Comments on: Taurus Man in Love Fri, 26 Jan 2018 05:21:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Fri, 26 Jan 2018 05:18:24 +0000 He is interested in developing a relationship with you. He likely feels a strong emotional connection with you. He may be confused or uncertain about his feelings. Take this time to determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. Give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. Have a great day, Kimberly!

By: web admin Fri, 26 Jan 2018 05:17:50 +0000 He is interested in developing a relationship with you. He likely feels a strong emotional connection with you. He may be confused or uncertain about his feelings. Take this time to determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. Give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. Have a great day, Kimberly!

By: Kimberley Fri, 26 Jan 2018 04:32:15 +0000 I’ll make it short as possible. Started dating not long after taurus man became single. We hit it off almost straight away like we known each other for years. He was very interested then he started to get distant, he came back again and again saying he missed me. He said he wants to sort his finances and head out since he had only recently become single. He kept saying he seen a future but feels things are so intense he needs some space. His texting habits aren’t great he responds quickly and always short. When we’re together he can’t keep his hands off me and asks alot about my family and about me. He opens up about his past and his family. I’ve met his brother he lives with and he has asked mutual friends about me.

Just wondering, as I would like to be with him what should I do? Never met a taurus man before and feel so confused. He has recently asked for space as he said he feels we are very intense at the moment. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Confused cancer lady. His 32 and I’m 27.

By: Kimberley Fri, 26 Jan 2018 04:31:09 +0000 I’ll make it short as possible. Started dating not long after taurus man became single. We hit it off almost straight away like we known each other for years. He was very interested then he started to get distant, he came back again and again saying he missed me. He said he wants to sort his finances and head out since he had only recently become single. He kept saying he seen a future but feels things are so intense he needs some space. His texting habits aren’t great he responds quickly and always short. When we’re together he can’t keep his hands off me and asks alot about my family and about me. He opens up about his past and his family. I’ve met his brother he lives with and he has asked mutual friends about me.

Just wondering, as I would like to be with him what should I do? Never met a taurus man before and feel so confused. He has recently asked for space as he said he feels we are very intense at the moment. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Confused cancer lady. His 32 and I’m 27.

By: web admin Sun, 07 Jan 2018 01:53:10 +0000 He is married and you are aware that he is married. His actions should not influence yours. You should not attempt to establish a relationship with him. There is no reason to continue communicating with him, as you are no longer his employee and he is married. Have a great day, Ellen!

By: Ellen Fri, 05 Jan 2018 13:26:36 +0000 I’m a cancer woman who use to work with a taurus. He was in fact my boss and married. 1 month in the job I had a feeling that he likes me. he would show the signs even in front of his wife. She probably knew it too. It was getting really awkward for me. but lately I also started liking him since he was so strong with all those positive taurean qualities. We were similar in a lot of ways and he would bring those up too in our conversations. He is very respectful of me and has always been kind and gentle. I had recently quit my job and told him about my feeling over a text message.

I do not understand why would he pursue me while being married and what was he expecting? He is very honest and a person of integrity so I am not able to understand his motives.

By: web admin Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:37:44 +0000 End this relationship. He is a cheater and a liar. There is no more reason for you to continue a relationship with him. This person does not deserve your time. Take this time to look inward and determine what you want for your future without him. Look inward, become closer to your family, or develop a relationship with someone else. Speak with someone about your thoughts and feelings. Best of luck, Deedee!

By: Deedee Fri, 21 Jul 2017 15:36:50 +0000 I’m with a Taurus guy, who I feel as a Libra woman became controlling. At first it was a mind blowing relationship, amazing and fell so in love with him. Then, two years he became jealous and controlling. Over the years I really did not realize it because I was in in that I slowing lost my friends. They knew I loved him and understood. He on the other hand thought my friend and family were not there enough for me. Well, I tried to break up with him and he was not having that. Accused me of cheating and being trashy. Well I found out he was married and confronted him and it got worst. He has gotten violent and turned blame on me. Never giving an answers and saying he loves me, I need to see that. I have never been in a situation like this or ever except something like this. But I feel I fell too hard in love with other Taurus traits of being in love. Now I really do not know how to break this. People around me see and tell me and I see want needs to be done. But my heart just wont let go. Also, everytime I try to discuss this to him it ends up in a horrible fight and tears. How to let go or will this work if I stick with it?

By: web admin Fri, 12 May 2017 15:43:08 +0000 Hopefully, it ends up working out for you. If he is still in a relationship though, I would not count on him leaving her. People can love more than one person at once, so he could love his girlfriend just as much. Until he takes the step of leaving her, you can’t really be sure that he is yours. Hopefully, things work out for the best. Good luck!

By: Courtney Thu, 11 May 2017 21:03:43 +0000 I’m a Scorpio and after 2years I admitted to my friend that I do love this guy a lot. I’m not I knew love but I do love him. We have been sleeping with each other for 2years. We arnt official but I know its going that way. He had a gf but I know it’s wrong but feels so right. I can tell when hey say he takes things slow. And does look for a woman with a warm heart and top personality and looks. He always calls me pretty and beautiful. We started off as friends and Iv never clicked with someone so strong and straight away, he’s different from other lads. He cares for me and I know he loves me as well. He has said he loves me to bits and it’s took him 2years to admit it and it’s going slow but right direction. The other day he said to me her could smell me on the stairs and I was at the bottom my friend told me that’s a sign of strong connection and love to know what I smell like. We see each other a lot and he stays over at mine. And our time is special he cuddles me, holds my face while kissing me looks me in the eyes and tells me I’m so pretty or beautiful. We had a massive row this time last year and didn’t speak but something brought us back. It’s hard to explain Iv never have this magnet connection with any lad I have ever met. He’s just so sweet and amazing I’m building my career and he always tells me how proud he is of me. And is mad it’s says we have nothing in common but when we talk we like same music, we spoke about old cartoons we watched as kids, we like Same programs , we love cars and football the list is massive. We like to work hard for what we have, spoil each other, wear designer stuff ect. We can have such a laugh it’s amazing. He makes me feel so special and for once I can act myself and weird around him and he just laughs at me and says in so funny and cute. He does the same to me I can’t help but laugh at his weirdness. And for our sex life wow it’s off he charts how he makes me feel between the sheets I feel alive, he just think I’m the most amazing , sexiest girl ever. Just ca t explain how our chemistry is off the charts. I’d love to be with him but I want him to come to me in his own time. I know it’s not eighth but it feels so right. I ca tell he’s not happy but I can’t push him to decide that he will figure it out for himself and he already is. He’s just for a lot of ties and that. I know I’ll never find a lad like him. And he gets jealous of other lads. I joked around today saying I can get any guy and he said I can’t I said I can I’m single and he said yeah but they will be anging. And I know that’s jealousy cause when he says a girl is good looking I say she anging that’s my jealousy. And he said he would never wanna lose me or drop me, I’m special to him. He loves and cares for me I see it with him and he’s admitted it to me it’s took this long but it’s nice to know it’s more than just sex. I know I’m coming here for advice but I am generally happy and not been happy like I am for ages and he’s been their for me through tough times with my family being poorly he’s picked me up. So I do believe tarus men are Scorpios soul mates
