herinterest.com » relationship advice http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 How to Show a Guy You Like Him http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-show-a-guy-you-like-him/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-show-a-guy-you-like-him/#comments Fri, 05 Sep 2014 23:04:31 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=16411

For some reason women think that men don’t have to be shown that we like them. They are just automatically supposed to know these things, and we get mad when he doesn’t catch on to our cues. Well, just like us, sometimes men need that extra push to really take the hint. Try out these 15 easy ways to show a guy you like him- ways that will actually get his attention and let him KNOW.

 0d327d5901dce97c706a3a095de8ae881. Be Interested in Him

Because obviously when you’re showing signs of interest in someone, it means you like them- right? But don’t just do it in a friendly way. Try to pay MORE attention to HIM then you do anyone else. Ask him questions to find out more about him and talk to him often so you can get the most information possible.

 body language

2. Use Positive Body Language

This goes hand in hand with being interested him- but taking it one step further. Positive body language is an absolute must when trying to show a guy you like them. Some things you should always consider:

-Try to always be facing him and leaning towards him during the conversation, giving him your full undivided attention.

-Eye contact is absolutely important and should be done often. Of course, you should break the eye contact every once in awhile to avoid awkward situations.

-Try to refrain from folding your arms or doing any nervous habits like biting fingernails or twitching.


3. Smile Often

Want to know one thing that drives men crazy? A woman’s smile. And nothing says “Hey, I like you” like a nice, warm, pretty smile. Smile at your crush as much as possible. When he catches you staring at him, smile, blush and look away. When he looks at you and YOU take notice, give him a nice welcoming smile. Smile during conversations and you can even throw in smiley faces on your text messages!

text him

4. Text Him

In this day and age, at least half of our communication is done through text messages. I mean, they are SO handy and you don’t have to use your voice (which is awesome for people who are insanely nervous and lose their words when they’re around their crush). Don’t be afraid to be the first one to send a text message. Surprisingly enough, that’s a sure fire way to tell him you’re interested in him. You’re not bothering him- send him a cute hello text, but make sure to spruce it up so he doesn’t think you’re boring.


5. Call Him

With text messaging being so insanely popular, nobody hardly finds time to actually call someone on the phone anymore. So, you call him- now what? You actually took the time out of your day to pick up the phone and ring him up. You want to actually TALK to him and hear his voice. That says A LOT. The next time you’ve got some free time on your hands, give him a call. (You know you want to hear his sexy voice anyways).

da86ac48365cf178afdbc4455720703c6. Flirt With Him

What better way to show someone you’re interested than by flirting? I think we can all agree that that’s the number 1 sign of interest. So, obviously, flirt with him as much as possible. You can do a bit of teasing flirting (you know, like we all did back in grade school) or you can make a flirtatious joke. Or you can go the easy route and come up with a compliment you know he’d love to hear!


7. Compliments

Okay, I know I just mentioned this in the “Flirting” section- but I feel compliments are SO important that they deserve their own column. Compliments should be done often- whether you’re in person, talking through text messages, or sending a letter. It’s the best and easiest way to flirt. Why? Because you don’t have to sit there and come up with something super unique and exciting. A simple, “Hey Josh you look really good today” is enough to please a man. (Of course feel free to spice it up if that’s what you have in your mind!)

ask him

8. Ask Him If He’s Single

When you just want to be friends with someone, there is really no point is asking if they have a partner or not. I mean, why should you care? You’re not interested in anything romantic and if they DO have a girlfriend you will certainly find out in the mean time. That being said, asking him if he is in fact single lets him know that you have certain intentions that can only be fulfilled if he is single. So go ahead- be a bit risky and ask him this particular question!


9. Ask His Friends

This might come as a shock to you, but men talk to each other just as much as women do. They might not go into all the grimy details, but they certainly know what’s going on in each others lives. That being said, ask his guy friends if they know anything about him being interested in you. If anything, they will tell this certain guy friend that you’ve been asking about him and that they think you’re interested in him. Yeah, it might be a little cheesy but trust me it gets the job done!


10. Be Confident and Independent

Men LOVE it when a women is confident. So, when you’re trying to show him that you like him, it is absolutely important to keep your confidence and independence high. Don’t follow him around trying to talk to him incessantly. Don’t try to get his attention every five seconds. This will only make you look like a clingy, somewhat desperate woman and I guarantee that won’t get you far in the game of love. So keep your cool. (And I know, it’s hard! Especially because he’s SO cute you can hardly contain yourself. But just do it!)


11. Give Him a Gift

I’m not saying you need to run out and buy him everything he wants (you should never, ever try to buy someone’s love). But a small gift from the heart is an easy way to show someone you care. Remember how much he loved your sugar cookies you brought to work that one time? Maybe make him a special one with a note that says, “Since you liked these so much”. If he doesn’t take the hint from that, I don’t know what WILL get to the point!

like him

12. Flaunt in Front of Him

You know you got it going on, right? So why not use your beauty and your body to get his eyes locked on you? Now, make sure you aren’t flaunting your stuff in front of everyone. He should be able to tell it’s a special thing you do JUST for him. And trust me, he will certainly appreciate this rather sexy form of flirting.


13. Take Interest in His Interests

Let’s say the two of you are talking about what you’re doing Friday night. And let’s say he is going to the baseball game this Friday night for the local college. You tell him you’ve never actually watched a baseball game but you’re interested in it. If he hasn’t already asked you to accompany him, take a girlfriend to the same game and “run into him”. This will show him that you want to like the same things he likes because clearly you are interested in him. He’ll also love knowing you’re the type of girl who wants to try new things and isn’t afraid to be seen at a sports event!


14. Ask Him Out

This one is pretty self explanatory. If you’re asking someone out, then you are obviously very interested in them. Right? Well, make sure you let him know you want a one on one date, not a group outing. You can just come right out with it and ask him, or you can try to be coy about it. For instance: you could tell him you’re dying to see the new Spiderman movie but you haven’t anyone to go with, then ask him to attend it with you. You could also jokingly say “We should go out Friday since we’re both into Spiderman” and if he says yes, then viola! You just made a date with him and it only took a matter of seconds. Brilliant!

tell him

15. Tell Him

Sometimes men just DON”T get the hint (it’s a sad but true fact). Or maybe he’s just being totally incredibly shy and doesn’t know how to respond to the clues. Whatever the reason is, if you’ve tried everything above and he STILL isn’t getting it, then there’s really only two things left to do.

-You can take it as a loss and assume he isn’t interested in you. Quit trying to show him that you like him and try and get rid of any leftover feelings you had for him and move on. This is a risky option because he might just be clueless or shy and you took it as rejection, never knowing the truth (his hidden love for you, maybe?)

-OR you can be the assertive and confident woman you are and simply tell him straight out that you are interested in him, and see what he says. We like this particular option best because it gets straight to the point and you’ll know right then and there for sure whether he is interested in you or not. However, this approach IS a lot more risky so it definitely isn’t for everyone!

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10 Reasons Why Men Pull Away http://www.herinterest.com/10-reasons-why-men-pull-away/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-reasons-why-men-pull-away/#comments Sun, 24 Aug 2014 04:57:29 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=16111

You’re in a relationship and everything seems to be going swell. You hang out all the time, he sends you goodnight texts every night, and he even surprises you with cute little gifts at your office. But lately it seems like the relationship is lacking. He’s not doing those cute things he used to do and it almost seems like he doesn’t want to be in a relationship anymore. What gives? Here’s 10 common reasons why men pull away from women.


1. You’re Too Clingy

FLYNET - Celebrities Attending The V Festival 2012

There’s a huge difference between being interested in the person you’re with and being obsessive/clingy. If you’re sending him 100 text messages a day asking where he’s at or why he’s not answering you, trying to see him every minute of every day, or going overboard to show him how much you care about when the relationship is fairly new, you might be pushing him away from you. Men don’t want a clingy lady. They want a woman who is secure and independent but still shows that she cares in a subtle and sensual way.

2. He’s Scared of Love


This may come as a shock, but that tough, rugged man you’re dating gets scared of things, too. And like most other men in the world, he’s probably scared of love and long term relationships. You see, for the most part, men don’t want to be lovey dovey. They don’t want to feel mushy feelings or fall head over heels for a beautiful woman. It’ in their nature to be the tough guy who doesn’t have sensitive feelings. If he’s starting to fall in love with you, he might pull away for the simple fact that he is afraid of love and doesn’t want to fall too deep. The good thing about this reason is that most of the time, these scared men come crawling back to their lovers with flowers and a long speech about how much they love you and need you, but were afraid of slipping into the black hole of love.

3. He Feels Pressured


One quick way to push a man away is by pressuring him- especially when it comes to tying the knot. If you keep mentioning marriage to him and he doesn’t bite or he’s made it very clear he’s not ready for marriage but you keep pressing the issue, you will certainly push him further and further away. Men don’t want to be pressured about marriage (or kids for that matter). They are the man. They want to be in charge. When they are ready to make a commitment like that, trust me- they will let you know. Until then, don’t pressure him into doing anything he clearly doesn’t want to do. You wouldn’t want HIM to treat YOU like that, right? So don’t do it to him. If you’re unsure about where he stands on the topic of marriage, try bringing it up in a light and conversational way. If he seems intrigued, feel free to mention it every now and then. However, if he completely changes the subject or seems totally disinterested, I suggest cutting that conversation completely.

4. He’s Jealous of You


Yes, men can be jealous of women. They can feel inadequate to women, too. And if your man thinks that you are better than him- in any way, shape or form, but especially when it comes to education and financial stability- he may pull away just so he can regain his manhood.

5. He’s Focused on Work or School

 business man

Work and school are incredibly demanding, especially when you’re going full time. He may decide he needs to put more effort into his school work to get that degree he’s been going after for several years, or maybe he wants to spend extra hours in the office to earn the promotion. Whatever it is, he may be spending less and less time with you and focusing more on his work. If you can handle his excessive time NECESSARY to complete his goals, you’ll enjoy the benefit in the long run. But you have to remind yourself that this particular reason for pulling away has nothing to do with you- he simply needs to spend more time focusing on certain goals to help him in life.

6. He is Bored


This does not necessarily mean you are a boring person. It may just be that the two of you don’t have much in common and he’s noticed it sooner than you. There’s really not much you can do about that. If the two of you don’t have similar interests or you simply don’t jive, it’s probably best to stop the relationship before it gets any further. He could also become bored with you if the two of you tend to do the same things all the time, for instance: dinner date at the same restaurant every Wednesday, same conversations being repeated over and over again. If that is the case, try switching up your date ideas and finding new things to do and talk about with each other.

 7. He is Bored Sexually

pull away

When a relationship is fresh and new, everything is exciting- especially when the two of you hit the sheets. You go at it like wild animals and since you haven’t been doing it often, everything is new and intriguing. However, as the relationship continues, sometimes that sexual spark flares out and the two of you are stuck in a sexual rut. And men, being extra sexual by nature, may pull away if they’ve lost the spark that can’t be lit up again.

8. There’s Another Woman


Now, we hope that he stops the relationship before he decides to cheat. I mean, after all, whether he is bored with you or simply doesn’t think the two of you get along so great, it would still be better to have him break up with you than play games and tricks with another lady on the side. If he is suddenly too busy for you and spends a lot of time on his phone texting or talking with someone new, this may be a sign that he’s seeing someone else.

9. He Doesn’t Possess Relationship Skills

no exp

Relationships are a lot of hard work- there’s no doubt about that. And if your man lacks the basic skills necessary to hold and flourish a meaning relationship, he will more than likely pull away at a moments notice. This might be out of fear of not knowing what to do or doing the wrong thing, immaturity, or simply not knowing what to do from lack of experience with relationships. Whatever the cause, the relationship is bound for failure unless he has basic relationship skills.

 10. He’s Not Into Long Term Relationships

no serious

Let’s face it: some guys are simply just not interested in long term relationships, and would much rather have flings. They love to enter into relationships, have fun with a woman for a few weeks, and then move onto the next thing. It’s nothing to take personal- he’s probably just young or immature and isn’t ready to have anything “real”. If this is the case, you’re better off without him anyways and you should be glad he pulled away rather than cheating.


Why do you think men pull away?

http://www.herinterest.com/10-reasons-why-men-pull-away/feed/ 1
How to Get a Boy to Ask You Out http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-a-boy-to-ask-you-out/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-a-boy-to-ask-you-out/#comments Wed, 18 Jun 2014 18:54:21 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14702

You like this guy, and he likes you. So why hasn’t he asked you out than? Maybe he’s shy, or maybe he isn’t ready. Or maybe he simply doesn’t know that you actually want him to ask you out. But with these 10 awesome tips, he’ll be asking you out in no time- and that’s the goal, right? Try these great ideas out NOW!


1. Seem Interested in the Person He Is

There is a huge difference between getting to know someone in a friendly way, and getting to know someone intimately. Someone who is genuinely interested in another human being will want to simply know more- not just the basics. Find out about things he likes- from food to sports. Ask him about his friends, family members, hobbies, and anything else you can think of. The point is to make him feel special and let him know that you actually care to hear what he has to say.


2. Smile at Him Often

You’ve heard this one before: a smile goes a long way. And whether it’s a job interview or just trying to show someone you’re interested in them, a smile always does the trick. You want to first make eye contact with him, then proceed with a smile. This makes him know that he brought a smile to your face, you weren’t just smiling at something else when your eyes met. And when you’re having a conversation with this boy, smile often so he knows you’re enjoying the convo with him.

3. Flirt With Him- In Every Way, Shape, and Form

There’s tons of ways to flirt. Whether you’re teasing him about tripping in gym class or touching his arm and giggling after some jokes he tells, the point is to do it as often as you can. Because, well, let’s face it: there’s really no better way to show someone you’re interested in them than with a few simple flirts.


4. Compliment Him Often

This could definitely fall into the ‘flirt with him often’ category, but we decided to give this tip its own column because we believe it is very much important. Compliments don’t have to be outrageous. Simply telling him you like how his hair looks today or letting him know he looks great in his new blue shirt is an easy way to boost his confidence while showing your interest. If you’re comfortable and know the guy better, feel free to make your compliments even deeper. Tell him his big muscles are protruding through his shirt and you can’t take your eyes off of them. Tell him he’s the sweetest, most gentle man you’ve ever met and you absolutely love it. You can’t go wrong with compliments, just remember not to overdo it.

5. Try to Find Something You’re Both Interested In

You’re having a conversation about music. Suddenly he says how his absolute favorite band of all time is One Direction, and that just happens to be your favorite to. The next thing you know, the two of you are discussing upcoming concerts you’ve heard about, and he suddenly asks you to accompany him to one of the concerts. Mission: accomplished. It’s real simple. Find a common interest and he’ll probably invite you along.

6. Subtle Hints

Have you thought about maybe dropping a little hint here and there? Remember, it’s important not to be too obvious about it. Don’t just blurt out, “Oh my gosh I want to date you I wish you would ask me out” all in a single breath. You want to make subtle hints. Try telling him you enjoy spending time with him, or you wish you could see more of him. Simple sentences like these are obvious signs you enjoy his accompany and wouldn’t mind- in fact you’d love- if he asked you out on a date.


7. Let Him Know When You’re Free

If he doesn’t know when you are free, he probably doesn’t feel comfortable asking you out out of fear of rejection. But be coy about it. Don’t tell him you are free 24/7, as this can appear desperate. But also don’t be so busy that he thinks you are to busy for him. Maybe suggest that you’ve had a really long week and you can’t wait to have a relaxing weekend, but you’re still looking for something fun to do. Or tell him how lucky you are to have every Tuesday and Thursday off from work. These totally coy yet easy statements lets him know when to ask you out!

8. Tell Him Places You’re Going 

Don’t take this the wrong way: you don’t need to text him every time you leave the house. But if you’re planning on going to an event where you wouldn’t mind his accompaniment, for instance a party where the two of your have mutual friends, let him know you’re going and see if he’d like to tag along.


9. Lead Him Towards an Open Opportunity

This kind of goes hand in hand with letting him know when you’re free, but still a good enough tip to deserve its own spot. If the two of you are having a conversation, you could let him know that you are available this Friday night and you’re looking for something fun to do, and ask him if he has any ideas. Or you could tell him that you really want to go to this upcoming movie, but you don’t have anyone to go with you. These little things will give him an easy opportunity to slip in and ask you on a date.

10. Let Him Know Your Intentions

If all else fails, you have two options. You can either decide to give up on this guy who is obviously not picking up on your hints, or you can take a huge risk and be blatantly obvious with him. Which of course could either go on of two ways.

-He might have been completely clueless to your hints, and you bringing it up in the conversation is exactly what he wanted to hear. He thinks you are a brave woman and says something along the lines of, “Wow, I’ve been wanting to ask you out forever, but I didn’t think you liked me.” In which case the two of you run off into the sunset.

-On the other hand, if you are totally obvious with him and tell him you want to be with him or for him to ask you out, he might think you are desperate or you might find out he wasn’t interested in you in the first place. Which, of course, is totally embarrassing. But for most, knowing this is better than being left in the dark about everything. Are you willing to take that kind of risk?


Sometimes men are blind to our hints, but if you want to get that boy to ask you out, you’re going to have to try some of these great tips. Whether you decide to compliment him a bit more, lead him into more opportunities to ask you out, or bluntly tell him how you feel, at the end of the day you’ll know you’re one step closer to being on a date with that special boy.


What are your favorite ways to get a boy to ask you out?

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How To Tell If a Guy Likes You http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-tell-if-a-guy-likes-you/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-tell-if-a-guy-likes-you/#comments Wed, 28 May 2014 02:57:14 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14392

At one point or another, every woman has asked herself: Does he like me? It’s one of the most confusing, annoying, and nervous questions we can ask ourselves, but it’s something we are constantly trying to figure out. Make this question a bit more easy and get the answer you need with these 25 ways to tell if he really likes you- or sees you just as a friend.


 1. He Seems to Smile at You. A Lot.

Don’t get me wrong. There’s always those people out there who smile at everybody and everything. They’ll smile at strangers, they’ll smile at the silliest jokes- they’ll even smile during a physics quiz. If you’re talking to a guy who has one of those never-ending smiles, he might just be doing what’s natural to him by smiling at you often.

But let’s face it: most people aren’t like that. If you catch him smiling at you often, it may be a sign that he’s into you and the sight of your face brings a smile to his lips. Pay close attention to his smile, too. Is it one of those fake, forceful smiles? Or is it a genuine smile full of love? This will really help you determine whether or not it’s a true, “I like you” smile.

2. The First Form of Flirting: Teasing

Remember back in the day on the school yard when boys would chase the girls and call them names, and everyone said it’s because he likes you? It may seem so kindergarten, but even in our later years men still use teasing as a form of flirting. If he (playfully) teases you often, then it could be a sign he’s going back to his roots and using teases to show he’s interested in you. Of course, if he is just being flat out rude about something than he’s probably not into you- in a girlfriend or a friend way- and I suggest you run for the hills.


 3. Flirty Compliments That Leave You Blushing

On the other hand, maybe you’re talking to a guy who’s matured past the teasing tricks and actually knows how to flirt. If he compliments you a lot- whether it’s a simple compliment about how nice your hair looks that day or how great you performed your oral presentation- it’s probably a definite sign that he’s interested in you.

I mean, yes- it’s completely true that people will compliment each other on a job well done or a nice t-shirt. But a compliment is one thing, a flirt is another. Surely you can tell the difference by the way it’s said and what words are used. For example:

Regular compliment: I like your shirt! (Pat on the back.)

Flirty compliment: That shirt looks great on you. (Smile)

See the difference?


 4. Playful, Accidental Touching

When you like someone, you want to be close to them. That’s just nature! If you find your guy friend playfully or accidentally touching you on a regular basis, it could just be his way of trying to get close to you. Some examples of playful or accidental touching would include:

-Running up behind you and picking you up for a fun hug.

-‘Accidentally’ brushing your hand while the two of you work on a project together.

-Wanting to play a silly game like thumb wars or arm wrestling.

-Patting you on your thigh after talking to you while sitting down.

 5. Men Hate Phone Calls. But He Doesn’t?

We all know how much men hate to talk on the phone. When you ask them to call you, it’s like pulling teeth. Or perhaps even a root canal. Without any medication for numbing. (Yes, it’s that bad sometimes, right ladies?). But for some reason he will call you completely out of the blue, just to talk. And he actually enjoys it and says he’s had a nice time talking to you. No, he hasn’t been abducted by space aliens that changed the wiring in his brain. It’s as simple as this: man likes woman, man goes to great lengths to show that he cares. Which brings us to the random phone calls where you spend 6 hours talking about movies, sports, music, clothes, school, celebrities- whatever. So go ahead, pick up the phone. He surely didn’t call you because he hates talking to you!


6. Not Just Your Basic Text Messages

So not every guy will suddenly enjoy talking on the phone because he likes you, or maybe he’s just too busy to call you. Insert: text messages, the most convenient way to talk to another human being.

So you say he’s texting you often, hmm? Well let me ask you a question first before we jump to any conclusions. Is he texting you the basic texts like, “When are you going to be here?” or “Can I borrow your homework?” or anything along those lines? Or is texting you just because? If he’s sending you good morning texts, asking how you’re doing or what you’re up to, or trying to start an actual conversation over a text message, it may be a sign he is interested. Again, let’s do a quick example.

Friendly text: “Hey, are you coming to Mark’s party?”

Flirty text: “Hey Molly. How are you doing? I was wondering if you were going to go to Mark’s party. Can’t wait to see you!”

 7. Pay Attention to His Grammar

When a guy likes a girl, he tries to impress her- we all know that! But sometimes it’s not always about incredible out of this world gestures to grab our attention and impress us, and that’s why we need to pay attention to details. If he tends to talk in slang often but really tries hard to use proper grammar and punctuation when talking/messaging you, it could be a simple sign he’s trying to impress you with his mind. Here’s an example, using the text messages used in number 6:

Friendly text: “Wassup u coming to Mark’s party?”

Flirty text: “Hey Molly. How are you doing? I was wondering if you were going to go to Mark’s party. Can’t wait to see you!”

Note how he is using bad grammar in the first text, while the second text is not only significantly longer by texting standards, but also uses proper grammar and punctuation. See ladies, even something as simple and subtle as this could be a definite sign he likes you and wants you to notice how smart he is.


8. Even Social Media Can Be a Hint!

Whether you’re both on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (or any other popular social media networking site), if he likes your post often, it could be a sign that he likes you. Sure we sometimes just go scrolling down our newsfeed liking pictures we think are cute or interesting, but if he has made it a goal to like almost all of your posts, from pictures to status updates, he might be trying to show you that he cares. If he sends you comments on your posts often, that’s just another great sign he might be interested in you!


9. Make it or Break it: Eye Contact

You’ve probably heard this over and over again, but eye contact is ridiculously important, from first dates to job interviews. If you notice he’s looking at you often and makes it a point to have eye contact with you while the two of you are talking, this not only means he likes what he sees but is trying to get you to notice him as well.

Friend: Will obviously talk to you, but will probably be looking around the room or interrupting your conversation to holler at another friend. He probably won’t randomly stare at you with hearts in his eyes, either.

More than a friend: Will make it a point to focus on you and only you during conversation, and you will probably catch him staring at you often. (And he might have his jaw dropped sometimes, too- it happens).


 10. Him? Sophisticated and Mature? No Way!

So he is the kind of guy to make crude jokes and mess around with his guy friends at all times. Even when there is a girl present he won’t mind being his goofy, totally immature and somewhat nasty self. But when you are around, everything changes. Suddenly he turns into a somewhat sophisticated man who is reserved and respectful, and might even tell his friends to stop with the crude humor while a lady is present. This, my friends, is one of the easiest ways to tell if a guy is interested in you. After all, he doesn’t want you to think he’s some disgusting pig with no respect for woman, so he knows to turn it off when you come around. You should not only feel honored that someone would do that for you, but feel confident in knowing what his intentions are.

11. Girl? What Girl?

When you are friends with a guy, you get used to that fact that they will probably be checking out females often. They might even make a remark to you about how cute they think the girl that just walked by is. And they won’t have a problem telling you that they’re planning on seeing Samantha from the coffee shop down the road. But if he’s interested in you and wants to be more than friends, you won’t hear a single peep out of him with regards to another female. In fact, you might notice a pretty girl walking by quicker than he does.

If you notice he doesn’t really say anything about girls or dating anyone anytime soon, you might want to ask him if he is interested in anyone. His answer will say it all!

12. Curious About Your Relationship Status

When you’re just friends, it really doesn’t matter whether you are married with three kids or never been on a date in your life. Nobody really asks, and why should they? The two of you just go out as friends having a good time- nothing else. But if your guy friend wants to know about your relationship status is or if you’re interested in anyone, he could be trying to ease his way into becoming your boyfriend. If he asks you what a guy would have to do to get you to be his girlfriend, you can definitely take this as a sign he wants you as more than just a friend.


13. “We Should Be Together. Just Kidding…”

Have you ever heard that saying that the biggest lie you could ever tell is just kidding? It seems like adding ‘just kidding’ to the end of something serious automatically turns it into an untrue, laughable joke. But the fact of the matter is, 99 percent of the time when someone says they’re just kidding about something, they really aren’t.

That being said, if your guy pal kids about you and him being an item, he might actually want it to happen. For example:

The two of you are playing video games and suddenly start laughing out loud about a joke only the two of you would find funny. As the wave of laughter comes to an end, he jokingly says “We would make the perfect couple.” Let’s face it ladies, he probably isn’t joking. And if this kind of thing happens somewhat often, I’d take that as a definite sign he wants you.

14. Where Are You Two Going?

Pay close attention to where you guys go. Do you do the basic friend thing, like go to parties together, hang out downtown, or do a lot of other group activities with the rest of your friends? Or are your hangouts a bit more romantic, with just the two of you? If the bulk of your adventures are done in group, you’re probably just friends- or he is trying not to be so obvious. But if he asks you to do a lot of one on one things, he might be trying to get to know you better and see if the two of you are a match made in heaven.


15. Oh, You Shouldn’t Have!

There is a huge, huge, huge difference between doing a friend a favor, and doing something especially sweet for someone. If he gave you a ride home from work one day, I wouldn’t get carried away and assume he likes you. But if he does a lot of nice things for you on a regular basis, like buying you those special shoes you couldn’t afford or offering to pick you up from work every single night, there might be more to it than just a friendly gesture. Pay close attention to this, as this can sometimes get confusing. You wouldn’t want to mistake kindness for love!

16. Your Knight in Shining Armor

It’s the male instinct to protect the woman you love- and if you notice he is acting more like your knight in shining armor than your best guy friend, it’s a possibility he’s into you. It could be as simple as telling some people to stop saying mean things about you to completely going berserk on a guy who shoved you in public. Whatever his knightly duty was, don’t take it lightly. He not only did this to protect you, but impress you and show he cares for you and your safety.


17. The Green Monster Pays a Visit

When you like someone, you get jealous- that’s nature. Whether it’s an innocent flirt or they are talking about being with someone else, the little green monster pops his head up instantly. If he gets jealous about you talking with other guys or mentioning other guys, this is a definite clue he likes you.

18. Remembering the Finest Details

Remember when you told him you broke your arm when you were 5? Yeah, he just so happened to remember that. He also remembers about that silly joke you said a couple months back that had him rolling on the floor laughing during the Christmas party. Men are notorious at forgetting things, especially the fine details. If he seems to remember all that and more, this is a serious sign he is interested in you and actually listens when you talk to him.


19. Are You Impressed Yet?

As we’ve said so many times before (and you’ve probably known for quite some time), men love to impress females- especially ones they are interested in. If he seems to try to impress you, whether it’s with his clothing or picking up a giant boulder *right in front of you*, he’s probably trying to get you to notice him in a way other than friendly.


20. Need Any Help With That?

This kind of goes hand in hand with doing favors for you more than the average friend. But if he seems willing to do certain tasks- even the most boring or hard like changing your oil or fixing your broken glass window- this is a sure sign he likes you. Plus he gets to show off how manly and handy he is. Double win!

21Just a Few More Minutes..

At the end of the night or a conversation with a friend, it’s usually easy to say goodbye. But when you’re interested in someone, you never want it to end. You could be together all night long, not saying a word, and it would be the best thing ever. If he always tries to spend more time with you or stay on the phone just a bit longer, he’s probably very interested in you.


22. Asking Friends and Family for Help

There is no better way to get to know someone than by asking around. If he’s asked your friends and family members questions trying to get to know you better, I’d take that as a very obvious sign he is wanting to be more than friends. Some common questions he might ask those closest to you include the following:

-Does she have a boyfriend?

-What kind of guys is she interested in?

-What are some of her favorite things to do?

-Any idea what her dream date is like?

Don’t be surprised if someone close to you says so and so has been asking questions. It’s not weird, he just really wants to know more about you and surprise you with something he knows you would absolutely love. That’s great investigating and really shows that he’ll go the extra mile to learn about you!


23. A Kiss to Remember

Your guy friend just kissed you. Like, woah. Completely out of nowhere. You two were walking home from the party and he grabbed you and kissed you. You were left completely speechless. And, you know what, this really doesn’t need further explanation. Either he was drunk out of his mind or he’s been wanting to kiss you for awhile.

24. “I Like You.”

If he flat out tells you he likes you, then, well, he likes you. And that’s that. No more questioning or wondering. It’s pretty much all on the table at that point, and it’s up to you to decide how you will react. At least you won’t have that lingering question in the back of your mind, right? Even if it’s totally awkward, it’s a huge relief off of your shoulders- and that’s something to be thankful about. Let’s just hope the guy you’re friends with has the guts to come out and tell it like it is! (Yes, men, we totally appreciate a guy who does this. Be brave!)



That’s right. Sometimes enough is enough and you just need ANSWERS. If he isn’t budging, just ask him to tell you so you can quit wondering.

It can be torture sitting around wondering if your guy pal wishes the two of you were ‘more than friends’. It doesn’t have to be hard, though. With subtle hints like playfully teasing and touching to going out of his way to do you awesome favors, there’s plenty of ways you can put your curiosity to rest- and possibly land yourself a boyfriend.


Ladies- what are some great ways a guy friend has proven to you that he wants to be more than friends?

http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-tell-if-a-guy-likes-you/feed/ 0
15 Flirty Would You Rather Questions http://www.herinterest.com/15-flirty-would-you-rather-questions/ http://www.herinterest.com/15-flirty-would-you-rather-questions/#comments Mon, 26 May 2014 19:43:54 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14327

Oh, great. Another boring game of silly “Would you rather?” questions. Or…is it? Not with these enticing and totally flirty questions! Amp up your game and surprise your crush with these incredibly flirty “Would you rather?” questions he will actually enjoy answering!


1. Would you rather kiss or girl or be kissed by a girl?

Some men like to be dominant while others like a girl who can step up to the plate and make the first move. This question will let you know a bit more about his personality, and hey- who doesn’t love to talk about kissing?

2. Would you rather have one partner or several at once?

There are those guys who love to pamper their girlfriend and love her like no other- and then there are the ones who wish they could have 7 different girlfriends, one for every day of the week. What type of relationship does he prefer?


3. Would you rather have a long term relationship or flings?

Again, this is not only a fun and flirty question, but it also gives you a few hints into what type of man he is. A guy who would prefer flings is probably not somebody you want to get involved with in the future (for obvious reasons, unless of course you’re looking for a fling too) while someone who loves long terms relationships will probably treat you better.

4. Would you rather have a hot girlfriend or an OK girl with a great personality?

If he takes the hot girl, he might be shallow. If he wants the girl who’s not overly good looking but has an amazing personality, he is someone who looks beneath the surface. This is definitely a fun question you’ll want to know about the guy you’re talking to!

5. Would you rather check out a girl from the front or the back?

Is he a ‘boob guy’ or a ‘butt guy’? Maybe he’s a ‘stomach guy’? Or maybe he’s one of the rare few that prefers to see a woman’s smile over anything else? You won’t know his likes until you ask him this cool and flirty question.


6. Would you rather go out for your date or stay in?

Does he prefer romantic nights cuddled on the soda with your favorite movie, or would he rather go out and about on the town for dinner, drinks, and a show? This not only says a lot about the kind of guy he is, but can get you excited about a potential date with this guy!

7. Would you rather find true love or be rich?

Some people aren’t into the love game- some people don’t even believe it exists. Is the guy you’re talking to looking for love or would be rather get his happiness from wealth?


8. Would you rather kiss a girl on her cheek or her lips?

He might be the kind of guy who just likes to give his girl a cute and sweet little peck on the cheek, or he might want to devour her with his lips. You won’t know until you ask him!

9. Would you rather date someone older or younger than you?

This is just a fun question. I mean, you could find out he likes ladies over 20 years older than him (maybe that’s his fetish) or that he likes them around his age group. The more you know, the better.

10. Would you rather see a girl in a short dress, shorts, or a skirt?

Every guy has different tastes in what they like to see women wear. Find out what he prefers and wear it around him to really catch his attention!

11. Would you rather your girlfriend wear red lipstick or pink lipstick?

Does he like that red hot woman with lots of attitude, or does he enjoy a sweeter more innocent style? This is a great, flirty question to ask and you can find out what kind of makeup you should wear around him.

12. Would you rather do it in a bed or in a car?

Hey, some guys like a little adventure in their sex life! Are you talking to one of them?

13. Would you rather kiss a girl on the first date or wait?

He might be old fashioned, or he might be quit to jump into it with his lady friend. Find out what kind of guy he is with this easy question.


14. Would you rather get back with your ex or find someone new?

Some guys are still holding on to old flames. If that’s the case, you might want to forget about trying to be with him. But if he says he is looking for someone new, then keep asking him plenty of questions- you could be his next love!

15. Would you rather date me or be my friend?

This is a personal one- and we have to warn you, be ready for the answer. You might find out he has a secret, passionate love for you, or he just simply thinks of you as a great friend. Wouldn’t you like to know how he feels while still asking in a flirty and fun way? Of course!

http://www.herinterest.com/15-flirty-would-you-rather-questions/feed/ 0
How To Be a Better Girlfriend http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-be-a-better-girlfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-be-a-better-girlfriend/#comments Mon, 26 May 2014 16:17:04 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14314

Relationships are tough, and if you feel like you’re not doing your part, it can become overwhelming. Make sure your girlfriend duties are in check and become the girlfriend you’ve always dreamed of being with these 15 steps to being a better girlfriend.


1. Stay Hot, Honey!

You know what they say, you should never change yourself for anyone- and that’s absolutely true. However, you can still do whatever it is you need to do to make sure you’re looking your best for your partner. After all, he thinks you’re the most beautiful woman in the world and happily has you on his arm wherever he goes. He wants to flaunt you in all your womanly beauty, so why not look your best? Whether you hit the gym, change your eating habits, or simply dress up every once in awhile, he will surely appreciate it (and will of course love the bragging rights even more so).


2. Trust Him

Nothing is more annoying- and breaks up a relationship quicker- than a partner who doesn’t trust their lover. Trust is important. It is the stepping stone of every great relationship, so if you’re lacking in this department, you might want to cut ties before it gets to heated. Not to mention no man wants to be with a woman who is constantly doubting his loyalty, even though he has given you 110 percent of his love and attention. In the end he’ll just think you are crazy and don’t care.


3. Give Him Some Space and Be Independent!

An independent woman? A HUGE turn on to men. Sure you want to be around your boyfriend as much as possible and spend plenty of time with him, but everyone needs their space. Show him you can be independent and successful without being glued to his hip and he will want you even more. (He will also enjoy those fishing trips with the guys!)


4. Stand By His Side- No Matter What

A great girlfriend- one who really and truly cares about her lover- will stand by his side no matter what. Even if there are rumors coming from every angle or he’s just lost his job, she will be there to encourage him and defend him till the end. Doing so will make him feel cherished and secure while also elevating you to the woman of his dreams. After all, don’t we all just need someone we can depend on through and through? Someone who won’t flake at the first sign of disaster? Your boyfriend’s looking for this person, and YOU should be it.


5. Love Him

You’re probably thinking to yourself, “Well of course I love him! That’s an easy and (kind of) stupid tip!” Think again. There’s a difference between loving someone and showing someone you love them. Do you think he can read your mind? Of course not! (Even though some woman are still under the impression their man should be able to know what they’re thinking.) You need to show him you love him, whether it’s with plenty of hugs and kisses, a sweet romantic gesture, or even something over the top- hey, guys like lovely surprises too!

6. Love Yourself

No man wants to be with a woman who puts all of her self worth into the guy she’s with. This shows extreme lack of confidence and a sense of neediness that really nobody wants to put up with. Love yourself first, and he won’t be able to stop from loving you too.


7. Be Uplifting and Positive

Have you ever had one of those friends that was constantly negative? No matter what happened, they would end up sulking and have something negative to say. Can you imagine entering into a relationship with somewhat like that? Talk about a downer! Your man needs a woman who will brighten his day- not bring a raincloud along. That doesn’t mean you’re not entitled to have a bad day every once and awhile, we all have those. But the bulk of your life should be filled with positivity and an uplifting spirit that will make him want to better his (and yours) lives!


8. Encourage Him

This goes hand in hand with being uplifting and positive, and is an essential trait of the perfect girlfriend. Whether he just needs some extra encouragement to finish his last school assignment or he needs some serious encouragement to conquer his finals, you should be there cheering him off. After all, the woman is supposed to better the man; why wouldn’t you want to egg him on in the right direction? Best part is you will be able to reap the positive benefits together and have a very rewarding future.

9. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Silly

Men absolutely love it when a woman can take her hair down and just be silly. Playing video games, making jokes, frolicking through the sand- there’s seriously tons of different ways to just let loose and have fun, and even if you think you might embarrass yourself, we still suggest you give it a shot. He will certainly love seeing you in this new, silly way and the two of you will make a new memory you can joke about for ages. Sounds good to me!

10. Make Him Feel Special

We always hear about how men come home with flowers and chocolate, or they take their girls on random romantic dinners on the beach, or swoop their girlfriend up from work to take her on a dreamy trip to the cabin in the mountains. But what about the man? Doesn’t he get anything? A relationship should never be take, take, take, and I’m sure your guy wouldn’t mind a little recognition here and there. You don’t have to give him a bouquet of roses and a sappy love poem, but there are a lot of other ways to make him feel special. It could be from something as simple as telling him you love him and appreciate him to buying him something he’s been eyeballing for the past few months (like a new tool or piece of sports equipment, whatever he is into). You know your guy best, and you’ll know what kind of things will make him feel warm and cozy on the inside.

11. Treat HIM Once and Awhile

A girl paying for dinner? That’s unheard of! While you probably shouldn’t do this on the first couple of dates, after many weeks or months of being together it’s definitely okay to treat your man to dinner every once and awhile. After all, he’s probably taken the bills several times before and has no problem spending money on you, so why wouldn’t he deserve this? Whether it’s dinner, movies, ice skating rink, or a ball game, treat your man and he will definitely appreciate it.


12. Like… Or At Least Accept His Friend

Okay, we’re not saying you have to totally love and want to hang out with his beer drinking, armpit scratching, loud mouth friends, but you should at least accept them and not mind your man being around them. In fact, you should hang out with them every once and awhile too so they can get to know you. But try to refrain from saying anything negative about his boys (unless it’s something serious, obviously). He won’t appreciate your comments and you’ll probably come across as some nagging, whiny woman who just wants to keep him away from his friends. (Huge turnoff, ladies.)

13. Be Willing to Try New Things

We get it- there is some things you absolutely will not do, like jumping out of an airplane or going deep sea diving. But you should open and willing to try some new things, especially if he’s a huge fan and would like to include you in his activities. Just be confident, secure, and know that your partner is right by your side to help you through every step of the way. You might find out that an activity you once thought was scary or boring is actually one of your favorite things to do, too!


14. Keep Things…Interested

Yes, ladies. We are talking about in the bedroom. A boring sex life leads to a breakup. And that’s just the honest truth. Men need to be enticed and stimulated in the bedroom, so make sure to keep things interesting. Maybe ask him about something he has been wanting to try with you, or try adding some sexy lingerie into the mix. Anything to keep those sparks flying and keep him interested and satisfied.

15. Quit Nagging!
This is probably the best tip of them all: ladies, STOP NAGGING. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve watched as a woman incessantly nagged or whined herself all the way up to a breakup. If you want to be the best girlfriend you can be and ensure your relationship will sustain a lifetime, you need to stop nagging or whining about him as much as possible. It’s okay to say your opinion, of course- but when all you seem to do all day is nag him about everything, you have a problem. Lighten up and just be sweet and fun with your man. It will seriously pay off.


Every woman wishes she could be the best girlfriend to her man, and with these simple 15 steps you can come awfully close to being the absolute perfect gal.

What do you think about these 15 steps to being a better girlfriend? What do you think the perfect girlfriend should do for their boyfriend?

http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-be-a-better-girlfriend/feed/ 0
How to Get Him to Propose – 7 MUST KNOW Tips http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-him-to-propose-7-must-know-tips/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-him-to-propose-7-must-know-tips/#comments Sat, 24 May 2014 03:38:08 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14300

So you’ve been in a relationship for quite some time- we’re talking weeks, months, years- and you still haven’t gotten the ring. He tells you he loves you and you’re sure he’s the man for you. You want to spend the rest of your life with him, but he just hasn’t gotten down on one knee yet. What are you doing wrong? Check out these 7 must know tips on how to get him to propose!


1. First Find Out: Does He Want to Get Married?

Men aren’t like women. Women (for the most part) are on a mission to find the man of their dreams, settle down in the perfect home, and chase after cute little rugrats with dinner on the table for their partner every night. But a lot of men are afraid- or should I say petrified- of the thought of marriage, and would rather avoid it altogether. Before you even think about a future saying ‘I do’ on the altar with your boyfriend, you need to first find if he even wants to get married. And hey, some guys just don’t. So if he says absolutely not, don’t take it offensively.


 2. Evaluate: Is it the Right Time to Get Married?

You could take this a lot of different ways. First and foremost, are the two of you ready for this type of commitment? You need to make sure you know him well enough to be able to spend the rest of your life with him. After all, if you find out something you absolutely despise later on in the marriage, it could be grounds for divorce. Make sure the two of you know each other extremely well and have reached a certain connection that can’t be broken.


Secondly, you need to look at finances. A wedding typically costs a few thousand dollars, and that’s not including the dress, wedding cake, seating, and everything else that goes into your dream wedding. This could lead to a hefty bill costing you well over ten thousand dollars. And aside from an expensive wedding, you have to think about how costly it is to rent an apartment/condo/house, on top of other bills like electricity, cellphones, water, trash- it adds up pretty quickly. Are the two of you financially ready for marriage?


Lastly, is it a good point in your guys’ lives where you’re ready to take the plunge? If you’re both on the young side, it might be best to wait it out a bit longer to make sure there’s no problems. Or if someone is planning to move off for college, you might want to wait till after they are done. Perhaps there was a traumatic event in one of your lives which would halt you from giving 100 percent to the wedding and marriage. If there isn’t a clear path for the two of you at the moment, wait until there is ‘sunny skies’ before making this type of life changing and time consuming commitment.


3. Think: Are You Pressuring Him?

If it’s been several months or years and he still hasn’t gotten down on one knee, you need to ask yourself this important question: are you pressuring him? Nothing scares a guy off from marriage more than a pressuring woman. He doesn’t want to be pressured (and don’t make me repeat myself!). This is not only scary to him, but is also a big turn off as you may come across as a needy gal. Don’t talk about your perfect wedding, don’t talk about when you want to get married, and most importantly don’t ask him when he is going to propose. He wants to be the man and make that huge decision on his own, so don’t pressure him!


However, if you do want to say at least one thing about your wedding dreams, let it be something in regards to your dream wedding ring. A lot of men halt their proposals for the simple fact that they don’t know what kind of ring to get their lady. The next time you two are walking through the mall and you come across a wedding shop, just casually mention which one you think is breathtaking. Then let it go and continue walking to the next shop. Totally casual, yet it will stick in his mind until he pops the question.


4. Think: Are You Dropping Subtle Hints?

There’s a difference between saying, “I wish we were married right this instant” and “I wouldn’t mind spending many more fun, exciting, and romantic years together”, just like there’s a difference between “Why haven’t you proposed to me yet” and “What age do you see yourself getting married”. It’s totally OK to drop subtle hints, or mask your pressuring questions with a simple question that doesn’t really give it away. Subtle hints are the best and it also gives him the confidence to ask for your hand in marriage. I know we don’t really think it, but men get scared too- and nobody wants to be rejected. These little hints just let him know you’d say yes, if the question were to come up at random.


 5. Act: Are You Being the Woman in the Relationship?

If your guy doesn’t feel like the man in the relationship, there is no way he is going to propose. That would be like proposing to his best friend, his mom, or whatever else he may think of you as. This means you need to cut down on the nagging or controlling nature you might have, and let him take the reigns. Being the woman in the relationship means letting the man be the top dog in most situations. However, that doesn’t mean you let him control you or the relationship. This simply means that he feels he is the strong, protective man he is, and you are there for him no matter what.


6. Act: Do You Make Him a Better Man?

At the end of the day, men just want a woman they can come home to every night. A loyal woman who is there to take care of him, talk about his day, and make him smile. A lady who will stay by his side no matter what and always encourage him to do better. You need to make sure that you are that loyal, encouraging gal he’s always dreamed of, but be careful not to go overboard and act as a mother towards him.


7. Act: Looking Good is a Must

Men fall in love with what they see, not what they hear. And when you’ve been with someone for an extended period of time, you might start to get… “comfortable”. Which to me is just a nice way of saying gaining weight, wearing less makeup, and throwing your hair up in a ponytail every chance you get. If you want to keep him intrigued and enticed for many, many years to come, you need to keep things interesting and always look your best. This doesn’t mean you need to throw on a pair of stilettos and your sexiest red minidress with hair glammed up to next week, this simply means take care of yourself. Eat healthy, go to the gym often, and look good when it’s appropriate. To put it plainly, if it’s 6PM on a Saturday night and you’ve already got your footie pajamas on, we might need to have a talk.


 8. Last Resort: Conversation 

So you’ve tried everything, huh? You’ve tried dropping subtle hints. You are always by his side no matter what, constantly giving him the compliments and encouragement he needs- I mean, you even helped him get that huge promotion at work! But no matter what you do, he just won’t budge. Not to mention you’re both working amazing jobs and it couldn’t be a better time to get married. What gives?


If you’ve been waiting and waiting and still haven’t even heard the word ‘wife’ or ‘marriage’ come up in your man’s vocabulary, it might be time to sit down with your man and have a nice conversation about where you two stand in the relationship. Again, don’t come at him in a mean, nagging, or pressuring way. Simply ask him where he sees the relationship going. This is an easy, relaxed question that will give you the answer you need right away. He could have some evident reason he hasn’t asked you to marry him yet, or he might just be waiting for the perfect time. Whether he tells you what you want to hear or not, at least you can put an end to all of your questions.


There is nothing more aggravating, depressing, and annoying than being in a long term relationship and never hearing the words, “Will you marry me?” I can’t promise you these 7 tips will land you a husband, but I can tell you this: these ARE 7 of the most important things you can do to get closer to the ring. If after all this time and conversation you still haven’t tied the knot, it might be time to consider other options. However, I do wish you hear wedding bells in your near future.


Married women, what are some tips you could give that helped you get the ring? And for the girls wanting to tie the knot, did any of these tips help you?

http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-him-to-propose-7-must-know-tips/feed/ 0
15 Signs You Should Marry Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/15-signs-you-should-marry-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/15-signs-you-should-marry-your-boyfriend/#comments Fri, 16 May 2014 00:19:24 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14146

So you’ve been seeing someone special for awhile now. It’s been weeks, months, maybe even years, and you’re wondering, could he be the one for me? Before you take the plunge into marriage, check out these 15 signs he is definitely the perfect man for you.


1. You are Comfortable and Happy to Make Future Plans With Him

If making plans with this man doesn’t get you excited- or at least happy- then he might not be the man for you. If you can’t make a simple future plan together, how will you spend the rest of your LIFE with this guy? You should be completely comfortable and happy to make future plans with your man, from a simple trip to the lake next month to ten kids in the next 20 years.

2. He Treats You the Way You Want to be Treated

We all have different ideas of how we should be treated. But if he makes you feel like his princess by the end of the day, he sounds like a keeper. If he has anger problems or makes you feel bad about yourself, you should highly reconsider the actual relationship- let alone a future marriage.

3. He Brags About You to Family and Friends

When a man is in love, he wants the world to know. And as annoying as it, they always seem to brag about their ‘perfect’ woman. If you’ve been the woman he’s talked (bragged) about to all of his family members and friends, he’s probably certain your the ideal woman and wants to make a very bright future with you. If this is true, quit blushing and giggling and give yourself a pat on the back: he’s marriage material and he totally loves you!


4. He’s Still Romantic and Chivalrous

I can’t tell you how many times a marriage is destroyed by the simple fact that there is no longer any romance or chivalry. Your man should always keep you feeling special and loved, even if its something simple like a sappy love poem or sweet date night under the stars. Once the romance is over, the relationship fizzles- and that’s just a fact. And trust me, if he’s already stopped being chivalrous, he’s not going to suddenly pick it up again.

5. You Share Morals and Values

You want kids, he doesn’t. You believe in a certain religion, he doesn’t. You love smoking cigarettes, but he hates smoking more than anything. These are just a few important things you need to make sure the two of you have in line before walking to the alter. If you don’t share the same morals and values, the relationship is headed for failure instead of a bright, thriving future.


 6. You’ve Met Each Others Families

This is more important than you think! After all, if he hasn’t brought you around his folks, what does that say about how important you are in his life? If you’ve met his parents- and they like you- you’re almost a shoe-in.

7. He Loves You for You

When a man loves his woman, he doesn’t want to change you. He enjoys all your quirks and your silly jokes, he even loves your ‘large’ nose or goofy smile; and that’s that. If he loves you for you, flaws and all, then he is definitely a keeper.

8. You Want to Spend Every Second With Him

Once you two get married, you will be seeing a lot of this man- and we mean a lot. After all, you guys will be living together. You will see him when you wake up, multiple times throughout the day, and every night. Does this sound like a dream come true? Then you’re probably ready to get married. But if this thought makes you squirm and your face cringe, take a step back.


9. The Two of You Share Everything

Secrets don’t make friends- and they certainly don’t make lovers. If you two are comfortably to share everything together, good or bad, then this is certainly a relationship that will last. (Plus he listens to you- doesn’t that mean he earned some serious extra boyfriend bonus points?!)

10. Amazing Communication

If your relationship would crumble over the silliest mishaps, then he probably isn’t marriage material. But if the two of you have amazing communication and can talk through any problems you might have, it is a definite sign you’re ready to put a ring on it. After all, so many marriages are ruined for the simple fact that they couldn’t reach a certain communication level and weren’t able to talk things out.

11. Still Plenty of Steam

Just like there should always be plenty of romance and chivalry to keep things interesting, there should also be plenty happening inside of the bedroom. This is incredibly important, as a relationship that doesn’t keep things steamy and enticing in the bedroom may lead to one partner getting bored- and possibly cheating. If the two of you are always trying new things and can’t wait to get alone time so you can please each other, we see a very bright (and erotic) future that you both will enjoy until death do you part!

12. The Relationship Comes Easy

You have probably heard this phrase before: a relationship shouldn’t be hard. You shouldn’t have to work on it or have any struggles holding on.  If the relationship seems to flow like the smoothest river, then the marriage will probably run just as beautifully.

13. You’re Always Happy Around Each Other

Ok, nobody is happy with their partner ALL the time (you know, like when he farts in front of you and it stinks beyond belief). But if your both happy for a majority of the time, it’s a safe bet to say the relationship is perfect for the next step: marriage. I mean, why not be happy for the rest of your lives?

14. He Complements You

Does he seem to have a superpower of making you smile when you are distraught? Do you always give him the ego boost he needs just before a hard day at work? If you complement one another, it’s a recipe for success. This is probably the best sign to tell if you are a match made in heaven, as so many people do the opposite of complement each other!


15. You Just “Know”

As woman, we seem to have this ‘sense’ when it comes to men. And although we might not be 100 percent right ALL the time, we still have a pretty good intuition about the guy we are with. If you just know he is the one and you can’t seem to find a reason why he shouldn’t be your husband, then there’s no argument: your boyfriend should be upgraded to husband in the near future.


Do I hear wedding bells ringing? Or did your wedding plans just fall through abruptly? We’d love to hear about what you thought of these 15 signs you should marry your boyfriend, and we’d love to know what YOU consider to be a top sign he is the one for you. Happy planning, ladies!

http://www.herinterest.com/15-signs-you-should-marry-your-boyfriend/feed/ 0
40 Best Compliments for Guys http://www.herinterest.com/40-best-compliments-for-guys/ http://www.herinterest.com/40-best-compliments-for-guys/#comments Tue, 13 May 2014 19:58:51 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=13993

Everyone loves to hear a compliment- right? Well don’t resort to the same ole, boring compliments he’s probably heard over a million times. Try out one of these 40 best compliments for guys and really make his day! 0632ad99205bfe1132d9f5bd3c77b20b 1. You are so handsome.

I know what you are probably thinking: “I thought you said we weren’t going to do the same hum and drum compliments?” But hear me out. Saying you’re handsome isn’t as common as you might think. In fact, men are rarely complimented for their looks or appearance like a woman is. And, of course, saying handsome rather than cute or hot adds a certain level of intimacy that men don’t hear often. There’s so much more meaning to the word handsome than any other word, so keep it classy and let him know how good-looking he REALLY is with this simple compliment. (And yes, this totally needed this long of an explanation!)

2. Wow, you weren’t lying when you said you were hitting the gym!

Because saying “I like your muscles” never gets old, right? This tells him that you’ve noticed his (growing) muscles and you’re very pleased with what you see. Plus it motivates him to keep hitting the pavement as hard as he can!

3. I love your (insert color here) eyes. I just get lost in them.

A piece of advice for this particular compliment: make sure you get the eye color correct. (You can’t even imagine what a mood killer that can be!)

4. You always making me smile!

Many men will admit that the most beautiful thing about a woman is her smile. So hearing (and seeing) that he’s capable of planting that gorgeous smile on your face in a matter of seconds is a definite confidence booster for him. (Don’t forget to smile after saying this, too!)


5. You’re the funniest man I’ve ever met.

It’s no secret: men LOVE to make woman laugh. In fact, I think sometimes they believe if you can make a woman laugh you can almost always score with her. But anyways, hearing that he’s the funniest man you have EVER met is an obvious winner for him. There’s no way he couldn’t absolutely one hundred percent LOVE this compliment.

6. I always feel safe when I’m around you.

Hey, just because he doesn’t have to kill our dinner for us anymore doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be the protector. In fact, guys love when they get to ‘protect’ their woman from danger and harm. Letting him know that you feel safe with him is just one of those compliments that really stick and make him feel like the manly head hancho he’s always dreamed of being.

7. You are so handy!

Just like they love to be manly protectors, they also love to be handy. (They are technically SAVING us from something we couldn’t do, like fix a broken faucet or change the tire on our car.) He will love hearing how handy he is- it simply uproars his ego!


8. It’s so nice to see a man who can cook.

Not many men can cook. And if they do, it probably doesn’t taste that great. Let him know he’s one out of a million with his delicious cooking skills.

9. You’re the strongest man I’ve ever met.

To a man, muscles and strength is almost everything. And having a masculine, manly physique that allows him to push a car all on his own is his dream. Trust me, every guy wants to hear he’s THE strongest. Do it, do it now!

10. Geez, girls can’t keep their eyes off of you!

I think we can all determine why this is an awesome compliment. But in case you didn’t know, guys love it when ladies look at him. Hearing it from a woman is just an extra 10 ego points. He. Will. Love. It. Hands down!

11. Any lady would be lucky to have you.

If you’re not yet his lucky lady, let him know what a catch he is. It’ll boost his confidence while also letting him know you’re interested.

12. I love the way you (insert something here).

Do you love the way he dresses? The way he bench presses? Is there something that goes on ‘behind the scenes’ that drives you wild? Then this is the compliment he wants to hear!

13. I love how you listen and respect me.

Every woman wants to be respected. It’s a fact! This lets him know that he’s doing a great job in the respect department and not to change a thing.

14. Wow, you really rock that (shirt, tie, etc).

Better than just saying “You look nice in that”, this compliment is a bit more personalized and will definitely be a shirt (or tie, pair of pants) that you see more often. There, you both win!

15. I love spending my time with you.

At the end of the day, we all just want to be wanted. He will love this simple, yet deep compliment.

16. You make me feel beautiful (or appreciated, respected, etc).

Let him know exactly how he makes you feel so he can be confident in his abilities and keep doing the things you love.

17. I respect you.

Just like every woman loves respect, so does every man. This easy compliment simply reassures him of himself and lets him know that you aren’t taking him for granted or not caring about what he says.

18. You always give the best advice.

A man knows he is doing a great job when a woman comes to him for advice, but he feels even better knowing that he gives the BEST advice. He must be pretty smart and sure of himself to be the best, right?


19. Your arms look great in that shirt.

Does this really need an explanation? GUYS LIKE HEARING ABOUT THEIR MUSLES. Case closed.

20. You really turn me on.

It’s every guys dream (more like a daily dream) to turn a woman on. Hearing this will be so much of a confidence booster he won’t even know what to do with himself.

21. What are you wearing? You smell magnificent.

We’re not sure quite why, but men just love to hear how great they smell. bda2243c65a3b3db8d190df9025118c622. You are the manliest man I’ve ever known.

This roots back to the beginning of time when every man wanted to be the manliest. It still holds true today, and trust me, you will definitely make his day (or week, month, year, maybe?) by telling him he is the MANLIEST of them ALL.

23. Thanks for helping me (_____) today. I really appreciate it!

If you tell him you appreciate his help, then he will be more willing to do things for you in the future. So please give me a good reason NOT to use this compliment? (Over and over again, mind you!)

24. Your voice is so deep, masculine, and comforting.

You have big muscles? Cool. You have a great job? Awesome. But if you have a deep, manly voice that drives the ladies crazy, you simply earn a million extra sexy points. Trust me, you can’t go wrong with this ensuring compliment.

25. You really know how to treat a woman.

Letting a man know he’s doing a good job? Always the right way to go.

26. I couldn’t be any more comfortable around you.

Because at the end of the day, we all just really want to be around someone who ‘gets us’. No secrets, no hiding. Just comfortable fun where you can tell each other anything. He will love this!

27. There’s something about your smile that gets me every time.

Like we said before, appearance compliments don’t come as easily to men as they do to women. This simple compliment is perfect because it will make him feel special while also making him want to smile more. WIN!

28. You did such a great job at (____).

Because hearing “Good job” or “Way to go” is just so boring and common. He wants to know WHAT he is doing good at, so keep his confidence up and let him know what things he is so great at.

29. I can’t help but smile around you.

This roots back to the other compliment about him always being able to make you smile, but with this compliment you let him know he doesn’t even HAVE to do anything to make you smile- and that’s extra points for him.

30. You always know exactly what to say.

We are always wondering if we’ve said the right thing to someone, right? Well why not let him know that he did- and that he always- knows what to say to make you happy, cheer you up, etc.

31. I’ve never seen a man who can (____) quite like you can!

Is he the best of the best at something? You should clearly make his ego fly off the charts with this awesome compliment that ANY man would love to hear.


32. Is there anything you CAN’T do?

Perfect compliment after he’s done something ‘manly’, like opening the jar of pickles or switching the oil in your car.

33. (Insert color here) is really your color! You should wear it more often.

Another simple compliment that is so much better than “You look nice”.

34. Honestly, you are way hotter than Brad Pitt.

Or Johnny Depp, or Channing Tatum, or whoever you think is the hottest man alive. He will love to hear he is hotter than the top notch Hollywood stars. Talk about a massive ego boost!

35. Hey, can I have a ticket to your gun show?

A funny compliment that not only makes him chuckle but compliments his bulging arm muscles: double win!

36. I have never met a man like you. You’re genuinely different from the rest and I’m loving it!

Women are constantly saying “All guys are the same”, so hearing that he is totally different but in the BEST way possible is a wonderful compliment that men love to hear. Who wants to be like all the rest, anyways?

37. I love how easy it is to have a conversation with you.

This just makes him smile in ways you wouldn’t even begin to imagine.

38. You are absolutely charming. I just can’t pull myself away!

There’s something about a woman saying she can’t pull herself away that drives a man wild. He will LOVE this compliment and feel like he is on top of the world.

39. You can fix anything, can’t you?

Another wonderful compliment to say after he’s done some amazing fixer upper you wouldn’t even dream of doing.


40. Judging by the way you’re so sweet and playful with kids, you’re going to make a great dad one day.

You should probably save this one until you’re closer with the guy, but either way-this is a wonderful compliment that makes him feel special and secure and also confident about his future.

http://www.herinterest.com/40-best-compliments-for-guys/feed/ 1
When to Say I Love You http://www.herinterest.com/when-to-say-i-love-you/ http://www.herinterest.com/when-to-say-i-love-you/#comments Tue, 13 May 2014 19:08:00 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=13984


“I love you”. It’s just a simple three word sentance, right? So why does everyone go into a panic when they have to say it? I mean, it’s only one of the most important sentances you’ll ever say in your entire life, no big deal. It’s the moment when you put your heart on your sleeve, let all your emotions and feelings out, and put everything on the line to your partner. Knowing when the right time to say “I love you” is imperative, as timing is everything and could make a potential horrifying and awkward situation turn out lovely- you know, a story that you will tell your grandkinds many moons from now.


 1. After Several Dates..At Least 5 

Sometimes people make the mistake of saying “I love you” way to soon, which makes for an extremely awkward situation where you appear very needy and desparate. It’s important that you wait at least 5 dates (or more) before relaying this important message onto your partner. However, if your first five dates happened in a single week this doesn’t apply to you. In this case, you should wait the usual time of 3 to 6 months before saying anything that serious.

2. If He Asks for Your Opinion Often

Men are used to deciding things for themselves, so when he starts asking his signfiicant other for their opinion often, this usually means they are getting pretty serious about her. If he is starting to ask your opinion about things- whether it’s the tie he should wear to the office or if he should take the new CEO job offer- it could very well mean he’s falling for you.

3. If He Listens and Cares About What You Say

You know those guys who just sit there, looking around the room, not really caring about what you’re saying? Yeah, that guy doesn’t love you. But the man who is genuinely interested in what you have to say and cares about your day or things you feel the need to discuss is definitely a guy that is into you.


4. After He’s Shown You He Loves You

Is he jumping leaps and bounds to make you happy? Is he putting together extravagant dates and sappy love poems to see you smile? If he is trying to make you fall in love with him, there is a really good chance he DOES love you- he just doesn’t want to come right out and say it.

5. You’ve Met His Family and Friends

Majority of men won’t even consider bringing their girlfriend around friends and family members until they are serious about her. So if you’ve met the ones he is closest to, he is probably got a good feeling about you and is sure his friends and family members will love you just as much as he does.

6. …..And They Like You

Just like it’s important to meet his close friends and relatives, it’s also important that they LIKE you. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be yourself 100 percent just to get people to like you. If he likes you for the person you are, it’s almost guaranteed those closest to him will too. There are those weird times, though, when a friend or family member dislikes the new girl and does everything in their power to get him to dump you- it’s horrible, but it’s true.


7. You’ve Spent a Holiday Together

Holidays are meant to be spent with the ones you are closest to, right? You all gather together to enjoy an important day out of the year. And if you were added to the exclusive guest list, he must be feeling very secure and serious with you. Whether it’s Easter, a birthday, or Christmas, it doesn’t matter. A holiday is a holiday and if he wanted to celebrate it with you, he’s probably falling for you.

8. You’ve Talked About Long Term Things

When you’re not serious about someone, you don’t even bring up the future- even something simple like going to a concert at the end of the year. But if the two of you are making plans for the future, near or far, this is an obvious sign he wants something long term and is probably falling in love with you.

9. When You’ve Reached a Certain Comfort Level

People who have been in a relationship for quite some time (or just simply clicked since the near beginnings) just have a certain comfort level you don’t find in brand new couples. And comfort levels don’t just happen- they take time and effort, and of course, love. If you two are totally comfortable with each other, there’s probably plenty of sparks between you guys that aren’t going to fizzle anytime soon.

10. When You’ve Found out a lot About Him

It’s a rule of thumb: you can’t fall in love with someone without knowing plenty about them. And if you’ve ever heard of someone falling in love at first sight, you probably heard them say that later on they found at the guy likes to smoke or drink (or something of the sorts) which turned them off immediately. The more you know about a man, the more you can determine whether or not you love him fully- so find out as much as you can before taking the plunge.


11. If He’s Always Happy Around You

Someone who is in love has that ‘in love smile’, where they just seem to be giggly and smiling all the time with butterflies in their stomach. Even thinking about his love will make a man smile intently, and if this sounds like your guy, there’s a very good chance that he is falling in love with you.

 12. When the Time is Right

Like we said before, timing is everything. You don’t want to blurt out “I love you” in the middle of an argument, or when you’re at a concert and it’s extremely loud, or when there’s a lot of people around. Wait for the perfect time, when the passion is flowing and it’s just the two of you. You could be having a romantic dinner on the beach, laying under the stars in the back of his truck, or just hanging out having a great time watching a movie on the couch. It’s whenever YOU feel is the perfect time, but remember one thing: don’t expect an immediate response and never say sorry for the way you feel. He could simply be in shock!


Think before you say the big L word. Does he seem happy around you and interested in what you say? Do you know his family and friends? Does he do things to make you smile? If you answered yes to any of these questions and you’re sure you’re in love with your man, wait for the perfect time and let him know. The worst thing you could do is wait TOO long and miss your chance altogether!

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