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I think it’s only natural that all of us have a hobby of some shape or form. Something that can keep boredom away, broaden our horizons, and inspire our creativity. For some of us one hobby might not even be enough, some of us have two, three, or many hobbies to fill our days and bring variety and fun into our lives. For some of us we love the solitary time that hobbies such as reading or swimming provide but for others one of the benefits to having a regular hobby is getting regular social time. In my opinions, hobbies are what keep us sane. I mean, how boring would life be if it was just work, eat, sleep, watch a little TV…You get the picture! So for those of you that haven’t yet discovered your ideal hobby I’ve compiled this list of thirty-five of what I consider to be the best hobbies out there. Hopefully they’ll inspire you, entertain you, and fill your days with a little excitement.


1. Writing


Okay, okay, I admit it – I’ve started off with one of my own hobbies. For me, writing is more than just a job; it’s a way of life, it’s something fun that brings out my creativity and brings joy to my life. As well as being my job, writing is also my hobby.

Writing is a great hobby for countless reasons. Whether you enjoy writing novels, short stories, flash fiction, articles, or anything else, writing brings out the passion inside of you. It sets your imagination to work and your mind comes alive with what if questions. It’s amazing how easily writing can pass the time and there are few feelings better than getting lost in a world of your creation. I strongly advise that everyone tries writing at some point. Be it a full blown novel or just a page you write, the sense of freedom you get is wonderful.


2. Reading


You caught me! It seems hobby number two is another of my personal passion but again it’s something I think everyone should try. I’ve got no doubt that there’s a book of some shape or form out there for everyone no matter what you’re interests are. Personally, I can’t recommend a good fiction book enough. There are few feelings better than leaving behind your dull, everyday life and stepping into the pages of a book and instantly becoming a film star, a gangster, or a heroine. Your imagination has an amazing way of bringing every word to life so it’s as though the dragons flying above you are real, the conversations you hear really happened – everything just comes alive and for a little while at least you live a life less ordinary and become someone entirely new.


3. Dog Walking


I know, I know, you never expected to see this on the list, right? Surely dog walking’s a chore, not a hobby? Well, that’s where I disagree with you. Walking is a hobby so why can’t dog walking be? Dog walking is a fantastic hobby because it get’s you out and about and you get to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. You become an explorer, walking around castle ruins, finding things down by the river, and all the while you get to do it with your best friend at your side.


4. Squash


Me and my fiancee love to play squash once or twice a week. We find it to be a great way to spend some quality time together while getting a good workout too. When we first started it was a game we knew little to nothing about but after just five minutes in our local squash court we were hooked. It doesn’t matter how bad you are at returning the ball seeing as the enclosed court means the ball isn’t going anywhere. You can just take your time to get better and enjoy the idle chatter with your squash partner while you do. I’m going to be honest with you – me and my fiancee still don’t actually know the rules to squash. We just turn up and hit the ball and still have a fantastic time. My point is, don’t be put off by squash if you’re not competitive or hate sports.


5. Horse Riding


Of course horse riding had to be on the list. It’s something most women try at some point or another (be it when they’re a tiny tot or as an adult) but it’s something that’s much loved by people around the world. The allure is easy to see too. For some, horse riding is a great hobby because you get to spend some quality time with your four legged friend, others love the sense of freedom it gives them, some enjoy the showing side of it, while others simply love trotting along through the beautiful countryside and enjoying nature. In addition to all this, horse riding is also a great way to keep fit!


6. Watching Movies


It’s no secret that I’m a massive movie geek. Right now I’m sat looking at my collection of over five-hundred DVDs. The reason watching movies is a great hobby is similar to why reading is a great hobby – it’s freeing. The second you press play or you here the credits start to roll you’re instantly transported to another world. While you don’t get the benefit of becoming the main character like you do in first-person books, you still get to become a part of their world. Their struggle becomes yours, you feel their emotions, you want their dreams. If you haven’t the patience to read a book, watching a movie can be a great alternative, or you can always do both like me!


7. Art


I’ll put it out there now that I’m not much of an artist at all. I can sketch a few lines and splash a bit of colour on the page but, all in all, I’m no Picasso. The thing is, I still love art. There’s something magical about bringing life to a blank canvas. Art as a hobby holds so many possibilities too – you can work with pencils, oil paint, water paint, pastels, charcoal, or something even more creative. You can paint on paper, on a canvas, on a rock, wherever you please. I think art is about finding your niche and figuring out what works for you. Plus, as I said before, it’s one of those hobbies where you don’t have to be a master or even skilled to enjoy it.


8. Cooking


Despite what you may think, cooking isn’t just something that has to be done if you want to eat. Cooking is a great hobby, one which allows you to show off in front of people, enjoy some solitary time or time with friends, one which can bring people together for the end results, and one which is just downright enjoyable. I’ve always loved baking cakes and the likes but it wasn’t until I moved out that I discovered the true joys behind cooking. I cook because I want to – if I didn’t I’d just grab a pizza out the freezer – and I get incredibly joy out of creating the perfect quiche, a mouthwatering casserole, homemade marshmallows, and much more. I love listening to music, an audio book, or cooking with a friend while I work too.


9. Singing


No doubt we all love singing along to the radio in the car and we’re all suddenly transformed into Beyonce in the shower, and why not? No matter how good or bad we are it’s fun, it’s relaxing, and it’s a great way to unwind. That said, why not take your passion one step further and take singing lessons or join a band to further your talent?


10. Join a Band


Speaking of joining a band…Even if you can’t sing that doesn’t mean you can’t join a band. Perhaps you can play the guitar, the drums, or any other musical instrument. If there’s not a band near you looking for members, you could always create your own band. Simply get together a few of your talented friends and you’re set!


11. Running


Running is a great hobby because not only does it keep you fit it also helps to clear your mind and relaxes you. Running is an amazing way for you to get some fresh air, see some nature, keep your body healthy, get amazing looking legs, and relieve yourself of any stress or worries. You’d be amazed by all the benefits it has! It doesn’t have to be done in silence either – when I run I love to listen to music to keep me motivated and sometimes it’s great to run with a friend too. If you’ve got a dog, you can even take them along.


12. Swimming


While we’re on the subject of sport hobbies, swimming is fantastic. It’s great for getting in shape, improving your flexibility, and toning up. I swim twice a week, once with friends and once by myself. Going with friends is great because it’s relaxing and we can have a catch up while we swim. Going alone on the other hand gives me loads of time to think and really centre myself. Swimming is incredibly peaceful but is also loads of fun too. No doubt your local pool will have lots of different swimming sessions, some of which will be adult only, ladies only, aqua fit, etc, so why not take a look and see which one suits you best?


13. Scrapbooking


Scrapbooking may sound outdated but it’s still incredibly fun and is an awesome hobby. It’s not all about pretty pictures either, it can be about anything you want. I know someone who has a scrap book for almost anything – places she wants to visit, her relationship with her boyfriend, her friendships, music she likes, literally everything! Scrapbooking is about taking things you’re passionate about and immortalising them. It can be anything you want it to be too seeing as you can choose the topics, the materials, whether or not you have quotes – make it as personal as you dare. I’ve known some people even use scrap books as a journal or diary of sorts too.


14. Jewellery Making


Many of us just take walking into a shop and buying necklaces or earrings for granted but it’s becoming ever more popular to make your own jewellery. Many bead shops are now holding classes to teach people how to make their own jewellery and you can buy all the materials cheaply online too. Some people are even turning this unique hobby into a job by selling their creations so this hobby can even prive profitable for you.


15. Wine Tasting


Wine tasting is a great hobby, especially if you do it with friends. Learning how to appreciate a good quality wine is amazing fun and helps you develop a new talent too. Many wine shops, hotels, etc offer classes or taster sessions where you can learn to art and many even do monthly meetings.


16. Track Driving


So tell me, who said track driving was just for men? Ladies, please forget that nation immediately! Track driving is for men and women alike and is incredibly fun! You get the thill of driving incredibly fast, the adrenalin rush from the danger, and all in all a fantastic day. Many places now offer track driving experience days but you can also join clubs to do it regularly too. Don’t be put of by the stereotype side of it and don’t knock what you haven’t tried. It’s more than likely that you’ll surprise yourself and absolutely love it! I did, I just wish the nearest track to me wasn’t two hours away!


17. Pole Dancing


Believe it or not, pole dancing isn’t all about sexy poses and wearing hardly any clothes. Despite what people may think, it’s a sport! Pole dancing is much like gymnastics in my opinion, it’s all about the moves and positions and doesn’t have to put you on show if you don’t want to. You can find pole dancing classes in just about any town or city now, all of them closed so it’s just you and your class mates, no spectators. Of course, if you want you can opt to enter competitions or ‘show’ your new found talent where you please but it’s not obligatory. I’ve tried it and would take the sport back up again if there was a class near me and I highly recommend every woman tries it at some point.


18. Knitting


And who said knitting was just for grannies? That’s an awful stereotype, especially since chunky knitted clothes are at the height of fashion right now. Knitting takes a lot of skill but once you master it you can make most anything you please. My mum knitted the most beautiful throw for her bed which is much nicer than anything she could have bought and my granny was always knitting gorgeous baby clothes, showing the hobby is practical as well as fun. It’s a great way to pass some time productively and you get a great sense of accomplishment once you’ve finished something.


19. Gardening


Gardening is a fantastic hobby and one that wields measurable results. Whether you’re into growing beautiful flowers or cultivating your own veg, gardening is a great way to relax, work your body, and make a real difference to your small area of the world. It’s a hobby you can take real pride in and something you can enjoy year round too. No matter the season, there’s always something to be done in the garden so I suggest you grab your gloves and give it a go.


20. Photography


Digital cameras are falling in price just about daily and they’re becoming increasingly easy to use. You can also find tonnes of cheap beginners photography courses where you can learn this hobby too. Or, if you’re not one for lessons of any type, you can always just start clicking away and seeing what pictures you capture. You can photograph anything from family events such as weddings to ants on the pavement. Whatever takes your fancy really. And it’s so easy to take a relatively normal picture and turn it into a masterpiece with photo editing software these days too. Photography is also a great hobby to merge with blogging or scrapbooking too.


21. Join a Book Club


If you like reading but find it awful lonely then why not join a book club? Most book clubs meet once a month to discuss a set book and go over the highs and lows, what they liked and disliked etc. Book clubs are a great way to meet likeminded people and explore the world of fiction. I attended my first book club just a few months back and absolutely loved it – it was great talking to people who actually understood what I was talking about when I referenced the book. Plus, some book club even have guest speakers such as authors to make it even more exciting too.


22. Collect Things


As odd as it may sound, collecting things is a great hobby and one which can be extremely personal too. I have a love of giraffes so have all kinds of giraffe ornaments, photos, picture frames etc but I also have a weird love of collecting quirky, inspirational beer mats. My DVD collection is also one of my biggest prides. A friend of mine absolutely loves cows and has perhaps the greatest collection of anything I’ve ever seen. Her house is cow crazy but she loves it, it works for her.

In short, choose something you love and are passionate about be it an animal, an object, stamps, magnets etc and exploit it!


23. Learn To Play An Instrument


Learning to play an instrument is a great hobby, especially once you’ve mastered it. I’ll admit, I can’t play any instrument to save my life but I wish I could. Over the years I’ve tried to learn the recorder, the piano, and the guitar amongst other things and I’ve loved the experience of doing so – sadly, I’ve just never been able to grasp the concept of playing them and have failed miserably! Still, it’s a fun thing to do, especially if you prove to have a natural talent for something.


24. Candle Making


Candle making is incredibly easy, personal, and fun. When you’re making your own candles you get to choose the shape, scents, colours etc. You can get supplied from most art stores and even online, all of them reasonably cheap too. This is a hobby you can either do by yourself or with friends too. If you’re nervous about trying something so new, you can even attend classes to learn the art of candle making.


25. Yoga


Yoga is a great way to get in touch with your inner self, to increase your flexibility, bring peace to your mind, and strengthen your body. Loads of celebrities are practicing it to keep in shape and to unwind after a hectic day. This is a hobby you can do with friends, alone in the privacy of your living room, on the beach, at a class, anywhere! Once you know the basic moves you’re set, all you need is a yoga mat to get started too.


26. Volunteering 


Volunteering is a fantastic hobby which fills your time while endlessly helping others. You can volunteer is countless ways and you can choose which cause you support be it Cancer Research, helping the homeless, or something else entirely. You can volunteer in charity shops, to collect donations on the street, to run charity events, help out at soup kitchens, hand out aid – whatever you think you can do. Any help is appreciated. This is a real feel good hobby that not only helps you but helps countless other people too.


27. Gym


Going to the gym isn’t just great for keeping you fit, healthy, and toned, it’s also great for socialising and relaxing too. I love going to the gym with a friend or even going by myself and listening to music or watching TV while I work up a sweat. Believe it or not, the gym is an incredibly relaxing place where you can work away all your stresses and the days troubles. Plus, you come away feeling great about your body too!


28. Online Games


Okay, so you might not class this one as a hobby but I sure do. Playing online games is incredibly fun, especially since there are millions of different ones out there. There are loads of sites where you can play countless mini games or you could even join an online gaming community such as World of Warcraft (honestly, it’s not as geeky as it sounds!). You’ll get the chance to speak to people around the world, play strategy games, play for fun, and compete for the high score. Warning – this hobby can be incredibly addictive though!


29. Foraging


So we covered growing our own food in gardening but why stop there? Why not go out into the wild and forage our own food? You can find herbs, spices, fruit, veg, and much more just by taking a stroll through nature. I will say however, before you head out foraging find a decent guide book to ensure you’re not picking anything poisonous and to get tips on how not to harm the environment while foraging. Also, be aware of the area you’re foraging too. It’s worth finding out if it’s public land before you set out to ensure you’re not trespassing.


30. Caving


Caving is an amazing hobby! It’s an incredible feeling exploring the underground world which allows you to see some absolutely unimaginable things. You’ll get the opportunity to see wildlife not seen on the Earth’s surface, underground rivers and waterfalls, the most beautiful rocks and minerals and much more. Caving is really exciting too because while it is, for the most part, safe you still get the thrill from feeling you’re doing something dangerous. It’s also a fantastic hobby to do with friends seeing as it really is like you’re going on a real life adventure with them.


31. Host Board Game Parties


Board games may not sound all that exciting but in reality that’s far from the truth. We have a few friends who we do board game nights with and they’re all incredibly fun. We love ordering in a takeaway, opening a bottle of wine, and letting the fun begin. There are countless boardgames out there for you to try but of course some of the best are Monopoly, Cluedo, Articulate, and Pictureka. Board game parties are cheap, fun, exciting, and they change every time you host them depending on the game, the players, and everything else so they’re never dull.


32. Chart Your Family Tree


Charting your family tree may not sound like the most exciting hobby in the world but you’d be surprised just how much you learn. It’s amazing looking back into your family history and finding our who married who, where people lived and how they died, who accomplished what, how the war affected your family, and everything else. It’s odd looking into the lives of essential strangers but still feeling an immense connection to them. You’ll undoubtedly learn things you never even imagined while charting your family tree. The hobby can be quite addictive too seeing as the more you learn the more you want to learn and you want to go as far back as you possibly can.


33. Run a Side Business


Some of us have hobbies which we can even turn into a business to supplement our income. Take me for example – writing for me started out as a hobby, then I started doing it in addition to my day job, and now I’m a full time freelance writer. How cool is that? Loads of hobbies can be turned into a business too – candle or jewellery making, cooking, photography, blogging… It’s always worth seeing if you could earn a little extra cash simply by doing what you love. You’ll find you may even enjoy your hobby that bit more if it’s providing you with an income too.


34. Restoration


Restoration is a fantastic hobby, not only because it requires you to learn new skills but because you can see the results of your passion and your work. It’s a talent that can be applied to any number of things too. Some people restore old cars, some people nurture old books back to health, some convert vintage furniture or clean up ageing jewellery. The possibilities really are endless. In short, restoration is about using your talent and skill to take something ageing or broken and fixing it up. This hobby is also great for turning into a side or full time business too – I know loads of people who are doing it already.


35. Go Travelling


Finally we come to my favourite hobby on the list – travelling. There is nothing better than going out and seeing the world. You’ll gain some amazing experiences, see some incredibly sights, and creature priceless memories. Why not escape to see the Colluseum, sail down the watery streets of Venice, peer into the Grand Canyon, climb the Pyramids of Giza, journey across the plains of Africa? While an around the world trip ma be what we all desire and while the jungles of Madagascar and outback of Australia may be what we all wish to see, you needn’t even go that far. Within your own country there are bound to be thousands of incredibly sights, you need only open your eyes and hop in the car to see them.

Travelling is also a great hobby to combine with photography, writing, blogging, or scrapbooking. This gives you the opportunity to share your amazing journey with others and immortalise your wonderful life.


So there you have it, thirty-five great hobbies that all women can enjoy. I hope I’ve inspired you to go out and try something knew and give you some great ideas on how to fill your time. I know I’ll even be trying out a few of these – maybe even all of these! Happy hobbying!


(all images sourced via pinterest.com)

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What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Crush? http://www.herinterest.com/what-does-it-mean-when-you-dream-about-your-crush/ http://www.herinterest.com/what-does-it-mean-when-you-dream-about-your-crush/#comments Sun, 29 Dec 2013 16:36:12 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=7630

On average every one of us dreams seven times per night. We might not even realise it, but that doesn’t make it any less true. All too often people don’t realise this and claim to never dream, not realising how statistically unlikely that actually is. Since you’re reading this, I think it’s safe to say however that you’re not one of those people. I’m going to take a shot and say that you remember your dreams quite a lot, perhaps most nights, and I’m going to take another shot and say that a lot of them feature a certain, very special, someone.

But what does it mean when your crush keeps popping up in your dreams? Why is it that he just can’t contain himself to real life, why is he flaunting himself in your dreams too? Here’s your answer…


The Why

‘The why’ in ‘why is your crush dream stalking you?’ is simple – you’re thinking about him in your waking hours and unable to forget about him when you switch off for the night. When we sleep our subconscious gets free reign and in that time it paints us pictures using the people, objects, places and scenarios we’ve been thinking of when we were awake.

There’s not much else to the why, like I said, it’s simple. You’re focussing on him while you’re awake and your subconscious is simply playing on that fact and creating a dream from it.

What It Means

Depending on your beliefs and whether or not you’re superstitious, dreams can either mean nothing or they can mean everything. They can hide clues to the future or your deepest desires or they can simply be nothing more than your mind playing a trick on you. If you don’t believe dreams hold clues to our futures or insights into our souls then I suggest you skip over this section, it may not be for you.

Here’s a few common dreams that may include your crush and what they are commonly interpreted to mean…

To dream you are kissing your crush symbolizes love, affectation and harmony. Your mind is expressing your waking desire to be close to this person and form some sort of attachment, in this case a relationship.


Don’t panic if you and your crush were arguing in a dream. This doesn’t mean you aren’t compatible as a couple. Arguing in a dream can symbolize tension and that you are trying to resolve an internal conflict. In this case, it’s likely your mind trying to tell you how frustrated it is that your crush is nothing more than a crush. It could show that your mind is ready for the two of you to become more than friends.

If you receive a love note or letter in your dream means that there could be a new relationship ahead of you. It also however symbolizes that you are insecure about something and need reassurance about your feelings or relationship. My advice in this situation is to be hopeful but beware, don’t let your insecurities get the better of you.


What To Do About It

On a whole, dreaming of your crush shows that you have an unresolved issue with him in real life, namely that he’s only your crush and not your boyfriend. You need to take action in the real world by attempting to get closer to him to see if a relationship is on the cards or not. Either way, your dreams about him are likely to grow fewer, if not stop altogether, as you start to live out your fantasy of speaking to him in everyday life. Chances are, you’ll be happier for it too. Instead of waking up feeling slightly hollow every morning seeing as your dream was only a dream, you’ll end each day feeling fulfilled that you spoke to him.

Try reading my article How To Get Your Crush To Like You for tips on how to interact with your crush in real life. As much as we’d all like to, we can’t go on dreaming forever. It’s time to stop dreaming and start living so go out there and make your crush fall head over heels for you!

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Why Am I Still Single? http://www.herinterest.com/why-am-i-still-single/ http://www.herinterest.com/why-am-i-still-single/#comments Mon, 16 Dec 2013 15:44:54 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=7466

So you’re pretty, you’re funny, you’re smart and you’re bubbling with personality yet for some baffling reason you’re still single.You keep turning over all your personality traits in your head wondering exactly what it is that’s chasing guys away from you. Let me start by saying this – stop! It’s not you.

Before I met my fiancée, I was single for a year and a half. I wasn’t sure exactly where my last relationship had gone wrong and what it was about me my ex and every other guy out there didn’t seem to like about me. I’m not big headed, I never for a second thought I was the most beautiful woman in the world, but I didn’t think I was bad looking. While I wasn’t the smartest or funniest of people, I figured I had a pretty good personality and was a good natured woman. Surely I was good enough for someone! Yet still, no one seemed interested.

I have one key philosophy in life though and, when I applied it to the question ‘why am I still single?’, I knew I didn’t need to worry about anything. My philosophy? Everything happens for a reason. Yes, it really is that simple. Everything happens exactly when and how it should if you ask me so I knew there was no point worrying about the fact that I was still single. I’m pleased to say I was proven right too. I never went chasing after guys, I just enjoyed my time being single and finally Mr. Right just strolled into my life without any effort from either of us.

I can’t stress highly enough how important it is that you live your single life to the full and stop worrying about when you’ll meet someone. I know for a lot of you that won’t be enough however so I’ve come up with a few things to consider if you are single and don’t want to be. Here goes…


Are you putting yourself out there?

This one’s obvious really. You’re not going to meet Prince Charming if all you do is hide away at home once you’ve finished work. You’ve got to be in the game to win it, after all. It doesn’t matter where you go – bars, clubs, the library, parks etc – just so long as you go. I’ll admit I spent the first year of my singleton time curled up on my sofa reading but just a few months after I started discovering what lay outside of the fictional worlds I found love. It’s all good and well enjoying your own company but, if you do, just remember you can’t complain about being single.


Are you making an effort?

I don’t mean to be rude but this one has to be thrown in to the ring. You don’t have to go all out to impress guys, you don’t have to be something or someone you’re not, but you should at least make a little bit of effort with your looks if you’re trying to attract a man. You don’t have to give yourself the full works with a haircut and a makeover, just make sure you look neat and radiant. Natural looks are the best way to go, guys love that, just so long as you look presentable you’re set. Oh, and don’t forget the best makeup you can wear, your smile. Smile bright and guys won’t be able to resist.


Are you trying too hard?

Often the best things come to those who wait and when they least expect it and the same is true of relationships. If you’re all over every guy you meet and pestering him for a date (or at least hinting for one), you’re likely to scare men off. As silly as it sounds, the best way to attract a man is to stop looking for one. Mr. Right will pop up when you least expect him to but it will be for all the right reasons. It will be because he’s loved the way you look, and he’s seen your charismatic smile, not because he can see you’re looking for a boyfriend. To put it plainly, it will be because he wants you, not because he knows you want him. Take me for example, the night I met my guy I was out on a girls night. Meeting someone hadn’t even crossed my mind until suddenly this gorgeous man asked for my number. He’d seen me speaking to people and laughing away and there was something about me he just liked. I’d shown him the carefree, fun and friendly side of me without even knowing it – without even knowing he existed for that matter. Just be yourself and stop worrying about who’s watching, you’ll love the results.


Just remember, ladies, time is all it takes. Don’t panic because you’re single, you’re not doing anything wrong. Mr. Right will be along soon, just enjoy the single life in the mean time.


(All images courtesy of Pinterst.Com)

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Relationship Advice For Teenage Girls http://www.herinterest.com/relationship-advice-for-teenage-girls/ http://www.herinterest.com/relationship-advice-for-teenage-girls/#comments Tue, 10 Dec 2013 13:17:20 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=7014

Being a teenager is hard enough as it is. You go through hell on a daily basis with exams, parents and pretty much being told you need to decided what you want to do for the rest of your life. Every day can feel like a minefield. Then, when you throw guys and dating into that mix, things get even more complicated. It’s hard, right?

When it comes to dating, there’s surely a battle of thoughts and questions raging in your head – ‘Is he right for me?’, ‘What if we break up?’, ‘His friends hate me!’, ‘Do I have time for a relationship?’, ‘Will I ever get a boyfriend?’. I’m right, am I not? Relax, all that’s normal! It’s not that you worry that’s the problem, it’s something we’re prone to in all aspects of life no matter what age we are, it’s how you deal with it that matters.

Never fear though because I’ve come up with three timeless pieces of relationship advice that are sure to help de-stress your life.


Take Things Slow

Don’t feel like dating is a race and you have to rush to the finish line. Whether you’re already in a relationship or are still in search of one, remember to take things easy.

If you’re just starting out in a relationship, make sure you go on plenty of dates. Get to know each other as well as possible so you can both be sure that you’re good together. Date’s don’t have to be a pull-out-all-the-stops expensive meal either – they can be simple. Movie nights, shopping trips, walks in the park – it’s that easy. Pretend you’re just friends and choose where you’re going on your date from there. Trust me when I say that relationships where you can act like friends are the most rewarding and also the most promising.

For those of you already in a relationship, remember that it’s okay to say you want to slow things down. If things feel like they’re going too fast for you, don’t feel pressured to let it stay that way. If you don’t speak up, chances are your relationship will fail anyway because you’re not 100% happy. If your guy truly respects you, he’ll understand why you’re asking to slow down and will do anything he can to help you feel better.


Share, Listen and Learn

The most important aspect of any relationship is communication. This is true in all aspects of life whether you’re speaking to family, friends, teachers or, of course, your other half. If you’re feeling unsure about something make sure you open up about it. Don’t just let your thoughts and feelings fester inside of you because, trust me (I know from experience), things will turn out ten times worse in the end. There’s no ‘for better or for worse’ in this situation either. The situation will only worsen if you keep quiet. No matter the outcome, things are always better out in the open.

Communication is a two way street though. You can’t just speak and expect to be heard without giving your partner the same courtesy. Just because you’re feeling insecure or worried doesn’t mean your partner can’t be too. Or maybe you think everything is hunky-dory and it’s only your partner who needs to get something off his chest. Either way, listening is equally as important as talking.

This is a three part formula – share, listen and finally learn. There’s no point in either you or your boyfriend talking about anything if the pair of you aren’t going to take something away from it. Don’t just talk about things then brush the whole conversation under the rug as though it never happened. You’ll never move forward if you do.

If you want to maintain a healthy and satisfying relationship, these three things are key.


Remember, you’re only young.

You’ll probably hate me for this last piece of advice but honestly it’s the best advice anyone can give you. Remember that you’re only young. You have the rest of your life to meet ‘the one’ so don’t panic if things aren’t quite right with your current boyfriend. It’s extremely rare that someone’s first relationship lasts forever. There’s plenty of time for you to go out and make mistakes and simply be young – it’s called gaining life experience.


So there you have it, ladies. Those are my three best relationship tips for when you’re a teenager (or at any age for that matter!). Whether you’re in a happy, long-term relationship or a still looking for love, I hope you can take something worthwhile away from this. These are timeless tips that could see you through a lot of trouble and a lot of heartache in the years to come.


(All images courtesy of Pinterest.com)

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100 Hottest TV Actors 2013-2014 (Part B) http://www.herinterest.com/100-hottest-tv-actors-2013-2014-part-b/ http://www.herinterest.com/100-hottest-tv-actors-2013-2014-part-b/#comments Sat, 19 Oct 2013 18:49:56 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3897

So we’ve had a look at some of the hottest names in TV so far (Part A) – there was Sons of Anarchy actor David Labrava kicking things off at number 100, incorporating Jim Parsons who plays the hilarious Dr. Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory, Barrett Foa, Tony Goldwyn who you may remember from the hit film Ghost, taking us right through to number 81 on our list – Eric Christian Olsen.

For now, we are going to continue and dive right on into our list….. Are you ready for the next twenty hotties that will be on your TV’s for 2013-2014? Just take a moment to think about the hottest TV shows on our TV’s right now – those actors are more than likely going to end up in our list!

80 – Chris Colfer

Chris Colfer

You will have remembered this guy if you have ever watched the amazing TV show Glee. It will be soon making a comeback with news of the sad death of Cory Monieth in the show, and this is the perfect opportunity to check out this guy once again.

Admittedly he isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and he might be a bit young for some but for others, he’s the best thing since sliced bread and you can tell this from the rather impressive fan following he seems to have accumulated since he first appeared on the show.

One thing that you may not know about Chris Colfer, who was originally born in California on May 27th, 1990, is that he was once much bigger than the size of man you see today. Back in 2007, he worked hard and with plenty of exercise and a healthy and balanced diet, he managed to lose 40 pounds. Doesn’t he look fantastic for it, girls?

Chris Colfer 2

In Glee, he plays Kurt Hummel, and this role has won him a whole host of awards. At the Golden Globes, for example, he won awards for Best Supporting Actor in a Series, and he was awarded for a couple of Emmy’s as well as appearing on Time’s list of 100 most influential people back in April 2011.

Hot and influential – what more could you possibly ask for?

79 – Michael Kelly

Michael Kelly

Michael Joseph Kelly is actually 44 years old and was originally born in Pennsylvania on 22nd of May, 1969. He might be older than most TV actors but he’s certainly hot, and as well appearing in some of the most amazing films of our time, he has also had the pleasure of starring in some pretty impressive TV shows, hence the fact that we are slotting him into our list.

There was Changeling back in 2008 with Angelina Jolie, Chronicle in 2012, Dawn of the Dead in 2004 and even The Adjustment Bureau in 2011. It is the role of Doug Stamper in House of Cards that has made him a household name these days, and this has certainly invoked a fairly impressive fan following, especially among the female fans of the show!

He’s been in a fair few TV shows over the years including the brilliant The Good Wife in which he starred back in 2011, and there was also a few Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior shows that he appeared in too. He’s certainly keeping himself busy and we are sure that his female fan base certainly aren’t complaining!

78 – Brendan Robinson

Brendan Robinson

It was ABC’s Pretty Little Liars that made Brendan Robinson a household name, and within this TV show he plays the part of Lucas Gottesman.

Not just an actor for TV, he also classes himself as a producer and writer, and it would seem that the young guy has come a long way over recent years.

Brendan Robinson 2

He was born in Oregon on February 28th, 1990 and has also been in seen in shows like How I Met Your Mother, Good Luck Charlie, Weeds and even Cold Case.

In case TV wasn’t enough for you, there is a film called Feels So Good that will star Brendan Robinson and should be out at some point later on this year. It is currently in post-production and we are super excited to see it!

77 – LL Cool J

LL Cool J

Perhaps better known for his film roles such as Deep Blue Sea and Any Given Sunday, but also known to be a Hip Hop and rap artist, LL Cool J has been playing his hand at TV acting recently which is why we have decided to fit him nicely into this list. He didn’t make the Hottest Black Men – there were simply too many to choose from, so we feel that he definitely belongs here. We wanted to see his beautiful smile for a start.

LL Cool J 2

James Todd Smith was born in New York on January 14th, 1968 making him a whopping 45 years old. We definitely didn’t think he was that old! His nickname/stage name LL Cool J is actually an abbreviation of Ladies Love Cool James – LL Cool J and as well as romantic ballads that he released in the 90’s such as “Hey Lover” and “I Need Love”, he also has a few harder style rap and Hip Hop songs under his belt, with 13 studio albums under his belt and even two compilations of greatest hits. He actually released another album this year called Authentic and although we haven’t listen to it yet, it’s definitely on our to-do list!

LL Cool J 3

More recently, LL Cool J has taken a step back from music and acting in films to star as Sam Hanna in the CBS drama and crime TV show called NCIS: Los Angeles. It looks as if this may be a long term thing for dark-chocolate cutie too – there are no films coming out soon that will star this guy.

76 – James Tupper

James Tupper

We’ve had a few Brits and Americans on the list but now we come to a Canadian and what a hot Canadian he sure is! James Tupper was born in Nova Scotia in Canada on August 4th, 1965 making him a respectable 48 years old. We didn’t believe he was that old when we found out either! He certainly doesn’t look two years away from fifty, that’s for sure!

James Tupper 2

Another film and TV actor combined, you will have seen him in the 2011 film Mr. Popper’s Penguins as well as the 2012 film Playing for Keeps and the 2006 film Men in Trees. It was perhaps his role in the NBC medical drama TV show Mercy that ran from 2009-2010 that made him a household name, and you will also have noticed him in such delights as Grey’s Anatomy in which he played Dr. Andrew Perkins, and more recently the relatively new TV series called Revenge, in which he plays David Clarke. There are a couple of smaller films coming out over the next few months starring James Tupper but, for the most part, if you want to check him out, you will just have to watch Revenge… What a shame!

75 – Luke Kleintank

Luke Kleintank

He’s hot, handsome and perfectly chiseled and also in one of the coolest TV shows around. It was his role as Elliot Leichter in Gossip Girl that first shot him to fame, and since then he has gone on to star in The Young and the Restless as Noah Newman. You can see him these days in the hit show Pretty Little Liars playing Travis, and there are also a couple of films coming out over the next year or so starring this cute guy.

Luke Kleintank 2

Just one example of the films that you are going to see him in is 1000 to 1 in which he plays the part of Brendan Trelease, and will also star David Henrie. You will also see him in Sacrifice in 2014, making his total film count now up to three. It would appear that he is slowly branching away from TV and we won’t complain – we don’t mind in the slightest! The more we get to see this cutie, the better.

74 – Sean Murray

Sean Murray

Another NCIS favorite, Sean Harland Murray first struck our attention many years ago when he played the part of Thackery in the utterly brilliant film Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler and Sarah Jessica Parker. Come on – admit it! We’ve all seen that film a thousand times and loved it more with every single repeat viewing!

Sean Murray 3

These days he is more known for playing the infamous Timothy McGee in the CBS show NCIS, plus also starring in the parent series to NCIS called Jag in which he plays Danny Walden.

Sean Murray 2

A far cry from the young lad that we fell in love with when he was in Hocus Pocus, Sean Murray is now 35 years old. He was born in Maryland, USA on November 15th, 1977 which means he will soon be 36! Yet another guys whose age we can’t believe. What is with the guys in TV and film? Why do they always look much younger than they actually are? It’s just not fair, is it ladies?

73 – Trevor Donovan

Trevor Donovan

Trevor Donovan Neubauer is his real name and he was born in California, USA on October 11th, 1978. This means that the blonde haired, blue eyed beauty is now 34 years old. Another guy that was older than we thought he was – go figure!

This guy is best known for his role as Teddy Montgomery in the TV series 90210 – the most recent one, not the one that was years ago, of course!

Trevor Donovan 2

Not just known for 90210, it would seem that this guy has a few films under his belt as well. The 2012 film Savages received pretty impressive reviews in the media and also starred Blake Lively, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Taylor Kitsch. There was also the film Surrogates that was released back in 2009, plus a couple of other TV series too! You may remember him from The Client List in which he played Dashiell Codd, or even Drop Dead Diva in which he played a guy called Keith.

Luckily for us ladies that cannot get enough of Trevor Donovan, there is a film coming out soon that is called Wonderland. This family drama is said to be in post-production and is also said to star Christina Milian plus Alicia Witt. We are quite excited for this!

72 – T.J. Thyne

T.J. Thyne

You may remember him from Bones – he plays an entomologist called Dr. Jack Hodgins. Not just an actor in TV however, he also has a few films under his belt including How the Grinch Stole Christmas back in 2000, and even Erin Brockovich and Ghost World that came out in 2011 and 2001 respectively.

T.J. Thyne 2

Born in Boston, USA on March 7th, 1975, T.J. Thyne is a 38 year old Pisces that has had a pretty impressive career behind him considering he’s not considered to be a massive household name as such. You may have remembered him from the one episode of Friends in which he played Dr. Oberman – that was back in 1998. For now, you’ll just need to check out more Bones if you need your fix. It’s a great TV show though so we aren’t complaining too much.

71 – Barry Sloane

Barry Sloane

We have finally come to another Brit on our list of Top 100 TV Actors 2013-2014. He is actually from Liverpool in the UK and was born on the 10th of February in 1981 which makes him fairly young in the grand scheme of things. Most of the actors that we have looked at so far have been slightly older – this guy is only 32 years old.

He’s been around for a few years, especially within the TV land of Britain. Now seen in the hit show Revenge as the part of Aiden Mathis, he was also in the British TV show Holby City as well as Doctors (a daytime TV soap) and even played a part in The Bill and Casualty. It has been only recently that he has been seen in American TV shows and it would appear that this was a great move for the beautiful British man.

Barry Sloane 2

He will be a fantasy/drama film in 2014 called Noah which will see him starring alongside Emma Watson, Jennifer Connelly and Logan Lerman which clearly means his move to USA TV has definitely been a great one for him. You’ll also see Anthony Hopkins in this film as well as Russell Crowe and Douglas Booth. You just know that this will end up being a massive film – especially with those great names in there!

70 – Eric Steinberg

Eric Steinberg

The youngest of two kids, Eric D. Steinberg was born in Washington, D.C. and is an actor that is perhaps best known for his role of the father of Emily Field (Wayne Field) in the hit TV show, Pretty little Liars. This show seems to have features a lot in this list of Top 100 TV Actors 2013-2014 so maybe it’s time to watch it if you haven’t already.

A keen traveler, he spent a lot of his childhood in Montana and has also had the pleasure of visiting Korea and Thailand, and as well as being famous for being in Pretty Little Liars, he has also been in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, The Mentalist and even Torchwood.

Not quite as conventionally attractive as some of the actors we have featured in this list, he certainly has that tall, dark and handsome thing going on about him and it would appear that he has developed himself quite the fan base, especially after his stint in Pretty Little Liars.

Who knows what could come up next for this hot actor of 2013-2014!

69 – Matthew Gray Gubler

Matthew Gray Gubler

Have you ever seen Criminal Minds? If you have, you’ve probably noticed Matthew Gray Gubler already. You will also have noticed him in the 2009 film 500 Days of Summer as well as the 2007 film Alvin and the Chipmunks. Sticking with the theme of Alvin and the Chipmunks, there is a fourth one announced and once again, this hot TV actor will play the voice of Simon.

Matthew Gray Gubler 2

Back to Criminal Minds and Matthew plays the part of Dr. Spencer Reid. Back to real life and this guy was born in Las Vegas, believe it or not, and currently stands at 33 years of age with his date of birth being March 9th, 1980. He’s been acting since about 2004 when he was in the TV show Arrested Development and aside from a couple of films he has coming out, it would seem that he is staying with Criminal Minds for just now. Acting is not the only pie he seems to have his fingers in either; he also classes himself as a fashion model, director, photographer and painter. It must be great to have so many talents under his belt, don’t you think? We’d watch him on TV and then let him model for us anyway!

68 – Eric Szmanda

Eric Szmanda

This guy is most known for his role in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and if you are a firm follower, you will probably already recognize him better as Greg Sanders in the CBS police drama show. Not just a TV actor, Eric Szmanda has also appeared in his fair share of films too – in 2002, we saw him in The Rules of Attraction alongside the delectable Ian Somerhalder, and that is just one example!

Originally from Wisconsin, Eric Szmanda was born on July 24th, 1975, making him stand at a rather respectable 38 years old! Isn’t it amazing how much older these guys than you thought they were!

Eric Szmanda 2

For now, you can continue to see this guy in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. It doesn’t look like he has any other films coming out at any point soon so the TV show will just have to do!

67 – Gustaf Skarsgard

Gustaf Skarsgard

You might remember the name – Alexander Skarsgard is the hot blonde guy in the show True Blood. Well Gustaf Skarsgard is Alexander’s younger brother. Born in Sweden on 12th November, 1980, this sibling is a bit younger standing at just 32 years old. He’s been acting since 1989 however – there are a few things that you may have seen him in.

Gustaf Skarsgard 2

For now, you may have noticed that this guy is in the TV show – Vikings in which he plays the part of Floki. Wherever you may have seen him, you’re not likely to forget his face at any point soon – it would seem that he is to stay in the TV show and with TV shows like this, you know it is only going to go from strength to strength!

66 – Matt Milne

Matt Milne 2

This guy was in the amazing film War Horse back in 2011. He was also in Wrath of the Titans as one of the elite guards. Now you can see him in the amazingly brilliant British TV show that has taken the world by storm – Downton Abbey, playing the part of Alfred Nugent.

Matt Milne

Originally born in Hereford in the UK in 1990, he hasn’t been around for long in the acting world but he has certainly played his part in some of the most well known and respected films and TV shows of our time. Downton Abbey, for example, has taken the UK by storm and everyone is waiting with bated breath for the next installment. We can only assume that from this point, this guy’s career is going to sky rocket! We certainly hope so anyway – the cracking ginger hair and pretty smile seem to have drawn us in.

65 – Jim Parrack

Jim Parrack

Some of us will remember this guy as the super cute yet rather simple Hoyt Fortenberry in the hit TV series True Blood. He was also in the TV series Alcatraz, playing the part of Guy Hastings. He was LCPL. Peter Kerns in Battle Los Angeles in 2011, and has also been in a couple of episodes of Criminal Minds. Is there anything this guy can’t do?

He is relatively unheard of in some houses but in others, he’s the biggest attraction. He’s not conventionally good looking but there is something about him that has the girls screaming, and you certainly can’t ignore that! He is a guy that had our office divided – we imagine he’s much like Marmite. You either love him or you hate him.

Jim Parrack 2

For those that love him (and Marmite too!) he has been a VERY busy boy recently and has a string of films and shorts coming out. A Night in Old Mexico, for example, is currently in post-production and will see Jim Parrack starring alongside Robert Duvall and Jeremy Irvine. There is also The Labyrinth that is due to be released in 2014 that will also see James Franco starring alongside the vampire-lover!

64 – Clive Standen

Clive Standen

This guy is another British actor that has made the list, and before you argue against that fact saying that you don’t know who he is, let us tell you what this guy has been in. He’s currently in Vikings, playing the part of Rollo. He was in the British TV series Camelot too playing the part of Gawain. Robin Hood is another TV show that saw him acting as the role of Archer. He played Private Harris is a couple of episodes of Dr. Who, and he was even in Waking the Dead, another British show.

Clive Standen 2

Born in Northern Ireland on 22nd July, 1981, he stands at an impressive 32 years old and shows no signs of slowing down at any point soon. It would appear that this Brit has been rather underrated, especially when you consider that he has only really been acting since about 1994.

Unfortunately, for those of you that are lusting after this guy, he is happily married with three kids. We can all dream though, right ladies?

63 – David Walton

David Walton

He certainly has the looks, doesn’t he? David Walton is dark haired, dark-eyed and dark-looking and has all the ladies swooning. Standing at 34 years old, he was born in Massachusetts on October 27th, 1978. He’s been acting since around 2002 but seems to have racked up quite an impressive resume over the years.

He was in the beautifully amazing Burlesque film with Cher and Christina Aguilera back in 2010, and has since been in a film with Julia Stiles called The Makeover which was released in this year. He was also in Fired Up! back in 2009. He has a couple of films coming out soon too, just in case you were interested – Think Like a Man Too is out in 2014 and will see David Walton working alongside Kevin Hart, who we all know is a damn funny guy!

It’s New Girl that you will probably know David Walton from – he plays Sam in the hit TV show. Unfortunately, he’s not up for grabs now though – he married an actress back in 2011 called Majandra Delfino and in June 2012, they welcomed their first daughter into the world. Reapeat after me – awww!

62 – Theo Rossi

Theo Rossi 2

We love Sons of Anarchy right now. We are especially said that Charlie Hunnam pulled out of the lead role in Fifty Shades of Grey, but that’s not to say that there isn’t plenty more eye-candy to admire. After all, there’s this guy too…

Theo Rossi plays the part of Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz in the hit FX TV series, and his latino looks have certainly helped things along for him. He has a stunning smile and although he looks a little on the badass side, that’s probably because of his character more than for his actual personality.

Theo Rossi

He’s a good guy deep down – he does a lot of charity work for military men and women, and even founded “Staten Strong” after Hurricane Sandy hit. He has already rebuilt two homes and is currently building a third. What a nice guy!

Not just known for Sons of Anarchy, Theo Rossi has been in a few films too, and perhaps the oddest one was Cloverfield which puzzled most of us here in the Herinterest office. He was also in Kill Theory back in 2008. It doesn’t appear that he has many films coming out soon however – it would seem that the Sons of Anarchy show is working well for him right now.

61 – George Eads

George Eads

Just take a look at this guy – he’s tall, dark and handsome and he ticks all the right boxes for millions of women all over the world. His role in the hit CBS police drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation has certainly helped things along, and his position as Nick Stokes in the show will be remembered for a long time! He has been in a few films over the years and even starred in a couple of episodes of Two and a Half Men, but it would seem that the CSI show gave him the big break he needed to become a household name.

Born in Texas on March 1st, 1967, the 46-year old actor originally moved to LA in California in a borrowed pick-up truck, and worked hard at getting his dream before he finally got there. It just goes to show that with a little persistence, you will get there in the end!

George Eads 2

Funnily enough, back in March 2009, George Eads was voted as one of the Sexiest TV Actors in the TV Guide special edition issue. We told you he was hot.

So there you have it – the next installment in our great series of 100 Hottest TV Actors 2013-2014… What do you think of the list so far? Has it met your expectations? Who do you think will be coming next? We don’t want to ruin things for you but just think about it this way – we have 60 more spots left and a whole load of actors. Where will Stephen Moyer from True Blood come? What about Rupert Friend? We can’t possibly forget about Ian Somerhalder either….

We are excited to bring the next batch of twenty hot male actors… Are you?

========== Continue to Part C ==========

*Photos lovingly stalked from Pinterest.com!

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100 Hottest TV Actors 2013-2014 Part A http://www.herinterest.com/100-hottest-tv-actors-2013-2014-part-a/ http://www.herinterest.com/100-hottest-tv-actors-2013-2014-part-a/#comments Thu, 10 Oct 2013 20:12:45 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3539

We have seen some of the hottest names in films, sports, TV and movies over the last few months with a hot man frenzy going in here. The Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013 series certainly proved that there are some extremely hot men out there.

Now we are going to concentrate our attention to the hottest of the TV actors. With some amazing new TV shows coming out, it would seem that the once known stepping stone to film is coming back in fashion. Move over Saved by the Bell, we have the likes of Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad and the new 90210 to watch these days! (Not that we don’t love Saved by the Bell, of course!)

So, without any further delay, we are going to hop right into the world of hot TV actors. Are you ready for the beauties that we have coming to you?

100 – David LaBrava

David LaBrava

This guy might not be everyone’s cup of tea but he certainly seems to have raised a few eyebrows here in the Herinterest office, that’s for sure. Not only is he part of the Sons of Anarchy cast, playing Happy in the TV series, but he is also well known for being a motorcycle enthusiast and member of the Hells Angels, plus a writer and a tattoo artist. There’s something seriously badass about this guy and a lot of the ladies seem to love it.

Originally, he was actually hired to be behind the scenes on the hit TV show, but was introduced into the cast; something that many of us ladies are more than happy about!

99 – David Spade

David Spade

Another David on our list and although you might not believe it, this guy is actually 49 years of age! The guy that first caught our attention in 8 Simple Rules with Katey Sagal who is now in Sons of Anarchy, and also Kaley Cuoco who is in The Big Bang Theory, is now an actor with some pretty impressive stuff under his belt. Born July 22nd in 1964, he is now better known for his role of Russell Dunbar in Rules of Engagement, but also starred in Grown Ups 2 which came out this year. It seems he’s been rather busy!

98 – Iain Glen

Iain Glen

As his name would suggest, this TV actor is actually Scottish and was born in Edinburgh on 24th of June, 1961. This makes him a rather impressive 52 years old right now but there sure is something about him that we quite like, that’s for sure. Maybe it was the Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s that has got us all hot under the collar for the hotter, older guys?

You may remember this guy from the Lara Croft: Tomb Raider movie, and is also well known for his role as Jorah Mormont in the amazing TV show Game of Thrones. That’s not the only TV show he’s been starring in recently either – he was also in the super awesome Agatha Christie: Poirot TV series.

Iain Glen 2

Of course, not just a TV actor, he has actually won awards for his acting career in film too. The Blue Room, in which he starred alongside Nicole Kidman, actually won him an Olivier Award for his performance!

97 – Tommy Flanagan

Tommy Flanagan

We seem to have gone back to the motorcycle riding badass again with another Sons of Anarchy favorite, Tommy Flanagan. You may recognize him as Filip “Chibs” Telford in the show. He is another Scottish guy on our list – it would seem that the Brit’s are hitting us hard these days, doesn’t it? Just take a look at the Hottest British Men if you don’t believe us!

Of course, not just known for his roles in TV series, he’s also a well known actor that has played his part in some of the most iconic movies of our team. He was in Gladiator alongside Russell Crowe in 2000, he was in Sin City back in 2005 and was even in Braveheart back in 2005!

Tommy Flanagan 2

Just a little bit of trivia for you – the scars that he has on his face are actually real scars! They are the result of a rather nasty attack outside a nightclub where he once used to work as a DJ. The scars just make him look even hotter and more badass doesn’t it ladies?

96 – Alfie Allen

Alfie Allen

Would you believe it girls – we have come to yet another British offering for your eye-candy delight and this one is best known for his role in Game of Thrones, alongside Iain Glen. He plays Theon Greyjoy in the hit TV series, but has been spotted in a few other things along the way too! 2007 saw him starring with James McAvoy and Keira Knightly in Atonement and he was also in The Other Boleyn Girl in 2008 too.

Have you ever heard of Lily Allen? She’s the badass British chick with the cool sense of style and good pop-beats music? Well Alfie Allen is her little brother! She even dedicated the song “Alfie” to him, which just so happens to be one of our favorite songs of hers!

95 – Jim Parsons

Jim Parsons

Although not conventionally hot, there is something about a man with brains that really flicks our switch, right? Jim Parsons plays Dr. Sheldon Cooper in the amazingly brilliant The Big Bang Theory show, and although annoying is possibly the nicest word you could use for his character in the TV show, he certainly looks absolutely amazing for his age.

Take a guess at how old this guy is…. What would you say? 25? 30? 35?

Jim Parsons 2

Jim Parsons AKA Dr. Sheldon Cooper is 40 years old! He was born in Texas, USA on March 24th, 1973. We cannot believe that this guy s 40 years old!

Something that may disappoint the ladies out there that have a passion for his genius yet slightly crazy brain in the TV show, the man behind the character is actually gay and has been in a long-term relationship with an art director called Todd Spiewak.

94 – Johnny Galecki

Johnny Galecki

Another offering from the utterly brilliant The Big Bang Theory, we felt that we couldn’t talk about Jim Parsons without having a mentioning for this guy that plays Leonard Hofstadter in the hilarious TV show.

Although again, not a conventionally attractive man, he sure has something going on about him as shown by the fact that he and Penny in the show dated for two years in real life. According to reports, Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco are still on very good terms despite the fact that they are no longer together. This means that the girls that go for guys with brains can still lust after this smart and funny TV actor!

Johnny Galecki 2

Johnny Galecki is a film actor as well as TV actor. He has a film that is currently in pre-production called The Invitation which will see him starring alongside Luke Wilson, Zachary Quinto and Topher Grace, and you can always just catch him in In Time from back in 2011 or Hancock in 2008. He was in those films too, as well as many others!

Believe it or not, this guy s actually 36 years old which just proves our point that men definitely age better than women. It’s just not fair!

93 – Damian Lewis

Damian Lewis

We’ve come to one of the stars of the fairly new TV show Homeland now – Damian Lewis plays Nicholas Brody in the brilliant show.

Not just a TV actor, he does his fair bit for the Hollywood world as well. For example, the film that is being released now called Romeo & Juliet also starred this guy as Lord Capulet, and there is a film coming out next year (2014) called The Silent Storm that we are quite looking forward to seeing!

Damian Lewis 2

Damian Lewis is yet another British actor on our list and was originally born in London, UK on 11th of February in 1971. This means that he currently stands at a rather respectable 42 years old. We seem to have a thing for the older guys right now, right? Now married with two kids, he produces films as well as acting in them and his performance in Homeland actually won him not only a Golden Globe but also an Emmy.

92 – Shemar Moore

Shemar Moore

Shemar Franklin Moore is seriously hot and it’s not hard to see why. His ripped abs and perfect smile has had the hearts fluttering of many a woman all over the world, and when you see his character of Malcolm Winters in the hit TV show Criminal Minds, if you weren’t in love before, you sure will be now!

In fact, it is Criminal Minds that Shemar Moore is better known for but there have been a few other things that you may have seen in him in as well – Diary of a Mad Black Woman was back in 2005 and saw him playing the part of Orlando, and Greener was the year before. He has a couple of films coming out soon too – Kill Me, Deadly is currently in post-production and will see Shemar playing the part of Bill, the Piano Player alongside Lesley-Anne Down and Kirsten Vangsness.

Shemar Moore 2

Just a little bit of trivia for you – Shemar Moore was actually a contestant on one of the hit TV show episodes The Weakest Link but was sadly voted off. This was back in 2001.

91 – Tony Goldwyn

Tony Goldwyn

The slightly older girls among us will surely recognize this face from one of the most iconic films in history. That’s right ladies – this guy played Patrick Swayze’s rat best friend that got him killed and tried to get it on with Demi Moore’s character before he also met his doom in Ghost. These days he is more known for TV stuff but it can’t hurt to have that on your resume, right? Of course, it can’t hurt to mention a few of his other films as well such as playing Dean in The Mechanic in 2011 or Colonel Bagley in The Last Samurai in 2003.

In fact, there is a film coming out in 2014 that will be starring Tony Goldwyn. Divergent is currently in post-production and will see him starring alongside Theo James and Kate Winslet in an adventure-romance type film that we are actually super excited for!

Tony Goldwyn 2

At the moment you can check him out in Scandal which also stars Kerry Washington. You remember her right ladies? She was in Save the Last Dance! Did you swoon at Derek, her brother in the film like we did?

90 – Jack Gleeson

Jack Gleeson

It’s not every day that we older ladies in the office would openly admit to having a crush on a 21 year old boy but there is something rather cute about Jack Gleeson. The fact that he’s currently starring in the hit TV series Game of Thrones doesn’t help matters!

Just a young lad of 21, Jack Gleeson was born in Cork, Ireland on 20th of May in 1992. He seems to be shooting to fame with his character of Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO series that has taken the world by storm, and when you consider that even though he is so young, he has actually been acting since the age of 7 which is fairly impressive stuff!

Some of you may even remember his little face in the 2005 film Batman Begins but his role in this film was only a minor one.

He might be still but with films and TV shows like that under his belt already, we are definitely predicting that this guy will be hot stuff in the coming years of his already flourishing career!

89 – Jon Cryer

Jon Cryer

If you have ever been forced to watch Two and a Half Men by your boyfriend, you’ll know who Jon Cryer is and although he’s not what we would like to call conventionally hot, especially when compared to some of the other guys in our list, there is something about him that is actually quite loveable. This is why we have decided to let him on the list. We do hope that you don’t mind!

Just to give you an idea of how cool this guy really is, he starred alongside Robert Downey Jr. in Due Date and he even went to school with the guy! Currently 48 years old, he certainly doesn’t look bad for his age and we can only assume that the hit CBS sitcom and his role of Alan Harper keeps him looking young and youthful!

Believe it or not, Jon Cryer is actually has a spot on the Hollywood Walk of Fame because of his years acting within television. He got himself firmly planted on the map back in 2011 and it would appear that he is showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Despite the controversy surrounding Charlie Sheen in the CBS sitcom and the departure of the actor, putting Ashton Kutcher into the show hasn’t hurt the ratings too much, making it still one of the funniest shows on TV right now. With this show plus Family Guy, Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place, Dharma & Greg plus even a couple of appearances on Hannah Montana under his belt, he certainly belongs in the Hollywood Walk of Fame!

88 – Thomas Gibson

Thomas Gibson

He has dark hair and a handsome smile plus a rugged jawline. What more could you possibly ask for from a dark, handsome stranger in the world of TV actors? Thomas Gibson is a hit with the ladies and it’s really not difficult to see why.

He is best known for his role as Aaron Hotchner in the amazing CBS show Criminal Minds, and this is perhaps where most women fell in love with him for the first time. He, just like Jon Cryer, also starred in Dharma & Greg, and even had a part to play in the 1999 Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise film Eyes Wide Shut!

Thomas Gibson 2

Not just an actor, Thomas Gibson is also a director and one that is 51 years old at that. Can you believe that this guy is in his 50’s? We sure couldn’t! In case you don’t believe us, he was born in South Carolina in the States on July 3rd, 1962.

We still think he’s hot though, right?

87 – Michael Weatherly

Michael Weatherly

Have ever you ever seen NCIS? If you have then you will already know who Michael Weatherly is. He plays Anthony DiNozzo in the show and before that, he played Logan Cale on the hit TV show Dark Angel.

Believe it or not, Michael Weatherly is 45 years old! He was born on the 8th of July in 1968 in New York in the states. A director as well as an American actor, he’s been in his fair share of films and TV shows ranging from appearing on Major Crimes just last year (2012) to the Ally McBeal show back in 2000.

Michael Weatherly 2

He was engaged to Jessica Alba for a while but in 2003, they sadly parted ways. He then married someone called Bojana Joankovic in 2009 and they already have one daughter together, said to be expecting their second child any day now.

He has been nominated for a string of awards over the years that his TV career has spanned. In 2001 and 2002 he was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor in a Television Series by the Saturn Awards for Dark Angel. There was also the 1994 Hottest Male Star nomination from Soap Opera Digest Awards, plus the 1995 Outstanding Young Lead Actor nomination in the same awards.

Michael Weatherly 3

For now, you can continue to see him in NCIS and let’s face it; we all love that, right?

86 – Barrett Foa

Barrett Foa

Another NCIS favorite and we come to Barrett Foa, an American actor that has become very well known for his position in the CBS series NCIS as Eric Beale. The blonde hair and chiseled jaw are enough to get the ladies interested, and the beautiful smile certainly doesn’t hurt things!

Barrett Foa 2

Born on September 18th in 1977, Barrett Loa was born in New York City and has only really been acting since about 2001. Despite this, he has been in some of the coolest TV shows around including Entourage and NCIS. He’s hot, he’s cool and he’s ticking all the right boxes! What more could you ask for?

85 – Julian Morris

Julian Morris

This British actor has amazing eyes. This isn’t the only reason we are lusting after him more than a fistful of Reece’s Pieces though; he’s a pretty good actor too, and he’s some of the hit shoes to watch for 2013-2014!

Julian David Morris was born in London, UK on January 13th, 1983 making him currently 30 years old. Some of the Brits may remember him from the film Donkey Punch which, to be fair, wasn’t that good. Recently you will have seen his face in the new TV show Pretty Little Liars. He was in Once Upon a Time in 2012-13, and has also been in a few films too such as Cry_Wolf, Valkyrie and Some Wicked. That’s before we even mention the massive TV show ER!

Julian Morris 2

Just a little bit of trivia for you – this guy actually shares the same birthday as fellow Brit Orlando Bloom! With the way he’s going, it won’t be long before he’s starring alongside him!

84 – Matt Stokoe

Matt Stokoe

If you’ve never seen the British TV show Misfits, you should most definitely check it out! Once you watch it, you will soon see this British beauty in there. Matt Stokoe plays the role of Alex in Misfits and you may have spotted him in the 2013 film Devil’s Pass that recently came out too.

This guy is actually Irish, whish instantly makes him hotter doesn’t it ladies? Born in 1989, he’s got that Irish look about him – deep and beautiful eyes with a chiseled nose. There’s something about him that women love, that’s for sure! What is it about the Irish guys that we love so much? We know they have the amazing accents and dark, rugged features but really….. We just heart them!

Matt Stokoe 2

If you fancy spotting a bit more of Matt Stokoe, you should check out The Village in which he played Gerard Eyre. You could also check out a couple of his past films too such as Hollow back in 2011 or Comes a Bright Day in 2012. You could just wait for the new series of Misfits too!

83 – Christian Kane

Christian Kane 2

He’s not just a TV actor – he’s been in some of the funniest and best films out there! Just Married was back in 2003 with Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Murphy, and there was also Life or Something Like It with Angelina Jolie and Edward Burns in 2002. He’s now offering us Leverage too – he’s certainly making a name for himself these days!

There’s a new TV series called King & Maxwell that you can see this year and sees Christian Kane playing the part of JT Maxwell. Leverage has seen him playing the part of Eliot Spencer too – you should definitely check him out in this! There’s also a film coming out in 2014 called 50 to 1 and will star Christian Kane alongside William Devane and Skeet Ulrich.

Christian Kane

Believe it or not, Christian Kane can sing as well as act which instantly makes him hotter in our eyes. The country-rock band Kane is where he loves to be the front man! He’s even been heard in a few soundtracks to movies – “The Chase”, for example, was by the band Kane and was on the soundtrack of Just Married. The 2002 film Life or Something Like It saw Kane playing one of the songs in the soundtrack yet again – “Sweet Carolina Rain”

82 – John Francis Daley

John Francis Daley

You’ll know this guy if you have ever seen the hit TV shown Bones which just so happens to also star the lovely Emily Deschanel and handsome David Boreanz. He’s been in the show since 2007 in the role of Dr. Lance Sweets and he is certainly sweet in more ways than one! With roles in some of the biggest films of our time under his belt too, John Francis Daley is well on his way to being in the Hollywood Hall of Fame!

He was Carter in Horrible Bosses back in 2011, starred in the 2005 film Waiting… with Ryan Reynolds, and is in the 2013 film The Incredible Burt Wonderstone which is definitely the next thing we’ll be checking him out in!

John Francis Daley 2

Believe it not, this guy is only 28 years old. This guy seems to act years above his age in some roles, that’s for sure. He’s not just an actor for TV and film either – he’s a screenwriter too. He was born in Illinois on July 20th, 1985 and also classes himself to be a musician as well as screenwriter and actor. Is there anything this guy can’t do? He even wrote a couple of the episodes of Bones, as well as also being behind Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and even Horrible Bosses!

81 – Eric Christian Olsen

Eric Christian Olsen

Wow – can you believe this guy is 36 years of age? He was born on May 31st, 1977 in Oregon, USA. One of the things that he is best known and loved for is his role in the amazing CBS TV show NCIS: Los Angeles. He plays the part of Detective Marty Geeks perfectly and certainly has plenty of women lusting.

Eric Christian Olsen 3

Unfortunately for us ladies, Eric Christian Olsen is not a single pringle. Doesn’t this make you sad? He has been with an actress – Sarah Wright, since 2007 and they now have a baby boy together. They also got married back in 2012, so it would seem as if this handsome prince had found his fairytale ending!

Eric Christian Olsen 2

You may have seen this guy in a few other things as well, especially if you like the comedy genre of films. The Thing back in 2011 was something that we weren’t all that impressed with, but we did love Not Another Teen Movie back in 2001 and The Hot Chick in 2002. You could always just continue to check him out in NCIS: Los Angeles of course – that’s what we are planning on doing!

So there you have the first part of the series of the 100 Hottest TV Actors 2013-2014. What did you think of the first 20 guys in our list? Do you agree? Do you disagree? Is there anyone that you are excited about seeing? We’ll give you a sneak peek as to what might be coming up in just a moment….

It would seem that there are some pretty amazing TV shows out there right now from the amazing Game of Thrones to the hilarious New Girl. With the new influx of TV shows comes the new influx of talent and that’s something that we definitely don’t mind in the slightest!

Keep your eyes peeled for the second installment of our Hottest Actors for 2013-2014…. You never know – your favorite might be coming up soon!

Here’s what might be coming next ;)

Charlie Hunnam Ian Somerhalder Neil Patrick Harris

*Photos hunted out from Pinterest.com – thank heavens for Pinterest!

=============== Continue to Part B ===============

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Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s (Part Two) http://www.herinterest.com/hottest-male-actors-in-their-40s-part-two/ http://www.herinterest.com/hottest-male-actors-in-their-40s-part-two/#comments Mon, 07 Oct 2013 22:22:44 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3508

You will already have seen some of the hottest men that Hollywood has to offer us – we have explored many of them in the Hottest Men in the World series of posts. We have now decided to take a look at some of the silver foxes, handsome hunks and older eye-candy for those that prefer their men a little more refined. We have finally come to the final part of our Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s Series. Just in case you missed the first part, just click on the link to catch us up!

We won’t keep you waiting anymore ladies! Are you ready for the hottest older men in Hollywood? We sure are!

20 – Paul Rudd

 Paul Rudd

You know who Paul Rudd is, right? He’s the funny guy in Hollywood that was once Phoebe Buffet’s boyfriend in Friends! We loved him in the US hit TV show and we loved him in almost all of his films. You will probably already have seen the likes of Dinner for Schmucks which was, quite frankly, utterly hilarious. That was back in 2010 and since then, he has been a very busy man with a number of films being released since. The Perks of Being a Wallflower was released just last year (2012) and then there was This is 40 in the same year. Before that, you would have seen him in the delights of I Love You, Man back in 2009, the fabulously brilliant Role Models in 2008 and even Forgetting Sarah Marshall again, in the same year.

Born April 9, 1969 in New Jersey, Paul Rudd is now a very impressive 44 years old. Can you believe he’ll be 45 in just over 6 months? It’s crazy when you think how good some of these guys look!

The good news is that the eagerly awaited Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues will be coming out soon and there is also another film due out next year starring this Hollywood hottie – They Came Together.

19 – Mark Wahlberg

 Mark Wahlberg

“Back when Mark Wahlberg was Marky-Mark” – most of us know this infamous line from an Eminem song. Whether he was Marky-Mark or Mark Wahlberg, he has women swooning all over the globe and when you see his beautifully chiseled looks and ripped abs, you can understand why.

If you hadn’t fallen in love with the young pop idol, you may have seen Mark Wahlberg strutting his stuff in the 1997 hit film Boogie Nights. It might even have been the amazing film The Departed that you know him from in which he was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. What about The Fighter? It was a boy film but sure had some impressive views of Marky-Mark not wearing many clothes…. That’s never a bad thing in our minds!

He was born in Massachusetts on June 5th, 1971 and is currently standing at a rather respectable 42 years old. He’s a Gemini which means that he loves to be the center of attention and we wonder if his life reflects as such? He certainly stands center stage with some of the amazing roles he has had in his acting career, that’s for sure!

A committed Roman Catholic, Mark Wahlberg is unfortunately not in the market for a female friend. He has been married to a model by the name of Rhea Durham since 2009 and they now have four kids together – two girls and two boys. Doesn’t it sound like the perfect little family?

18 – Jude Law

 Jude Law

Who doesn’t love Jude Law; one of the hottest things to come out of Britain? We fell in love with his character in the hit film The Holiday back in 2004 in which he starred alongside Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz, but he has a pretty impressive array of films under his belt. Who could forget Alfie back in 2004? Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow was also released in the same year and since then, he has shot to a superstar with the amazing Sherlock Holmes films in which he starred alongside Robert Downey Jnr.

Believe it or not, this slick, smooth actor is now 40 years old. Born in London, UK on 29th December, 1972, he hasn’t a great time of things, especially with his media-frenzied relationship with the actress Sadie Frost, but this doesn’t appear to have taken its toll on his good looks. His relationship with actress Sienna Miller, whom he met on the set of Alfie, also ended rather badly after he had an affair with the nanny to his kids. They did get back together for a little while but unfortunately things didn’t go according to plan so lucky for you ladies – it would appear that Jude Law is back on the market and even with his four kids, he still keeps himself looking good and in plenty of film roles.

If you want to catch a glimpse of Jude Law, you will need to keep an eye out for some of his up and coming films. The Grand Budapest Hotel, for example, is set to be released at some point in 2014, and he is currently filming Black Sea, which is also said to be released in the same year.

17 – Jason Statham

 Jason Statham

We love this guy and very much enjoyed adding him to our Hottest Men in the World series! His gruff voice, rugged and chiseled jaw, and amazing body has certainly left him in the forefront of many women’s minds, and with followers of all ages, all over the world, you can see what has made him so popular!

He seems to play rather similar roles in all of his movies – he’s the British tough guy that beats the bad guys and occasionally plays the bad guy himself. You will have seen him in the delights of Crank, Crank 2 and The Transporter series of films which was a sure fire hit with both men and women the world over!

Currently dating the Victoria’s Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whitely, he was once involved in a rather long term (7 year) relationship with British model-come-actress Kelly Brook. As well as some pretty high-profile relationships, he has done an incredible amount in such a short space of time. He is now 46 years old, born in Derbyshire, UK on 12th September, 1967 and as well as a pretty impressive selection of films, he has also played his hand as a diver in the British National Diving Team and back in the 1992 world championships, he finished 12th. Perhaps that would explain the amazing body?

Of course, as well as the two Crank films and The Transporter films, he also has films like Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels under his belt alongside Death Race, Death Race 2 and even Snatch! These are all films that have made their mark in history and you can understand why this guy has become so popular! To see more of him, you’ll need to check out The Expendables 3 which is set to be released next year (2014), as well as Fast & Furious 7 in the same year and even a film called Heat! With no less than three films coming out over the next 12 months or so, it would appear that Jason Statham has been a very busy boy indeed! Not that we mind, of course!

16 – Ben Affleck

 Ben Affleck

Recently, Ben Affleck was announced to play Batman/Bruce Lee in the up and coming Batman vs. Superman film that is due to be released in 2015. This was met by some mixed reviews with a few people taking the opinion that he wouldn’t make a good Batman. I guess for now, we will just have to wait and watch this space. We are very excited for the film to be released, that’s for sure and we wish we didn’t need to wait quite so long for it to be released!

Of course, that’s not the only film that this Hollywood hunk has coming out soon. There are a couple due to be released in 2014 that you should keep your eyes peeled for and these are Live by Night in which he co-wrote and stars in, and also Gone Girl, which he is currently filming.

Believe it or not, Ben Affleck is actually 41 years old. Born in California on August 15th, 1972, his real name is Benjamin Geza Affleck-Boldt, which is a name and a half! His happy marriage with fellow actress Jennifer Garner, and raising his three kids clearly keeps him young! Take a hint guys! (Right, ladies?)

15 – Josh Duhamel

Josh DuhamelThere’s a reason he features in our 100 Hottest Men in the World series – he is seriously HOT! He’s got a smile that would melt the hearts of even an ice queen, and the crows feet that are slowly starting to feature around his eyes are just making him more attractive! The men get all the luck, right girls?

Believe it or not, Josh Duhamel has just entered the 40’s club – his birthday is November 14th, 1972. Originally born in North Dakota in the States, Joshua David Duhamel is not only an actor; he’s a model too. We told you he was hot!

He is perhaps better known for his role in Transformers back in 2007 which then lead to Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in 2009 and then Transformers: Dark of the Moon in 2011. By the way most boys will love that you know that information so make sure you remember it.

To see some more of the guy that managed to steal the heart of Fergie from The Black Eyed Peas, you’ll need to keep an eye out for Strings and You’re Not You that are due to be released next year (2014) and if you can’t wait that long, Don Peyote is coming out this year!

14 – Matthew McConaughy

Matthew McConaughy

You can’t talk about the Hottest Male Actors in their 40′s without having a mention for this Hollywood Hunk! Most women will remember him from the amazing film Magic Mike, but some of us will remember him in that white Naval uniform in the hit film U-571. You might even remember seeing him in the hilarious film How to Lose a Man in 10 Days with Kate Hudson. We loved him in that!

Just like Gerard Butler, Matthew McConaughey is 43 years old. He was born on November 4th, 1969 in Texas, USA and was the son of a school teacher and gas-station owner; mother and father respectively. In fact, his mother later went on to be a published author! He is the youngest of three boys and believe it or not, his mother and father actually divorced each other and re-married a number of times.

Just to prove that he has always been super hot, he was actually voted to be the most handsome kid in his year in the yearbook. Not bad going, right?

Although he was born in Texas, he did spend some time in Australia and even managed to adopt the accent for a while after his return back to the States. He even travelled around the country of Peru for a little while after filming A Time to Kill. We do like a well travelled guy, right?

To see more of the super delicious Matthew McConaughey, you’ll need to keep your eyes peeled for a couple of films that he has coming out over the next few months. He also stars in Thunder Run which will be out in 2015 and will also star Gerard Butler, and Interstellar is set to be released in 2014 and will see Matthew acting alongside Anne Hathaway, Matt Damon and even Michael Caine! We are actually very excited to see this Sci-Fi movie!

13 – Jared Leto

Jared Leto

He’s not just an actor; he’s a singer too. He’s in the band 30 Seconds to Mars which is a rock/indie/alternative band, so you’ll have more likely heard of his films rather than his hit songs.

He was in the brilliant Fight Club back in 1999 and also Lord of War with Nicholas Cage in 2005. It was his 2000 film Requiem for a Dream that shot him to massive fame, and although he doesn’t have any up and coming films coming out soon, choosing to focus on his music career rather than his filming for just now, you could always check out some of the lesser known films if you need your Jared Leto fix. The most recent film was once that came out just this year called Dallas Buyers Club but there was also Chapter 27 from 2007, Lonely Hearts in 2006, and Panic Room in 2002.

Shockingly enough, this blue-eyed beauty is actually 41 years old. Born on Boxing day; December 26th back in 1971, he was originally from Louisiana in the States. Keeping himself quiet, he had a 4 year relationship with Cameron Diaz that ended back in 2003, but that’s really it for his personal life.

12 – Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp

Right, we need to apologize for this guy because technically, he doesn’t belong in the 40’s club. He is now 50 years old but because his birthday is June 9th, 1963 and he has been out of the 40’s club for less than a year, we feel he deserves a special mention.

Originally from Kentucky, USA, he has a number of films coming out over the next couple of years. It would appear that this guy has been keeping himself rather busy. Despite this, he still looks a million bucks and sets the heart fluttering of many a woman over the years. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Tell No Tales has been announced for 2016 which we are super exited about, but if you can’t wait that long, there are a few more to keep you occupied.

Alice in Wonderland 2 has been announced for 2015, he is currently filming Into the Woods which is being released in 2014, and there is also Mortdecai coming out in 2014 and is currently in pre-production. Plenty of eye-candy, and if you can’t wait that long, you could always just catch up on the Pirates of the Caribbean collection of films!

11 – Gerard Butler

Gerard Butler

When it comes to the Hottest Male Actors in their 40′s, you can’t get much hotter than Gerard Butler. Just to show exactly how hot he is, he also showed up in our Top 100 Hottest Men in the World! Now standing at a very respectable 43 years of age, Gerard Butler is yet another British hottie on our list of hot older actors.

Born November 13th, 1969 in Paisley, Scotland, he has certainly earned his place on this list. You remember him in the film P.S. I Love You, right? Despite being born in Scotland, UK, he actually spent some of his youth in Canada, and on his return back to the UK, he later went on to study law at Glasgow University! He actually graduated from the university with a degree in law! So he’s smart as well as hot! What makes him even hotter still is that while he was at university, he even sang in a rock band AND has an incredibly hot “rock & roll” voice!

Known to be one of the nicest actors around, he is said to always take the time to hang with the rest of the cast and crew and has always been considered to be social when filming! This seems a far cry from the man that once had an ongoing battle with alcoholism and an addition to prescription pain killers.

To see more of Gerard Butler in the future, you’ll need to check out some of his up and coming films. You’ve got the second installment of How To Train Your Dragon with the next film due to be released at some point in 2014. There’s also another film called Dynamo due out in 2014, plus Thunder Run, in which you will also see Matthew McConaughey and Sam Worthington, which is due to be released in 2015.

We are halfway through the list so far and super excited for what is coming up. What do you think of numbers 20 down to 11? We know that we cheated a tad with Johnny Depp but who really minds about that? What do you think will be coming up in 10 down to 1? Who have we missed out so far that you are super excited about seeing?

Let’s not wait any longer and delve right in….

10 – Owen Wilson

Owen Wilson

Although not conventionally attractive, he has a smooth way about him, an accent to die for and a sense of humor that would have any girl wetting her pants with laughter. Let’s be honest about this – all girls love a guy that can make her laugh and when you see some of the genius, hilarious films that Owen Wilson has appeared in, you can see why he is so loved.

The blonde haired, self-confessed troublemaker is 44 years old believe it or not?! Born in Dallas, Texas on November 18th, 1968, he is not just an actor; he’s a screenwriter too. With his long-time association with Wes Anderson; a film maker, and collaborations with Ben Stiller that currently stands at eight different films, you know this guy is good at what he does!

Who could forget films like Wedding Crashers (2005), Marley & Me (2008) and Midnight in Paris (2011)? And you certainly can’t talk about Owen Wilson without having a mention for the pant-wettingly funny Zoolander in 2001! We bring you some amazing news girls – there’s going to be a second Zoolander film!! The film has been announced and there are rumors that Owen Wilson will play Hansel once again, but this has not yet been confirmed. We are sure he’s going to do it though, and we are super excited for it!

9 – Matt Damon

Matt Damon

Better known for The Bourne Identity in 2002 and subsequent films, Matt Damon is actually a screenwriter and producer as well as an actor. In fact, he wrote the film Good Will Hunting with Ben Affleck and was nominated for a whole bunch of awards for both his performance and his written skills. He was nominated for the Best Actor in a Leading Role Academy Award, and even won Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen Academy Award for the movie! We’d say this guy was pretty talented as well as hot, wouldn’t you?

You might be surprised to hear that Matt Damon is actually 42 years old! He was born on October 8th 1970 which means that he will soon be turning 43. Happy Birthday in advance, Matt Damon!

Unfortunately ladies, for those of you that are hoping Matt Damon might be single… he’s not. Sad faces right ladies? He is a happily married man and father to three daughters plus one step-daughter. Clearly playing the role of family man agrees with him. Some would even go as far as to say that he has never looked better.

8 – Jeremy Renner

Jeremy Renner

Come on ladies – you can’t help but love this guy. He has that whole ripped body plus chiseled jaw plus beautiful eyes thing going on and he might be 42 years old (born January 7th, 1971) but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t just getting finer with age.

He hasn’t really been in the spotlight for very long. It was perhaps the 2008 film The Hurt Locker that first threw him into the main realms of Hollywood limelight, but there were a few films before that, that you may have spotted him in. We liked him very much in the film 28 Weeks Later which came out in 2007, and before that he was in the film Dahmer, about a serial killer. One of the members in our team is a keen reader of all things serial killer and she said that this film was very good. We should probably watch it sometime, especially as it has him in it!

7 – Josh Holloway

Josh Holloway

Did you know that Josh Holloway was born on the same day that the two astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong landed on the moon? Isn’t that just the coolest day to be born? Back in July 20, 1969, this beautiful man came into the world, making him stand at a very difficult to believe 44 years of age!

Joshua Lee Holloway is from San Jose, California and is also a model as well an actor. Most of you will probably know him from the hit US TV show Lost but he has been in a fair few films too. One of the most recent hit films you will have heard of starring Josh Holloway is Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol back in 2011. Believe it or not, he even found himself in the Aerosmith: Big Ones You Can Look at video. Doesn’t that just make him too cool?

You’ll find him in the Intelligence TV series in 2014, and if you can’t wait that long, there is always the 2013 film Battle of the Year to catch him in.

Sadly ladies, Josh Holloway is not up for grabs. He married his Indonesian girlfriend back in 2004 and they now have a baby girl together. Everyone repeat after me – awwwww!

6 – Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox

Matthew Chandler Fox was born in Pennsylvania in the USA on July 14th, 1966 which makes him stand at an unbelievable 47 years old. Not even a crinkle around the eyes yet he is just three years away from fifty. He is also another Lost veteran, just like Josh Holloway, and is also well known for his role in the hit TV series Party of Five in which he plays the part of Charlie Salinger.

An actor plus a keen photographer and even a proud family man. Is there nothing that Matthew Fox can’t turn his hand to? Married in 1992, he now has two kids (one boy and one girl) with the woman he met while in university. However, things may not always be as they seem and he is been in trouble with the press and the law on a couple of occasions. There was the one incident where he apparently punched a female driver of a bachelor bus, although he was never charged for this and a civil law suit was filed, and there was another incident where he reportedly drove under the influence and entered a plea of no contest for the one charge. I guess we all make mistakes, right?

It doesn’t appear that there is much happening for Matthew Fox for a little while. There has been no announcements of anything new since the 2013 film World War Z anyway. I guess we’ll just have to keep watching old runs of Lost right ladies?

5 – Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr.

Our team seems to have mixed reviews on Robert Downey Jr. It is certainly a debate that divides women. Some think he is hot, others think he is arrogant. He is well known for his bad boy drink and drug past but it would appear that he has dramatically turned things around to become a loving husband and a very great actor.

With films like Iron Man, Sherlock Holmes and Due Date under his belt, he is certainly in the running for being one of the coolest man in Hollywood. Although when you think about it, he had his first acting role in a film called Pound at the age of five so he should be pretty good at the acting thing by now!

Thankfully, you aren’t going to need to wait very long for more of the Robert Downey Jr. magic. The Avengers: Age of Ultron won’t be out until 2015, but there is The Judge coming out in 2014 and Chef, currently in pre-production, that is set to be released next year too!

4 – Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman

There is a reason that he was grabbed the top spot for the Hottest Australian Men – this guy is not only hot but cool at the same time. He can act, produce, has had roles in both TV, films and even in musical theatre, has won over the hearts of men and women all over the world with some of the most infamous roles in movie history, is happily married to Deborra-Lee Furness and has adopted two beautiful kids after she sadly, had two miscarriages in their attempts to have children of their own.

He may have had a few setbacks in his life, but this appears to have just made him stronger in the long run. Perhaps that is the reason why he was chosen for the role of Wolverine in the X-Men series, and now even has films based on this character alone!

Luckily, there is a new X-Men film coming out soon called X-Men: Days of Future Past, and you only need to wait a bit longer for it to be released – it comes out in 2014. Chappie is another film coming out starring Hugh Jackman, but this one won’t be set for release until 2015.

This Hollywood hunk is actually 44 years old! He has British parents but was born in Sydney, Australia on October 12th, 1968. We couldn’t believe it when we found out how old he was either? That body is amazing for a man of his age. One thing is for certain – he sure gets some pulses racing.

3 – Will Smith

Will Smith

We cannot get enough of this guy right now! Clearly, from the look on his face when he saw Miley Cyrus in her VMA performance with his kids in the audience, he has old-fashioned values, and you can clearly that he adores his wife and his kids. With the entire family being famous in one way or another, you can see that his talent and love for life is infectious, even in rather serious roles such as his film Seven Pounds which had our entire team in floods of tears for the duration of the movie.

Just have a look at some of the amazing movies that this guy has been a part of – there’s the Men in Black films, The Pursuit of Happyness, I, Robot, Shark Tale, Bad Boys and Bad Boys II, I Am Legend, Ali, Wild Wild West…. Do we even need to say anymore?

We know we can’t have him because he is a happily married man but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t lusting after him with every fiber in our bodies. He’s hot, he’s smart and he sure can act!

2 – Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt

Come on – we can’t talk about hot men without talking about Brad Pitt. There is something very special about this guy – he’s blonde, ripped, he can act, he’s playing Daddy to a whole brood of kids and he broke the heart of Jennifer Aniston…..

Let’s add a few more things to the mix – he has had a total of four Academy Award nominations plus five Golden Globe nominations, and not only acts in film, but can produce the hell out of them as well.

Let’s take a look at some of the amazing films that we have had the pleasure in seeing Brad Pitt starring in. Who could forget, to start with, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, during which he met the new love of his life, Angelina Jolie. That was back in 2005, but there were many films out before that, that well and truly put Brad Pitt on the Hollywood map. Ocean’s Eleven, Ocean’s Twelve and Ocean’s Thirteen certainly didn’t hurt his career and neither did the weird and wonderful The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It would appear that there is no role too big or small for this guy, he can take on them all.

Luckily, for those of you that can’t get enough of Brad Pitt, who just so happens to be a very impressive 49 years old! We don’t understand how a man just one year away from fifty can look quite so amazing, especially with hectic filming schedules, a long distance relationship with his wife Angelina Jolie, and a brood of seven kids to take care of but with that much money, we assume you can hire help for the home-y stuff, right?

Are you ready for the number one spot on our Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s? Who do you think will grab the number one spot?

1 – Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig

Come on ladies – you all remember that scene in the James Bond film where Daniel Craig comes out of the water onto the beach in his pants…. Those tiny, tiny pants. Who didn’t lust after Daniel Craig with a body like that?

Believe it or not, Daniel Craig is a pretty impressive 45 years old. He was born in Cheshire in England on the 2nd of March, 1968! The good news is that there are two more James Bond films set to be released – the 24th and 25th films in the series. They have apparently managed to secure Daniel Craig into the deal and this is something that we are not going to argue with in the slightest!

There is also a rumor that he is going to be starring in the up and coming The Girl Who Played with Fire, which has been announced, but his part in the film has not yet been certified one way or the other as yet.

Just to prove how hot and stylish this man really is, not only was he awarded Esquire’s Best Dressed Man in 2006 but he was also voted at number 7 in the French version of Elle magazine back in 2007 according to a poll. Even the French like him!

So there we have them ladies – the hottest 40 actors in their 40’s. Who says that you can’t get better with age? These men certainly have matured nicely…. We prefer to think of them like a fine wine rather than a fine cheese, of course.

Keep coming back for more hot guys from around the world. Alternatively, you could take a peek at some of the other posts on the site for more gorgeous eye-candy….

Hope you enjoyed ladies!

*Images of these gorgeous men were found on Pinterest.com

http://www.herinterest.com/hottest-male-actors-in-their-40s-part-two/feed/ 0
10 Signs He’s falling in Love with You http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-hes-falling-in-love-with-you/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-hes-falling-in-love-with-you/#comments Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:30:01 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=3167

It’s very hard to tell if your man is falling in love with you or not because the puppy dog love in the beginning very much imitates true love. The further into the relationship, the clearer it becomes that the nice stuff he does is not just infatuation but true love. Here are some sure-fire signs that he is falling in love with you;


1. You’ve Met Everyone

If you have met his grandma, parents, best friend, and all of his third and fourth cousins, he is probably falling in love with you. A man in love will find events to introduce you to everyone he knows. He will gladly go to his dreaded high school reunion just so everyone can know that you are his.


2. He Says “We”

When a man stops saying “I” and starts saying “We”, this is a good indication that he is in love. If he talks about the future in this tone, he wants to be with you long-term. “We should go on vacation there someday.” A man who isn’t in love will say, “I want to go there someday.” When he says “we”, he is really saying that the two of you are becoming one.


3. He Says, “I Love You”


Some men do jump the gun on this one and say it right away, but most men will hold it in until they mean it…and sometimes longer. A man will only say that when he means it because #1, he wants to be sure you feel it too and #2, he doesn’t want to risk having some girl cling to him that he doesn’t feel the same about. Be forewarned though ladies, “Love ya” is not the same. As silly as the small difference sounds, it makes a big difference. Love ya is for friends. I love you is for real.


4. He Remembers

If he remembers the little things that you’ve mentioned, he might be falling in love. If you mentioned once that you like lilies and he surprised you with them, it’s a good sign for you. If he makes dinner and remembers to leave out the onions that you mentioned make your stomach hurt, he might be falling. Extra points for him if you said these details a long time ago and he remembered all this time. A man in love will pay attention to even the smallest details because he knows that they matter.


5. He Does Things Just Because

He cleaned the entire house or made you breakfast in bed or bought you a present just because? Yes. He’s falling for you. Doing little things just because means that you are on his mind and he is trying to make you happy. If he wasn’t in love, he wouldn’t care and he wouldn’t think about it. He’s in love.


6. He proposes

Duh. Unless he’s trying to get citizenship, this is a no-brainer. If he wasn’t in love, he wouldn’t want to marry you. If he wants to marry you, he’s in love. Again, unless he’s trying to become a citizen. Then, this might not be the best sign. But he might still be in love.


7. You’re Automatically Invited

When he makes it clear that you are automatically invited to wherever he is invited, he is falling in love. If he’s going to a wedding, Christmas Party, or whatever and implies that you will be his date to everything, you’re good. He’s in love.


8. He Holds Your Hand Everywhere

If he isn’t afraid to hold your hand everywhere you go, he is falling in love. This gesture speaks to everyone that the two of you are together. An arm around the shoulder can be for friends, but holding hands is pretty universal. If he does this around friends, family, and strangers than he isn’t holding anything back. He wants the world to know. He isn’t hiding that he is taken.


9. You’re Always the Main Event

Whether you are at a fundraiser or a New Year’s Eve Party, he only has eyes for you. His eyes are not wandering around the room, they are locked on you. This is a very good sign of his feelings. Sure all people look around from time to time no matter how much in love, but if you are the main event in his eyes, he is in love.


10. He Has Your Stuff at His House

This little sign speaks volumes for two reasons. First of all, it shows that he doesn’t have other women at his house. If he did have other women around, he wouldn’t want your stuff there. Second of all, it shows that he is moving towards being completely committed. He is saying that he knows you two are moving towards a serious future together.

http://www.herinterest.com/10-signs-hes-falling-in-love-with-you/feed/ 0
20 Good And Cute Questions To Ask A Guy You Like http://www.herinterest.com/20-good-and-cute-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-like/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-good-and-cute-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-like/#comments Fri, 20 Sep 2013 21:52:16 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2781

When getting to know the guy you are interested it, it’s important to have strong, cute and interesting questions to ask him to help the bond between the two of you develop. Asking all the right questions will help you get to know your crush and even help you decide if he is really someone you want to take the next step with. Here are 20 good and cute questions that you can ask the guy you like:

[ Read : 100 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend ]

Question #1.) What makes you smile?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this to a guy you like let’s him know that you are curious as to what makes him happy. The answer will let you know how to make him smile in the future and helps you get to know him much better.


Question #2.) What’s your favorite movie?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The answer to this question will help you both to discover if you have common interests when it comes to movies and the more you have in common the better!


Question #3.) If there is any place in the world that you could go, where would it be and why?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is another one of those ‘getting to know him’ type of questions. Maybe you both dream about the same places, who knows?


Question #4.) What is your favorite sport to watch/play?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: A lot of guys absolutely love talking about sports and this will get conversation flowing. Hopefully, you can retain some of that knowledge and maybe even get yourself invited over to watch the game! Asking this question also lets your crush know you are interested in his likes and dislikes and want to get to know him better.


Question #5.) If we were dating, how would you celebrate our first one year anniversary?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this benefits you in a way that the answer will tell you if he would do something you like. Answers to questions like these can help you figure out what type of romantic he is and if he cares enough to tell you!


Question #6.) What’s your family like?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: He’ll love the fact that you are taking the initiative to get to know the people he loves.


Question #7.) What about yourself do you find the most pride in?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Whether the answer is about his looks, talents or personality, you are engaging him in conversation that implies you want to get to know him and what he takes pride in. Pride is a huge trait in most any guy and definitely something to be aware of.


Question #8.) Have you ever cried at a movie?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Honestly, the answer to this question is usually a no, but if he does answer yes then maybe he has a really cute sensitive spot!


Question #9.) What’s your favorite car?

fav car

Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is another subject that most guys enjoy discussing. If he’s a car lover, he will adore you for asking and he will enjoy telling you all about what he likes.


Question #10.) What is your favorite food?

fav food

Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The more and more you get to know him, the better a relationship will grow!


Question #11.) What do you notice first when you first meet a girl?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This answer will also give you good insight to what kind of guy your crush is.


Question #12.) What is the craziest thing that you have ever done in your life?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Not only will this give you a glimpse of his past, but it will also let you know how far this guys boundaries are and if you can keep up with them or if you want more excitement than what he is willing to do.


Question #13.) What is your favorite romantic activity?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question:  A guy has a different view on what is romantic than a girl does. So, be careful about how you take your crushes answer. If he answers, “We would play video games all day and drink Mountain Dew” and that’s not your favorite idea of romance, maybe he’s not a right fit for you. On the other hand, if he at least puts a little bit of effort in and says, “We could have a picnic at the park” or “I would take you shopping” then maybe he is a keeper after all!


Question #14.) What was the scariest moment in your life?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: It’s nice to get to know a guy, what he’s afraid of and why.


Question #15.) Who was your first crush?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This question is just a small ice-breakers and may have him blushing or you laughing, but it is a cute question to ask.


Question #16.) Who is your biggest hero?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this question to the guy you are interested in will help you get to know who he looks up to and who he aspires to be like. It is just another ‘get to know him’ type of question that can really warm you up to each other.


Question #17.) Would you like to hang out with me more often?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This lets your crush know you are interested in him and seeing him more often. It is even cuter if he says yes!


Question #18.) What is your definition of intimate?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this question and receiving its answer will give you an idea of how your crush perceives intimacy and romance. The answer can be quite heartwarming and adorable!


Question #19.) Would you cuddle with me?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Oh! The cuteness! Unless he says no, of course, then it is not so cute… But, if he says yes, it is definitely an adorable question to ask.


Question #20.) What are your favorite hobbies?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Maybe when he answers you will discover that you both have a lot of common interests and can even do some of those hobbies together. This will help you to get to know him much better and discover what he truly loves doing.

http://www.herinterest.com/20-good-and-cute-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-like/feed/ 23
Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013 Part D http://www.herinterest.com/top-100-hottest-men-in-the-world-2013-part-d/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-100-hottest-men-in-the-world-2013-part-d/#comments Thu, 21 Mar 2013 22:14:30 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=1321

We’ve seen the likes of Chris Hemsworth, Matthew Fox, Channing Tatum and Leonardo DiCaprio. Who could we possible have left on our Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013? Well, let me let you in on a few of the secrets we have to come. If you like laughter, Irish accents, footballers, vampires and pranks, you are in for a real treat…. Let’s dive right on in, shall we?

76. Colin Farrell

Colin Farrell 1

He’s the bad boy in Hollywood, right? The one that we all secretly want but know that we could never handle. It could be the Irish charm that makes him so desirable to us ladies, or perhaps it’s the badass good looks? Whatever it is, he sure does have a great fan following from ladies all around the world.

Colin Farrell 2

Originally born in Dublin, Ireland in May, 1976, and he first hit super stardom when he starred in the 2000 film Tigerland. It was his very first film, but certainly not his last. For the British ladies out there, you might be keen to find out that Colin actually auditioned to be in the boy band Boyzone but didn’t quite make the cut. Thankfully for Hollywood his boy band days didn’t last long and he was soon finding himself in some pretty interesting roles including American Outlaws in 2001, Hart’s War with Bruce Willis in 2002! Now that’s a big hit film!

From that point, he has gone from strength to strength with a few personal struggles thrown into the mix, just like any badass movie star should have. In between films such as Minority Report, Alexander, Phonebooth and S.W.A.T., he has been giving girls an excuse to watch the boy films for many years. His battles with drug addiction lead to a spell in rehab in 2005, and he also had a rather bizarre encounter with deranged stalker on the Jay Leno show in 2006. With his personal relationships not going brilliantly either, he sure has had his fair share of the limelight.

Colin Farrell 3

There was his bizarre reported pursuance of the sadly deceased Elizabeth Taylor and was, in fact, one of the only non-family members that were actually present at her funeral. There was a sex tape incident in 2006 involving one of his ex-girlfriends, Nicole Narain, and the alleged “non-marriage” that took part on the beach with another ex, Amelia Warner, whom he dated for a few months back in 2001. Emma Forest was also another featured star in his love life and the couple dated for around a year.

A number of famous women have been linked romantically to this Hollywood hottie including Angelina Jolie, who recently underwent a double mastectomy, Britney Spears, currently making a comeback, and even Demi Moore.

As it stands, it would seem as if Colin Farrell has decided to make doting dad as his next role in life after he fathered a child in 2009 with Alicja Bachleda-Curus, but just a year after his son was born, the couple parted ways.

Back to his film career, Colin Farrell has been a rather busy boy recently with a few films coming out over the next few months. Epic is an animated film due to be released very soon and with Saving Mr. Banks, Winter’s Tale, Miss Julie and Solace all said to be coming out in the next 12 or so months, it seems that fatherhood and his filming is practically all he is concerned with right now!

77. Kellan Lutz

Kellan Lutz 1

You’ll know his face if you don’t know his name – Kellan Lutz was one of the super-hot vampires in the hit films The Twilight Saga. Emmett Cullen was the vampire we are talking about right now, and we all know him – he was actually nominated and won the Teen Choice Award for Scene Stealer  - Male in both The Twilight Saga: New Moon and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

You can clearly see that this guy loves sports – you only have to take one hard look at his hot, half-naked body to see that. We’ll just give you the chance to refresh your memory:

Kellan Lutz 2

Born March 15th, 1985, North Dokota-born Kellan Christopher Lutz has been in his fair share of films over the years, some of which you may not even have realized. He starred in Prom Night, 90210 (the TV show), A Nightmare on Elm Street, Immortals and even recently, the TV show 30 Rock.

There’s plenty of chances to fit in some eye-candy over the next few months too as Kellan will be starring in his fair share of films. Java Heat is due out this year and will see Kellan playing Jake in the quite controversial film about a Muslim detective and an American dude pretending to be a graduate student in the hunt to find who is responsible for a nasty set of bombings that appears to be happening more and more frequently in Indonesian based bombings.

A comedy drama is also said to be released this year, starring not only Kellan Lutz but also Amber Heard, Shiloh Fernandez and Brittany Snow called Syrup. There’s a few more being released over the next 12 months as well including Guardians of Luna, Tarzan, which already sounds delicious, and Hercules 3D!

Well known for dating the 90210 co-star AnnaLynne McCord, he was also dating the Australian actress Sharni Vinson and were together for about two years. At present, it doesn’t appear that he is dating anyone, which is good news for us ladies, and it is also very good news for the fashion designer and model that goes by the name of Jasper Orton, who is just 18 years old!

 78. Chris Pine

Chris Pine 1

Oh, Chris Pine, Chris Pine, Chris Pine. We shall just give you a moment o marvel at the beauty of this delicious man! What’s not to love about him? He’s hot, he’s a bit of a geek, and come on; he sure has been in his fair share of films!

Chris Pine Geek

You may have first remembered Chris Pine for his role in one episode of ER in 2003. Since then he has gone from strength to strength scoring a part in the massive film The Guardian alongside Ashton Kuchter and Kevin Costner. There was the second Princess Diaries film plus Smokin’ Aces, Star trek, This Means War and more recently, Rise of the Guardians.

His personal life seems to be a rather quiet one with Chris spending more time on his acting career than chasing the ladies. He was in a relationship for about a year with a model called Dominique Piek but they broke up in April of last year which means good news for us ladies – he is back on the market and probably ready to start dating again any time now….

Chris Pine Star Trek

Coming from a show business family certainly hasn’t hindered his progress in the acting world – his grandparents are Max M. Gilford and Anne Gwynne! Born August 26, 1980, Christopher Whitelaw Pine has been keeping himself busy since his last relationship split and has a string of films coming out over the next few months. He played the voice of Captain Kirk in the latest Star Trek video game and the new Star Trek film is set to be released soon! There are a few others soon to be released – Jack Ryan, Into the Woods and Mantivities are all coming out over the next year or so.

79. Anton Yelchin

Anton Yelchin 1

Sticking with the Star Trek theme, we come to Anton Yelchin. A Lot of people don’t know this guy, originally born in what is now known as St. Petersburg in Russia on March 11th, 1989, despite the fact that he has been in so many of the greatest films of our lifetime. As we have already mentioned, there’s Star Trek under his belt, with Star Trek into Darkness coming out very soon. He was in The Smurfs too, starring as the voice of Clumsy. Repeat after me – aaawwwww!

Some of you may have noticed that he also played the part of Jacob in the amazing film Like Crazy, which is actually one of our personal favorites, and he is also known for his roles in New York, I Love You, Terminator Salvation, and many more.

Anton Yelchin - Like Crazy

2013 and 2014 are going to be very good years for this actor, with a number of apparent hit movies set to be released. As we have mentioned, the next Star Trek film is due to come out very soon and following that there are a few others – Only Lovers Left Alive sees Anton playing the part of Ian, alongside stars such as Tilda Swinton, Tom Hiddleston and John Hurt in a drama filled with vampire-action. Broken Horses, The Smurfs 2, and Rudderless are all films that you can expect to see him in over the next few months. Keep your eyes peeled!

80. Alexander Skarsgård

Alexander Skarsgard 2

We all know him as the vexed vampire Eric Northman in the hit TV show True Blood, but you may also have seen him in such films as Generation Kill in 2008, Battleship in 2012, and Melancholia in 2011.

Alexander Johan Hjalmer Skarsgård – what a mouthful of a name! He was born on 25th August, 1976 which means it will be his birthday really soon! Happy Birthday and we love you!

Born in Stockholm, Sweden, Alexander has got one film coming out in 2013 called Hidden. A thriller based on a family trying to survive an “outbreak”, he stars alongside Andrea Riseborough and Emily Alyn Lind. There are also rumors of a new Tarzan film coming out, although the release date is not yet confirmed, and the same can be said for any co-stars.

For those that can’t wait for their next fix of Eric Northman in True Blood, the Sixth season is currently underway and there is a seventh season in the pipeline! Woo hoo!

Alexander Skarsgard 3

As for his love life, current rumors seem to be pointing in the direction of Alexander being in a secret relationship with Ellen Page – on or off? I guess we’ll just have to watch this space…

81. Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson 2

Some of us know him as Dwayne Johnson – massively built car-stealing, fast-racing criminal/cop Hobbs in the hit films Fast & Furious, and with a seventh one rumored to be in pre-production for 2014, we’ll see plenty of him in action!

The “People’s Champ” or Rock, as some of us know him as, it was perhaps his first substantial role playing Mathayus in The Mummy Returns in 2001 that first brought him to the most of our attentions. Then the 2003 hit film The Rundown with Seann William Scott didn’t hurt his VIP status. From there it would seem that he kept himself a rather busy boy, releasing the films The Scorpion King in 2002, and Walking Tall in 2004 with Johnny Knoxville.

Dwayne Johnson 1

He’s a proud Papa on top of his booming film career. Daddy to Simone Alexandra was born to Dwayne Johnson and his then wife Dany Garcia, whom he married in 2007, on August 14th, 2001. The couple are no longer together and although there were a whole host of speculations on the ins and outs of their breakup, the reasons were never officially confirmed. She continued to be his manager and keep reign on his finances for him, despite their divorce, which just goes to show that sometimes; divorce can just be amicable.

There are plenty of films coming out over the next couple of years to keep you happy if you like a bit of what The Rock is cookin! Journey 3: From the Earth to the Moon is said to be in the makings, and although The Rock starring in the film is just a rumor, we all know he’s going to be in it, right?

82. Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik 1

You will know Zayn Malik better as one of the members of the latest boy band to take over the world – One Direction. Born on the 12th January, 1993, the Bradford-born pop star has a rather exotic look to him due to his English mother and Pakistani father. His exotic look seems to have won him over quite an impressive fan base – you’ve seen how crazy the girls get for these guys on the TV, right?

Zayn Malik 2

The group shot to stardom on the hit TV show X Factor, and the boys have since grown into their own. His love life has followed closely, seeing him linked with a number of girls romantically. In 2010 there was his fellow X Factor starlet, Geneva Lane. In 2011, there wasn’t a lot of time between his breakup from Miss. Lane to his sparking up of a relationship with the follow up star of the X Factor show, Rebecca Ferguson. The 6 year age difference with her being older than him made their relationship stand out in the limelight, and it was said that they broke up because of his infidelity.

Zayn Malik 3

These days it would seem that Zayn is dating yet another X Factor star, Perrie Edwards from the band Little Mix; the shows eighth winners.

For those of you that love to keep up with Zayn, you will continue to see him in the media, especially with the boys currently promoting their latest single “Best Song Ever”

83. Jeremy Renner

Jeremy Renner 1

You may remember Jeremy Renner from the film 28 Weeks Later – the follow-up to 28 Days Later. He plays a hot US soldier in this film, much in the same way that he does The Hurt Locker, the other film that has sky-rocketed this actor to super-stardom.

Born in California, his good looks and great acting ability have taken him far in the world of Hollywood and he has been a very busy boy over recent years. We had The Bourne Legacy in 2012, Avengers Assemble in the same year, and Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol and Thor in 2011.

Jeremy Renner 2

He has a few films coming out soon and they are all looking like they could be big ones too! Mission: Impossible 5 has been announced for 2015. The Avengers: Age of Ultron is also reported to be released in the same year. Next year (2014) we have a couple from Jeremy – Kill The Messenger is currently being filmed and will see Jeremy playing Gary Webb in this mystery and crime drama. American Hustle is said to be released later on this year as well – he will play Carmine Polito alongside Jennifer Lawrence, Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro!

84. Joey Essex

Joey Essex 1

You may not know who Joey Essex is. This guy is one of the dumbest men ever to be in show business but in the UK, The Only Way Is Essex star is somewhat of a sought-after kinda guy! He shot to fame when he entered the show in 2011, incidentally following the departure of the show’s current big-time promoter, Mark Wright. It seems that Joey has slipped right in, and despite having his fair share of ups and downs, especially with his on-again/off-again relationship with Sam Faiers, he is a much loved character in the world of British reality TV.

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It doesn’t look like The Only Way Is Essex is showing any signs of ending soon so, if you are curious as to what’s so hot, or so not, about Joey Essex, take a peek and have a laugh for yourself! His perfect teeth and perfectly groomed hair are just a clever exterior for the cute yet incredibly dumb stuff that seems to come out of his mouth!

85. Daniel Radcliff

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Sticking with the British theme once again and we come to Daniel Radcliff – the star of the hit films that literally took over the entire world, the Harry Potter series. These films may very well have finished now, but Daniel’s film career certainly hasn’t. Our impressions of the geeky-faced boy certainly changed in the horror that scared us all that was The Woman In Black just last year.

Born 23rd July, 1989, Daniel is a British movie star that has certainly set blood rushing for many girls, all over the world. When you add to his ever-growing film career to his charity work, especially with the Demelza House Children’s Hospice – how could you not love him?

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It would seem that many women out there are having their hearts broken by the wizard wonder-boy. Recently spotted out and about with a cute brunette, he has been linked to an actress that he met on the set of Kill Your Darlings, said to be released later on this year, Erin Darke. He hadn’t long split from long-term girlfriend Rosie Coker when he first started dating Erin, so perhaps Daniel isn’t as fresh-faced and innocent-eyed as we would like to believe!

As well as Kill Your Darlings, Daniel has a number of films said to be released over the next few months. The F Word is another rom-com/drama that is going to be released later on in the year and will see Daniel starring alongside Amanda Crew and Zoe Kazan.

86. Will Smith

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How can you not love this guy? He’s made some of the most memorable films EVER including I Am Legend, The Pursuit Of Happyness and even the Men in Black films!

Just take a look at some of the incredible films that this amazing man has given us over the years:

  • Bad Boys 1 & 2
  • I, Robot
  • Ali
  • Wild Wild West

And who could possibly forget the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

Will may be getting older but his film career certainly isn’t showing any signs of slowing down soon. He has plenty coming out soon including I, Robot 2, Hancock 2, and even Bad Boys 3.

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Willard Christopher “Will” Smith, Jnr, or Will Smith as he is more commonly known, was born in Pennsylvania, USA on September 25, 1968.

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He has an adorable family, and most people already know that he is married to Jada Pinkett-Smith and has a couple of kids – Willow and Jaden. The thing that many people don’t know is that Will Smith was married before and has a son called Trey. It would seem that Family Man is quite his thing!

87. Jude Law

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We first fell in love with Jude Law in the film The Holiday! That film really tugged on our heart strings and it is a common thing for us to watch it every Christmas, big bowl of popcorn in front of us, a box of tissues to the side. When was it that you first fell in love with Jude Law?

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He’s known for some pretty amazing films. The Holiday, as we mentioned, was released in 2006. There was also Alfie in 2004, The Talented Mr. Ripley in 1999, Sherlock Holmes alongside Robert Downey Junior in 2009, and then again in 2011 in Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows.

He has a few films coming out over the next year or so. Dom Hemingway is the next one to be released and will see Jude playing the part of safe-cracker Dom Hemingway. Richard E. Grant is also in this film, which would suggest it’s going to be a big hit, especially when you add to the list of names Demian Bichir too!

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Of course, you can’t talk about Jude Law without mentioning his love life. It has been very well documented in the media, that’s for sure. He was with Sadie Frost and were married for 6 years, having three kids during that time. It was Alfie in 2003 that started things moving with Sienna Miller, although he was caught doing the dirty with the nanny, and things soon started to fall apart. Since then, he has fathered a child with a US model called Samantha Burke, and he got back together again with Sienna Miller, although back in 2011, they broke up yet again. For now, it would appear that he is single…

88. Daniel Craig

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Another one on the list for the Brits, and you can’t mentioned the 100 Hottest Men without having at least a small mention for Daniel Craig; possibly the hottest Bond guy we’ve ever seen. You know what we are talking about ladies – those short, shorts in that Bond film. Yummy, right?

Three Bond movies later, and we are still very much in love with Daniel Wroughton Craig, born in Cheshire, England on March 2nd, 1968. There have been a whole host of films that have made this guy stand up in the world of Hollywood. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo in 2011 really put him on the map, and there are rumors that another film – The Girl Who Played With Fire is said to be announced soon. There are also mentions of two more Bond films, but with other rumors suggesting that he didn’t want to play 007 anymore, I guess we will just need to watch this space.

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In other Daniel Craig-related news, did you know that he married an actress called Fiona Loudon in 1992, and had a daughter called Ella with her? They divorced just two years after they married, which is sad, but good news for Rachel Weisz, who Daniel Craig had been best friends with for many years. They began dating at the end of 2010, and later married in June 2011. Repeat after me – awwww!

89. Liam Payne

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We’ve already seen Harry Styles and Zayn Malik. Now we have come to yet another beauty from the boy band One Direction – the latest British boy band to drive the world crazy!

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Liam James Payne was born on August 29th, 1993 and is originally from the West Midlands in England. These days, the boys of One Direction seem to be in the papers just as much for their bad boy behavior, love life, tattoos and partying as they are for their music, and with Liam Payne, there is no exception. The most recent stories were late-night tattoo shopping with the other band members, and the sad announcement that he is now in a relationship.

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It was during a GQ interview back in July that he first let things slip – he was long-term dating an X Factor dancer called Danielle Peazer. This will certainly have broken the hearts of many girls all around the world, who still wait with bated breath to hear of the day he becomes single again. Until then, the promotion of their newest addition to the world of pop – “Best Song Ever” will have him in the limelight more than enough!

90. Adam Brody

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Perhaps best known for his role in Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Adam Brody sure is hot stuff in Hollywood right now! Born and raised in San Diego, California, Adam Jared Brody’s birthday is December 15th, 1979. As well as Mr. & Mrs. Smith, you may have seen him in Scream 4, Lovelace in 2013, Jennifer’s Body in 2009, or even in the hit TV show The Gilmore Girls.

He’s been busy, it would seem, and he has a few films that are said to be released over 2013-2014. Think Like A Man Too, for example, is said to be released in 2014, and is a rom-com starring Adam alongside Kevin Hart, Terrence Jenkins, Michael Ealy and Regina Hall. If that’s not quite enough Adam Brody action for you, make sure that you keep your eyes peeled for Life Partners, also coming out in 2014, Baggage Claim and Growing Up And Other Lies – the last two are both due to be released in the coming months!

91. Niall Horan

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One of the cheeky chappies in the British boy band One Direction, Niall Horan was born in Ireland on 13th September, 1999 and has hit massive heights of fame with the brilliant boy band. It was about time Britain had another hit boy group – it would appear that they are returning with a bang after the minor slump since the boy-group heights of the 1990’s.

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The rumor mill has gone crazy with these boys and with Niall, there is no exception. Since One Direction became as big as they did, he has been romantically linked to a string of women, although in June of this year, it seemed to have slipped out that he was dating an Irish model that went by the name of Zoe Whelan. Although this hasn’t been admitted by either party as yet, the rumor mill has clearly gone into a bonkers overdrive, and for now, it would seem that they are right with her answering the question “Are they dating” with a rather interesting response – “It’s a secret”

What could this mean?

92. Cory Monteith

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The Canadian actor and singer Cory Allan Michael Monteith was recently in the news for a rather sad reason. It would appear, if the newspapers and media are to be believed, that this was yet another young star that was set to leave our silver screens far too soon. Unfortunately just last month (July 13th, 2013), he was found dead in his hotel room from a rather nasty combination of heroin and booze. He left behind a very devastated Lea Michele, with whom he had been dating since early 2012.

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Born May 11th, 1982, Cory had a rather troubled childhood, with a substance abuse problem starting from a very early age, some reports going back to as far as when he was just 12 years old. It was when he hit 19 years old that he was first placed in rehab, and it would seem that he had gone some way to rebuilding his life when he sadly went into the decline once again, booking himself back into rehab in March of this year.

Glee will continue – the TV show that Cory had become very famous on. His life will be celebrated, and his character Finn Hudson will also pass away in the hit TV show.

93. Ed Westwick

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The Gossip Girl actor, Ed Westwick, sure has burst onto our screens with a bang and is now known as one of the hottest men of 2013. English born and bred, he was born on June 27th, 1987 in Hertfordshire, and as well as being a TV and film actor, he is also a musician.

His band The Filthy Youth has had a couple of songs featured in the Gossip Girl TV series, and for all the British football fans out there, he is a Chelsea fan, in case you were wondering.

Ed Westwick

From 2008 to 2010, he was romantically involved with a co-star of Gossip Girl, Jessica Szohr, but since then, aside from bring romantically linked to a couple of women, it would seem that he is keeping things on the low down. Work-wise however, he has kept himself very busy indeed, with more seasons of Gossip Girl being filmed as well as a couple of movies coming out.

2013 will see the release of Romeo and Juliet, where he will play Tybalt. Stellan Skarsgård, (the father of True Blood actor Alexander) will also play in this film, which promises to be a good one!

94. Alex Pettyfer

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Have you seen I Am Number Four? What about Magic Mike? Surely you must have seen that by now? The hottest film out there aimed for women in the last decade? Well, Alex Pettyfer has starred in both of these movies and what’s even better, there are a few more than he can add to this list too!

Beastly in 2011 was one of the first films that first alerted us to the gorgeous-ness of Alex, and In Time with 2011 showed off his acting ability. Thankfully, for those that are into this hunk, there are more than a few films coming out over the next couple of years to keep you happy.

The Butler will be coming out later on this year and will see Alex playing Thomas Westfall alongside Forest Whitaker and Mariah Carey. A biographical drama about a White House butler, you know this film is going to be very interesting to watch!

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If that’s not quite enough Alex Pettyfer for you, keep your eyes peeled for the following films – Endless Love is currently being filmed and is said to be released in 2014. A dark obsessive romance about teens is promising to be a good, gripping view, that’s for sure!

Dianna Agron was his love interest for a while – they were dating until January 2011. After that, Riley Keough, the granddaughter of Elvis Presley was his lover, and they reportedly engaged. This has not been proved otherwise as yet so I guess we will have to watch this space.

95. Jesse Williams

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Born August 5th, 1981, Jesse Williams is surely one of the hottest men in Hollywood right now. Just in case you haven’t fallen in love with his beautiful eyes yet, let us allow you a few moments to bathe in them in this wonderful picture of him:

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He’s been in a few things over the years, some of which you might not even have been aware of. Grey’s Anatomy starred him for a few episodes in the latest 2013 series, and he was also in another TV series called Beyond The Break in 2009. There have been a few films along the way too – The Cabin In The Woods is one that he is perhaps more famous for. This was released in 2011. There’s a few films set to be released later on this year and into the next as well, which should keep most of his fans with enough of a fix to keep them going.

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Snake And Mongoose, for example, is one film due out soon starring Jesse. A film about Southern Californian drag racers, Jesse will star alongside John Heard, Ashley Hinshaw and Ian Ziering. Just in case that’s not enough Jesse Williams to keep you satisfied, They Die By Dawn is another film due to be released later on this year, as well as Rich Girl Problems, both of which are shorts.

He seems to be a stable relationship kinda guy, meeting his Real Estate broker wife, Aryn Drake-Lee and marrying her in 2012. They were together for five years before they got married so it would appear that this Hollywood hottie is most definitely off the market…. For now!

96. Louis Tomlinson

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The final One direction lad to make our Hottest men for 2013, Louis Tomlinson is the cute one that you have all been waiting for, right? Currently promoting the band’s new single “Best Song Ever’, you are bound to see plenty of this cheeky little chappie no your TV stations over the next few months, so for those of you that consider yourself to be fans, start circling the TV guide now!

Not just a singer for the boy band, Louis is also a semi-professional footballer for the British team Doncaster Rovers. He also considers himself to be an actor.

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He’s been in a few British TV shows including the hit one about schools – Waterloo Road, and even had a few goes on the show called Fat Friends.

The oldest member of One Direction, Louis was dating  a girl called Hannah Walker, whom he started dating back in 2010. They broke up in 2011 though so it would appear that for not, Louis is still single. Can we get a scream of cheers for that, ladies?

97. Wentworth Miller

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You might know him as an actor but Wentworth Miller, born June 2nd, 1972, is also a screenwriter, model and producer. It was his part in the hit TV show Prison Break that first shot him to super-stardom, and following on from this, he later made his screenwriting debut just this year with the film Stoker.

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Another British actor, Wentworth was originally born Wentworth Earl Miller III in Oxfordshire, England and has starred in his fair share of hit films, believe it or not. He was in the 2004 hit film Underworld, as well as the 2010 film Resident Evil: Afterlife. There is just one film coming out in the next couple of years with his name on it and that is the thriller called The Loft that is said to be released in 2014 and will star Wentworth alongside Karl Urban and James Marsden.

His relationship statuses seem to have kept out of the media for the most part, although he has been linked romantically to a few women. It would seem that he isn’t really dating anyone, and if he is, we can’t be hearing about it so that’s good news for us, right ladies?

98. Ben Affleck

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You can’t really mention the hottest men for 2013 and not have a quick word for Ben Affleck, right? He has been a firm favorite of many women over the years and despite his ongoing relationship with Jennifer Garner, whom he started dating and then married nine months later in 2005, he is still lusted after by millions of women all around the world. This is even more so the case when you discover that he is a yummy-daddy to three kids – two daughters and one son.

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It’s not just Jennifer Garner that Ben Affleck has been romantically attached to – Gwyneth Paltrow had a rather public relationship with him back in 1998, not long after she stopped dating Brad Pitt. Jennifer Lopez also has been linked to him, although they split before they were due to get married back in 2004, after he was apparently caught later partying hard with Christian Slater and a few lap dancers.

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2013 has been quiet for Ben, with just one film set for release – Runner Runner. He will play Ivan Block in this crime thriller/drama. Gemma Arterton also stars in this film with Justin Timberlake, Anthony Mackie and David Costabile.

2014 will be a good year for Ben Affleck – he has another film released then, plus one more in 2015 – Live By Night and Gone Girl respectively.

99. James McAvoy

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Another Brit, this time we come to James McAvoy – a Scottish actor born 21st April, 1979. Originally born in Glasgow, Scotland, you will probably know this guy more for his role in the massive film Wanted in 2008, in which he had a rather feisty on-screen relationship with Angelina Jolie in the action thriller. He was also in X-Men: First Class, of course, which was released in 2011, and there have also been a string of other great films starring this very talented man – Gnomeo & JulietAtonement, The Last King of Scotland and even Arthur Christmas.

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He hasn’t been lying low of late, and has a number of films set to be released soon. Filth, for example, is going to be released soon and will see James working alongside Jamie Bell and Imogen Poots. If that doesn’t strike your fancy then there is always X-Men: Days of Future Past which will be released next year and is currently being filmed, plus a Frankenstein project that should be out later on in the same year.

Of course, those British amongst us will have remembered James McAvoy from his stint in the fabulously hilarious TV show, Shameless. During his time here, he struck up a relationship with his on-screen love, Anne-Marie Duff. He also dated a Scottish actress called Emma King for six years before this, but it would seem that he has finally met his match and settled happily with Emma King. They married in 2006 and have one son together.

100. Paul Walker

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An American actor but with Albanian heritage, Paul Walker was originally born Paul William Walker VI on September 12th, 1973 in California. It was his 1999 film Varsity Blues that seems to shoot him to the Hollywood super stardom that he wanted, and with the impressive success of the Fast & Furious films, and reports that Fast & Furious 7 is currently in pre-production, it would seem that Paul Walker isn’t going anywhere fast! Set to be released in 2014, it will be joined by another film starring Paul Walker called Brick Mansions, and there’s a couple to be released later on this year that look pretty good – Pawn Shop Chronicles, and the recently released Fast & furious 6.

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It would appear that Paul Walker is currently single, if the internet is to be believed, but he was involved with someone long term with whom he had a daughter. He does a lot to help charity, and also loves to do his own stunts in movies, which instantly makes him much hotter to us, doesn’t it ladies? For all the car fanatics out there as well, he actually owned the Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-Spec II that was featured in the film 2 Fast 2 Furious!

So there you have them – the 100 Hottest Men of 2013! What did you think of our carefully thought out choices? Was there anyone that we left out? Remember that we didn’t do them in order so we apologize if you don’t agree with how we have listem them. Let us know – who’s your favorite?!

Photos lovingly sourced from weheartit.com & pinterest.com

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