herinterest.com » texting http://www.herinterest.com Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 How to Text a Guy You Like http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-text-a-guy-you-like/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-text-a-guy-you-like/#comments Thu, 04 Sep 2014 21:48:42 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=16400

I think we’ve all been in this situation one time or another: you’re staring at your phone, wondering what you’re going to text that special guy you like. You don’t want to seem like a nag, but you always don’t want to be boring or desperate. So what’s a girl to do? Check out these 15 easy ways to text the guy you like- all full proof ways that will leave you cool, calm, and comfortable.

1. Start off Strong


Obviously the most important thing you need to remember is to start off strong. If you start off on the wrong foot, the rest of the conversation is likely to follow, which leaves you with a boring, uninteresting, and totally terrible text message convo. Start off strong by coming up with something new and unique. For instance, instead of the same old “Hey, what’s up?” try saying something like, “Hey! How did you do on that math test?” or “Hey are you watching this crazy baseball game?” Anything that will strike up a conversation.

2. Ask Questions

The best way to keep a conversation going and get to know someone better is by asking questions. Start off with the basic questions: what kind of music are you into? What’s your favorite movie? As the convo continues, try diving into some more personal questions: what’s the most embarrassing moment in your life? How long was your last relationship? Why did it end? Keep the questions rolling!

3. Don’t Be Boring

Ladies! I can’t stress this enough. We don’t like to be bored, right? So what makes you think he wants to be bothered with a boring, lifeless conversation? Try to stay on interesting topics and when the convo starts fizzing out, try to spark it up once more or let it die. But the worst thing you can do is try and keep a one-word text message conversation going.

4. Don’t Be Needy

Whether you’re texting or not, you never want to appear needy. This is a HUGE turn off for 99% of the male population and is a sure fire way to get him running in the opposite direction. So how can you not appear needy? Don’t respond seconds after he texts you. Give it a few minutes. Don’t say things like, “Oh my gosh I’ve been waiting hours for your text message” or “Thank god you texted me I missed you”. Instead, try saying something flirty and fun like “Well hello there ;) glad to see a text from you”.

5. Don’t Send More Than One Greeting

When we text a guy we’re interested in, there’s no doubt we get nervous. And when he doesn’t text back within five minutes, we get in an even bigger uproar. “Why isn’t he texting me?” “Does he hate me?” “He’s obviously not interested”. Don’t let your thoughts get the best of you. If you’ve already sent the first text, don’t send him another one. Either he’s busy (work, homework, school, friends?) or he doesn’t want to talk to you- and either way, sending a “Hello?” or “Did you get my text?” message is just annoying and makes you look needy.

6afbdbfb59fb54a9bb8b9111203547946. Don’t Over Text

So let’s say you’ve been texting for awhile and he suddenly stops texting. Your first reaction might be to send him 5 more text messages in hopes of saying something that might interest him. Don’t do this! If the convo has been going for at least an hour, it may be okay to send a “Did you get my text?” message if he hasn’t responded in over 15 minutes. But other than that, don’t bombard him with eager messages- wait for him.

7. Flirt a Little

Flirting is absolutely one hundred percent important when it comes to talking- or texting- the guy you’re after. And yes, it’s totally possible to send flirty text messages. Try and say things like, “You looked so hot during football practice today” or maybe “I’m just laying around in bed, wishing you were here with me”. There’s SO many ways to flirt over a text message, and you should do it as often as you see fit. You could even teasingly flirt with him over a text message by saying something like, “Umm…I hate to break it to you but I TOTALLY saw that wicked fall in gym class. Hehe, clutz!” Again, don’t go overboard as this may make you appear desperate and maybe even easy- and that’s definitely something you want to avoid.

8. Compliments

This goes hand in hand with flirting, but I think it deserves a separate section of its own. Compliments are the easiest way to flirt with someone AND help them feel good about themselves. And remember- especially when it comes to males- the compliments don’t need to be three pages long. Something simple like “Wow you look good in red” or simply “Hey there handsome” is enough to put a smile on his face and give him that ego boost every man needs.

9. Show Him Your Silly Side

Sometimes, women think they need to hide their silly sides out of fear of looking goofy or unattractive. We think we have to be playing with our hair and thinking we are the hottest things in the world to get a man’s attention. But this really couldn’t be further from the truth. Men LOVE a woman who isn’t afraid to be silly and goofy from time to time. It’s surprisingly a major turn on! So go ahead and say those silly comments that pop up in your head or bust out that hilarious joke you heard at work earlier. I’m sure he will certainly appreciate your sense of humor and will be glad to have met a woman who is confident enough to show her silly side.

10. Show Him Your Intelligent Side

Okay, now, I’m not saying you need to talk about the way molecules function (unless of course you two are into that kind of thing). But you should AT LEAST be able to hold a bit of an intelligent conversation from time to time. For instance: if he starts talking about something from history (that’s well known), don’t play the dumb card. Let him know you know what he’s talking about. Now, if you really DON’T know what he’s saying, then feel free to say a comment such as “Wow, that’s really interesting. I’d love to hear more about that!” That shows him that even if you’re not aware of some things, you’re eager to learn. And men love that.

11. Make Plans

A text message is a super easy way to ask someone out. I mean- you’re not face to face, so that takes LOADS of pressure off. I mean, at least you won’t have to be rejected right to your face! (If he DOES reject you, that is). Plus you can be super coy about it. For instance, let’s say the two of you are talking about a new movie coming out. You could tell him that you’re interested in seeing it, but none of your friends like those kinds of movies so you have no one to go with. If he doesn’t get the hint to ask you out by that point, try asking him to accompany you to the movie!

12. Send Pictures

Hey now- don’t jump to any conclusions. I’m not talking about THOSE kinds of pictures (not yet, anyways). I merely mean sending him some innocent photos of something cool you’re doing or something interesting that you saw. Pictures bring everything to life and make conversations THAT much cooler. So go ahead and take a snap shot!

13. Send… Other Pictures

So you say the conversation between the two of you is getting a little “fun”, hmm? While I’m not going to sit here and tell you to strip down and send a nude short, I will tell you this: it’s the perfect time for a little seductive flick. For instance, you could take a picture of your new adorable, kind of sexy nightgown that you’re not sure if you want to take back or not. You could take a picture of those new jeans that fit oh-so-perfectly around your bottom and ask him what he thinks. There’s lots of ways to be a bit naughty with your pictures without showing a single thing!


14. Be Mysterious

Men are all about the game of cat and mouse. They love to chase females and they love it when a woman leaves them on the edge of their seat wanting more. And for that reason, you need to be mysterious- even through text messages. If he asks you what you’re doing, don’t just tell him you’re bored alone at home. Maybe you could take an extra couple minutes to text him back and say, “Oh, sorry it’s taking me so long to text back right now! My hands are kind of full at the moment. I’ll text you in about an hour”. That makes him wonder- what is this girl up to?

15. Leave on a High Note

Just like you want to start the conversation strong, you should end it on a high note as well. This means you should stop texting him the second the convo starts turning dull. That way you avoid boring conversations and leave him wanting more. Try to end the conversation in a flirty way, by saying something like “Josh, it’s been really nice talking to you ;) text me tomorrow, okay? I gotta go”. But don’t tell him exactly where you’re going- make it mysterious.


What are some tips you have for texting a guy you like?

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Should I Text Him? http://www.herinterest.com/should-i-text-him/ http://www.herinterest.com/should-i-text-him/#comments Sun, 31 Aug 2014 22:58:07 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=16356

We’ve all been in that terrible predicament where we are sitting in our chair, staring at our phone, wondering- should I text him? The answer is yes. But why? How? What should you say? What shouldn’t you say? There’s SO much to know- but don’t let that overwhelm you. We’ve got the answers to all your questions.


Why It’s Okay to Text Him First

Why do we, as women, always question ourselves when it comes to texting a guy? We will spend hours contemplating. We’ll even start a new text message with his phone number at the top, yet the message box will be empty because we simply don’t know what to say or don’t even know if we SHOULD text him. But why? Is it because we’re afraid of looking too desperate? Do we think texting first is against the rules of being a woman? Let me tell you this: it is perfectly okay to text him. In fact, most men actually prefer it.

Okay, now, don’t sit there in shock. I know it was probably a surprise to hear that- and you probably don’t even really believe me. I don’t blame you. All your friends probably told you to not text him or you’ll look desperate and easy, and you probably erased the pending text message (yet you’re still sitting there staring at your phone waiting for him to text you, right?). Men like it when women text first. I mean, after all- we all know that men LOVE it when girls make the first move. It’s such a turn on. It shows that you are totally confident and secure in yourself and don’t wait on anyone. You’re a go getter. You know what you want, and you go for it. So why should it be any different when it comes to text messaging? Exactly.


Ladies, before you spend hours contemplating whether or not to text him, the answer is yes. It’s almost always a good idea. He won’t mind and he won’t suddenly think you’re some clingy unconfident weirdo- in fact, he will think exactly the opposite.


A Guide for Each Scenario

Okay, so we’ve made it perfectly clear that it’s okay to text him. Men absolutely love it. But now here comes the hard part: what should you actually say? Here’s a few scenarios to get you started:


1. The cutie you’ve been talking to just gave you his number.

So whether you’ve been chatting it up in a bar or you’ve talked to him a few times in your math class, the time has finally come. He’s given you his number and is ready to take the next step in the relationship. Wow. It’s all on your shoulders now! What will you do?

I can’t stress this enough: don’t be boring. Nobody wants to get the same old, “Hey what’s up” text message. It’s…dull. And he’s probably seen that same text message from 5 other girls in the past few days. Don’t be that girl. Instead, try something like this: “Hey, it’s Sophie. How’d that blue drink treat you last night? Stuck with a hangover?” or “Hey, it’s Abby. Please tell me you did as terrible on that math test as me.” This lets him know who’s texting and also gives him something fun and interesting to talk about with you.


2. You just got home from an awesome date with that special someone.

The sparks were flying the whole time. You’ve been sitting on your bed with a goofy smile ever since you walked in the door. You just can’t get him out of your head and the date was nothing short of perfect. What will you say?

First and foremost, you should absolutely let him know what an amazing time you had. Don’t be shy! Something like, “James! Thank you so much for tonight. It was incredible. The pizza was delicious, the movie was awesome, and YOU were unbelievable. We should do it again sometime”. Here, you’ve covered all the basis. You put his name in the text to make it personable, you told him everything you loved about the date (including HIM), and you let him know you want to go out again. Perfection.


3. You just had sex for the first time with a new partner.

Okay, this is important. I mean, yeah you had an AMAZING time, but there’s still a little bit of awkwardness. You don’t want to make anything weird, and you don’t want to act like that’s all you want from him (unless that’s what you want). There’s a few options to choose from, but don’t try to play it off like nothing happened. This makes him think it was a bad time.

You could say something like, “Wow. You were incredible last night” or “I loved everything about last night. The drinks, the play- and especially you”. Either way, you’re letting him know that you had a good time and you want to do it again. You could also follow up by saying, “So, did you have fun last night?” or “Did you have as much fun as I did yesterday?”


4. You just met his friends/family members.

Well, if you are meeting his family or friends than you MUST be something special. So you need to make sure you let him know that you’re grateful for the opportunity and that you loved his family/friends. (And yes, you should probably say this even if you weren’t a huge fan of his friends or family members).

Say something along the lines of, “Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner with your parents last night! They were lovely” or “Thanks for bringing me to the bar with you yesterday. Your friends and cool and CRAZY! Lol”. You could then follow this text message with something like, “What did they think of me?” (Because I know you’re probably DYING to find out- I don’t blame you!).


5. Something awkward happened.

Okay, so let’s say you did something totally awkward with a guy friend the night before. Maybe you got totally drunk and were acting stupid. Maybe you grabbed your guy friend and started making out with him- even though the two of you were “just friends”. Really, there’s a whole list of awkward and embarrassing moments that could happen. But what do you say the next day?

Really, the only thing TO say, is sorry. And you should ABSOLUTELY say you’re sorry- even if you are overwhelmingly embarrassed. This will help ease the air a little bit and help the two of you work past it much quicker than trying to avoid the situation altogether. A simple “I’m so sorry about last night” is a great way to start. Then, based off of his answer, you will know what to do next.


6You’re not interested in him.

There’s probably nothing worse than being led on by someone who is not interested in you. If you went on a date with a guy you thought you liked but it ended up being a bust come date night, then you need to let him know right off the bat. Don’t wait for him to text you saying what an awesome person you are or how great the night was- that will only kill his spirit even more. You need to upfront and honest with him as soon as you can. There’s a few different ways to do this.

You could always simply say, “I’m sorry, but I don’t think this is going to work out. You’re a nice guy but I don’t see anything happening between us. Thank you for the date though”. That’s subtle, but gets the point across fairly quickly. If you want to be even more subtle and friendly about it, try something like “Hey. Listen, you’re a really nice guy but I don’t think I see anything romantic happening between us. We can stay friends if you’d like, though!”


Times You Shouldn’t Text Him

Well, for the most part it’s almost always okay to text him first. But, of course, there are still some occasions in which you should absolutely avoid texting him altogether. We’ve broken down the few times you should NOT text him.


1. When you are mad.

This is really simple: when you are mad, you almost always say things you don’t mean. Which means you could end up saying something really nasty and rude to him that will totally turn him off and ruin your relationship. If you are mad, do not text him. Wait to cool off and them return to the conversation with a level head so you can discuss the situation.


2. When you are drunk.

Ah, those infamous drunk texts. Those very awkward, embarrassing, and totally terrible drunk texts. You don’t want to make a fool out of yourself, right? Then I highly suggest avoid texting him while you’re under the influence. You might definitely say something “out there” that will make you look odd, desperate, weird- the list goes on and on. I mean, when you’re drunk you are a lot more “open” about things. You’d hate to tell him something personal about yourself or maybe even something you’ve been thinking about doing to him (hint hint). Just please, avoid the drunk text nightmare and save your texting for the next day.

text him

3. If you’ve already texted him that day.

It’s a rule of thumb: text someone, and if they don’t text back, don’t keep texting them. I mean, there’s a reason they didn’t text back, right? Maybe they’re busy at work. Maybe they’re working on homework. Maybe they just plain out don’t want to talk to you. Whatever their reason is for not texting back, you don’t want to be annoying or look desperate. If you’ve already texted him once that day- and he didn’t text back- let it be. He will contact you if he wants to talk.


Texts You Should Never Send Him

There are just some things you should NOT say to a man. Here is a few absolute no-nos when it comes to texting a guy.

1. I can’t wait to go out with you again.

Sounds harmless, right? But you know what you just did there? You automatically assumed that there’s going to be a next time. You automatically assumed he wants your company again. Instead of telling him you had a nice time, you decided that he had as much fun as you are and the two of you are going to go on a lot of grand adventures together. But unfortunately, it just doesn’t work like that. This text message is just too presumable. Instead, say something like, “Wow, I had a really nice time with you Jeff. I’d love to do it again sometime”. This lets him know that you loved the date and, if he is on the same page, you would love to do it again sometime.

2. What’s up?

You have probably sent this text, what, a million times by now? Yeah, and you know what? He’s read that same text a million times already. One word: boring. When you’re texting a guy, you don’t want to be boring. It’s as easy as that. You don’t want to be like everybody else and you certainly don’t want him to think that you’re a snooze fest. Who wants to be in a relationship with someone that is boring? Instead try something like, “Hey! Are you going to Brynn’s party tonight?” or “Hey! Have you seen the new Star Trek movie?” Basically send him anything that will start a conversation.

3. Where have you been?

When you haven’t talked to someone in awhile and you send this text message, their reply will almost always start with “I’m sorry” following by “I’ve been busy with work, school, etc.” And you know what you just did there? You guilt tripped him into talking to you and made him feel bad. That’s totally NOT what you should do. Instead, try saying something like, “Hey! Haven’t heard from you in awhile. How have you been?” That lets him know you’ve been thinking about him but you understand life gets hectic.

4. Thinking about you!

Unless you’ve been in a relationship with this guy for quite some time, please don’t send this text message. Sending this to a guy you barely know is a recipe for disaster. He will read this and automatically think, “Wow. This girl is crazy and super clingy!” I mean, after all- it’s a little weird to be thinking so much about someone you just met and actually tell them. (I mean, of course it’s okay to be thinking about that hottie nonstop! I do it too- just don’t let HIM know it!) It’s just a little too desperate. Refrain from anything like this.


Don’t let text messaging make or break you. It’s easier than you think to text that special guy in your life!


What do you think? Should women text a man first? Is there certain times you shouldn’t text him? What should you say? We are dying to hear your opinion!

http://www.herinterest.com/should-i-text-him/feed/ 0
60 Flirty Text Messages http://www.herinterest.com/60-flirty-text-messages/ http://www.herinterest.com/60-flirty-text-messages/#comments Fri, 20 Jun 2014 05:18:07 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14727

flirty text

After text messaging with someone for awhile, things can get kind of plain and boring. If your feeling like your text messaging life needs a boost, why not try out one of these 60 flirty text messages? We’ve got everything from cute and silly to spicy and romantic- take your pick!

e4bd490bb67ef8a80da3759f6cd07ea4 1. Hey you ;)

This is a great, simple text message to start a conversation. Plus it’s flirty thanks to the winking smiley face. Win, win situation here!

2. Good morning handsome. Have a great day!

This isn’t just your average good morning text. It’s a compliment and a well wish all in one, and that’s a winning, flirty combination!

3. Would you rather do you homework or come hang out with me?

If you want to hang out with your crush, ask him this. You really think he will pick homework over you? Doubt it!

4. Ugh, I have a problem. I can’t stop thinking about you.

This is so funny and cute! At first he will be thinking you have an actual dilemma, but the only problem is he’s stuck on your mind- and he will love that.

5. You look good in that new shirt.

Is he wearing something extra cute today? Why not let him know with a flirty, complimenting text message.

6. Blue is definitely your color ;)

Again, this is a great compliment that lets him know it isn’t just the shirt- but anything blue makes him look amazing. Don’t forget the winking smiley face!

7. I’m so bored! Wanna go on an adventure?

Dates don’t always have to be for dinners and movies; sometimes you just wanna have fun! Invite him out for an exciting day or afternoon and see the sparks fly.

8. This homework is killing me! I can’t do anymore. Save me?

Men love to be the hero- even when it comes to simple, silly things like these.

9. Good luck on your game tonight. You’ll do awesome and look sexy doing it ;)

Everyone gets nervous before a big event, whether it’s a game, speech, or outing. Boost his confidence by not only wishing him good luck, but telling him how great and handsome he is!

10. We just landed in Hawaii. Ugh, I wish you were here!

Did you go on an exciting trip and miss your crush? Then you need to tell him!


11. Happy Birthday! If you could have one wish, what would it be? ;)

This might sound like a normal Happy Birthday statement, but the winking smiley face at the end lets him know you might have some R rated thoughts on your mind. Wonder what he will come up with?

12. I’m trying on these new bras, but I need a second opinion. Care to share your thoughts?

Warning: he might need a new phone after slobbering over his when he sees this text message! Be prepared to send him into a lustful daze with a few pictures of your new bra!

13. Come over, I have all your favorites. Pizza, beer, and of course, ME.

Let’s be honest: what guy could possibly resist that? He will be flying over to your house as quickly as possible with this flirty and alluring text!

14. OMG, you were amazing last night.

Trust me, every guy wants to hear this compliment. It’s what he lives for, and you’ll definitely see a boost in confidence the next time you guys are ‘together’.

15. Can’t wait to see you tonight. I think you’re going to like what you see ;)

If you’re planning to see him later on, why not get him excited? He’ll love reading this and you’ll definitely spark his interest.

16. Hmm, should I wear the red panties or the black ones? Can’t decide..

All men love to have input when it comes to the panty department. Seriously, ask him this question.

17. I could seriously use a little bit of testosterone in my life..

If he isn’t very suave, he might not get this text message. But 99% of men will know that you’re ‘testosterone’ comment is really a G rated way to say you want him.

18. When he asks what you’re doing, tell him you just got out of the shower.

He will probably start daydreaming about you dripping wet in nothing but foam suds. Yeah, he will certainly enjoy that.

19. I’ve been thinking about you all day.

Because everyone likes to know they are on someone’s mind.


20. Follow up with… it hasn’t all been rated G either.

This lets him know you’re not only thinking about HIM, but thinking about YOU and him- ‘together’.

21. Send me a picture ;)

Hopefully he will catch onto the winking smiley face and slip you a sexy picture. Then the ‘sexting’ can ensue.

22. Where have you been hiding?

When he texts you out of the blue, this is a cute way of telling him you’ve missed him and are very pleased he sent you a text message.

23. Hey cutie. Haven’t talked to you in awhile. Thought I’d say hello!

If you haven’t talked to him for awhile, send him this. This compliments him while also letting him know he’s been on your mind.

24. Sweet dreams….with me in them ;)

It’s one thing to wish someone sweet dreams before they go to bed. It’s a whole other thing to wish them sweet dreams with YOU in them. He will certainly like the sound of that and close his eyes to his imagination running ramped.

25. Oooooh, I like the sound of that ;)

If he texts you something flirty or alluring, this is always a winning response (for obvious reasons).

26. Follow up with… Tell me more ;)

Combine these two if you’re really in the mood to turn him on, as these texts combine let him know you love what you hear and you’re sitting on pins and needles to hear more of his sexy comments.

27. I’m just laying in bed, bored. Care to join?

Perfect for those boring weekday nights when you’re in bed but don’t want to miss out on any of the fun. Either he’ll come over or you guys can have an enticing text message conversation until wee hours of the morning.

28. I really like our friendship, but I was thinking… maybe we could be friends with benefits?

Wow. His jaw will literally drop to the floor when he sees this. It’s definitely what every man wants to hear!

29. Let’s hang out tonight. I promise you won’t regret it ;)

Hmmm, have something sexy and fun planned tonight? This lets him know that he is in for a REAL treat. Just don’t flake on your promise ladies!


30. Let’s play 20 question. What’s your name? What’s your favorite color? Wanna go out with me Saturday night?

He will NEVER see it coming- and that’s what we love about it! Who could resist this totally not obvious and adorable way of asking someone out?

31. Randomly text him… Hey! Stop thinking about me!

This will undoubtedly put a smile on your face, and he will either tease you and say that you weren’t, or he’ll say ‘how did you know’? Either way, it’s a winner in our book!

Flirty text-8

32. Hey, I was wondering, do you believe in love at first sight? Or do I need to walk by you again?

Come on, I got a giggle out of writing this silly yet flirty text message! Put a definite smile on his face with this funny text.

33. I just woke up and you’re already on my mind.

What better way to say good morning to someone than with this adorable, flirty text?

34. Mmm, sexy. I love a man that can (fill in the blank).

This is a GREAT text message for any situation. Let’s say you asked him what he was doing and he said he was making dinner. Why not send him this text as a response? It works for almost anything: cooking, cleaning, working on a motorcycle, playing a musical instrument- anything!

35. I know you have a busy day ahead of you, but could you add me on to your to-do list?

This is sexy, and he won’t even see it coming. And let’s face it: we ALL enjoy texts like these. This will definitely turn him on, and he won’t be able to help himself buy say OF COURSE!

36. You have the most amazing (fill in the blank).

Again, this is an easy and flirty text that can let you say almost anything. You could say his smile his amazing, his eyes are amazing, or even his personality is amazing. It really doesn’t matter what you say- this text message is bound to make him smile.

37. I want to take you home with me and pleasure you in ways you didn’t know possible.

Wow. This steamy text message is certainly not for new relationships. But if you and your crush or boyfriend have been at it for awhile, why not send him this sexy message and get the fireworks flying? C’mon, you know he will absolutely love this text message. Be brave and let him know!

38. You make me feel so (fill in the blank).

Does he make you happy? Does he make you feel complete? Does he make you feel ‘hot’? Any text that lets him know he makes you feel a certain way is definitely a winner in our books.

39. I love your lips.

Of course, this is a spicy and romantic text message that boost his confidence and lets him know that yes, it is OK to kiss you and you absolutely love it.


40. Follow with… I can’t wait to taste them again.

There’s something about the waiting game that drives us all mad. So telling him you can’t wait to kiss him and taste him again is a surefire way to peek his interest and make him feel all warm and intense on the inside.

Flirty text-9

41. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would definitely put U and I together.

You’ve probably seen this clever text message on other websites or even television shows, and for good reason! This cute text message is flirty and clever all wrapped up into one, easy and quick text message. It will definitely make him smile!!

42. Come over. Now.

Sometimes guys like it when women are a little demanding. This will peek his interest for 2 reasons. One, your being assertive and most men find that a very attractive trait. And for two, why do you want him over? And not just tonight or sometime this week, but NOW? Do you have something special planned? He will be running over before you can even send the next text message!

43. Dang, you look extra hot today.

People love to hear that they look good today. And saying something as simple as this will boost his confidence incredibly fast. He might just do a few more struts passed you so you can get an ever better look.

44. Have you been working out?

There’s only one reason why you would ever ask a guy that they’ve been working out: there muscles look bigger (or they look better overall). So if you’re asking him if he’s hit up the gym lately, you’re clearly stating that he’s caught your attention because he looks so great. To put it plainly. this text message simply can’t go wrong.

45. Mmm, come over here. I want to touch you.

Every man wants to be touched. End of story. This text will undoubtedly turn him on and he won’t want to wait another second to come closer to you.

46. Can’t wait to see you XOXO

At the end of the day, we all just want to be wanted- right? This text will make him feel special. It will make him feel wanted. And that’s something that will definitely make him happy and excited to see you too!

47. Guess what I’m wearing right now.

This will really make his imagination run wild. Are you wearing a sexy dress? Maybe a piece of lingerie? Who knows! Just prepared to send him a picture of what you’re wearing afterwards.

48. I was just telling my friends about you. They’re so jealous ;)

You’re talking to your friends about him? Yeah. Guys LOVE that. And they also love to know that they are making your friends jealous. Plus the winking smily face lets him know you told them ALL the details- and they are even more jealous about THAT.

49. I had a dream about you last night. It was definitely R-rated…

This can only mean one thing: you had a naughty dream about him. Be ready to fill him in with all the dirty details!

3420eed0d6034fe24656b0caae1cc6e6 50. Did you know I can do the splits?

Men love a girl that is flexible. This sparks interest because he will want to see just how flexible you can be.

51. I’ve been a bad girl today. I need a spanking.

Men love it when a nice girl can be dirty, and they love it even more when they can spank her for it. Send him this text message and drive him WILD.

52. Talk dirty to me.

It might be on the spot, but men thrive on that! He will want to show you how passionate and exciting he can be over text messages. And trust us, you’ll love all of the things he comes up with trying to impress you and turn you on.

53. Don’t waste all of your energy at work today. You’ll need some extra energy for later…

He’ll be thinking, “Oh really? For what?” Maybe you have something extra spicy planned for tonight. The point is to get him thinking all day long and let the intensity build up so he’s ready to go at it all night when he gets home.

54. Ugh, I was rushing out of the house and totally forgot to wear a bra.

I’m pretty sure his jaw will drop after reading this, and soon after his imagination will kick in, day dreaming about how alluring you look in a top without a bra on.

55. I found my old cheerleading outfit. It still fits…

Every man has a fantasy about a girl in a cheerleading outfit. I don’t know why, don’t ask me. The point is- it’s just a fact about men, and he will love to hear this. Be ready to showcase it for him!

56. Ugh, I’ve had a horrible day. I need to unwind… ;)

I wonder what you have in mind? What better way to unwind than to…. (you fill in the blank).

57. Can you guess the color of the underwear I’m wearing?

Men like to talk about girls and their underwear. And that’s just that.

58. I’ve never met a man that can (fill in the blank) as well as you.

This could be something G or X rated- you make the call!

59. If I were with you right now, what would we be doing?

Get inside of his head!

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60. I’m trying to fall asleep, but I can’t stop thinking about you!

This is just too cute for words.


What’s your favorite flirty text?

http://www.herinterest.com/60-flirty-text-messages/feed/ 2
40 Cute Things to Text Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/40-cute-things-to-text-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/40-cute-things-to-text-your-boyfriend/#comments Wed, 08 Jan 2014 06:22:35 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=8108

Absolutely love texting your boyfriend, but running out of cute texts that will make him smile? You’re not alone. After texting the same person for several months, finding things to make them smile can be a little difficult. But with these 40 cute things to text your boyfriend will surely make him laugh and smile.


1. Hey there handsome.

So much better than simply reading ‘Hi’ or ‘Hey’. Make him smile with the very first text you send. It can only get better!

2. I miss your cute smile.

Who doesn’t love a compliment on their appearance? Men love compliments, and this one will definitely make him smile with that cute little grin you know and love.

3. I love you.

This one should obviously be reserved for more serious relationships, but once he reads this he will definitely get butterflies in his belly.

4. You are so handsome.

Again, every man loves to be complimented. You can use other words like hot or sexy, but hearing he’s handsome will definitely up his ego in a more meaningful way.

5. I love your ____.

Really you can say just about anything with this text. Maybe you love his gorgeous green eyes, maybe you love his hilarious personality, or maybe are head over heels for his long blonde hair. Whatever it is that drives you crazy, let him know with this text. It’ll boost his ego and keep him happy for days on end.

6. I love it when you ____.

Tell your boyfriend some things you love that he does, like picking you up and hugging you or bringing you flowers before your date. This will not only make him feel good about himself, but will also let him know that he should continue doing it- and more often, too! It’s a win for the both of you.

7. I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

Such a classic line, but it gets a smile every time. I mean, the image is priceless yet it has a lot more meaning than you’d think. It’s really just an adorable text that will make him laugh the second he reads it, while still making his heart melt. Who knew you had such amazing powers?

8. So, there’s this really amazing guy. I like him a lot. His name is (insert boyfriend’s name here).

At first he’ll think, ‘Who is she talking about?’ Then he’ll be greatly surprised (and happy!) when he sees his name. Such a cute way to shower your man with compliments!


9. I was having a bad day, but then I thought of you and suddenly my world lit up.

It might be corny, but it’s definitely one to use on bad days when the only thing that makes you smile is him.

10. <3 

Ah, the heart symbol. So tiny, yet has such an impact. It’s a way of telling him you love him without words.


11. Guess what? (What?) I love you!

Yeah, you didn’t really have a surprise. You just wanted a clever way to tell him you love him! Who wouldn’t smile at that?

12. I wish you were here right now.

Everybody wants to feel wanted, and your man will love knowing that you wish he was next to you.


13. I can’t imagine life without you.

Another great text idea to really show him how much you care about him and want to be with him.


14. Words can’t describe how much I love you.

Another cute text idea for those in serious relationships. It must be pretty deep if words can’t even describe it!

15. I’d do anything to make you smile.

This is a great text to show your man how much you care about him and just want him to be happy!

Cute things to text your boyfriend-10

16. You know I really want you to come over. But you’re so hot my air condition bill would sky-rocket the second you stepped foot in the door!

Oh, it’s so unbelievably cheesy. But yet, at the same time it’s so funny and adorable! He will love this text- guaranteed.

Cute things to text your boyfriend-09

17. You’re my drug and I’m addicted to you!

There’s really no question why this text would run over well with your guy.

18. You make my heart race. 

He must be pretty great to make your heart race. Why not tell him?

19. You’re sweet like candy.

This is such a better option then just saying, ‘Oh you’re so sweet’, which he’s probably heard 100 times already.Cute things to text your boyfriend-06

20. I hope you know CPR, ‘cause you just took my breath away!

Here’s another corny text, but boy does it bring out the biggest smiles.


21. You’re the cheese to my macaroni. 

What’s macaroni without cheese? Nothing!

22. You looked great in that muscle tee.

This is a great way to let him know you were checking out his body, and you liked what you saw.

23. Can’t wait to see you again.

This adorable text will have him smiling and eager to come see you.

Cute things to text your boyfriend-08

24. I feel so safe with your arms around me.

A compliment about your boyfriend’s strong, masculine arms? Yeah, there’s just no way you can go wrong with that.

25. You understand me so well. I can tell you anything.

Your man wants to know that you’re completely comfortable with him, so he’ll obviously love reading this text from you.

26. My friends are so jealous that I have you.

Letting your guy know you love him is great. But telling him that even your friends are  jealous boosts his ego that much higher. And as an added bonus, he’ll probably flaunt you even more in front of your gal pals.

Cute things to text your boyfriend-07

27. You’re the man of my dreams.

Basically letting your guy know he competes with unreal characters of your dreams- yeah, it’s a weird concept- but one he will love to hear.

28. I don’t know how you put up with me.

There’s probably a few times where your man’s gotten irritated by you (maybe you’re cranky, goofy, sarcastic, etc), but this text will definitely make him smile and lighten his tension. There’s no doubt he’ll find this text cute AND funny.


29. You make me feel like a princess.

This is, after all, every guy’s mission: to make his lady feel like the princess she really is. This text is just reassurance that he is doing his job right and will definitely make him feel secure and happy.

30. I’m stealing your shirt next time I see you.

This adorable text lets your man know that you want a little piece of him to take home and snuggle with when he’s away. (Plus you get a brand new comfy pajama shirt). Win-win situation!


31. You’re so great at everything. Is there anything you can’t do?

Making your man feel like he’s the most masculine superhero on the planet is obviously a great idea. He will seriously love this text and is something you need to send him ASAP!

32. I had such a great time on our last date.

This is a wonderful text soon after a great date between the two of you. If your gigantic smiles during the entire date wasn’t enough to make it obvious, this text will seal the deal and make sure your man knows it was a great night.

33. I love watching you work out.

Again, there is no way you can go wrong complimenting your man’s physique. He will feel like a muscular stud and, of course, that’s something you want to do.

34. I want to know more about you. You’re so interesting!

There’s nothing like wondering whether or not you’re another boring fling. This text will make your guy know he is totally interesting and you can’t wait to find out more about him. Way to boost his ego, girl!

35. You are so unbelievably sweet and caring.

Usually guys want to hear that they are the hottest, most muscular man on the planet. But even so, they still like to hear that they are sweet from time to time. This cute text will let him know he’s more than just eye candy.

36. I love how ambitious you are.

Every woman loves a man with his eye on the prize. A hard-working man is just simply what every woman wants. This text will not only make him grin and feel like a million bucks, but will also boost his ambitious attitude and help him work harder at his job.

37. You always know just what to say to make smile.

It’s your man’s duty to keep a smile on your face. This text is not only really cute, but will let him know that he is doing a wonderful job as your boyfriend and to keep doing what he’s doing- it’s obviously working!

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38. I don’t know what I would do without you.

This text basically tells your man that you need him in your life, that he completes you. This is obviously a great text to give your man some security and let him know just how important he is.

39. You’re so strong. I feel so protected around you.

Again, you can’t go wrong with complimenting your man’s strength. And as every man’s goal is to protect his woman from the danger’s of this world, there’s no way he won’t adore this text. Definitely one to send to your boyfriend as soon as you can.

40. You’re so cute when you ____.

Does your boyfriend do something really cute that just makes you giggle the second he does it? Why not tell him! This cute text will make him a little embarrassed, but definitely in a good way. Let your man know even the silly things he does makes you smile!

Image credit: Passion for Fashion, Rose Elizabeth, Bernie Biersack, Luni Tamtelahitu,

http://www.herinterest.com/40-cute-things-to-text-your-boyfriend/feed/ 20
How to Tell If A Guy Likes You Through Texting http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-tell-if-a-guy-likes-you-through-texting/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-tell-if-a-guy-likes-you-through-texting/#comments Wed, 25 Dec 2013 23:40:00 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=7590

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Now, more than ever, we are totally glued to our phones. Twenty years ago it was all about the way we talked, today it’s all about the way we text. It’s nice to be able to talk to anybody and everybody every second of every day, sharing every thought and detail of your life can make you feel like you’re together even when you’re miles apart.  But even though we can send words back and forth almost as fast as we can think them, it’s a little bit harder to send emotions and feelings along with them.  Sometimes all of those little tiny LOL’s and OMG’s only add to your confusion – especially when you are talking to a guy you like.

Don’t Freak Out If He Doesn’t Reply Immediately

So, how can you tell if your crush’s friendly greeting is more than just friendly?  The first thing you have to remember is that guys don’t think or communicate the same way girls do.  Most of the time, they say what they mean and they mean what they say.  If you get a one letter response it’s because they’re busy or in a hurry or because it’s faster, not because they’re mad at you.  Don’t read so much into it.  Most guys are pretty straight forward.


He Texts You Throughout The Day

Something else to keep in mind is that while we ladies are the queens of multitasking, most guys just aren’t.  They can do one thing at a time, and they can do it well, but try to get them to walk and chew gum at the same time and see what happens.  Unless, of course, they are chasing a girl.  Once a guy has his sights set on his lady love, he can pursue her 24/7, all while going about his normal routine.  So, if your guy is texting you when his mind should be on other things, like work, chances are you’ve tickled his fancy.  He just can’t get you out of his mind.

Does He Always Text Back Quickly?

Another way to tell if your guy is trying to send some ‘more than friend’ vibes your way via SMS is to pay attention to how fast he texts you back.  If he is responding within a few seconds, you know he’s waiting on your next message and is totally engaged in the conversation.  Even better is when you have a meeting of the minds moment and text each other at the same time – that’s almost the definition of soul mates in the 21st century.

He Tells You Everything

Also, if any guy takes the time to fill up that little screen with detailed descriptions of his day, chances are he’s digging on you just a little bit.  Especially if he’s got an old-school phone.  No man is going to take the time to text you line after line on those teeny tiny number keys unless he’s got some hidden feelings.   The way he sees it, he’s making a valid effort to communicate with his lady, something not to be taken lightly.


He May Just Stink At Texting

When you are wrestling with your internal “he loves me, he loves me not” demons, make sure to keep in mind that every guy is different.  So is every phone.  Some guys may not text back as often as you would like because their phone is a pain in the you-know-what, while others may not text you back because they’re just not that into you.  To tell which you’re dealing with, you’re going to have to use a little discernment.  You don’t have to go all crazy stalker or anything, but scope him out when he’s texting his buddies.  Does he look comfortable with his handset, or like  a bit of a novice?  If he’s a bit on the slow side, don’t be too offended if he’s a bit slow to get back to you.

He Wants To Spend Time With You

Something else to keep in mind is that if a guy is really into you, he’ll enjoy a bit of a chase.  Let him initiate the text sessions from time to time.  If you notice he’s hitting you up pretty regularly, out of the blue, chances are you’re on his mind more often than not.  If he’s thinking about you while he’s walking around his living room or dozing off at night, you might be more than the girl of his dreams, if you get my drift.

The truth is that even though the way we communicate has gotten high-tech, the thoughts and feelings we are trying to convey are the same.  There is a lot to be said for trusting your instincts; that being said if you are truly wondering about the intentions of your potential Romeo, the best thing you can do is ask.   Maybe something like U+ME=:) After all, it’s only a text message.  It’s impossible for him to know your true emotions, either.  Worst case scenario, you tell him you were only kidding LOL

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