herinterest.com » legs http://www.herinterest.com Tue, 07 Oct 2014 10:58:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 How To Shave Your Legs http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-have-your-legs/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-have-your-legs/#comments Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:12:59 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=11506

With summer fast approaching I bet we’re all excited for sunny days, picnics on the beach, sundresses and shorts. We may love summer clothes and getting our legs out however that leaves us dreading one thing in particular – shaving our legs. Constantly. Let’s face it, no guy is going to find our winter bear legs attractive and most of the time we don’t either. If only shaving were easy…If you’re anything like me (or me before I did all this research!) you’ll cut yourself constantly, be left with random, irritating bits of stubble and a far from perfect finished result. Thankfully, those days are over for me though and they can be for you too with the aid of these ten handy tips and tricks…


1. ALWAYS Use Warm Water


One of the biggest mistakes women make when shaving their legs is using cold or merely tepid water. Using warm to hot water softens your skin and your hairs, making them supple and easier to shave. You’ll find your razor glides over your skin much easier and with better results if you use this tip.


2. Don’t Rush Into Shaving


Following on from using warm water, you need to give your legs time to soak it up. Instead of shaving your legs as soon as you get in the bath or the shower, wash your hair and soap your body first. By the time you come to shaving your legs your hairs will be soft and ready for your razor.


3. Soap It Up


Okay, so I didn’t actually mean that, it just made for a good title. When shaving your legs you should avoid using soap at all costs as this can dry out your skin. Instead use a specialised shaving gel and rub it into a thick foam across your skin before using the razor. Here’s a handy tip – if you’re out of shaving gel you can substitute for conditioner. It makes your legs super smooth and your razor will just glide across your legs while shaving. Plus it’s cheaper too!


4. A Clean Shave


They say you should never shave against the direction of your hair growth but, from personal experience, you’re pretty safe to do this when it comes to your legs. Place your razor on your ankle and gently let it glide up your leg towards your knee. This will result in a smooth, clean shave.


5. Rinse Between Strokes


Always rinse your razor blade between strokes to keep it clean and sharp. This removes any hairs and excess soap which may otherwise get in the way while you’re shaving and cause a rash. While we’re on the subject of razor blades, make sure the one you use is always sharp. I change my blade once a week just to be sure and it results in a much smoother shave. Also, keep the blade wet while shaving too.


6. Exfoliate


Exfoliating before you shave means you’re removing dead skin from your legs and raising hairs so you get a cleaner, closer shave. It’s a simple step but one that should not be missed. I also like to gently exfoliate my legs again after I’ve shaved, just to get a super smooth finish.


7. Position Yourself


For an easier shave either sit on the edge of your bath or on the shower seat and prop your leg up. If you aren’t able to do it try resting your leg on something to elevate it slightly. Wherever you position yourself just be sure you’re stable – you don’t want to slip and cut yourself!


8. When Shaving Your Thighs


Shaving your thighs is the most difficult part of shaving but sadly needs must. Position yourself just like you would when shaving your lower leg and run your razor from your knee to the top of your leg, making sure to go all the way around you leg. Exfoliating is usually twice as important on your thighs and is essential if you want to get a smooth shave.


9. Rinse


Once you’re done shaving don’t forget to rinse your legs with warm water. This gets rid of any excess shaving foam, dead skin and hairs, leaving your legs silky smooth and supply.


10. Moisturise


Phew! We’ve finally finished shaving our legs and have reached the final tip! To really make the most of your shave and ensure you get supple, silky skin afterwards apply a small amount of moisturiser to your legs. You can use normal moisturiser but I highly recommend you buy one that either slows down the rate of hair growth (Yes, those do exist! Miracles do happen!) or, my personal favourite, buy an in-shower moisturiser. In shower moisturisers are fab, you just wash them on and wash them off. My legs have never been as soft as when I started using them!

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How To Lose Inner Thigh Fat Fast For Women http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-inner-thigh-fat-fast-for-women/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-inner-thigh-fat-fast-for-women/#comments Mon, 24 Feb 2014 13:07:57 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=10278

How is it that we see all these pictures of gorgeous celebrities and they’re flaunting beautiful, slim thighs – how do they do it? In fact, scratch that. How do all these women we see in day to day life manage to get lovely, toned thighs yet here we are with a few too many inches on our thighs and a distinct wobble on them too? If you’re anything like me, you know doubt look at all these women in envy wondering where you’re going wrong and what you have to do to get a set of sculpted pins like that. Am I right? Of course I am!

You may feel like achieving lovely, toned legs is nothing but a dream but I’d like to assure you that it’s anything but. There are in fact plenty of simple ways to help you slim down your pins and achieve model worthy legs in no time at all. How, you ask? Easy! Here’s 20 simple ways to help you lose inner thigh fat fast, helping you achieve a set of knock-out legs in no time!


1. Exercise Like Crazy!

If you spend your entire day sitting on the couch or working at a desk then it’s no wonder you have a bit of excess fat on your thighs. I’m sorry to say but you’re not going to lose that weight by magic, you need to work for it to see results. I’m not saying that you have to spend every spare minute of your day at the gym but you need to at least make some time. Try and squeeze in an hour of exercise at least four days a week and you’ll soon see results. You need to be dedicated and stick to that resolve.


2. Get Into A Routine

Speaking of being dedicated, the easiest way to do that is to create a routine for yourself and stick to it. Decide before you start what days you’re going to exercise, a rough time you’ll start and for how long. Knowing that you’re going to be exercising ahead of time will help you get motivated and means your workout is much more likely to happen.


3. Side Leg Lifts

If you’re looking for a great exercise to target your inner thighs then side leg lifts are definitely the place to start. While there is no exercise that specifically only targets one area of the body you’ll certainly feel your inner thighs working with this one. All you need to do for this one is lay on your side on the floor, balance yourself with one arm and rest the other along your side and lift! Simply lift your top leg up and down, making sure to control each movement. Do as many as you can before you switch sides and start again. You may not be able to do many at first but each day you’ll build your endurance and be able to do more. 


4. Squats

Ballet squats are amazing – fact. They’re easy to do and target all of your lower body so not only will they help to reduce your inner thighs but they’ll also help you get toned legs over all and a gorgeous, round bum! There are many variations of squats but to start with stand with your feet shoulder width apart, keep your back straight and bend your knees. Lower your bum down as low as you can, careful not to hurt yourself and making sure your knees don’t press out over your toes, then straighten up again. Repeat this until as many times as you can daily to create yourself a gorgeous set of pins.


5. Cut Down On Calories

It goes without saying that to lose some inner thigh fat you need to lose a little weight period. Unfortunately, like with exercise, you can’t target a specific bit of your body just by dieting but on the plus side this will help you look slimmer overall. To lose weight fast, try cutting down your calorie intake to between 1200 and 1500 calories per day. Don’t go below this however as it’s bad for your body and you’ll go into starvation move, meaning your body will start storing fat instead of shedding it. 


6. Reverse Lunges

Reverse lunges are a fab exercise for sculpting those thighs. Simply stand with your feet shoulder width apart and take a long step back. As you do, lower yourself down with your front leg, a making sure your knee rests above your ankle, and push your hips to the floor.  Step back to your starting position and repeat with your other leg. Do this over until you feel the burn and, if possible, repeat daily for the best results.


7. Run!

It’s a little known fact that runners gave fantastic legs. It’s an amazing cardio exercise that really pumps up your heart rate and helps t burn fat all over you body. Running for just thirty minutes four times a week is a great way to shape up your legs. Don’t worry if you’re new to the whole running thing too, you don’t have to be great at it to start. It doesn’t matter how slow you go or how many times you have to stop to catch your breath, just so long as you run. Your body will thank you for it!


8. Take Up Yoga

Yoga is fames for helping people become more trim, flexible and more at peace with themselves. The moves stretch your entire body and help to relax your mind so it’s good for an awful lot more than your inner thighs. Most people start yoga as a way to tone up and get more flexible but end up continuing it as a way of life due to all the great benefits it has. It doesn’t matter if you join a class or simply buy a DVD to do at home, yoga is great for you either way. From personal experience, I can’t recommend it highly enough!


9. Dance

Dancing is a fantastic way to shed those unwanted inches from your thighs. It’s a great cardio exercise that strengthens your legs, increases flexibility and, lets face it, is loads of fun! Dancing is so easy to do too – you can either join a class, shake your moves along to an interactive video game or simply turn up your stereo and show your empty living room once you’ve got! As well as toning your legs, it’ll work your heart, lungs and will give you a great rush of endorphins. Even if you’re not trying to lose weight, shaking your stuff for just ten minutes a day will help you look and feel great! 


10. Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks, star jumps, whatever you call them, they’re fantastic for toning your inner thighs. Just fifty per day will see your thighs shrinking in no time at all. I can vouch for that – I make sure to do them every morning and every night I love the effect they have so much!


11. Join A Club

If you’re struggling to motivate yourself to exercise by doing it solo then perhaps joining a team will help you. Exercise is exercise no matter what you do so any sport will help you to lose fat on your inner thighs simply because you’re burning calories. Whether you’re into squash, rowing, aerobics or football then there’s sure to be a local club near you. You’ll be burning calories doing something you enjoy while getting plenty of motivation while you socialise. Win, win!


12. Jump Rome

Jumping rope is a great way to tone up your legs. It gets all the muscles in them going as well as being a great cardio exercise which helps overall fitness. Just five minutes a day will work wonders on your legs. 


13. Park Further Away

We’ve all done it, we’ve all circled the car park countless times as we waited for a parking space to open up right at the doors to the mall or near the shop. It may be easy but it does our legs no good at all. For a change, park as far away as you can and walk the distance. It will do wonders for your legs and means the space is free for someone who perhaps needs it more than you.


14. Swim Yourself Slim

There are few exercises that work virtually all the muscles in your body, even the ones you don’t use regularly, but swimming is one of them. Using different strokes will tone you up all over, especially your legs. Plus, swimming is a great way to clear you head and it’s something you can do with friends or on your own. You can go at a pace that suits you too so there’s no need to feel pressured. Like anything else, the more you do it the quicker you’ll see results.


15. Take The Stairs!

I know, I know, it’s so easy just to hop in the lift and be lazy but it won’t do you or your legs any good. To shape up your inner thighs, take the stairs for a change, even if your destination is on the top floor. A few weeks of regular stair exercise will see your legs slimming down wonderfully.


16. Get On Your Bike

Riding a bike is a fantastic way to tone your thighs and lose fat on your inner thighs without placing too much exertion on your body. If it’s a nice day our side, riding a bike can be extremely therapeutic too. If the great outdoors isn’t really you then why not nip along to your local gym and hop on one of their exercise bikes? They do the same job, though admittedly without the wonders of nature for a view, and you don’t have to worry about the weather.



17. Eat Healthy

Simply lowering your calorie intake isn’t enough when it comes to losing weight and slimming down your inner thighs. It’s about what you eat as well as how much so it’s vital that you maintain a healthy diet. Eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can and cut down on saturated fats, carbohydrates and dairy. The best tip I ever got was to eat colourful. If your plate is full of orange or simply one bland colour then you’re not eating right. Mix it up a little by adding a variety or fruit, veg, grains and everything else into your diet. Not only will your food taste better and be better for you but it will look way more appetising too.


18. Say No To Processed Food

While we’re on the subject of foods, to lose weight and lose inner thigh fat it’s vital that you say no to any processed foods – and yes, that includes fast food. It may be quick and easy and yet it may taste good but it’s terrible for your body. Processed food is full of unnatural junk that does your body no good at all. If you must give in to your craving for a pizza or a burger then how about making your own? You’ll still get that delicious taste (probably even a better taste!) and you’ll know exactly what’s going into your body.


19. Drink Water

Last but certainly not least, make sure you drink a minimum of eight glasses of water per day. It’s a great way to detox your body and will help to stimulate weight loss as well as a healthy mind. There really is nothing better for you when trying to lose weight so don’t spoil all your hard work by skipping those vital glasses of water each day. Try drinking a full glass before each meal to aid digestion and also help you realise you feel full quicker, resulting in a lower calorie intake.


20. Keep It Up!

You’ve come this far so now the important thing is that you stick to your resolve to shed those extra pounds and keep them off. Yes, you’re bound to have days where you skip an exercise of give into a craving (they happen, don’t hate yourself for them!) the important thing is that you get right back on track afterward. Look in the mirror daily and see how far you’ve come and think about how much better you feel in yourself now you’re eating clean and exercising regularly. If you follow these twenty tips you won’t just see results on your inner thighs, you’ll see them all over your body and you’ll no doubt feel happier and healthier too. Keep it up! Best of luck, ladies! 


(All Images Sourced Via pinterst.com)

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