A Day

eecc86ca7b4f82a312c5fe151b573530 Most of us are all too aware that we’re meant to eat five servings of fruit and veg per day but very few of us actually follow this rule. If you’re trying to sculpt your abs, I recommend you start sticking to it. Eating more fruit and veg will give you more energy and will keep you feeling fuller for longer, plus you’ll be getting your fill of lots of good nutrients too. Eating a healthy snack of food or having a side of salad instead of chips will help you to cut down on calories and blast that fat away too.


17. Spinning Classes


Spinning is a great cardio workout as well as an amazing way to tone your entire body. Few exercises burn as many calories so fast and leave you feeling like you’ve run a marathon afterward. If you’re determined to sculpt yourself a set of abs, I highly suggest you get yourself booked into a spinning class. Once you’re done you’ll feel like ever so satisfied that you’ve had a great workout but I will warn you that after my first class I could barely climb the stairs for two days afterwards. Few things work your body as much as spinning.


18. Take Any Class!


While we’re on the subject of classes, I recommend you sign up to a few. Most gyms, leisure centres and even community centres have several different classes on every week meaning there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re into Zumba, dance, boxing or aqua fit, joining a class with help you burn calories and fat and get your body into shape. Even better, you can socialise as you workout, fitness classes are a great way to meet new people.


19. Do Plenty Of Cardio


Cardio is basically anything that gets your heart pumping, like swimming, running or the elliptical trainer for example. Not only is it good for keeping your heart and lungs in tip top condition, it’s also great for burring off any excess calories and fat. It doesn’t just help you get sleek, toned abs, it helps you shed the pounds all over your body too. Try to get at least four forty minute sessions on cardio in each week for optimum results.


20. Squeeze As You Go


No matter what you’re doing be it exercising, walking, sitting at your desk or just going about your daily business, remember to keep your abs firm and squeezed in tight. This ensures you’re keeping your proper form, straightening your back and getting the best from your abs.


21. Dress For Your Body


Okay, so those pair of size eight jeans may fit you but does that mean they’re the right size for you? If you had to struggle to get into them, they nip you when you move or they give you the illusion of a muffin top then chances are you’re wearing the wrong size clothes. Make sure all your clothes fir you right and feel good when you’re wearing them, this way you don’t give off the illusion that you’re actually bigger than you are. You may even surprise yourself and find you have less of a way to go than previously thought.


22. Be Realistic


It’s one thing knowing how you want to look and an entirely new ball game getting there. Don’t just think you’ll suddenly wake up one morning looking like a supermodel, you need to be realistic about this. Remember that there is no quick fix and that this is a lifestyle change not simply a diet an exercise program. This will take time so remember that and don’t be disheartened when you don’t see results in a week or even a month. Stick at it.


23. Stay Inspired


If you’ve been following all the tips this far then chances are you’re starting to get a little bored of your journey. If that’s true then remember to stay inspired. Keep pictures of you looking less than fabulous, pictures of your dream body or even simply inspiration quotes around the house (especially in the kitchen where you snack) to keep yourself motivated.


24. Say Goodbye To Fast Food


Fast food may well be delicious but that’s all the good you’re getting from it. It’s loaded with calories, most of them coming from fat, and lots of other horrid preservatives and things you’d likely cringe at if you knew you were eating them. Instead, why not try making the exact same meals at home. Anything you can buy from a fast food shop, such a burger and chips or chicken wings, you can prepare yourself at home with a fraction of the calories and ten times more taste.


25. Yoga


Yoga doesn’t just help you to achieve inner peace, it’s also a great way to make your body more flexible and tone and tighten your muscles, namely your abs! You can either buy an exercise DVD of practice the art of yoga in the comfort of your own home or you can enrol in a class as I mentioned in point eighteen. Yoga is loads of fun too. It may not seem it but it’s one of those things I recommend you don’t knock until you’ve tried it.


26. Be Snack Aware


For many of us, the hardest part of trying to tone up and lose weight is staying in control of our cravings. Even if we eat three well rounded meals a day, many of us still get the uncontrollable urge to snack on something. If this sounds like you, be prepared for this and always keep a stash of healthy snacks with you. These can be anything such as carrot sticks, a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts or anything else you please. Just a little something to keep your energy up, stop you from indulging in calorific treats and see you through to the next meal.


27. Go Whole Grain



Making the simple switch from white bread to whole grain will do your body loads of good. White bread is filled with chemicals to preserve it (not to mention it tastes horribly bland!) whereas whole grain bread is filled with fibre and which will help to fuel your body and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Oh, and did I mention whole grain breads have more taste too?


28. Stand Tall

f0fd6739c018a7115515dcf3f001cbf5 Through all your waking hours, ensure you keep good posture. Stand tall and sit up straight, that way you’re keeping your abs tight therefore working them out and you’ll automatically find you look a little slimmer. If you slouch quite a lot you’re also likely to find that standing tall helps you to breath better too, in some cases it’s also been known to aid digestion as well. This is a rule we should all aim to stick to whether we’re trying to lose weight, tone up or are just living everyday lives.


29. Track Your Progress


When it comes to sculpting a great set of abs you need to gain muscle, not just lose weight and muscle weighs more than fat. This means that the number you see on the scales isn’t a reliable way to track your progress as even if it’s going up you could be looking better than ever. Instead, take pictures of yourself to see how your body is changing. Take one at the very start of your journey and one every two weeks from then on so you can see the progress you’re making. This is a far more reliable method than stepping on the scales each week.


30. Consult A Pro


When all else fails, why not consult a personal trainer? This is what they do, after all. If you’re a member of a gym there will likely be a resident personal trainer there or you can hire one independently. A personal trainer will be able to help you gain focus and will show you exactly where you’re going wrong and what you need to focus on to reach your goals. Many of them will even be able to create a nutritional meal plan that’s tailored to you for you to follow to help you see results even quicker. When it comes to personal trainers, you can either hire one for a few sessions per week, seek out one time advice or ask them for something completely different. They’ll be able to tailor their skills to suit your needs so you can get the most out of their help and you’ll be seeing great results and feeling fitter in no time at all. Personally, I think everyone should have the experience of working with a personal trainer at least once.


So there you have it, thirty great tips and tricks to help you lose weight and sculpt a set of kick ass abs. I’ve not mentioned it as an official tip but I will say drink as much water as you can to help you lose weight and tone up. It’s beneficial for so many reasons I’ve lose count of them all! It keeps you hydrated, gets your metabolism going, keeps your energy levels up and metabolism too, plus it detoxes your whole body to keep you in tip top condition.


If you’d like to know more about losing weight and toning up or would just like some extra advice then why not check out some of my other articles such as 20 Best Weight Loss Exercises For Women, How To Lose Belly Fat Fast For Women or 50 Best Healthy Foods To Help You Lose Weight. You’ll find lots more helpful advice and tips and tricks to help you on your journey.


Be sure to let me know how you get on with these tips, I’d love to hear from you. If you’ve got any addition questions then ask away! I wish you the best of luck in sculpting yourself a set of killer abs!


(all images sourced via pinterst.com)

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How To Gain Weight Fast For Women http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-gain-weight-fast-for-women/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-gain-weight-fast-for-women/#comments Tue, 25 Feb 2014 15:30:52 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=10327

In just about every women’s magazine or website you’ll find countless articles on how to lose weight, slim down and tone up. It’s a daily topic of us everlasting dieters and I confess I’m guilty of adding to the fuss and writing plenty of these articles myself. What about those women who aren’t looking for a quick diet fix are are seeking the opposite however? For one reason or another there are countless women out there on a mission to gain weight and a lack of informative articles to help them succeed. That’s why I’ve created this guide filled with thirty tips and tricks to help women gain weight fast (and healthily!). Here goes…


1. Up Your Calorie Intake

As obvious as it may be, this point is definitely worth a mention. If you’re on a mission to gain weight fast then your very first step should be to up your calorie intake to start packing on the pounds. It’s reccomended that women eat 2000 calories per day simply to stay the same weight so going above this is a sure way to help you gain weight. Eack pound of fat is made up of 3500 calories so adding just 500 extra calories to your diet each day will help you gain one pound per week. The more you eat, the more you gain, simple!


2. Add Muscle

It’s a well known fact that solid muscle weighs more than fat so adding muscle to your body is a great way to help you gain weight while still looking lean and toned. The best way to gain muscle is to do plenty of weight bearing exercises such as lifting weights. You can also do weight bearing exercises against your own weight and do things like squats and pushups. Don’t worry, adding muscle doesn’t mean you’ll begin to look like a macho man either, it just means you’ll be lean and toned while adding pounds to your body too.


3. Eat More Protein

To build muscle, you need to feed your body right and the best way to do this is to consume plenty of protein. It’s great for building muscle which as we just covered keeps you lean while adding pounds to your frame. The best protein fills foods are fish, turkey, tofu, beans, eggs, yoghurt, nuts and seeds – they’re all bursting with goodness and will help you to build muscle and gain weight. Did I mention how tasty they all are too?


4. Snack Constantly

I love this tip! Sadly I’m one of these people who needs to shed a few pounds rather than gain them but it doesn’t stop me envying this point. Snacking constantly is great for helping you to gain weight as it ensures you’re constantly getting a flow of calories into your system. Try to snack on high calorie foods such as nuts, seeds, chocolate etc to get plenty of the calories you need. Be sure to eat a healthy snack now and again too though as there’s a big difference between gaining weight healthily and harming your body with too many bad foods.


5. Drink Soda

When you’re trying to lose weight it’s recommended that you stay away from soda full stop as it’s full of sugar, calories and bloats you so it stands to reason that when you’re trying to gain weight you should drink plenty of it. The syrups they use in soda are, as I said, full of sugars and soda which your body finds hard to digest therefore gets stored as fat. It’s a great way to gain weight and so easy too!


6. Cook With Oil

There are so many healthy, calorie free cooking aids out there it’s hard to keep track of them all so the good news is that of you’re trying to gain weight you don’t need to! Feel free to layer your pan in oil and drizzle your foods with it too before you pop them in the oven. Oils are full of fats which tend do go straight to your hips once eaten so they’re great for helping you to gain weight. Another plus? Food tastes so much better when cooked in full fat oils too!


7. Drink Dairy

Remember when you were a kid and you’d be told to drink a pint of whole milk on your break every morning at school? Well, teachers did that for a reason. Whole milk is full of fat which helps you to pack on the pounds but it’s also really good for you. It’s loaded with calcium which is essential for building strong bones and also keeps your hair and nails looking great too. If drinking a pint of milk a day doesn’t sound like you then eat a large bowl of cereal, enjoy a milkshake, add cream to your tea – just whatever you do, drink dairy!


8. Never Skip A Meal

Sorry to state the obvious again but you’d be surprised at how many people still ‘forget’ to have breakfast even when they’re trying to gain weight. It’s essential you eat three solid meals a day to help you gain weight, the simple reason being that every calorie counts. And yes, eating breakfast does heighten your metabolism meaning you burn calories quicker (great for losing weight) but like I said, calories are calories and it’s essential you get plenty of them.


9. Add Butter

Too many of us skip adding butter to our sandwiches, our toast, our mash potatoes in the hopes of being healthy but when you’re trying to gain weight it’s essential you do the exact opposite. Add as much butter as you like, layer it on thick and watch as the pounds pile themselves on. You can add it to your food, cook with it or (if you’re a glutton like me!) simply eat it with a coating of chocolate powder on top. The dairy treat is a great source of calories and fat, the perfect combo for gaining weight.


10. Increase Your Portion Sizes

Instead of choosing a small plate from the cupboard, reach for the largest one and be sure to fill it with food. Increasing your portion sizes is a great way to up your calorie intake and help you to gain weight. If you’re not used to eating big meals, it may be hard for you to handle at first and you may get full quickly but keep it up and your stomach will soon stretch, allowing you to eat more, so you can eat those all important extra calories.


11. Eat Later At Night

When losing weight, experts recommend you don’t eat after seven o’clock at night so it stands to reason that when you’re trying to gain weight you should do the exact opposite. Feel free to have a late night supper or a midnight snack, the worst that will happen is it can go straight to your hips! Eating fatty, high calorie foods late at night is great because it means your body won’t have a chance to burn the extra calories off while you sleep.


12. Enjoy Eating Carbs

I love carbs but, as a constant dieter, I have to stay away from them. They’re full of starch, calories and are heavy on our stomachs. Eating them is a great way to pile on the pounds so, for those of you looking to gain weight, feel free to indulge in pasta, bread, potatoes and remember to enjoy them on behalf of me! Don’t feel like you have to be healthy and eat brown varieties of carbs either, indulge in whatever you like and watch as the pounds creep on.


13. Get Plenty Of Zzzs

Whether you’re looking to lose weight or gain it, it’s essential you get plenty of sleep – at least eight hours per night to be exact. Sleep helps our bodies all round so it’s vital we indulge ourselves in it. This isn’t just a tip for anyone looking to gain weight, it’s for anyone looking to lead a healthy life.


14. Eat Every Few Hours

I mentioned snacking throughout the day and getting your three meals a day but why not take it one step further and eat every few hours? Not just snacks, small meals too. To gain weight, we need to eat as many calories as possible and this is a great way to do just that and not feel too full while doing it. Lets all take a leaf out of the Hobbits’ book and enjoy Second Breakfast, Elevensies and all the rest!


15. Eat Less Water Based Foods

It’s all good and well eating lots and often but if you’re eating mostly water based foods such as cucumber and watermelon then you’re not going to get anywhere when it comes to losing weight. Fruits and vegetables are the worst offenders for being water based foods so be careful which ones you indulge in. Bananas, sweetcorn and potatoes are all great for helping you gain weight as they’re healthy but also very filling.


16. Talk To A Pharmacist

Sometimes despite all our best efforts, some of us will struggle to gain weight. If this sounds like you perhaps you could go and talk to a pharmacist, they’ll be able to advise you on any supplements you could take to help you gain weight, as well as any additions to your diet. They’re trained professionals and bound by a confidentiality law so don’t feel afraid to speak to them. Their advice will be tailored to you and speaking to someone about any fears or questions you have will be immensely helpful.


17. Add Cream

Yum! I simply love this tip! Not only is it effective but it’s ridiculously tasty too. The method – add cream to everything you possibly can. My mouth is watering already! Replace milk with cream in your tea, pour it on your strawberries, add a dollop of whipping cream to your serving of cake or eat it with the butter and jam you already have layered on your scone. Cream is full of calories and fat so it’s perfect to help you gain weight as well as being one of the tastiest food accompaniments out there in my opinion.


18. Remind Yourself Why You Started

Every time you feel like giving up, it’s important to remind yourself exactly why you started. If you can’t be bothered to lift some weights today, you don’t feel like adding cream to your coffee then look in the mirror and examine your progress. Once you remind yourself of why you can’t give up and how well you’re doing then it will be that much harder to take a day off and let go. Stay motivated, stay strong, you’ll get there.


19. Be Consistent

It’s no good having two super calorific days in a week and eating hardly anything the other five, or even five calorific days and two days where you eat very little. This is an all or nothing deal and you won’t see results if you don’t stay consistent. Eat roughly the same amount each day and keep your calorie intake up, don’t let it drop. If you’re attempting to gain weight by building muscle it’s important you train at least five days a week or your efforts will be as good as worthless.


20. Enjoy Ice Cream

Eating ice cream is a great way to pile on the pound and gain weight fast as it’s so light meaning you can eat an abundance of it in one go. It’s full of sugar and calories so it’s perfect for helping you to lose weight. If you don’t like eating it on it’s own that’s fine too as you can have it with fruit, dessert, cake, anything! Plus, there are countless different flavours of ice cream out there so there’s likely to be something to satisfy your sweet tooth.


21. Keep A Food Journal

Keeping a food journal is the perfect way to help you keep track of exactly what you’re eating and if it will help you to gain weight or not. By looking over your food journal you’ll be able to identify if there are times when you eat too little, days you skip meals and exactly what you’re eating full stop. You’ll be able to examine any problem areas in your diet and improve them. Plus, seeing it all wrote down is great motivation to do better the next day or the next week which will keep you focused on your goal.


22. Indulge In Fruit

Yes, fruit may be healthy but it’s also full of sugar so feel free to indulge in as much of it as you like. Yes, it’s low in calories but all that sugar doesn’t go to no use. The sugar you find in fruit is natural too so by eating plenty of it you’ll be fulfilling your bodies daily sugar needs while not damaging your body with bad foods. It’s healthy and can help you to gain weight! Win, win!


23. Cut Down On Exercise

Exercise burns calories which you need to help you to gain weight, therefore if you’re trying to add a few extra pounds to your figure you should cut down on exercise. I’m not saying stop completely, that would be bad for your body even if it was helping you to reach your goal, just do a little less. If you go for a walk every evening, perhaps only go a few times a week and catch up on some TV the other times. If you always take the stairs, jump in the lift. If you park at the far end of the car park, enjoy pulling up just outside the door. You get the picture!


24. Double Your Fat Intake

The more fat you eat, the quicker you’ll gain weight, period. Therefore it stands to reason that to gain weight you should up your fat intake. I don’t recommend going above double the amount you’d usually eat however – we’re trying to help you add a few extra pounds, not damage your body after all.


25. Eat Peanut Butter

Peanut butter has lots of added healthy benefits as well as being unbelievably tasty but it’s also full of fat and helps you gain weight like few other foods can. A great way to gain weight is to enjoy a few heaped spoons of peanut butter right before bed. Your body won’t have time to work it off so you’ll quickly start gaining weight as well as enjoying a tasty late night snack. If eating it straight out the jar isn’t your thing then explore your culinary skills and make a PB & J sandwich – it’s just as tasty and does the same job when it comes to gaining weight.


26. A Potato A Day…

I mentioned before about eating extra carbs but few carbs will help you gain weight as quick as the potato. Eating just one a day – be it in the form of home-made fries, a baked potato, roasted, boiled or mashed – will see you packing on pounds in no time. For a bit of variation, you can also turn to sweet potatoes for a bit of extra flavour. To really get the benefit of gaining weight while eating potatoes, be sure to layer them in butter, oil and all those tasty little extras we can’t have when we’re dieting.


27. Enjoy The Cinema Snacks

If you’re off for a trip to the cinema (or anywhere else for that matter!) use the day as an excuse to indulge in all the snacks your venue has to offer. Don’t just go for a small popcorn, you want the extra large with a soda too! A day out anywhere is a special occasion so be sure to enjoy yourself by eating all the tasty treats you can. You’ll enjoy your day all the more seeing as your tastebuds will be tingling and your waistline will love you for it.


28. Dine Out More Often

Have you ever noticed how when you visit a restaurant or a cafe the portion sizes are more than double what you’d feed yourself at home? I used to think I was imagining it but no, it’s for real. When you eat out you’re served up near three times the recommended amount of food meaning your plate is piled high with goodies. If you’re trying to gain weight, eat out as often as you can for the sake of these mammoth portions. When we go out we tend to have the mentality of we must eat it and it would be rude not to finish so you’re likely to eat more. As we covered before, eating more means extra calories and extra calories means extra pounds. Yay!


29. Ask A Professional

If you’re still struggling to gain weight then perhaps you should ask your doctor what their thoughts are. They’ll be able to tell you if there’s a medical reason you’re not gaining weight, what your ideal weight should be and they’ll also be able to give you lots of other advice on how to gain weight. Before you embark on this mission, I advise you see a doctor first in any case just to be sure it’s healthy for you.


30. Add Sugar

So many of us avoid having sugar with our meals but, when you’re trying to gain weight, it’s a great additive. You can sprinkle it in your tea, coffee, over your cereal, pudding, pancakes – just about anything you can think of can be sweetened by using a little sugar. I like to eat healthy and have bowls of fruit but when I’m feeling naught I layer them in sugar to make it extra sweet.


I wish you the best of luck if your journey to gain weight. If you’ve got any extra tips or have any questions I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to send me in your thoughts and I’ll get back to you! In the mean time, enjoy your weight gain and stay positive!


(all images sourced via pinterest.com)


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How To Dress For Your Body Type http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-dress-for-your-body-type/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-dress-for-your-body-type/#comments Fri, 31 Jan 2014 11:42:32 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=9399

I’m sure we all know what it’s like when we see a model or mannequin wearing a fab outfit then when it comes to us trying on the exact same clothes for ourselves the outfit suddenly looks entirely different. Maybe it nips us in too much at the waist or the baggy top suddenly drowns up, perhaps the sweeping neckline doesn’t flatter us at all or the flared skirt simply doesn’t work. My point is, outfits look different from person to person for one reason or another, even if the people involved are technically the same clothes size.

But it’s not all about size though, is it? It’s about shape! You could have the most beautiful body in the world but if you dress is wrong all that’s attractive about you will suddenly be lost. With that in mind, it can be confusing to know exactly what your body shape and also how to dress for it. Never fear, I’m here to present you with the facts and of course some good old fashioned advice on how to dress for your body type!

Pear Shaped Bodies

Pear shaped bodies are thicker at the bottom than they are at the top, meaning women with this body type tend to have slim shoulders and breasts but widen out below the waistline. Their hips, bum and thighs will be quite broad. The best way to dress if you have a pear shaped body (also known as a bell shaped body) is to find clothes that balance out your figure. Clothes that give the illusion of widening your bust or shoulders will be perfect but you can also try hip skimming tunics and skirts too.


Apple Shaped Bodies

Women with an apple shaped bodies have round, often large, equally sized hips and breasts with no waistline in between. They have no definition of the waist making it seem as though the waist is the same width as their bust and hips. To counteract this, try wearing baggy, floaty clothes especially when it comes to dresses and tops. A thin belt around the waist will work wonders in making it seem like you have a waist, just remember not to make it too tight or your curves will stand out too much. Straight leg jeans will look fab too as while you may have wide hips you legs will slim down towards the ankle. Add a pair of heels to draw attention to your slim ankles and feet.


Column Shaped Bodies

Women with column shaped bodies tend to be tall and don’t tend to flaunt many curves. They’re very up and down with long legs and straight waistlines. If this sounds like you then congratulations – you can wear virtually anything! There are no type of clothes it’s recommended you avoid so feel free to dress however you like! One thing you might like to try however is wearing clothes that nip in at the waist to give you the illusion of curves.


Hourglass Shaped Bodies

Hourglass bodies are also known as cello shaped bodies so I’m sure just by that you can imagine what they look like. Women with this type body are equally top and bottom heavy and their body nips in a the waist. They have amazing curves that are great for showing off. If this is you then choose clothes that really show off your curves to make the most of your body. Wide, V-neck tops are also great as this lessens the impact of your breasts as often covering them up too much can make them seem overly big.


Goblet Shaped Bodies

A goblet is another easy shape to picture and I’m sure you’ve guessed it means these type women have slender, long legs and a slim waist which open up into wide shoulders. Chances are, these women are tall too. To dress this type of body, stick to skirts and trousers that really flatter your legs as they’ll likely be your best feature. Don’t drown them and hide them away. To take focus away from your broad shoulders, wear wide necklines so the focus moves onto your bust.


Lollypop Shaped Bodies

Having a lollypop shaped body means you have slim legs and hips and a narrow waist which open out into a full bust. With good diet this type of body becomes much more pronounced with age too. If this is you then try wearing bootcut jeans or flared skirts to balance out your bust. You could also try adding a belt around your waist to help give the illusion of a curvaceous waist and wider hips. If you do for a belt however don’t make it too tight – while it may show off your desirable, narrow waist it will also make your large bust stand out and seem over pronounced.


Cornet Shaped Bodies

This is the classic body type of most models. It means you have broad shoulders, small and quite flat boobs, virtually no waist and tiny hips which extend into long, elegant legs. The best way to dress for this body type is to highlight your best features – skinny jeans which show off your fabulous pins and tiny hips will work wonders for you. A belt or top tha clinches you in to give the appearance of a waist will look great too.


Vase Shaped Bodies

The skittle body shape is really an extended hourglass figure. It means you have a long, curving waist, a full bust and long curvaceous hips and legs. It’s an incredibly desirable figure so lucky you if yo have one! This type of body can pull of virtually any type of clothes but to really show off that amazing figure of yours try going to tailored clothes. Single button jackets and belted dresses and jumpers will look fantastic on you. Wide, scooping necklines will also look fab as they draw attention to your assets.


Fingers crossed all that helped! If you don’t already know your body type then I suggest you find out, knowing that simple fact and how to dress for your body type will work miracles when you’re choosing clothes!


(All imaged sourced via pinterest.com)

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10 Ways To Get Out Of The Friend-Zone http://www.herinterest.com/10-ways-to-get-out-of-the-friend-zone/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-ways-to-get-out-of-the-friend-zone/#comments Fri, 11 Oct 2013 02:06:15 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3628

Media likes to portray to us that only men are the ones getting stuck in the dread ‘friend-zone’, but contrary to prior belief, women are caught there just as often! Either way, wiggling your way out of the in-between spot can be extremely difficult- Especially if you don’t know what you are doing. To help you drop that ‘just friends’ stereotype, here are 10 ways that you, as a girl, can get out of the friend-zone:

1.) Whatever you do, don’t come on too strong! Being clingy, needy or just too much altogether can be a huge turnoff- Especially for guys. So, if you really want to escape that friend-zone and move forward (or, at least move away from it), take a step back and cool it down for a bit. Desperation is not sexy.



2.) When you are in the awful place of being classified as ‘just a friend’ and you want to be more, try asking your crush to go out. If you guys do go out, but it is only with other friends or to do something like go shopping, then no wonder your in the zone! You have to see if he will go out with you on a date-like event. To the movies with just each others or out to a cute restaurant that doesn’t scream casual or only a friend-type place. Ask him and see if he goes for a more-than-friend-type date!



3.) Break out of the habit of just having only completely down to Earth conversations. Spice-up the way you talk and make the convos between you and your man of interest a bit more adventurous. Be flirtatious, bring playfulness and cute, fun banter into the equation. Doing this will express that you don’t want to be just friends with him.



4.) Sometimes, you just need to connect on a physical level to catch someone’s attention. And, that does not mean you need to get too physical. Ahem. No, it means you need to stop only shaking hands or giving an occasional hug- You need to get your hands on him. Touch his arm in a soft, intimate manner- You can do the same with his legs or thighs. Touch the back of his neck, play with his hair or put your hand on his knee. Just do the things that friends don’t. Try to keep it modest, though!



5.) Don’t act like his guy friends. Don’t always be around for football games, don’t participate in those belching contests that he has with his friends and don’t go to his house only to play video games, drink Mt. Dew and work on his car. That doesn’t mean you can’t do those things with him, but you need to keep the line between guy stuff and girl stuff drawn. Most guys think of girls as more than friends if they aren’t in every aspect of what they do with their guy friends. They like a girl who is off doing her stuff, while he has his time to do stuff with his friends, too.



6.) Make him jealous. Okay, as childish as this sounds, it really does work most of the time. Go out with another guy, make him well aware of it and see what his reaction is. Flirt with a different dude in front of him and watch how it affects him. If he is absolutely nonchalant about it, then maybe you need to realize there is no getting out of the friend-zone. However, if he gets jealous, then make a move!



7.) As shallow as this is: Change your look. This isn’t saying that you should shave your head or change your style completely. But, maybe a guy is looking for a girl who works-out more often, has shorter hair or wears the color blue a couple times a week- Whatever floats his boat! Do something that will catch his attention and draw him into you. You don’t need to change who you are completely, but everybody has their own tastes- To get out out of the friend-zone, maybe you need to fit into his mold a bit more.



8.)  Be confident. Yes, it can be that simple. Just acting with more confidence can make a guy more attracted to you. If you display low self-confidence, a guy might only want to keep you in his friend group because it may turn him off completely.



9.) Tell him that you want to be more than just friends. Be straightforward with what you want, let him know you like him and maybe you’ll get a good reply. It doesn’t always have to be the guy who should make the first move. Take that next step and tell him exactly how you feel. He may appreciate your boldness and he might even like you the same.



10.) Okay, if none of that works, you might just need to accept all of the facts. This means that you should realize that your friendship between you and your crush will never be anything more than a friendship. You can’t make someone fall for you and if your crush isn’t falling by now- He probably never will. You can either accept your friendship for what it is or just move on altogether. The decision is yours.



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20 Awkward Questions that Guys ask Girls and How to Answer http://www.herinterest.com/20-awkward-questions-that-guys-ask-girls-and-how-to-answer/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-awkward-questions-that-guys-ask-girls-and-how-to-answer/#comments Mon, 07 Oct 2013 08:00:13 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3431

Awkward is in the eye of the beholder…at least when it comes to guys and girls. To guys, a question along the lines of how long it takes to get ready isn’t that awkward and most will answer with “five minutes”. However, to a girl, some of these questions are very awkward for a variety of reasons. Be ready for some of these awkward questions with our clever answers!


What happened in your last relationship?

This is awkward because if you answer bashing them, it looks bad on you and the guy might think you will say the same about him someday.

Best answer; “We just weren’t meant for each other.”


How many guys have you been with?

The trouble with this question is that it is never asked out of curiosity.

Best answer, “Enough to know what I’m doing.”


What age do you hope to be married by?

Tell your real friends the truth, tell a guy a generalized answer.

Best answer, “Whenever the time is right. I’m in no hurry.”


Would you ever be a stay at home mom?

Some guys prefer their wives stay at home with the children, while some cannot fathom supporting a woman who is perfectly able to work.

Best answer, “That is something I will have to ponder when the time comes.”


When did you lose your virginity?

Along with the number of guys you have been with, this question is never asked out of innocent curiosity. It is a “feeler” question.

Best answer, “Last week.” Then laugh and change the subject.


Do you want kids?

Guys ask this to size you up. Unless you are in a serious relationship, there is no reason to answer this question right away.

Best answer, “Maybe someday.”


Do you believe in women’s rights?

Discussing this in a serious relationship is one thing. Talking about it in a new relationship or something that you hope develops into a serious relationship is risky.

Best answer, “I believe that everyone has the right to an opinion and I respect all views.”


 Have you been in a lot of relationships?

People who have been in a lot of relationships or very few send out the vibe that something is wrong with them.

Best answer, “It depends on your definition of “a lot”. I’ve been in some.”


Have you ever cheated?

This is an awkward question because if you answer yes, you are automatically assumed guilty of always doing it.

Best answer, “What I’ve done before doesn’t define who I am now.”


How much do you make?

While this should be one of those questions that everyone knows not to ask, sadly people still do ask it.

Best answer, “I make enough.”


What are your thoughts on *insert controversial topic*?

After being in a relationship awhile, this is a perfectly acceptable question. In the beginning, it is awkward.


Best answer, “I think that issue is up for debate. There are good points for both sides.”


How long does it take you to get ready?

Guys ask this question to try to see if you are high maintenance without actually asking you just that.

Best answer, “It depends on the situation.”


How much did that cost?

Guys size up women by how much they spend on certain things.

Best answer, “I got it on sale for a good price!”


Have you dated any of your friends?

If you remained close with any of your ex-boyfriends and your new guy asks, you have to be honest. If he finds out later, it will be a big deal that you lied. Tell the truth, but change the subject quickly.

Best answer, “Yes, but there was no spark or chemistry at all.”


Would you consider a threesome?

You should never say never because some day you might be interested in trying new things. However, starting off a relationship with a man thinking you want to do more than you do is never good.

Best answer, “I am open to consider different things with the right man.”


What do you consider cheating?           

First of all, you should be very careful with a guy who asks this question. He is trying to see what he can get away with in the relationship.

Best answer, “Any kind of betrayal, even just emotional.”


Have you ever been called crazy by an ex?

Considering this is always the go to word of ex-boyfriends, most of us have probably been called crazy.

Best answer, “I’m not really concerned with what people call me. I know who I am.”


Do you pleasure yourself?                      

This question is awkward no matter who asks it, but especially a guy. Truth is that very few people do not so the guy asking most likely knows the answer, he’s just being a dirt bag.

Best answer, “I get my needs satisfied.”


Do you fake orgasms?            

Even if you have even just once in your life, do not answer this question.

Best answer, “I don’t think I would need to with you.”


Does size really matter?

Yes. Yes it does. This question is awkward though because guys don’t want to hear that. Just lie and say no. No harm, no foul.

Best answer, “No.”

http://www.herinterest.com/20-awkward-questions-that-guys-ask-girls-and-how-to-answer/feed/ 0
20 Signs A Guy Likes You: Decoding His Body Language http://www.herinterest.com/20-signs-a-guy-likes-you-decoding-his-body-language/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-signs-a-guy-likes-you-decoding-his-body-language/#comments Sun, 15 Sep 2013 23:43:32 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2659

When it comes to guys… well, let’s just say it can be pretty darn hard to figure out if he’s into a woman or not! At times, men and boys can definitely be hard to read. Their body language is different than ours and it can be troublesome to decode what they are really feeling. After doing some research, it turns out that guys aren’t really that hard to get when it comes to the signals they are sending out… If you know what to look for that is! Here are some tells to look for when it comes to decoding a guy’s body language and what he is really saying. Does he like you or not? Read the following tips to find out:

Sign # 1.) A guy who is interested in you may start touching, twirling or running his hands through his hair while smiling. This could be due to the fact that it’s a habit he has when he gets nervous around a lady, but is still showing strong intrigue. Be careful for head-scratching, tugging or a frown while he’s doing these hair-touching mannerisms, though. Those are two signs that he may be frustrated, confused or bored!


Sign #2.) A man who is licking his lips around you may be secretly signaling that he finds you delectable. Maybe he’s trying to tell you something… Wink, wink. Or, it could mean that lip-licking is another nervous habit he possesses. Sometimes, when people get nervous, their mouths go dry and cause them to lick their lips to keep them hydrated.


Sign #3.) A guy will usually unknowingly display his interest to a woman by directing his entire upper body (chest, head, shoulders) to his crush. He does this to show you that he is interested in only you. He is subtly positioning himself so that others know his attention is directed at one person and he isn’t open for anyone else to talk to steal the conversation at this point.

Sign #4.) You may find a guy is into you by looking to see if he is making consistent eye contact with you for long periods of time (more than 5 seconds!) to connect with you and show you that he is really intent on listening to what you have to say. He’s also focused on trying to get to know more of your body language, too. (Or, he may even just think you have beautiful eyes and can’t look away!)

eye contact

Sign #5.) Really want to find out if someone’s into you? Well, when a guy is attracted and intrigued by a girl, he will raise his eyebrows. This is a tell-tale sign that he’s interested in someone and if he’s talking to you, then you are the one he’s raising them for. Keep your eyes peeled, though, as this gesture is usually a pretty quick and subtle one.

raise his eyebrows

Sign #6.) Primal instincts will kick into a man when he is crushing on a woman. Because of those instincts he will, most likely without realizing it, spread his feet slightly apart and direct his hips and pelvis towards his person of interest. It’s just biological!


Sign #7.) The gesturing of hands is a significant thing to look for when chatting with a guy. If this certain someone digs you, he will use his hands a lot. Guys tend to use their hands to go along with their conversation a ton more when they are talking to a girl they really like. The reason they do this is to make sure you are understanding what they are saying on the same level they do and they are trying very hard to hold your attention to them. Sometimes, though, different people talk differently and not all guys will use large arm and hand gestures.

hand gestures

Sign #8.) To help you figure out if a man is really interested, make sure you are paying close attention to where he is placing both of his hands at all times. It’s more common that when a guy likes a girl, he will place his fingers through his belt loops or hook a finger on his waistband. He may also place his hands on his lap a lot or put them in his pockets. They do this to draw attention to their pelvic area…  I bet you can guess why? Don’t get the wrong idea! Some guys don’t come to a quick realization that they are doing such things with their hands. Once again, primal instinct sets in and forces their body to try to direct their person of interests attention to that area of their body.

hand in pocket

Sign #9.)  A guy who leans in while talking or listening to you is definitely interested in what you are doing and saying. This is a sign that tells you there is no doubt in him liking you. Men, for the most part, don’t like to direct their bodies towards just one person, especially if they aren’t interested. Leaning in is a sign that a man wants to be as close to you as possible.


Sign #10.) Does a guy have no problem placing his arm around your shoulder? Does he take no modesty in touching your arm or knee? Have you had a guy tuck a strand of hair behind your ear or push your hair out of your face? A man who touches you a lot, is only showing that he doesn’t want there to be boundaries between the two of you and wants to get as close to you as possible.

hand on shoulder

Sign #11.) Any guy who offers you his hand while climbing up or down stairs, out of a car, opens doors for you or offers you a sweater or jacket when you’re cold… well, he is totally crushing on you. Men don’t always try to take care of people that they themselves don’t care for. They will only go out of their way to protect and ensure the safety and comfort of people they truly like.


Sign #12.) When a guy digs a girl he will always look at her first after saying or doing something funny or extraordinary. The reason he glimpses at you and awaits your reaction is to see what you think before he looks to see what anyone else thinks. That means your opinion is the most important and he totally is smitten with you.


Sign #13.) Is there a man who tries to quickly smooth out wrinkles when you walk in? Does he fix his tie (if he wears one) or fuss with his hair? He’s trying to make himself presentable for you and that is a definite yes when it comes down to if he likes you or not.


Sign #14.) Look to see if you can catch a guy mirroring your body language as you are talking.  The more he repeats what you do with his own body, the more he’s intent on paying attention to everything about you- from your words to your body. This gesture shows you that he is trying to make you feel more comfortable around him and he wants you to feel familiar with him, as well.

Sign #15.) A man who is trying to impress a girl he likes will suddenly stand up taller when she enters the room or area. He will try to make himself appear stronger, more protective and more masculine by doing this.


Sign #16.) Guys often touch or stroke their face when they are really listening to what you have to say. They are set on taking in the information you are putting out and trying to remember it thoroughly. If you find a guy that is stroking his chin (or beard), cheeks or nose, then he is more than likely into you. And, he’s a total keeper for being a good listener, too!

Sign #17.) Again we loop back to talking about men and their hands. When a guy stretches his hands, especially an upward palm, towards you, it is his way of signaling to you that he wants to get closer to you and for you to get closer to him. It’s almost as if he is putting them out there in a form of asking permission to break personal space.

Sign #18.) When a guy is hardcore into a woman, he will flick his eyes towards her as much as possible. If you catch a man frequently staring at you and darting his eyes away quickly, then he is totally into you. The reason he does this, especially if you are not right next to each other, is to see what you are doing, how you are doing and what you are feeling at this point. He is literally focused on looking out for you.


Sign #19.) If a guy sits next to you and leaves barely mere inches between you, it’s his way of showing you that he’s comfortable around you and likes being near you. Or, if you find him standing next to you, almost in your personal space, he is letting you know that he likes being close to you and prefers it over any other distance apart.

sit next to

Sign #20.) Always keep in mind that a man has instincts he isn’t even aware of most of the time. So, if you see a guy puffing out his chest to make it appear bigger and if he’s sucking in his gut, he’s trying to impress you. Some guys may only stick their chests out a little, but it’s still a most definite sign that he’s trying to prove his masculinity and stand out from all of the other guys in the room. He wants to prove to you that he’s the best and that he wants you!


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Pear shaped figures are a fairly common shape upon women across the world. At times, those who sport a pear-like physique can look short, not  proportionate and even frumpy. This is usually due to the fact that they aren’t dressing themselves the right way to accentuate and complement their given figure. If you have a pear-shaped body, don’t fret! There are so many things you can do to really pull your look together. You may not even need to go shopping at all! You may just need to rearrange your wardrobe a bit. Here are some helpful tips to dress a pear-shaped body correctly:



1. Shirts:

When it comes to pear figures and the shirts they sport, it is all about elongating your torso and waist. To properly achieve this, it’s vital to avoid wearing any shirts that end above your hips. Always dress for success by ensuring your shirts and sweaters end below the hip-line. If not, then always make sure you are wearing along tank-top underneath the shorter shirt to still produce that longer look. Any shirts or sweaters that end above the hip-line will just make your hips and booty stick out even more and look short and frumpy. Bright, fun, patterned and unique tops will really draw attention from the lower half to the top half with no problem!


2. Neckline:

When it comes to necklines, surprisingly the type of line you wear can change your entire appearance. Avoid wearing: Sabrina necklines, boat-shaped necklines, square necklines and turtle-necks. You are going to want to put scoop-necklines, v-necks, off-the-shoulder necklines and strap-less necklines into place. The more flattering and cute the neckline, the more attention you draw upwards instead of downwards. Certain types of necklines can also shorten your appearance and that’s definitely something you are going to want to avoid when it comes to dressing your pear-shaped figure.


3. Accessorizing The Neck:


Scarves, scarves, scarves and more scarves! Or really fun, (non-tacky!) bold necklaces . Wearing cute, fun and outstanding necklaces and scarves will also draw attention away from your bottom half. Plus, they can be just so darn cute and really make an outfit stand out.

4. Pants:

Pants, slacks or shorts are the big, big things when dressing a pear-shaped body. Avoid straight boot-leg jeans, super clingy jeans or short-short shorts. If your shorts are too short, they may accentuate all the wrong parts or your pear-shaped bottom half and make it look HUGE. Straight-cut jeans will shorten your legs and hips, which is something you want to stir clear of. To elongate those legs and really accentuate those hips, always swing for mid-rise jeans or shorts. This will definitely give you the look you’ve been yearning for. Flares can also be a really good type of jean to try out when it comes to dressing that pear-shape. Flares will not only elongate your bottom half, but they can also draw attention away from your hips and butt by equaling them with the flared out bottoms.


5. Skirts:

Tailored skirts and pencil skirts are an absolute must for pears! Tailored skirts will help disguise that bottom-half really well and keep your shins and below looking thin. Pencil-skirts will help accentuate and smooth out your hips and bottom, all while elongating. You can bring more attention to your bosom by finding a shirt that you can tuck into either skirt, too. When it comes to picking out the perfect shirt, go for a shirt that will hang slightly over the skirt to make your top half seem almost slightly bigger than your bottom, giving you a balanced, cute look.


7. Sweaters: 

Off-the-shoulder sweaters are a major necessity for this body type! Over-sized sweaters or longer sweaters will help elongate and bring more attention to the top of your body and make your lower-half seem way smaller, too. Avoid wearing sweaters or sweatshirts with short necklines.


8. Shoes: 

]Stick with stilettos or a higher-heeled pump (especially peep-toed!) to never appear frumpy. Shorter pumps will cause a shorter, unflattering look. Also wear strappy or heeled sandals because they are perfect for pear-shaped figures. Never wear sandals that have straps that will cut off at the ankle. That will only make your legs look shorter. Go for sandals that have straps that will wrap elegantly around your leg, as well.  Wedges are also perfect for this body type and will really make a huge difference.


9. Dresses: 

Dresses are essential for most girls and when it comes down to it, for pear-shaped bodies it is hard to find the right type of dress. Empire-waists are life-saves for those with pear figures. That taken in waist will flatter both your top and bottom by drawing attention to the mid-section and it will make your body appear proportionate. The same goes with empire-waist shirts!


10. Jackets: 

Avoid (at all costs!) wearing jackets or cardigans that end above the hip-line and, therefore, are too short. Wear jackets or blazers that flare out a bit more towards the bottom and with cardigans, keep them longer and flowing down past the hips.

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10 Signs Your Crush Likes You Back http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-your-crush-likes-you-back/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-your-crush-likes-you-back/#comments Fri, 23 Aug 2013 03:45:05 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=1856

Wondering if the man you’ve been crushing on likes you back can be extremely confusing. It may be  hard to figure out if a guy really, really likes you like you like him, especially if you’re not sure what you should be looking for. It’s not fun waiting around for him to tell you if he does or not and it can be frustrating hanging onto someone who you aren’t even sure has the same feelings for you. It may just be too embarrassing to ask because of the fear of rejection. So, to help you out here are 10 ways to tell if your special someone wants you to be his special someone, too.


1. Body Language:


We, as humans, say a lot with our bodies- sometimes more than we even say with our words. Body language is an important factor in any relationship; romantic or not. The way your crush moves his body may be telling you something this whole time! Does your crush fidget when he’s around you? Does he try to make eye contact with you as much as possible? Does he touch you a lot? Put his arm around you? Hold your hand? Do you catch him glancing at you, just like you glance at him? Even looking to see if he laughs or smiles when you laugh or smile may be the key to finding out whether he likes you.

2. Compliments:


It’s very unusual for someone who doesn’t feel romantic about you to give you a lot of compliments. Especially if the compliments are ones about your looks. Things like: You’re beautiful, you have an amazing smile, your laugh is cute, you have stunning eyes, etc. Also, if your crush tells you these things more than once, that’s a good sign that he really likes you back.

3. Getting personal:


Does your crush ask you questions about yourself? Does he pry for more  information about you, your family, likes or dislikes? Does he talk about his personal life, goals, family, past relationships, secrets or something else that you wouldn’t tell just anyone? If he does, this may be a great sign that he likes you. Guys don’t open up to just anyone- actually, they don’t open up a lot period. But, when it comes to a girl they may like, they will try to get to know her and let her get to know him because he wants to be more than friends. He wants to let you in. This means he trusts you, but also wants to get to know more about you, too.

4. Friends & Family:


A guy doesn’t bring just anyone to hang out with him and his friends. If your crush wants you to meet his friends or his family, then you may be assured that he likes you as more than a friend. This isn’t always a sure signs, but in most cases a guy doesn’t waste time to go through that whole process for no reason. If he wants you to meet those close to him, it means that he wants you to get to know them and he wants both of you to get along.

5. Communication:


Does your crush make an effort to contact you first by texting, calling or even social network messaging you? Does he reply to your messages relatively briefly after you sent them? Does he answer most of your calls or call you back as soon as he can? All in all, does he make as much of an effort to talk to you as you do to him? If so, it means he really has an interest in you. Guys are forgetful creatures. They won’t usually make the effort to talk to someone who they don’t really want to talk to.

6. Dates and Presents:


A guy who gives you gifts, whether extravagant or small, really cares for you. He wants to impress you and make you happy by giving you things he thinks you’ll love. He obviously loves seeing you happy and loves that he’s the one doing it. If your crush takes you out for ice cream, to a movie, to dinner, to any event or place multiple times, it may mean that he wants to take you out on ‘dates’ and take the relationship further soon enough. Men don’t spend money on girls they don’t have any intention of seeing or dating.

7. People:


Whether people you know are telling you that they think your crush likes you back or you ask them for their opinion, that is a sign that he truly does like you. Third parties are better at seeing the signs than you are because they are not blinded by love. They can see clearly what’s going on and will be able to tell you the absolute truth.

8. Hanging Out:


If you find your crush wanting to be around you a lot, asking you to hang out more than often or offer to take you places, they make like you. If he’s doing these things then it usually means he wants to be around you and enjoys your company. If he offers to take you places or walk you home then he doesn’t mind taking time out of his day to do something nice for you because he wants to make you happy. Definitely a sign he likes you.

9. Exclusivity:


Is he hanging out with other girls? Do you find him talking to other girls, taking them out to date-like places, giving them gifts, etc? This may mean he doesn’t like you as much as you’d hope because he’s not staying exclusive with you. If your crush doesn’t seem to have any other important girls in his life besides you and pays attention to only you, it’s a sign he may like you.

10. He Tells You:


Either he tells you or drops hints that he likes you. That’s definitely a sure as hay sign he likes you back. If he says things pertaining to your future together, how you would be a good girlfriend, how he wishes he had a girl like you or if he straight out says, “I like you”, then he is most definitely interested! 

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