relationships – Sun, 16 Jun 2019 15:20:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 – 32 32 How to Release and Prevent Resentment in Your Relationships Mon, 22 May 2017 08:11:28 +0000 It doesn’t take much to resent people a little bit – even the neighbors playing music every Saturday morning fifteen minutes before you think they should start playing music leads to resentment. You might think it’s tiny – nothing to bother about – but everything you carry within you will affect you and those around you. Especially if you have a lot of small grudges you’re holding onto, or some bigger ones from your childhood that you never let go of. Resentment isn’t always towards others either, it’s towards ourselves.

Sometimes we don’t even know we hold onto resentment because let’s face it: while we are busy trying to make sure our boss understands we deserve a raise, attend the gym, meet up with friends and find the wo/man of our dreams we don’t necessarily pay attention to that little nagging voice in our head. We’re too busy sorting out what’s happening in the moment to pay attention to our subconscious, but that very same subconscious we aren’t paying attention to also leads us in the moment without us realizing. So it’s time to pay attention.

After I cured RSI (repetitive strain injury) in my hands by reading Dr. John Sarno’s book about how emotions affect our body I will never again think that ignoring emotions is  good idea because it doesn’t only impact your moods and your relationship with yourself and others, it also impacts your health.

So let’s look at how to resolve resentment, shall we?

Why Do We Hold onto Resentment? 

If you really think it’s no big deal that your neighbors have an annoying habit to play music at 8:45 every Saturday when you want to sleep to 09:00, why does the resentment get lodged in your subconscious? You love your neighbors and you don’t want to create a fuss by telling them their little habit annoys you. So why is there still resentment?

And why are you still holding a grudge towards the kid that bullied you in school 20 years ago? It’s not something you think about, your life is far away from that kid now, so why is the resentment still there if someone reminds you of your childhood? You think you ended up in a good place, that life taught you things by putting you through the school of hard knocks, so why the resentment?

The truth is, it’s not just resentment we carry with us. We carry with us any emotion we experienced unless we faced it. Not wallowed in it. Not got lost in it. But faced it. Sat holding it in the palm of our hand until we’ve truly felt it, then let it go.

I tend to liken people to houses: if you keep the doors and windows open emotions flow through you and as pleasant, or unpleasant, as they may be, they don’t hurt you. The problem comes when you let something in that you try to suppress, or hold onto, because it gets stuck.

You are annoyed with the neighbors. But you don’t want to think about it, because they’re nice people. So you suppress your anger. You don’t face it and let it go, or walk over to your neighbors and kindly ask if they can move their music schedule by fifteen minutes. You just knock your feelings to the side. And chances are, if you do that with the neighbors, you do it with other stuff too. So your annoyance with the neighbors will only be one of a hundred little things bugging you that you never cared to resolve. Meaning you have a pool of resentment inside.

As for the bully from your childhood, most likely you were really upset when you were being bullied. You were hurt. You went through emotional upheaval. And you didn’t face those emotions, looking at them until they evaporated as you realized the bully had no real power over you (however real it seemed at the time). No, you engaged with the emotions. Either you felt stuck in them, or you battled them. To battle something, it needs to exist. It won’t go away. It will only be punched about.

How Resentment Affects Us

To be honest I don’t know how your resentment affects you. It may come out in snapping at your partner for a really small issue as inside there are a hundred other issues that just got triggered by that one small thing. It may come out when you’re having a bad day and your guards are down. Maybe you’ll flip on your boss, maybe you’ll yell at your kid, maybe you’ll tell your parents to bugger off because even though what they did just then was practically nothing, you’re carrying a dam of resentment within you that just exploded.

It could be that your resentment towards someone from long ago makes your react in certain ways today. For example, if you were bullied by that kid and someone does something in your life today that reminds you of that kid, you react funnily. Your resentment ends up being targeted at the person today instead of the person from yesterday.

Resentment may also be wallowed in. You could spend your time thinking about all the wrongs someone has done to you. As the story goes, the person you’re imprisoning with your thoughts is no other than yourself though. Your resentment will make you unhappy. Instead of thinking about rainbows and sunsets you’re thinking about the injustice of someone else’s actions. You’re trapping yourself in misery.

As mentioned, Sarno’s book (Healing Back Pain: The Mind Body Connection) alerted me to the fact that emotions can turn into physical pain. Sarno argues that suppressed anger causes pain as the body invents physical aches and pains to distract us from the anger. And it can be for small things. Sarno used the example of a mother who had a baby and was tired and feeling angry at the baby for screaming because she wanted to sleep. Then she felt guilty, because of course the baby couldn’t help screaming. Her brain didn’t want to deal with her anger towards her baby because she felt ashamed of it, so instead she ended up with back pain. Other times it can be anger/resentment because we feel the pressure on us to always exceed is too much, or we don’t stand up for ourselves.

Sarno says that most of us would rather face the emotions than the pain – sometimes it’s truly very small things – but we don’t because we don’t even realize what’s happening. The brain is seemingly programmed and, as I said earlier, we’re too busy with what’s just in front of us to realize what’s happening inside of us.

Letting Go of Resentment

So how do you get rid of resentment?

One way is to make a list. List anything and everything you resent in life and people, as well as in yourself. Then go through the list, item for item, and feel the resentment. For each item, close your eyes and explore exactly what you feel. Hang with the feeling till you realize it’s just a feeling. Let it evaporate.

You should also look at the resentment you feel for people in your life currently and deal with what needs to be dealt with coming from a place of love, or a place of all seeing wisdom, as opposed to emotional entanglement. Tell the people who you feel resentment for due to their actions that what they are doing is hurting/annoying you. But come from that place of rational wisdom, or love, not of resentment. It’s not about telling them about your resentment (normally anyway), but about resolving the issue; the thing that makes you resent them. You don’t have to be angry with them for their habits, you need to explain to them why you don’t accept them, or would like them to change them.

Of course, beware you don’t resent people for misunderstandings, or because of things they truly can’t help. If, on the other hand, your resentment is founded in a serious issue and things don’t change after a talk, you may need to step away. Being around people and situations that make you resent them is not healthy. Not at all.

Also, if you have trouble letting go of something someone’s done, remember that most people are like a cause and effect equation: they only do what they do because of what they’ve been through. They never learned to take charge of their emotions and act in spite of them. They’ve been slaves to the events in their lives and the thoughts resulting from them.

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How to be a Submissive Wife Wed, 08 Feb 2017 17:45:35 +0000 In this day and age, people believe that being submissive means being used and stepped all over. There is a powerful movement going on where women should be completely equal to men; and I will tell you this right here, right now: women are equal to men and should have the same treatment and equality in every aspect of life. However, there is one aspect of human nature we are forgetting about: and that’s that men are designed to be protectors and providers, while women are meant to be lovers and nurturers. It’s human nature. It doesn’t mean a woman can’t have a career or be the head of the household, but it is more common for men to do so. That leaves us with one big question: why would a woman want to be a submissive wife?

I will tell you this much: a submissive wife is, nine times out of ten, able to have a better relationship and marriage. Submissive wives give their husbands what they need emotionally and physically, and return get the same respect in terms of protection, being provided for, and of course heard and loved like no other. Granted the submissive lifestyle won’t be a good choice for all the ladies out there, and that’s perfectly okay, but if you’re curious about the submissive lifestyle or simply want to try something new to see if it works for you and your partner, you’ll want to learn how to be a submissive wife.

First things first: This does not work for abusive relationships. Although you shouldn’t subject yourself to an abusive relationship in the first place, it can be even more devastating if you choose to become more submissive to your man. An abusive man WILL take advantage of you and make you feel more of a slave than a loving girlfriend or wife. Only respectful, caring men with a good heart and mind will be able to truly appreciate a submissive wife. If you find yourself in an abusive relationship or with someone who simply doesn’t appreciate or respect you, leave them immediately- especially before trying out the submissive lifestyle.

There are a lot of reasons why one may want to be a submissive wife. Statistics show that when a woman is submissive to her husband, the divorce rate and infidelity is lowered because both partner’s needs are being met; remember, it’s not just about doing everything for your man, he will need to reciprocate the love and respect to you as well. It’s also proven that a submissive wife is more likely to ‘get her way’, without any fighting, nagging, or annoyances. Sounds like something that might work for everyone, right?

You are not a slave. Always remember: a submissive wife is NOT a slave and she is NOT being used. A submissive wife is someone who is ALWAYS respected and adored by her partner. She is not a slave and she is NOT putting down the female sex by choosing this lifestyle. If you do not want to be a part of the lifestyle, then do not put others down for choosing it. There is nothing wrong with a submissive lifestyle, if it done properly and everyone involved is receiving what they want and need. At the end of the day, if you feel like you are being treated unfairly or not right while choosing a submissive lifestyle, it is obviously best to discontinue or talk it out with your partner to get on better terms.

Now let’s talk about the how.

As with everything in life, discovering a new lifestyle or making your life better takes practice and a little bit of help. We are going to break down a few of the steps and tips and tricks to becoming a great submissive wife to your husband.

Listen to him. When your guy is having an issue at work or is frustrated with a friend, he wants to turn to you to let these feelings loose. The best thing for you to do is simply listen and hear him out. He doesn’t need you to offer up any advice- unless of course he asks for it. But at the end of the day, if he is mad about something he doesn’t want you to tell him he was wrong or what he should have or could have done. This will only make him feel worse about the situation. Say the least possible and just let him know that you are there for him with listening ears and comfort when he needs it most.

Ask him for help. Men LOVE to help their lady out. They see you as a ‘damsel in distress’ and they want to be the hero. If anything goes wrong- whether it is the car needing a tire change, the sink needing some simple fixing, or you need help getting through a recent death in the family, always look to him for help. He will love feeling like a big, strong man- perhaps even a hero- to his lovely little lady. I’m sure there are more than enough things you CAN do on your own, but what’s wrong with giving your hubby an ego boost and letting him feel like a million bucks while you sit back and watch?

Let him be the provider. If his job can be enough financial stability for the two of you, then let him be the provider. Men thrive on being able to provide for their families, and you allowing him to be the provider will make him feel like a big man again- and maybe even your hero, again. Of course this won’t always work for all family situations, but if he has the means to provide, then let him provide for you. That’s his dream, whether he wants to admit it or not.

Don’t nag. Nagging is not feminine, it is not enjoyable, and is probably the worst way to try and get what you want. I mean, lets face it ladies: nobody likes to be nagged and a husband feels annoyed and terrible when his wife is nagging him about something. He is less likely to do it after he has been nagged or yelled at. You need to come at him in a more feminine manner, and make it seem like you need him to do this for you. You need to make ti seem like you’re his little lady and you need him to fix something. So instead of yelling and nagging, try asking him as sweetly as possible. Rub your hand through his hair or caress his cheek. Finish off your request with a kiss on the lips or cheek. Come at him in a feminine way and he WILL respond. If all else fails, you can also shed a couple of tears so he feels he HAS to do it to make you feel better. He won’t mind at all- as long as it makes you happy!

Attend to him. Once again- this isn’t you being a slave or becoming any less equal to him. Remember: being submissive should be respectful and great for everyone involved. That being said, your man is attending to all of your needs. When you ask for something, he obliges. When you need him to be your hero, he is happy to do so. He works hard all day every day to provide, and has vowed to protect you in every situation imaginable. The least you could do is attend to his needs and wishes when he asks. When he wants something simple like a beer out of the fridge or for his pants to be washed for work tomorrow, simply say ‘Okay, honey’. There’s no need to tell him to do it himself or simply tell him ‘no’. Attend to HIS needs, and he will be more than happy to attend to YOURS as well. It goes both ways, ladies!

Look nice for him. You are always beautiful to him, whether you’re in your sweat pants and loose t-shirt or that sexy little black dress and heels. But you need to make sure you are keeping up with yourself so he doesn’t lose interest. It may sound a little bit shallow, but that’s how most men are. I’m not saying you need to curl your hair and walk around in high heels and a sexy outfit all day every day, but keep up with yourself. Make sure your hair isn’t an absolute wreck, your eyebrows are done, and your face is freshly washed and moisturized. Try to keep up with your body as best you can. Take pride in yourself and he will be grateful. And when it comes to date night? Really shake things up to make sure all eyes are on you for the entire night. He will certainly enjoy that.

Keep the house cleaned. If you’re not working, then your job is to take care of your home (and children if you have them). While your husband is at work making money to provide for you, make sure he is coming home to a nice, organized home. And if you’re really in the mood to make him overjoyed and appreciative of you, toss in some dinner and dessert. He will love coming home to his beautiful wife, a lovely home, and a delicious meal that’s sure to satisfy his cravings.

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a submissive wife. In fact, it can be a huge game changer for you and your husband as you see the both of you reaching new levels of happiness and respect towards on another.

Are you a submissive wife? How do you like it?

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14 Signs He’s Just Not That Into You Fri, 03 Feb 2017 18:38:54 +0000 When you really like a guy and you’re dying to take it to the next level with him, it can be hard to feel optimistic when he is sending you tell-tale signs that he really isn’t that into you. After all, when a guy IS in fact interested in you, you will definitely know it. But if he isn’t? You can rest assured he will be doing any of these 14 signs he’s just not that into you.

He Never Texts/Calls First

If you’re always the one having to send the first text message or making the phone calls (which he probably only answers half the time- if that), then he definitely isn’t interested in you. Trust me- when a guy likes you, he will be dying to talk to you as much as he can, and won’t be afraid to make the first move because he actually wants to know more about you and find out how you’re doing.

His Replies are Short

We all know those texts: You send: ‘Hey, what’s up?’ and they respond: ‘Nm’. It is probably one of the most annoying things ever, isn’t it? I mean, here you are trying to start a conversation and they don’t even have the decency to even try and continue the convo. If you’re getting super short replies every single time you guys talk, then he isn’t engaging with you and he’s definitely not into you. Granted some guys don’t like to text, but even those who despise texting will give it their best effort for the girl they like.

He Doesn’t Ask About You

When you like someone, you want to get to know them, right? Well, if a man isn’t bothering to ask anything about you- whether it’s your favorite movie, how your day was, or how you’re enjoying you’re new job- then he certainly isn’t interested in you, in fact he doesn’t even care whatsoever.

He Doesn’t Open Up

So you don’t really know anything about him and he isn’t willing to share much detail about him or his life; what can you make of that? While there is a small bunch of people who have trouble sharing anything and like to keep almost everything a secret, the majority of individuals are willing to share with the one they like. So if you find yourself completely oblivious to who he is and what his life is all about, he isn’t sharing for a reason- he isn’t interested enough to share it with you.

You Hardly Talk

As mentioned before, it is only natural to want to talk to the person you like 24/7. You want to bond with them, learn about them, and simply enjoy their company whether it’s true a text message or a phone call. But he barely talks to you? He never calls? It could take hours before he replies to the smallest text? Um, yeah. Sorry, girls, but that simply shows a lack of interest on a very big level.

He Never Has Time to Hang Out

Everyone is busy in their lives, but everyone will make time in their busy schedules to see the one they like. If he is always busy and takes days or even weeks to set up a date or even simply a hang out time with you, then he’s simply not interested in you and doesn’t even want to be around you.

He Flirts with Everyone

Ever notice that the man you have your eye on is constantly flirting with everyone? And he even flirts with other women in front of you? Ladies, if a man is truly interested in you he is NOT going to spend any of his time or attention on another woman, especially in front of you where you can see it! Any man that’s flirting around openly, not caring what you think or how it makes you feel, is definitely not interested.

He Doesn’t Get Jealous

Everyone gets jealous when they see the person they like flirting or checking out someone else; it’s only natural. But if you notice that the guy you like could care less if you made out with another man in front of him, well, I hate to tell you but he simply doesn’t care. He isn’t interested in you, and therefore it doesn’t bother him if you get intimate or just simply flirt with other men in front of him.

He Doesn’t Introduce You to Friends or Family Members

The only reason why a man won’t introduce you to his friends or family members is simply this: he is not serious about you. At all. He doesn’t want to invest in a deep relationship with you. I mean, don’t expect him to do this right away; but if you’ve been waiting for months and nothing has happened, then you need to let him go and find someone who wants to get serious and have you around the people he loves the most.

He Talks About Other Women

If this isn’t a sure fire sign he is not interested in you, then I don’t know what it is. Think about it: why on earth would a man that likes you bring up other women he likes? That’s just ridiculous, and it is something that just plain doesn’t happen. If you hear him talk about other girls in front of you and hear him even say he likes one of them, he is DEFINITELY not interested in you, and you need to ditch that crush right away.

He’s Constantly Texting/Messaging Other Women

There is nothing more annoying than someone on their phone when you’re around them, especially when they take forever to respond to you. If he’s busy messaging other girls the entire time you guys hang out, it’s a sure sign he’s not interested.

He Only Wants Sex

Forget about any emotional attachment; the second you guys are together he is trying to make a move, and if you don’t respond the way he wants, he most likely ends the date early. Yeah, this guy isn’t interested in who you are, only what you have underneath your clothing.

But He Doesn’t Touch You in Public

This kind of man doesn’t want anyone to know he’s ‘with’ you, because he wants to make sure all the girls around knows he is single and ready to mingle. If he is distant with you in public and avoids any kind of PDA, then he’s looking for someone else.

You Just Know

Sometimes your intuition can just tell you he isn’t interested in you. Perhaps it is the way he talks to you, how his body language is, or some other hint that gives it away. If you’re feeling like he isn’t interested in you, talk to him about it or simply move on to find someone who truly engages in you and wants to go for something serious and long-lasting; you deserve it!

Ladies, have you ever been with a guy who just wasn’t interested in you? How did you know he wasn’t interested? Share your stories with us!

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14 Signs Your Guy Means It When He Says “I Love You” Tue, 24 Jan 2017 03:25:20 +0000 There is truly nothing more special in this world than love. It’s an intense, divine feeling that gives us warmth in our hearts, but chills down our spine. Seeing the person you love is like seeing an angel straight from heaven, while hearing those three little words ‘I love you’ makes us stop dead in our tracks, melting in an instant. Love can be complicated though, too, especially when someone says it but doesn’t truly mean it. So how can you tell if a guy really means it when he tells you those three special words? We’re going to dive into the world of love and expose all of the signs that your guy really means it when he says ‘I love you’.

Three Reasons He Might be Faking

It’s unfortunate, but sometimes men (and women too!) say ‘I love you’ without really meaning it. It’s a shame and truly something that messes with the heart on the other end, but to help reduce the risks of being played into a fake love, we are going to give you the three top reasons a man might say ‘I love you’ without meaning it.

He Wants to Get Into Your Pants

It’s unfortunate, but almost every man on planet earth knows that a woman is an emotional creature that is more likely to ‘give it up’ if she feels a man is in love with her. A lot of men use this ‘trick’ on women to get them into bed, then afterwards they’re up and leaving. It’s important to notice when a man is just saying ‘I love you’ to sleep with you- it’s pretty obvious if he does it while you guys are heating things up or when he’s obviously turned on and touching you every which way.

He Feels Forced to Say It

When a woman is in love with a man, she obviously wants him to know and is dying for him to reciprocate the answer. That being said, a woman in love will probably tell this guy over and over again just how much she loves him, just waiting for him to say it back to her. If you’re bugging him constantly about the ‘L’ word and he finally says it back begrudgingly, he most likely felt he HAD to say it just to get you to be happy. Does he mean it? Probably not.

Fourteen Reasons He is Being Real

Of course not all men say ‘I love you’ because they want some sex or feel they have to do so; so how can you tell when a guy is being genuine? There’s fourteen simple ways to tell whether or not he is the real deal and his love is pure.

Says it First

The majority of men don’t like to say ‘I love you’ first. It may be that they are scared, they don’t want to come across as needy, they are afraid of rejection, or simply their ego doesn’t want them to be the one being all emotional. Some men are even afraid of being in love period. All of these things make it hard for a man to finally say the big ‘L’ word, so if your guy is the first one to say it, you can rest assured he is probably being genuine with his feelings; especially if he doesn’t do it before or after intercourse.

Sounds Genuine

With some people you can just tell when their being genuine. Perhaps they have a certain way of saying something they truly mean, or their body language says it all. When he finally tells you he loves you, pay very close attention to how genuine he is actually appearing. Pay attention to his body language from head to toe and really get a good look at him when he says it.

Looks Deep Into Your Eyes

One quick and easy way to judge a man’s authenticity when he tells you he loves you is to notice where his eyes are. Is he looking at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact altogether? He could either be really, really nervous or simply not mean it at all. But nine times out of ten, when a man is truly in love and ready to say the words, he will look deep into the eye’s of his woman to ensure he has her full attention when he tells her such an important thing. So when the time comes for ‘I love you’, make sure his eyes are locked on you. His eyes should be as if they are looking deep into your soul, telling every inch of your body that the love is meaningful and true.

Says it Randomly

A guy that is in love won’t have to be prompted to say ‘I love you’, and once they get comfortable saying it, they will want to say it all the time. His love will happen at random when you are least expecting it, because he wants you to know he is being for real and he wants to make you smile as much as he possibly can. And he absolutely won’t leave the love to only ‘I love you too’s when you guys are talking.

Holds You Close

Men that are truly in love with their lady want to hold them close all the time; not just when you guys are getting ready to kiss or watching a movie, but all the time. It’s only natural! I mean think about it: when you truly love something or someone, you want it next to you all the time and you just want to feel close; that is exactly how a guy feels when he falls in love with a woman. They simply can’t get enough of their touch, and after an embrace, it is hard for them to let go.

Talks About the Future With You

Let’s just be brutally honest right now: a guy that is not one hundred percent serious about you and is absolutely not in love with you will not talk about the future with you! They don’t want a future with you and they are still holding out for the woman of their dreams to finally make a solid commitment to. So, if your guy is talking about the future- whether it’s the kind of house you two want or a vacation you should take during the summertime, take that as a big indication he is truly in love with you and wants you to stick around for a very long time.

Kisses You Passionately

There’s a big difference between a peck on the lips and a passionate kiss, and an ‘I love you’ should only be ended with a long, passionate kiss, where the love is being strewn up and down your spine as your tongues press against each other in a remarkable way. It’s the kiss where you can almost see fireworks, the one that melts your entire being. That’s the passionate ‘I love you’ kiss you will only receive from a man that is truly in love with you.

Makes You Feel Special

So you want to watch a terrible chick flick and he obviously would rather watch grass grow? But yet he watches it anyways? It must be love. So your back kind of hurts, but you don’t want to go get a massage? He will massage it for you. So he sends you an adorable text message just to light up your day when you are halfway through work? These are all things a man will do for his woman that he truly loves with all of his heart.

Is Jealous

Men AND women get jealous when they are in love. If your boyfriend doesn’t care that a guy is flirting with you or that he may have noticed you eye-balling that cutie across the room, then he probably doesn’t care about you at all. Jealousy just goes hand-in-hand with being in love; it sucks, but is certainly is true!

He Loves to Be Close to You

Don’t be surprised if a man that says ‘I love you’ wants to see you almost every day of the week; I mean, why wouldn’t he? The two of you are in love and being apart is almost treacherous. Yes, some personal space is okay, but for the most part the two of you want to be together all the time. You want to go on dates, make dinners together, or simply just sit at home snuggling watching a movie. The point is: you guys want to be close all the time.

Smiles Genuinely At You

You know that big smile a guy does when he is staring into your eyes like you’re the most beautiful woman in the world? Yup, that is the smile of a man who is smitten.

Does Special Things for You

Men love to surprise and spoil the women that they love, whether it’s a little ‘I love you’ poem on the fridge before he leaves for work, or a gorgeous diamond necklace on Valentine’s Day. The big things AND the little things are all part of the package, and you’ll get both if a man is really in love with you.

He Brags About You

A man that is seriously in love will also want everyone around him to feel super jealous of his wonderful woman, so if you’re overhearing him bragging nonstop about you, he probably loves you.

You Just Know

Sometimes the best way to know if something is genuine or fake is to use your own judgment. We all have intuitions, and if yours is telling you that he is really in love with you, you may be right. On the other hand, if everything just seems ‘off’ and ‘not real’, then pay close attention to him and figure out what the truth really is. Either way you need to follow your heart.

How do you think a man acts when he is really in love? What are some of the signs? Share with us your thoughts and stories below!

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7 Things A Man Only Does If He’s Serious About You Thu, 19 Jan 2017 19:03:50 +0000 When it comes to the dating game, things can be a little bit confusing; and despite what some people may say, reading a man isn’t always as easy as it seems. If you’ve been dating a guy for a couple of weeks or even months, you’re probably wondering whether or not he’s really serious about you, or if the two of you are just simply ‘dating’ and hanging out. Well, to put your mind at ease we’ve come up with a must-know list of the 7 things a man only does if he’s serious about you.

He is Genuinely Interested in You

We’re not just talking about skin-deep issues; he actually cares and is interested in you and what happens in your life. A guy that’s not serious about you won’t ask you about that interview you just had or how things are going with your aunt in the hospital; he will only ask you about your day or other artificial things such as that. If he is asking you deep questions about you and your life, and actually remembers the things you tell him, it’s a sure sign he is actually serious about you.

Text/Call Responses

A man that is serious will tell his woman why he took so long to reply, just so she doesn’t get upset or curious about what he is doing. On the other hand, he will also be upset if YOU are the one that takes forever to reply to a text or call without a reason. I’m not saying you have to reply in 10 seconds or he will be mad; I’m saying if you were stuck doing something for 3 hours and he gets a little upset, that’s a good sign. Reassure him you were doing _____ and continue with the conversation.

You’re Automatically His Plus One

There’s an event or occasion coming up- is it assumed you will be his date, or not? If he always turns to you to be his plus one in any given situation, he is serious about you and doesn’t even want to think about making another lady his date for the evening.

He Asks Your Permission

Okay, he doesn’t necessarily ask for permission– he is a human being and allowed to do what he pleases (you don’t control him). But if he lets you in on what he is doing and checks to see if you will be okay with it, then he wants to know your opinion and actually values what you have to say- that’s a clear sign he’s into you on a serious level.

He Introduces You to Friends and Family

Point blank: if a guy is not SERIOUS, he will NOT introduce you to his friends- and especially not his family! But if you’ve got an invite to the cousin’s party, you’re there for football night with the guys, or you’re even on a texting relationship with his mother, this is an absolutely huge sign he is serious and wants to show you off to everyone.

He Brags About You

Guys like to brag about their woman; unless of course they don’t think she is the real deal. When a man is serious he’s going to be telling the whole world that he has the prettiest woman on the planet and isn’t afraid to show it. In fact, his friends and family may get sick of him bragging about you so much. But you don’t mind that, do you?

He Wants to Cuddle

Well, here we are. Now we’re talking about the more intimate side of the relationship, and it’s probably the one that will give you the biggest hint. When the two of you are done ‘doing the deed’, does he suddenly have to leave? Or does he stick around to watch a movie with you and cuddle with you in his arms? A man that’s just there for a quickie won’t want to cuddle, but the man who is serious about his woman will want to be there even after the ‘fun’ is over.

Hopefully whatever man you’re dealing with shows these 7 signs that a man is really serious about you. If not? Maybe it is time to have a deep conversation with him!

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What To Do When Your Man Starts Taking You For Granted Tue, 06 Sep 2016 19:07:12 +0000 Relationships are definitely difficult, and there’s plenty of problems that can arrise. But one thing you should never settle for is being taken for granted. That’s one of the worst feelings in the world, and nobody should ever feel that way from their partner. Fix this situation with one of these 11 things to do when your man starts taking you for granted.


1. Make Yourself Busy

If he is taking you for granted, you need to start worrying less about him and focus more on yourself. That being said, pursue your passions! Go out and do something nice for yourself, like getting your nails done or your hair done. Take up that dance class or art class. Do things for YOURSELF and keep yourself as busy as possible.

2. Forget About His Birthday

His big day is coming up, and maybe BEFORE you had big plans to make him feel special. But why should you go out of your way to make him feel great when he’s making you feel so insignificant? Forget about his birthday. He will be mad, but maybe this is what you need to do to show him he doesn’t deserve anything special until he starts treating you right.

3. Hang Out with Your Gal Pals More

So he didn’t make plans for the two of you this weekend- who cares! Go hang out with your girlfriends and have an absolute blast. When he calls you last minute to hang out on Saturday night, simply let him know you’ve already made plans with your gals.


4. Cancel on Him

If he is always expecting you to make time for him when he wants to do something last minute, then you need to CANCEL on HIM. Let him know you’re not just waiting around for him when he snaps his fingers and expects you to show. Let him know you’ve got a life of your own and you’re not going to be taken for granted and then be expected to show up on every date. YOU call the shots!

5. Hang Out with Your Guy Pals

Your boyfriend won’t take you somewhere you want to go? He’s not giving you the attention and affection you deserve? I’m sure there’s a few guy friends of yours that would love to take you out and make you the center of attention. Make it an innocent hangout with a guy friend, and let your guy know why you’ve decided to hang out with him instead. This is a surefire way to let him know you’re tired of being taken for granted and he can either step up or let another man do the job.

6. Don’t Tell Him Everything

Maybe you just got a new promotion- DON’T TELL HIM. Let it come into the conversation casually a few days later. He will be surprised when you tell him, but you can just let him know that he didn’t seem too interested so you didn’t think it would matter much anyways.


7. Don’t Put Out

Ladies, if he is taking you for granted, absolutely do not put out! He doesn’t deserve to explore your mind, body, and soul, unless he is treating you the way you deserve to be treated- hands down.

8. Make Him Make the First Move

He is probably used to YOU making all the moves, whether it is in private or in public. If you’re always reaching for his hand to hold when the two of you go out, DON’T. Let him hold YOUR hand. When you’re hanging on the couch watching a movie, make him kiss YOU first. Don’t do anything to him and he will get the hint real fast that he needs to step it up.

9. Go on a Trip By Yourself

Before, you may have wanted to go on a trip with your boyfriend. But your boyfriend simply isn’t treating you right, and you need a break. You need to focus on yourself and pamper yourself. So go ahead and take a trip by yourself. He will be shocked that he wasn’t invited, but you can let him know exactly why he won’t be accompanying you on this little vacation.


10. Talk To Him

The best way to get through to someone and solve an issue is to TALK TO THEM. They may NEVER know what they’re doing wrong unless you speak up! Have a deep, heart to heart conversation with your man and see if the two of you can come to a conclusion about what needs to be changed and fixed. He may be very apologetic and completely unaware, and fix the way he is treating you immediately.

11. Dump Him

You know what? If all else fails, you need to dump him! Don’t waste your time with someone who is taking you for granted when you can be with someone who treats you like a precious jewel.

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What Does it Feel Like to be in Love? Fri, 12 Aug 2016 21:24:52 +0000 Love is undoubtedly one of the most powerful emotions in the world. It can cause us to feel so many different wonderful things, but if you’re not truly in love, you may not know what the difference is. That being said, what does it feel like to ACTUALLY be in love? We’ve come up with a list of 15 things you will definitely feel when you’re in the midst of being truly, madly in love with somebody.


  1. You Think About Their Happiness More Than Your Own

It’s hard to imagine, but it’s true. All of the sudden you want to make them happy more than anything else in the world. Their happiness becomes more important than your own, so you’re willing to compromise or go above and beyond just to see them smile.

  1. You’re Completely, One Hundred Percent Comfortable with Them

When you’re in love with someone, you get to this point where you feel absolutely comfortable with them. They can see you at 2 o’clock in the morning with your face mask on and your silly bunny pajama onesie and you’re not embarrassed. You can tell them literally anything and they won’t judge you for it. The two of you can talk about anything and there’s never a dull moment, even when you’re just hanging out watching tv together.

  1. You Don’t Judge Them

It really doesn’t matter what they say or what they do (unless it’s something serious, like drugs or something along those lines). You accept them for who they are. You understand that their past is in the past, and you’re both in the present. You understand that there’s some embarrassing things that will happen during the relationship, and that’s okay. You trust him; he trusts you; and you simply don’t judge him- and that’s that.

  1. You Like to Look Your Best for Them- Even Though You Don’t Have To

He loves you. He doesn’t care if you do your hair or your makeup to go over to his house or go out on a date, but you do it anyways. Why? Because YOU want to look your best for him. You want to see his eyes light up when he sees you. You want to show him that you’re getting all dolled up for his eyes, and his eyes only- not anyone else. That being said, you enjoy getting dressed up for your man- EVEN THOUGH you know you don’t HAVE to.

  1. You Love Their Quirks

This is a BIG one. Everyone has their quirks, right? And if you’re not in love with someone, they may be annoying or get on your nerves. But when you love someone? YOU LOVE THEIR QUIRKS. As hard as it is to understand, for some reason the quirkiest things they do become the cutest little things you can’t get enough of.


  1. You Want to Be Around Them All the Time

You love their company. It really doesn’t matter what the two of you are doing. I mean, you could be taking a trip to Paris for the week and going to all the little cafes and restaurants and dancing till the sun comes up, or you could simply be watching (yet another) football game on the couch with a beer. All you want to do is be in his presence, because that’s your favorite place to be. It makes you happy and it feels like home.

  1. You Don’t Even THINK About Cheating

Okay, listen- you are human, and you’re certainly going to find other people attractive; that’s only normal. The difference is, you don’t lust for anyone else. You don’t want them. Yes, they may be handsome, but that’s as far as your mind goes. You don’t think about pursuing them in any way, shape, or form. As aforementioned- cheating does not even cross your mind, not even once.

  1. They Give You Confidence and Reassurance

There is something about being in love that gives you this great sense of confidence. Your partner makes you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, and that you can do anything you set your mind to. Such a beautiful feeling.

  1. You Dream of the Future With Them

This is the love of your life, so of course you are going to dream about the future with them! You will probably think about living together someday, maybe plan your wedding in your head years before it actually happens, and you may even think about how your kids will look. But seriously, you want a future with him and this future together excites you.

  1. You Never Want to Lose Them

Of course you don’t want to lose him. He’s your love, and he’s your world. You couldn’t imagine a day without him by your side! Even during the stupidest fights, you don’t want to break up. You want to work through any problem because deep down in your heart you never want to lose them.


  1. They Make You Happy Nonstop

You will certainly find yourself smiling throughout the day, with this undeniable happiness that fills your entire body and soul. It’s such an amazing feeling and you can’t help but feel all giddy day in and day out- thanks to them, of course!

  1. You Worry About Them

He’s starting a new job? You’re probably worried and nervous for him. He’s not answering your phone calls? You’re probably worried something may have happened. He’s not feeling well? You’re probably worried and want to take care of him. Needless to say, you worry about him and feel the nervousness and stresses he feels too.

  1. Feeling at Peace with Them

There is a sense of undeniable peace with him. As you’re lying in his arms, you feel comfortable, you feel happy, and your entire body and mind are at peace. You are in love.

  1. Wanting to Show Off Your Love to Others

You may be annoying your friends and family, but you just can’t help but talk about him all the time! You’re madly in love with him and you want to share your love and how wonderful your man is. You’re probably flooding social media with lovey-dovey pictures because you just can’t keep it inside any longer. Hey, with a love so amazing like that, why would you want to keep it a secret from the world? (And let’s not even BEGIN to mention the crazy PDA coming from you two- hugs, kisses, and hand holding everywhere you go!)

  1. Excited to See Them

It could be a quick lunch together in between school or work, and you’re still so excited to see him. Your heart races every time you’re about to get together, whether it’s big or small. You look forward to the next time you are going to see him, the second the two of you are apart. Needless to say, you’re quite frankly addicted to his company and can’t stand to be apart from him!


Ladies, if he is giving you butterflies just by smiling at you, you can’t wait to see him, you feel absolutely happy and comfortable with him, then you’re in love. What do you think? What are some other ways you feel when you’re in love?


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Never Settle for Less in a Relationship Fri, 22 Jul 2016 04:16:35 +0000 Relationships can be incredibly difficult, that’s for sure. But what if you are settling for LESS in a relationship? This is a hardship many of us have gone through at least once in our lives, but we should know how to deal with it and stop it from happening again. These 6 simple tips and tricks will help you to realize when you’re settling for less in a relationship and what to do about it.


1 Know Your Worth

One of the best pieces of advice anyone will ever give you in life is to know your worth, because if you don’t nobody else will know either and they will think they can treat you however they want. Knowing your worth will allow you to decide what kinds of things you will put up with- and what things you won’t. This will help you to never settle for less in a relationship, because you will be sticking to your guns. Knowing your worth means having confidence in yourself, which will also help you in other areas of your life as well. If you don’t yet have confidence, there’s many ways to can achieve this: start by simply pointing out the GOOD qualities about yourself, and write them down on a piece of paper by your mirror. You will notice all of the new qualities being added to your list and realize how amazing you are. Buy clothes that fit you well, and take care of your body by eating healthy and exercising. Hang out with your friends and do well in work or school. Confidence is not something you’re born with, but learned- so teach yourself and reap the astounding benefits.

2 Know What You Want

Okay, so you know your worth; but do you know what you WANT? This may sound like a somewhat silly question, but if you go out into the dating world and don’t know exactly what you are looking for, you may end up with someone you’re not truly happy with- otherwise known as, ‘settling for less’. Before you even THINK about finding someone to be your potential boyfriend, you need to assess what you want. Make a list and be positive about everything you want out of a man, from his looks to his personality, his goals to his behavior- and everything in between. But don’t stop there! You also need to make a list of what you want out of the relationship. Are you expecting a full commitment that may one day lead to marriage? Are you looking for something a little bit more casual? Will you expect certain things from him? These are all imperative questions you need to know before you start seeing someone, that way you will know right off the bat if you are settling for less or not.


3 Don’t Fear Being Alone

This is probably the best piece of advice you will ever get from anyone on this planet! How many of us know a girl who stays in a bad relationship because she’s simply afraid of being alone? (Well, men do this too..) Do you know how awful that is? Yes, I know all too well how frightening the thought of being alone is- it sucks. But in the long run, you will be much happier being with someone who deserves you than simply settling for less because you don’t want to be by yourself. So ladies, I say once more, don’t be afraid of being alone. You will survive. It may be hard at first, but you will reap the benefits later on. Have a good support system around you- friends, family, ice cream- and you will feel better about your decision in no time.

4 Don’t Get Accustomed

After months and months and years and years of dating someone, you can get ‘used’ to them. You can get ‘used’ to the way they treat you, and because you’re so accustomed to it, you don’t even notice that you are settling for less. Don’t be that girl! Don’t be the girl that accepts things she should not simply because she is used to them. If you don’t feel something is right, then don’t settle! If your friends and family mention things to you that you’ve become accustomed to, do a fact check and make sure you aren’t allowing things just because you are comfortable. Again, this is where knowing your worth and knowing what you want comes into handy. When you have those two things, you’re less likely to become accustomed to something because you won’t allow it from the very beginning.

5 Have Goals for Yourself

When you have goals for yourself, you become very focused on them. Being focused on goals of your own will ensure you don’t get sidetracked by any guy that may come your way. Having this type of focus will make you feel more confident in yourself, which is imperative in never settling for less. And remember, whatever guy you end up should back you on all of your goals and help you achieve them. And if he doesn’t? Well, girlfriend, I hate to tell you but that would definitely mean that you are settling for less than you deserve.


6 Don’t Stick Around for the Wrong Reasons

Here’s another thing most of us have done at least once in our lives: sticking around for the wrong reasons. Maybe he is incredibly good-looking, or maybe you don’t want to lose a boyfriend so close to prom night. Maybe the sex is really great, or her has a lot of money. I’m telling you girls, don’t stick around for the wrong reasons if it is less than you deserve. Know when you are settling with someone for a bad reason, and move on. You will be much happier in the long run being with someone else, because eventually the thing you’re sticking around for won’t make you happy enough anymore- or maybe it will disappear completely. basically- it’s not worth it!!

Have you ever settled for less in a relationship? What was the outcome?

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50 Love Quotes for Him from the Heart Fri, 08 Jul 2016 20:42:14 +0000 Falling in love is such a beautiful thing, and when you love a man you want to share your feelings with him. These 50 love quotes for him will undoubtedly tell him how much you care for him, all while making him smile like he has never smiled before.


1 You found parts of me I didn’t know existed and in you I found a love I no longer believed was real.

Such a lovely quote for those amazing relationships that seem more like fairytales brought to life.

2 I take you to be my best friend, my faithful partner, and my one true love. I promise to encourage you and inspire you, and to love you truly through good times and bad. I will forever be there to laugh with you, lift you up when you are down, and to love you unconditionally through all of our adventures in life together.

Everything about this is so sweet; absolutely adore it!

3 I can’t wait until I can roll over at 2 A.M. to find your lips instead of a text.

Because that would be just so amazing, right? To fall asleep next to your one true love!

4 Your arms feel more like home than any house ever did.

Now that’s just simply unbelievably sweet.

5 I love you enough to fight for you, compromise for you, and sacrifice myself for you if need be. Enough to miss you incredibly when we’re apart, no matter what length of time it is for and regardless of the long distance. Enough to believe in our relationship, to stand by it through the worst of times, to have faith in our strength as a couple, and to never give up on us. Enough to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when you need or want me, and never ever want to leave you, or to live without you. I love you this much.

Wow, all we can say is WOW.

6 I love my eyes when you look into them. I love my name when you say it. I love my heart when you touch it. I love my life when you are in it.

This is just downright adorable.

7 Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember, oh I put up with you too. So we’re even.

This is a funnier one for those couples who love to be silly sometimes.

8 Just keep loving me, and I will keep loving you. The rest will fall in place.

Oh, so true, and so beautiful!

9 I still get butterflies even though I’ve seen you a hundred times.

And that’s how you know you’re madly in love!


10 I need you. Because you make me laugh more than anyone else, and I’m the best me when I’m with you. And because when you’re gone, nothing feels right until you return.

Now that is certainly love, ladies.

11 I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn’t love myself.

Something so powerful, isn’t it?

12 I love you for all that you are, all that you have been, and all you’re yet to be,

I love this because it shows you love AND accept them for who they are, the good and the bad, the past the present and the future.

13 I knew the second I met you that there was something about you I needed. Turns out it wasn’t something about you at all. It was just you. –Jamie McGuire

This is just so cute!

14 I am amazed when I look at you. Not just because of your looks, but because of the fact that everything I’ve ever wanted is right in front of me.

Such a deep statement that proves you love everything about them, not just their looks (although you love those too!).

15 I didn’t plan on falling in love with you, and I doubt if you planned on falling in love with me. But once we met, it was clear that neither of us could control what was happening to us. –The Notebook

Of course a quote from ‘The Notebook’ is going to be a hit in the lovey-dovey world; love this quote!

16 Some people search their whole lives to find what I found in you.

A partner, a best friend, a soul mate. If you found yours, hold on to them tight and let them know with this love quote for him.

17 I feel like you’re so much more than just my boyfriend. You’re the one person I need to talk to when I’ve had a bad day, the one person I can rely on not to judge me. You’re my rock, my sweetheart, my best friend. To call you just my boyfriend, would hardly give you justice.

Because he is so much more than just a boyfriend, right? Let him know!

18 I don’t want anyone else to have your heart, kiss your lips, or be in your arms because that’s only my place.

Thinking about it any other way is just a killer too!

19 Every morning I want to remind you that you are the man of my dreams and the love of my life. Good morning, handsome!

Love doesn’t quit in the morning; share your feelings and make his day brighter with this cute quote.

20 Let’s make this lovely journey last for a lifetime, do not ever let me go, I am yours as long as you want me to.

And hopefully that lasts forever!

21 Maybe I’m scared because you mean more to me than any other person. You are everything I think about, everything I need, everything I want.

Love can be scary, can’t it!?

22 I didn’t fall for you, you tripped..

Another silly love quote that’s sure to make him feel special and loved while laughing a little bit.

23 I may not be your first love, first kiss, first sight, or first date, but I just want to be your last everything.

This is so sweet because although we may have been with other people in the past, we don’t want to be with ANYONE else now.

24 I just want to thank you for being the reason to look forward to the next day.

If this doesn’t make him smile from ear to ear, I don’t know what will!

25 So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. Forever. You and me, everyday. –The Notebook

Of course another ‘The Notebook’ quote, because that movie has love written all over it from start to end.

26 I am willing to risk the cooties if you are.

So cute, and something that will bring you back to your younger days when you were afraid of cooties- but he is worth it, isn’t he? This one will make him chuckle.

27 You have this incredible way of making my heart happy.

Because he really does, doesn’t he? Every time you think about him or talk to him or see him, you’re instantly happy. That is true love right there.

28 I just want to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat.

There’s something so magical about this quote. No words to be said. All you want to do is be in his arms, with silence, enjoying his presence and nothing else. Simply beautiful!

29 You will forever be my always.

Sometimes the shortest comments are the sweetest, and this love quote for him proves it. This is such a powerful few words that will make him feel undeniably special.


30 Thank God someone threw me away so you could pick me up and love me.

If he has totally put your heart back together after it was broken, he should know the immense power he has and just how much his love means to you.

31 And suddenly, all the love songs were about you.

This is adorable! We all know those corny love songs, and if he’s the one that pops up into your head every time you hear one, he deserves to know- because how cute is that!?

32 I will never forget the moment I realized I loved you.

Be prepared- this quote will probably make you talk about WHEN and WHERE; but I’m sure you don’t mind speaking about your love with your special someone.

33 What I have with you, I don’t want with anyone else.

If you feel like you’re in love and your love is perfect (or as close as it could be to perfect), why would you want it with anyone else? He will love this simple quote.

34 You are the poem I never knew how to write, and this life is the story I have always wanted to tell. –Tyler Knott Gregson

If he makes you feel this way, you need to send him this quote.

35 Since you’ve walked into my life now I see why it didn’t work out with anyone else.

See? There was a reason for all those messy breakups and heartaches; they weren’t the ones for you. But this guy certainly is!

36 Good morning handsome, I love you babe.

Good morning love messages are always the sweetest, and something simple like this can really brighten up his whole day.

37 I choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over and over. Without paused. Without a doubt. In a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.

Love means falling in love with someone over and over again, and this tells him you will always choose him no matter what.

38 I love you unconditionally until my last breath.

So short, but SO deep. This is a stunning quote.

39 I won’t give up on us.

No matter what, you won’t give up. Let him know so he knows just how much this means to you.


40 I will never stop trying, because when you find the one you never give up.

This is so true, and he will definitely want to hear this from his lady.

41 I realized I was thinking of you, and I began to wonder how long you’d been on my mind. Then it occurred to me: Since I met you, you’ve never left.

Aww, now how ridiculously adorable is this love quote? Love this!

42 You have no idea how important you are to me, and I have no idea how to explain it to you.

Sometimes words just aren’t enough!

43 I got lost in him, and it’s the kind of lost that’s exactly like being found. –Claire LaZebnik

Such a crazy feeling, but it sure is a good one.

44 Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like.

Oh those magical butterflies, don’t you love them?

45 The happiest I’ve ever felt was that moment I discovered you loved me too.

When you feel loved by your one true love, it’s truly something indescribable.

46 Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

Sometimes we don’t even see it coming, but it’s amazing when it does.

47 You stole my heart, but I’ll let you keep it.

Kind of a silly quote, but it will definitely make him smile and feel loved.

48 My name sounds even cuter with your last name added to it.

Trying to hint at marriage? Recently engaged? Recently married? Then this is the love quote for you!

49 The first time I met you it wasn’t love at first sight. My love for you formed gradually, your personality, your voice, your hair, your eyes, your humor, the way you looked away and smiled, gradually it all came clear to me you were exactly what I was looking for.

Because you truly love everything about him, right?

50 You make me happy in a way no one else can.

It’s magical, truly.

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How to Flirt With a Guy at Work Thu, 12 May 2016 23:24:53 +0000 When you’re busy at work and a cutie suddenly catches your eye, you probably go into  shock-survival mode: “Oh my gosh, who is this new guy?” followed by “I need to make my move before my co-workers get to him!” I mean, let’s be real ladies, if there’s multiple single employees and a handsome fella joins the team, we’re all in close quarters and want to find out more about that new guy. Here’s 10 ways to flirt with a guy at work so YOU can catch that new cutie.


  1. Dress to Impress

I’m not saying pull out the skimpiest outfit in your wardrobe and wear it to the office; keep it classy ladies, but make sure you’re accentuating your best features. For example, a sexy workplace attire may include a form-fitting pencil skirt, tights, and some lovely black heels that aren’t too high. Pair it with some loose waves in your hair, a pair of dazzling earrings, and a blazer to piece it all together. The point is to be sexy and smart all in one.

  1. Compliment Him

Whether you’re in the workplace or out of the workplace, the easiest way to flirt with someone without being blatantly obvious is to throw them a compliment. Maybe a simple “Hey Jim, I like your new t-shirt” or “Wow, you did an amazing job with your business report” is all you need. Keep it short and to the point. While you’re complimenting him, be sure to throw him a coy smile and make flirty eye contact. As you’re walking away, you may even want to look back to see if he’s looking at you. The two of you will smile and look away quickly which is one of the cutest things ever, right?


  1. Be Good at Your Job

There is NOTHING sexier than a woman that’s good at what she does and takes her work seriously! If you’re good and hardworking, he will notice; seriously. He will also have a newfound respect for you, and when a man respects a woman he becomes more interested in her. So don’t be ‘cool’ and hate your job, doing half the work you could be doing; go above and beyond, not just to impress him, but for yourself too.

  1. Ask Him for Help

Since the dawn of time, men have always loved to help women, whether it was bringing home food for the family to eat, helping a lady change her tire, or spotting her at the gym. They LOVE to help ladies, so why not use this simple way of flirting in the workplace as well? Asking him for help will make him feel like a big tough guy that can take care of you- think of it as him being the Superman to your Lois Lane moment. You will boost his ego instantly and you’ll get to be close to him for awhile- everybody wins!

  1. Walk By His Desk.. Slowly

There’s nothing like a woman’s sexy strut, right? Men love to watch a woman walk- just something about watching our hips sashay that drives them wild. Well, drive him crazy in the workplace by walking by his desk extra slow. Let those hips glide and don’t forget to wear a nice pair of heels to add to that sex appeal; he won’t be able to take his eyes off of you, that’s for sure.


  1. Touchy-Feely

So, okay. He is cute. You like him. And you can’t lie to me, you want to touch him. I mean like, you want to feel his muscles with your fingertips; that’s totally normal. So, why don’t you? There’s a coy way to touch a man gently that will not only drive him crazy, but give you a little satisfaction as well. Try gently tapping his arm and giggling when he says a corny joke. It may sound silly, but it’s an awesome way to show a man you’re totally interested in him and you want to get closer to him.

  1. Personality is KEY

Inside or outside of the office your personality needs to be on point. Don’t be so rigid that you can’t take a joke, but don’t be so comical that you can’t be serious. There’s a middle ground you need to reach, where you’re not afraid to be silly and have fun, but you still know when to flip the switch and be ‘real’. Try to smile as much as possible and work on your confidence- they say confidence is one of the most attractive things about a woman, and if you can pair that with a killer personality, you’re golden.


  1. Leave a Note on His Desk

Leaving a sweet note on his desk is super cute, and will definitely put a smile on his face. Keep it anonymous for awhile- make him sweat a little. Just a note that says ‘I really like you’ or ‘Have a great day handsome’ is enough. Eventually you can tell him who the writer was- you- but keep him guessing for a little while.

  1. Ask for His Number

If you like him, you probably want to talk to him outside of work, right? And what better way to show someone you’re seriously interested in them than by asking for their digits. Go ahead, don’t be shy! If everything is going well at work and you’re feeling a connection, ask him!


  1. Hang Out Outside of Work

Now, there’s two ways you can do this: for one you can do it as a group outing with a few people from work to make it more casual, or you can be blunt about things and ask him out on a one-on-one date. It’s entirely up to you but if you don’t want to ‘beat around the bush’ so they say, then consider asking him out on a date!

How do you flirt with a guy at work? We’d love to know your ways! Share with us all your juicy stories below.

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