herinterest.com » romantic things for a man http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 15 Romantic Things to Do For Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/15-romantic-things-to-do-for-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/15-romantic-things-to-do-for-your-boyfriend/#comments Wed, 11 Jun 2014 21:59:41 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14643

When we love someone, it is in our nature to want to show them how much we adore and appreciate them. But let’s be honest: men aren’t as easily swayed into romance as woman, and a lovey dovey poem attached to a gorgeous vase filled lined with decadent roses isn’t going to cut it. So what’s a girl to do? We’ve got the answer with 15 romantic things to do for your boyfriend.

7b5df6d858b1480a17ab1e4a74d2a8f51. Get Dolled Up

Your man loves you, well, for you. Whether you’re in your pajamas sick with a cold or in your workout clothes, he loves you all the same. But nothing excites him more than seeing his lady all dressed up. After all, he doesn’t see you in your fanciest attire with the most beautiful hair every single day, so why not glam it up once in awhile. He will appreciate your efforts: that you got all dazzled up, just for him. Not to mention you might notice him acting a little bit more passionate after seeing you in this fancy outfit, so really getting all dolled up for your man is a win win situation.


2. Let Him Have a Night Out

Men are always complaining about how they never get to spend enough time with the boys, and when they do finally get the chance, the lady is calling and complaining that he needs to get home. Did you ever think it might be a selfless act of romance and love to just cut him loose for a night? Tell him to go have a great night with the boys. See a game, go to the bar- whatever he and his pals like to do. When he goes out, don’t bother him with text messages or phone calls. Just let him have fun and when he is ready he will contact you or come straight home. Either way, you’ll be welcoming a man that is refreshed and happy when he walks through the door.


3. Give Him a Massage

He gets up every morning, 7 o’clock sharp. He hops in the shower for 5 minutes, runs out, throws his work clothes on, and he’s off for the day. Sometimes you don’t see him till 3, 4, maybe even 5 o’clock at night. And he does this 5 to 7 days a week. Don’t you think this might be a little draining and overwhelming? Whether he’s doing construction in the heat or using his brain in a bank, he needs a little relaxation. And what better way to relax him then with a nice, gentle massage from his woman. Break out the baby oil, candles, and soft music, and show him what you’re made of. He will love it, without a doubt.


4. Give Him a Gift

Ok, so we already mentioned earlier about how no man wants to get a girly romantic gift like a bouquet of roses or a poem so perfectly written it could melt his heart into two- so throw those ideas out. You’ll need to dig deeper to give a surprise gift for your man. Is he into sports? Maybe surprise him with a new baseball glove before practice Friday night or give him a pair of tickets to his favorite Hockey team. Is he a gamer? Try giving him a brand new headset for his XBOX or surprise him with the latest Call of Duty game. The best part about giving him a special gift you know he will love is it shows you took the time to know what his interests are, and then wanted to give him something related to his interests. That’s a HUGE plus for any man!


5. Write Him Something

So we already told you (twice) not to do any poetry. And we absolutely mean that one hundred percent. But that doesn’t mean that guys don’t like to read something sweet and special one in awhile. Write him a little note- whether it’s a simple “I love you” on a sticky note attached to his computer screen or a page long, silly love note that he can read before bed. Just make sure you’re witty, fun, and romantic all in one. You don’t want to bore him to tears with an overdose of romance, but you also don’t want to make him think it’s a joke. You know your man the best- write something he will actually enjoy reading that will tell him exactly how you feel.


6. Do a Little Dance..

You can take this one of two ways. We’ll start with the more sweet and romantic way, dancing underneath the stars to your favorite songs. Yes, it’s a little bit sappy, but it’s totally adorable and romantic too. Whether you’re out on the porch in your pajamas or get dolled up for the event, he will enjoy having your hips sway back and forth against his, eyes locked on each other as you dance to your favorite tunes.

On the other hand, if your guy isn’t into dancing whatsoever and would much rather watch *YOU* dance…ahem, alone, then I suggest you go out and buy a nice piece of lingerie to cater to this special event. I mean, come on- what’s more romantic in a man’s eyes then watching his sexy woman in a skimpy article of clothing swaying her hips erotically in front of him? No stripper could ever please him like that! So be his special stripper/erotic dancer for the night. He will absolutely love it.


7. Make Him a Special Dinner

When it comes to romance, sometimes staying inside is better than going to a 5 star restaurant. If you really want to do something extremely romantic for your man, cook him a special dinner. Get the table set up for two, and have it ready when he comes home from work. If you want to get extra brownie points for your efforts, we suggest cooking his favorite meal. For instance, if your guy is a steak and mashed potatoes kind of guy, make both. And don’t forget his favorite dessert, apple pie! It might seem like a long day in the kitchen, but it is definitely worth it to show your man you love him and care for him deeply. Trust us, he won’t mind eating his favorite finger-licking-good food either!

8. Pack Him Lunch

We talked earlier about how grueling your man’s day is. He rushes out of the house so fast in the morning he rarely ever has time to make his own lunch. So why not surprise him with a delicious lunch made and packed by yours truly? Again, to score extra brownie points make sure you pack in all his favorites. A nice, juicy sandwich with bacon and lettuce and a few nacho cheese Doritos on the side. Oh, and of course we can’t forget a bottle of water and an apple to make sure he gets at least a little bit of vitamins in his day. He will love your efforts and be very proud of the fact that his lady cared enough to make sure he was satisfied for lunch, even when she isn’t there.

9. Plan a Special Date Night

One of the biggest couples make that typically leads to a breakup is routine. Routines get boring, and ‘date night every Wednesday at the same diner you’ve been to for the last 3 months’ is probably getting boring to. We have one suggestion for you: SWITCH IT UP. Instead of Sally’s diner on a Wednesday, try going out for that new action movie Friday night. End the night with some drinks and see how free you can get with one another. Surprise him with tickets for two to the game next Saturday. It doesn’t really matter what you do, as long as it’s not something you do often and is different from the norm.


10. Go on an Adventure

Have you ever been deep sea diving? Have you ever had alone time with your man in a cabin in the woods? Have you ever nestled up with your guy on the shores of Panama? Did you really just say no to all three of those questions? If you want some serious romantic one on one time with your man, we highly suggest packing up your bags and taking off. It doesn’t have to be anything drastic like traveling across the sea to Italy. It can be as simple as going camping on the local camping grounds, spending the night in a hotel on the beach, or just going on a fun hiking trip. Possibilities are truly endless but it’s a great way to do something romantic for your man.


11. Photos!

Has anyone ever given you a special photograph, placed inside of a beautiful picture frame so you could easily hang it up on your wall? It’s such a simple gift, yet it has so much meaning to it. So for this next suggestion on romantic things to do for your boyfriend, go print up your favorite picture of the two of you together. Buy a frame. It doesn’t really matter what type, but something manly like a dark wood frame or metal frame would work just fine. (You could also make your own frame!) Place the photo inside and surprise your man with it. He will love seeing the two of you so happy together and will gladly hang it in his room or at his office so he can see your smiling face whenever he wants.

12. Compliment Him

Whether you have been in the relationship for 5 days or 5 years, men love to get a compliment from their woman. Well, men love to get compliments from anyone really; but when it comes directly from their lover, it means so much more. You don’t need to come up with anything fancy or extravagant. Just tell him how incredibly handsome he is and how his bulging muscles still turn you on to this day. These simple little compliments will make him feel loved and wanted, and that’s a winning combination.


13. Get Kinky

Remember when we said one of the biggest mistakes in a relationship is to develop a routine? Well this includes inside the bedroom too, ladies. You need to keep things interested. Remember a few weeks back when your man said he would love to see you in one of those silky lingerie numbers? Well, now might be the time to surprise him with it. Remember when he asked you to try ‘that one thing’ but you weren’t brave enough to do it? Maybe it’s time to find your courage. Keeping things spicy not only entices him and makes him lust for you even more, but also shows him that you adore him and want to make him want you.

14. Do What He Wants to Do

If he has been asking to see the new Spiderman movie, over and over and over again, and you just so happen to be Spiderman’s biggest hater, you might consider putting yourself aside for a moment just so you can indulge in something your man wants to do. As an added bonus, you’ll get him to quit asking! This is seriously such a simple act of selflessness and love that really proves to him how much you care.


15. Give Him Plenty of Kisses

At the end of the day, nothing says romance and love like kissing. To show your man how romantic you are and how much you love him, cover him head to toe in kisses, as much as you possibly can. Surprise him with kisses on the lips while he’s playing video games, surprise him with kisses right when he wakes up. The more kisses, the better!


Who knew it could be so easy to do romantic things for your partner. Dance with him, cook for him, shower him with kisses. We promise you he will love every moment of it!


What are some of your favorite ways to be romantic for your boyfriend?

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