All posts tagged "relationship"
How to be a Submissive Wife
In this day and age, people believe that being submissive means being used and stepped all over. There is a powerful movement going on where women should be completely equal to men; and I will tell you...
- Posted February 8, 2017
14 Signs He’s Just Not That Into You
When you really like a guy and you’re dying to take it to the next level with him, it can be hard to feel optimistic when he is sending you tell-tale signs that he really isn’t that into...
- Posted February 3, 2017
14 Signs Your Guy Means It When He Says “I Love You”
There is truly nothing more special in this world than love. It’s an intense, divine feeling that gives us warmth in our hearts, but chills down our spine. Seeing the person you love is like seeing an...
- Posted January 23, 2017
7 Things A Man Only Does If He’s Serious About You
When it comes to the dating game, things can be a little bit confusing; and despite what some people may say, reading a man isn’t always as easy as it seems. If you’ve been dating a guy...
- Posted January 19, 2017
Feeling Unloved? What Your Feelings Might Mean and How to Cope
There’s probably few things worse than feeling unloved in a relationship. I mean, everything might be fine between the two of you, but you simply can’t shake the feeling that you’re just, unloved. It’s a really tough...
- Posted September 12, 2016
What To Do When Your Man Starts Taking You For Granted
Relationships are definitely difficult, and there’s plenty of problems that can arrise. But one thing you should never settle for is being taken for granted. That’s one of the worst feelings in the world, and nobody should...
- Posted September 6, 2016
Do Guys Like Shy Girls?
So, you’re shy. You don’t really like to talk too much and meeting new people scares you to death. You don’t really like to go out all too often and you’re not the type to do well...
- Posted August 15, 2016
What Does it Feel Like to be in Love?
Love is undoubtedly one of the most powerful emotions in the world. It can cause us to feel so many different wonderful things, but if you’re not truly in love, you may not know what the difference...
- Posted August 12, 2016
Dating Vs Relationship
There seems to be a lot of confusion when it comes to dating and relationships, even love. Are you guys together? Are you monogamous? Is this relationship even going anywhere!? There’s probably a multitude of questions running...
- Posted August 10, 2016
Never Settle for Less in a Relationship
Relationships can be incredibly difficult, that’s for sure. But what if you are settling for LESS in a relationship? This is a hardship many of us have gone through at least once in our lives, but we...
- Posted July 21, 2016