herinterest.com » romance http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 How to Show a Guy You Like Him http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-show-a-guy-you-like-him/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-show-a-guy-you-like-him/#comments Fri, 05 Sep 2014 23:04:31 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=16411

For some reason women think that men don’t have to be shown that we like them. They are just automatically supposed to know these things, and we get mad when he doesn’t catch on to our cues. Well, just like us, sometimes men need that extra push to really take the hint. Try out these 15 easy ways to show a guy you like him- ways that will actually get his attention and let him KNOW.

 0d327d5901dce97c706a3a095de8ae881. Be Interested in Him

Because obviously when you’re showing signs of interest in someone, it means you like them- right? But don’t just do it in a friendly way. Try to pay MORE attention to HIM then you do anyone else. Ask him questions to find out more about him and talk to him often so you can get the most information possible.

 body language

2. Use Positive Body Language

This goes hand in hand with being interested him- but taking it one step further. Positive body language is an absolute must when trying to show a guy you like them. Some things you should always consider:

-Try to always be facing him and leaning towards him during the conversation, giving him your full undivided attention.

-Eye contact is absolutely important and should be done often. Of course, you should break the eye contact every once in awhile to avoid awkward situations.

-Try to refrain from folding your arms or doing any nervous habits like biting fingernails or twitching.


3. Smile Often

Want to know one thing that drives men crazy? A woman’s smile. And nothing says “Hey, I like you” like a nice, warm, pretty smile. Smile at your crush as much as possible. When he catches you staring at him, smile, blush and look away. When he looks at you and YOU take notice, give him a nice welcoming smile. Smile during conversations and you can even throw in smiley faces on your text messages!

text him

4. Text Him

In this day and age, at least half of our communication is done through text messages. I mean, they are SO handy and you don’t have to use your voice (which is awesome for people who are insanely nervous and lose their words when they’re around their crush). Don’t be afraid to be the first one to send a text message. Surprisingly enough, that’s a sure fire way to tell him you’re interested in him. You’re not bothering him- send him a cute hello text, but make sure to spruce it up so he doesn’t think you’re boring.


5. Call Him

With text messaging being so insanely popular, nobody hardly finds time to actually call someone on the phone anymore. So, you call him- now what? You actually took the time out of your day to pick up the phone and ring him up. You want to actually TALK to him and hear his voice. That says A LOT. The next time you’ve got some free time on your hands, give him a call. (You know you want to hear his sexy voice anyways).

da86ac48365cf178afdbc4455720703c6. Flirt With Him

What better way to show someone you’re interested than by flirting? I think we can all agree that that’s the number 1 sign of interest. So, obviously, flirt with him as much as possible. You can do a bit of teasing flirting (you know, like we all did back in grade school) or you can make a flirtatious joke. Or you can go the easy route and come up with a compliment you know he’d love to hear!


7. Compliments

Okay, I know I just mentioned this in the “Flirting” section- but I feel compliments are SO important that they deserve their own column. Compliments should be done often- whether you’re in person, talking through text messages, or sending a letter. It’s the best and easiest way to flirt. Why? Because you don’t have to sit there and come up with something super unique and exciting. A simple, “Hey Josh you look really good today” is enough to please a man. (Of course feel free to spice it up if that’s what you have in your mind!)

ask him

8. Ask Him If He’s Single

When you just want to be friends with someone, there is really no point is asking if they have a partner or not. I mean, why should you care? You’re not interested in anything romantic and if they DO have a girlfriend you will certainly find out in the mean time. That being said, asking him if he is in fact single lets him know that you have certain intentions that can only be fulfilled if he is single. So go ahead- be a bit risky and ask him this particular question!


9. Ask His Friends

This might come as a shock to you, but men talk to each other just as much as women do. They might not go into all the grimy details, but they certainly know what’s going on in each others lives. That being said, ask his guy friends if they know anything about him being interested in you. If anything, they will tell this certain guy friend that you’ve been asking about him and that they think you’re interested in him. Yeah, it might be a little cheesy but trust me it gets the job done!


10. Be Confident and Independent

Men LOVE it when a women is confident. So, when you’re trying to show him that you like him, it is absolutely important to keep your confidence and independence high. Don’t follow him around trying to talk to him incessantly. Don’t try to get his attention every five seconds. This will only make you look like a clingy, somewhat desperate woman and I guarantee that won’t get you far in the game of love. So keep your cool. (And I know, it’s hard! Especially because he’s SO cute you can hardly contain yourself. But just do it!)


11. Give Him a Gift

I’m not saying you need to run out and buy him everything he wants (you should never, ever try to buy someone’s love). But a small gift from the heart is an easy way to show someone you care. Remember how much he loved your sugar cookies you brought to work that one time? Maybe make him a special one with a note that says, “Since you liked these so much”. If he doesn’t take the hint from that, I don’t know what WILL get to the point!

like him

12. Flaunt in Front of Him

You know you got it going on, right? So why not use your beauty and your body to get his eyes locked on you? Now, make sure you aren’t flaunting your stuff in front of everyone. He should be able to tell it’s a special thing you do JUST for him. And trust me, he will certainly appreciate this rather sexy form of flirting.


13. Take Interest in His Interests

Let’s say the two of you are talking about what you’re doing Friday night. And let’s say he is going to the baseball game this Friday night for the local college. You tell him you’ve never actually watched a baseball game but you’re interested in it. If he hasn’t already asked you to accompany him, take a girlfriend to the same game and “run into him”. This will show him that you want to like the same things he likes because clearly you are interested in him. He’ll also love knowing you’re the type of girl who wants to try new things and isn’t afraid to be seen at a sports event!


14. Ask Him Out

This one is pretty self explanatory. If you’re asking someone out, then you are obviously very interested in them. Right? Well, make sure you let him know you want a one on one date, not a group outing. You can just come right out with it and ask him, or you can try to be coy about it. For instance: you could tell him you’re dying to see the new Spiderman movie but you haven’t anyone to go with, then ask him to attend it with you. You could also jokingly say “We should go out Friday since we’re both into Spiderman” and if he says yes, then viola! You just made a date with him and it only took a matter of seconds. Brilliant!

tell him

15. Tell Him

Sometimes men just DON”T get the hint (it’s a sad but true fact). Or maybe he’s just being totally incredibly shy and doesn’t know how to respond to the clues. Whatever the reason is, if you’ve tried everything above and he STILL isn’t getting it, then there’s really only two things left to do.

-You can take it as a loss and assume he isn’t interested in you. Quit trying to show him that you like him and try and get rid of any leftover feelings you had for him and move on. This is a risky option because he might just be clueless or shy and you took it as rejection, never knowing the truth (his hidden love for you, maybe?)

-OR you can be the assertive and confident woman you are and simply tell him straight out that you are interested in him, and see what he says. We like this particular option best because it gets straight to the point and you’ll know right then and there for sure whether he is interested in you or not. However, this approach IS a lot more risky so it definitely isn’t for everyone!

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Romantic Wedding Vows http://www.herinterest.com/romantic-wedding-vows/ http://www.herinterest.com/romantic-wedding-vows/#comments Tue, 01 Jul 2014 23:44:41 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14851

A wedding is certainly one of the most important days of your entire life. It’s the moment when you no longer are considered one, but decide to share your entire life with another person- the person you love. This is a very special occasion and should be treated as such, with flowers dangling from every corner and a beautiful scent of love that fills the air. You will have everyone around you cherishing this moment, and as you are gazing into the eyes of your lover there’s really only one thing left to do: tell them how much they mean to you, how much you love them, and how you will continue to love them until death do you part with a romantic wedding vow. What’s the first step?

84077ec15ac7104bb2b4f1378bb5b494 The first thing you need to do is decide how romantic you want to be. Because, yes- there is different levels of romance. It could something a bit more basic, or you can delve deep into your heart and uncover some of the hidden romance that’s been trapped beneath for many years. It all depends on how much time you have at the wedding, how much time you want to spend writing and reading, and overall, how much you want to share with your soon to be wife/husband on the alter.

The second thing you need to do is decide which things you want to put into your wedding vow. I mean, you obviously love your soon to be spouse very much. You probably love everything about them, from their gorgeous brown eyes to their goofy attitudes, their love for the same quirky movies as you to their passionate love for animals- I’m sure the list goes on and on. But what you need to do is decide which things stand out the most and which attributes you want to include in your romantic wedding vow.

The last thing you need to do is decide exactly how you will say your romantic wedding vow. Will you decide to just read each other your vows like every other traditional wedding, or do you want to do something a bit more out of the box, let’s say with a poem or song? There’s plenty of ideas- we will get to them shortly.

 romantic wedding vows

For now, let’s take a look at some of the best romantic wedding vows we have ever heard.

The Simple Wedding Vow

There’s nothing like simplicity, but don’t be fooled by this romantic wedding vow’s short stature. This vow holds a very deep and beautiful message to your partner, and is a wonderful option if you want something sweet, short, and to the point.


All that I have,
All that I am,
All that I will ever be,
Is yours.

Now, after reading that, you simply can’t tell me that isn’t an absolutely amazing romantic wedding vow wrapped up into only 5 short lines. Anyone could easily recite this at their wedding! Special thanks to WeddingVowShare.com for this special vow we’re sure will be used in some upcoming weddings. Here’s another great short romantic wedding vow from Wedding.TheKnot.com.

“On this day,
I give you my heart,
My promise,
That I will walk with you,
Hand in hand,
Wherever our journey leads us,
Living, learning, loving,


Expressing Your Love

There is absolutely no limit when  it comes to expressing your love. As we said earlier, you could have an incredibly long list that stretches from California to Africa and still not have written everything down. That being said, feel free to include as much as you want in your romantic wedding vow. Talk about how much you love them: trust me, your partner will never get tired of hearing it, especially on the wedding day. Talk about the things you love about them, from the finest little details to the obvious ones. Talk about how you couldn’t imagine life without them. They’ll love every second of it. Here’s a very romantic wedding vow taken from avalleywedding.com that can easily be personalized to suit your needs and wants.

Many people spend their lives searching for their soul mate, their one true love. Some people are lucky to find the person they can truly call the better half of themselves, while others spend the rest of their lives searching and never finding. I am happy to count myself among the lucky ones, because I certainly found you.

I love you, (name of spouse). I know that you are the only one for me, my one true love. I am happy and I am grateful that you came into my life, that where others have spent their entire lives looking for the one, I have found you. And now that I have found you, I shall never let you go. I promise you, (name of spouse), that I shall hold you and cherish you and give you my heart, that I shall support you and care for you. Faithfully, I shall always stand steadfast at your side with your hand in mine, regardless of what life would bring to us. I take you now as my wife/husband, and I shall remain so for the rest of my life.

Now, wouldn’t your soon to be spouse want to hear things like that? Of course they would! Consider this one of the greatest and most traditional options when it comes to romantic wedding vows. Here’s another wonderful wedding vow that expresses so much love and endearment from Offbeatbride.com.

I promise to always love you. As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. I will always love you. Your love is inspiring to me every day. You are the kindest, most sincere person I know. I promise to never take your love for granted. I promise to always respect you. I promise to kill any insects that wander into our home. I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you. Everything I am and have is yours. I love you! Will you be my wife?

I promise to always love you. As sure as the stars shine at night, I will always love you. Your love is like water. Formless. Shapeless. It is peaceful, strong and always just what I need. You are my heart. I promise to honor you. I promise to support you. And I promise that if there is ever a zombie apocalypse that you can count on my axe! I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you. Everything I am and have is yours. I love you! Will you be my husband?


Being a Little Silly

Love is supposed to be celebrated. Your partner is supposed to light up your world and make you smile the moment you see them- even just thinking about them should make your lips curl up into a grin! That being said, it’s OK to add a little bit of humor and lighten things up a bit. This not only shows your soon to be spouse how much you love them, but also lets them know you are completely comfortable with them and think your relationship is fun and delightful. It’s certainly a winning combination! Again, this is an awesome way to show how fun and creative you can be. But here’s a silly example from Weddings.Lovetoknow.com.

Groom: I promise to love you as much as the Chicago Cubs and not hold your black and white striped dress against you. From this day forward, I will listen to all of your complaints about the mall if you say them during the off season and promise to retire my baseball cap and face paint for public outings. I will love you in sickness and in health, from this day forward, until death parts us or you become a White Sox fan.

Bride: I promise to love you as much as I love my credit card and not hold your poor fashion sense against you. I will only show you my new clothes during commercial breaks and promise to keep you in the latest Cubs fashions. From this day forward, I will make sure your lucky shirt is washed for every game day and will always have plenty of potato chips on hand. I will love you for richer or poorer, as long as our credit limit stays high.


Rhyme It

For decades, romantic poems have been used to sweep women (and men too!) off of their feet. That being said, a romantic wedding is the perfect time to put together a lovely poem that will make your partners heart melt. If you’re not as creative as you’d like to be and can’t seem to make the words flow right, check out this beautiful poem taken from KeepandShare.com for some inspiration! It’s simply beautiful and we’re sure you will love it.

My True Love Hath My Heart and I Have His
by Sir Philip Sidney

My true love hath my heart and I have his. 
By just exchange one for the other given. 
I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss, 
There never was a better bargain driven. 
My true love hath my heart and I have his. 
His heart in me keeps me and him in one, 
My heart in him his thoughts and senses guides: 
He loves my heart, for once it was his own, 
I cherish his because in me it bides. 
My true love hath my heart and I have his.

And another example from PoetryFoundation.org:

To My Dear and Loving Husband

By Anne Breadstreet

If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee.
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay;
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let’s so persever,
That when we live no more, we may live ever.
Romantic Quote Inspirations
If you’re planning to write your own and need a little help, try using one of these romantic quotes for some inspiration or for including into your wedding vow. These will really sweep your partner off their feet!
“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” ― Dr. Seuss
“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.” ― Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ― Lao Tzu
“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” ― Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” ― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.” ― Robert Fulghum, True Love
“The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.” ― Marilyn Monroe
“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever.” ― Alfred Tennyson
“So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s going to be really hard; we’re gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me… everyday.” ― Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook
“When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth.” ― Jess C. Scott, The Intern
Romantic Songs
There is nothing quite like being serenaded by someone you love. If you really want to make your soon to be spouse hearts melt (and also shock them quite a bit), why not singing a song to them instead of a wedding vow? You can write your own song if you’re extra creative, choose “your guys’ special song”, or choose a romantic song that expresses your love and passion perfectly. Here are some beautiful and romantic songs to consider:
Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Elton John
I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You – Elvis Presley
One in a Million – Bosson
Only You – Ashanti
Have I Told You Lately? – Rod Stewart
I Do – Westlife
You Are So Beautiful – Joe Cocker
Everything I Do (I Do it For You) – Brian Adams
I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston
Can’t Smile Without You – Barry Manilow
Let’s Stay Together – Al Green
You’re The First, My Last, My Everything – Barry White
And tons, tons more!
Your Best Friend and Your lover
Two people who are meant to be are more than just lovers- they are best friends. It’s a great idea to incorporate that into your wedding vow. This lets your partner know that you’re are serious about the relationship and consider them to be the closest person to you in your life. They can tell you anything, do anything with you, and feel totally comfortable around you. Here’s a beautiful vow from MarryMeIndy.com that your spouse will love to hear.
You are my best friend.
Today I give myself to you. Using the love that we share as a vessel,
through the pressures of the present and
the uncertaintities of our future, I can promise that
you will always have
my deepest love, my fullest devotion,
and my most tender care.
I promise to love you, to always strive to encourage and inspire you,
to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.
I promise to love you in good times and in bad,
when life seems easy and also when times become difficult,
when our love is simple, and when things becomes complicated.
I promise to honor you, and to always hold our love for each other in highest regard
These things I pledge to you today, and all the days of our life together.
I Love You.
Romantic wedding vows don’t have to be difficult. Don’t worry about being too cheesy or overly romantic. Your soon to be husband or wife won’t mind the extra dose of love and your guests probably won’t mind hearing how much you love your partner.
What is your favorite romantic wedding vow idea?
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How to Make Him Want You http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-make-him-want-you/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-make-him-want-you/#comments Wed, 14 May 2014 01:45:17 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14006

If you’ve got someone special in mind, you’ve probably got one thing on your mind: “How do I get him to want me as much as I want him?” Don’t worry- we’ve got you covered. Here are 20 of the best ways to get him to notice you- want you- and then of course, need you. (Let’s just say I see a new, amazing relationship on the horizon….)


1. Get Dolled Up

Nothing says, “Hey, look at me world!” quite like a fresh coat of boldly dark red lipstick on a pair of plump womanly lips. There’s just something about this look that seems to drive the men crazy, and it will definitely get the attention from the guy you’re after. He won’t help but notice those enticing lips enter the room. And if you really want to add some spunk to your style, try to define the hot style with a gorgeous hairstyle and a flirty outfit.

2. …Or Keep it Natural

We should tell you, though: some guys are totally not into the red lipstick thing. And while the percentage of guys who don’t find this attractive IS significantly low, it’s still possible. If he’s got a past history of dating natural-looking women who don’t wear much makeup, or he’s expressed his likes of the ‘no makeup’ style, you might want to tone it down. Add a subtle amount of makeup to enhance your natural features and let your hair go straight. You might grab his attention BETTER this way!

3. Play Hard to Get

This doesn’t mean you have to be totally rude and deny him every chance you get. Some women tend to take the ‘play hard to get’ game a little too far and end up coming across as a disinterested, self absorbed rude female. You want to flirt a little, smile a little, and text/call a little- but not too much. Don’t give everything away at once- make him work for it and always keep something hidden away for next time.


4. Don’t Be Needy

Even if he is the man of your dreams and you know the two of you would be the perfect couple, you can’t let HIM know that! Never appear needy. We can’t express this enough! It’s simply unattractive and nobody wants to be with someone who is desperate in any way, shape, or form. Drop subtle hints that you are interested but don’t go overboard!


5. That Being Said…Let Him Call/Text First

Back in the day, it was the man’s job to call the woman- not the other way around. And while in this day and age men and women will contact each other willy nilly, it tends to work best if the man calls the lady first. Not only is it an old-fashioned form of chivalry, but it will also make him want you more.

6. Don’t Look Like a High-Maintenance Woman

I can’t tell you how many times men have said how a high-maintenance woman is simply a turn off. No man wants to deal with a self absorbed princess who thinks those around her should jump through fiery hoops (while bearing gifts of silver and gold) or please her. You will certainly have him running in the opposite direction with a high-maintenance look and attitude, so try to keep it simple and casual as much as possible.


7. Show Him Your Funny Side

A woman that can make a him laugh, AKA the woman of his dreams. Guys just love it when a woman has a good personality and can make jokes that really have him rolling. If you want to impress him and make him want you, lay down the charm and your best jokes- it’s a surefire way to get him craving more.

8. Confidence is Key

Just like it’s important to have a killer personality, there’s really nothing more attractive on a woman than her confidence. And if you can show him you can work the room with your head held high and a smile on your face, you will UNDOUBTEDLY grab his attention- almost immediately- and you’ll probably have his eyes on you for the next few weeks until he makes his move.


9. What’s That Smell?

I think we all know how much men love it when a women smells good. So before you go anywhere near the man of your dreams, make sure you spray on the most divine scent you own. He will be instantly attracted to the smell and want to be near you.

10. Be Flirty

It might seem like an obvious thing to do, but you would be surprised at how many women forget to do it. They’ll have a basic conversation or simply be too shy to do any type of flirting. But men LOVE to flirt, and they will certainly be interested if you start making flirty remarks that entice him.


11. Touch His Arm

Nothing makes a man happier than a smiling, laughing woman touching his arm playfully. Plus it’s a surefire way to let him know that you’re interested. After you do the ole, ‘touch and smile’ charade, you can expect him paying a lot more attention to you than ever before.

12. Be Down to Earth

A woman who can present herself as a classy and confident woman while also being able to play video games and engage in sports is a down to earth lady that every guy wishes he could have. Don’t be afraid to get down and dirty and-gasp- break a nail. He will love how versatile you are, knowing he can take you to a fancy dinner at the most respectable spot in town while also being able to take you to a sports game.


13. Be Mysterious

The less he knows, the more he craves- and that’s the rule of thumb you need to keep in mind throughout all of your interactions and conversations with him.

14. Compliment Him

This might go under the category of ‘flirting’ for some of you, but others look at flirting and complimenting in totally different ways. While a flirt might be presented as a cute tease or enticing joke, a compliment is more natural and real and focuses on something you genuinely like about the man. Just remember, don’t overdo it with the compliments to the point where you look obsessed. One good, genuine compliment is enough for him,

15. Make Him Jealous

Ever heard the saying, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone”? That statement kind of applies here. Yeah, he hasn’t lost you- but he could. And that will drive him nuts. Again, it’s important not to go overboard with trying to make him jealous. A simple flirt with another man lets him know that you are on the hunt for a man, but he’s not the only one you’re interested in and he will have to do a little something to win over your affection.


16. .But Also Don’t Get Jealous

If he tries to pull the same tricks on you, you CAN’T let it bother you. In fact, pretend it didn’t even happen in the first place- even though it may be eating you up inside. This will drive him NUTS, knowing you are too confident in yourself to let a little flirting get you angry.

17. Kindness Goes a Long Way

We all know that every man is seeking the perfect ‘girl next door’. That being said, it’s important to be kind and a bit shy, disclosing that sexy and seductive side until the two of you are alone of course. He will love your kindness and be drawn to your real, genuine attitude.


18. Plenty of Eye Contact

A person’s eyes can say more than words could ever describe- and that’s why eye contact is so incredibly important when you’re interested in a man. Keeping eye contact with him, especially if you add a bit of seductiveness to your looks, will let him know that you are feeling him and definitely want him. He won’t be able to resist your alluring eyes!

19. Smile Often

A man loves it when he can make a woman smile and laugh. There is just something about a lady’s beautiful smile that men can’t get enough of. So make sure you’re smiling and giggling as much as possible. He will love every minute of it and really fall for that dazzling smile you have.

20. Tell Him That You Want Him

Like we said before, there is really nothing more attractive on a woman than her confidence and her smile. And if you are confident enough to tell him that you WANT him, you will not only surprise him, but compliment him so greatly he won’t know what to do. And don’t be surprised if he doesn’t answer right away. He will probably be shocked at your openness and not know how to react right off the bat. But trust us, when all else fails and he still hasn’t taken the hint (sometimes guys just don’t get it) this is the ONLY way to go- and you won’t be disappointed with what happens next.

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40 Best Compliments for Guys http://www.herinterest.com/40-best-compliments-for-guys/ http://www.herinterest.com/40-best-compliments-for-guys/#comments Tue, 13 May 2014 19:58:51 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=13993

Everyone loves to hear a compliment- right? Well don’t resort to the same ole, boring compliments he’s probably heard over a million times. Try out one of these 40 best compliments for guys and really make his day! 0632ad99205bfe1132d9f5bd3c77b20b 1. You are so handsome.

I know what you are probably thinking: “I thought you said we weren’t going to do the same hum and drum compliments?” But hear me out. Saying you’re handsome isn’t as common as you might think. In fact, men are rarely complimented for their looks or appearance like a woman is. And, of course, saying handsome rather than cute or hot adds a certain level of intimacy that men don’t hear often. There’s so much more meaning to the word handsome than any other word, so keep it classy and let him know how good-looking he REALLY is with this simple compliment. (And yes, this totally needed this long of an explanation!)

2. Wow, you weren’t lying when you said you were hitting the gym!

Because saying “I like your muscles” never gets old, right? This tells him that you’ve noticed his (growing) muscles and you’re very pleased with what you see. Plus it motivates him to keep hitting the pavement as hard as he can!

3. I love your (insert color here) eyes. I just get lost in them.

A piece of advice for this particular compliment: make sure you get the eye color correct. (You can’t even imagine what a mood killer that can be!)

4. You always making me smile!

Many men will admit that the most beautiful thing about a woman is her smile. So hearing (and seeing) that he’s capable of planting that gorgeous smile on your face in a matter of seconds is a definite confidence booster for him. (Don’t forget to smile after saying this, too!)


5. You’re the funniest man I’ve ever met.

It’s no secret: men LOVE to make woman laugh. In fact, I think sometimes they believe if you can make a woman laugh you can almost always score with her. But anyways, hearing that he’s the funniest man you have EVER met is an obvious winner for him. There’s no way he couldn’t absolutely one hundred percent LOVE this compliment.

6. I always feel safe when I’m around you.

Hey, just because he doesn’t have to kill our dinner for us anymore doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to be the protector. In fact, guys love when they get to ‘protect’ their woman from danger and harm. Letting him know that you feel safe with him is just one of those compliments that really stick and make him feel like the manly head hancho he’s always dreamed of being.

7. You are so handy!

Just like they love to be manly protectors, they also love to be handy. (They are technically SAVING us from something we couldn’t do, like fix a broken faucet or change the tire on our car.) He will love hearing how handy he is- it simply uproars his ego!


8. It’s so nice to see a man who can cook.

Not many men can cook. And if they do, it probably doesn’t taste that great. Let him know he’s one out of a million with his delicious cooking skills.

9. You’re the strongest man I’ve ever met.

To a man, muscles and strength is almost everything. And having a masculine, manly physique that allows him to push a car all on his own is his dream. Trust me, every guy wants to hear he’s THE strongest. Do it, do it now!

10. Geez, girls can’t keep their eyes off of you!

I think we can all determine why this is an awesome compliment. But in case you didn’t know, guys love it when ladies look at him. Hearing it from a woman is just an extra 10 ego points. He. Will. Love. It. Hands down!

11. Any lady would be lucky to have you.

If you’re not yet his lucky lady, let him know what a catch he is. It’ll boost his confidence while also letting him know you’re interested.

12. I love the way you (insert something here).

Do you love the way he dresses? The way he bench presses? Is there something that goes on ‘behind the scenes’ that drives you wild? Then this is the compliment he wants to hear!

13. I love how you listen and respect me.

Every woman wants to be respected. It’s a fact! This lets him know that he’s doing a great job in the respect department and not to change a thing.

14. Wow, you really rock that (shirt, tie, etc).

Better than just saying “You look nice in that”, this compliment is a bit more personalized and will definitely be a shirt (or tie, pair of pants) that you see more often. There, you both win!

15. I love spending my time with you.

At the end of the day, we all just want to be wanted. He will love this simple, yet deep compliment.

16. You make me feel beautiful (or appreciated, respected, etc).

Let him know exactly how he makes you feel so he can be confident in his abilities and keep doing the things you love.

17. I respect you.

Just like every woman loves respect, so does every man. This easy compliment simply reassures him of himself and lets him know that you aren’t taking him for granted or not caring about what he says.

18. You always give the best advice.

A man knows he is doing a great job when a woman comes to him for advice, but he feels even better knowing that he gives the BEST advice. He must be pretty smart and sure of himself to be the best, right?


19. Your arms look great in that shirt.

Does this really need an explanation? GUYS LIKE HEARING ABOUT THEIR MUSLES. Case closed.

20. You really turn me on.

It’s every guys dream (more like a daily dream) to turn a woman on. Hearing this will be so much of a confidence booster he won’t even know what to do with himself.

21. What are you wearing? You smell magnificent.

We’re not sure quite why, but men just love to hear how great they smell. bda2243c65a3b3db8d190df9025118c622. You are the manliest man I’ve ever known.

This roots back to the beginning of time when every man wanted to be the manliest. It still holds true today, and trust me, you will definitely make his day (or week, month, year, maybe?) by telling him he is the MANLIEST of them ALL.

23. Thanks for helping me (_____) today. I really appreciate it!

If you tell him you appreciate his help, then he will be more willing to do things for you in the future. So please give me a good reason NOT to use this compliment? (Over and over again, mind you!)

24. Your voice is so deep, masculine, and comforting.

You have big muscles? Cool. You have a great job? Awesome. But if you have a deep, manly voice that drives the ladies crazy, you simply earn a million extra sexy points. Trust me, you can’t go wrong with this ensuring compliment.

25. You really know how to treat a woman.

Letting a man know he’s doing a good job? Always the right way to go.

26. I couldn’t be any more comfortable around you.

Because at the end of the day, we all just really want to be around someone who ‘gets us’. No secrets, no hiding. Just comfortable fun where you can tell each other anything. He will love this!

27. There’s something about your smile that gets me every time.

Like we said before, appearance compliments don’t come as easily to men as they do to women. This simple compliment is perfect because it will make him feel special while also making him want to smile more. WIN!

28. You did such a great job at (____).

Because hearing “Good job” or “Way to go” is just so boring and common. He wants to know WHAT he is doing good at, so keep his confidence up and let him know what things he is so great at.

29. I can’t help but smile around you.

This roots back to the other compliment about him always being able to make you smile, but with this compliment you let him know he doesn’t even HAVE to do anything to make you smile- and that’s extra points for him.

30. You always know exactly what to say.

We are always wondering if we’ve said the right thing to someone, right? Well why not let him know that he did- and that he always- knows what to say to make you happy, cheer you up, etc.

31. I’ve never seen a man who can (____) quite like you can!

Is he the best of the best at something? You should clearly make his ego fly off the charts with this awesome compliment that ANY man would love to hear.


32. Is there anything you CAN’T do?

Perfect compliment after he’s done something ‘manly’, like opening the jar of pickles or switching the oil in your car.

33. (Insert color here) is really your color! You should wear it more often.

Another simple compliment that is so much better than “You look nice”.

34. Honestly, you are way hotter than Brad Pitt.

Or Johnny Depp, or Channing Tatum, or whoever you think is the hottest man alive. He will love to hear he is hotter than the top notch Hollywood stars. Talk about a massive ego boost!

35. Hey, can I have a ticket to your gun show?

A funny compliment that not only makes him chuckle but compliments his bulging arm muscles: double win!

36. I have never met a man like you. You’re genuinely different from the rest and I’m loving it!

Women are constantly saying “All guys are the same”, so hearing that he is totally different but in the BEST way possible is a wonderful compliment that men love to hear. Who wants to be like all the rest, anyways?

37. I love how easy it is to have a conversation with you.

This just makes him smile in ways you wouldn’t even begin to imagine.

38. You are absolutely charming. I just can’t pull myself away!

There’s something about a woman saying she can’t pull herself away that drives a man wild. He will LOVE this compliment and feel like he is on top of the world.

39. You can fix anything, can’t you?

Another wonderful compliment to say after he’s done some amazing fixer upper you wouldn’t even dream of doing.


40. Judging by the way you’re so sweet and playful with kids, you’re going to make a great dad one day.

You should probably save this one until you’re closer with the guy, but either way-this is a wonderful compliment that makes him feel special and secure and also confident about his future.

http://www.herinterest.com/40-best-compliments-for-guys/feed/ 1
40 Romantic Things to Say to Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/40-romantic-things-to-say-to-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/40-romantic-things-to-say-to-your-boyfriend/#comments Wed, 09 Apr 2014 01:19:00 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12142

It seems as though women who were cast with the spell of love are constantly trying to find ways to show their love and appreciation for their partner. And if you’re looking for new ways to show your man you care, why not try out these 40 romantic things to say to your boyfriend? They’ll leave him feeling loved and adored, we guarantee it.


1. I love you.


Ok, so this one is a bit obvious and probably something you do on your own. But sometimes we get lazy in the relationship and forget how important this little statement really is. These three little words hold so much meaning behind them and are so important in a romantic relationship. Never underestimate the power of these words, and always use them with passion. It’s the simplest way to ignite the love and romance in your relationship.

2. Every time I see your face, it lights up my world.

Who doesn’t love to brighten up someone’s life? This simple statement proves to him that he is the light in your life and that he makes you smile without doing a single thing.

3. I don’t want to say I couldn’t live without you, I just wouldn’t want to.


You never want to appear desperate or excessively clingy, so this statement is perfect. It shows him that you can handle yourself on your own but your life wouldn’t be nearly as great without him.

4. We have our ups and downs, but it’s worth it.

This is a great line to use especially after an argument or when things are a bit rocky. Sure, every relationship has problems, but if you can stick together it makes the relationship even that much better. Let him know he’s worth it!

5. My heart races the moment I see you.

Romantic Things to Say to Your Boyfriend07

Remember when you first saw his handsome face and your heart started beating rapidly? Well, that only continues when you’re in love. Let him know he still drives you wild just by seeing his face!

6. I still get butterflies when you come around.


If you still have that nervousness you got when he was just the guy you had a crush on, it must be love. Similar to #5, yet always a crowd pleaser. Your man will love to hear this one! (Plus it lets him know he’s still ‘got it’. Ego boost!)

7. The moment you smile, my troubles disappear.

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This is just simply beautiful. You know you’re in love when your partner’s smile can make your problems melt away. Let him know what a great impact he has on your life.

8. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

How couldn’t this phrase make someone feel loved and adored? Such a romantic phrase that is sure to make him smile.

9. I wish you were here so I could fall asleep in your arms. (Text)

Ah, but of course! One of the most romantic things of all time: falling asleep in your man’s arms. There’s no way this isn’t an absolutely romantic thing to say!

10. Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you right now. (Text)


What a sweet text message! He’ll love to know he’s on your mind even when the two of you are apart.

11. I hope we can grow old together.

This lets him know it isn’t a fling. You’re in it for the long haul and you want him there every step of the way.

12. All the money and gold in the world couldn’t buy my love for you.

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Your love for him is priceless, and he will love knowing this. (Plus it kind of lets him know you aren’t using him for money, jewelry or anything along those lines. And men like that!)

13. I’m addicted to you and your love.

If your man makes you feel like you just can’t get enough, craving more and more everyday, it’s probably something he should know. He’ll love knowing how badly he has you hooked!

14. I feel so safe and protected when I’m around you.

Men love to be ‘tough’. They love to be the ‘hero’. They love to be the big strong guy that can protect you from anything, so telling him how safe and protected you feel with him is an automatic ego boost- no doubt about it.

15. I didn’t know what true love was until I met you.


Ok, you might have had one or two crushes that you thought was love. You may have even had a five year relationship you thought was love. But trust us honey, when it is TRUE love, you will know it. Letting your man know that you’ve finally found the pot of gold (true love) with him is something that is extremely romantic and passionate.

16. You’re the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep.

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Just a long, romantic way to say he’s always on your mind- and trust us, that’s exactly where he wants to be.

17. I would give anything to be with you.

While some relationships are worried over minor things that could potentially break them apart (such as moving, going to different Universities, etc.), you can let your guy know that nothing will break the two of you apart with this simple sentence.

18. I would travel thousands of miles just to be with you.

The perfect thing to say- especially if your partner may be moving far away soon. This tells him you’re committed and long distance won’t damage your relationship.

19. It’d drive me crazy if anything happened to you.

Obviously if you don’t care if something happens to your man, you were probably never in love to begin with. But this sentence tells him how important he is and how devastated you would be should anything bad happen to him.

20. If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

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Yeah. You’ve probably heard this statement before. But it’s true, isn’t it? Even if loving your man is wrong in the eyes of other people, in your heart you know its right. This is just one of those sentences you need to say to your man!

21. No man has ever loved me the way you love me.

He’s better than the rest. What guy doesn’t want to hear that? This is a romantic statement that your man needs and wants to hear. ASAP!

22. I wouldn’t change a single thing about you. You’re perfect.

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You should never want to change the one you’re with. And trust us, letting him know he’s perfect in your eyes gives him comfort and confidence.

23. Nothing will ever break us apart.

Even in the toughest of times, you’ll stick by his side and you won’t let anything tear the two of you apart. Might sound like something out of a cheesy romance novel, but it’s definitely a romantic statement that hits close to home and is something your guy wants to hear.

24. You are so good to me.

Sometimes men wonder if their lady is happy with the way they’re being treated, so why not give him the satisfaction of knowing he’s doing a great job? This way he will be confident and continue what he’s doing!

25. It feels like time stops when you kiss me.

Romantic Things to Say to Your Boyfriend04

Are his kisses really that divine? Does time just simply stop when his lips connect to yours? You HAVE to tell him. He’ll love hearing those words.

26. Words can’t explain how much I love you.

I think we’ve all been there. If you’re so in love that you can’t even express it with words, this is really all you can say.

27. You are my soul mate.

He’s not just your boyfriend. He’s not just your other half. He’s not even just a best friend. He’s your soul mate. And it just doesn’t get much better than that.

28. You’re the only man for me. I don’t want anyone else.

Knock out any insecurities instantly with this simple statement!

29. You complete me.

There’s just something about knowing that you actually complete someone that is really passionate and romantic. Knowing that they were missing something without you is just beautiful. This is definitely something you should say to your man at some point.

30. You bring so much happiness and joy into my life, I can’t believe it.


There’s no way this statement couldn’t make him smile from ear to ear. If your man brings you insurmountable happiness, he should definitely know about it.

31. I’m a better woman when I’m with you.

He will love knowing what a great impact he has on you and your life.

32. I fell in love with you when ______.

Telling him the exact moment when you fell in love with him is a surefire way to get the romance rolling. It will be so romantic and so passionate he won’t even know how to handle it. Relive the experience and tell him immediately!

33. Remember the time we ______.

Tell your lover about a romantic moment the two of you shared, whether it was your first kiss or a steamy session up at the cabin.

34. You’re the one for me.

This is basically declaring to him that he is the only one, and you want to be with him- and only him- for the rest of your days. It’s a great way to hint to him that you are ready to take the plunge and get married.

35. If I could do it all over again, I’d still pick you.

Romantic Things to Say to Your Boyfriend02

No regrets, right? Tell your guy that you would always choose him, even if you had a chance to be with someone else.

36. Thanks for _____.


There’s really no better way to show appreciation and love for someone then thanking them for something they’ve done, whether it was something as simple as taking out the trash or as extravagant as putting together a surprise date night dinner right on the beach.

37. I love that I can be myself around you.

Romantic Things to Say to Your Boyfriend03

This obviously lets your man know he’s dating the real deal. He’ll love this statement!

38. You’re the sweetest man I’ve ever met.

Romantic Things to Say to Your Boyfriend10

Even if he’s tough on the outside, he’ll love knowing that you can see his gentler side.

39. I wish I could hold you forever and never let go.

This lets him know that you really enjoy being with him and wish the two of you could be in each other’s arms for good.

40. I love you because _____.

Take your ‘I love you’ a step further by pointing out something you absolutely love about your man. You can’t go wrong with this romantic statement!


Image credit: Lorena555, Astron, DaisySweetStyles, ItsBruna_, Chelsey_leblanc_7, Mustafa9139, Ana_Kopic_58

http://www.herinterest.com/40-romantic-things-to-say-to-your-boyfriend/feed/ 2
30 Free Date Ideas http://www.herinterest.com/30-free-date-ideas/ http://www.herinterest.com/30-free-date-ideas/#comments Mon, 27 Jan 2014 07:32:38 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=9135

Planning a night out with your special someone but don’t want to empty your wallet? Don’t fret! These 30 free dates are incredibly fun and stress-free, leaving the two of you to have an incredible night you won’t forget. What are you waiting for?


1. Picnic at the Park

Gather up some of your favorite foods, stick them in a basket, grab your blanket and head down to the park for a romantic picnic. Delicious foods plus a gorgeous outdoor setting- yeah, you can’t go wrong.


2. Mountain Escape

If it’s snowing outside, this is an even bigger free date hit. Have plenty of fun in the snow (snowball fight, anyone?). Even if it’s not snowing, just take a walk and enjoy the majesty of the mountains.


3. Escape to the Sandy Shores

This one has probably crossed your mind once or twice already, but it’s always a favorite for men and women. Who doesn’t love the beach? Maybe you two could try a bonfire this time, or bring a volleyball for some fun in the sun.


4. Get Down at the Gym

Who said exercising had to be done alone, listening to music, completely alone? Forget that! Take your significant other to the gym for some hardcore fun (just make sure you don’t lift heavier weights than your man).


5. Play a Sport

Don’t feel like signing up for a gym membership? No problem! Just get out with your partner and play a fun sport the both of you enjoy. Maybe a nice game of tennis? Or perhaps an intense one-on-one basketball match?


6. Go for a Walk/Jog

There’s nothing like taking a stroll (or a light jog) in a beautiful place surrounded by nature. Whether you decide to simply go around the block or take your jog to the sandy beaches or beautiful parks, it’s something the two of you will surely enjoy. Fresh air and nice company is always a wonderful combo!


7. Cook/Bake Together

Forget leaving the kitchen duties to one person while the other lies around waiting. Instead, get together in the kitchen for some (messy) fun. The outcome? Delicious food and/or treats that you can enjoy together.


8. Play Video Games

We’ve all heard it a million times: There’s nothing sexier than a woman who plays video games. Surprise your man and take him one-on-one at his favorite video game, or team up for a dual match and show the other team what you are made of. This free date calls for hours of intense fun- you won’t want to put the controller down!


9. Watch Television and Cuddle

When there’s nothing else to do and you don’t feel like going out, what comes to mind? Television and relaxation, of course! Pop up some popcorn, bring out the pillows and blankets, and snuggle up on the couch for a night of hilarious sitcoms or a corny television movie.


10. Turn Up the Tunes and Get Crunk!

Don’t feel like sitting in front of the television, yet still want to stay in for the night? No problem. Turn on your radio (or iPod, or computer-whatever you use) and put on some sexy tunes. The two of you can dance the night away- in your pajamas!


11. Learn at the Library

A date at the library? Sure, why not! Expand your knowledge or just read some silly books together.


12. Take a Local Free Class

Many cities will offer free classes at one point or another, whether it’s a free yoga class or a free cooking class. Check your cities latest events to see what free classes are being offered and head down with your mate to learn a new skill- and have fun doing it!


13. Listen to Live Music

There’s a lot of free music festivals or local hotspots where new bands come to perform. Check local listings to see if there will be a free music event nearby and check it out with your lover. You might just come across a new band you both absolutely love!


14. Take a Dip in the Pool

There’s nothing like a refreshing dip in the pool, morning or night. There is plenty of fun to be had in a pool, from jumping and splashing to kissing and cuddling under the water. It’s a definite free date you have to try.


15. Hit the Hot Tub

Too cold for a swim? Then head on over to the deliciously warm hot tub that will soothe tension, leaving you relaxed and ready to love on your partner.


16. Free Massage, Anyone?

Have you both been having stressful weeks at work? Then here’s another great free date idea that you can stay indoors for- heck, you don’t even have to get dressed. Strip down, light a few candles in your favored scent, and give your partner a nice rub-down. This will ease any tension and melt stress away immediately, plus make the two of you bond in an intimate way.


17. Window Shopping

Hey, who doesn’t love shopping? Even if you’re tight on cash, still head down to the shops and check out all of the cool, cute, or even funky items sitting on the shelves. You might even discover what to get your partner for upcoming holidays (yeah- forget waiting till the last minute and having no clue what to buy her).


18. Volunteer Work

Become humbled and help others while on a date. Yeah, you probably didn’t think that was possible, did you? Doing volunteer work together as a couple will give you two a new outlook on life while also bringing the two of you closer together. It’s a win-win situation and the organization will undoubtedly thank you for your time and effort.


19. Explore and Discover at the Museum

Most museums are absolutely free, plus they are incredibly fun and exciting. You get to see things you’ve never seen before and learn in the process. Whether you opt for the art museum, history museum, science museum or the likes, you’re sure to have an awesome time discovering the realms of the museum with your lover.


20. Take Off in the Car

If you love to discover new places, you’ll love this date idea. Just hop in the car and go. See new sights and find new places. You can’t go wrong with this date idea.


21. Check out Yard Sales

Ah, good old yard sales. The places where you can discover some of the weirdest stuff for dirt cheap. This date idea might not end up totally free, but you’ll surely see some crazy things and only end up paying a buck or two for something you find interesting.


22. Hang out with Friends

Maybe the two of you have mutual friends that would want to get together for a movie at your place. Or maybe your significant other has never met your friends and it’s long overdue? Whatever the case, find something free for you and your friends to do and have a great group outing (perhaps going for a dip in the local lake or sight-seeing downtown?)


23. Tour the Area

Even if you’ve lived in the area your whole life, you surely haven’t seen it all. Even if it’s just a measly walking trail you’ve missed out on or a haunted house three miles out from town- it’s something you two can explore and investigate together. Do a little research online about the area or head down to city hall to see if they have any maps or recommendations for places you must see.


24. Take on a DIY Project

The possibilities for a DIY project: Virtually. Endless. It could be something as simple as making your own picture frames, to sanding down an antique desk and painting it so it looks brand new. It could be painting your living room a brand new, vibrant color or knitting a cute blanket for your newborn nephew. There is seriously thousands of fun DIY projects. Just do a quick search online and find something that interests the two of you. Some projects can be done from materials already in your house!


25. Get Creative with Artistry

Who doesn’t love to thrown on a smock, grab the paintbrush, and create a masterpiece? Whether you decide to paint a gorgeous picture or just want to color a funny portrait of your lover with crayons, let your creativity run wild and have a blast with your partner. You might discover a new hidden talent in the process!


27. Play Some Board Games

Put the electronics aside for a moment and bring out a few of your favorite old board games. It’s a free date idea that provides hours of endless fun, whether you engage in a Risk war or engage on real estate engagements in Monopoly. Who knows? Maybe the two of you will have so much fun it becomes part of your weekly routine.


27. Plant Something Together

Gardening is not only a relaxing and enjoyable activity, but a rewarding one as well. Plant a beautiful rose garden or plot down a few of your favorite fruits and vegetables. Watch as your buds flourish and enjoy the produce- whether it provides a magnificent scent or completes your next dinner with extravagant, fresh flavor.


28. Trip to the Pet Store

Are you an animal lover? Of course you are! Head down to the local pet store and warm your heart with the sight of cute puppies and adorable kittens, and don’t forget to check out the exotic animal section for some really awesome sights.


29. Stargaze

If you’ve got a truck with a large bed, this is the perfect free date idea. Load the truck bed up with blankets and pillows and just cuddle beneath the stars. If you don’t have a truck, simply lay out some blankets in the backyard and snuggle up for a romantic night stargazing.


30. People Watch

When all else fails, go to a local hotspot and just watch people. People can be ridiculously funny and outrageous sometimes- who wouldn’t want to sit back and enjoy the free comedy acts?


http://www.herinterest.com/30-free-date-ideas/feed/ 0
40 Good Morning Texts for Him http://www.herinterest.com/40-good-morning-texts-for-him/ http://www.herinterest.com/40-good-morning-texts-for-him/#comments Thu, 16 Jan 2014 22:49:04 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=8645

There’s something about a good morning text message from your special someone. It doesn’t just  make you smile with the words they say, but it makes your heart warm knowing they thought of you from the moment their eyes opened up. If you really want to make your boyfriend get that warm and cozy feeling on the inside, try out one of these 40 good morning texts for him.

large 1. Good morning, handsome!

A simple good morning greeting followed by a compliment for your man. It’s simplicity at its best, but it is definitely a subtle text that will make him grin. (Who doesn’t love waking up to a compliment first thing in the morning?)

2. Good morning, my love!

Woke up in a lovey dovey mood? Then this is the text for you. (Reserved of course for deeper relationships where the big ‘L’ word is acceptable.) He’ll love hearing this right when he wakes up!

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3. Alert! The hottest man in the world has just awoken!

Yeah, it’s silly. But this text is sure to boost his ego like nothing else. This text will make him smile, perhaps even giggle a little. Plus it’ll give him that manly confidence he needs to take on the entire day.


4. You’re the first thing I think about when I wake up. Good morning <3.

It goes without saying when you text someone the second you wake up, but this just gives your guy reassurance that he’s definitely on your mind- and ONLY him, nobody else.

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5. I know every day is going to be filled with joy with you by my side.

He might not say it out loud, but he will definitely say ‘Awww’ in his head the second he reads this text. It’s sweet and something that will surely brighten his morning.


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6. It may be raining outside, but all I see is sunny skies thanks to you.

The perfect text when the weather is gloomy and rainy outside. This text lets him know that no matter how dark it is outside, he will always be able to brighten your day.

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7. Just the thought of you brightens up my morning.

We’re not all morning people. But if your guy has the power to make you go from sleepy to bright, alert, and happy just with the simple thought of him, it’s something you need to share. He will love getting this cute news!

8. Hope you have a perfect day today.

Wishing your guy well is an easy way to show him you really care. Definitely a text message that can be used time and time again!

9. I dreamt of you all night <3.

If he’s in your dreams, he must be special. Let him know that even when the two of you are apart, he’s still the sole man on your mind.


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10. I can’t wait to see you today. I’ll be counting down the minutes!

A great text when the two of you are planning to spend some time together. This lets him know that you thought not only about him right in the morning, but thought about seeing him and your totally excited!

11. Wake up hot stuff! I miss you!

Another awesome text that boosts your mans ego instantly. A must!

12. Knock, knock sleepyhead! Time to wake up!

Feeling silly and want to make your guy laugh when he wakes up? Send him this cute text!

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13. It’s only a good morning when I know I have you.

Is your man so great that he makes your entire life better? Send him this text and let him know just how important he is to you, and how much he makes you smile all day long.

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14. I’m sending you this text first thing in the morning, not to say good morning but to make you smile the second you wake up.

Wanting to make someone smile is one of the best ways of showing you care. With this text, you will show him how much you care about him and want him to be happy from the moment he wakes.


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15. A morning text message doesn’t just mean hello. It’s a silent message of ‘I’m thinking of you’ the second I wake up.

Does this really need an explanation? We think not.

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16. If I were there, I’d wake you up with a big plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes, plus a kiss from me!

What man doesn’t love to be cooked for? Oh, yeah. This is definitely a winning good morning text he will love.

17. Hey lazy, when are you going to get up?

If you and your man have a goofy relationships, this is the ideal text for you. It’ll make him laugh and you’ll probably get a hilarious text back.

18. I missed you all night <3.

This text makes him feel wanted and special, while also letting him know you wish you could be with him snuggling all night long.


19. I can’t wait until the day I can wake up right next to you.

This gives your guy a glimpse into how serious you take the relationship. You want to wake up with him, right? So you obviously love him and want to be with him…perhaps for life?

20. I hope your morning is as bright as your smile. 

Another great text that WILL make him smile, and WILL boost his confidence levels. You can’t go wrong with a good morning and a compliment in one sentence. It’s the perfect text that anyone would love to read on their phones!

21. I had a good dream last night, but you’re the perfect dream come true. 

Because we’ve all had those dreams we wish would never end. But this text message tells him that even though you might’ve had an awesome dream last night, it doesn’t compare to HIM: your dream come true.

22. It doesn’t matter if I have a coffee or a tea, nothing compares to the feeling you give me. Good morning!

Who wouldn’t love to wake up to an adorable poem-ish text message like this one? Brighten up his morning with this adorable text message that could have come straight from Shakespeare’s mouth (well, not really…).

23. Good morning to the man who makes my wishes and desires come true, and brings joy and happiness to my life.

Wow. This is one of those all-in-one good morning text messages that will boost his ego, make him smile, AND let him know what a wonderful person he is and how special he is to you. Killer combination!

24. Your sweater was so comfy last night <3 How’d I ever sleep without it?

The PERFECT text message if he gave you his sweater last night (or a T-shirt, jacket, or whatever article of clothing).

25. I hate mornings. They are the loneliest part of the day when I really need your warm hugs and kisses. Ugh! Can’t wait to see you.

This will really get him excited to see you! And it will also let him know how much you LOVE his hugs and kisses, which can only lead to one thing: lots and lots of both when the two of you finally get together.

26. I think my pillow hates you because it knows I want to replace it with your shoulder. One day…

Not necessarily your typical “good morning text message”, but it still has to do a lot with sleep and waking up. Not to mention it’s totally cute and funny at the same time. Trust me, he’ll love to hear this funny little text right in the morning!

27. I was so cold this morning, but then I thought of you and I warmed right up. Good morning!

He can make you all warm and fuzzy even when you’re not together? Wow, he must be superman or something. This adorable text message is exactly what he will want to read early in the morning. I seriously can’t get over how cute this one is!

28. Were you a coffee bean in your past life? You must be, because I can’t start my mornings without you.

Oh, come on now- this one is hilarious! Send it!

29. I love seeing the sun rise every morning because it means I get to spend another wonderful day with you, my love. Good morning.

How adorable is that?

30. Good morning (insert guy’s name here). Did you sleep well? Or were you too busy dreaming about you and me? (Like I was, hehe). 

An adorable question that’s cute, fun, and flirty. An excellent option that will certainly kickstart conversation.

31. Good luck on (insert whatever your man is doing here). 

Because there’s nothing like hearing “good luck” from the person you adore. This will definitely kickstart his day and give him the oomph he needs to kick butt in whatever he’s doing.

32. Wow! It’s going to be a beautiful day. Picnic by the park?

Ask your man out nice and early and plan a wonderful day together: PERFECT! If it’s raining outside, try saying something like, “Ick! So dark and dreary out today. Let’s hit up the movie theater and stay indoors tonight!”

33. How is the most handsome man on earth doing this fine morning?

Because even if he was having a bad morning, this will definitely make it better.

34. Hey sleepyhead! It’s time to wake up, drink some coffee, eat some toast, and brush your teeth so you can get a big kiss from ME!

One word: adorable.


Because YOU JUST CAN’T WAIT ANOTHER SECOND. Haha, he will love this.

36. I hope you’re awake <3 We’re supposed to be leaving soon!

The only text to use when you and your partner have special plans for the day.

37. Our love gives me the boost I need to make it through each day. Hoping your day is as wonderful and positive as possible!

Any chance to remark about how wonderful the love you two share is ALWAYS a grand idea.

38. So….what color boxers are you going to wear today?

This one is totally silly, but who doesn’t love a good laugh the moment they wake up?

39. If I was there, I’d wake you up with a shower of kisses.

Don’t be surprised if he keeps insisting you spend the night after sending him something like this!

40. We need to work on you becoming a morning person like me.

A text message reserved for the morning people who are struggling with guys who love to sleep in like, all day long. He will get a kick out of this! (But be prepared for a big fat NO!)

http://www.herinterest.com/40-good-morning-texts-for-him/feed/ 22
40 Cute Things to Text Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/40-cute-things-to-text-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/40-cute-things-to-text-your-boyfriend/#comments Wed, 08 Jan 2014 06:22:35 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=8108

Absolutely love texting your boyfriend, but running out of cute texts that will make him smile? You’re not alone. After texting the same person for several months, finding things to make them smile can be a little difficult. But with these 40 cute things to text your boyfriend will surely make him laugh and smile.


1. Hey there handsome.

So much better than simply reading ‘Hi’ or ‘Hey’. Make him smile with the very first text you send. It can only get better!

2. I miss your cute smile.

Who doesn’t love a compliment on their appearance? Men love compliments, and this one will definitely make him smile with that cute little grin you know and love.

3. I love you.

This one should obviously be reserved for more serious relationships, but once he reads this he will definitely get butterflies in his belly.

4. You are so handsome.

Again, every man loves to be complimented. You can use other words like hot or sexy, but hearing he’s handsome will definitely up his ego in a more meaningful way.

5. I love your ____.

Really you can say just about anything with this text. Maybe you love his gorgeous green eyes, maybe you love his hilarious personality, or maybe are head over heels for his long blonde hair. Whatever it is that drives you crazy, let him know with this text. It’ll boost his ego and keep him happy for days on end.

6. I love it when you ____.

Tell your boyfriend some things you love that he does, like picking you up and hugging you or bringing you flowers before your date. This will not only make him feel good about himself, but will also let him know that he should continue doing it- and more often, too! It’s a win for the both of you.

7. I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

Such a classic line, but it gets a smile every time. I mean, the image is priceless yet it has a lot more meaning than you’d think. It’s really just an adorable text that will make him laugh the second he reads it, while still making his heart melt. Who knew you had such amazing powers?

8. So, there’s this really amazing guy. I like him a lot. His name is (insert boyfriend’s name here).

At first he’ll think, ‘Who is she talking about?’ Then he’ll be greatly surprised (and happy!) when he sees his name. Such a cute way to shower your man with compliments!


9. I was having a bad day, but then I thought of you and suddenly my world lit up.

It might be corny, but it’s definitely one to use on bad days when the only thing that makes you smile is him.

10. <3 

Ah, the heart symbol. So tiny, yet has such an impact. It’s a way of telling him you love him without words.


11. Guess what? (What?) I love you!

Yeah, you didn’t really have a surprise. You just wanted a clever way to tell him you love him! Who wouldn’t smile at that?

12. I wish you were here right now.

Everybody wants to feel wanted, and your man will love knowing that you wish he was next to you.


13. I can’t imagine life without you.

Another great text idea to really show him how much you care about him and want to be with him.


14. Words can’t describe how much I love you.

Another cute text idea for those in serious relationships. It must be pretty deep if words can’t even describe it!

15. I’d do anything to make you smile.

This is a great text to show your man how much you care about him and just want him to be happy!

Cute things to text your boyfriend-10

16. You know I really want you to come over. But you’re so hot my air condition bill would sky-rocket the second you stepped foot in the door!

Oh, it’s so unbelievably cheesy. But yet, at the same time it’s so funny and adorable! He will love this text- guaranteed.

Cute things to text your boyfriend-09

17. You’re my drug and I’m addicted to you!

There’s really no question why this text would run over well with your guy.

18. You make my heart race. 

He must be pretty great to make your heart race. Why not tell him?

19. You’re sweet like candy.

This is such a better option then just saying, ‘Oh you’re so sweet’, which he’s probably heard 100 times already.Cute things to text your boyfriend-06

20. I hope you know CPR, ‘cause you just took my breath away!

Here’s another corny text, but boy does it bring out the biggest smiles.


21. You’re the cheese to my macaroni. 

What’s macaroni without cheese? Nothing!

22. You looked great in that muscle tee.

This is a great way to let him know you were checking out his body, and you liked what you saw.

23. Can’t wait to see you again.

This adorable text will have him smiling and eager to come see you.

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24. I feel so safe with your arms around me.

A compliment about your boyfriend’s strong, masculine arms? Yeah, there’s just no way you can go wrong with that.

25. You understand me so well. I can tell you anything.

Your man wants to know that you’re completely comfortable with him, so he’ll obviously love reading this text from you.

26. My friends are so jealous that I have you.

Letting your guy know you love him is great. But telling him that even your friends are  jealous boosts his ego that much higher. And as an added bonus, he’ll probably flaunt you even more in front of your gal pals.

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27. You’re the man of my dreams.

Basically letting your guy know he competes with unreal characters of your dreams- yeah, it’s a weird concept- but one he will love to hear.

28. I don’t know how you put up with me.

There’s probably a few times where your man’s gotten irritated by you (maybe you’re cranky, goofy, sarcastic, etc), but this text will definitely make him smile and lighten his tension. There’s no doubt he’ll find this text cute AND funny.


29. You make me feel like a princess.

This is, after all, every guy’s mission: to make his lady feel like the princess she really is. This text is just reassurance that he is doing his job right and will definitely make him feel secure and happy.

30. I’m stealing your shirt next time I see you.

This adorable text lets your man know that you want a little piece of him to take home and snuggle with when he’s away. (Plus you get a brand new comfy pajama shirt). Win-win situation!


31. You’re so great at everything. Is there anything you can’t do?

Making your man feel like he’s the most masculine superhero on the planet is obviously a great idea. He will seriously love this text and is something you need to send him ASAP!

32. I had such a great time on our last date.

This is a wonderful text soon after a great date between the two of you. If your gigantic smiles during the entire date wasn’t enough to make it obvious, this text will seal the deal and make sure your man knows it was a great night.

33. I love watching you work out.

Again, there is no way you can go wrong complimenting your man’s physique. He will feel like a muscular stud and, of course, that’s something you want to do.

34. I want to know more about you. You’re so interesting!

There’s nothing like wondering whether or not you’re another boring fling. This text will make your guy know he is totally interesting and you can’t wait to find out more about him. Way to boost his ego, girl!

35. You are so unbelievably sweet and caring.

Usually guys want to hear that they are the hottest, most muscular man on the planet. But even so, they still like to hear that they are sweet from time to time. This cute text will let him know he’s more than just eye candy.

36. I love how ambitious you are.

Every woman loves a man with his eye on the prize. A hard-working man is just simply what every woman wants. This text will not only make him grin and feel like a million bucks, but will also boost his ambitious attitude and help him work harder at his job.

37. You always know just what to say to make smile.

It’s your man’s duty to keep a smile on your face. This text is not only really cute, but will let him know that he is doing a wonderful job as your boyfriend and to keep doing what he’s doing- it’s obviously working!

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38. I don’t know what I would do without you.

This text basically tells your man that you need him in your life, that he completes you. This is obviously a great text to give your man some security and let him know just how important he is.

39. You’re so strong. I feel so protected around you.

Again, you can’t go wrong with complimenting your man’s strength. And as every man’s goal is to protect his woman from the danger’s of this world, there’s no way he won’t adore this text. Definitely one to send to your boyfriend as soon as you can.

40. You’re so cute when you ____.

Does your boyfriend do something really cute that just makes you giggle the second he does it? Why not tell him! This cute text will make him a little embarrassed, but definitely in a good way. Let your man know even the silly things he does makes you smile!

Image credit: Passion for Fashion, Rose Elizabeth, Bernie Biersack, Luni Tamtelahitu,

http://www.herinterest.com/40-cute-things-to-text-your-boyfriend/feed/ 20
20 Romantic Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/20-romantic-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-romantic-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/#comments Wed, 08 Jan 2014 06:06:18 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=8100

Trying to get a little bit more intimate with that special someone in your life? Well, get cozy and relaxed with your lover and try out these 20 romantic questions to ask your boyfriend.

1. How long do you see our relationship lasting?


There’s no better way to find out how serious someone is about a relationship than with this question. If he says anything other than ‘till the end of time’ or ‘forever’ or something along those lines, you may need to rethink!

2. How much do you love me?

bw lovers

Get ready to be showered with compliments, hugs, kisses and the likes, simply by asking this romantic question.

3. What is your opinion of marriage?


It’s every woman’s dream to get married, so if your man isn’t on board with marriage you may have a problem. On the other hand, if he thinks the man is a provider who should care for his woman till the end, you’ve struck gold.

4. Do you see us ever getting married?


Is there wedding rings and honeymoons in your future? You’ll never know until you ask him this romantic question.

5. What do you love about me the most?

love signal

Again, this compliment-provoking question is simply one you have to ask.

6. If I died in a horrible accident, how would you react?


If he is anything other than terribly distraught for months on end, he might not be as serious as you think he is.

7. How can I prove my love for you?

Feeling like really proving to your guy you love him more than anything on earth? Then you need to ask this question and find out what he’s craving for.

8. Do you feel like you can tell me anything?


Without trust and a bond, a relationship cannot be sustained. If he truly loves you he should be ready and willing to share even his deepest, darkest secrets.
9. Do you still remember our first kiss?


This question is actually more important than you think. Your first kiss was one of the milestones  of the relationship and should be one of the most important things to remember. Warning: Hearing your man relive the night you and two shared your first kiss may be a tear jerker.

10. Do you remember the day we met?


Again, if your man remembers this amazing day, then he is definitely head over heels about you. Plus this question makes for a highly romantic reminiscing session.

11. What about me were you first attracted to?

sit next to

Was it your beautiful green eyes? Your long brown hair? Your hilarious personality? Find out what has made your man gaga ever since the start.

12. What song reminds you about me?

This can really tell you a lot about what’s going on in his mind. Would he choose a crumby, yet totally adorable song like ‘Brown Eyed Girl’, or is it something a bit raunchy like ‘Ms New Booty’?

13. What’s is the craziest thing you would do for me?

If you’re wondering what exactly your man would be willing to do for your love, you’ll find out instantly with this cute question.

14. Would you sacrifice (something) to keep our relationship going?


Would he give up his hateful, jealous friends just to keep you? Would he stop playing video games if it meant saving your relationship? Choose one of his favorite things and see if he’d be willing to give it up for you!

15. Would you be my lover in the next life?


If he wouldn’t want you in the next life, he probably doesn’t really want you in this life. Time to hit the ‘end’ button.

16. Would you be loyal even if your celebrity crush tried to sleep with you?

Who could resist their celebrity crush? Only a man who truly loves you, of course! Can your man say no to the temptations?

17. Will you be with me no matter what?

Even if your looks went sour or you were suddenly dirt poor, your man should still be right by your side through it all.

18. What memory of ours do you never want to forget?


Finding out your man’s fondest memory of the two of you is always a heart melter. Enjoy as he reminisces about his favorite moments and take a second to just enjoy what the two of you have been through together.

19. Am I perfect in your eyes?


The answer should always be yes, no questions asked.


20. Where would our dream honeymoon be?


It’s nice to imagine the two of you eventually saying your vows, exchanging rings, and being together for the rest of your lives. But that’s not all. There’s also the honeymoon. What romantic place would the love of your life take you? A beautiful beach paradise or by the fireplace in a cabin amongst ice-capped mountain tops?

 Image credit: Kelley Dupre, 400, Sha, and Marta.
http://www.herinterest.com/20-romantic-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/feed/ 5
20 Deep Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/20-deep-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/20-deep-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/#comments Sat, 04 Jan 2014 05:57:13 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=7786

Knowing the basics about someone is great. But diving deep into the crevices of one’s brain and finding out the answers to life’s deepest questions is even better. Try asking your boyfriend one of these 20 deep questions to ask your man and find out what’s truly going on in the depths of his mind.

1. Do you think there is an afterlife?


Everyone has an entirely different idea when it comes to the afterlife, from an extravagant magical place to a empty void. The best part about this question is there is no right or wrong answer- in fact, nobody knows the answer period. See how wild and imaginative your man may be about what’s to come.

2. How much money would you donate to charity? Which charity?


With this question you can identify your man’s real passion. Would he be willing to spend his entire paycheck on the charity of abused animals, or is would he rather spare some money for the homeless?

3. What’s your biggest regret in life?


We have certainly all made mistakes in life, but what does your man regret the most? With this question you can really find out how ‘bad’ your guy was in the past and see if he truly has remorse for something terrible he has done. This could also make for a very funny story!

4. What is one thing you would change about yourself?


Nobody loves themselves completely. But how insecure is your guy? Would he change something basic, like his eye color, or would he want to change himself from being selfish about the things he has to being more giving to others?

5. What era would you visit if time machines existed?


This question can give you some great insight on where your man’s head is. After all, some of us simply want to travel to the 80’s for the crazy hair and exciting music while others want to go back to ancient times to discover their hidden secrets within the caves.

6. If a genie granted you 3 wishes (and you can’t wish for additional wishes), what would you wish for?


See if your boyfriend would wish for a beautiful ritzy house or lavish vehicle or if he’d spend his own wishes on helping others.

7. How do you define yourself?


As everyone defines themselves in different way, whether it’s their social status, amount of money, or the way they act around others, and finding out what your boyfriend thinks can uncover a lot about his personality.

8. What would you do if you were told you only had 1 month to live?


A single month is surely not a lot of time. You’ll find out his priorities with this simple question.

9. How would you feel if you were told you terminally ill?

Nobody wants to even think about this terrible event, but how would your boyfriend react? Would he keep a smile on his face and hide it from you, or become a wreck in your arms?

10. What is the worst dream you’ve ever had?


Dreams can be incredibly creepy, and may even appear real. Find out what once haunted your man in his slumber.

11. What defines beauty?


Don’t let his answer be cut off with ‘you’. Although this is an incredibly sweet comment that will melt you, keep prying for what your man truly thinks is beautiful and what defines the word itself.

12. What brings true happiness?


Some people believe happiness can be bought, while others believe happiness comes from being around the ones you love. Find out what your man thinks about this whole debate.

13. What would you do if your family unexpectedly died in a horrible car crash?


Surely this is a thought that sends shivers down your spine, but it’s a prying question to find out how he would handle such devastation.

14. What is something you are deeply offended by?

Everyone has their own set of beliefs and their own comfort zone. What ticks off your man? What does he find absolutely grotesque that others are completely OK with?

15. What part about the future scares you?


With so many advancements continuously popping up, it’s hard not to be scared of what’s coming. Find out what your guy is most afraid of and why!

16. Would you rather be respected or liked?

Such an intense question, as sometimes you simply can’t have both. Find out whether your man would rather be a likable character doing the wrong thing for attention or a respectable man who sticks to his guns.

17. If you had to pick a new name, what would you choose?


Maybe he’d go with something really basic, or maybe he’d come up with a funky name you’ve never heard before. This could get interesting!

18. What would be your last meal?


He has absolutely no more chances to eat. Will your guy go for a lavish meal with steaks and lobster or simply have a feast of desserts and sweet treats?

19. What do you think about when you’re by yourself?

With this question you will find out whether your man is a philosophical guy who wonders about the world or if he simply thinks about what he will have for dinner that night.

20. If your house was on fire, what would you go back to save?

on fire

Again, this question allows you to uncover what your man sees as important. Would he go back to save his beloved pet, leaving everything else to burn, or would he snatch up his expensive video game equipment?

http://www.herinterest.com/20-deep-questions-to-ask-your-boyfriend/feed/ 1