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flirty text

After text messaging with someone for awhile, things can get kind of plain and boring. If your feeling like your text messaging life needs a boost, why not try out one of these 60 flirty text messages? We’ve got everything from cute and silly to spicy and romantic- take your pick!

e4bd490bb67ef8a80da3759f6cd07ea4 1. Hey you ;)

This is a great, simple text message to start a conversation. Plus it’s flirty thanks to the winking smiley face. Win, win situation here!

2. Good morning handsome. Have a great day!

This isn’t just your average good morning text. It’s a compliment and a well wish all in one, and that’s a winning, flirty combination!

3. Would you rather do you homework or come hang out with me?

If you want to hang out with your crush, ask him this. You really think he will pick homework over you? Doubt it!

4. Ugh, I have a problem. I can’t stop thinking about you.

This is so funny and cute! At first he will be thinking you have an actual dilemma, but the only problem is he’s stuck on your mind- and he will love that.

5. You look good in that new shirt.

Is he wearing something extra cute today? Why not let him know with a flirty, complimenting text message.

6. Blue is definitely your color ;)

Again, this is a great compliment that lets him know it isn’t just the shirt- but anything blue makes him look amazing. Don’t forget the winking smiley face!

7. I’m so bored! Wanna go on an adventure?

Dates don’t always have to be for dinners and movies; sometimes you just wanna have fun! Invite him out for an exciting day or afternoon and see the sparks fly.

8. This homework is killing me! I can’t do anymore. Save me?

Men love to be the hero- even when it comes to simple, silly things like these.

9. Good luck on your game tonight. You’ll do awesome and look sexy doing it ;)

Everyone gets nervous before a big event, whether it’s a game, speech, or outing. Boost his confidence by not only wishing him good luck, but telling him how great and handsome he is!

10. We just landed in Hawaii. Ugh, I wish you were here!

Did you go on an exciting trip and miss your crush? Then you need to tell him!


11. Happy Birthday! If you could have one wish, what would it be? ;)

This might sound like a normal Happy Birthday statement, but the winking smiley face at the end lets him know you might have some R rated thoughts on your mind. Wonder what he will come up with?

12. I’m trying on these new bras, but I need a second opinion. Care to share your thoughts?

Warning: he might need a new phone after slobbering over his when he sees this text message! Be prepared to send him into a lustful daze with a few pictures of your new bra!

13. Come over, I have all your favorites. Pizza, beer, and of course, ME.

Let’s be honest: what guy could possibly resist that? He will be flying over to your house as quickly as possible with this flirty and alluring text!

14. OMG, you were amazing last night.

Trust me, every guy wants to hear this compliment. It’s what he lives for, and you’ll definitely see a boost in confidence the next time you guys are ‘together’.

15. Can’t wait to see you tonight. I think you’re going to like what you see ;)

If you’re planning to see him later on, why not get him excited? He’ll love reading this and you’ll definitely spark his interest.

16. Hmm, should I wear the red panties or the black ones? Can’t decide..

All men love to have input when it comes to the panty department. Seriously, ask him this question.

17. I could seriously use a little bit of testosterone in my life..

If he isn’t very suave, he might not get this text message. But 99% of men will know that you’re ‘testosterone’ comment is really a G rated way to say you want him.

18. When he asks what you’re doing, tell him you just got out of the shower.

He will probably start daydreaming about you dripping wet in nothing but foam suds. Yeah, he will certainly enjoy that.

19. I’ve been thinking about you all day.

Because everyone likes to know they are on someone’s mind.


20. Follow up with… it hasn’t all been rated G either.

This lets him know you’re not only thinking about HIM, but thinking about YOU and him- ‘together’.

21. Send me a picture ;)

Hopefully he will catch onto the winking smiley face and slip you a sexy picture. Then the ‘sexting’ can ensue.

22. Where have you been hiding?

When he texts you out of the blue, this is a cute way of telling him you’ve missed him and are very pleased he sent you a text message.

23. Hey cutie. Haven’t talked to you in awhile. Thought I’d say hello!

If you haven’t talked to him for awhile, send him this. This compliments him while also letting him know he’s been on your mind.

24. Sweet dreams….with me in them ;)

It’s one thing to wish someone sweet dreams before they go to bed. It’s a whole other thing to wish them sweet dreams with YOU in them. He will certainly like the sound of that and close his eyes to his imagination running ramped.

25. Oooooh, I like the sound of that ;)

If he texts you something flirty or alluring, this is always a winning response (for obvious reasons).

26. Follow up with… Tell me more ;)

Combine these two if you’re really in the mood to turn him on, as these texts combine let him know you love what you hear and you’re sitting on pins and needles to hear more of his sexy comments.

27. I’m just laying in bed, bored. Care to join?

Perfect for those boring weekday nights when you’re in bed but don’t want to miss out on any of the fun. Either he’ll come over or you guys can have an enticing text message conversation until wee hours of the morning.

28. I really like our friendship, but I was thinking… maybe we could be friends with benefits?

Wow. His jaw will literally drop to the floor when he sees this. It’s definitely what every man wants to hear!

29. Let’s hang out tonight. I promise you won’t regret it ;)

Hmmm, have something sexy and fun planned tonight? This lets him know that he is in for a REAL treat. Just don’t flake on your promise ladies!


30. Let’s play 20 question. What’s your name? What’s your favorite color? Wanna go out with me Saturday night?

He will NEVER see it coming- and that’s what we love about it! Who could resist this totally not obvious and adorable way of asking someone out?

31. Randomly text him… Hey! Stop thinking about me!

This will undoubtedly put a smile on your face, and he will either tease you and say that you weren’t, or he’ll say ‘how did you know’? Either way, it’s a winner in our book!

Flirty text-8

32. Hey, I was wondering, do you believe in love at first sight? Or do I need to walk by you again?

Come on, I got a giggle out of writing this silly yet flirty text message! Put a definite smile on his face with this funny text.

33. I just woke up and you’re already on my mind.

What better way to say good morning to someone than with this adorable, flirty text?

34. Mmm, sexy. I love a man that can (fill in the blank).

This is a GREAT text message for any situation. Let’s say you asked him what he was doing and he said he was making dinner. Why not send him this text as a response? It works for almost anything: cooking, cleaning, working on a motorcycle, playing a musical instrument- anything!

35. I know you have a busy day ahead of you, but could you add me on to your to-do list?

This is sexy, and he won’t even see it coming. And let’s face it: we ALL enjoy texts like these. This will definitely turn him on, and he won’t be able to help himself buy say OF COURSE!

36. You have the most amazing (fill in the blank).

Again, this is an easy and flirty text that can let you say almost anything. You could say his smile his amazing, his eyes are amazing, or even his personality is amazing. It really doesn’t matter what you say- this text message is bound to make him smile.

37. I want to take you home with me and pleasure you in ways you didn’t know possible.

Wow. This steamy text message is certainly not for new relationships. But if you and your crush or boyfriend have been at it for awhile, why not send him this sexy message and get the fireworks flying? C’mon, you know he will absolutely love this text message. Be brave and let him know!

38. You make me feel so (fill in the blank).

Does he make you happy? Does he make you feel complete? Does he make you feel ‘hot’? Any text that lets him know he makes you feel a certain way is definitely a winner in our books.

39. I love your lips.

Of course, this is a spicy and romantic text message that boost his confidence and lets him know that yes, it is OK to kiss you and you absolutely love it.


40. Follow with… I can’t wait to taste them again.

There’s something about the waiting game that drives us all mad. So telling him you can’t wait to kiss him and taste him again is a surefire way to peek his interest and make him feel all warm and intense on the inside.

Flirty text-9

41. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would definitely put U and I together.

You’ve probably seen this clever text message on other websites or even television shows, and for good reason! This cute text message is flirty and clever all wrapped up into one, easy and quick text message. It will definitely make him smile!!

42. Come over. Now.

Sometimes guys like it when women are a little demanding. This will peek his interest for 2 reasons. One, your being assertive and most men find that a very attractive trait. And for two, why do you want him over? And not just tonight or sometime this week, but NOW? Do you have something special planned? He will be running over before you can even send the next text message!

43. Dang, you look extra hot today.

People love to hear that they look good today. And saying something as simple as this will boost his confidence incredibly fast. He might just do a few more struts passed you so you can get an ever better look.

44. Have you been working out?

There’s only one reason why you would ever ask a guy that they’ve been working out: there muscles look bigger (or they look better overall). So if you’re asking him if he’s hit up the gym lately, you’re clearly stating that he’s caught your attention because he looks so great. To put it plainly. this text message simply can’t go wrong.

45. Mmm, come over here. I want to touch you.

Every man wants to be touched. End of story. This text will undoubtedly turn him on and he won’t want to wait another second to come closer to you.

46. Can’t wait to see you XOXO

At the end of the day, we all just want to be wanted- right? This text will make him feel special. It will make him feel wanted. And that’s something that will definitely make him happy and excited to see you too!

47. Guess what I’m wearing right now.

This will really make his imagination run wild. Are you wearing a sexy dress? Maybe a piece of lingerie? Who knows! Just prepared to send him a picture of what you’re wearing afterwards.

48. I was just telling my friends about you. They’re so jealous ;)

You’re talking to your friends about him? Yeah. Guys LOVE that. And they also love to know that they are making your friends jealous. Plus the winking smily face lets him know you told them ALL the details- and they are even more jealous about THAT.

49. I had a dream about you last night. It was definitely R-rated…

This can only mean one thing: you had a naughty dream about him. Be ready to fill him in with all the dirty details!

3420eed0d6034fe24656b0caae1cc6e6 50. Did you know I can do the splits?

Men love a girl that is flexible. This sparks interest because he will want to see just how flexible you can be.

51. I’ve been a bad girl today. I need a spanking.

Men love it when a nice girl can be dirty, and they love it even more when they can spank her for it. Send him this text message and drive him WILD.

52. Talk dirty to me.

It might be on the spot, but men thrive on that! He will want to show you how passionate and exciting he can be over text messages. And trust us, you’ll love all of the things he comes up with trying to impress you and turn you on.

53. Don’t waste all of your energy at work today. You’ll need some extra energy for later…

He’ll be thinking, “Oh really? For what?” Maybe you have something extra spicy planned for tonight. The point is to get him thinking all day long and let the intensity build up so he’s ready to go at it all night when he gets home.

54. Ugh, I was rushing out of the house and totally forgot to wear a bra.

I’m pretty sure his jaw will drop after reading this, and soon after his imagination will kick in, day dreaming about how alluring you look in a top without a bra on.

55. I found my old cheerleading outfit. It still fits…

Every man has a fantasy about a girl in a cheerleading outfit. I don’t know why, don’t ask me. The point is- it’s just a fact about men, and he will love to hear this. Be ready to showcase it for him!

56. Ugh, I’ve had a horrible day. I need to unwind… ;)

I wonder what you have in mind? What better way to unwind than to…. (you fill in the blank).

57. Can you guess the color of the underwear I’m wearing?

Men like to talk about girls and their underwear. And that’s just that.

58. I’ve never met a man that can (fill in the blank) as well as you.

This could be something G or X rated- you make the call!

59. If I were with you right now, what would we be doing?

Get inside of his head!

Flirty text-10

60. I’m trying to fall asleep, but I can’t stop thinking about you!

This is just too cute for words.


What’s your favorite flirty text?

http://www.herinterest.com/60-flirty-text-messages/feed/ 2
How to Get a Boy to Ask You Out http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-a-boy-to-ask-you-out/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-get-a-boy-to-ask-you-out/#comments Wed, 18 Jun 2014 18:54:21 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14702

You like this guy, and he likes you. So why hasn’t he asked you out than? Maybe he’s shy, or maybe he isn’t ready. Or maybe he simply doesn’t know that you actually want him to ask you out. But with these 10 awesome tips, he’ll be asking you out in no time- and that’s the goal, right? Try these great ideas out NOW!


1. Seem Interested in the Person He Is

There is a huge difference between getting to know someone in a friendly way, and getting to know someone intimately. Someone who is genuinely interested in another human being will want to simply know more- not just the basics. Find out about things he likes- from food to sports. Ask him about his friends, family members, hobbies, and anything else you can think of. The point is to make him feel special and let him know that you actually care to hear what he has to say.


2. Smile at Him Often

You’ve heard this one before: a smile goes a long way. And whether it’s a job interview or just trying to show someone you’re interested in them, a smile always does the trick. You want to first make eye contact with him, then proceed with a smile. This makes him know that he brought a smile to your face, you weren’t just smiling at something else when your eyes met. And when you’re having a conversation with this boy, smile often so he knows you’re enjoying the convo with him.

3. Flirt With Him- In Every Way, Shape, and Form

There’s tons of ways to flirt. Whether you’re teasing him about tripping in gym class or touching his arm and giggling after some jokes he tells, the point is to do it as often as you can. Because, well, let’s face it: there’s really no better way to show someone you’re interested in them than with a few simple flirts.


4. Compliment Him Often

This could definitely fall into the ‘flirt with him often’ category, but we decided to give this tip its own column because we believe it is very much important. Compliments don’t have to be outrageous. Simply telling him you like how his hair looks today or letting him know he looks great in his new blue shirt is an easy way to boost his confidence while showing your interest. If you’re comfortable and know the guy better, feel free to make your compliments even deeper. Tell him his big muscles are protruding through his shirt and you can’t take your eyes off of them. Tell him he’s the sweetest, most gentle man you’ve ever met and you absolutely love it. You can’t go wrong with compliments, just remember not to overdo it.

5. Try to Find Something You’re Both Interested In

You’re having a conversation about music. Suddenly he says how his absolute favorite band of all time is One Direction, and that just happens to be your favorite to. The next thing you know, the two of you are discussing upcoming concerts you’ve heard about, and he suddenly asks you to accompany him to one of the concerts. Mission: accomplished. It’s real simple. Find a common interest and he’ll probably invite you along.

6. Subtle Hints

Have you thought about maybe dropping a little hint here and there? Remember, it’s important not to be too obvious about it. Don’t just blurt out, “Oh my gosh I want to date you I wish you would ask me out” all in a single breath. You want to make subtle hints. Try telling him you enjoy spending time with him, or you wish you could see more of him. Simple sentences like these are obvious signs you enjoy his accompany and wouldn’t mind- in fact you’d love- if he asked you out on a date.


7. Let Him Know When You’re Free

If he doesn’t know when you are free, he probably doesn’t feel comfortable asking you out out of fear of rejection. But be coy about it. Don’t tell him you are free 24/7, as this can appear desperate. But also don’t be so busy that he thinks you are to busy for him. Maybe suggest that you’ve had a really long week and you can’t wait to have a relaxing weekend, but you’re still looking for something fun to do. Or tell him how lucky you are to have every Tuesday and Thursday off from work. These totally coy yet easy statements lets him know when to ask you out!

8. Tell Him Places You’re Going 

Don’t take this the wrong way: you don’t need to text him every time you leave the house. But if you’re planning on going to an event where you wouldn’t mind his accompaniment, for instance a party where the two of your have mutual friends, let him know you’re going and see if he’d like to tag along.


9. Lead Him Towards an Open Opportunity

This kind of goes hand in hand with letting him know when you’re free, but still a good enough tip to deserve its own spot. If the two of you are having a conversation, you could let him know that you are available this Friday night and you’re looking for something fun to do, and ask him if he has any ideas. Or you could tell him that you really want to go to this upcoming movie, but you don’t have anyone to go with you. These little things will give him an easy opportunity to slip in and ask you on a date.

10. Let Him Know Your Intentions

If all else fails, you have two options. You can either decide to give up on this guy who is obviously not picking up on your hints, or you can take a huge risk and be blatantly obvious with him. Which of course could either go on of two ways.

-He might have been completely clueless to your hints, and you bringing it up in the conversation is exactly what he wanted to hear. He thinks you are a brave woman and says something along the lines of, “Wow, I’ve been wanting to ask you out forever, but I didn’t think you liked me.” In which case the two of you run off into the sunset.

-On the other hand, if you are totally obvious with him and tell him you want to be with him or for him to ask you out, he might think you are desperate or you might find out he wasn’t interested in you in the first place. Which, of course, is totally embarrassing. But for most, knowing this is better than being left in the dark about everything. Are you willing to take that kind of risk?


Sometimes men are blind to our hints, but if you want to get that boy to ask you out, you’re going to have to try some of these great tips. Whether you decide to compliment him a bit more, lead him into more opportunities to ask you out, or bluntly tell him how you feel, at the end of the day you’ll know you’re one step closer to being on a date with that special boy.


What are your favorite ways to get a boy to ask you out?

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15 Romantic Things to Do For Your Boyfriend http://www.herinterest.com/15-romantic-things-to-do-for-your-boyfriend/ http://www.herinterest.com/15-romantic-things-to-do-for-your-boyfriend/#comments Wed, 11 Jun 2014 21:59:41 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14643

When we love someone, it is in our nature to want to show them how much we adore and appreciate them. But let’s be honest: men aren’t as easily swayed into romance as woman, and a lovey dovey poem attached to a gorgeous vase filled lined with decadent roses isn’t going to cut it. So what’s a girl to do? We’ve got the answer with 15 romantic things to do for your boyfriend.

7b5df6d858b1480a17ab1e4a74d2a8f51. Get Dolled Up

Your man loves you, well, for you. Whether you’re in your pajamas sick with a cold or in your workout clothes, he loves you all the same. But nothing excites him more than seeing his lady all dressed up. After all, he doesn’t see you in your fanciest attire with the most beautiful hair every single day, so why not glam it up once in awhile. He will appreciate your efforts: that you got all dazzled up, just for him. Not to mention you might notice him acting a little bit more passionate after seeing you in this fancy outfit, so really getting all dolled up for your man is a win win situation.


2. Let Him Have a Night Out

Men are always complaining about how they never get to spend enough time with the boys, and when they do finally get the chance, the lady is calling and complaining that he needs to get home. Did you ever think it might be a selfless act of romance and love to just cut him loose for a night? Tell him to go have a great night with the boys. See a game, go to the bar- whatever he and his pals like to do. When he goes out, don’t bother him with text messages or phone calls. Just let him have fun and when he is ready he will contact you or come straight home. Either way, you’ll be welcoming a man that is refreshed and happy when he walks through the door.


3. Give Him a Massage

He gets up every morning, 7 o’clock sharp. He hops in the shower for 5 minutes, runs out, throws his work clothes on, and he’s off for the day. Sometimes you don’t see him till 3, 4, maybe even 5 o’clock at night. And he does this 5 to 7 days a week. Don’t you think this might be a little draining and overwhelming? Whether he’s doing construction in the heat or using his brain in a bank, he needs a little relaxation. And what better way to relax him then with a nice, gentle massage from his woman. Break out the baby oil, candles, and soft music, and show him what you’re made of. He will love it, without a doubt.


4. Give Him a Gift

Ok, so we already mentioned earlier about how no man wants to get a girly romantic gift like a bouquet of roses or a poem so perfectly written it could melt his heart into two- so throw those ideas out. You’ll need to dig deeper to give a surprise gift for your man. Is he into sports? Maybe surprise him with a new baseball glove before practice Friday night or give him a pair of tickets to his favorite Hockey team. Is he a gamer? Try giving him a brand new headset for his XBOX or surprise him with the latest Call of Duty game. The best part about giving him a special gift you know he will love is it shows you took the time to know what his interests are, and then wanted to give him something related to his interests. That’s a HUGE plus for any man!


5. Write Him Something

So we already told you (twice) not to do any poetry. And we absolutely mean that one hundred percent. But that doesn’t mean that guys don’t like to read something sweet and special one in awhile. Write him a little note- whether it’s a simple “I love you” on a sticky note attached to his computer screen or a page long, silly love note that he can read before bed. Just make sure you’re witty, fun, and romantic all in one. You don’t want to bore him to tears with an overdose of romance, but you also don’t want to make him think it’s a joke. You know your man the best- write something he will actually enjoy reading that will tell him exactly how you feel.


6. Do a Little Dance..

You can take this one of two ways. We’ll start with the more sweet and romantic way, dancing underneath the stars to your favorite songs. Yes, it’s a little bit sappy, but it’s totally adorable and romantic too. Whether you’re out on the porch in your pajamas or get dolled up for the event, he will enjoy having your hips sway back and forth against his, eyes locked on each other as you dance to your favorite tunes.

On the other hand, if your guy isn’t into dancing whatsoever and would much rather watch *YOU* dance…ahem, alone, then I suggest you go out and buy a nice piece of lingerie to cater to this special event. I mean, come on- what’s more romantic in a man’s eyes then watching his sexy woman in a skimpy article of clothing swaying her hips erotically in front of him? No stripper could ever please him like that! So be his special stripper/erotic dancer for the night. He will absolutely love it.


7. Make Him a Special Dinner

When it comes to romance, sometimes staying inside is better than going to a 5 star restaurant. If you really want to do something extremely romantic for your man, cook him a special dinner. Get the table set up for two, and have it ready when he comes home from work. If you want to get extra brownie points for your efforts, we suggest cooking his favorite meal. For instance, if your guy is a steak and mashed potatoes kind of guy, make both. And don’t forget his favorite dessert, apple pie! It might seem like a long day in the kitchen, but it is definitely worth it to show your man you love him and care for him deeply. Trust us, he won’t mind eating his favorite finger-licking-good food either!

8. Pack Him Lunch

We talked earlier about how grueling your man’s day is. He rushes out of the house so fast in the morning he rarely ever has time to make his own lunch. So why not surprise him with a delicious lunch made and packed by yours truly? Again, to score extra brownie points make sure you pack in all his favorites. A nice, juicy sandwich with bacon and lettuce and a few nacho cheese Doritos on the side. Oh, and of course we can’t forget a bottle of water and an apple to make sure he gets at least a little bit of vitamins in his day. He will love your efforts and be very proud of the fact that his lady cared enough to make sure he was satisfied for lunch, even when she isn’t there.

9. Plan a Special Date Night

One of the biggest couples make that typically leads to a breakup is routine. Routines get boring, and ‘date night every Wednesday at the same diner you’ve been to for the last 3 months’ is probably getting boring to. We have one suggestion for you: SWITCH IT UP. Instead of Sally’s diner on a Wednesday, try going out for that new action movie Friday night. End the night with some drinks and see how free you can get with one another. Surprise him with tickets for two to the game next Saturday. It doesn’t really matter what you do, as long as it’s not something you do often and is different from the norm.


10. Go on an Adventure

Have you ever been deep sea diving? Have you ever had alone time with your man in a cabin in the woods? Have you ever nestled up with your guy on the shores of Panama? Did you really just say no to all three of those questions? If you want some serious romantic one on one time with your man, we highly suggest packing up your bags and taking off. It doesn’t have to be anything drastic like traveling across the sea to Italy. It can be as simple as going camping on the local camping grounds, spending the night in a hotel on the beach, or just going on a fun hiking trip. Possibilities are truly endless but it’s a great way to do something romantic for your man.


11. Photos!

Has anyone ever given you a special photograph, placed inside of a beautiful picture frame so you could easily hang it up on your wall? It’s such a simple gift, yet it has so much meaning to it. So for this next suggestion on romantic things to do for your boyfriend, go print up your favorite picture of the two of you together. Buy a frame. It doesn’t really matter what type, but something manly like a dark wood frame or metal frame would work just fine. (You could also make your own frame!) Place the photo inside and surprise your man with it. He will love seeing the two of you so happy together and will gladly hang it in his room or at his office so he can see your smiling face whenever he wants.

12. Compliment Him

Whether you have been in the relationship for 5 days or 5 years, men love to get a compliment from their woman. Well, men love to get compliments from anyone really; but when it comes directly from their lover, it means so much more. You don’t need to come up with anything fancy or extravagant. Just tell him how incredibly handsome he is and how his bulging muscles still turn you on to this day. These simple little compliments will make him feel loved and wanted, and that’s a winning combination.


13. Get Kinky

Remember when we said one of the biggest mistakes in a relationship is to develop a routine? Well this includes inside the bedroom too, ladies. You need to keep things interested. Remember a few weeks back when your man said he would love to see you in one of those silky lingerie numbers? Well, now might be the time to surprise him with it. Remember when he asked you to try ‘that one thing’ but you weren’t brave enough to do it? Maybe it’s time to find your courage. Keeping things spicy not only entices him and makes him lust for you even more, but also shows him that you adore him and want to make him want you.

14. Do What He Wants to Do

If he has been asking to see the new Spiderman movie, over and over and over again, and you just so happen to be Spiderman’s biggest hater, you might consider putting yourself aside for a moment just so you can indulge in something your man wants to do. As an added bonus, you’ll get him to quit asking! This is seriously such a simple act of selflessness and love that really proves to him how much you care.


15. Give Him Plenty of Kisses

At the end of the day, nothing says romance and love like kissing. To show your man how romantic you are and how much you love him, cover him head to toe in kisses, as much as you possibly can. Surprise him with kisses on the lips while he’s playing video games, surprise him with kisses right when he wakes up. The more kisses, the better!


Who knew it could be so easy to do romantic things for your partner. Dance with him, cook for him, shower him with kisses. We promise you he will love every moment of it!


What are some of your favorite ways to be romantic for your boyfriend?

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How to Start a Conversation With the Guy You Like http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-start-a-conversation-with-the-guy-you-like/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-start-a-conversation-with-the-guy-you-like/#comments Tue, 10 Jun 2014 21:42:34 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14614

You’ve had your eye on this guy for quite some time now. He sits across from you in class, he works in the same office, or you can’t keep your eyes off of him as he works the weights in the gym. Wherever he is, you want to talk to him, but you don’t know how to start. Here are some great ideas on how to start a conversation with the guy you like!


1. Eye Contact With a Flirty Smile

This is probably the easiest (and best) way to go about things. Not only does a simple, flirty smile let you know that they are interested in them, but 9 times out of 10 men like to make the first move. Letting him know you like him by using your eyes and a smile makes it easier and more comfortable for him to come on over and strike up a conversation. Plus you don’t have to do any of the work. Perfect idea for the shy girls out there!

2. Accidentally ‘Bump Into Him’

You’ve probably seen this one in the movies. The girl walks by and ‘accidentally’ knocks right into the man she is interested in. Her books fall to the floor, and suddenly they are both on the floor picking up the books and setting up a dinner date for that night. While it may not be that dramatic and you might not score a date right that second, you will at least be able to say one word to the guy- even if it is “Sorry!”


3. Ask Him For Help With Something

Men absolutely love to help. With everything. It’s simply in their nature to be the hero, and they will almost never turn down a chance to help a woman out. Whether you need help sharpening your pencil, opening up your water bottle, or even needing your car jumped- ask him! He will probably be more than willing to help you. Plus, when all is said and done, you can keep the conversation going with a simple “You’re so helpful” compliment. Another something that men absolutely love to hear from a gal.


4. Ask Him About Work/School

If you’re both in the same class, ask him what his major is or what he thinks about the class you are both in. If you work at the same place, ask him how he likes the work or if he has other goals in life. This not only makes it easy to start a conversation on something you are both involved in, but also makes it easy for a more in-depth conversation to arise. Just think about it. You could start off talking about how terrible he thinks the class is, and suddenly the two of you are talking about your future goals 20 minutes later. Endless possibilities with a very simple startup!


5. Compliment Him on Something

Man or woman, big or small- everyone loves to hear a compliment. So why wouldn’t this be an easy way to start a conversation with a guy you like? You don’t have to go in depth or come up with anything totally clever. You could simply tell him you like the color shirt he wore today or you think his new haircut looks great on him. Something as easy as that lets him know you like what you see, you might have an interest in him, and he can definitely talk to you whenever he wants. ‘Killing three birds with one stone’, or so they say!

6. Tell Him He Looks Familiar

Have you ever had someone walk up to you and say something along the lines of, “Wow, you look just like my aunt Joy!” or “Do I know you from somewhere? You look awfully familiar”. Whether they were just trying to be friendly or it was a guy trying to make a conversation with you, this is an easy trick that almost always works. Simply ask him if he might know you from somewhere else or if he had a different class with you. This will surely open up a long-lasting conversation without looking to obnoxiously obvious.


7. Ask Him For the Time

Don’t you love those easy questions that let you talk to someone without letting them know you’re too interested or giving yourself away easily? Yeah, this is definitely one of them. And even though everyone can easily grab their phones and check the time, it doesn’t mean we sometimes forget them, right? If you need a really quick way to strike up a conversation with a guy you’re interested him, just ask him for the time. He will tell you the time- and probably tease you a bit for not having your phone or forgetting to check there first. All that for just a quick little question- it’s simply brilliance!


8. Tell Him He Looks Like a Celebrity

This is like a compliment and an easy way to spark up a conversation in one. I mean, what guy doesn’t want to hear that they look like Channing Tatum or Brad Pitt? The options are really limitless when it comes to choosing the celebrity you want to compare him to, but we can almost guarantee he will enjoy this easy compliment. He might even want to hear your reasoning for the comparison- which, of course, means a longer conversation between the two of you. Huge win!!

9. Ask About a Mutual Friend/Coworker

So the two of you work in the same office, and you haven’t seen that one girl Chloe in awhile. She is usually always on time and never misses a day, and you couldn’t ever imagine a reason why she would be fired. So what gives? Even if you don’t necessarily care all too much where she’s been, it’s still a great way to start conversing with the guy you like. Ask him where a coworker has been, if he has seen them, or something along those lines. Whether he has or hasn’t, he WILL have to answer you. And who knows what will happen after that?


10. Ask Him If He Knows Him/Her

Let’s say you saw the guy you like hanging out with one of your good friends John. Viola! This is a GREAT conversation starter! Simply go up to him and ask him if he knows (insert name of person you know here). Say something like, “Hey, do you know John Smith? I thought I saw you two hanging out at the pub downtown last weekend”. Then go on to tell him how you know John and ask him about their friendship. Easy, right!?

11. Ask Him For His Name

You mean to tell me you still don’t know the name of that cutie that sits across from you in lab? Ok, even if you do- you shouldn’t let him know that. If you want to make it a bit obvious that you’re interested in him while still easing the way into a good convo, we recommend simply asking him what his name is. Trust us- he will love the easy attention and it’s a definite way for him to know that you’ve been checking him out and simply must know the name attached to that handsome face.


12. Tell Him He Did a Good Job on Something

Let’s say the guy you’re after just finished his oral report on the monkey species. You thought it was downright amazing and you can’t help but deem him one of the most (handsome) and intelligent men you’ve ever ran across. Why not tell him what a great job he’s done? This gives you a chance to compliment him, make him smile and feel manly, and also start a conversation. It could be anything from a nice dunk shot at basketball practice to an awesome job figuring out the hard math equation. If he did a great job, let him know! You can’t go wrong.


13. Ask Him If You Can Use His Phone

Ah, darn. Did you forget your phone at home again? Are you supposed to give your friend a call right when class is over to make sure she is there to pick you up? Well, you don’t want to be stranded, right? You really have only one option left available to you: go over to that cute guy and ask him if you can borrow his phone. Of course he will say yes, and the two of you can laugh about how hard it is to leave a phone at home. And if you’re lying and simply using this tactic to talk to him, make sure your phone is on silent so he doesn’t ‘catch’ you with a phone ringing in your pocket. I mean, how embarrassing would that be, right?


14. Start Small Talking Him

What better way to start talking to someone then by, well, talking to them? Small talk is obviously the easiest way to start talking to someone. Talk about how terribly hot it is out today. Talk about how mad you are that your favorite team lost last night. Talk about how you can’t wait for the weekend. Really, when it comes to small talk, anything goes. And don’t feel bad about it either. The only way to get to know someone is to start with the basics, and you never know where this simple small talk will lead.


15. Ask If You May Sit Next To Him

Even if there is a ton of seats available or none at all, give this a shot. Not only will you be able to sit next to him for the remainder of the event (and indulge in that masculine cologne he decided to wear that day) but you will also have an easy time making conversation with him. After all, he’s right next to you. You talk to someone who sits right next to you, right? It’s totally rude and awful not to do that, right? With this easy tactic, you are a show in for conversation.


16. Ask Him About a Feature, Such as a Tattoo

Want a unique way to strike up a conversation? Take notice of something that is different or unique about him, for instance a tattoo. Maybe you’ve noticed a tattoo of a little girl on his shoulder. Why not ask him what it is all about? You might find out he has a precious little 4 year old girl named Joan, or maybe you find out that is his little sister that passed away in a car crash. You never know until you ask, but you will have something to talk about nonetheless. Maybe you two will start sharing about other cool or special tattoos you have, and decide you’re a match made in tattooed Heaven?


17. Make a Small Joke

We can’t say this enough: men love it when a girl has a sense of humor and can make them laugh. So what better way to make a first impression than by telling him a silly joke? This will definitely intrigue him, and always give you two an easy way to keep talking. No awkwardness, to weird small talking. No quick questions, and no silly antics. Just a girl with a silly joke, making the man of her dreams laugh. Is there anything wrong with this picture? No, there isn’t. And if you have something funny to say, we definitely recommend relaying this funny message onto the guy you’re seeking. It’s simply one of the best ways to intrigue him!


18. Drop Something Near Him

Just like accidentally ‘bumping’ into him, this is one of the oldest tricks in the books- and probably another antic you’ve seen on television at one time or another. Whether you do the old ‘Oops, I dropped my pencil” right next to you or drop something else you will need right away, we simply can’t lie: it’s a great tactic and will definitely go places. He might pick up the pencil, look into your eyes, and suddenly realize that he hasn’t payed enough attention to you. Or he might just pick it up and hand it to you, continuing on with his day. We can’t guarantee anything, but you won’t know until you try, right? That’s like anything else!


19. Flirt With Him Casually

There is a huge difference between a casual compliment like the one listed above and a flirty compliment. If you really want to let him know right there and then that you are seriously interested in him, then try casually flirting with him. It doesn’t have to be anything outrageous like grabbing him by the arm, pulling him close, and telling him that you can’t stand another second without his lips attached to yours (although that might be the EXACT thought process going through your brain right now). Just come up with something simple. Unlike the casual, “I like the shirt you’re wearing today”, try something more romantic like, “Wow, I’ve never seen a man fill out a muscle tee like you do”, which could be proceeded by a bite of the lip or a touch of his arm. Either way, he will fall prey to your spell and you’ll be a shoe-in for future conversations.


20. Tease Him

When all else fails, why not revert back to our kindergarten days when showing someone you liked them was as easy as teasing them about their hair or chasing them around the playground. If you want an easy and cute way to start a convo with the guy you like, try a simple flirty tease. If he accidentally trips in front of you, giggle a bit and say “Ouch, nice one!” or if he does something wrong in class, smile and say “Way to go! Exit is that way!” something along those lines. Not only is it sure to get a smile, but he might tease a bit back- which can only lead to a little bit of conversation, and then who knows?


Tease him, flirt with him, ask him about the weather- there’s seriously tons of different ways to spark up a conversation with a guy you’re interested in. Nothing dramatic, and easy stuff even the shyest girl can do! What are you waiting for? Go get that guy!


What’s your favorite way to start a conversation with a man you like?

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10 Ways to Make Him Jealous http://www.herinterest.com/10-ways-to-make-him-jealous/ http://www.herinterest.com/10-ways-to-make-him-jealous/#comments Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:12:04 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14507

We have to admit: intentionally making someone jealous is kind of cruel, be we totally understand that sometimes jealousy is the only tactic that works. Sometimes people need a taste of their own medicine, or sometimes they just don’t react until it really affects them. Whatever your reasons are for wanting to make him jealous, here’s 10 easy ways to get his blood boiling.


1. Look Amazing

You know when you see your ex walking down the street, and they look 10 times hotter than when the two of you were dating? Suddenly you feel like maybe it wasn’t the best idea to break up with him over that stupid text message. You hated that feeling, right? So why not give it a shot!

If you want to make someone jealous, it is really as simple as that: look so good they regret the day the broke up with you, ignored your call, or just simply didn’t give you the time of day. Then when they realize your mistake you’ll be getting too much attention from everyone around you to even notice them. Now that’s some sweet payback you can enjoy!

Some great ideas to suddenly look better than you ever did before:

-Try eating healthier and following a regular exercise routine to shed a few pounds.

-Switch up your makeup. Maybe some romantic red lipstick would catch his eye?

-Get a new hairstyle or brand new hair color that pops. Maybe he’d be mad about missing out on a brand new blonde?

-Wear your most flattering clothes. That flirty skirt has never looked so good!


2. Act Like You Don’t Care

Human nature is so weird sometimes. I mean, why do we suddenly want something or someone more when we can’t have it or they don’t want us back? It’s so ridiculous, but that’s just the way it is.

Let’s say you’ve been trying to get his attention for some time. Every text you send or flirty comment you make is ignored and brushed off like it doesn’t matter. Have you tried doing the opposite? Don’t send him text messages, in fact, act like he doesn’t really exist. Try not to look at him, and when he comes up to talk to you act like it doesn’t really matter. A simple smile and a few short words before you have somewhere else to be. A little taste of his own medicine might realize what he lost.


3. Pretend to be Busy

So he finally decided he wants to hang out. After days of trying to set something up, he is finally free enough for you. Well you know what? Don’t jump on it- in fact, do the exact opposite: pretend YOU are the busy one. To make him even more jealous, keep your plans mysterious. Are you busy seeing someone else? He will never know!


4. Don’t Respond to Him Immediately

If you’re trying to make someone jealous, you can’t be needy. That’s a fact. So when he tries texting you or calling you, you definitely don’t want to respond right away. You should wait anywhere between 30 minutes and 4 hours, but any longer than that is just plain rude (and yes, that IS something we are trying to avoid). Unless you are actually busy doing something, we recommend a 30 minute wait to keep him on his toes. When you do finally respond, try to keep the conversation brief- tip number 5.


5. Keep Conversations Brief

This roots back to not being needy and keeping everything mysterious. You don’t want to seem like you have all the free time on your hands and never want to stop talking to him. Instead, make him jealous by not saying much and being very casual with him. Here is an idea of what we mean by keeping conversations brief.

What not to do:

Boy: Hey what’s up?

Girl: Oh my gosh, hi! How are you? I was just thinking about you. I’m just relaxing in my room. What are you doing? We should hang out soon!

What you should do:

Boy: Hey what’s up?

Girl: (Remember, at least 30 minutes later. If you’re really wanting to talk to him, 15 minutes is the absolute lowest amount of time to wait!) Hey, I’m just getting ready to head out. You? (Even if you’re just in your jammies at home, say something like that!)

Boy: Oh, doing anything fun? I’m just finishing up my lunch.

Girl: Yeah, it’s going to be a great night.

-Saying things like that makes him wonder what you are doing and WHY it’s going to be such a ‘great’ night. And yes, even if you’re just going to be at home in front of your television watching the X Files with a huge bowl of popcorn, you don’t want HIM to know that. Make him jealous with simple comments like that one!


6. Have a Great Time Without Him

When someone thinks that you need them, they think it’s impossible for you to have a good time without them. To kick this certain someone off their high horse and make them seething with jealousy, all you really need to do is have a great time without him. He won’t believe it. After all, you’re supposed to be lost without him, right? There’s no WAY you could enjoy yourself without his company. So go ahead and put on some heels, call up your gal pals, and have a night to remember- all without that certain guy you’re trying to make jealous.

If you want to make him a little more jealous, try adding some guy friends to your outing, or going on a one on one outing with a guy. Doesn’t have to be a date, just two friends hanging out. But remember- whether it’s one guy, two guys, or twelve, he will be incredibly jealous that all these men around you but he isn’t one of them.


7. Talk About Other Men

You know when you’re talking to a guy you like, and he keeps commenting about other females? Which ones he likes, which ones he thinks are pretty- hey, he even commented on how great that girl looks in her short shorts- RIGHT in front of you. Pretty irritating, right? Well, why not pull this same trick on the guy you’re trying to make jealous. After all, if it works on 99 percent of the rest of the population, why wouldn’t it work on him too? Remember to keep your comments smooth and natural, not obnoxious so you give it away that you are actually TRYING to make him mad. Some things you might consider saying:

-Slipping in that you hung out with a guy the other night and watched the movie he’s talking about.

-Mentioning how hot the singer looks in a certain band.

-Telling him to hold on so you can respond to a text message from this guy.

-‘Accidentally’ blurting out loud how muscular and handsome that guy looked in his tank top.


8. Flirt With Other Men

If he’s not getting the attention, someone else is- and that is bound to make him ferociously jealous. But with this tip, you need to be extra careful. You don’t want to take the flirting overboard and make it look like you’re a bit of a floozy. Just keep it simple and casual. Laugh with other men and touch their arm. Tell other men they look good in their shirts. Ask other guys if they’ve been working out. Nothing overboard, yet all comments that flatter another man other than the one you’re trying to make jealous.


9. Date Another Man

Ladies, let me warn you: this option can either go really bad, or really good. It all depends on the guy and how he will react to you dating another man. However, it is certainly the most extreme way to make someone else jealous and if he reacts in the way you want, then consider yourself lucky. This could go one of two ways:

-The first situation starts out like this. You want to make a guy jealous, and nothing seems to be working. You decide enough is enough and try to make him jealous by dating another man. The other guy gets overwhelmingly jealous and decides that it was a mistake to dump you or not pay attention to you in the first place. He decides he will do anything to get you back and take you away from your newfound lover. He comes to your window at night with guitar in hand, singing your favorite tune. He brings you a bouquet of roses and tells you how beautiful you are. After a week or two of some serious courting, the two of you decide to become a couple. And while you successfully got your dream guy, you left the other guy hanging. It’s a little messed up, but maybe he will understand.

-Second theory. There’s a guy who just recently dumped you or acts like you don’t even exist, despite your many times to get his attention. You think that the only way he’s going to react is if he sees you hand in hand with another man. So you go out and land yourself a good looking guy, and flaunt him everywhere- especially in front of the other guy. The only problem is, the other guy saw- multiple times- and has done nothing. In fact, he continues about his business like nothing even happens. And in that moment, you realize he doesn’t care. Maybe you didn’t get the guy of your dreams, but at least you found a man that likes you, right?


10. Use Social Media

Social media is a useful tool for an abundance of things. I mean, you can find your best friend from preschool, sell your brand new weight loss product, or create a cool horror movie fan club group where everyone shares their favorite scenes of the most gory films. So why not use it as a tool to get that guy jealous? You can use social media in so, so many different ways. Here are just a FEW awesome examples below.

-Post a hot picture. You know, the one you took before heading to the club last weekend. The one where you have the red miniskirt and crop top and your hair came out just oh-so-perfect? That’s the one!

-Post a picture of you and your friends having fun. Remember, you’re not supposed to be able to function without him, let alone have a great time.

-Post a picture of you and another guy- even if you’re just friends. How would this NOT make him jealous?

-Post a status about how great your night was, but keep the details mysterious. You might want to end your status update with a winking smiley face or something along those lines.

-Change your status to ‘In a Relationship’, even if you’re still single. At least that will get his attention right?

-Comment and like on another guy’s pictures and statuses; just don’t go overboard.

-If he decides to message you on the social media website, think of it as a text message and use the same rules listed above: brief conversations, keeping plans mysterious, and not responding immediately.


There, you have it. The top 10 ways to make a guy super jealous. And whadd’ya know, they’re all fairly simple tips, right? Look your best, have a great time (with and without other guys), and don’t act like he’s too important. You will probably have him in the palm of your hands before you know it.


Ladies, what are some tactics you have used to make a guy jealous? Did they work?


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16 Ways to Make Him Fall in Love With You http://www.herinterest.com/16-ways-to-make-him-fall-in-love-with-you/ http://www.herinterest.com/16-ways-to-make-him-fall-in-love-with-you/#comments Sun, 01 Jun 2014 05:51:10 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14483

“She wasn’t exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the same way.” -Nicholas Sparks. If that sounds like you’re love life right now, you’re probably wondering if there’s any way to guarantee he loves you back. But while there’s no way to make someone fall for you, there’s still some easy steps you can take to get one step closer. Take a look at these 16 ways to make him fall in love with you!


1. Always Be Yourself

If you’re putting on a show or being someone you’re not in the hopes that he will fall in love with you, you are only setting yourself up for failure. The second you slip out of what you think is ‘perfection’ for him, he will not only view you as a liar- but won’t love you anymore. He wants to know the real you. He wants you with all of your flaws. That’s why he picked you. So stay true yourself and always be who you are. You’d be surprised how much further that gets you than trying to be something you’re not- which leads us to tip number 2.


2. Be Different Than the Rest

If you’re too busy trying to be like everyone else, how can you be different from the pack? Men don’t want another plastic replica of everyone else. They want a lady who is unique. Be that girl, not another clone of the rest of the world. That will attract him and make him fall for you quicker than any item of clothing, piece of makeup, or false appreciation for video games.


3. Look Your Best

I’m not even going to try and sugarcoat this statement: men fall in love with what they see. So if you’re not looking your best, how far do you think that’s going to get you? Always put your best foot forward. This doesn’t mean you need to buy the most expensive clothing or be a size 0. Simply take care of yourself and wear clothes that accentuate your best features. Find out the things he loves and try to do them often. Your guy loves red lipstick? Go out and buy yourself a lovely shade of red and glide it across your lips- he’ll go crazy! Have a man that likes women in cute summer dresses? Buy a couple flowery, cute (and of course short) summer dresses to turn him on.


4. Don’t Be Easy

Have you ever heard that saying, “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” It’s kind of harsh; but it’s also ridiculously true. Men like a challenge, and being quick and easy isn’t going to make him fall for you- let alone respect you. And this doesn’t just mean not being easy when it comes to having sex. You can be easy in other ways, like saying yes to every date he asks you on or agreeing with everything he says. You need to be independent, have your own opinions, and make him work for it- from the first date to the first kiss and everything that follows. Just remember not to hold out too long, as this can be a big turn off too.


5. Be a Great Listener

Women aren’t the only ones who like to talk for long periods of time, get their feelings out, or simply have a nice conversation. Men like it too, and nothing makes someone feel worse than talking to someone who isn’t listening to them- which really implies they don’t care. If you want your man to fall in love with you, pay attention to him. Listen to him when he wants to talk, and be there for him- even when the conversations are repetetive or boring. He needs an ear to listen, you should be the one with open ears ready for whatever he needs to say. You never know, the next conversation might be the time he expresses his love for you.


6. Be Positive

Who wants to be around someone who is negative? Surely not your boyfriend. Positivity only sprouts one thing: more positivity. If you want a positive, happy relationship with only positive and happy outcomes, you need to be positive from the beginning. Even when the going gets rough, be positive for your man and for yourself. This positivity will ignite future positivity which could lead to love and marriage.


7. Be Sweet

Nothing makes a man fall in love faster than a nice, sweet, innocent girl (with a hidden naughty side, of course- but we will get to that later!). If you really want to suck him into your love spell, just be sweet- from the moment he meets you. Have a smile on your face and be as feminine and gentle as possible. He will love your sweet attitude and will naturally gravitate towards you. It’s just physics, ladies!

fall in love with you

8. Be Silly

Women always say it’s a huge plus if a man can make them laugh. Why wouldn’t it be the same for a man? Men LOVE it when a girl can make them smile, and it’s only extra brownie points if she can make him laugh too. Be that girl that he actually enjoys being around. Don’t be afraid to let your hair down and have some fun. Make silly comments and do silly things, without feeling embarrassed or ‘too hot’ to do fun things. That’s a huge turn off for guys! Even those corny jokes you think are stupid to say- don’t be afraid to blurt those out too. He will probably find it adorable and funny all at the same time. Major WIN!


9. Be Trustworthy

You know what breaks a relationship up the quickest? A lack of trust. Trust (along with communication) are the stepping stones that make up the perfect relationship. And not just a perfect one, a long lasting one. You won’t get him to fall in love with you if you’re constantly insecure, asking him where he is at every time he leaves the house or accusing him of being with another woman just because he said ‘Hello’. Be secure in yourself and have faith in your partner. It really does work wonders, and you won’t believe how strong it will make your relationship.


10. Give Him Space

This goes hand in hand with tip number 9. You need to trust him enough to give him some personal space. After all, being around someone too much is never a good thing. Everyone needs their personal time- even your man. Let him go out with his buddies and have a good time. Let him stay home and get caught up on his work every once and awhile. Give him some space, and you’ll notice a stronger relationship. You will not only prove to him that you trust him, but also give his mind some relaxed time where he can let loose.


11. Be Supportive

When a man has a bad day, you know what he wants to come home to? A woman who will be positive, encouraging, and supportive. Even when the hard time comes, he needs his lady by his side no matter what. Show him that you are indeed that woman and he won’t be able to resist falling for you.


12. Let Him Be the Hero

It is in every man’s nature to want to be the hero. They want to be the strong protector that can do anything for their woman, from opening that tough jar of mayonnaise to bringing home the bacon. You act like you’re a dainty, feminine girl that actually needs him to perform the masculine tasks, and you’ll have him in your grasp in no time (while also giving him a huge, much needed ego boost).


13. Flirt a Lot

Who doesn’t love to be flirted with? A flirt, big or small, makes you feel special. It makes you feel wanted and needed, and most of all, attractive. Your man wants to be flirted with, whether it is the first date or the three hundred and third date. This not only makes him feel great about himself, but keeps the relationship spicy and romantic. Remember ladies: never stop doing the simple things that you did in the beginning of the relationship. That’s the best piece of advice for keeping a relationship alive. So when he tells that funny jokes, giggle and touch his arm like you did the first time. When he comes out wearing your favorite blue shirt, tell him how unbelievably handsome and muscular he looks. He needs this; and he will definitely appreciate it.


14. Keep Things Spicy

Yes, it’s time for the sex talk. Remember earlier when we made the, ‘wild in bed’ comment? Well, we meant it. Guys love this. They want a lady who can turn them on in the bedroom. If you’re not keeping things spicy and interesting, then he might get bored- and nobody wants that. Boredom only leads to two things: cheating and breakups. Try to switch things up often, whether it’s with a new outfit or a new candle, or something even freakier- it really depends on how crazy your man is and what he prefers. Ask him what kinds of things he’d like to try in the bedroom and surprise him with one of his fantasies. He will absolutely love this and won’t want to stop being with you; a little blend of lust and love.


15. Try New Things

It’s as simple as that: try new things often, in and out of the bedroom. In the bedroom, try out one of his fantasies, even if it isn’t in your comfort zone. You might find out you like it. But that’s not the only place you should be adventurous.

Let’s say your guy loves to scuba dive, but you’ve never tried it before. In fact, the thought of swimming around with fishes terrifies you. He assures you that it is tons of fun, and he will be right there next to you to guide you and protect you. With all of that reassurance, why not give it a try? You might discover a newfound love for scuba diving, and you did four great things: 1. You showed him that you are an adventurous woman who isn’t afraid to try new things. 2. You two now have something awesome you can do together often. 3. You showed him that he is your big, strong, powerful man, and by his side you can do anything. You trust him! 4. You want to explore things he likes, just because HE likes them. And that shows you really care about him, and he can’t help but admire that.

So the next time he wants to do something new and exciting, why not give it a shot?

16. Have Fun Together

This goes along with trying new things. But even if it’s something you’ve already done a million times before, HAVE FUN! Nobody wants to be stuck in a boring relationship, right? So keep things interesting and always have fun, whether you’re just playing video games on the couch together or going deep sea fishing. Being fun will keep you both happy and positive, which will only make the relationship grow tremendously.


It may seem like a challenge, but getting your man to say those three special words ‘I love you’ may be easier than you think. Just remember to keep a sweet, fun, and spontaneous attitude and always be yourself. Keep your trust and faith in your special someone and make him feel like the perfect guy he is. He won’t be able to resist you!


Ladies, what are some of the reasons why your man fell in love with you?

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50 Best Hairstyles for Thick Hair http://www.herinterest.com/50-best-hairstyles-for-thick-hair/ http://www.herinterest.com/50-best-hairstyles-for-thick-hair/#comments Thu, 15 May 2014 14:54:27 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=14071

So you’ve got thick hair and aren’t quite sure what to do with it? It can be a nightmare at times, right? For me, the words unruly, untameable, and downright frustrating come to mind when I think of my thick hair. Well, all that may well be true but having thick hair can also be a great blessing. Thick hair is beautiful, especially if it flows in a mane down your back, so I say it’s time for us all to stop complaining and to start making the most of our luscious, thick hair. How do we do that? you ask. Well, never fear for as always I’ve been trawling the internet to find some of the best styles out there. I’ve been looking for styles to suit all lengths of hair, all walks of life, all personalities, and every occasion so you should never be lost for a little inspiration. That said, here are the fifty best styles for thick hair, whether your hair is short, medium, long, or you look akin to Rapunzel. Here goes…

1. Jennifer Lawrence Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Long Beach Waves


Beach waves is a classic style that most anyone can pull off however you’re almost guaranteed to wear it better if you have thick, long hair. You can create beach waves by using your curlers or rollers but personally I think the best way is to simply braid your hair ahead of time and let your hair curl itself naturally. By braiding your hair your waves will be soft, natural, and slightly uneven which will enhance this look. Add a little hairspray so your style lasts longer too.

2. Emma Watson Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Short and Choppy


By adding layers to your thick hair you make it instantly less bulky and therefore much more manageable. This is true of Emma Watson’s fabulous style. She’s had her chin length hair cut into choppy layers, making for an edgy, chic and carefree look. This style works best on heart or oval shaped faces but don’t be afraid to try it out if you have a square or round face too.

3. Kiera Knightley Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Short, Soft, Curls


While any woman can pull of curls whether her hair is thick or thin, I find curls always look better on thick hair, namely because of the volume thick hair gives them. By curling short hair which often sticks to the head, you instantly transform your look and volumes it. If you’ve got a round face you should wear very big curls and give your hair as much volume as possible but for those of you with a petite face like Kiera you can wear gentle curls.

4. Rachel McAdams Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Pretty in Pink – Unruly Colour


Coloured highlights are a great addition to any style but especially a short and choppy one like Rachel McAdams’ hair. The great thing about having thick hair is that you instantly have volume and texture without even trying, something that will make your highlights really stand out and take on a life of their own. Rachel looks fab with her pink highlights but of course you’re free to choose any colour you think will suit you.

5. Natalie Portman Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Low Ponytail


Low ponytails are always a great look, especially if you hair is thick and therefore has a bit of volume to it. When you’re pulling your long or medium hair into a low ponytail, try not to make it too tight. Leave flyaway hairs to give your look that little something extra like Natalie. Also, you can add a few curls to your ponytail to rally set your look off.

6. Miley Cyrus Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Long Side Braid


I love side braids, they’re probably one of my favourite hairstyle, and I can tell you that they definitely look better when done on thick hair. This is because your braid will have much more bounce to it, and you can even tease it apart to make it look thicker still. Also, to make the most of showing off your thick hair don’t bundle all of your hair into your braid. Leave some of it flying free so your thick hair really catches people’s eyes.

7. Selena Gomez Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Long Ponytail


While ponytails can be frustrating to create if you have thick hair which insists on being unruly, they’re worth the effort you put into them. As you can see from Selena, thick ponytails look great due to all the volume in them, something you can’t achieve naturally with thin hair. The longer your hair the better for this look, ladies, but you can still give this style a bash if you have medium hair too.

8. Miley Cyrus Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Elegant Curls


This is perhaps Miley’s best look if you ask me, and her brilliant style is enhanced by her beautifully thick hair. She’s curled her medium length curls to make her look like she’s walked right out the twenties, a style which is really coming back into fashion right now. Her thick hair gives her curls more volume, adding to her look, and her various layers mean it all sits nicely together.

9. Katy Perry Hairstyle For Thick Hair: High Ponytail


While even people with thin hair can make high ponytails, they tend to look a little limp and lifeless. If you’ve got thick hair however that isn’t the case. Your high ponytail will look fab and full from hairband to hair tip, giving you a fab look. The longer the hair the better for this look, but if you’ve got medium hair you can still attempt it. Useful tip: the higher the ponytail the longer your hair will look.

10. Emma Watson Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Short, Cute Pixie Haircut


If you’re going for a super short pixie haircut then thick hair is great as you’ll manage to get all the great benefits of this style without your hair looking like it lies too close to your head. This is a great style for all face shapes except for round faces (a longer pixie style will suit them better) and also a style I think everyone should try at least once.

11. Rachel Bilson Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Full Fringe


Yes, yes, I hear you, people with thin hair often have full fringes too. Well, that’s true but they don’t wear them nearly as well. This is because as soon as any heat (hairdryers, straighteners etc) go near their fringe it suddenly looks thinner than ever and the style is lost. Those of you with thick hair won’t have that problem however. Anyone can pull off a fringe too, though if you’ve got a round face I advise going with a blunt fringe over a rounded one.

12. Selena Gomez Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Medium Bob


Medium bobs look great on thick hair, especially if you add no layers to it like Selena as this makes it look even thicker. This is a great style whether you’re professional or planning on going out partying, plus it suits any face shape so you don’t have to worry about it not suiting you. This style also looks super cute if you tuck one side of your hair behind your ear.

13. Sophie Bush Hairstyle For Thick Hair: High, Big Bun


If you’ve got thin hair then you can easily achieve a thick bun by using a doughnut however if you have naturally thick hair you can great an even more natural looking affect without quite so much hassle. This style works for long hair and can be done by first tying you hair into a high ponytail and then looping your hair around and fastening it into this fab looking bun. This style can be done in minutes, though you wouldn’t think it with how great it looks.

14. Hayden Panettiere Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Brushed Back, Long Pixie Cut


This is a great style whether you’re planning on working or playing. It’s a great way to change up your pixie cut and really works for thick hair because of the amount of volume your hair will create. You’ll need to use a bit of product topped off with a bit of hairspray to create this look but after that you’ll be golden. The only face shape this doesn’t really work for is round faces.

15. Kate Hudson Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Boho Long Waves


Boho long waves look great if you’ve got thick hair because your hair will add to the unruly nature of your look. To get the best out of this look, make your waves and curls a little uneven like Kate Hudson has done. You can try this with medium length hair but in all honesty it doesn’t really have the same effect. Those of you with long hair will definitely rock this look best.

16. Miley Cyrus Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Half Shaves Pixie Haircut


Pixie hairstyles look great on people with thick hair as they tend to have a lot more volume and look bouncier. I love this shaves look as it’s undeniably cute. This is a style that only face shape can pull off too – now it’s just a case of you finding the courage to shave half your head.

17. Katy Perry Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Fancy, Long Poytail


Ponytails don’t have to be boring, in fact they can be incredibly fancy as Katy Perry shows us here. By taking a few strands of your hair and moulding them into an undo you bring new life to your hair and are much more likely to stand out in a crowd. Be as creative as you dare with this one, ladies, this style is one you can truly make your own.

18. Jennifer Lawrence Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Ruffled Pixie Haircut


Like I said before, pixie haircuts are great for thick hair as they don’t cling to your head and look flat. This is especially true if you ruffle your hair up a bit like J. Law has done here. This is a great style and one which looks different every time you do it. You can use a bit of product to create this style but personally I prefer just running fingers through the hair and then finishing it off with a touch of hairspray, no fuss needed.

19. Jennifer Lawrence Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Regular Ponytail


So I covered high ponytails, low ponytails, and even fancy ponytails earlier but I just wanted to remind you all that there’s nothing at all wrong with regular ponytails. Again, they look great with thick hair as they have a lot more volume and bounce to them. This is a fab style for any face shape and perfect for a day at the office.

20. Rihanna Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Long Perm


Perms look fab on long, thick hair, mostly because they have much more life about them. They don’t look dull and flat, they look bouncy and luscious. There’s a perm for every face shape too, each of them done differently and creating different types of curls to suit you. You can get perms done of medium hair too but they tend to look far better on long hair like Rihanna’s. Oh, and the thicker your hair the better your perm will take.

21. Hilary Duff Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Side Swept


I love seeing women with all their thick hair swept over to one side, and often pinned in place. This is a great look as it stops your hair tom falling across one side of your face and creates a lush, volumised pile of hair on your other shoulder. It’s a very chic and elegant look but you can also style it to make it look casual or even very professional. Why not add a few curls to mix it up too?

22. Candice Accola Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Dip Dyed 


Okay, so this is a style for thin hair as well as thick hair but I’m including it because it’s a style you should never overlook. Dip dying is great and can instantly transform your hair and change your look. You can go with a bold colour like Candice or if that’s not really you then you can always go down the route of having a natural coloured dip dye. Don’t be afraid to experiment and ask your stylist for advice.

23. Candice Accola Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Accessorise!


Accessorising  is by far the easiest and quickest way to restyle your hair without any fuss. You can use hairbands, grips, or (my favourite choice) hats to change up your look. Hats look great with thick hair as your hair is less likely to go limp beneath them so you still keep your style. You don’t have to have your hair braided like Candice to wear a hat either – why not experiment with tying your hair up, low buns, curls, and wearing your hair loose too?

24. Hayden Panettiere Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Half Pinned Back


The biggest problem I have with my thick hair is that it’s always falling forward as it’s so heavy, something that this style combats. By pinning half of your hair back you instantly change your look and reveal your pretty face to the world. You can use a number of different types to do this so be sure to choose the type that suits where you’re headed best. Take Hayden for example: her glittery pins are perfect for the red carpet and really make her look like she belongs.

25. Kate Hudson Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Long and Straight


When you straighten thin hair it tends to go even thinner the second the heat touches it, often making it look incredibly limp and lifeless. For those of you with thick hair you won’t have that problem however which means that the straight look is something you can really rock.  This look is perfect for any face shape and is also something that you can pull of casually, at a formal event, at work, on a night out – literally anywhere! It’s smart, casual, and chic all in one. Plus, you’ll love the shine straightening your hair gives it.

26. Nina Dobrev Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Long, Central Braid


Central braids look fabulous at all times but especially if they’re done on long, thick hair like Nina Dobrev has. They’re a great choice for any face shape as you can alter them to include your bangs styles how best suits you. The biggest downside to them is that they’re a nightmare to do singlehandedly so you may have to enlist the help of a friend or partner to create one for you. Other that that however they’re a fabulous choice of style.

27. Jennifer Lawrence Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Long Curls and Soft Bangs


Long curls look great on thick hair because they have so much volume and texture. They tend to stay in longer than they would on thin hair too. The great thing about curls is you can alter them to be as large or small as you like which means you can adapt them to any face shape or occasion. I’d also like to point out J.Law’s fabulous, soft fringe. She has a full fringe but it’s been cut so it falls very softly and doesn’t take over her look, something which thick hair can often do. If you’re getting a fringe, try a one like this. One which looks grey but isn’t too heavy due to your thick hair.

28. Hilary Duff Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Rock Chick/Boho Long, Half Up Do


I’m not even sure where to begin when it comes to telling you why this style is fantastic. You only need to look at it to tell! Here Hilary is wearing her long hair in a half up do but has used a mixture of curls and waves to changer her style from prim and proper to a cross between a rock chick and boho, a unique combo. Note how not a single strand of her her hair is perfect, but yet because none of her hair is perfect it all looks pretty damn hot. I know, it’s an odd thing to comprehend but you only need to look at her to know why this style works. If you’re thinking of going for this style just remember to lock it in place with a little hairspray.

29. Emma Watson Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Medium Length Elegance 


I always think medium length hair is a bit of an odd length as it’s not really long enough to style yet it’s long enough to need styling all the same. This style worn by Emma Watson is a great use of medium length hair and makes it love incredibly cute and elegant. Emma has curled her hair gently and pulled it back off of her face by securing a few strands with subtle pins. I also love how she’s kept her bangs down on one side to frame her face, something you ought to experiment with to see what way your bangs should be worn to suit your face shape.

30. Katy Perry Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Gentle, Medium Length Waves


Your hairstyle doesn’t need to be elaborate, in fact it can be incredibly simple and still look fabulous as Katy Perry shows us with her head of gently waves. Her waves are very subtle yet they add a new dimension and a layer of volume to her thick hair. This is a great style if you’re looking for something quick and easy and one that’s easily maintained throughout the day. Just add a bit of hairspray and you’re good to go.

31. Sophia Bush Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Thick Fringe


While Sophia Bush’s fringe may look thick and heavy, it’s actually an illusion due to the natural volume of her hair. Her look is created using minimal hair yet still looks gorgeous. This is a great tip if you’re thinking of getting a full fringe. That said, full fringes don’t tend to suit round faces so you may want to consider a different type of bangs. If you’ve got a delicate face shape however then jump right in!

32.Rachel McAdams Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Half Curls


Sometimes curling all of your hair can be too much for thick hair and adds too much volume however this style worn by Rachel McAdams is a great alternative. By just curling one half of her hair she creates a volumised look that’s chic and classic yet without making her hair too big. This is a great style if you have a round face as it means you don’t run the risk of making it look any rounder, though as you can see from Rachel McAdams it works for more delicate face shapes too.

33. Hilarie Burton Hairstyle For Thick Hair: All Ove Perm


Of course some people do suit having curls all over their head, especially if they have a delicate face shape. Hilarie Burton wore this style on One Tree Hill for years and had hoards of girls pining for her amazing style. This look works best on delicate faces and tends to stay in longer on people with medium length hair.

34.Miley Cyrus Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Long and Natural


Remind me again why people with long, thick hair are even bothering to style their hair? Call me crazy, but I think the natural look really works, something which Miley proves to be true in this picture. Her long hair looks gorgeous and is full of volume as it’s so thick. For days when you can’t be bothered to style your hair don’t fret – simply grab the hairbrush and head out the front door. You’re sure to look fabulous either way.

35. Kiera Knightley Bairstyle For thick Hair: Rough Bob


I love Kiera’s rough bob here. She looks so chic despite her hair being somewhat ragged, a style which really suits her. Note how her hair has no layers, making it look even thicker, something which you ought to do too if you’re considering this style. This style is great for oval and heart shaped faces but it’s not likely to suit people with square or round face shapes.

36. Jennifer Lawrence Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Low Side Bun


Low side buns are a fantastic choice for thick hair (the longer the better) as they’re pretty quirky, fashionable, chic, and professional all in one. They work best on long thick hair as this makes for a bigger bun and in this case I say the unrulier the hair the better. You just have look at J.Law to see how well her messy side bun works so don’t worry if you can’t create the perfect side bun, it’s no big deal.

37. Jennifer Lawrence Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Sleek Pixie Haircut


I’ve seen women with thick and thin hair try the pixie cut and from experience I can tell you that the style works way better on thick hair as your look will still have a bit of life to it and won’t end up clinging to your head. To make the most of this look you’ll likely need to wash your hair daily (something I wouldn’t normally advise) and steer clear of conditioner for the most part too.

38. Miley Cyrus Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Shoulder Length Curls


Shoulder length curls is an incredibly classy style, as Miley shows off above. The good thing about having thick hair to do this style is that it makes your curls look even bigger, a big pro since it can be hard to create decent curls on this length of hair anyway. Also, take a look at Miley’s cute, natural coloured dip dye. This really adds a little something extra to her look if you ask me.

39. Anne Hathaway Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Shoulder Length Curls


Here’s another variation of shoulder length curls for you but this time the curls are far more extensive, making for a bolder and slightly less tameable look. Anne looks fantastic here and her hair is full of life. The only downside to having these super sized curls is that they won’t work quite as well on round faces. While you can use curlers to create this look, I think that rollers are the most effect way to do this.

40. Katy Perry Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Colour Crazy


One of my favourite things about thick hair is how textured it is, something which Katy Perry’s colour crazy look really makes the most of. By colouring your hair lots of different shades you really show off how thick it is and will wow people with your lucious locks. Don’t worry if your’e not up from being as bright as Katy. P. either, you can create the same illusion using more natural tones with a few highlights or lowlights thrown in for added effect.

41. Emma Watson Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Headband


Like I said before, I love thick hair but it really annoys me too as it can sometimes fall in your way. By simply adding a hairband like Emma Watson has done you stylishly combat this issue. Her’s is a very subtle addition but you can be as flamboyant as you like. I love seeing headbands with flowers on them but it really depends on where you’re headed and the tone of your day. The best way to choose a headband is to make it match your outfit.

42. Jennifer Lawrence Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Low Bun


Low buns are great and incredibly stylish too. You’ll be pleased to hear that they’re much easier to create than low side buns too. When you’re setting your bun, try to make it about the same height as J. Laws – any lower and it will likely brush on any high necked clothes you’re wearing and will probably fall out prematurely. Of course, a little hairspray goes a long way to combat this.

43. Demi Lovato Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Bold and Beautiful


Few changes to your hair make more of a statement than adding a bold colour to your look. This is of course something you can try on any hair length but the longer the better as this will make way more of a statement. In truth you need not go quite this bright, you can create the same impact with natural colours too like going from brunette to blonde etc.

44. Rihanna Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Side Swept Bob


So we’ve already covered why bobs are great for thick hair but before we wrap up I wanted to mention the side swept bob. This is one of the few bob styles I suggest adding a few layers to as the extra texture goes a long way. The side swept look is great for helping to make round or square faces look more delicate too, especially if you have bangs like RiRi.

45. Hayden Panettiere Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Classy Long Bob


I love this classy long bob from Hayden. It looks amazing swept back of her face, a style you can create easily simply by blow-drying your hair into the desired position. A few short layers really add to this look but be sure not to overdo it or your hair won’t look as thick as you’d like it too. You can try this look if you have a fringe but if I’m honest it won’t work nearly half as well.

46. Selena Gomez Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Half Up Do


Okay, so I’ve called it a half up of but Selena hasn’t actually needed to use anywhere near as much hair to create this stunning look. That’s the great thing about thick hair however, you don’t need much to make an impact. This is a style that definitely works best if you have long hair as it means all the hair you’ve pinned back will fall beautifully down your back. You could also try straightening or curling your hair to add to this style.

47. Nina Dobrev Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Coloured Highlights


You don’t need many but a few highlights (preferably coloured) will go a long way to brightening up your hair. By adding highlights to thick hair you automatically give the illusion of more volume, something which Nina proves here. Also, by curling her hair it makes this look even better and makes her look classy, casual, professional and chic all at the same time. This is one of my favourite styles on the list.

48. Emma Watson Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Plaited Bun


If your hair is long enough to braid when it’s in a ponytail when you ought to try turning that braid into a bun for the stunning look Emma has here. This works great for thick hair as the thicker your hair the bigger the bun – the same goes for long hair too.

49. Hayden Panettiere Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Braided Bangs


Another great way to get your thick hair off of your face is to French braid them out of the way like Hayden has. This is a great look for all face shapes.

50. Kiera Knightley Hairstyle For Thick Hair: Wavy Bob


By simply adding a few waves to your bob you will completely transform your look and your thick hair will give it loads more volume. This is a style that best suits delicate face shapes.

So there you have it, the fifty best hairstyles for incredibly thick hair. Hopefully you’ve found a style to suit your needs and to help you spice up your look. And remember, these styles are just guidelines too so don’t be afraid to alter the styles and change them to suit you. Add hair accessories or a bit of colour, make your hair extra wild or super sleek – whatever suits you! Personally, I prefer my thick hair long however hopefully I’ve shown you that thick hair can look incredible no matter the length you wear it at. And don’t stress if even after trying all these styles your hair is still a tad unruly – just add a dab of product or an extra strong conditioner and your hair should come under control. Oh, and one last tip. Just a minute of straightening thick hair is a great way to tame it and make it much easier to style. Have fun!

(all images sourced via pinterest.com)

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50 Best Hairstyles For Thin Hair http://www.herinterest.com/50-best-hairstyles-for-thin-hair/ http://www.herinterest.com/50-best-hairstyles-for-thin-hair/#comments Tue, 13 May 2014 15:57:42 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=13886

Some of us are blessed with luscious thick locks while others have fine, sleek hair. There are good and bad points to both eventualities so don’t fret if you’re one or the other. A lot of people hate having thin hair, they say it’s unruly, un-stylable, and too difficult to work with but just remember that the same can be said of thick hair too. Don’t be sad if you’re one of the many women out there with thin hair, in fact you should be smiling because it means that you can easily pull off any of these fifty fabulous styles which are perfect for fine hair. Take a scroll through this list to see some of the best styles for fine hair, each of them modelled by some of your favourite celebrities. Here goes!

1. Emma Roberts Hairstyle For Thin Hair: A Line Bob 0afe229b178f02ecb4d34c20eae0ba57

This is a great hairstyle for thin hair because it can be worn naturally (i.e. without being straightened or curled) and still look fabulous. The great thing about a-line styles is that they suit any face shape and you can have your bangs tapered to look even better. Ask your stylist what length is good for you and how they recommend you wear you bangs – my personal advice is that if you have a round face go with long bangs and the slimmer the face the shorter they can be.

2. Drew Barrymore Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Curled and Wild 0c5283b23f0957fc61b7d646c432005b

Thin hair is renowned for looking limp but with all the styling options these days that need no longer be the case. Look at Drew for instance – she has very fine hair but you wouldn’t know it looking at this picture. She’s used a mix of curlers and styling gels to make her hair look big and beautiful. This is a great tip for anyone with thin hair, no matter your hair length or face shape.

3. Dianna Agron Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Choppy Bob 1ac7ce6e87bffa2e259b7eb02bb78e51

This is a similar idea to what we say in number two. Dianna has taken a simple bob and used layers to make it look choppy, thus helping her to achieve more volume and combatting the sleek look of her thin hair. Like I said, you can do this at any length but I think there’s a timeless charm to bobs.

4. Valorie Curry Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Pixie Cut 1d59959764c5b832cfaa95a927c000f2

I love pixie cuts full stop but they definitely work better for girls with with fine hair over thick hair. This is a great option because it’s incredibly stylish and once your hair has been trimmed short no one will ever be able to tell if it’s thick or not. The only face shape which this may not suit is round faces, though there are a few variations you could consider if you’re determined to go pixie.

5. Carey Mulligan Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Acessorise 1e06ff998e3f435cd7e265ea29017a78

Carey Mulligan always looks fabulous and I bet you never even noticed how fine her hair is. That’s probably because she always styles it beautifully so how fine it is no longer matters. Take her look in the Great Gatsby for example – she wears a lot of fabulous hair pieces which draw attention away form her hair while still completing her look. This is a great tip anyone can try.

6. Kristen Bell Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Rough Ponytail 2b67c7391ed95950e09b7d494c974fc7

When your hair is tied up it’s incredibly hard to tell if it’s thin or not so this is a great option for anyone with fine hair. Why not leave your bangs down or rough your ponytail up a bit to give it a bit more texture and life too? Ponytails have a lot of variations depending on what your bangs are like so I advise you experiment to find out what look suits you best.

7. Gwyneth Paltrow Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Flaunt It 2b91d119f6040ea45696b122703cf169

Of course, you could always make like the fabulous Gwyneth Paltrow and make the most of your thin hair flaunting it for all the world to see. Straight hair is all the rage these days so why would you hide your naturally straight, fine hair? Simply grab a brush and head outside. No need to spend hours in front of the mirror!

8. Cameron Diaz Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Layered Bob 3d91c8e3d4fc19621188a0cdfb54fe68

By adding layers to your thin hair bob it creates the illusion of volume without making your hair too big (like thick hair would). This means it’s a great style for those of you with thin hair – and Cameron Diaz! This style looks lovely on a heart shaped face but oval and square faces look great too.

9. Kristen Stewart Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Windswept and Long 3d93f708b24d8efdea335c452b88be31

By giving your hair the windswept appearance no one will be able to tell your hair is thin plus you’ll be pulling off a great and sexy look at the same time. By styling your hair so it looks windswept like Kristen you’ll look chic, edgy, and fab all at once. Don’t worry about your face shape – this look works for everyone!

10. Emma Stone Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Sleek Ponytail  4d6d5937b5070eab46515db108ecadce

Ponytails are great as they’re professional, easy, and get all your hair out of your way. That said, if you have thick hair they can often become a bit unruly but if you’ve got think hair you need not face this problem. Pulling your hair into a sleek ponytail is quick, easy, and will instantly transform you into a smart, professional looking woman.

11. Dianna Agron Hairstyle For Think Hair: Flicked Out Bob 6ab717ff6f5c13260bcfd21ca70b361c

One of the main complaints I hear when it comes to thin hair is the lack of texture it has, something which this style definitely combats. This style is sleek all apart from the ends of the hair which have been neatly flicked out to create texture, volume and style. This look works best for shoulder length hair but I’ve also seen it done well on long hair so don’t be afraid to experiment.

12. Sophie Turner Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Wear It Long 6abe66b673c7b3acaf7904622f3189de

If you’ve got thin hair then it’s hard to tell when it’s short and, believe it or not, really long. It’s when you hair is medium length that it looks it’s thinnest. Simply letting your hair grow out long like Sophie turner will transform your fine hair into goddess like locks. Admittedly you can’t achieve this style overnight but a little patience will go a long way.

13. Anne Hathaway Hairstyle For Fine Hair: Sleek 6ed056b1451ed7c4af60b15b968ad851

I love the fact that Anne Hathaway isn’t afraid of flaunting her fine hair. She simple lets it show, not trying to hide it away by styling it. If you’re born with fine hair, chances are that’s because that’s what suits you best. Don’t hide behind a style, use what you were born with and wear it proudly like Anne. A sleek style with straight bangs like this will look great on you and will really make the most of your fine hair.

14. Emma Roberts Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Up Do 7f7abd5d49c0109701cd8379260297fb

Like I said before, when your hair is tied up no one can tell whether it’s thin or not. One of my favourite things about thin hair is that it’s so easy to make a bun with so you might as well make the most of this. Taking all your hair off your face works for any face shape however you’ll only be able to pull of a complete up do like this if you have medium to long hair.

15. Emma Stone Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Thick Braid 24aeea52e2dc0d156dff328f1e0c49cf

Emma Stone’s hair is naturally very thin yet here her braid looks thick and full. That’s because she’s teased it apart and styled her hair so that it’s anything but sleek, giving it texture and volume. This style works best on slim faces however the longer your hair the round your face cane before the style looks odd.

16.Kate Winslet Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Centre Parting Up Do 28b57f678d65a92d4f3ccc7e19b3a15e

If you’ve got thin hair then a centre parting may be exactly what you need to make your hair look lovely. Side partings are great but often they leave one side of your hair looking limp which isn’t what we want. A centre parting works for any face shape, as does a centre parting up do, so don’t be afraid to give it a try.

17. Drew Barrymore Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Dip Dyed BoHo Style 42a51c799d13da850685c0d80451bf19

Sometimes hiding your thin hair can be as easy as giving people something better to notice. This is a great style however you’ll need medium to long hair to try it. By adding a boho theme to your hair you’ll gain a lot of volume and texture. A few braids and random curls will go along way to making you look festival ready and oh so stylish.

18. Sophie Turner Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Slicked Back 59bf3e0ecff54f140bdef873ae3495e7

This is one of my all time favourite styles because with a few styling products and a simple sweep of the brush you can near instantly transform yourself into a stylish, red carpet ready woman. Sophie Turner looks stunning here as she shows off her slicked back hair and you can too. You’ll be pleased to know that you can pull this off no matter you face shape or hair length too. This style actually works better on thin hair as it’s much more pliable than thick hair when it comes to this style.

19. Cameron Diaz Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Sleek and Sweeping 59cb1a434d417cbd8d3880016c5e03c6

Cameron Diaz’s sweeping bangs really add a lot to her look. Instead of her hair falling plainly around her face it sweeps across it, redefining her look. Sadly this isn’t a style I recommend for those of you with round faces as it can make them look even rounder but if you’ve got any other face shape this is a great look. This is a style you can try out even if your hair is as short as a pixie cut too so get styling!

20. Hilary Duff Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Choppy Bangs 62cb54d9e9aef090dfb18e980d6f32c3

By adding choppy bangs to your look you instantly bring volume and texture into otherwise lifeless and thin hair. Luckily there’s a bang to suit everyone too so you can get this style no matter your face shape. Hillary’s look is great as it suits most face shapes. Note how her bangs aren’t too heavy and therefore don’t overpower her face – you want you bangs to make you stand out, not to hide you.

21. Carey Mulligan Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Choppy Pixie Cut 65ae388f91544c46bc19d5b627622024

Carey Mulligan totally rocks the pixie look, doesn’t she? Over the years she’s really made it her own. This is one of my favourite looks of hers as it suddenly gives her thin hair texture while not taking away from her pretty face. Simply roughing your pixie cut up a bit can completely transform your look. I also love her untidy braid too. It draws the eye and once again takes away fro the fact she has fine hair.

22. Emma Stone Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Thin and Proud 90e3e17bb37238b2b9d48e304fe5c6e5

Here Emma shows off her thin hair, showing that she’s proud of it and not hiding it away. If you’re planning on wearing your hair straight then you couldn’t wish for anything more than thin hair as it works best for this style. You can try this look no matter your face shape but my one tip is that the longer you hair the better this style will look. If your hair is shorter than your shoulders sometimes it can cling to your face shape too much, hiding your pretty face away.

23.Carey Mulligan Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Slick Back 96d82d410d7ed61317cf086e0daf908e

Earlier we saw Sophie Turner rocking this look with her long hair but here I wanted to show you how it can work for short, thin hair too. In fact it probably even looks better again – if that’s even possible! Tip – note how Carey’s hair isn’t slicked too tight to her head however. If you have a pixie cut and want to slick it back then I advise you puff it up a bit of the top so it doesn’t look too fine. This is also a great tip for helping to elongate the look of your face if you have a round face.

24. Dianna Agron Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Side Twist 181b6fcea160cd10f479918b62a6df40

Once again we see another celebrity disguising her thin hair with an eye-catching style, in this case the side twist. This look is laughably easy to create and you’ll be able to do it in seconds. Plus, you can create this style on any hair length or face shape. It’s worth experimenting to see how much hair you should twist back as this varies depending on your face shape but that’s half the fun of styling your hair I suppose.

25. Reese Witherspoon Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Buoyant Curls 267e0e8b501149a3b8b4c94abec4e9b0

By adding curls to her thin hair Reese has instantly transformed her look. She’s suddenly given it texture, volume, and a whole new lease of life. The thinner your face the larger the curls you can pull off so remember that when you’re styling. By pulling her bangs back atop her head Reese has also fund a great way to make her face look slimmer, a great tip for those of you with round or square faces.

26. Hilary Duff Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Choppy Layers 311ddef9d193590a35dd3f7e3a85c430

As I mentioned earlier, a great way to add texture to your thin hair is by adding layers. Her Hilary has used that advice and gone one step further by roughing her hair up, giving it extra volume. All you need to do to create this look is to rub your fingers through your hair with a bit of product on them after styling and your look will instantly come to life. Add a bit of hairspray and this look will stay in all day too so you don’t need to worry about it suddenly going limp and restyling every few hours.

27. Gwyneth Paltrow Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Half Up Do 0473a1b41a72807dc93ad01c2f46d28f

It’s a little known fact that I love half up dos. They’s just so sleek, stylish, and crazily easy to do. The style works even better if you have thin hair too as it’s much easier to create too. You can try this style whether you have medium or long hair and can experiment by pulling different amounts of hair back. Also, there’s no rule that says you have to stick to a ponytail either. I love wearing this style in a bun or pinning it in place with various hair accessories too. This is a great style for showing off your personality as it can be worn so many ways.

28. Nicole Ritchie Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Sleek Bob  00900e0928d10dbddaf7e1b89135c4a2

A sleek bob like this works great for thin hair as it’s so easy to create and it will sit in place much better than if you have thick hair. My big tip however is not to straighten your hair too much if you have thin hair and this style as you may end up with your hair looking thinner and more limp than ever. Adding a bit of product will protect your hair but still I say let your hair go natural. If it’s thin it will sit beautifully anyway.

29. Soarise Ronan Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Rough Bob 960b837b03dd49f4fde58f18e58f8c86

Perhaps a better bob style for those of you with thin hair is a rough bob like this. It still has the same smart yet causal effect but by roughing it up you add a bit of texture and volume to your hair. You could have your stylist add a few layers but in this instance you ought to make the most of your fine hair and let it speak for itself.  Having an uneven parting will help to take attention away from how fine your hair is too.

30. Scarlett Johansson Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Messy Bun 3530cda8a0724be7183d620526b99e2b

Buns are definitely easier to create if you have fine hair so if you like this stele don’t go cursing your thin hair just yet. Buns are incredibly classy, professional looking, and stylish too. I love seeing a perfect bun but if you have fine hair you should consider trying out a messy bun like Scarlett (mostly because you can!). It adds an edge to your professional look, making you look smart and casual all at once. This is a great look for most any face shape, the only downside is you have to have hair long enough to tie up in the first place.

31. Natalie Dormer Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Side Waves 7401f26408ac0dec14360235213cfd0a

Side partings don’t always work well for thin hair however sweeping all your hair to one side is another matter entirely. This is a great way to suddenly compact all your hair together, making it look thick and full of volume. By adding lots of waves and curls like Natalie has you also enhance this look, making your hair look thicker than ever. You may well need a lot of hair clips and a lot of hairspray to keep this look in place but trust me it’s worth it. If you’re heading to the office or a night on the town this is a great look. Plus it’s another look that works for all face shapes so don’t be afraid to try it out!

32. Kate Hudson Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Delicate Curls 80328c0adec528ded07f0276b1c8e806

Getting a great look for thin hair need not be hard. In fact it can be as simple as slipping your rollers in or curling your hair. By adding a few simple curls your hair will instantly be given a new lease of life and will suddenly look full of volume and texture. As a general rule, the slimmer your face the thicker your curls can be so remember this when you’re styling. Oh, and don’t forget your hairspray or your curls will fall out before you even leave the house and you’ll be back to having fine hair!

33. Dakota Fanning Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Colour Change 88946ad908b887b73fa76146f39794ea

Dakota Fanning shocked fans and photographers alike when she stepped out onto the red carpet which her brunette hair opposed to her natural white blonde. While she’s not had a major style change I’m sure you’ll agree that she looks fabulous with her new colour and suddenly her thin hair is forgotten. If you want an easy way to change your look then why not consider a stark change in colour? Even a subtle change will go a long way to altering your look and you might find you and others no longer notice your thin hair.

34. Dianna Agron Hairstyle For Thin Hair: High Bun 800160fda098d4e77dbabd9ca3452095

This is perhaps one of the prettiest pictures of Dianna Agron, not least of all because of her fabulous hair. Her high, messy bun really sets off her look and hides away her thin hair. Her thin hair really helps to create this style too as it’s a difficult one to pull off with thick hair. Her bangs look beautiful too, not too heavy thanks to her fine hair but beautifully shaped. Sadly however I don’t advise you go for this bang style if you have a round gave as your face will end up looking much rounder. Instead go for side or sweeping bangs.

35. Emma Stone Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Curls, Curls, Curls 1411667b5c9a59d8fb8e6dc51a5d24c4

Every inch of Emma Stone’s fine hair has been styled here, transforming her thin hair into a look of volume. Her layers really add to thins style as this give her look more texture too. Note how ever her bangs have a slight wave in them, leaving no trace of her once fine hair behind. Again, the thinner the face you have the thicker your curls can be. Also, even though Emma’s hair is quite long don’t be afraid to try this trick with short hair too – you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised by the results.

36. Natalie Portman Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Unruly and Slight Waves 3002549e93c96cd2849f3056c274fb4a

I love this style as it’s so unique yet so simple. Natalie’s hair has been given a windswept look and an ever so slight wave so that her thin hair becomes unnoticeable. This style looks so natural and makes her look like she has naturally quite thick hair. Also, take note of how her highlights take away from her thin hair too. This is a simple trick you can try that will have a massive effect on your look.

37. Kate Hudson Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Large Bun8632401f977762fd80def80235b16085

Thick hair is a nightmare to get into a large bun so you should feel blessed if you have thin hair and can pull this style off. Some people are pretty darn talented and can create this look with just their hands but personally I suggest investing in a doughnut hair accessory to make this look simpler to create. Or you can go very DIY and use a sock with the toes cut out. Either way this is a fantastic look that will instantly make you look chic. If you’ve got no bangs like Kate Hudson then it doesn’t matter what your face shape is either as you’re sure to look stylish with this look.

38. Gwyneth Paltrow Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Sleek Bob 683650521bf4ba44516f2add11f7127c

Once again Gwen isn’t hiding the fact she has thin hair, she’s flaunting it as I think more people should. Sleek bobs like this look great if you have thin hair, just be sure no to over straighten it or else it will end up looking limp and lifeless. There’s a fine balance but if you can find it you’ll look fab.

39. Kiera Knightley Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Delicate Waves a68f921f79b546ed821c0a7a55c46349

While usually I think Kiera suits short hair better, I think that her thin hair really helps her to pull off this style. By adding some delicate waves to her hair she’s made it go from thin to full and suddenly it’s got loads of volume. I also love what her highlights do to it as they appear to add a layer of texture. Getting highlights or lowlights like this is a great way to spice up your thin hair and truly make it stand out.

40. Emma Roberts Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Sleek Ponytail a3976dfb6cdf1f1c2fea52f1b06a2429

Ponytails looks great on any women and on any face shape but if you’ve got thick hair they can be quite unruly. If you have thin hair on the other hand you’ll be able to effortlessly pull of this sleek style and look fabulous. Emma’s thin hair contributes to how neat her ponytail to as it will with you. Plus, notice her highlights and how it changes the flow of her hair.

41. Kiera Knightley Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Sleek, Long Pixie Haircut b5a073ed09c1424e94ceb6011c72ed7a

Kiera’s long pixie haircut really works with her thin hair. It’s sleek and stylish and makes her look casual and professional all at once. She has a very slim face but don’t be put off if you have a round face – chances are you’ll actually be able to wear this style better. Her zig zag parting really livens up the style as it adds some texture to her hair and even a touch of volume. Plus, note how the ends of her hair flick out rather than in – this is a great trick for adding extra volume in seconds.

42. Cameron Diaz Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Natural Medium Cut b6edfb228a5bd341ad5cb92a86f8b0af

This medium length cut looks great if you have a heart shaped face and really makes the most of your sleek hair. This is a great style as it’s really easy to maintain and you have the option of tying your hair up if you want to as well. I mentioned highlights and how her can add texture to your hair earlier however here Cameron is going au natural and she looks fabulous for it. It just goes to show that you don’t always have to style your hair using fancy methods to stand out.

43. Gwyneth Paltrow Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Windswept Long Hair b7d9813ac82478e3849ebc66ebbccef7

Windswept is always a great look but it works even better if you have thin hair as your hair will still look rough and stylish but it’s thin enough to still look neat. To create this style you’re best adding a bit of product to your hands and running it through your hair. You can rough it up any way you like and make it as wild or as tame as you please. This is definitely a style to experiment with. You can try this at any hair length but personally I think this long length looks great! Also, don’t be afraid to try this look with bangs either.

44. Kate Hudson Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Untamed Waves b5553268966232c4220e9e706131ddf8

All too often we see waves which are neat and uniform but here Kate Hudson has stepped away from that and is wearing her unruly waves beautifully. The waves add loads of texture to her hair and plenty of volume so it doesn’t matter that her hair is thin and the fact that her waves are so untamed only enhances the appearance. This style works best for people with medium to long hair and you’ll be pleased to hear it works on any face shape too.

45. Scarlett Johnasson Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Cute Bangs cf5bb3f01bb5c2e1301f76ea72d001b8

Bangs work for most people but personally I’ve always thought they work better on thin hair as they’re more tameable. Here Scarlett shows us her cute, rounded bangs. Note that they look thick yet they don’t look heavy – this is because of her thin hair. Of course this style doesn’t work for everyone and it’s best steered clear of if you have too thin a face but if you have a heart shaped face you’re golden.

46. Jennifer Lawrence Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Untamed Pixie Cut d0cc4ed23812f187fb07ebfdbf172c09

I’ll be the first to admit that I was devastated when J. Law cut off all her beautiful long hair and replaced it with her pixie cut. That said, it didn’t take me long to get over it after seeing how fabulous she now looks. While her hair isn’t incredibly thin, it’s not what you’d call thick either. This is perhaps why her pixie cut works so well when it’s all roughed up like this. This style works best if you have a slim face but different variations of it do work on round faces too so don’t be scared to experiment. This is also a great look is you have highlights as they add an extra look of depth to your style.

47. Gwyneth Paltrow Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Sleek Ponytail d9bc508eceb57b00e49181c293029c3d

Styles like this is why you should love your thin hair. Sure, everyone can wear a ponytail but it doesn’t work quite this well on thick hair. Gwen’s ponytail is smooth, sleek, professional, an completely natural. If you’ve got thin hair they you don’t need to fuss with straighteners, just grab your hairband and your brush and you’re near good to go. You can pull this hair off if you have bangs like we saw Emma Stone do earlier too but by pulling all your hair back you make this is a style any face shape can wear. This is perfect for wearing to the office, at a party, or even when you’re just lounging in the house.

48. Kate Hudson Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Long, Sleek, With A Center Parting df6225ac3ee8e5de2a24c799ede6c6f6

Kate Hudson’s thin hair looks fabulous here. She’s simply letting it flow and making it look like it’s been styled for hours, even though her thin hair is naturally straight. Her centre parting really helps her look  as it creates a balance so no one side of her hair looks to heave and no one side looks overly thin. This style is so easy to create, works for any hair length and face shape, and incredibly natural. You can always add a few layers to this style to make it look more interesting but personally I love it sleek and straight like Kate’s.

49. Hayden Panettiere Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Cute, A Line Bob e9ee38c213852e14aca4d9ee46fdfbda

Hayden has quite a round face yet she pulls off this A line bob perfectly. The reason? Her thin hair of course! It means her hair doesn’t look too thick therefore doesn’t make her face look wider. Instead she winds up looking elegant, chic, sassy, and oh so stylish. This is perhaps her best look! Plus, this style works really well as she’s so short. It means her hair isn’t cutting her body in half and makes her look taller than she is – a great tip for those of you who are short like me!

50.Vanessa Anne Hudgens Hairstyle For Thin Hair: Short and Curled f6a18ffc49a29ed07ec4c7ba5c5e1e10

   And finally we come to our last picture where Vanessa Anne Hudgens shows off her sleek, short curls. The reason this style works so well for thin hair is because it adds an awful lot of volume in just a small space, transforming her look instantly. If you’ve got a round face you may want to stay away from this look but for those of you with a heart or an oval shaped face this look is bound to suit you. Experiment with curl tightness to see what different looks you can create too.

So there you have it, fifty fantastic hairstyles for those of you with thin hair. Don’t repair over your fine hair any longer, choose one of these fifty styles and your hair will suddenly look luscious like it was meant to. I bet you were surprised by how many celebs have thin hair just like you too – I certainly was – but it’s proof as to how a grew style can transform your look. Don’t be afraid to experiment with these looks by adding accessories and changing it up a bit either Your hairstyle should be personal and unique just like you are! If you’ve enjoyed this article please feel free to share and check out all my other articles to help you create the perfect all-round look. Have a nice day!

(all images sourced via pinterest.com)

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How To Lose Weight Fast For Women http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-weight-fast-for-women/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-lose-weight-fast-for-women/#comments Fri, 25 Apr 2014 10:57:09 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12961

How do we lose weight quickly and effectively? It’s an age old question and one which I’ve no doubt will still be circling for decades to come. What works for some women may not work for another and some weight loss tips just end up being fads. Yet here we are, with a few extra pounds which we’re struggling to shift. Tiring, isn’t it? I’ve stubbled with my weight for years but it’s only been the past couple that I’ve managed to get into control and have found methods that work for me. I’ll admit I’ve tried plenty of things that were just a waste of time too but the point is that not all weight loss tricks are pointless. That’s why I’ve put together my personal experience and a whole lot of research to come up with this list of one hundred ultimate ways to lose weight fast, aimed directly at women. It’s a mix of tips, tricks, diet plans, exercise regimes, motivational speeches, and much more. Like I said, not everything works for everyone but thankfully I’m sure you’ll find at least some tips that will work for you amidst this extensive list. Are you ready? Here goes…


1. Have a Goal


When it comes to losing weight, the place you need to start is deciding on your goal weight. Before you swear off junk food and buy your gym membership, I highly recommend you make a note of how many pounds or how many inches you’re looking to lose. Also, write down your starting weight and measurements so you can keep track of how far you’ve come. If you’re goal is reasonably far off then I suggest you make yourself a few mini goals (e.g. for every half stone lost). All in all, goals will help to motivate you and you’ll find it easier to motivate yourself throughout your journey.


2. Ban Any Fast or Processed Foods


When it comes to losing weight and being healthy in general, cutting out all fast and processed foods is a must. Yes, I said ALL. I can’t stress enough that they’re full of absolutely everything that’s bad for you and I can’t even think of any redeeming qualities they have. Seriously, even if you exercises daily, if you’re eating fast and processed foods you’re never going to lose weight. It’s a losing battle before you even take that first calorific bite. Don’t give into your cravings, while it may taste good now you’ll regret it as soon as that last bite is gone, trust me, I know. If you have to have a pizza or a burger then at least do it the healthy way and homemake them. They’ll taste better and you’ll be healthier and slimmer for it.


3. Remember to Eat!


When we’re trying to lose weight it’s obvious we’re going to cut our calorie intake but let’s not be silly about this. We can’t live off of just a few calories per day and while this may help us lose weight at first after a couple of days your body will start to fight back and hold onto the extra fat, plus we’ll be super unhealthy. Women are supposed to eat 2000 calories per day to stay the same weight but when trying to diet you shouldn’t eat less than 1200. This is because your body needs food to fuel it. Not eating enough calories will cause your metabolism to drop, thus making it incredibly hard to shift your excess weight. Plus, if you don’t eat enough your body will go into starvation mode and it will start storing whatever food you do eat as fat. I can’t stress enough how important it is to eat – honestly, I’ve only just scratched the tip of the iceberg so please chow down of you’ll never lose weight!


4. Don’t Target One Area of Your Body


Some of us want to lose fat from all over our bodies, some of us just our arms, others our thighs, others our stomach, well, you get the picture. Anyway, my point is, while we may just want to target one part of our body when it comes to weight loss this isn’t realistic or in fact possible. We need to concentrate on our entire body seeing as it’s not possible to spot reduce fat. This means exercising all of you, not just your bum or your legs. Of course, you can still do exercises that focus on one area of your body (something which I’ll cover later) but make sure you don’t just do them or you’ll never see results.


5. Eat Slowly


Believe it or not, it takes your body a total of twenty minutes to realise it’s full so it’s important that you eat slowly so your body has a chance to let you know if you’re about to overeat. Try taking smaller bites and eating at a slower pace, you’ll likely be surprised by how much less you actually want to eat. This obviously means you’ll be eating fewer calories, one of the major factors when it comes to shedding those extra pounds. This tip may not seem like much but trust me, it works. My eyes are way bigger than my belly so my plate is always full however this trick has helped me stop overeating and has lead me to a healthier lifestyle.


6. Get Your Heart Pumping


No matter how little or how much weight you want to lose, it essential that you get your heart pumping with a little cardio. You need not to much, just twenty minutes each day, or a minimum of five days per week, will do the trick. This doesn’t mean you have to run yourself slim either so don’t panic if you’re no great athlete. Cardio is essentially anything that gets your heart pounding. You can do dancing, star jumps, trampolining, even fast swimming, whatever takes your fancy! Personally I love listening to music while I workout as it helps to motivate me and I often end up going for longer than I intended without even realising it, helping me to burn off even more calories. No matter your goal, cardio should be a part of the plan to get there.


7. Never Trust The Scales


When you’re trying to lose weight and shape up a little the scales can easily become your worst enemy. Standing on them every day and seeing little to no change can cause your to quickly lose motivation and become unhealthily obsessed. Plus, the number on the scales can also be incredibly even be misleading. Believe it or not, how much you weight isn’t the be all and end all when it comes to shaping up and losing those extra pounds. As you exercise, your fat slowly changes into muscle and muscle weights a lot more than fat. This means you may very well be losing fat while still gaining weight, something that’s definitely not a bad thing, so quit staring at the scales and look in the mirror.


8. Realise There’s No Miracle Cure


You’ve probably heard that if something’s too good to be true then it probably is and that saying goes double for weight loss. I’m sorry to have to tell you but there is no miracle cure when it comes to losing weight. There’s no quick fix, magic pill, miracle vegetable, or overnight slimming exercise that will help you reach your goal. This journey is all about you. When it comes down to it it’s all about hard work, perseverance, a good diet and exercise regime, and a clean state of mind. Forget any notion you have about finding a quick fix and you’ll find yourself able to focus fully on the things that are important.


9. Say NO to Soda


When you’re losing weight soda is a massive no, no. Nothing bloats you faster! Every can is full of calories and sugar, most of which are made up of high fructose corn syrup which your body doesn’t really have a clue how to digest. This means all those sugars end up becoming fat, ruining all your hard work. Even if a can of soda claims to be calorie and sugar free, don’t be fooled, it’s still terrible for you and something you should stay away from. Switch to water instead, you’ll be happier, lighter, and healthier for it. This should be a golden rule of life even when you’re not trying to lose weight. I really can’t stress enough how bad soda is for you.


10. Follow the 5:2 Diet


The 5:2 diet is a form of intermittent fasting. Basically, when on the diet you will eat normally and healthily for five days each week and then you will essentially fast for the two remaining days. This in theory should reduce your insulin levels and make you less likely to suffer from various diseases. Also, fans of the diet claim that as well as losing fat you will also increase your life span, there’s a pro you don’t get from many diets! the 5:2 diet is more achievable than many diets as it means you only have to be stern on yourself for two days each week so you’re more likely to stick to the diet. As with all diets, you still have to be physically active for the diet to work, a downside for some but simply a part of their lifestyle for others. Like all diets, the 5:2 diet is really what you make of it.


11. Follow the Three Day Diet


A three day diet? Count me in! That said, the reason you can only follow this diet for three days at a time is because it allows you shockingly few calories in that time, something which contributes to the diet’s flowers losing weight so fast. The good news however is that you’re allowed to follow the diet for three days, eat normally for a period, and then follow the diet again. While on the diet, you’ll eat lean meat, grapefruit, tuna, eggs, toast and vegetables and only approved seasonings which are salt, pepper and ketchup. The diet may sound bland however you can drop 10 pounds in just three days using the Three Day Diet, so I’d say it’s worth it! In a month you can lose up to 40 pounds. This is a great diet to help kick start your weight loss plans.


12. Follow the Atkins Diet


No doubt we’ve all heard to the miracle Atkins diet, especially since you can lose up to fifteen pounds in two weeks when following it. Sounds tempting, right? The diet is a very low-carb, high-protein weight loss program which comes in phases, each lasting a pre-determined length of time depending on you, your current body, and your weigh loss goals. To find our more why not speak to an Atkins expert and see what they’d recommend for you before signing up?


13. Love Water


I told you before how bad soda was for you and advised you switch to water instead but now it’s time I told you why. Basically, when it comes to any type of weight loss water is absolutely key. Make it your new best friend and have a bottle of it with you day and night. Drinking six to eight glasses of water each day will keep you feeling fuller and well hydrated meaning you’re less likely to binge on too many calorific goodies. Water is also great for flushing any bad toxins out of your skin too meaning not only will it aid you when it comes to losing some of that unwanted weight but it will also keep you looking radiant too!


14. Look For Colourful Foods


When it comes to your diet, there are countless healthy choices out there, you need only open your eyes to see them. The key to choosing food is to fill your plate with colour, and a variety at that. Chances are, the more colour that’s splashed across your plate the better the meal is for you. Basically, I’m taking about adding a colourful side of fruit of veg to your meals and snacking on these things too. But remember, mix it up. Don’t just indulge on leafy greens, make sure you eat other colours too. The same goes if you’re snacking. The worst things you can eat are things like pastries, white bread, baked beans, etc. Basically, things with that horrible, processed, washed out orange colour. The next time you’re eating, remember, colourful equals slim.


15. Follow the Cabbage Soup Diet


If you’ve heard of the cabbage soup diet then you may have heard it’s a fad diet. Well, that’s possibly true but there’s no denying the diet works. In fact, you can lose up to ten pounds in one week by following it! Plus, you don’t have to do any exercise to achieve that. Plus the diet is so simple too, everyday you eat cabbage soup for your lunch and then tea and on specific days you can eat these added extras:

Day One – You can eat all fruits, apart from bananas.

Day Two – You can consume any and as many raw or cooked vegetables.

Day Three – All fruit and vegetables are on the menu, with the exclusion of potatoes and bananas.

Day Four – You can eat up to eight bananas.

Day Five – Beef and tomatoes are your added extras for today.

Day Six – You can consume beef and veg, with the exception of potatoes.

Day Seven – Today you can have rice, fruit juices and vegetables.


16. Follow the Scarsdale Medical Diet


For some of us counting calories when dieting is a downright chore and is one of the reasons that our efforts in weight loss fail. If that sounds like you then perhaps you might consider trying out the Scarsdale Medical Diet. Believe it or nor, this diet is a great way to lose weight without having to count calories, weigh foods or measure portions! The downside however is that you shouldn’t follow the diet for more than two weeks in a row – something which isn’t so bad when you can potentially lose seven to fifteen pounds in that time!

When on the diet you’ll eat lean protein and low carbohydrate foods. Vegetables, fruits, salads and lean meat will all be a big part of your meal plans. If you’re interested, you can find the diet plan in it’s entirety online (another bonus seeing as it means you don’t have to shell out loads of cash to reach your goal weight!).


17. Drink Up Before You Chow Down


So I’ve already covered how vital water is to your diet and also your health in general but now I have an even better water related tip: drink a glass of cool water before you eat and you’ll find yourself eating considerably less, thus cutting your calorie intake. This is because we tend to eat more when we’re thirsty and the water also fills us up so we feel like we want to eat less. This simple tip can lead you to much speedier results, plus it’s great for promoting a healthy body too. This tip genuinely works because it’s one I’ve been using for years. Even after I’ve reached my goal weight I still follow it simply because it’s healthy too.


18. Control Your Portions


Believe it or not (I didn’t at first!), most of us are eating double the portions we should be at mealtimes on a daily basis. This is why we should always take a moment to read the side of the packet when preparing a meal and find out just how much of that particular food you should be eating. Trust me, you’ll probably be surprised by how much you’re constantly overeating and how quickly your extra pounds start to fall off once you address that. Also, when you’re eating out, remember that most restaurants serve you with two to three times bigger portions than recommended. Don’t be afraid to ask for a doggy bag, you’ll likely be slimmer for it.


19. Read the Labels


Don’t worry, I’m not repeating myself, this tip isn’t about portion sizes. It’s about what your food is made of. It’s always worth taking a moment to read if your food has any unnatural chemicals, hidden additives or fattening sugars or fats in it. Seriously, you’ll likely be shocked by exactly what you’ve unknowingly been putting into your body all this time, potentially causing you to gain weight in the first place. You should do this even with any diet foods too as even they are sometimes not be as cleaner and healthy as they first appear to be. Being aware of exactly what is in your food is a fantastic way to help you keep track of your health in general as well as helping you towards your weight loss goals.


20. Swim Yourself Slim


One of the best exercises to help you lose fat, tone up, and improve your health and flexibility is swimming. It’s a fantastic cardio exercises that’s got a low impact on your body, making it pain free for your joints if they’re slightly achy. Plus, the water provides great resistance which helps you to tone up and slim down without pushing your body too hard. I try to swim at least three times per week and my body is now looking better than ever. Swim regularly and you’ll be looking lean and toned in no time at all! Oh, and did I mention there’s the added bonus of getting to hop in the jacuzzi after?


21. Consult an Expert


Before you decide to start any exercise or diet program to help you lose weight I recommend that you see your doctor first. This is especially important if you have any pre-existing health conditions that may worsen with a changed diet or exercise plan. Your doctor will be able to advise you on if your diet plan is good for your health and if it is suitable for you. Expert advice shouldn’t stop there though. After you’ve started your diet, a personal trainer will no doubt be able to give you loads of professional tips and tricks to help you lose weight faster than ever. Of course, if you wanted you could also see a nutritionalist too however my personal recommendation is that you see your doctor and consult a personal trainer first and foremost. These experts are professionals for a reason so I urge you not to shun their advice, it’s helpful, really.


22. Eat More Often


I know, you had to read that twice and still aren’t sure if you read it right. Well, believe it or not, I did just advise you to eat more often. You should focus on eating five small meals each day instead of three regular meals each day. This helps your body to keep your metabolism high as it means you’re constantly digesting food and as a result you’re always burning fay. I like to have breakfast, then a mid-morning snack, a late lunch, dinner and then supper. I find that eating more often is also a great way to curb your appetite so you’re less likely to binge too. Don’t start fantasising about all that food just yet though. I did say five SMALL meals so you still need to watch your portion sizes as we said earlier. Still, it’s better than nothing!


23. Don’t Go It Alone


It’s a well known fact that dieting and working our are easier when you don’t go it alone, i.e. when you do it alongside a friend. Doing things like swapping recipes, going for a run together, and exchanging results will help the two of you to stay motivated and as a result you’ll reach your goals quicker. You’ll be able to inspire and push each other and it’s much harder to quit something when you’re doing it with someone too.


24. Never Miss Your Breakfast


Okay, so I know eating fewer calories is the key to dieting but that doesn’t mean you should start skipping meals – especially breakfast. Skipping breakfast means your body goes into what’s known as starvation mode which basically means you metabolism slows in an attempt to hold onto fat so your body can function as it should. In shot this means you’re actually more likely to gain weight than lose it. A healthy breakfast is the best way to combat this and kick start your body into diet mode. When it comes to losing weight and slimming down, there are few things you body will thank you for more than eating breakfast. You don’t have to eat much, a bowl of oatmeal, a slice of brown toast, or even a piece of fruit will suffice.


25. Make Every Exercise Count


When you’re exercising you might as well make sure you’re doing it properly and effectively so you can be sure to shed some extra pounds. Keep a good posture throughout your routine to get the best results. If you’re going to do a halfhearted routine then you may as well have stayed in bed as it will have little to no effect. As well as this, make when you exercise count too. Doing a few stretches and a quick bit of cardio right after you wake up and before you eat breakfast is a fantastic way to burn fat.


26. Reign In Your Sweet Tooth


I don’t know about you but I have a terrible sweet tooth, something which cause me to put on a lot of weight a few years back. The fact of the matter is that sweets are full of preservatives, sugars, and countless other unhealthy additives. When you’re trying to lose weight or even simply not gain weight then it’s vital that you stay away from sweets. Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t still satisfy our sweet tooth with sugar however, only now it should be natural sugar. Try eating fresh fruit or frozen fruit juice instead of sweets. Or you could even go for dried fruit with a light star coating. They taste just as nice and are way better for you in the long and the short run. Who said snacks were bad for your diet?


27. Drop the Salt


Yes, I know, I know, salt is incredibly tasty and we can’t imagine eating fries without them (though on your diet should you really be eating fries?) but the fact of the matter is salt is incredibly bad for us. Just a small amount causes our bodies to hold onto water which makes us appear bloated. Now, we do need salt in our diets to maintain a balanced diet but if you’ve been reading your labels properly like I told you then you’ll be aware that most food contains salt anyway so there’s no need to add more. There are plenty of other healthy seasonings you can use instead.


28. Reduce Your Alcohol Intake


If you’re serious about losing weight then I’m afraid to tell you that it’s best you cut out or at very least cut down on your alcohol consumption. Alcohol has adverse effects on your liver which ends up slowing down your body’s natural fat burning process. This makes it incredibly hard to lose weight and it gets harder with every glass of wine you drink. Of course, the occasional drink won’t do too much harm but you’re still best to steer clear. For those times when you just can’t resist a drink, a glass of red wine is your best option. It’s low in carbs and has other mild health benefit despite the adverse ones so you don’t have to feel too guilty about drinking it. As always, moderation is key.


29. Become Sleeping Beauty


I was over the moon when I found out that studies have shown that people who get between seven and eight hours sleep per night have higher metabolisms and also more energy to help them eat clean, cook healthy meals, and exercise hard. These are all essential factors when it comes to losing weight so make sure you frequently get enough sleep. Early nights and long lies have never sounded so tempting! Beware however as it’s said that people who sleep between nine and ten hours per night have the same low metabolisms as those who don’t sleep enough – it’s a fine line to walk.


30. Focus On Small Changes


Committing to lose weight is a lifestyle change as much as anything, meaning it can be daunting to get started. The best way to combat this fear is by making small changes in your life such as parking your car further away from your office, taking the stairs instead of the lift, fidgeting while you sit down, walking to the shops instead of driving, using low fat milk instead of full cream milk, swapping chocolate for fruit, and that’s just to name a few but I’m sure you get the picture. Basically do little things to get your body moving and to put healthier foods inside of you.It’s simple, but it works.


31. Try Not To Stress


When we’re stressed most of us have a tendency to comfort eat which is bad for our weight loss plans for obvious reasons. As well as this, stress causes our bodies to release different hormones which can alter our metabolisms. When our metabolisms fluctuates or is low it’s almost impossible to lose weight so it’s vital that we try not to put ourselves in stressful situations and that we try whenever possible to take some time for us so we can unwind and de-stress. It doesn’t matter how you choose to relax be it with a book, on the beach, at a spa, or in the bath, just so long as you do it.


32. Be In Control


For those of us who are living with our parents, our partner, or with friends it can be tempting to simply let them deal with making food and eat what they give us but trust me when I say this won’t help your waistline. You should always make your own meals that way you can be in control of the ingredients used and the portion sizes too. Remember what I said before about reading labels? Well, chances are your family and friends aren’t going to do it for you. You need to be accountable and not let all your hard work go to waste. Don’t ruin all your progress by letting someone else give you too big a portion, used processed ingredients, or splash too much salt on your food.


33. Hold Yourself Accountable


None of us are perfect meaning that we’re all going to slip up now and again. Don’t panic if this happens to you, it’s okay just so long as you don’t let it ruin all your efforts so far. If you simply can’t resist having a treat then try your hardest to stop at one and if you find yourself with no energy to hit the gym for a day that’s also okay, just so long as you don’t miss more than one day. Once you get into these bad habits it can be a slippery slope to crawl back up so be sure not to let yourself go too far off course in the first place. You may find it easier to do this by keeping a food and exercise diary which will make you feel more accountable for your actions.


34. Mix Up Your Routines


Eating the same foods and doing the same workouts day and and day our may be the easy option but it’s not the smart one. If you do that, soon enough you’ll undoubtedly reach a plateau. Your mind and body will soon grow complacent and you’ll stop shedding pounds even if you are still eating healthy and exercising lots. Come this point, it’s incredibly easy just to throw in the towel but that’s not the way forward. Mix up your diet and exercise regime to stop your mind from getting bored and your body from getting complacent. As a result you’ll continue to shed those pesky extra pounds. Even alternating your days is better than the same old thing day after day. I like to have a three day cycle as it always keeps my body guessing, then once a week I do something totally different to shock my body.


35. Keep It Up


At this point you’re probably weary just reading this article and thinking of all you have to do but I’m here to motivate you and tell you to keep up the good work. It can be all too easy to just give up and decide you’re happy as you are (I’ve done it many a time but I’m never truly happy) but you have to push through that feeling and keep going. You have to remind yourself why you started and what you’re aiming for. Keeping in mind how far you’ve come and where you’re going are great ways to help you stay strong and motivate yourself. This is where having a friend to diet with may help as then you can motivate each other. Stay strong, keep going, you’re worth it.


36. Sweat It


If your workout isn’t challenging you and causing you to sweat then you might as well be sitting on the conch instead. Seriously, pain is gain so you need to feel the burn to see results. If your muscles don’t ache after your workout and you’re not covered in a sheen of sweat then you’ve not been working out hard enough. Set yourself goals and then smash through them, this is a great way to push yourself and to mix it up all in one. You need to walk away from a workout feeling like you’ve achieved something and that your time has been worth it. If you can’t feel results as they happen then you’ll never see results because they’ll never truly appear.


37. Breathe Deep


Don’t laugh, I’m being serious. To lose weight we need to stay healthy and to stay healthy we need to breathe. No, I don’t just mean like you’re doing right now. I mean focussed breathing and deep breathing. This is a great way to help your body ignore any craving, relieve stress, and also push through a hard workout. Deep breathing in this way clears your mind and helps to focus it on one particular goal. For some of us this tip comes naturally and for others it’s really hard. If you find it difficult to focus on your breathing then why not attends a yoga or a Pilates class for some advice and some other health benefits too?


38. Eat More Fibre


Fibre is like the Holy Grain of ingredients when it comes to weight loss. You should be making a conscious effort to include it in your diet. Fibre helps your digestive system to run smoother and also helps your body to detox itself. Oh, and it helps to increase your metabolism too. One of my favourite sources of fibre is oatmeal – I love to have it for breakfast as it keeps me fuller for longer and gives me more energy too. You can also find fibre in lots of wholegrain foods which are much better for you than their white carb cousins.


39. Take A Break


If you’re stuck sitting behind a desk all day then your metabolism is going to plummet and it will become difficult for you to lose weight. To combat this, whenever possible get up and go for a brusque walk to help up your metabolism and to ensure your body is continuously burning fat. When break time comes around, don’t spend the entirety of it sitting in the canteen either. After you’ve finished your food go for a quick walk (or walk and eat if you don’t have much time). These little walks will soon add up and the amount of calories you burn will soon be mounting. I work from home but I love going for a quick fifteen minute walk down the river when lunch time rolls around. It’s not much but I feel much better for it, stretching my legs and getting some fresh air does me the world of good.


40. Eat Less Bread


Bread is a staple food for a lot of us but I’m afraid to say that it’s notorious for causing us to gain weight or at very least be unable to shift it. It’s terrible when it comes to bloating you as it holds water, causing our stomachs to balloon. If you must give in and have a sandwich, a roll, or a slice of toast then opt for multi grain bread instead. It’s much lower in calories and is high in fibre, making it much better for you all around. I love the ‘low fat’ breads too. I’ll admit, they’re not actually low fat, they just come in smaller slices so you eat less, however they taste delicious and you soon get used to not eating as much. Again, this comes back to portions.


41. Understand Your Eating Habits


Some of us turn into comfort eaters when we’re unhappy, others love to gorge when they’re stressed, some starve themselves when they’re busy and then binge when they’re not. Recognising traits such as these in yourself is vital when it comes to helping you lose weight because as soon as you recognise them you can control them. When you’re fancying a piece of cake, stop and ask yourself why you want it. Is it because you’re hungry or because you’re unhappy? Once you realise you’re comfort eating or have other bad eating habits then they’ll be much easier to control and you’ll be able to eat your way to a healthier you. Perhaps you could keep a food diary and highlight when you’re eating lots of bad foods to help you recognise this quicker.


42. Fidget Constantly


To burn off some extra calories remember to fidget constantly. While this may not sound like much you’ll burn loads of extra calories just by crossing your feet, drumming your fingers or wriggling your toes. every single calorie counts so never think it’s pointless. Even such tiny movements will contribute towards your overall weight loss goal.


43. Avoid Any Distractions While Your Eat


Since I was little my family always sat and ate dinner in front of the TV but it was only a few years ago that I learned how bad this or any distraction while eating actually is for you. It’s things like this or listening to the radio that are standing between us and our dream bodies.  This is because they distractions tend to cause us to eat more that we would otherwise, therefore filling up on calories, and they also cause us not to notice when we feel full so we keep on eating still. The best way to eat a meal is around a table with no electronic appliances about. It’s okay to talk while eating but still be aware that even too much talk can have the same effects as the TV or the radio.


45. Remember To Enjoy Working Out


If you’re not enjoying your workouts then chances are you’ll soon lose interest and quit, even if they are giving you fabulous result. You need to make sure you enjoy your workouts and that they don’t become too monotonous for you. Working our need not be boring, there’s more to exercise that running, gym sessions, weights, pushups, and sit ups. Everyone enjoys doing something different but some of the workouts that I consider to be more fun are Zumba, cycling, iceskating, martial arts, and dancing. It doesn’t matter what you do, just so long as you do it so choose an exercise you enjoy moving and get your body moving and your heart pumping.


46. Want Your Goals For A Reason


So tell me, why exactly do you want to lose weight? What is it that motivates you to want to eat less and get slim? Having reasons behind your weight loss goal is more likely to motivate you better than the numbers on the scales. Your reasons can be anything you want, just so long as they’re achievable and will help to motivate you. Some of the best ones I’ve heard are ‘to look good in a bikini’, ‘to make everyone I used to know look twice at me’, ‘to be proud of yourself’, and ‘to look good in those skimpy shorts’. You get the idea! Try writing these goals down and pinning them to your fridge or your sweet cupboard, they’re likely to make you think twice about eating something you shouldn’t.


47. Take Before and After Pictures


When it comes to proving your progress it’s not the number on the scales or the inches around your waist that matter, it’s the before and after pictures. When you’re trying to lose weight I highly recommend that you take before, during, and after pictures to track your progress. I know, you’re asking how this could possibly help you to lose weight fast, right? It’s because it helps you see how far you’ve come and once you’ve seen this you’re more likely to push yourself further. You’ll also see your before picture where you weren’t happy with yourself and had some excess weight and you’ll vow that you’re never going back to that. I hate looking at old pictures of myself now but every time I do it’s motivation to keep eating clean and not gain the weight again.


48. Get Into A Routine


You’ll find that the weight comes off much quicker if you can get yourself into a routine and are dedicated to sticking to it. Before you even start on your weight loss journey decide what days you’re going to exercise, a rough time you’ll start and how long you’re going to exercise for. Knowing all of this ahead of time will help you get into the right frame of mind and also means your workout is much more likely to happen. The same should be roughly true when it comes to your eating habits too. Plan our your meals the day before to ensure you have all the ingredients you need and you’re more likely to eat healthy.


49. Keep Your Mind Busy


When it comes to dieting, boredom is your absolute worst enemy. Not the cakes you mum just made, not the snacks they hand out at work, and not the bakery down the street, boredom. Boredom is your worst enemy. This is because a lot of us tend not to differentiate between boredom and hunger so we end up eating for the sake of it. To combat this, keep yourself occupied for as much of the time as possible. It doesn’t matter what you do whether it’s reading, playing on the internet, going for a walk, anything! Well, I say anything, but the one exception to this rule I’d say is watching TV. I don’t know about you but I’m a sucker for a bag of crisps or a sweet when I’m watching TV. I try to limit my TV watching time as much as possible because I’ve recognised this dangerous trait in myself.


50. Eat Lots of Protein


When you’re trying to lose weight it’s vital that you don’t skimp on your protein intake. Protein is great because it helps you to feel fuller for longer, helps you build lean muscle which helps to burn off body fat quicker, it repairs your muscles after workouts, and also helps you to keep your skin, hair, and nails looking healthy. You can get plenty of protein from things such as fish, eggs, white meats like chicken, tofu, beans, and asparagus amongst other things. Try to eat a portion of protein in at least two of your meals each day to see the best results. Also, you can calculate online just how much protein you should be eating for your specific height and body weight for even better results.


51. Ditch the Salad Dressings


We all know that sales are great for us when it comes to dieting. All those left greens and juicy vegetables, perhaps even a breast of lean, protein-rich chicken on the side. That is, it’s healthy until you start drizzling lots of salad dress ins such as thousand island sauce and mayo all over it. Almost instantly your healthy lunch goes from super healthy to super fattening as you’ve suddenly loaded a near calorie free meal with hundreds of calories. That’s why if you want to lose weight fast it’s important that the ditch the salad dressings and simply enjoy your food au natural. If you must have something then I recommend you go for a vinaigrette dressing as these are lower in calories however I still say avoid them if you can.


52. Keep Healthy Snacks On Hand


If you’ve followed my advice so far then chances are you’re already eating five meals per day but even so the muchies can often take us by surprise now and again. It’s in these times that we tend to do all sorts of naughty things like eating a chocolate bar or drinking a soda. This of course won’t help you in your weight loss battle. Instead of giving into these cravings, stop them before they’ve barely begun by keeping a healthy snack on hand at all times. That way when you get hungry you can simply snack away guilt free. I recommend carrying fruit, dried fruit, nuts, and rice cakes.


53. Be Aware of What’s In Your Cupboards


It only makes sense that if you only have junk food in your cupboards then it’s junk food that you’re going to eat. You can’t eat healthy unless you have healthy food available. That’s why you need to always be aware of what’s in your cupboards and when you’re out shopping I highly suggest you don’t stock up on any junk food. Most houses tend to have a sweet or a junk cupboard in them but if you’re serious about losing weight then this is a thing you need to eliminate. Seriously, if you know it’s there then you’ll crave it and chances are you’ll give in (I’m an expert on this from personal experience unfortunately). It’s better not to have any tempting treats floating about. Stock up on fruit, rice cakes, fruit lollies, and other healthy treats instead.


54. Eat Dessert Second


The mistake a a lot of us make when dieting is thinking that we can skip our main meal and just have dessert. We’re cutting calories and still eating the good stuff, right? Don’t be afraid to admit it, I’ve done it many a time. That is, until I learned how bad it was for me and that it was probably causing me to gain more weight than I lost. Yes, you’re still cutting calories but by eating a sugary dessert first you’re causing your blood sugar to rocket upward which ultimately causes your body to store fat. In reality you’re actually better off eating a filling main meal which consist or veg, carbs, protein, and all the rest and then (yes, I said ‘and’) having your dessert. As you’ve had your proper meal first your blood sugar climbs at a slower rate so you’ll store less fat. In essence you get to eat your main and your dessert so you’re not missing out on anything while still losing weight. Score!


55. Find Replacement Foods and Drinks


I mentioned earlier about replacing soda with water to help you cut calories, become healthier, and ultimately lose weight and the good news is you can do this for most any food or drink going. If you like snacking on chocolate, eat a sugary piece of fruit instead. If you like pizza, try homemaking one and topping it with low fat cheese. Why not swap full fat milk for skimmed milk? There are loads of little substitutes you can make that won’t make any different to your life but will make loads of difference to your waistline. You can do them all at once but personally I advise brining them into your diet slowly so it’s not too daunting for you. This way you won’t even realise you’re doing it so you won’t miss all the bad stuff you’re cutting out of your diet.


56. Don’t Park At The Door


I briefly touched on these small changes earlier but now I want to go more in depth. All too often when we venture out to work or the shops in our car we look for a parking space as close as possible to the building we want to be in. This isn’t a great habit to be in if you want to lose weight. Instead, park at the other end of the car park so you have to walk further, therefore you’ll be burning off more calories. Sure, it takes a bit longer but it’s worth it in the long run.


57. Take The Stairs


Similar to parking further away from your destination, takes the stairs instead of the lift. This is so simple but it gets your body moving and those calories burning. Plus, if you’re only going up a couple of floors it’s sometimes quicker as lifts can often take what seems forever to come anyway. Oh, and did I mention that stair walking is great for shaping your thighs too?


58. Save Coffee For After Meals


I’ll admit that I’m a bit of a coffee addict. Not regular coffee that comes out of a jar either – I like good quality coffee that you can only buy in decent coffee shops. I love mochas, lattes, capuchins, you name it. The think is however all these fancy coffees tend to be loaded with fatty milk and sugar so they act on your body in the same way eating dessert does if you drink them before meals. Instead, save your coffee for after your meals that way you won’t experience a sugar high and therefore your body won’t start storing fat. This is a great way to still enjoy the finer things in life while not missing out on anything. Oh, but one side note. I don’t recommend having coffee and dessert. Choose one or the other, ladies!


59. Share Dessert


I mentioned dessert earlier and I also told you that it was okay to eat it but I’d like to suggest sharing your dessert with someone else to cut your calorie intake. If me and my fiancee go out we tend to share a slice of cake, that way we’re cutting the cost, cutting my calorie intake, and we don’t even notice because by that time we’re mostly full anyway. It’s a great way to save calorie and money while still getting a taste of the good stuff.


60. Hire A Personal Trainer


Personal trainers don’t often come cheap but if you can afford it I advise you have at least a couple of sessions with one to see exactly what you need to be doing to help you lose weight fast and effectively. Personal trainers are basically people who’s job it is to tell you what to eat, what exercise to be doing, and how to get the best results. Sometimes if you join a gym there will be an offer to get one session with a personal trainer free or at a discounted price so it’s worth keeping your eyes open or simply asking. Like I said they can be expensive but they’re worth it.


61. Exercise Daily


I mentioned before about doing cardio five times per week but it’s best you exercise daily if you want to see real results quickly. It doesn’t have to be much, even just twenty minutes of brusque walking will do, just so long as you get your body moving. It need not be a big part of your day or even interrupt your day at all. Try finding exercises you can do while you work like moving your legs at your desk or offering to deliver messages around the office to get you working. Every calorie you burn counts, don’t forget that.


62. Find Healthy, Positive People To Be Around


Spending your time hanging out with people who are unhealthy and negative is obviously going to have a negative impact on you and your efforts. They’ll beat you down and sap your energy until you unwillingly fall back into your old habits and find yourself regaining all the weight you’ve lost. Instead, surround yourself with healthy, happy, positive minded people to be around. They’ll be able to encourage and motivate you and you them until you reach your goals. You’ll be healthier in mind and body for this, and likely much, much happier too.


63. Try An Exercise DVD


If you find working out alone or even to music too boring then you might consider using an exercise DVD to help you on your way. Personally I find them way more fun and they really help to focus me. Plus, they come in various lengths from ten minutes to a couple of hours so you’re sure to be able to fit them into your life. Some of them are relatively easy while some of them are incredibly hard but there’s something to suit everyone no matter their physical ability. If you’re looking to lose weight fast I recommend the Insanity program or the Slim in Six DVDs. They don’t come cheap but believe me they work – I’ve done both of them and loved them. You may even be able to find them cheap, secondhand if you’re lucky.


64. Dance Yourself Slim


Dancing is a fantastic way to shed some extra pounds and to hep you shape up. No, I’m not talking about rigid dance classes either. I mean just dancing be it when you’re cleaning, in the shower, or simply walking around. When I’m in the house by myself I love putting on my favourite album, turning it up loud, and dancing my way around my chores. It’s great motivation when you’re hoovering or washing the dishes too, plus you’ll be having so much fun you wn’t even notice that you’re exercising.


65. Skip Yourself Slim


One of my favourite exercises for weight loss is skipping or jumping rope. It’s great because it’s good cardio which gets your entire body moving and your heart pumping but it’s also great fun too. I’m quite a competitive person so jumping rope suits me well as I can push myself to do a higher amount of jumps than I’ve done previously. Plus if you have a big enough house you can do this from the comfort of your own home, I love to do it while I’m watching TV. You hardly notice time passing, even if you are exhausted by the end, and with ever jump you’re burring off more calories and getting one step closer to your goals.


66. Ride A Bike


Few exercises are as fun as cycling. It’s fab if you get a lovely sunny day and you have a beautiful coastal or country road to follow. Cycling is a great exercise to help you lose weight as it’s a form of cardio while not being too harsh on your body. It’s wonderfully relaxing but while you’re happily cycling along you’re still working your legs and can wind up with them being beautifully toned. When you’re out and about, why not take a healthy picnic or one of your low calorie snacks with you to really make a day of it? Or, if possible, why not cycle to your destinations instead of driving there.


67. Go For A Walk


I love walking for leisure, especially in the wide open countryside. I’ll admit that I have a dog so I have to go out but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it and wouldn’t do it anyway. If workouts aren’t really your think then walking is a great alternative. Sure, you burn off calories slower but at least you’re still burning them. Here’s a handy tip; you burn more calories if you walk uphill or brusquely so maybe make your leisurely stroll not quite so leisurely and pick up the pace.


68. Eat With Fewer People


I mentioned before about distractions while eating and yes I said it was okay to eat with people and talk amongst yourselves but perhaps it’s wise to eat with fewer people still. You don’t want conversation becoming the new TV and causing you to eat more after all. I like eating with just one or two other people, that way it’s enough to be leisurely but there’s not really enough conversation going on to distract me from my food.


69. Have A Shopping List


If you amble into a supermarket unprepared and having no idea what you need then it only makes sense that you’re likely to buy all the things you shouldn’t. I never go shopping without a list of everything I need otherwise you can be sure I’ll arrive home again with none of the things I needed and a tonne of stuff I’ll probably never use. Write out your healthy shopping list before you step outside your front door, this way you’re likely to buy what you need and you may even find yourself spending less as a bonus.


70. Avoid The Middle Of Supermarkets


Speaking of shopping, while you’re in the supermarket I advise that you miss out the centre aisles. That’s because this is where they keep all the things that are bad for you like biscuits, crisps, soda, and sweets. On the outsides of the store however you’ll find fresh foods, and fruit and vegetables. You may not have noticed this before but once you realise it’s easy to see and also once you’ve realised it’s easier not to fall into the trap of buying these things.


71. Keep A Food Journal


I mentioned before about being accountable for what you eat and personally I think the best way to do this is by keeping a food journal. I started doing it a couple of years ago and honestly I’ve never looked back since. It’s great to note down everything you’ve ate and the calories so you can work out whether you should have that extra snack or not. You can get a lot of apps on your phone that will work out the exact calories even in home made food and can even calculate how many calories you’ve burned exercising too. Food diaries are so simple to keep and take no time at all but they make such a big difference to your life and your diet. They’re also a great tool for helping you to track your progress too.


72. Be Inspired


Nothing can stifle your weight loss journey quicker than lack of inspiration. It’s a sure fire way to get you down and have you wondering why you’re even bothering. Remember how important it is to stay inspired and motivated and push yourself to your weight loss goal. I love sticking little inspiring sayings up around the house to help me or a picture of what I’d like to look like. It’s so simple but it really helps to keep you on track.


73. Read Fitness Magazines


Speaking of inspiration, you can find heaps of it in fitness magazines, books, and TV shows. You’ll be able to read real life success stories which will make you determined to have your own and you’ll also be able to stock up and loads of tips and tricks too. I find fitness magazines great for finding new recipes, running trails, and various new fitness methods. There’s so much information in them they really are what you make of them. There’s something in them for everyone, you just have to find exactly what appeals to you.


74. Listen To Your Body


I can’t stress enough how important it is to listen to your body. If you’re hungry eat, if your muscles are sore then take a minute to relax, if you need a drink of water then drink up. Your weight loss journey is about pushing yourself but it’s not about killing yourself so be sure not to push yourself too far or you’ll only end up hurting yourself and going back to square one. Listen to your body as it’s the best coach you can get when it comes to teaching you about you.


75. Make The Weekends Count


Most of us work Monday to Friday and no doubt look forward to our weekends as they’re a time to chill out, relax, and pretty much be lazy. Sadly however that’s not the attitude you need if you’re trying to lose weight. You need to make sure every day counts, the weekends included. Don’t panic though, this doesn’t mean you have to go to bootcamp every weekend. Just be sure you keep doing your daily workouts and maybe do an activity that works your body as well as allows you to have fun. Maybe go rock climbing, surfing, to hiking, something fun that still keeps your body moving.


76. Have A Celebrity Idol


Admit it, we all look at celebrities and wish we looked like them. It’s not fun but we all do it. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to do that and it can even be healthy and helpful for you. I find it great motivation to pick a celebrity idol and push myself to try and look like them. Of course, you have to be somewhat realistic perhaps by comparing your height statistics to theirs and their natural body shape but in theory there’s no reason you can’t look like your favourite celebrity superstar if you push yourself.


77. Visualise Your Future Self


Another thing I find very helpful is to visualise my future self after I’ve reached my goal weight. It’s really motivational to picture how great you’ll look, the clothes you’ll get to wear, what people will think of you like etc. It’s daydreaming but in it’s best possible form. Visualising your future self can be both motivational and inspiring, it will help you say no to that extra doughnut or skipping that workout.


78. Invest In A Tape Measure


I mentioned earlier about not trusting the scales but just incase you didn’t fully understand I suggest you invest in a tape measure. Take weekly measurements of your upper arms, waist, hips, bum, and thighs to accurately see how many inches you’ve lost and keep a note of the numbers. This will tell you better than the number on the scales whether you’re losing body fat or not. Even if you can’t see great results in the mirror that doesn’t mean you might not have lose an inch here and there.


79. Reward All Your Successes


I said before about setting yourself goals mini targets but I want to make sure you stick to that. To do that, reward yourself every time you reach a target. And no I don’t mean with chocolate unfortunately. Perhaps buy yourself a new pair of shoes, go on a day trip somewhere, whatever you like, just so long as it makes you feel like you’ve achieved something. To reach a goal, even a mini goal, you’ve worked incredibly hard and you deserve to celebrate that. Go on, reward yourself!


80. Be Realistic With Your Time Scales


Okay, so I’m writing an article on how to lose weight fast but I’m afraid I still have to remind you to be realistic with your time scales. This isn’t going to happen overnight, ladies. You’re not just going to wake up one day and look like Megan Fox (though I wouldn’t complain if I did…). Don’t be disheartened if you don’t see mega results in a week or even in a month. This is a lifestyle change you’re going for, not a phase, and change takes time. Be patient, it will come. Just don’t stress about it because we already covered why that’s bad for you.


81. Buy Sports Clothes


I’ve heard the saying many a time ‘dress for the job you want, not the job you have’ and that saying applies to dieting too. You may not be an athlete but that doesn’t mean you can’t dress like one while you’re training your body and ridding yourself of your unwanted weight. I always find that when I’m dressed for the part I always act the part much better and my workout is much more productive.


82. Get Kissing!


Kissing only burns off about eight calories per minutes but that’s still eight calories more than you’d burned off a minutes earlier so warm up your lips and get kissing!


83. Buy Your Dream Dress A Size Too Small


Is there a dress, a top, a jacket, or a pair of jeans you absolutely love? An item of clothing you’ve decide you just have to have in your life. If so then I urge you to buy it! Well, buy it but buy it one size too small. That way you’ll find yourself desperate to fit into it so you can wear it, therefore you’ll work yourself that much harder to reach your goal.


84. Stay Positive and Don’t Lose Focus


I think that this is another good time to remind you to stay positive and not to lose focus. Every now and again we need a pick me up and for someone to remind us why we started and exactly where we’re headed. At this moment in time, that’s me but in future you have to be your own motivator. Every time things get hard push yourself a little bit harder. Remember what inspires you and stay positive. Don’t be down just because you had a bad week or ate something you shouldn’t. You’re only human but you’ll get there.


85. Fall In Love


This is an odd tip but honestly it works. If you’re too busy falling head over heels for someone then you’ll find yourself not worrying about what you’ll have for lunch or if you want that cake. Too many people put off dating until they’re perfect without realising that dating may well be what helps them become perfect. I say get out there, go and meet the man of your dreams. Plus won’t it be fun to meet someone and then watch as they fall ever more in love with you as the pounds come off? Don’t hide away, go fall in love!


86. Make Love!


Speaking of falling in love, why not make a little love to help you shed those extra pounds and burn off a few calories? Sex burns on average eighty five calories per hour so if your love life heats up then all the better. On that I’m saying no more…


87. Be Truly Happy


In my old job I was happy but not truly happy if that makes sense. On my breaks I’d constantly be at the vending machines and at home I’d eat nothing but junk. Since I’ve started doing exactly what I want I’ve become much happier and the pounds have been falling off me. I find that since I’ve been happier I don’t feel the need to eat as much, I was comfort eating without knowing it I guess. Now I don’t even think about food and I have to remind myself to eat, therefore I find it much easier to eat healthily.


88. Drink Smoothies


Drinking smoothies is a great way to make yourself feel full in a healthy way. You can get all sorts too. I love any sort of grit smoothing but you can get some amazing tasting vegetable smoothies too. The great thing about smoothies is that they’re so low in calories yet incredibly filling. You can ever have them as a meal replacement now and again. You can also drink protein shakes and soup for a similar effect too.


89. Don’t Add Sugar


No matter what your taste buds may tell you, it’s not necessary to add sugar to your oatmeal, cereal, coffee, or anything else or that matter. Sugar is bad for you for so many reasons, not least of all because it’s full of calories and fattening. If you still feel you need a little something extra on your food however then why not try sprinkling a little cinnamon over instead? It’s even better than sugar in my opinion plus it’s good for you too.


90. Beware Of Fat Free Foods


If a food is fat free that’s good right? Well, sometimes… All too often you end up buying fat free food and find that you’re trading fat for massive amounts of sugar and sodium which are also bad for your body. So while you’re helping yourself lose weight in one sense you’re stifling your journey in another. This is why you should always read the label like I said earlier. You may be shocked by what’s hiding in your food.


91. Get Rid of the Dips


I don’t know about you but I’m an absolute sucker for a dip to go alongside my crisps. I love soured cream and onion or mango chutney. Sadly however these are both incredibly bad for me and only useful if you want to pile on the pounds and ruin all your hard word. I have however found a great alternative to these dips which is pureed fruit. Yup, you read that right, pureed fruit. Things like peaches, pears, mangos, and nectarines all puree really well and taste surprisingly nice when used as a dip. It’s great because it opens your mouth up to great new tastes too seeing as these are dips you don’t find at the supermarket.


92. Have More In Your Life Than Food


If you’re overweight then all too often food becomes the only real source of pleasure in your life, therefore it can be hard to give it up when you decide to lose weight. To combat this, try to reconnect with other things you once loved. Perhaps take an art class, go to more gigs, become a regular at the movies, do anything to fill your time and make your days revolve around anything other than where the next meal is coming from. I don’t mean to be harsh by saying this but a lot of people don’t even realise they’re doing this until it’s pointed out – I for one certainly didn’t.


93. Eat By The Seasons


We find a lot of fruits and vegetables in our supermarkets year round however that’s not to say they’re in season. Actually, a lot of this produce is actually genetically modified to grow out of season so we can eat it year round, something which may seem good but something which isn’t incredibly great for us. These foods aren’t exactly bad for us but they’re no where near as healthy as their in season cousins. Try buying fruit and veg that’s in season as it’s healthier and likely to be cheaper too.


94. Stock Up On Apples


Eating just one apple before every meal is a great way to help you feel fuller faster during your meal, therefore you’ll eat less and take in fewer calories. Apples are a great source of fibre too so they have other great health benefits as well as this as we covered earlier. Of course, this tip isn’t always practical but still whenever you can an apple before a meal will go a long way to helping you reach your weight loss goals.


95. Replace Butter With Peanut Butter


If you’re wanting to have butter or cream cheese on anything then it’s best you resist for obvious reasons. That doesn’t mean you have to have your crackers dry as a bone however. Instead you could try spreading on some peanut butter or even some almond butter so you still get a tasty treat but at least it will be much healthier for you. Yes, peanut butter does have lots of calories but eaten in small amounts it has lots of health benefits too.


96. Eat Eggs For Breakfast


Research has shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast are less hungry throughout the rest of the day than people who eat cereal or high carb breakfasts. This is most likely due to the protein in the eggs. This means eggs are a fab way to start your day if you’re trying to lose weight. Plus, eggs never get boring wither as you can have them scrambled, eggs Benedict, poached or fried if you use vegetable oil to fry them. You can even couple them with a slice of wholegrain toast for an extra tasty, healthy breakfast.


97. Consider Other Goals


When it comes to setting ourselves a goal most people think firstly in weight numbers and secondly in inches. These however aren’t your only options. When setting yourself a goal why not think outside the box. Perhaps set yourself a dress size instead. This may not be the normal way of doing things but for some people it works much better as it’s easy to track, you can see your results, and you don’t have to worry if the numbers on the scale aren’t going down so long as your jeans are still going up.


98. Donate Old Clothes


As your excess weight starts so come off and you find yourself creeping ever closer to your weight loss goals you should consider donating all your old clothes. Once your clothes are too big for you it’s time to get rid of them. Donate them to a local charity shop. You’ll be doing a good deed plus it will be incentive to stay on track. You’ll no longer be able to allow yourself to gain weight as you’ll have to clothes to fit if you do. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Plus you’ll be so happy to wave goodbye to your old, larger self. It will be a great relief when you finally rid yourself of your large clothes.


99. Don’t Eat After Seven O’clock


Do your best not to eat after seven o’clock at night. If you do you’re much more likely to make unhealthy food choices and you’ll sleep worse which can impact your weight loss progress. Plus, if you eat so late at night your body has less time to burn off the calories before you go to sleep so they’ll wind up being stored in your body as fat. I like to have a quick snack just before seven and then that’s me for the night. You’ll lose more weight, sleep better, and wake up ready for breakfast too.


100. Take Naps


I know, this tip sounds like absolute bliss, right? The fact is that our cravings often sneak up on us when we’re tired and it’s then that we find ourselves binging on all the calorific treats we should really be avoiding. Whenever possible, take a quick nap during the day to revive yourself. Even if it’s just for half an hour you’ll find yourself feeling refreshed and your cravings will be banished for a time longer. I’ll want you however, I started using this tip and it can be highly addictive. I’m quite often sad when I don’t get my afternoon nap, despite being a fully grown woman. I’ll also say don’t sleep too long either or you may not sleep well come night time. Who says naps are just for children? Not anymore!


Have you enjoyed this list? If so I’d love to hear from you and I’m keen to know which tricks worked for you, which didn’t, and of course if you’ve got any of your own to add. Weight loss isn’t just a phase, it’s a lifestyle change so remember that and keep the tips and tricks listed here in mind long after you’ve reached your target weight and size. Weight loss starts in the mind after all. Well, that’s about it from me. Before I go I’d like to wish you the best of luck and I urge you to read my other weight loss articles if you’ve enjoyed this one. On my author profile page you’ll find plenty more neat tips and tricks to help you reach your dreams. Good luck!


(all images sourced via pinterest.com)


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How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-make-your-hair-grow-faster/ http://www.herinterest.com/how-to-make-your-hair-grow-faster/#comments Wed, 23 Apr 2014 12:40:53 +0000 http://www.herinterest.com/?p=12733

Bobs and pixie cuts may be in fashion just now but lets face it, as women we love having long, luscious hair. You know the kind I’m thinking about, think Disney princesses. Still, we experiment none the less, myself included. I used to have hair down to my bum but I chopped it off, then I grew it half way down my back and chopped it off, now it’s finally half way down my back again and I’ve vowed never to get the chop again (or at least for now…). When we’re trying to grow our hair it can be an extremely frustrating process however. We gaze in the mirror everyday wishing for a miracle yet still our hair grows slower than a snail’s pace. It’s a nightmare! That’s why I’ve been doing my research and have found these forty methods which are said to make your hair grow faster. Fingers crossed and here goes…


1. Up Your Folic Acid Intake


Upping your folic acid intake is said to help your hair grow quicker. You can do this by taking folic acid supplements or you can combine it naturally into your diet. Citrus fruits such as lemons are high in folic acid, as are leafy greens, the best of which is spinach. This is also a great way to help your nails grow long and strong, preventing them from flaking and breaking.


2. Stay Away From Heat


In this modern world, staying away from heat appliances such as hairdryers and curlers can be tricky, especially if you have hair with a mind of it’s own that frizzes out of control or simply looks limp. No matter how much we may think we need the aid of a hairdryer or anything similar however, the fact remains that heating our hair like this does more damage than good, even if you do use all the serums your hairdresser recommends. Applying heat to your hair leads to split ends, fraying hairs, and in short unhealthy hair which means it grows slower. Whenever possible, try to air dry your hair and if you must use hair appliances set them to a cooler temperatures and use them for as little time as possible.


3. Targeted Shampoos and Conditioners


Did you know that there are some shampoos and conditioners which aim to target hair growth? I know, it sounds too good to be true, right? Well, you’d better start believing because this is one hundred percent true. Of course, it’s up for debate how well these serums work but research suggests that they do intact produce results, even if it’s not the miracle we’re hoping for. Keep a look out for them the next time you’re in your local drug store or supermarket. Even if you don’t have hair growing passed your bum overnight it’s worth a shot.


4. Get a Trim Every Six to Eight Weeks


I know, I know, you’re trying to grow your hair so why would you cut it, right? Well, it actually makes more sense than you’d think. If you don’t trim your hair then you’ll be prone to split ends which means your hair will spend more time trying to repair itself than growing, thus it will grow slower. Plus, if you don’t trim your hair then when it does finally get around to being long it won’t be as healthy as it would otherwise. All it takes to counteract this is a quick trim taking just a quarter of an inch off every couple of months. Your hair will be much healthier for it and much longer in the long run too.


5. Egg White Mix


This is a home remedy for you to try, one which is incredibly simple and actually sounds very promising. All you need to do is mix together the whites of three eggs then massage it into your hair, focussing primarily on your scalp and the roots of your hair. Then leave it on for five to ten minutes. The idea is that all the nutritional ingredients in the egg whites will be absorbed by your hair, encouraging it to grow stronger and healthier. As a result of being healthy your hair should grow faster. After your time is up simply hop in the shower and wash off the goo with warm water and some shampoo.


6. Drink More Water


It doesn’t matter what health benefit you’re trying to achieve, chances are it can be done by hydrating yourself with six to eight glasses of water per day. Water is great for your body for countless reasons. When it comes to your hair, it hydrates it, making it loo shiny and sleek, and makes it healthy and, as you may have guessed, healthy hair grows faster and you’ll see less split ends along the way.


7. Don’t Shampoo So Often


As tempting as it can be to wash your hair every day, don’t! Shampooing your hair can strip it of it’s natural oils and nutrients, things which your hair needs to grow. This eventually breaks down your hair and causes more harm than good. Instead, just wash your hair every other day or every third day. Don’t worry, your hair won’t look any greasier to worse, in fact it will look better! This doesn’t mean you can’t still shower daily, instead just do what I do and invest in a shower cap to wear on the days when you’re not washing your hair. Plus, life is so much easier when you hop out of the shower and find you don’t have to worry about letting your hair dry too.


8. Eat Lots of Protein


Your hair is basically made up of protein so it makes sense that you should eat plenty of it if you want long, luscious locks. Try to eat at least twenty to thirty grams per meal for the bets results. You can find protein in lots of foods, a few of my favourites are eggs, Greek yoghurt, nuts and seeds, and chicken to name but a few. It’s much easier to each a high protein diet than you might think so tuck in and chow down.


9. Eat More Vitamin B


Like protein, Vitamin B is also something which your hair needs to help it grow strong and healthy. Lack of Vitamin B means your hair hair will become dry and as a result it will become brittle and break, something none of us want. You can either take a supplement of Vitamin B, take a multi vitamin supplement (making sure it has a high Vitamin B content), or you can up your intake the natural way by eating foods which contain lots of the vitamin. Peppers and bananas are two of the best foods you can eat to get a good source of Vitamin B.


10. Don’t Stress, Just Relax


There is a proven correlation between hair loss and damaged hair and stress. That’s why when you’re doing through a rough patch your hair often looks bleak, limp, and sometime even comes out in clumps. To promote healthy hair, try to avoid stress whenever possible or, if stress is unavoidable in your life, try and relax whenever you can. Take some time to look after you – enjoy the sunshine, relax with a cup of tea and a good book, have a spa day, you get the picture!


11. Scalp Massages


As odd as it may sound, scalp massages are proven to aid hair growth as the gentle movement stimulates hair follicles, thus promoting hair growth. Don’t worry, you don’t have to worry about finding the time or money to pop down to your local salon every day to do this, it’s something you can do at home. Just take a few minutes every day to massage your own scalp and you’ll soon be seeing results. Or why not ask your other half to help you? I love sitting on the floor in front of my fiancee while he massages my head and then brushes my hair, it’s pure bliss!


12. Say No To Ponytails


While wearing out hair in ponytails may look good it’s not helpful when it comes to growing your hair. Pulling all your hair back like that puts strain on your hair and causes damage to the strands. Instead of wearing your hair up constantly only do it in moderation and don’t tie it back too sternly either. Perhaps loop your hair band around only twice instead of thrice, thus relieving some pressure. If you have to wear your hair back for work try experimenting with some different styles like side plaits and using hair grips.


13. Don’t Brush Excessively


While brushing your hair every time you step in front of a mirror may make it look good for a time it’s actually damaging your hair. It’s pulling at your hairs, putting strain on them and causing them to break over time. Instead, try to stick to brushing your hair just once or twice a day (when you wake up and before you got to bed), three at absolute most. Otherwise you’ll find your hairbrush clogged with hairs and your beautiful hair becoming thinner by the day.


14. Biotin Supplements


Biotin is a form of Vitamin B which aims to increase collagen creation, thus preventing the breakdown of protein (see ti eight again for why this is important). You can either take it in supplement form or you can increase your intake by ensuring you eat lots of foods with it in such as nuts, seeds, and fish.


15. Eat More Leafy Greens


Leafy greens are a great source of iron, folate, Vitamin E, some B vitamins, and portent making them great in nutritional value for your hair and body. They help to nourish your cells, promoting healthy, restoration, and growth so I’m sure you can see why they’re good for your hair. Try to eat your fill of left greens each day, even one portion is better than none if you’re not a veggie kind of girl. You can even combine them with some protein rich foods like chicken for even better results.


16. Use Coconut Oil


Coconut oil is fantastic for helping to moisturise your hair, especially right after drying it if you’re still using heat. Once you’ve dried your hair or let it dry naturally, simply put a small dab of coconut oil on your hands, rub them together and then rub it through your hair, combing afterwards. Try to focus on applying it to your ends and the lower midsection for the best results. Don’t apply it to the roots, especially if you’ve just washed your hair, as this may cause it to become oily. This really seals in the moisture to keep your hair happy and growing strong. You can also use coconut oil as a hair mask and wash it out in a warm shower if you think your hair needs a little extra TLC too. Using it after drying gets the best results however. This is because since you’re not washing the coconut oil out it has time to really soak into your hair so it can work it’s magic.


17. Lay Off The Sugar


Sugar is one of the worst things you can eat when it comes to having healthy hair. This is because it breaks down collagen at alarming rates, thus not preserving protein (what your hair is made up of) so your hair becomes brittle, dry, and frayed. As if this wasn’t bad enough, sugar consumption can also increase acne, cause weight gain, and make you unhealthy overall. I’m not saying cut sugar out of your diet completely because we do need a little bit but maybe just don’t stir extra into your cups of tea or pour it over your cereal.


18. Commit To Succeed


The thing with growing our hair out is that we can get bored real easy, something which makes us want to get the chop just so we can have a new style. Obviously however this is never going to help with hair growth, you’ll get nowhere if you opt for anything other than a simple trim when you’re in the salon.Take my story which I shared at the start of this article for instance – if I’d not have my hair chopped off twice already I’ve no doubt it would be close to my ankles by now (though I’m not sure I’d want it quite that long…). If we want to do this then we have to commit or else we’ll never succeed. Be firm in your resolve.


19. Nut and Seed Snacks


Snacking on nuts and seeds is a great way to keep your hair healthy. They’re rich in things like zinc, Vitamin B, and selenium, all nutrients which your hair needs for healthy growth and staying strong. They’re also full of healthy fats (yes there is such a thing!) which helps to prevent breakage of your hair by keeping it hydrated and moist. It doesn’t matter what seeds you eat or how you eat them, just so long as you get your fill. My favourites are walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, and chai seems. I especially love mixing them into my home made granola or making my own trail mixes.


20. Hot Oil Massages


I’ve already mentioned the benefits of coconut oil but that doesn’t mean other oils aren’t any good. In fact, they’re great! A hot oil treatment gently massaged into your hair might be just the thing you need to stimulate hair growth and have it looking fuller and thicker in no time at all. You can get plenty of store bought serums but honestly you can’t go wrong with DIY treatments either. Jojoba oil, coconut oil, olive oils, and most other oils will work wonders on your hair. Simply heat them up, apply them to your scalp, rub them in and then wait a little while while you relax with a book or a tub of Ben and Jerry’s. After roughly forty five minutes all you need to do is hop in the shower and wash it off. This is best done once a week for awesome results.


21. Deep Conditions


Hair treatment obviously starts at the root and therefore the scalp so it’s important that you keep your roots and scalp nice and healthy. To do this it’s important that you deep condition your hair roughly once a week to nourish your hair. You can either request this at your local salon or you can even do it at home. Honestly, your hair will feel like silk afterward and will feel amazing.


22. Use Essential Oils


To help your hair grow why not mix your own essential oil mixture? My personal favourite is made with three drops of lavender oil, three drops of rosemary oil, and two drops each of thyme oil and cedar wood oil, along with some jojoba oil. All of this should be applied to your hair and left for half and hour before you wash it out. When your hair is dry again it will be left looking and feeling incredible.


23. Potato Hair Masks


Believe it or not, potatoes can be used to create an amazing hair mask. All you have to do is mulch up 3 potatoes, add in one egg yolk and some honey and then apply the thick mixture to your hair. Simply let it sit for a while before washing it all out with warm water and then you’re set. This is great for adding nutrition to your hair and locking in moisture, plus the egg whites add protein too.


24. Use Onion Water


I know, you’re sitting there thinking ‘she’s lost it’, right? Well, no actually, this is one of the methods on this list which I’ve tried, tested, and loved. Onions are my favourite ingredient when it comes to cooking but it turns out they’re awesome for promoting lush hair too. All you have to do is boil some onions in a pan and then rinse your hair through with the water when you’re done. Easy, right? This will help your hair grow thicker and fuller, oh, and don’t worry about the potential lingering smell. If you ring your hair through thoroughly with warm water afterward there will be no smell to speak of.


25. Exercise!


Yes, that’s right, exercising can help you to grow your hair faster. This is because the increased circulation in your body helps to stimulate hair follicles thus making hair grow faster. The more blod flow that goes to your scalp the more nutrition your hair receives so it’s time to grab your running trainers and get your heart pumping.


26. Buy A Wide Toothed Comb


When brushing your hair, you’re best to use a wide toothed comb as this done’s tangle in your hair as much and doesn’t pull at it, thus breaking it. It’s much gentler on your hair while still doing the same job. You’ll be able to work through any knots and tangles safely without worrying about the damage you’re doing to your hair. It’s a good investment if you ask me!


27. Tie Your Hair Up


I know, I know, before I told you to stay away form ponytails and now I’m going back on myself. Well, yes…but it’s for a good reason. Tying your hair up now and again (loosely however so it doesn’t strain it,) ensures that all of your hair gets plenty of oxygen which helps to stimulate hair follicles and therefore increase hair growth. Smart, huh?


28. Argon Oil


Argon oil is a great leave-in treatment that can stimulate hair growth. All you need to do is apply some to your ends every other day and run a touch through the rest of your hair once a week and your hair will be looking luscious and long in no time at all.


29. Don’t Brush Wet Hair


I’m a horrible culprit of this but after reading some shocking articles I don’t think I will be any longer. It turns out that brushing your hair when wet is terribly damaging and destroys your hair. You’re better to wait until your hair is dry before trying to style it with a brush. If you must brush out your hair when it’s wet, reach for a comb instead as this won’t do anywhere near as much damage. Seriously, it’s horrifying what brushing wet hair can do. No wonder my hair grows so slow, I’ve been doing it after every shower for as long as I can remember. Yikes!


30. Aloe Vera, Egg, and Brandy Mix


I know, this sounds like madness, right? Well, this is another of these seemingly crazy serums that I’ve tried and fallen in love with. All you have to do is mix some aloe vera which has been squeezed fresh from the leaves with and egg and a day of brandy then rub the mix into your scalp. Leave it on there for at least an hour, though it can be left on for longer for even better results, and when you’re sone simply rinse it off with warm water. I know girls who swear by this and after just two tries I’m starting to see why!


31. Avoid Silicone Based Hair Products


While silicone based hair products may leave your hair looking healthier for a time, they actually damage your hair in the long run. They seal over hair follies and block out moisture, thus wrecking your hair. This is true of even the most expensive silicone based product so I advise that you stay away from them as much as possible.


32. Use Natural Hair Products


Instead of using silicone based products use natural hair products instead. Organic hair products are by far the best as they’re not putting anything unnatural onto your hair. When all is said and done, it’s best to go back to your roots (see what I did there?) and go natural. Always read the labels to see what you’re buying before applying it to you precious hair.


33. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse


Mix some apple cider vinegar with some water and then use the mix to rinse your hair after you’ve shampooed it. While it may sound like an odd mix it’s great for stimulating hair growth and engaging hair follicles. Don’t worry about it leaving a strong vinegary smell either, apple cider vinegar won’t leave you smelling like a bag of chips.


34. Never Condition Your Scalp


Unless you’re going for a deep cleanse treatment, never, ever condition your scalp. Shampooing it is essential but conditioning it is a big no, no. It can lead to frizzy hairs, dandruff, oily hair, limp hair, you name it. For a time I always conditioned my scalp until suddenly after every wash I was stepping out the shower with gross, greasy hair. This is because I over conditioned. Now I only condition from half way down my hair, and even then I only do it twice a week maximum. It may not be what you’re used to but trust me, it works. My hair has never looked better.


35. Avoid Hair Products


Every now and again we all need to apply a little hair product to our hair but for the most part they’re best avoided. If you want your hair to grow thick and fast, go au natural and only use hair products for very special occasions.


36. Protect Your Hair With Palm Oil


When you’re on vacation chances are your hair is going to be exposed to a lot of harsh sunlight so you should protect your hair with palm oil. When on vacation, apply palm oil daily (or whenever you’re going to have a shower). Simply run it through your hair but not the scalp, let it set for about ten minutes, then wash it off and shampoo your hair as you normally would. This will protect your hair from sun, salt, and chlorine water which would otherwise make your hair dull, dry, brittle, therefore stopping it from growing long.


37. Wear Hats and Scarves


You can also protect your hair from the dangers sunlight posses by wearing hats and scarves. Nothing too tight fitting, simply something to take your hair out of the sunlight and stop it from becoming dry and brittle. This is a simple, fashionable tip but it’s really helpful in the long run.


38. Eat Up


You are what you eat is definitely true so if you want healthy hair that has the potential to grow long and strong then you need to eat healthily to do so. Make sure you eat plenty of fruit and veg, as well as the other foods I’ve mentioned on this list, and avoid processed and fast foods as much as possible. Don’t binge too much on sweets or else you’ll intake too much sugar too. A simple, balanced diet is key when it comes to growing lovely, long, luscious hair. Trust me, I love all the foods that are bad for me but since I’ve been following this tip my hair and body has never looked better.


39. Sleep With Loose Hair


Sleeping with your hair pulled back tightly or braided is a sure way to damage hair. Instead either sleep with your hair loose or wear it in a loose, low ponytail so it doesn’t suffer quite so much. You might even find it’s more comfortable too, I did!


40. Use Silk Pillow Covers


Believe it or not, your pillowcases could be damaging your hair. By making the simple switch from cotton to silk pillowcases you could be doing your hair a lot of good. Cotton covers are very clingy and can pull out your hairs but silk cases are much kinder. Oh, and did I mention that they feel ten times better too? AND they’re good for your skin? Seriously, why has no one told us this before?


If you’ve tried and tested any of these methods or have any of your own then I’d love to hear from you. And if you’ve enjoyed this article then don’t forget to share and check out my other health and beauty tips and tricks. Thanks guys, happy hair day!


(all images sourced via pinterest.com)

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