Comments on: Top 100 Crush Quotes for Him Mon, 19 Feb 2018 06:42:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Mon, 05 Feb 2018 06:20:16 +0000 It is possible that he is interested in a developing a relationship with you. Take this time to determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. Give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. Have a great day, Katia!

By: Katia Mon, 05 Feb 2018 05:54:25 +0000 I like this boy he said he likes me. He told my friend we were talking but he never text me first or calls or replies. He’s a church momma really smart type guy.

By: web admin Tue, 30 Jan 2018 03:01:55 +0000 Take this time to determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. Give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. You may find benefit in attempting to spend additional time with him in person. Have a great day, Leila!

By: web admin Tue, 30 Jan 2018 02:50:30 +0000 Take this time to determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. Give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. Speak with your cousin about her thoughts and feelings and well. Have a great day, Nicole!

By: Leila Mon, 29 Jan 2018 21:37:13 +0000 I like this guy but he is really popular and he’s so nice and he always acts so smart in front of me but how do I tell him how I feel

By: Nicole Harper Mon, 29 Jan 2018 02:59:31 +0000 I have a crush on a certain guy in my class I always see him look at me from time to time I once told him that I liked him and he said cool then I told him it was a dare from my bestie it was so sad because he started laughing so hard😔😔I jus want to tell him how I feel but im to scared to tell him I really like him it would be so ackward because thats my cousins ex boyfriend

By: web admin Fri, 19 Jan 2018 20:14:47 +0000 Take this time to determine what you want with the future oft his relationship. Speak with your brother about your thoughts and feelings. You will also find benefit in speaking directly and honestly with your crush about your thoughts and feelings. Give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. You may find benefit in spending additional time with him in person. Have a great day, Kaitlyn!

By: Kaitlynzrocks Wed, 17 Jan 2018 20:21:28 +0000 I’ve know my crush for 6 years. I’ve always liked him. He is 18 and I am 16. Every time we spend time together I get lost in his eyes, and all of a sudden there is so much more to life. When he leaves, it’s boring and quiet. The worst thing is that he is graduating this year……..and he’s my brothers best friend.😣

By: web admin Wed, 17 Jan 2018 02:35:00 +0000 It is possible that he is interested in a developing a relationship with you. Take this time to determine what you want for the future of this relationship. Speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. Give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. Have a great day, Me!

By: Me Tue, 16 Jan 2018 13:37:57 +0000 I’ve been liking this guy for a long time… almost two years. In the first year, we became friends about half way through but we weren’t as close as him and his other friends. We never really talked during school even though we were in the same classes, but we talked out of school on snap chat. I always felt like he cared about what his friends think of him especially since he’s one of the more “popular” guys…. idk. But know we hardly talk anymore and it’s just so awkward during school. But after we haven’t talked in like ages, we ended up having a conversation on snap chat and he ended up saying that we should talk more often, and I was like yeah definitely. But it’s been what three weeks now andddd no conversations🤷‍♀️ I wish my situation was like all of you guys who commented. Where she likes him and he likes her back. Oh well, it’s just so hard to give up on him. He has a great smile that gives me butterflies. I guess there’s still hope in me that I wish would just go away.
