All posts tagged "kiss"
How to Get a Guy to Kiss You
Let me be really honest here and just say that guys aren’t always the brightest when it comes to picking up on hints that us ladies put down. Whether it’s nerves or just their cluelessness, they often...
- Posted February 16, 2016
How to Kiss a Guy for the First Time
The first kiss. The more awkward, frustrating, and thrilling moment when dating someone new. You’re extremely excited to finally touch his lips, but don’t know where to start. Your mind is racing wondering if it’s the right...
- Posted February 12, 2016
20 Signs a guy like you more than friend.
You like him, no doubt about that. You like the way he smirks when something is pretty funny, and the way he turns red when he’s complimented. You like his eyes, the way his hair falls just...
- Posted December 25, 2013