All posts tagged "relationship advice"
14 Signs Your Guy Means It When He Says “I Love You”
There is truly nothing more special in this world than love. It’s an intense, divine feeling that gives us warmth in our hearts, but chills down our spine. Seeing the person you love is like seeing an...
- Posted January 23, 2017
7 Things A Man Only Does If He’s Serious About You
When it comes to the dating game, things can be a little bit confusing; and despite what some people may say, reading a man isn’t always as easy as it seems. If you’ve been dating a guy...
- Posted January 19, 2017
Do Guys Like Shy Girls?
So, you’re shy. You don’t really like to talk too much and meeting new people scares you to death. You don’t really like to go out all too often and you’re not the type to do well...
- Posted August 15, 2016
10 Things He Will Do to Show You That He Cares
Men aren’t really ‘complicated’ creatures, but sometimes they don’t really know how to show that they care. A lot of men simply have a hard time sharing their feelings (unlike most women!) so we might end up...
- Posted April 11, 2016
Top 10 Relationship Advice Blogs in 2015
Unfortunately they don’t teach relationship advice in neither school nor college. Fortunately some smart people decided to investigate the topic anyway. After all, divorce rates are discouraging and we have all also seen the perfect martial bliss...
- Posted June 6, 2015
10 Ways to Impress a Guy
There are various different ways to impress a guy that usually happen naturally if you are happy in yourself and know how to communicate effectively. Sadly, not all of us were born with the perfect self-image and...
- Posted January 7, 2015
How to Show a Guy You Like Him
For some reason women think that men don’t have to be shown that we like them. They are just automatically supposed to know these things, and we get mad when he doesn’t catch on to our cues....
- Posted September 5, 2014
10 Reasons Why Men Pull Away
You’re in a relationship and everything seems to be going swell. You hang out all the time, he sends you goodnight texts every night, and he even surprises you with cute little gifts at your office. But...
- Posted August 24, 2014
How to Get a Boy to Ask You Out
You like this guy, and he likes you. So why hasn’t he asked you out than? Maybe he’s shy, or maybe he isn’t ready. Or maybe he simply doesn’t know that you actually want him to ask...
- Posted June 18, 2014
How To Tell If a Guy Likes You
At one point or another, every woman has asked herself: Does he like me? It’s one of the most confusing, annoying, and nervous questions we can ask ourselves, but it’s something we are constantly trying to figure...
- Posted May 28, 2014