All posts tagged "tips"
How to Get a Boy to Ask You Out
You like this guy, and he likes you. So why hasn’t he asked you out than? Maybe he’s shy, or maybe he isn’t ready. Or maybe he simply doesn’t know that you actually want him to ask...
- Posted June 18, 2014
15 Romantic Things to Do For Your Boyfriend
When we love someone, it is in our nature to want to show them how much we adore and appreciate them. But let’s be honest: men aren’t as easily swayed into romance as woman, and a lovey...
- Posted June 11, 2014
How to Start a Conversation With the Guy You Like
You’ve had your eye on this guy for quite some time now. He sits across from you in class, he works in the same office, or you can’t keep your eyes off of him as he works...
- Posted June 10, 2014
10 Ways to Make Him Jealous
We have to admit: intentionally making someone jealous is kind of cruel, be we totally understand that sometimes jealousy is the only tactic that works. Sometimes people need a taste of their own medicine, or sometimes they...
- Posted June 4, 2014
16 Ways to Make Him Fall in Love With You
“She wasn’t exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the...
- Posted June 1, 2014
50 Best Hairstyles for Thick Hair
So you’ve got thick hair and aren’t quite sure what to do with it? It can be a nightmare at times, right? For me, the words unruly, untameable, and downright frustrating come to mind when I think...
- Posted May 15, 2014
50 Best Hairstyles For Thin Hair
Some of us are blessed with luscious thick locks while others have fine, sleek hair. There are good and bad points to both eventualities so don’t fret if you’re one or the other. A lot of people...
- Posted May 13, 2014
100 Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work
How do we lose weight quickly and effectively? It’s an age old question and one which I’ve no doubt will still be circling for decades to come. What works for some women may not work for another...
- Posted April 25, 2014
How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster
Bobs and pixie cuts may be in fashion just now but lets face it, as women we love having long, luscious hair. You know the kind I’m thinking about, think Disney princesses. Still, we experiment none the...
- Posted April 23, 2014
How To Get Abs For Girls
Once upon a time the dream of a washboard stomach and rock hard abs was something only men dreamed of. Women on the other hand were content with a flat stomach and a few seductive curves to...
- Posted March 19, 2014