11 Things for Teens to Do During Spring Break

By on December 15, 2017

You don’t have to be in college to enjoy spring break AND there’s more to spring break than epic parties. Of course, parties are one option, but there are so many other things you could be doing as well! Here are some suggestions for a great spring break. Before we start though, remember one thing: you need to get clear on what you want to achieve. Is it relaxation? Time with the family? Time away from the family? Partying? Prepping for exams/college? Easygoing fun? Once you know that, it’s easier to choose what you want to do!

Go On a Road Trip

Get some friends together and go on a road trip, or do one with your mom, cousin and aunt (or any other family combination!). Road trips don’t have to be long — you can go away just for a night or two, you can camp, use a car you can sleep in, book an AirBnB, etc. so it doesn’t have to be pricey either. It’s just a chance to get out of town, see something new, feel alive and enjoy the company of friends, or family.

Be a Tourist in Your Town 

When tourists come to town they tend to do all the things you long since stopped thinking about. If you do the things they do, you’ll soon become excited about your town as well (you can include nearby towns too if you like!). So whip out your phone and start googling what to do in your area! Then schedule a different thing every day, or every other day.

Shadow a Professional or Do an Internship

Whether you are in college, or prepping for college, or simply looking to make your resume better before you apply for a job, shadowing a professional, or doing an internship, can be awesome. Not only will you find out a lot about a job, it will also make you look a lot more serious about one day getting that job; putting you ahead of the competition.

Have a Week of Zen Experiences 

If you can afford checking into a spa for a week, then it’s easy enough to have a week of zen experiences. There are all sorts of spas available these days, offering all sorts of experiences — from soaks in hot tubs and mud baths, to adventures on horseback and big city shopping.

If you can’t afford checking into a spa, or simply don’t want to, then there are other things you can do to enjoy a zen experience.

For example, this is what a week could look like:

Monday – yoga class, healthy dinner with the girlies

Tuesday – hike, candle lit soak in the bath

Wednesday – gym, haircut

Thursday – walk on the beach, massage, Netflix marathon with friends

Friday – meditation class, pedi and mani, dinner out

Saturday – gym, vegan cooking class

Sunday – walk, relaxing at home with a book, candle lit dinner

You can add daily mediations, do breathing exercises and eat raw foods for a week — whatever floats your boat, just be sure to remember to take it easy and enjoy yourself!

Go Abroad 

There are various different programs available for teens wanting to go abroad to experience a new culture for a week. Some also offer programs within the program, like a theatre course, or attending an archeological dig.


Doing something that gives back to others often leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling. Especially if it’s in a field you enjoy. For example, if you love art, you can find a community program that gives art classes to children from low income households.

If you volunteer for a week and find you enjoy it, chances are you can keep it up by helping out once, or twice, a month moving forward.

This looks great on your resume and/or college application too!

Take a Course 

Spring break usually sees lots of one week courses being offered — from dancing to coding, there’s something for everyone!

Attend a Festival

Lots of festivals are happening during Spring Break — use Google to find one that suits you!

Get Ahead in School

Even if you do some of the other things mentioned on here, you can still spend a little bit of time to get ahead in school. Doing work during a break might not sound like fun, but just two hours a day will ensure you get ahead and can relax more once school starts again.

It’s also a good time to study for SAT and ACT.

Whatever you do, be sure to take time off to have some fun too! Get the work done in the morning, then enjoy the afternoons, or at the very least: the evenings, doing stuff that feeds your soul.

Do Your Own Project

Whether you fancy starting a mini-enterprise in seven days, put up a one act play with your friends, paint a painting, or build a doll’s house for your baby sister, Spring Break will give you some time to do it.

Do a Makeover

Makeovers can be fun and don’t have to be very pricey — you don’t have to hire a stylist to do them, you can just use a little help from your friends!

First of all, use Pinterest to gather some inspiration for styles you like. Create different boards for different styles, if you like, and invite your friends to add pins too. Then decide on one or two styles you’d like to try out.

After you’ve made your choice, start with a haircut and (organic) coloring session at a good hairdressers, as you will have to match the wardrobe and the make-up with the hair.

Head to different shops around town one day to try out different styles. The next day go shopping for the style you decide on. Remember that charity shops can be awesome for finding cheap and unique items!

Have a make-up artist in a mall do your make-up for free. Then find the right products to be able to do it on your own. Remember that what you put on your face enters your body through your skin, so pick cosmetics with care!

Do a mani and pedi at home, or at a spa, to match your new style.

Last, but not least, relax. Have a soak. Curl up in the couch with a movie, ora book. Sink into the new you. That comfy feeling of having a style that suits you.

This is perfect to do with a bunch of friends who are all wanting to do make-overs.

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