herinterest.com » questions to ask your crush http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 21:20:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 20 Good Questions to Ask Your Crush http://www.herinterest.com/20-good-questions-to-ask-your-crush/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-good-questions-to-ask-your-crush/#comments Sun, 14 Sep 2014 21:54:44 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=16623

Want to find out a little more about that special someone you’re crushing on? What better way to dig deeper than the surface than by the use of questions. We’ve pulled together 20 great questions to ask your crush- from basic questions to find out his interests to more prying questions that will let you know if he’s really the one for you.

6f381433364a71dc7e4a130a5c1d68c0 1. Are you seeing anyone?


This should undoubtedly be one of your first- if not the very first- question you ask your crush. Why? Because you don’t want to spend too much time getting to know someone who is already in a committed relationship.

2. What’s your favorite movie?


This is a totally laid back question you should absolutely ask for two reasons. One, you might find out the two of you have a common interest in movies. Secondly, you’ll find out a little more about his personality. Does he like comedies? He might have a relaxed, comical personality. Does he like action? He might be a bit on the dramatic side.

3. What’s your favorite genre of music?


Another easy going question that will get the same results as question number 2.

4. What’s the longest relationship you’ve ever been in?


With this question you will find out whether or not he’s interested in long term or short term relationships- and trust me, that’s something you’ll need to know for the future.

5. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?


Make your conversation relaxed and silly with this funny question- which is guaranteed to bring on the laughter. Don’t forget to keep the conversation rolling with a few embarrassing moments of your own!

6. Where do you see yourself in the future?


Who doesn’t love to talk about the future? It’s the topic that just keeps giving. You might find out he will be attending law school and is dead set on becoming a popular, widely known lawyer, or he might just want to see the world with the woman he loves. There’s really no question what his answer will be!

7. How would you describe the perfect woman?

perfect woman

Why wouldn’t you want to ask this? I mean, after all, if he describes a woman who is the complete opposite of you, it might mean you should stop your crush while it’s ahead. On the other hand, if his perfect lady describes you to a tee, you might have just met your soul mate.

8. What is one thing you believe in?


Just a fun question because there’s so many different answers he could come up with. Maybe he will use this opportunity to talk about his religion, or maybe he will choose to talk about reincarnation. Who knows what he believes in? But it’s definitely something you should find out ahead of time.

9. How would your friends describe you in three words?


Definitely a fun question. I wonder how his friends will describe him? Funny? Cocky? Confident? Silly? Whatever the answers may be, you will definitely learn a lot about him.

10. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?


Another fun and laid back question that I’m sure he will love answering. If he an adventurous man who wants to travel to the largest mountain in the world, or would he rather enjoy a drink on the beach?

11. What’s your fondest memory of your past?

play with hair

Dive into his past history a little bit and indulge in a nice, calm story that may warm your heart.

12. If you could date one celebrity, who would it be?


If he says someone who looks just like you, it might be a signal he likes you!

13. If you could go to dinner with one person from history, who would you choose?


Another awesome question that will tell you more about his personality. Would he choose Albert Einstein for his wisdom or Michael Jackson for his music?

14. What’s the funnest thing you’ve ever done?


Because everyone loves to relive the funnest moments of their past!

15. What is one of your worst habits?

bad habits

Not something we always WANT to answer, but it’s definitely something you should know ahead of time instead of finding out later on in the relationship.

16. Why did your last relationship end?


This one is a BIT personal, but it’s definitely something you need to find out at one point or another.

17. Who is someone you look up to?


This question is important because it will really give you a grasp on the type of man he is.

18. What is the wildest thing you’ve ever done?


You should always know just HOW wild the person you’re crushing on is. Trust me- it’s important!

19. If you could have one wish come true right now, what would you wish for?


Always an interesting question. Just make sure to tell him he can’t wish for more wishes- that’s just downright cheating!

 20. What are you doing Friday night?


Yeah, I totally just went there. Ask him out!


See? Asking your crush questions doesn’t have to be anything daunting. These are just a few examples of totally fun, cool, and laid back questions that will get you the answers you crave without being overly prying. If you’re still in need of more questions, check out “20 Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush” blog post!


What do you think is a good question to ask your crush?

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20 Good And Cute Questions To Ask A Guy You Like http://www.herinterest.com/20-good-and-cute-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-like/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-good-and-cute-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-like/#comments Fri, 20 Sep 2013 21:52:16 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2781

When getting to know the guy you are interested it, it’s important to have strong, cute and interesting questions to ask him to help the bond between the two of you develop. Asking all the right questions will help you get to know your crush and even help you decide if he is really someone you want to take the next step with. Here are 20 good and cute questions that you can ask the guy you like:

[ Read : 100 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend ]

Question #1.) What makes you smile?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this to a guy you like let’s him know that you are curious as to what makes him happy. The answer will let you know how to make him smile in the future and helps you get to know him much better.


Question #2.) What’s your favorite movie?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The answer to this question will help you both to discover if you have common interests when it comes to movies and the more you have in common the better!


Question #3.) If there is any place in the world that you could go, where would it be and why?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is another one of those ‘getting to know him’ type of questions. Maybe you both dream about the same places, who knows?


Question #4.) What is your favorite sport to watch/play?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: A lot of guys absolutely love talking about sports and this will get conversation flowing. Hopefully, you can retain some of that knowledge and maybe even get yourself invited over to watch the game! Asking this question also lets your crush know you are interested in his likes and dislikes and want to get to know him better.


Question #5.) If we were dating, how would you celebrate our first one year anniversary?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this benefits you in a way that the answer will tell you if he would do something you like. Answers to questions like these can help you figure out what type of romantic he is and if he cares enough to tell you!


Question #6.) What’s your family like?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: He’ll love the fact that you are taking the initiative to get to know the people he loves.


Question #7.) What about yourself do you find the most pride in?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Whether the answer is about his looks, talents or personality, you are engaging him in conversation that implies you want to get to know him and what he takes pride in. Pride is a huge trait in most any guy and definitely something to be aware of.


Question #8.) Have you ever cried at a movie?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Honestly, the answer to this question is usually a no, but if he does answer yes then maybe he has a really cute sensitive spot!


Question #9.) What’s your favorite car?

fav car

Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This is another subject that most guys enjoy discussing. If he’s a car lover, he will adore you for asking and he will enjoy telling you all about what he likes.


Question #10.) What is your favorite food?

fav food

Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: The more and more you get to know him, the better a relationship will grow!


Question #11.) What do you notice first when you first meet a girl?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This answer will also give you good insight to what kind of guy your crush is.


Question #12.) What is the craziest thing that you have ever done in your life?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Not only will this give you a glimpse of his past, but it will also let you know how far this guys boundaries are and if you can keep up with them or if you want more excitement than what he is willing to do.


Question #13.) What is your favorite romantic activity?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question:  A guy has a different view on what is romantic than a girl does. So, be careful about how you take your crushes answer. If he answers, “We would play video games all day and drink Mountain Dew” and that’s not your favorite idea of romance, maybe he’s not a right fit for you. On the other hand, if he at least puts a little bit of effort in and says, “We could have a picnic at the park” or “I would take you shopping” then maybe he is a keeper after all!


Question #14.) What was the scariest moment in your life?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: It’s nice to get to know a guy, what he’s afraid of and why.


Question #15.) Who was your first crush?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This question is just a small ice-breakers and may have him blushing or you laughing, but it is a cute question to ask.


Question #16.) Who is your biggest hero?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this question to the guy you are interested in will help you get to know who he looks up to and who he aspires to be like. It is just another ‘get to know him’ type of question that can really warm you up to each other.


Question #17.) Would you like to hang out with me more often?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: This lets your crush know you are interested in him and seeing him more often. It is even cuter if he says yes!


Question #18.) What is your definition of intimate?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Asking this question and receiving its answer will give you an idea of how your crush perceives intimacy and romance. The answer can be quite heartwarming and adorable!


Question #19.) Would you cuddle with me?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Oh! The cuteness! Unless he says no, of course, then it is not so cute… But, if he says yes, it is definitely an adorable question to ask.


Question #20.) What are your favorite hobbies?


Why It’s A Good/Cute Question: Maybe when he answers you will discover that you both have a lot of common interests and can even do some of those hobbies together. This will help you to get to know him much better and discover what he truly loves doing.

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20 Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy You Like http://www.herinterest.com/20-flirty-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-like/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-flirty-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-like/#comments Fri, 20 Sep 2013 19:22:52 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2757

Flirting can sometimes become an awkward thing to do if you don’t have very many good, flirtatious questions to ask. When it comes to talking to a guy you’re into you want to make sure that you are asking all the right questions and letting them know that you are into them, in a subtle way. So, how do you let your crush know you like them without telling them that you like them? Here are 20 flirty questions that you can ask a guy you like:


Question #1.) Have you been working out?


Why It’s Flirtatious: You’re complementing him! That’s Grade A flirting! Especially, since you are complementing him on not just one specific feature, but his whole body.


Question #2.) Are you single?


Why It’s Flirtatious: A guy will automatically assume that you are asking this question for a reason. Girls don’t ask this to guys they aren’t interested in. When you ask a guy if he is single, you are totally flirting.


Question #3.) What do you like to do better: Cuddle or Makeout?


Why It’s Flirtatious: Asking this lets the guy you like know that you are curious because you are interested in what one he likes better so that you can get down to it!


Question #4.) What are you looking for in a girl?


Why It’s Flirtatious: His first though is going to be, “Why do you want to know?” And he is going to think that you are digging around to figure out if you fit his ideal description. Flirt, flirt, flirt!


Question #5.) How can someone like you be single?


Why It’s Flirtatious: Unlike the plain ‘are you single?’ question, this one gives off way more of a playful flirt. You are complementing and asking a question. By asking how someone like him doesn’t have a girlfriend, you’re implying that it is unbelievable girls don’t try to date him every second because he’s hot or smart or funny!


Question #6.) What’s your favorite kiss?


Why It’s Flirtatious: You are digging to know what he likes best and could even be you slyly saying it’s time for your first kiss.

Question #7.) What’s your biggest turn on?


Why It’s Flirtatious: Only if you are truly into this guy, will you ask this question. And he knows that. You wouldn’t be asking if you didn’t plan on using that knowledge someday!


Question #8.) How did you get to be so hot/cute/adorable.


Why It’s Flirtatious: Again just one of those super flirtatious complements that will make him smile.

Question #9.) Do you think about me a lot?


Why It’s Flirtatious: You wanting to know if you’re on his mind a lot is telling him that you actually care and that you are thinking about him a lot, too.


Question #10.) Do you like romantic movies?


Why It’s Flirtatious: Asking this kind of lets him know that you are thinking of him as a person to watch romantic movies with… and the people you want to watch these movies with are usually someone you like.


Question #11.) What is your perfect idea of a date?


Why It’s Flirtatious: You want to know how he would spend a date and that let’s him know you are thinking of going on a date with him, but you want to make it perfect for him.


Question #12.) Do you have a date to the prom/dance/homecoming/event of any sort?


Why It’s Flirtatious: Why? Do you want to be that date? Obviously, you might if you are asking! FLIRTATIOUS 101. Maybe he’ll even ask you out!


Question #13.) How do you feel about the girl making the first move?


Why It’s Flirtatious: If he hasn’t made a move on you by now and you ask this question, it should give him the idea that you are thinking about taking that first step.


Question #14.) What are your turn offs?


Why It’s Flirtatious: Asking a boy to tell you his turn-offs implies that you will try to avoid that list of things in the future. Duh!


Question #15.) Where do you like to be kissed?


Why It’s Flirtatious: You may just get an eye-brow raise outta this one! This is flirting at its finest. You are letting him know that you are thinking about kissing him … and kissing him where he wants!


Question #16.) Do you think I’m sexy?


Why It’s Flirtatious: You wouldn’t be asking if his opinion didn’t matter.


Question #17.) Do you sleep naked?


Why It’s Flirtatious: Asking a guy you like this question let’s him know you are curious because you may want to know the answer for future reference if you sleep over. Or, maybe because you like to think of him indecent.


Question #18.) Would you be interested in going out sometime?


Why It’s Flirtatious: You have finally broken the ice and started talking about actually going out and doing something. You are letting your crush know you are ready to go out with him.


Question #19.) Did you know that you make me smile?


Why It’s Flirtatious: Taking him off guard and asking him something almost rhetorical will let him know that he does make you smile and that you love it.


Question #20.) Will you go out with me?


Why It’s Flirtatious: This one is more than just flirting. You are taking the initiative to see if all that flirting did its magic and hopefully, he’ll say yes!

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20 Funny Questions To Ask A Guy You Like http://www.herinterest.com/20-funny-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-like/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-funny-questions-to-ask-a-guy-you-like/#comments Fri, 20 Sep 2013 18:17:55 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=2733

Whether you want to crack a few smiles, really get to know him or just want to play an amusing game of 20 questions, the questions put together below can truly be hilarious to ask the guy you like! You and your crush will both be smiling by the end of every answer. Here are 20 funny questions for you to ask the guy you like:

Question # 1.) What would you do if you could be invisible for one whole day?


Why It’s Funny: Knowing most men, their answers would somehow probably include them snooping around the fitting rooms of that lingerie store in the mall! Surely, you’ll get a good chuckle out of whatever he answers with.

Question #2.) What’s your favorite joke?


Why It’s Funny: Whether this joke is actually funny or not, watching him trying to put it together and try to make it funnier so that you’ll like it as much as he does- priceless.

Question #3.) If you could be a woman for one day, what would you do in that day’s time?


Why It’s Funny: This one has got to hilarious! Men don’t understand women as well as we’d like and so they are truly fascinated and equally freaked out by women, so imagine what they would do all day…

Question #4.) What is the worst thing that somebody has walked in on you doing?


Why It’s Funny: Obviously it was an embarrassing moment for a reason and usually embarrassing moments are pretty funny!

Question #5.) What is the weirdest nickname people call you?


Why It’s Funny: Whatever he finds weird about the name will probably crack you up because it’ll be silly or embarrassing.

Question #6.) Do you think you’re attractive?


Why It’s Funny: There is almost nothing funnier than watching a guy feel a tiny bit awkward about the question and then try to puff out his chest and talk overly confident about himself.

Question #7.) Can you list three words that describe yourself?


Why It’s Funny: Well, when a guy pulls out three words like, “Sexy”, “Charming”, and “Awesome” you usually get a darn good laugh about it.

Question #8.) What would people hear if they could read your mind?


Why It’s Funny: Not only guys, but usually everyone has some weird and funny thoughts that pass throughout their heads all day long… but, guys are usually way funnier!

Question #9.) What’s your dumbest pet-peeve?


Why It’s Funny: Imagine him saying something like, “When my mom tells me to put my socks away while I’m playing Call Of Duty.” Plenty of guys have really silly pet-peeves that they get super mad about and their reaction may get anyone to chuckle a little bit.

Question #10.) Who is your celebrity crush and why?


Why It’s Funny: This is a funny question to ask because a guy will usually just name off a celebrity or celebrities with the biggest… well, you know!

Question #11.) What are you afraid of the most?


Why It’s Funny: Most dudes don’t like to discuss their fears because they think it makes them look weak. So, to hear a guy actually fumble for a less weak answer is pretty funny. Or, if he is honest and says something funny like, “Kittens” or “Bunnies” you might get a laugh out of it.

Question #12.) What is your biggest turn on?


Why It’s Funny: It is pretty amusing to ask awkward questions to guys and sometimes the answer to this question can be really funny to you!

Question #13.) What is your best talent?


Why It’s Funny: Sometimes, especially is you just met this guy, he might try to over-exaggerate to make himself sound cooler to impress you. So you may hear something like, “I’m totally amazing at driving race cars. I win  first place all the time!” When in reality, he probably just one the soapbox derby in 4th grade and received a blue ribbon.

Question #14.) Would you miss a sports game for me?


Why It’s Funny: Most guys are totally obsessed with sports, whether it be football, soccer, basketball… whatever… When asked he will probably get all flustered or even straight out say probably not. Come on, that’s pretty funny, right?

Question #15.) What was your most awkward sexual moment?


Why It’s Funny: I don’t think this one needs an explanation… if it was sexual and award… it’s probably going to make you laugh.

Question #16.) What was your most embarrassing moment?


Why It’s Funny: Usually, embarrassing moments are pretty funny and even funnier when the person who was embarrassed is explaining the moment.

Question #17.) What would you do if you won the lottery?


Why It’s Funny: Guys have a completely different way of thinking than women and some of the ways that they’d spend all that money… well, it’s ridiculously hilarious.

Question #18.) If you could commit any crime and get away with it, what would it be?


Why It’s Funny: Alright, so this probably isn’t true for just any guys, but sadly, answers like, “Steal the new Madden 25 game” or “Break into Jessica Alba’s house” have been given… Ha!

Question #19.) If you could see the future, what would you hope to see yourself doing in 5 years?


Why It’s Funny: It’s always something else to hear a guy talk about how he sees himself doing in the future… if he can think that far ahead!

Question #20.) What’s your perfect girl like?


Why It’s Funny: I can hear almost any guy going, “Well she’s got to have huge….!”

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