herinterest.com » men http://www.herinterest.com Wed, 06 Nov 2013 03:55:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5 Top 20 Most Eligible Bachelors 2013-2014 (Part A) http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-most-eligible-bachelors-2013-2014-part-a/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-most-eligible-bachelors-2013-2014-part-a/#comments Mon, 04 Nov 2013 22:39:11 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=4542 We’ve taken a look at some of the hottest stuff in the public eye recently with shocking plastic surgery reports and hunky men that simply make us want to drool. There’s nothing better than a nice bit of eye candy and for when those lonely, cold nights draw in, we’re bringing you a little something different.

We are bringing you the Top 20 Most Eligible Bachelors 2013-2014!

We are looking at guys that might not be single, but aren’t exactly in what we would consider to be a “long-term” relationship or aren’t married. Up until the ring is on that finger, the boy is anyone’s game as far as we are concerned and it’s a dog eat dog world out there.

So, without any further delay, we will jump right in starting with Number 20.

Are you sitting comfortably?

20 – David Spade

He’s a single Dad and let’s face it; that makes most women’s ovaries dance with glee. There’s nothing cuter than seeing a hot guy with a kid. The only problem with this adorable baby girl called Harper is that she is also the daughter of a Playboy Playmate called Jillian Grace!

David Spade - Pinterest.com

David Spade – Pinterest.com

David Spade has been linked to a string of celeb’s over the years. They all have a lot in common – blonde hair, big boobs, etc… See where we are going with this?

In July 2007, he reportedly dated Baywatch Babe Pamela Anderson. This relationship wasn’t actually ever confirmed by ether party involved but they were seen hanging out together in Vegas a few times, and a lot of rumours soon spread.

David Spade - Halloween 2013 - Pinterest.com

David Spade – Halloween 2013 – Pinterest.com

Nicollette Sheridan was another bubbly blonde that he dated – this was for a year back in November 2008 to November 2009. Apparently they were “just pals” but they certainly looked pretty cozy, that’s for sure!

There are a list of other women he has been romantically linked to – Jillian Grace, Nicky Whelan, Carmen Electra, Heather Locklear, Sara Foster, Brittany Daniel, Krista Allen, Stacey Hayes and Julie Bowen.

David Spade & Heather Locklear - Pinterest.com

David Spade & Heather Locklear – Pinterest.com

We can’t work out whether he is looking for the love of his life or just out for a good time? One thing is for sure, he certainly has made his way around the ladies of Hollywood.

19 – Keanu Reeves

This dark, handsome hunk was also featured in our Top 100 Actors in their 40’s list and with good reason too! The only sad thing is that there is a rather sad story behind why this beautiful man features on our Top 20 Most Eligible Bachelor 2013-2014…

Keanu Reeves - Pinterest.com

Keanu Reeves – Pinterest.com

He had a stillborn with his girlfriend Jennifer Syme in December 1999. What makes things heartbreakingly worse is the fact that just less than two years later, Jennifer Syme then died in a car wreck. Could things possibly have gotten any worse for this handsome man?

He kept himself busy, throwing himself into his film career and recently branching out into directing too with the film Man of Tai Chi that came out this year. There’s a few more coming up as well – 47 Ronin, for example, is out next year in 2014, closely followed by John Wick, an action thriller starring Keanu Reeves, Willem Dafoe, Jason Isaacs, and Adrianne Palicki. There’s a film called Passengers currently in pre-production that hasn’t got a release date yet but is rumoured to be a sci-fi adventure with Rachel McAdams who spilled the beans about the up and coming film.

We wouldn’t mind being the ones that help him find true love again, right?

18 – John Stamos

This hunk is for the ladies out there that like to get their teeth into an older man – a man that really knows what he is doing. We would imagine that John Stamos is this guy; a guy that will show you the world and everything within it. He’s tall, dark and incredibly handsome and good news for us ladies – he’s on our eligible bachelor list!

Unfortunately, John Stamos did not become Christian Grey, despite many of lusting after him, but he did marry and then divorce an actress and model… Intrigued? We thought you might be.

Rebecca Romijn met John Stamos at a Victoria’s Secret event in 1994 and a couple of months after that, they were seen to be dating. In true Hollywood style, they had the big wedding a few years later on September 29th, 1998 but sadly, just a few years after that in 2005, their divorce was finalized. It’s a sad tale but one that sadly happens to so many Hollywood love stories.

Luckily for us, it means he is back on the menu!

Do you want to know something that will literally make your heart melt for this guy? Not only does John Stamos have a LIFETIME PASS to DISNEYLAND, but he also purchased a sign from the entrance of Disneyland for over thirty thousand dollars. Yes – you did read that right! He’s a Disney freak just like us! Repeat after me – “Under the sea! Under the sea! Darlin’ it’s better, down where it’s wetter, take it from meeeeeee!” Okay, that’s enough of that.

17 – Andrew Lauren

This guy is hot. He’s the son of the fabulous designer Ralph Lauren, plus he can act and even directs too! What’s not to love? There’s something about crazily cool about him. He has this old-fashioned, arrogant charm going on and it seems to drive the ladies crazy. There is a reason he is on this list after all… (And no, it’s not just because we want Ralph Lauren to be our father-in-law, although we wouldn’t mind!) 

He’s the oldest of Ralph Lauren’s three kids and funnily enough, he’s the one that has drifted the furthest away from the family business of fashion. He’s regular seen and photographed wearing onlv the very best, of course, but you can’t be Ralph Lauren’s kid and head out wearing George at Walmart. It just doesn’t work in the same way, does it?

He loves walking the dogs in Central Park and we are sure that is something that we could soon get used to, right ladies? He has an Australian Shepherd mix which is quite a manly dog. We think that you can tell a lot about a man by the dog that he walks. A big hunk of a man with the tiniest tea-cup poodle in the world tucked under his arm just doesn’t work in quite the same way. I’m sorry guys – it just doesn’t work!

So ladies, what do you think? Do you think you could become the fashion loving, dog walking lady that this producer of movies and one-time actor needs? We would sure like to give him a shot and find out, that’s for sure!

16 – Prince Carl Phillip of Sweden

We think that this Prince is hot and let’s face it, anyone with the name “prince” in the title is just begging for a second glance anyway. He has this perfectly chiseled jaw line that frame the most beautiful white, straight teeth we have ever seen. When you combine that with the Hugh Grant style hair that us ladies always love, and a bit of designer stubble on his face and you pretty much have yourself a winning combination. Are you going to argue with us?

Back in 2008, Prince Carl Phillip was featured in “The 20 Hottest Young Royals” list in Forbes magazine. He came ninth in the series, which we feel is pretty respectable.

He’s been linked to a few women over the years but at the moment, seems to be happy doing his thing with a model called Sofia Hellqvist. The Royal Court confirmed the relationship in a statement. He’s not married off yet though…

Prince Carl Phillip of Sweden 1

Before that, Prince Carl had a rather on-off relationship that was brief yet intense with a girl called Emma Pernald. They broke off just as suddenly as they began and it wasn’t long before she came out to say that it was is decision to break off the courtship. He never made a comment about the thing at all which we feel wasn’t all that gentlemanly…

15 – Jon Favreau

No we aren’t talking about the actor that starred in Friends as Monica’s boyfriend, Iron Man 3, The Avengers and Cowboys & Aliens, we are talking about someone a little less known than that but when you hear what job he does, we are sure that you are lusting after him more than we are.

We will start by giving you a little preview:

Jon Favreau 1

Doesn’t he look at a little bit like Channing Tatum from the side view? That’s kinda hot, right?

This Jon Favreau is the main speechwriter for the President of the United States, Barack Obama. That has got to be the coolest job in the world, doesn’t it? As a writer, I personally feel very humbled to this guy right now. And he’s hot which definitely helps.

The President once described this guy as his “mind-reader” and is one of the youngest chief presidential speechwriters in recent memory. Despite all of this, he is soon to be leaving the profession to become a screen writer. Who gives in their notice letter to the President I bet that wasn’t a comfortable meeting!

Jon Favreau 2

Not very much is known about this relationship although it is noted that it doesn’t look like he has a girlfriend. It would be very smart for a girl to befriend this guy. Not only he will have the words to get you every time but he once hung out and probably dean a cup of coffee or two with the president. We love him a little bit already, don’t you?

14 – James Middleton

Come on – his sister married a Prince and then had a baby Prince herself. What is not to love about the entire Middleton family?

Things get better when you take a closer look at James Middleton – he owns his own business as a cake maker which simply makes us love him a little bit more. The only thing that would put us off a little bit is that The Daily Telegraph reported him to regularly work 14 hour days, which means he probably doesn’t have a lot of time for a special lady in his life. That’s not to say he won’t be on the lookout for one in the near future though… If even Kate Middleton could marry Prince William (meaning that she is not from a Regal background herself) then we could marry her brother. The fact that he is actually incredibly attractive is neither here nor there, of course.

It would seem that for now, James Middleton is actually dating the British radio present Donna Air but they have only been together since April this year so it’s not as if there are going to wedding bells at any point soon. We’ve had longer relationships with people we didn’t even like…

Things have been even busier for this cake maker and all round hottie – the Christening of the cutest royal baby ever, Prince George of Cambridge took place recently and before that there was the birth of the baby, plus the wedding of his sister to the most fabulous prince in perhaps the entire world. We wonder what could possibly be in store for him next?

13 – Max Irons

Max Irons is yet another Brit on the list of the 20 Most Eligible Bachelors for 2013-2014. He was dating a fellow actress, Emily Browning, for a while but it would appear that they broke up back in 2012 and although there have been brief sightings, it would appear that things have been rather hush hush on the relationship side of things so far.

Max Irons 1

There was the co-star of The Host that he was reportedly dating at the beginning of this year, Saoirse Ronan, but it would appear that they broke up. However, on a recent TV show he reportedly gave an interview where he stated he would move to New York to be with his girlfriend. This girlfriend’s identity is yet to be disclosed so until it is, we simply refuse to believe that she exists… Right ladies?

He may be dating someone and he may even be thinking about moving for her but we don’t hear any wedding bells as yet, or even the slightest whiff of an engagement rumor so until there is, we will assume that Max Irons is still definitely on the market. (That’s how it goes as far as we are concerned!)

Max Irons 2

If you’re wondering where Max Irons has been recently, you should check out the film The Host (that we mentioned earlier) which was released earlier on this year. Based on the books by Stephanie Meyer, (the chick that wrote the Twilight books) it had mixed reviews but we kinda liked it! What did you think?

12 – Jason Segal

Believe it or not one of the funniest men ever to grace our cinema screens and TV’s is actually one of the Top 20 Most Eligible Bachelors for 2013-2014! Can you believe this guy is single? We fell in love with him when we started watching How I Met Your Mother, and we definitely laughed until we cried to the hilariously funny Forgetting Sarah Marshall in which he starred alongside the fabulously brilliant Russell Brand!

Jason Segal 1

He hasn’t always been single of course; once the Freaks and Geeks show had been cancelled, he dated another actress that starred with him, Linda Cardellini. This romance went on for a couple of years but sadly, the couple split. Since then, Jason has been linked to some pretty impressive women including Michele Williams, whom he was with for around a year, breaking up only at the beginning of this year in February.

Since then it would seem that he has kept him self rather busy doing the typically female thing to do which is lose a whole bunch of weight after a break and change the way you look. This is exactly what this guy has done which means that it must be about time for him to start getting back out there on the singles market again.

Jason Segal 2

The 33 year old has been working hard to slim down for a comedy that came out recently called Sex Drive. He said that he completely cut out midnight pizzas, starting exercising a bit and stopped eating quite so much in the form of unhealthy food. Whatever he’s done, it’s worked and although we liked him bigger too, he looks lush with his new slimmer frame!

11 – George Clooney

This guys is renowned for one of the most eligible bachelors in Hollywood of any year, let alone for 2013-2014. He’s been romantically linked to a rather impressive array of famous ladies over the years but not once has he quite managed to get himself settled. He seems to be quite happy as the most eligible bachelor in Hollywood however, and us ladies certainly aren’t complaining, that’s for sure!

George Clooney 1

He’s one of the sexiest men alive and has been voted as such on many occasions. He’s been spotted with some of the most beautiful women in the world from Elisabetta Canalis, Stacy Keibler and Sarah Larson. Renee Zellweger needs to be included on that list as well as Kelly Preston. You must also include Talia Balsam, Lisa Snowdon, Krista Allen, Teri Hatcher and Celine Balitran.

He got married to Talia Balsam in 1989 but they later divorced in 1993. Back in 2007 he said that he didn’t ever want to get married again. Maybe he just hasn’t met the right woman to sweep him off his feet. We’re hoping he’s still keeping his options open anyway.

George Clooney 2

Over the years he has won 2 Academy Awards, a BAFTA, 4 Golden Globes, 1 MTV Movie Award, 1 Satellite Award, 1 Saturn Award, 4 Screen Actor Guild Awards, a Teen Choice Award and a People’s Choice Award. It would seem that George Clooney is highly desired and when you take a look at this guy in action, you can understand why.

For a 51 year old man, this man has just enough of a spitter of grey to make him look distinguished. It’s very “silver fox” and we love it. This chiseled jaw and beautiful white smile certainly help things along, and when you hear him talk and appreciate his charm, you are literally at a loss for words. You can understand why so many women fall under his spell. He’s smooth with an old-fashioned kinda charm. It’s traditional and we love it. How about you?

George Clooney 3

So there you have it – we have concluded the first part of our series on the Top 20 Most Eligible Bachelors 2013-2014. What do you think about the beauties we have included so far? Is there anyone that you are excited to see coming up? Who do you think will be number one? Keep your eyes peeled for Part B of the series – we promise it will be coming soon!

http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-most-eligible-bachelors-2013-2014-part-a/feed/ 0
Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s (Part One) http://www.herinterest.com/hottest-male-actors-in-their-40s-part-one/ http://www.herinterest.com/hottest-male-actors-in-their-40s-part-one/#comments Tue, 24 Sep 2013 10:00:59 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2850 We’ve had a hot man frenzy going on recently, haven’t we ladies? We went a bit mental with the One Direction Facts and Justin Bieber Facts. Then there was the Hottest British Men, the Hottest Men in the World, and even the Hottest Black Men! We have decided to now pay homage to the hotter, older men that we watch on TV and spot in magazines. It’s time for the Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s!

We won’t keep you waiting too much longer for the silver foxes but we’d love to know what you think of our list so if there is anyone you agree (or disagree) with, please don’t hesitate to let us know!

We tried hard to put these in order, so we hope that you love what we have come up with as much as we do!

The Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s:

40 – John Cusack

John Cusack

He’s tall, he’s dark and he’s handsome – what more could you possibly want from a hot older male actor? Not just an actor, John Cusack is also a screenwriter and he has been in and written some of the most impressive Hollywood stuff!

Who could forget Con Air in 1997? Being Joch Malkovich in 1999 certainly didn’t hurt his career either. 2000 brought along High Fidelity, 2007 brought the crazy 1408 film that we weren’t sure if we liked or not, and who could forget Hot Tub Time Machine just a couple of years ago in 2010?

Originally from Illinois in the USA, John Cusack was born on June 28th, 1966 making him currently 47 years old. Can you believe this guy is going to be fifty in just three years time? It’s insane how good he looks for his age!

For those of you that can’t get enough of this guy, there are plenty of films coming out that are likely to strike your attention. 2014 is going to be a busy year for this guy as he has many films being released. Love & Mercy, for example, will see Cusack playing the older life of The Beach Boys musician and songwriter, Brian Wilson. There’s also a thriller called Motel being released later on of this year in which Cusack will star alongside Robert De Niro and Crispin Glover, and there’s a few more to keep your eye out for as well – Grand Piano, Drive Hard, Maps to the Stars, Airspace and Five Minutes to Live.

39 – Rob Lowe

Rob Lowe

Robert Hepler Lowe was born in Virginia on March 17th, 1964, making him a beautifully ripe age of 49 years old. We said that John Cusack looked young but this guy is just ONE YEAR from fifty and it still lusted after by thousands of women all over the world! How on earth do these guys stay looking so young? Whatever moisturizers they are using, we want it, right?

If you liked 1990’s films, you’ll know who this guy is. He was in some of the funniest and most brilliants films of the decade including Wayne’s World, The Outsiders, The West Wing and even Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me! They were brilliant films and in fact, still are!

He was in Californication for a while alongside David Duchovny and he’s going to be in a movie and a TV movie in the next few months. Killing Kennedy is the TV movie and is said to be released later on this year, and he is currently filming Sex Tape which is due for release in 2014.

Unfortunately for us ladies, he is not up for grabs and is happily married to a makeup artist which whom he has two little boys with. We love the family man thing about him, but don’t you just wish that he was YOUR family man? Sigh….

38 – Mark Ruffalo

Mark Ruffalo

Despite the fact that we think Mark Ruffalo looks a little bit Hispanic, he is actually an American actor that was born in Wisconsin on November 22nd, 1967, making him stand at a very beautiful 45 years of age. He has been in some of the most iconic films of our team, encouraging even the girliest of girls to watch some of the manliest of films such as The Avengers, back in 2012, in which Mark Ruffalo played The Hulk in the hit movie.

Just take a look back through some of the films that this guy has been in and then you’ll understand why he belongs on the list of the Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s! You have got greats such Shutter Island, Date Night, Zodiac, 13 Going on 30, Collateral and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind… Now do you see why we love him?

He’s had a pretty tough time over the years. He is a happily married man with three kids and a booming career but he sadly lost his brother in his house in 2008 in a rather nasty game of Russian Roulette.

You’ll be seeing Mark Ruffalo around and about over the next couple of years. It would seem that he has been keeping himself busy and has more than a few films coming out. FoxCatcher should be out later on this year, Infinitely Polar Bear will be coming out next year, and then 2015 will be bringing the already-amazing The Avengers: Age of Ultron!

37 – Vince Vaughn

Vince Vaughn

This guy is already known to be a legend in Hollywood and although most of us know this guy, many of us don’t understand exactly how many films this guy has been in! He’s 43 now – he was born on March 28th, 1970 in Minnesota, USA, and he has been in a very impressive array of movies:

  • 1996 – Swingers
  • 1997 – The Lost World: Jurassic Park
  • 1998 – Psycho
  • 2001 – Zoolander
  • 2004 – Starsky & Hutch
  • 2005 – Mr. & Mrs. Smith
  • 2005 – Wedding Crashers
  • 2006 – The Break-Up
  • 2007 – Into The Wild
  • 2008 – Four Christmasses
  • 2009 – Couples Retreat

That’s not even a list of all of his movies! He seriously has been a very busy guy, hasn’t he? How has he managed to fit any sort of life into that sort of filing schedule?

He hasn’t had the most successful of love lives to be honest. It was the 2005 filming of The Break-Up that lead to his brief encounter with Jennifer Aniston but they broke up not long into 2006. He is now married to a real Estate Broker and they have a son together so hopefully his love life is back on track. We still don’t understand how he has managed to have a family and have time for all that filming too!

36 – Stephen Moyer

Stephen Moyer

At first glance, you might not recognize this guy. Have you ever seen True Blood? He’s the infamous Bill Compton out of the hit TV series and you’ll be pleased to see that he is just as hot as a “normal” man as he is as a vampire!

Born on October 1st, 1969, making him currently 43 years old, he certainly deserves his place on this list with his floppy brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.

Believe it or not, this hot actor is actually British. He was originally born in Brentwood, Essex, home of the hilariously funny British TV Show – The Only Way is Essex. Give it a watch if you get the chance; you will laugh your head off! Anyway, back to Stephen Moyer and when you look back through his history, he has actually been in a fair few things!

He’s done an awful lot of TV stuff over the years, but there have been some good films in there too. He was in 2004’s Deadlines, plus 88 Minutes in 2007. As well as carrying on with True Blood over the next year or so, there is also one TV movie called The Sound of Music coming out, plus a film called Devil’s Knot which is said to be out later on this year – you’ll need to keep your eyes peeled.

Unfortunately for us ladies, he’s happily married to his co-star on the True Blood show, Anna Paquin. They have twins together, alongside the two kids that he already had from a previous relationship, and it would seem that they are now happier than ever. Life isn’t all bad for this messed up vampire, right?

35 – Ewan McGregor

Ewan McGregor

If you can name one person that doesn’t like this guy, we will eat our hats. Well, we probably won’t but we would be mighty surprised. This guy is just a good guy – he looks like a really good friend in all the “reality” and TV stuff that we’ve seen him in, and he was even in one of the Star Wars films guys and girls – that just makes him the coolest of all Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s!

Another Brit on the list, Ewan McGregor was born in Perth (Scotland) on March 31st, 1971 which makes him 42 years old at the time of writing. He has been a very, very busy boy recently and as well as having a string of films constantly released over the last few years including Jack The Giant Slayer, Nanny McPhee Returns, Amelia, Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Black Hawk Down, Moulin Rouge and even the really messed up Trainspotting, he has got married and found the time to have four beautiful daughters. That’s on top of all the charity work that he does as well – he regularly works with the GO Campaign and UNICEF.

Could this guy be any cooler?

The good news is that although he isn’t up for grabs, there is plenty of opportunity to catch him out n the next few months. Born to Be King is due to be released in 2014, as is Jane Got a Gun and Son of a Gun, and Our Kind of Traitor in 2015 too.

34 – Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves

Another one that will soon be dropping off this list and into his 50’s is Keanu Reeves who currently stands at 49 years old. Born on September 2nd, 1964 in Lebanon, this Canadian actor is best known for his role as Neo in the amazing out of this world series of films – The Matrix.

He has been in a number of amazing films over the years that his career has spanned – The Day the Earth Stood Still, Constantine, The Devil’s Advocate, Speed, Bill & Ted series, Point Break…. Do we need to carry on?

He hasn’t had a great time of things. Firstly, his girlfriend gave birth to a still-born daughter in the eighth month of their pregnancy and she later then died in a car wreck just two years later. Doesn’t it make you want to give him the biggest hug?

For those of you wanting more, more, more of Keanu Reeves, there are a couple of films coming out over the coming few months to keep you satisfied. Man of Tai Chi will soon be out, followed by 47 Ronin, plus there’s another one scheduled to be released in 2014 too – John Wick.

33 – Patrick Dempsey

Patrick Dempsey

Oh man this guy is hot, hot, hot, right ladies? He’s not just an actor, he’s also a racing driver which instantly makes him hotter than ever before and when you consider that he is most famous for his role as the amazingly sexy Dr. Derek Shepherd in the hit American TV series Grey’s Anatomy, he just gets hotter still.

He has beautiful blue eyes and a smile that could melt a heart made of stone. Just take a look at his picture and tell us that it doesn’t make you melt? There’s just something about him…

Not just a TV actor, he’s been in his fair share of films too. There was Sweet Home Alabama back in 2002, plus Transformers: Dark of the Moon in 2011. It would seem that he could play his hand at any part and to be honest, it just makes us lust after him that little bit more.

There are rumors that there is going to be an Enchanted 2 coming out and he is said to be in it. He was in the first one so this does make sense. Grey’s Anatomy is your best bet of catching this real cute in action.

Believe it not, Patrick Dempsey is 47 years old and was born in Maine, USA on January 13th, 1966. There is no way this guy looks like he is just three years away from fifty….

32 – Hugh Grant

Hugh Grant

You can’t say that you don’t love the British accent that this hotter older Hollywood movie star rocks. With the floppy brown hair and playboy rumors surrounding him, there is something very attractive about the guy that once played Daniel Cleaver in the brilliant British films Bridget Jones’ Diary.

He’s been in some pretty awesome British movies like About a Boy, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill and even Music and Lyrics with Drew Barrymore. He’s been a little quiet recently but there are a couple of films coming out (or rumored to be) soon so it might be worth keeping your eyes out for them if you love this British hottie. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. is your best chance of seeing him in action!

31 – Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx

He featured as Number 7 on our list of the Hottest Black Men, and he pops up again here on our Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s. This guy really is hotter than hot!

Jamie Foxx, believe it not, is 45 years of age! We certainly didn’t believe it when we found out how old it was. It was, in fact, this exact fact that lead to the making of this post on our website. We couldn’t believe the ages of many of the men that we were lusting after in the films that we were watching. Can you believe that Jamie Foxx is 45 years old? He was born in Texas, USA on December 13th, 1967!

Crazy, huh?

He’s been a busy boy recently and he has a number of films coming out over the next couple of years. 2014 will see the release of Rio 2 in which Foxx plays the voice of Nico, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Annie and Why Should White Girls Have All the Fun?

30 – David Boreanaz

David Boreanaz

You’ll know this hot actor if you’ve ever seen the hit American TV show Angel. You will have seen him in Buffy the Vampire Slayer too. David Boreanaz also starred in Bones. These are all shows that we have come to know and love – do you love them too?

Whether or not you can believe it, David Boreanaz is actually now 44 years old. Born on May 16th, 1969 in New York, USA, he has had a pretty impressive career. He’s currently starring in another great TV show called Full Circle, and there’s Bones still on the air as well. Plenty of time for us to lust after him, right ladies?

The bad news (you know there’d have to be some somewhere) is that David Boreanaz is not single. Oh no, he is married to a beautiful blonde called Jaime Bergman, and they now have two kids too. It hasn’t all been plain sailing for them. Hollywood sprinkled the relationship-destroying dust that it is known for and it soon came out that David Boreanaz had an affair with one of the women that Tiger Wood’s had also had an affair with (apparently) and he admitted that the rumors were true.

Bad David Boreanaz!

29 – Edward Norton

Edward Norton

I can remember the exact moment I first fell in love with Edward Norton and that was during the film Red Dragon when he fought against The Silence of the Lambs terror, Hannibal Lector. Not just known for that film, he also starred alongside Brad Pitt in Fight Club, was Steve in The Italian Job, starred in The Illusionist, The Invention of Lying and The Bourne Legacy and… he has many more films coming out over the next few months too!

44 years old – that’s the age of Edward Norton right now. He was born in Massachussets, USA on August 18th, 1969. Just an actor, he is also a screenwriter, producer, director and award winner! He has been nominated for a couple of Academy Awards for his roles in Primal Fear and American History X.

Known to be rather talented in hiding from the press, he considers himself to be a down to earth man and hates being the centre of attention in the media. He is a happily married man with one son that was born just a few months ago in March of this year, and loves doing his thing for charity. Doesn’t it just make you melt?

There are a few things going on over 2013/2014 for this guy. Two films are currently in post-production, said to be released at some point in 2014 and these are The Grand Budapest Hotel and Birdman. Keep your eyes peeled ladies!

28. John Stamos

John Stamos

Erm hello Hottie! This guy has something all dark and mysterious going on for him doesn’t he? Currently sitting at 50 years old, we have decided to include him in the list of Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s because he has only just turned 50 – August 15th, 1963 is his date of birth. He’s from California in the USA and you may have seen him in the delights of General Hospital or ER – these are the two shows that he is most famous for.

John Phillip Stamos was born in California and has a couple of films coming out over the next few months. One of them is a movie called My Man Is a Loser, and the other is a TV movie called I Am Victor. Both are set to be released at some point this year.

This isn’t the first time that John Stamos has branched into films rather than TV – there have been a number of TV movies over the years, and a couple of small budget movies. You can see him in the TV show Necessary Roughness if you can’t wait to see him in the movies though!

At the moment, it would seem that John Stamos is single. He dated and then married Rebecca Romijn at the Victoria’s Secret fashion show, but they later separated. That means he is back on the market ladies….

27 – Chris O’Donnell

Chris O’Donnell

We couldn’t believe that Robin out of the 1995 and 1997 films Batman Forever and Batman & Robin is now 43 years old but on closer inspection, it would appear that it’s true! Born on June 26th, 1970 in Illinois, USA, he is better known for his roles as the Batman side-kick, but he has been in a few other films aside from these. 2002 saw him starring with Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman, and he was also in the hit TV show NCIS: Los Angeles in 2009. In fact, this is what you can see him in if you can’t get enough of the Hollywood hottie.

It would seem that things are quiet for him on the film front but he shows no signs of leaving the NCIS show soon so for now, that will just have to do!

We still can’t believe he is in his 40’s!

26 – Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe

We can never make our minds up about Russell Crowe – one minute we think he is totally hot, like when he played in the amazing film Gladiator, and sometimes we think he looks totally not hot like he was spotted on the beach with that podgy belly and unflattering shorts.

New Zealand born, Russell Crowe is now 49 years old – his date of birth is April 7th, 1964. Although he hasn’t always been seen in the media in the best of lights, he certainly is an amazing actor. It was his role in Gladiator that won him his Academy Award for Best Actor, and he won a bunch of other awards for his part in the movie too. This is what first boosted him to an international level of success and a position that it would seem he abused at times.

Of course, it wasn’t just Gladiator that you will have seen Russell Crowe in. Les Miserables starred this hunk as well as A Beautiful Mind back in 2001 and L.A. Confidential back in 1997.

He’s got stuff going on over the next few months including Man of Steel released soon! There’s a few more coming out over 2014 as well – Winter’s Tale is currently in post-production as is Noah and The Water Diviner!

It would appear that Russell Crowe is back on the market again, just in case any of you were still interested, especially as it would appear that he has got himself all “buff” again. Danielle Spencer is an Australian singer and they have been on and off since around 1989. They got married in 2001 but just last year (2012) it would appear that they had once again broken up.

Not just Australian singers that Russell Crowe has been linked with – for a brief spell in 2000, he was romantically linked to his co-star in the film Proof of Life, Meg Ryan.

25 – Javier Bardem

Actor<br />
Location: London, England

Okay so Javier Bardem is not conventionally hot but there is something about him that still gets the pulses racing of many a woman all over the world. He has, in fact, had our Herinterest team split on their opinions on many occasions. Whether you love him or hate him, you can’t deny that there is something special about him and he certainly is a fantastic actor.

Now 44 years old, Javier Bardem was born in Spain on March 1st, 1969. He has an incredibly low-profile relationship with actress Penelope Cruz – they married in 2010 and now have one son and one daughter.

One of the films that he is best known for, especially for the ladies out there, was Eat Pray Love in which he played the love interest of Hollywood beauty, Julia Roberts. He also played one of the Baddies in the Bond film Skyfall. There is a film called The Counselor coming out soon, and there is also a 2014 film called The Gunman that we are pretty excited about.

He might be happily married and a total family man but that doesn’t stop us dreaming, does it girls?

24 – Billy Zane

Billy Zane

Did you know that UK model and actress Kelly Brook once ditched the beautiful Jason Statham for this man? They may be two very different men but they are certainly both hot in their own right – maybe we’ll even see Jason Statham later on in our series….?

Most of us will know Billy Zane for his part in Titanic – the hit film that saw Billy playing the one that kept getting in the way of the flourishing romance played by Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. You’ll probably remember him from the Back to the Future series of films too – he was in those! He’s been really busy recently and you are going to see him in a large number of films. A Winter Rose, for example, is in a completed state and is said to be released at some point this year, probably towards the winter if the title is anything to go by. Finding Harmony is another film set to be released later on this year and going into next year, Scorned and Mining For Ruby are the two films that you’ll need to keep an eye out for.

Just in case you didn’t believe this hottie was an actor in his 40’s, he was born on February 24th, 1966 which actually makes him 47 years of age. Can you believe it? We sure can’t!

23 – Ethan Hawke

Ethan Hawke

There’s something gritty and intriguing about this actor. Born on November 6th, 1970, Ethan Hawke is now 42 years old. He’s still a baby in comparison to some of the beautiful men that we have featured in this series!

He’s from Texas in the United states and since his film debut in 1985 when he starred in the film Explorers – a science-fiction feature-style film, he has had a number of hit films under his belt. In fact, he is such a good actor, he has been nominated for Academy awards for not just his acting, but for his writing too – he is also a screenwriter and director!

There are a number of films that you may have heard of in his film career. One of our firm favorites is Taking Lives in which he starred alongside Angelina Jolie. That was back in 2004 and since then, he has had success with Training Day, New York, I Love You and Total Recall. There’s more to come from this hotter older actor too. You’ll see him in the up and coming films Predestination, Cymbeline and Body Defenders; all of these are coming out over the next couple of years!

22 – Clive Owen

Clive Owen

Another Brit on this list and we come to Clive Owen. There’s something about him that flutters the hearts of women all over the world and when you look at some of the weird and wonderful films that he has taken his part in, you can understand why he has such a broad spectrum of followers. From men and women to children and pensioners; there’s a Clive Owen film for everyone, it would seem.

Believe it or not, this Hollywood veteran is now 48 years old – he was originally born in Warwickshire, England on October 3rd, 1964.

It was the 2004 film Closer that bought him to international levels of fame. For that one film alone he won a number of awards – a Golden Globe, the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and even a BAFTA too! Now that’s impressive!

Since then, he has found success with a number of films – Inside Man in 2006 was a favorite of many as was The Bourne Identity in 2004. To see him in the future, you’ll need to check out the up and coming films – The Last Knights and also a TV mini series called The Knick.

21 – Jason Bateman

Jason Bateman

The final guy on the first part of our list – Hottest Male Actors in their 40’s and we come to Jason Bateman. It was about time we bought some more humor to the table, don’t you think?

He’s got the cutest of faces and is well known for his dry and sometimes sarcastic sense of humor as seen at its best in films like Horrible Bosses back in 2011 and Juno in 2007. There was also Paul in 2011 and Couples Retreat back in 2009. It’s safe to say that he has found his niche movie role and he is hitting it to the max!

He’s 44 years old now – he was born in New York on January 14th, 1969. It was the TV series Arrested Development that first won him a TV Land Award, two Satellite Awards and also a BAFTA. From there he has gone to new levels of super stardom as he hits Hollywood hard. Not that we are complaingin of course!

Unfortunately, things haven’t always been squeaky clean for Jason Bateman. During the 90’s he admitted having a pretty bad struggle with drugs and alcohol. He is married with a couple of kids now though so it would seem that things are finally on the up for the guy that brings the humor back to Hollywood!

So there you have them ladies – the first installment of our Top Male Actors in their 40’s. Why not keep your eyes peeled for Part Two but at the same time, have a look around the site? Who knows what eye candy you could find!

Let us know what you thought of our Hollywood hotties!

http://www.herinterest.com/hottest-male-actors-in-their-40s-part-one/feed/ 0
Top 20 Hottest Black Men (Part Two) http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-hottest-black-men-part-two/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-hottest-black-men-part-two/#comments Mon, 23 Sep 2013 10:50:05 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2825 Have you seen the first part of this series? If not, check out Top 20 Hottest Black Men (Part One). Here you will see such beautiful smiles and ripped bodies offered by Dolvett Quince, one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser. You’ll also have seen Blair Underwood, the guy behind Miranda not able to say “I Love You” in the hit TV show Sex and the City. We also saw Pharrell, Lil Wayne and even Drake. Who could we possibly offer you next?

Things are about to get a lot hotter ladies. We are going to see some of the most beautiful black men in the world. We already gave you a few hints right at the end of the last part of the Hottest Black Men series – Michael Ealy, Will Smith and Usher! We wonder where they will fall in our top ten?!

Without any further ado, let’s jump into our top ten list of the Top 20 Hottest Black Men:

10 – Michael Ealy

Michael Ealy

You didn’t need to wait too long for him girls – we come to Michael Ealy.

This guy is an American actor, in case you didn’t know and was originally born in Maryland, USA on August 3rd, 1973. He’s been in a few pretty impressive films over the years. There was the formidable Seven Pounds which saw him starring alongside Hollywood great, Will Smith. He was also in Underworld: Awakening, Barbershop back in 2002, and 2 Fast 2 Furious in 2003. He’s been a bit of a busy boy, hasn’t he?

Unfortunately for us ladies, Michael Ealy is in a relationship with someone called Khatira Rafiqzada and he married her in October of last year (2012). For those of us that are saddened by this news, life is going to get better, especially when you take a look at the stuff that will be released over the coming months starring this hottest of hot black men in Hollywood.

Michael Ealy 2

He’s in a TV show this year called Almost Human, and there is also a film in post-production, due to be released in 2014. This film is called About Last Night and is a comedy drama that also features the likes of Kevin Hart, Paula Patton and Regina Hall.

9 – The Game

The Game

These days he calls himself just “Game” but he will always still be “The Game” in our eyes, right ladies? He’s hot, tattooed, black, a rapper and blinged up… What more could you possibly want from your melt-in-the-mouth chocolate brown fix?

His real name is just as gangsta as his stage name – Jayceon Terrell Taylor, and he was born in LA in California, USA on November 29th, 1979. Best known as a rapper for the West Side hip hop scene, he is classed as the protégé of the unbelievably talented Dr. Dre! It doesn’t hurt to say that the Dre is your best friend, does it?

Following the trend of Lil Wayne, the black rapper, The Game, now has three kids and he was set to marry the model and actress, Valeisha Butterfield but unfortunately, the engagement was called off back in 2006, just one year before they were due to get hitched.

The Game 2

The Game has been in and out of the media over the years for various altercations and continually gets himself into trouble with the law, it would seem. That seems to be what black rappers do best these days – being gangsta; but we still love him for it nevertheless!

8 – Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart

We mentioned Kevin Hart when we spoke about Michael Ealy earlier. They will be starring in a comedy romance in 2014 called About Last Night. Not just an actor, he is also a comedian and a damn funny one at that! If you ever get the chance, you should definitely check out some of his stuff. He has us on the floor laughing and we bet he will for you too! Let’s face it ladies; we’re pretty predictable. We all love a guy that can make us laugh, right?

He was born in Philadelphia on July 6th, 1979 and he wasn’t always the funny guy that we know and love him to be today. His very first gig, which he did under the stage name Lil Kev, really didn’t go according to plan and in fact, he was booed off stage and even had bits of chicken thrown at him! Poor guy!

Kevin Hart 2

Luckily for Kevin Hart, things got better and so did his stand up shows. He is now one of the greatest comedians in America, and he has even started to make it big in the UK!

He got married in 2003 and him and his wife, Torrei Hart now have a couple of kids together but unfortunately, the marriage didn’t make it. There was a bit of a custody battle and an alimony case and although the pair of them can laugh at it now in their respective comedy acts, (she’s a comedienne too) you can still see that it is a bit of a sore subject…

Technically, that means he is single now…

7 – Jamie Foxx


Come on – who doesn’t love this guy. He’s been floating around in the celeb world for a while now. Some of you may know him because of his musical career, for others it might be his acting roles. Whatever it is, he sure got swag, don’t he?

Eric Marlon Bishop is his real name and he was originally born in Texas, USA on December 13th, 1967. A Grammy award winning musician plus a Golden Globe Award winner as well, he certainly has talent as well as swag!

He’s been in a few films over the past few years and you’ve probably heard of them – Django Unchained, for example, saw Jamie Foxx working as the voice of Django; the lead character in the movie. There was also Horrible Bosses back in 2011, Rio in the same year, and even Law Abiding Citizen in 2009. We LOVE that movie!

Jamie Foxx 2

He’s been a busy boy recently and he’s going to be in a few more movies so if you love the guy, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to check him out. Rio 2 is in post-production, due to be released next year, as well as The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and even Annie.

6 – Barack Obama

Barack Obama

He’s the most powerful man in the world which means he definitely belongs on this list, right? And let’s face it; he’s one of the hottest presidents the USA has ever seen. Michelle Obama is one lucky woman, that’s for sure!

His real name is Barack Hussein Obama and he was born in Hawaii! What a cool place to be born in, right? His birthday is August 4th and he was born in 1961. For those of you that are interested, he was first assumed in the office back in January 20th, 2009. Another little bit of useless information for you – he used to smoke cigarettes and had tried to give up for years. Back in 2010, it was his wife that confirmed the suspicions that he had finally manage to kick the habit for good! Great going Barack Obama for giving up smoking!!

5 – Usher


Oh come on – you can’t mention the hottest black guys without having a mention for Usher and in many cases, women would probably argue that he deserves to hold the number one spot on this list. We had a tough time deciding who should go where, that’s for sure!

Believe it or not, Usher actually first started singing at the incredibly young age of 6! Back then he didn’t quite have the Hip Hop swag that he has going on now – he was in the choir back then but we bet he rocked that too!

Not just a choir singer, he is also now known to be one of the most talented singers, dancers and songwriters in the world and not only that but he has also branched into acting!


Born in Texas, USA on October 14th, 1978, he is an award winning artist with eight Grammy Awards, and to date, he has sold over sixty-five million records in the world. That’s an incredible amount!


Do you remember Rozonda “Chilli” Thomas out of the girl group TLC? Well Usher dated her for a couple of years but in 2003 there was a very public break-up. It would seem that he had cheated from the lyrics of the songs that were on the Confessions album, and she admitted that he had done the ultimate betrayal to her, but he had denied the rumours to be true.

4 – Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton

The on again slash off again relationship that he had with Pussycat Doll, Nicole Scherzinger is definitely off again so for you ladies this means that he is back on the market. Perfect timing!

He’s very young but when you look at the stuff he has achieved in his life, you can understand why he belongs on the list of the Top 20 Hottest Black Men! Born on January 7th, 1985 in Hertfordshire in the UK, he is one of the Formula One’s biggest names, and once his relationship had kick-started with the ex-Pussycat Doll, he just got hotter and more celeb-worthy.

Lewis Hamilton2

He’s won 22 Grand Prix races as well as the hearts of millions of women all around the world and on top of that, he was also given an MBE by the Queen! What’s not to love about that?

Unfortunately for Lewis, he’s a bit of a bad boy at times and although us women rock it, his career certainly doesn’t. In 2007 for example, he was caught and got into trouble for speeding meaning that he lost his license for a while. That’s not the only time that he has gotten in trouble for being reckless in the vehicle but maybe his life is like his racing – fast & furious?

Lewis Hamilton3

He is technically mixed race with his mother being White British and his father being Black British. He certainly belongs on the list though, don’t you think? He is super hot!

3 – Chris Brown

Chris Brown

This guy is one that is definitely going to start a fight among the women for sure! Chris Brown sure does love his controversy, especially when it comes to his on-off girlfriend, Rihanna….

Christopher Maurice Brown was born on May 5th, 1989 and from a young age, he started teaching himself to sing. From Virginia in the states, he may be tattooed and badass but he sure does belong on the list of the Top 20 Hottest Black Men!

Chris Brown2

He’s had a number of hit songs over the years from his duet with Jordin Sparks on “No Air’” plus working alongside Justin Bieber on “Next To You”. Back in 2009, he was in a lot of trouble for an alleged fight with his then-grlfriend Rihanna in which she ended up rather badly beated and he pleaded guilty to some pretty nasty charges, resulting in six months of community service plus probation and counselling for domestic violence. It was very high-profile and when they later apparently reunited in 2012. Early on of this year, Rihanna spoke out about her relationship with Chris Brown saying that they were very much on again, but just a few months later, Brown admitted that they had once again broken up in an interview.

Chris Brown3

We are sure they will end up as on again real soon… That’s what they do, right?

2 – Will Smith

Will Smith

Who doesn’t love this amazing guy? He’s a doting husband, a loving and supportive partner, an actor, a singer, a TV star and a household name in all the countries across the globe, especially for his roles in the out of this world films I am Legend and the Men in Black series.

Willard Carroll Smith, Jnr is from Pennsylvania in the states and was born on September 25th, 1968. He has won a total of four Grammy Awards. On top of that, he has been nominated for a pretty impressive four Golden Globe Awards plus a couple of Academy Awards too.

You can see how much of an amazing father he is – he has one kid from when he was married to Sheree Zampino and he was in Will Smith’s music video for “Just The Two Of Us”. He later married an actress called Jada Pinkett Smith and they now have two kids together – Jaden Christopher Smith who appeared as Smith’s son in the mind-blowingly fabulous film The Pursuit of Happiness, and Willow Camille Reign who was his daughter in the film we spoke about earlier – I Am Legend.

Will Smith2

He is well into politics it would seem, especially when it comes to the number 6on our list – Barack Obama. He held a fundraising event for the 2012 Obama-Biden campaign and he managed to get together a whopping five hundred thousand dollars to help the fellow hottest black man contender in his political career!

1 – Jesse Williams

Jesse Williams

Although more mixed-race than black, Jesse Williams has hearts fluttering all over the world, with his beautiful eyes and dark and mysterious look about him. He is best known for his part in the American TV series Grey’s Anatomy in which he played Dr. Jackson Avery. He’s been in a few films too – you may remember him from Cabin in the Woods?

You might not believe it but you could probably put his good looks down to the fact that his father is African-American, whilst his mother is Swedish. That’s the beautiful tanned skin and gorgeous baby blue eyes sorted. We can only imagine what sorta body he is rocking!

Born in Chicago, Illinois in the states on August 5th, 1981, he’s a relationship-kinda guy which means he probably won’t be on the market for us ladies at any point soon, but it doesn’t hurt to dream, does it? He has been with a Real Estate broker called Aryn Drake-Lee for 6 years, married for one of those. In fact, they got married in LA in just September of last year. We wonder how marital bliss is suiting them?

Jesse Williams 2

So there you have the Top 20 Hottest Black Men! What do you think – do you are agree with the list? Are there any that you would want us to take out? Who would you replace them with? They may be controversial from time to time but they certainly are beautiful to look at!

Hope you enjoyed the eye-candy ladies!

http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-hottest-black-men-part-two/feed/ 0
Top 20 Hottest Black Men (Part One) http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-hottest-black-men-part-one/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-20-hottest-black-men-part-one/#comments Sun, 15 Sep 2013 10:33:06 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2510 Wow, things have been hitting up around here recently, haven’t they? First we had the Justin Bieber frenzy. We can’t forget about the One Direction moment we had either. Then there was the Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013, swiftly followed by the Top 10 British Men, and then by the Top 10 Australian Men. 

What could Herinterest possibly have next, we hear you cry!

Well ladies and gentlemen, the next instalment in our post-summer man-loving is the hottest black men out there! We are going to bring to you only the most melt in your mouth chocolate brown hunks. Are you ready for this?

If you are sitting comfortably, we shall begin….

20 – Dolvett Quince

Dolvett Quince

This handsome buff man is one of those faces that you recognise from the TV but aren’t entirely sure why. In case you needed a gentle reminder, this muscly hunk is one of the trainers in the hit US TV show The Biggest Loser. You know the show – those that want to lose weight feature on the show and are blasted until they physically can’t take anymore. Now I don’t know about you but that sure sounds my idea of hell but with Dolvett Quince running the show, we might just be tempted to give it a shot!

Dolvett Quince 2

He was originally born in Stamford, Connecticut and has featured on the show since around 2011. Not just a personal trainer, he is also a proud father to his son, Isiah, and has also released workout DVDs, books and much more besides! We guess he likes to keep things busy. To be honest, we wouldn’t imagine we would do much in the form of exercising if we were watching this man on a DVD. We might drool a lot though, right?

19 – Reggie Bush

Reggie Bush 2

This hot black cutie was born on March 2nd, 1985 in Spring Valley, California in the States. You may know him better as one of the running backs for the American football team Detroit Lions. You may also know him from his younger days when he dated the socialite Kim Kardashian. Maybe you remember him from when he was nominated for Best Male Athlete for both 2007 and 2009 in the BET awards?

Whenever it was that Reggie Bush first caught your attention, you can’t deny the gleaming white smile and beautiful deep eyes have a calming yet pulse-racing effect on you. He’s just a beautiful man right?

Reggie Bush

Unfortunately, he’s not up for grabs. His girlfriend, Lilit Avagyan, has provided him with a beautiful baby girl, Briseis, since their relationship struck up sometime pre-October 2012. We can still dream though….

18 – Blair Underwood

Blair Underwood

You know this guy but you’re not sure where from, right? Have you ever seen Sex and the City? Yes, that’s right! He was Robert – Miranda’s boyfriend for a while before she got back with Steve! Now you remember, right? Steve walked in on Miranda and Robert having sex one afternoon and he puts tampons up his nose because he is a Doctor for the Nicks! Sorry… We have clearly seen the show far too much!

That’s right; that’s Blair Underwood. Blair and his beautiful smile.

Blair Underwood 2

He’s an actor and a director, originally born in Tacoma, Washington on August 25th, 1964. He’s now married to Desiree DaCosta and they have three kids together so it would seem that not only is his family life going great, but judging by the Golden Globe nominations and one Grammy Award, his acting career is going from strength to strength as well. He’s now in LA Law playing the role of Jonathon Rollins, and he’s been in the show for seven years now!

17 – Daniel Sunjata

Daniel Sunjata

Daniel Sunjata Condon is his real name and he was born on December 30th, 1971 in Illinois, USA. Better known for his role as Franco Rivera in the hit show Rescue Me, he has been in a number of other amazing films as well. For example, he starred in Bad Company back in 2002, The Devil Wears Prada in 2006 and even The Dark Knight Rises just last year. These are all pretty big hit movies and that’s why belongs on this list! Not only is he hot but he can act his pants off too!

Daniel Sunjata 2

To see more of Daniel you will need to keep an eye out for a film called Lullaby. Not only starring this chocolate-brown charmer, you will also find Amy Adams, Garrett Hedlund and even Jennifer Hudson in the movie.

You know it’s going to be a winner! 

16 – Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson 2

Can you smell what The Rock is cookin’? That’s right, Dwayne Douglas Johnson is The Rock; the semi-retired professional WWE wrestler. Not just that but he is now known to be one of the best actors of our time. He seems to have it all going on, right? That’s before we even get onto the subject of his ripped muscles and MASSIVE arms! We would give anything for a bear hug from this guy, right ladies? Sigh…

Dwayne Johnson

From 1997 to 2007 he was married to Dany Garcia but they out of the blue announced one day that they were having an amicable split and would stay the very best of friends. That’s got to be a first for Hollywood surely? An amicable split?!

Dwayne Johnson 3

If you’ve not really seen Dwayne around and about, you’ll need to check out some of these films – The Mummy Returns, The Scorpion King and Fast Five. Also, the best friend of Arnold Schwarzenegger will soon be seen in Fast & Furious 7….. Watch this space, ladies!

15 – Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne 2

What’s not to love about this mini rap artist, seriously? Dwayne Michael Carter, Jnr. is also known as Baby D. Born in New Orleans on September 27th, 1982, he is a CEO, producer and rap artist and is well known all over the world. You must have remembered the song he did with Destiny’s Child? “I need a soldier….” You know it – sing it with us!

Lil Wayne

His “blinged” up style and unique gravelly voice has made him popular in all types of music. He has been known to do rap, a bit of rock, some alternative and punk stuff…. He’s a pretty alternative guy, it’s safe to say.

He’s well into his tattoos, just like most other rap artists, but Lil Wayne also has a bit of a thing for piercings. He’s got a couple of lip piercings and we just think that makes him cuter still! When you combine this with his crazy dress sense, the gold grill he normally has in his mouth, and all the big blinged up jewellery that he loves to wear and you certainly have a little something unique. Perhaps that’s why so many women love him. And men too…

Lil Wayne has four kids and apparently was already a father by the time he had reached 15 years of age. (WOW!) He also suffers from a medical condition called epilepsy which, for years, had been speculated to be some sort of drug or alcohol problem. Thankfully these rumors have now been dispelled but to be fair, that’s the crazy life that happens when you are a famous rap artist – you’re always addicted to one drug or another, or having beef with another artist. It’s a mental life to lead but Lil Wayne seems to manage it rather well.

Such a cool guy that he is; Lil Wayne has even been in reference made by Barack Obama. If the President of the United States of America thinks he’s cool, then cool he is!

14 – Tyrese Gibson

Tyrese Gibson

This smooth crooner has been behind many a baby-making session around the world. His smooth tones and beautiful chocolate brown skin have charmed the pants off of many women and when you combine that with his dazzling smile, you have a recipe for success with many, many women!

The R&B and Hip Hop artist is not just a singer. He’s also a model, an actor, a screenwriter, a songwriter, an author, TV presenter and even film producer. Is there nothing this man can’t do when he puts his mind to it???

Originally born in Los Angeles, California, Tyrese Darnell Gibson’s birthday is December 30th, 1978. You will probably have seen him in the Fast and Furious series of films too. He’s been in a few of them and he is really hot in them too!

He’s been in a few other films too. Transformers in 2007, for example, put him well and truly on the Hollywood map and he was in Transformers: Dark of the Moon in 2011 which just reiterated why so many people adored him.

13 – Drake


Aubrey Drake Graham – it’s definitely not the coolest name in the world but somehow, for Drake, it just works quite nicely, don’t you think?

This guy isn’t American; he’s Canadian and was originally born in Toronto, Ontario on October 24th, 1986! It’s hard to believe he is only 26 years old at the time of writing this. He seems so much older than his years, doesn’t he?

Actor, songwriter, singer, rapper…. These are all professions that Drake has managed to tuck under his belt and although his love life hasn’t really gone to plan, his musical career is certainly going from strength to strength.

Drake 2

Speaking of his love life, who could forget THAT romance with Rihanna? They dated for a while in 2009, once Chris Brown had allegedly attacked her, and although their dating period didn’t last that long, they have stayed friends ever since. That’s more than can be said about him and Chris Brown, however; there was a massive bar brawl in which almost ten people got injured. The cause hasn’t been identified but there sure was a mess to clear up!

To date, Drake has been a bit of a record breaker over the years. First of all, he has sold over five million albums worldwide. That’s an astounding amount, don’t you think? He’s also won a few awards – there was the Grammy Award, six BET Awards, three Juno Awards and a whole bunch more!

He’s also been known to write songs for other people and just a few of the great artists that have sung a Drake song include Alicia Keys and Jamie Foxx. On top of that, he was voted the number two spot on the MTV Hottest MCs list back in 2012.

We knew he was hot. 

12 – Ludacris


We don’t know about you but Ludacris makes us feel young again! Do you remember listening to this guy when you were at school? He was cool, right?

In fact, Ludacris is still cool. Christopher Brian Bridges is his real name and he was born in Chicago, Illinois on September 11th, 1977. His birthday was just a couple of days ago!

Happy Belated Birthday Ludacris! 

Not just an actor and a rapper, he is also an entrepreneur. Disturbing tha Peace is the record label that he co-founded, and it has since released a line of headphones called “Soul by Ludacris” and even a line of Puma shoes. It’s not all bad!

For those of you that have rolled his role of Tej Parker in the Fast & Furious movies, you will be excited to hear that you can soon see him in Fast & Furious 7 which will be coming out next year! Also, he accidentally leaked that he was currently working with the legendary soul singer called Anita Baker! This should hint a new album… Are we excited for this?

11 – Pharrell Williams

Pharrell Williams 2

These days, Pharrell Williams tends to get called just Pharrell. It’s like he became too cool for two names so joined the likes of Sting and Madonna in the one-name crew. We think it makes him cooler.

Born April 5th, 1973 in Virgina, USA, this guy is the jack of all trades! Not only is a producer, fashion designer, rapper, singer, musician and songwriter, he is also incredibly HOT!

Pharrell Williams

He formed a group called The Neptunes with Chad Hugo, and he’s also a part of N.E.R.D. We would imagine life could get quite busy for this guy. This is even more so the case when you consider that he also co-founded the two clothing brands – Ice Cream Clothing and Billionaires Boys Club. Just another final nail in the coffin to prove just how hot this guy is, Esquire actually bored him as the Best Dressed Man in the World back in 2005. So not only is he hot but he can dress the part too! Could this man truly be the perfect black man package? You’ve heard him sing too right?

He may be a busy man but he still has plenty of time to be the chest daddy to his little boy, Rocket Man Williams. This kid is so cool already and he was only born in 2008! Have you ever seen Despicable Me? Well the song Rocket’s Theme was actually written by Pharrell for his kid! How cool is this daddy? He apparently married his girlfriend in August of this year. The model-slash-designer, Helen Lasichanh and Pharrell certainly make a great couple!

So there you have them – we have concluded the first part of our next two-part series on the hottest men out there at the moment. We will bring you the second part of our Top 10 Hottest Black Men soon, we promise, so make sure that you keep your eyes peeled. For now, why not check out some of the other articles on our site? How about the Top 20 Hottest Guys from the Philippines ? Have you checked out those guys yet?

That’s all from us for just now but we’d love to know your views on the hottest black men at the moment. Just think of the possibilities for the men that could be on the top ten countdown on this list. Could Chris Brown possible sneak his way in there? What about Will Smith – surely he needs to be in there somewhere too, right? What are your predictions for our Number One spot?

We’d love to know what you think! For now, have some more eye-candy… Just a tantalizing treat as to what could be coming in our next episode of the Top 20 Hottest Black Men!

Will Smith Usher Michael Ealy

*Images lovingly sourced from Pinterest.com

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Top 10 Hottest British Men http://www.herinterest.com/top-10-hottest-british-men/ http://www.herinterest.com/top-10-hottest-british-men/#comments Fri, 13 Sep 2013 10:00:07 +0000 Kimberley http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2440 Well ladies – are you ready to find out the hottest ten men that Britain has to offer us? The country that always rains (apart from this year because they had a mini heat wave) and the country that makes the best cuppa tea in the world…. It would seem as if Britain produces some of the hottest hotties out there on our screens and in our magazines.

We decided to dive right in. It would be rude not to, right?

10 – Hugh Grant

Hugh Grant 1

You can’t talk about beautiful and hot British men without mentioning the completely adorable Hugh Grant. Once married to Elizabeth Taylor, the floppy haired, smooth-talking actor has won over the hearts of millions of women all over the world, even after he got himself into trouble by cheating on Elizabeth Taylor!

Hugh John Mungo Grant was originally born in London on the 9th September, 1960 which means it was just his birthday a couple of days ago!

Happy Belated Birthday Hugh Grant!

Of course, most of us will know him for his part as the gorgeous but devastatingly love-rattish Daniel Cleaver in the hit British movies – Bridget Jones’s Diary and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. You may also have known him for his laid-back role in About a Boy, and for those of that love this guy and can’t wait to see him again on the silver screen, there is a film starring Hugh Grant set to be released in 2014 – The Man From U.N.C.L.E. He’s been pretty quiet recently and his last big film was back in 2007 when he starred alongside Drew Barrymore in Music and Lyrics. He has had a child since then with an unknown woman so we would imagine that would have kept him rather busy!

9 – Russell Brand

Russell Brand

This crazy-haired nutter is a little bonkers but that doesn’t stop him having women swooning over him on all the corners of the globe. He was married to Katy Perry for a while but unfortunately, things didn’t work out there, and as well as being linked to a whole host of other famous women around the world, he has a past drug habit to really add to that bad boy image that us girls seem to simply worship.

He is a little too “out there” for some women but to us; he is the cutest thing in the world. In fact, one of our ex-boyfriends dressed up as him for a British themed birthday party but that’s a different story altogether.

Russell Brand 2

Well known for his stand up comedy routines as his Hollywood film career, it would seem as if life has slowed down a little for Russell Brand. He has been clean from drugs for a while now and his film career is going from strength to strength, especially with hit films such as Arthur and Get Him to the Greek under his belt. We wonder what will come next for the crazy-haired little starlet.

8 – Jude Law

Jude Law

We can remember the very first time we fell in love with Jude Law and it was a little later than most of the other women out there in the world. It was the backdrop for a rather painful breakup for one of our team and we watched the film The Holiday in which he strikes up a romance with Cameron Diaz’s character and makes our heart melt. For other women, it might have been the film Artificial Intelligence that sold it for them. It might even have been the Sherlock Holmes films in which he stars alongside Robert Downey Jnr.

Luckily for the ladies out there that love this British star, there will be plenty of opportunities to check him out over the coming months. Don Hemingway is set to be released soon, and there’s also a couple of films due to be released in 2014 too – The Grand Budapest Hotel and Black Sea, which is currently being filmed.

7 – Henry Cavill

Henry Cavill

Have you seen the film Man of Steel that came out just a little while ago? If you have, you probably already know who Henry Cavill is.

This hot British actor was originally born in the Channel Islands of the UK on May 5th, 1983 and has actually starred in a fair few films recently. Luckily for us ladies that love him, he will also be starring alongside Hugh Grant in the film The Man From U.N.C.L.E. that will soon be released.

If you have been following us for a while, you will have noticed that not only is Henry Cavill featured right here on our 10 Hottest British Men, but he also popped up in our Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013 (Part A). If you don’t believe us, just click on the link!

6 – Harry Styles

Harry Styles

Another one that may have popped up on the list of the Top 100 Hottest men in the World 2013 (Part A) is Harry Styles. This adorable British beaut first shot to fame on the hit British TV show The X-Factor with four other lads and has simply rocketed to super-stardom since!

He is lusted after by most women all over the world – this means that women of all ages love him and would give anything for a smooch with that pretty little face! His curly brown locks and beautiful straight-teethed smile sells it for most chicks, and if that doesn’t do it for them, his singing voice surely will.

Harry Styles  2

There’s something about that Harry Styles, He’s so young yet seems much older than his years. After his recent break-up from Taylor Swift and his new and very first movie shooting to the top spots in most countries around the world, it would seem that single Harry isn’t having things too badly.

We wonder how many women would love to be his rebound fling?

5 – Gerard Butler

Gerard Butler

Things are getting exciting now, aren’t they? Here we come to another beautiful creature that featured on our Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013 (Part B). Gerard Butler, the actor and handsome face behind such films as P.S. I Love You and Law Abiding Citizen, was originally born in Paisley in Scotland which isn’t really the nicest town in the world. You’ll understand if you’ve ever been there, trust me!

Things have been quiet for Gerard Butler recently and we have certainly missed him! Thankfully he has a whole host of films coming out over the next few months which are bound to keep us more than entertained for a little while.

Gerard Butler 2

How to Train Your Dragon 2 is set to be released in the early part of 2014, as is Dynamo in which we will reportedly see his handsome and rugged face. His trademark Scottish crossed with Irish accent is one of his distinguishable features, as is his commanding voice which could command us all day long, right women?

4 – David Beckham

David Beckham

Things are about to get a little beautiful now ladies – we are starting to see the real big leagues in pure British beauty and when it comes to handsome men, you definitely don’t get much more handsome than this!

David Beckham is the hottest thing since…. Well, David Beckham. He’s the reason most girls watch football at all. He lead the way for beautiful footballers such as Ronaldo, and for that, we love him very much.

David Beckham 2

Of course, we can’t forget that he is one half of the Beckham power-couple. There’s Victoria to think about in all this. Between them they make millions of dollars every year and they don’t show any signs of slowing down soon. And let’s not forget that she gave him the nickname “Golden Balls” – what is this man hiding in his underpants? Well, if you’ve seen his latest underwear commercial, you can clearly see what he’s hiding in there.

Sigh… Isn’t he just the most beautiful man?

David Beckham 3

He may be tattooed and a little bit older these days, perhaps even being a bit rough around the edges, but David Beckham still has what it takes to make us ladies weak at the knees. Even after all these years and all the new, younger, hotter footballers that are running out onto the pitch, he still holds that little place in our hearts, right ladies?

3 – Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson

This guy features as number one on our list of Top 100 Hottest Guys of 2013 (Part A) which means he definitely deserves a place on the Top 10 Hottest British Men!

The actor behind Edward Cullen in the hit films Twilight shot to super stardom alongside Kristen Stewart who played Bella Swan in the movies. Also known for the film Remember Me, Robert Pattinson has certainly made his mark on Hollywood and with his recent and very public split and then re-split from his Twilight co-star has left him very much in the public eye – something the couple had strangely always tried to shy away from before. Her very public apology angered many people, especially as they had always tried to keep their private life exactly that before. In fact, just a couple of days ago, Kristen once again spoke out about how heart-broken she had been following their split. Maybe things are about to get “on” again?

Robert Pattinson 2

The breakup hasn’t stopped Robert Pattinson from doing his thing – he has been filming all over the place and has a number of films set to be released over the new few months. Maps to the Stars, for example, is due to be released towards the end of this year and will see Robert starring alongside John Cusack. There is also the anticipated Queen of the Desert in 2015, The Rover again towards the end of 2013, and Mission: Blacklist in 2014.

He has definitely been keeping busy to deal with his heartbreak!

2 – Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy

If you can find me one woman that doesn’t like Tom Hardy, I will eat my hat! This guy is so beautiful – he has this rugged, stocky British thing going on and it drives most women crazy!

Where will you have seen him before? He has a list of films under his belt including 2010’s Inception, 2011’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, This Means War in 2012 and even The Dark Knight Rises in 2012. Luckily for us, things don’t seem to be slowing down for the hot British stud and he has a number of films that are set to be released over the next little while.

Tom Hardy 2

Mad Max: Fury Road, for example, is coming out in 2014, as is Animal Rescue. Everest is also in pre-production and is reportedly going to be released in 2014, and there is even a film called The Outsider starring Tom Hardy in 2015 too. That’s plenty of eye-candy time for us ladies and that suits us just fine, doesn’t it women?

Tom Hardy 3

Just take one look at this stunning man and you can understand what the big fuss is. He even popped up in our Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013 (Part A). You can’t deny how beautiful he is to look at, that’s for sure!

So, we have one space left. Who do you think will join our Top 10 Hottest British Men? Let’s take a look at who the possible contenders are… there’s Daniel Craig; we’ve not seen him yet. It could also be one of the other One Direction boys. What about Olly Murs or James Arthur – both beautiful men born from British reality TV shows…

Are you ready to see the Number One guy in our Top 10 Hottest British Men? Without any further ado, let us present to you….

1 – Charlie Hunnam

Charlie Hunnam

We first fell in love with this beautiful man in the amazing American TV show “Sons of Anarchy”. Some of you may even have been made to watch the “Green Street” films by your football-loving boyfriends and spotted him in that. Whenever it was that you first laid eyes on this beautiful blonde hottie, he’s certainly someone that sticks in your memory and very soon, he is going to stick in there a whole load more and for many prominent reasons!

Charlie Hunnam 2

E L James, the author of the hit books “Fifty Shades of Grey” recently announced on Twitter that Charlie Hunnam would play the lead role of Christian Grey in the film adaptations. Doesn’t it make you smile at the thought of this beautiful blonde man wearing only jeans, padding barefoot towards you with a riding crop in his hand. No shirt on and ripped muscles clenching…. It’s going to be hot, right?

Charlie Hunnam 3

Although there has been controversy surrounding who would play this amazing yet mysterious creature in the films, it would seem that many were happy, yet surprised by who she announced. Now we’ve thought about it, it just makes perfect sense. Could you imagine the ripped abs of Charlie Hunnam as he stood in that living room described in the book, wearing just jeans unbuttoned and falling over his feet? Can you see him in the suits that he supposedly wears in the book? What about with a riding crop in his hand? Could see you see Charlie Hunnam doing this? We certainly can and it’s not a bad thing, that’s for sure!

What are your views? Who do you think should have been cast as Christian Grey in the Fifty Shades trilogy?

So there you have our top ten list of hottest British men. Do you agree with who has made the cut? Is there anyone missing that you feel we should have added? We’d love to know your thoughts and views so take a moment to shout out and let us know. Alternatively, you could keep going with the eye candy and check out our other creation filled with beautiful men – Top 100 Hottest Men in the World 2013 (Part A) With the likes of Channing Tatum, Bradley Cooper, Chris Brown and Eminem going on over there, it would be a shame to waste the opportunity to check them out at their fittest! ;)

Photos lovingly sourced from Pinterest.com

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