Top 100 Crush Quotes for Him
At one point or another (or maybe even at many points) we all have a crush on someone. We all find that one person who fills our stomach with butterflies and gets us tongue ties every time we just look at them. Maybe they’re a friend, maybe a class or work mate, maybe they’re even someone we hardly know. The point is, they have an effect on us that it’s near impossible to explain. Some of us are luck and we manage to turn our frustrating crush into something more while others find that it’s simply not meant to be. No matter what end your crush comes to, the feelings you have while you have a crush are just the same however. Maybe you’re lucky and you can confide in a friend but some of us choose to keep our crush to ourselves for various reasons. Sometimes it can be a very lonely feeling too – you can’t quite believe that anyone understands what you’re going through. To help you out with that, I’ve been trawling the internet to find one hundred quotes that sum up how just about all of us feel when we have a crush. They cover the butterflies in your stomach, the frustration, the longing, the hope, the happiness, and just about every other feeling that comes hand in hand (see what I did there?) with having a crush. Hopefully among these quotes you’ll find a saying to help you understand how you feel and to remind you you’re not the only one going through this. Here goes…
Crush Quote #1
Just because we have a crush doesn’t mean we want to have a crush. Sometimes it can be incredibly frustrating and we find ourselves wishing it could go away. In this instance, it’s likely that you don’t even know why you like this particular person. You just do and it seems there’s very little you can do about it.
Crush Quote #2
You can’t judge a book by it’s cover. That is one of my favourite sayings because it’s one of the few sayings that are completely and utterly true. Once you start falling for someone you start to see everything differently, you see things others don’t, and it’s as though the imperfect people suddenly become perfect.
Crush Quote #3
This is the dream-like feeling most of us experience when we have a crush. Just looking at our crush can make us smile and then when they go on to do things like laugh and smile themselves out happiness only intensifies.
Crush Quote #4
When you have a crush it’s near impossible to get that person off your mind. You think about them all the time and see their traits in near everyone you talk to. It’s annoying but it’s a great feeling all the same.
Crush Quote #5
Sometimes we don’t even know exactly why we form a crush on someone but I think this is a pretty good theory. It’s why we love people despite all their flaws. Our heart can overlook these things and show our mind what’s really important.
Crush Quote #6
This is so incredibly sweet and applied to the majority of relationships and crushes. I for one know that I could talk for hours about why I love my fiancee but then again people (and him) might think I was just rambling. Plus, I don’t really want to share all those feelings with the world. I love him, why I love him should remain between the two of us. It’s our little secret, it’s our love.
Crush Quote #7
This is always the way of it, isn’t it? Far too many of us miss out on an opportunity to be with our crush simply because of this. Why on Earth do none of our friends think to tell us? This is why it’s important to take the chance and tell you’re crush you like them. You never know what might happen.
Crush Quote #8
Simple but oh so sweet. I love this quote because it’s simple, poetic, yet it sums up everything you need to know about having a crush in my opinion.
Crush Quote #8
Again here’s another beautiful and sweet quote. I’ve no doubt that everyone with a crush daydreams about that certain someone, probably more than they’d like too. So long as we enjoy the daydream I don’t see the problem though.
Crush Quote #9
Taking words from Paramore’s hit song, this is another feeling that those of you with a crush will likely know so well. Crushes seem to last forever, don’t they? You can’t explain them, perhaps you seem to be getting no where, but those feelings remain all the same.
Crush Quote #10
So, my personal opinion when it comes to crushes is that you need to grab the bull by the horns and tell them how you feel. Jump in at the deep end and all that. Think about it, the worst they can say is no. You won’t have lost anything. Sure it may hurt for a little while but at least now you know it’s time to move on.
Crush Quote #11
Sometimes having a crush is all about having faith however. Not all of us are brave enough to tell someone how we really feel so in that case it’s important that you keep on hoping and don’t get yourself down just because you don’t seem to be making any headway.
Crush Quote #12
Sometimes what we want out of a relationship with our crush isn’t complicated. Sometimes it’s just really, really simple. The biggest and best relationships are built upon these simple things after all.
Crush Quote #13
This would be an amazing superpower. I bet anyone with a crush wishes they could read minds just so they could know what he thinks about them. Heck, I’d love this superpower for a whole lot of other reasons too.
Crush Quote #14
For some of us it’s pretty obvious our crush likes us back. I mean, he’s staring after all! That’s a good sight, right? Well, yeah, but if we can’t find the courage to look back at him then it might as well be for nothing.
Crush Quote #15
The best kinds of loves are those that are renewed each morning. The kind that don’t fade in time. You don’t want someone you can fall in love with once, you want someone you can fall in love with over and over again.
Crush Quote #16
This is so perfectly sweet if you ask me. It applies to crushes and even the deepest of loves. What would you do differently if you could go back in time?
Crush Quote #17
This quote really interested me and I’m sure you’ll find it interesting too. So tell me, when did you fall for your crush again? If it was more than four months ago then you may need to rethink some things…
Crush Quote #18
Awww, I love this! It’s so sweet and in a million ways it’s so true. When you’ve got a crush you just seem to think about them non stop and yes, it’s as though they never truly leave your mind.
Crush Quote #19
I’ve found this with countless songs. You may like a song but you never really understand it until an event in your own life ties up with it. When it comes to love songs this is especially true and as it happens there’s a love song to go with every feeling that comes with having a crush; love, hate, hope, frustration, longing, that feeling where you’re invisible… I could go on forever.
Crush Quote #20
Whether you have a crush, you’re looking for love, or you’re in a loving relationship I’m sure you’ll appreciate this quote (Though I think technically it should be ‘you are my one in 7 billion’ but who’s counting?). This is what we’re all looking for, isn’t it?
Crush Quote #21
So you’re sitting there getting frustrated because your crush doesn’t notice you but just think, you could well be doing that to someone else. There could be someone thinking about how awesome you are right now. That’s a pretty great feeling, isn’t it?
Crush Quote #22
For those of you who have a crush on one of your guy friends don’t sweat it, it happens to just about everyone. This quote sums it up perfectly. Now, ask yourself, which ‘maybe’ are you and which do you want to be?
Crush Quote #23
Sometimes when you have a crush you just have to find your way to this point. You have to stop fretting over whether your crush likes you back, you have to stop getting butterflies every time you see him, you just have to let go and be you. Enjoy life and don’t stress.
Crush Quote #24
This is great for those people who have a crush but are still trying to figure out why. It’s simple, but this makes a lot of sense if you ask me.
Crush Quote #25
When I was single, I wondered this loads. It was amazing to think that the man I was going to marry was out there somewhere. Admit it, I’m sure you think this too, or at least you are now. I wonder if men think this too… My money’s on yes.
Crush Quote #26
When we’ve got a crush far too many of us are afraid to tell our crush how we feel or do something, anything, about our feelings. But ask yourself, what would you do if you weren’t afraid? How might things turn out? Now there’s a daydream worth acting on.
Crush Quote #27
Yeah, it’s a cliche but it’s also incredibly true. This is, I’m sure, how every girl feels when they have a crush.
Crush Quote #28
This is so simple but ultimately it’s what we all want out of our crush or out of any relationship for that matter. A girl can dream, can’t she?
Crush Quote #29
This quote is simply beautiful – it’s swoon-worthy if you ask me. Admit it, it’s got you daydreaming about your crush doing this to you too. It’s so romantic!
Crush Quote #30
For all my readers who are scientific, this one’s for you! This quote made me laugh a little and yet it’s still completely true. What a way to put a new and serious spin on age old feelings!
Crush Quote #31
Never be embarrassed if he catches you looking at him. As this quote points out, he was looking back. The next time this happens don’t look away instantly. How about flashing him a smile? Give him a simple clue to let him know you’re interested.
Crush Quote #32
Similar to the previous quote, there will be times when you look at him first and find him staring and not the other way around. If you ask me, that’s an even better feeling.
Crush Quote #33
It’s weird how something so simple can bring a smile to your face, isn’t it? The fact is that just the thought of you and him can do just that. Just the thought of the word ‘us’ being applied to the two of you can make you so happy.
Crush Quote #34
If only life was that simple. Well ladies, I have news for you, life is just that simple. If you want to know what he thinks of you then simply march up to him and ask. Don’t wast your time wondering and longing over a guy who may not want you back. The worst he can do is say no.
Crush Quote #35
When you’re with your crush do you ever feel different? Like you’re free and all of a sudden you can just be you and not worry about what other people think of you? It’s a great feeling, one that truly shows your feelings for the other persona and shows you’re comfortable with them.
Crush Quote #36
How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you, and longer if I can. I love this song, it’s so beautiful and the feelings it evokes apply whether you’re in a happy relationship or whether you simply have a crush on someone.
Crush Quote #37
When you have a crush, it seems like everything about them is perfect. It seems like they illuminate the world around them just by smiling and that just being around them makes the world a bit brighter.
Crush Quote #38
You should never discount the idea that there’s someone out there crushing on you. In fact, if you knew the truth you’d probably be incredibly surprised and hopefully a little delighted too. There may well be someone out there feeling the same towards you as what you do towards you crush. Maybe the person feeling this is your crush, wouldn’t that be a major bonus?
Crush Quote #39
What is it that you look for in a person? Seriously, I’m keen to know. For me, I believe in thoughtfulness, intelligence, and generosity just like good old Ashton Kutcher. Everyone’s different in what they’re attracted to but personally I think that if your crush has they key things then you’re golden. Don’t discount an amazon person just because the packaging they come in isn’t Hollywood grade. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.
Crush Quote #40
I use Google for absolutely everything, and by everything I mean everything. I’m always typing in random questions because I’m sure Google will know the answer. Sadly however good old Google can’t jump into our crushes heads and find out what they’re thinking about us. I guess we’ll just have to keep on wondering blindly and trying our luck with reading body language and the like.
Crush Quote #41
When it comes to whether or not we share our crush with someone, be it a friend or the crush themselves, some of us are incredibly stubborn. It’s as though the world would fall apart if we shared this info. Seriously though ladies, there’s no need for your stubbornness. Just be brave, you never know what wonderful things may come of you opening up to the world and letting your crush know how you feel.
Crush Quote #42
Imagine if your crush just came up to you and asked you outright how you felt? What would you say if you had a chance to be completely honest. I think this just about sums it up, don’t you? Imagine blurting all this out? And not to mention the look on his face? Do you think your crush would run a mile or do you think he’d smile and reciprocate? If you answered the former then I think it may be time you moved on (though you never know but I get the feeling you’re not going to be brave enough to say all this) and if you answered the latter then I suggest you go and tell your crush exactly how you feel. Seriously, now!
Crush Quote #43
Always remember this. Seriously, never let it slip out of your mind for a second. If your crush or your boyfriend treats you like there are a million more of you out there then it’s time you kick him to the curb. Unless your guy can see just how amazing you are and treats you as such then I suggest you get rid of him immediately. You deserve to be treated like a princess, never forget that.
Crush Quote #44
I love this because it’s simply so cute! I bet all of us feel this way, even if we don’t care to admit it or aren’t usually this soppy.
Crush Quote #45
Admit it, if you’ve got a crush who barely notices you despite your best efforts then you’re no doubt dying to scream this at him. It’s one thing having a crush you get the opportunity to talk to almost daily but it’s a whole other ball game if your crush hardly knows you exist. Both scenarios are frustrating for their own reason but in this case your plight can often feel near hopeless.
Crush Quote #46
Don’t we all feel like this about someone? We all want someone who feels this strongly about us and who feels like they’re falling apart inside every time we leave.
Crush Quote #47
When you’re crushing on someone seemingly to no avail then just remember this quote. In fact, scratch that, no matter what’s going on in your life then you should always remember this quote. Don’t lose hope no matter what happens, always believe.
Crush Quote #48
This is a simple feeling but it’s a feeling that anyone with a crush surely knows all too well. As they say however, it’s the simple things that make life and the big things would be nothing without the simple things to back them up.
Crush Quote #49
I was brought up being told that shy people get nothing and over the years I’ve come to realise just how true that saying actually is. Seriously, if you don’t ask for something then how the heck can you ever expect to get it? Don’t keep your crush a secret, go out and tell him. Scream it from the rooftops, sing it, you never know what good may come of your honesty. Think about it, if your crush doesn’t know how you feel then why on Earth would he ask you out? Make the first move!
Crush Quote #50
This is such a sweet poem! Sure, none of us are perfect and yes there may be girls prettier or smarter than us but that by no means means that we ought to be overlooked. We’re all amazing in our own way and we’re all worth loving for a million different reasons. Now, how to get our crush to figure that out…?
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