Victoria’s Secret Models Diet and Workout

By on April 3, 2014


Victoria’s Secret was founded way back in 1977 in San Francisco, California and now, nearly four decades on, is a household name and is America’s biggest retailer in lingerie. The models that grace the catwalk on behalf of the brand are famed around the world (and are from around the world) and, like the brand they represent, many of them are also household names. Miranda Kerr, Lindsay Ellingson, Behati Prinsloo, Lily Aldridge, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Candice Swanepoel, Doutzen Kroes and Erin Heatherton are names we’re all likely familiar with. But before people even associate many of these women with the brand Victoria’s Secret, many people think of the fact that these women are all supermodels who are famed for their beautiful, lean figures. Many of the models are even promoted to Angel status, including those I just named, boosting their reputation globally.

Because of their incredible figures, the question of what the Victoria’s Secret Models and Angels do to stay looking so healthy, lean, fit and flawless is often on people’s lips. Just what does it take to look like a Victoria’s Secret Model and what kind of diet and fitness plan do you need to follow to stay in such great shape? I’ve been doing a fair bit of research and am pleased to say I’ve come up with the answers. Here’s several of the supermodels and the secrets to their fabulous figures…


Candice Swanepoel


South African, Candice Swanepoel absolutely adores her job and loves few things more than walking down the runway. To keep in such great shape, she works with her personal trainer Justin Gelband. The five key exercises that they focus on are for stability (important for walking down a runway), the lower back, hips, butt and balance. To work and enhance all these areas, Candice Swanepoel does a lot of kickboxing but also jumps rope and works with little weight to tone her muscles. “Being in shape and healthy helps me deal with everything that’s thrown my way.” she says, something which is especially true with all the work and travelling she has to do.

Candice Swanepoel usually manages to eat healthily but admits that while working and travelling it can be difficult to maintain. Instead of sticking to a rigid diet, she allows herself to eat all her favourite foods, two of which are pizza and pasta.


Miranda Kerr


To keep her gorgeous figure, Miranda Kerr likes to do a mix of ballet, pilates and yoga. She works with Andie Hecker, the founder of Ballet Bodies, and he’s kindly shared some of her moves which are great for shaping muscles.

1. Fondue to Arabesque

2. Arabesque Pulses –

3. Inner Thigh Splits to Sous-Sous

4. Side Lying Développé Series

5. Supine Grand Battements Series

When it comes to food, Miranda Kerr follows the Blood Type Diet. This means she eats what is recommended by the diet’s creator for her blood type which is type A. She eats lots of iron rich vegetables to stop her becoming anaemic as she doesn’t like to eat meat. Miranda Kerr also follows the eight twenty rule, meaning that eighty percent of the time she eats healthily and the other twenty percent of the time she splurges on her favourite foods such as ice cream and chocolate. This means she stays in control of her cravings.


Erin Heatherton


Opposed to focusing on just working out a specific part of her body, American Angel Erin Heatherton focuses on training her whole body. She works out four times per week her her personal trainer but also loves to run and practices yoga. When she’s with her personal trainer, she does High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and also enjoys weight resistance training. She always informs her trainer of any upcoming events she’s got so he can help her look her absolute best perhaps by intensifying training before hand. “My workouts are always changing because your body is always changing.” she says.

In comparison to many other models, Erin Heatherton’s diet is simple. She eats healthy and tries to maintain a balanced diet. She likes to eat little and often to keep her energy levels up throughout the day.


Joan Smalls


While Joan Smalls doesn’t diet (an oddity in the modelling world) she makes sure to pay extra attention to her fitness. “For fitness, mix it up and always remain active. I mix boxing with cardio and Pilates. If I’m not busy or working, I’ll work out every day. If I am busy, I’ll try to at least sneak in 30 minutes or try to work out every other day,” were her comments on how to stay fit.


Alessandra Ambrosio


With a 34-25-35 body that any woman would envy, Brazilian Amessandra Ambrosio is undeniably one of the hottest women on the planet. Believe it or not (and you might not if you only looked at her body!) she’s also the mother of two (a son, Noah, who was born in 2012 and a daughter, Anja, born in 2008) meaning she has an incredibly hectic life.

Eleven years ago she began her modelling journey by choosing to get into shape. She approached her trainer, Lenadro Carvalho, with a set of demands. She wanted him to help her get longer looking legs, thinner thighs and a tight tush. He put all his effort into her demands and came up with the Brazil But Lift, a workout routine which is now famous and countless celebrities are lining up to try out the miracle exercise. Amessandra Ambrosio also works out with elastic bands, ankle weights and performs capoeira. It’s safe to say that with this winning mix, she certainly got the legs she wanted.

In terms of what Amessandra Ambrosio eats, she pretty much eats whatever she wants. Bacon and eggs make up her breakfast, lunch is usually something meaty and a salad, and her dinner is usually Japanese foods with s’mores, nuts, snacks and coffee. She’s not afraid to indulge so long as she does so in moderation.


Karlie Kloss


Twenty one year old Karlie Kloss hasn’t shared much of her fitness tips but she revealed this much to Hollywood Take – “I like to be active every day. My whole thing is that it’s not always possible because you’re working, you’re traveling, and [you know] life gets in the way. But I try to be active and just break a sweat. Whether it’s going up and down stairs on the way to your apartment or going for a bike ride or run. A body in motion stays in motion!”


Lily Aldridge


Lily Aldridge is another American model who worked with Victoria’s Secret until 2011. She keeps her figure by working out four to five times per week. She works with her personal trainer Justin Gelband at his gym in New York City. Mostly, she tries to focus on working her butt and arms and does this by doing exercises such as sliders, Pilates and boxing. Depending on what work she has coming up, her workout may vary.

In terms of food, she follows the Blood Type Diet. Her personal trainer does not keep track of her eating and says that he’ll know anyway as the food will be reflected in her body and her performance in a workout anyway.


Behati Prinsloo


Behati Prinsloo is one of the Victoria’s Secret Models ranked as an Angel and is originally from Nambia. She’s a self proclaimed mermaid due to her love of the water meaning that much of her workout is made up of swimming and water sports. She enjoys few things more than surfing and paddle boarding. When she’s not being a water baby, Behati Prinsloo follows Pilates and especially enjoys it if it involves exercise balls and mat exercises. The variation in her workout motivates her and means it’s always new and exciting for her.

When it comes to food, she eats relatively healthy however her downfall is smoking. Thankfully, she’s been eating better in recent years and has overcome the anorexia rumours that circles her back in 2006. She always makes sure she drinks plenty of water to keep her skin, hair and body healthy and also reduces her appetite and fights off hunger during a busy working day.


Adriana Lima


There’s no denying that Adriana Lima is a Brazilian beauty. Despite being the mother of two small children, she still looks incredibly hot and has an enviable, lean figure. To keep her figure, she works with Michael Olajide, a former boxing champion and the co-founder of Aerospace High Performance Centre in Manhattan. Together they work on boxing and also Pilates to keep her in shape. Adriana Lima trains with Olajide three times a week at Aerospace. With his help, it took her only a matter of months after each pregnancy to get back into shape and look runway ready once more.

When she has an upcoming modelling show, Adriana Lima stops eating solid foods and only intakes liquid. Once time reaches twelve hours before the show she stops consuming anything at all, even merely water. This is extremely radical and not something to be recommend to anyone as it is highly dangerous. There are plenty of other healthy and less radical alternatives.


Doutzen Kroes


Dutch model Doutzen Kroes is merely twenty-eight year old and is one of the most famous supermodels in the business, and not to mention the fifth highest paid. Ever since she became a Victoria’s Secret Model back in 2008, she’s been using her supermodel status to promote healthy living, something which I think she should be highly commended for. In order to maintain her fabulous set of pins and ensue they’re never too thin or too muscly, Doutzen Kroes uses a range of toning exercises which include squats, yoga and stretching. She loves doing cardio and runs a lot but her favourite cardio exercise is jumping rope as it tones her, makes her flexible and keeps her looking lean. Doutzen Kroes is also a massive fan of boxing to work out as it keeps her super fit and keeps her energy levels up so she can tackle her busy life. She also accredits her fitness to fact she’s constantly running around after her son who’s hit his terrible twos.

When it comes to eating, Doutzen Kroes always tries to eat natural and avoid processed foods. She loves eating whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables. Doutzen Kroes accredits her fitness to the fact she’s very aware of the fact she needs to eat both pre and post workout snacks to keep her metabolism up. She’s always telling people not to deprive themselves of their favourite foods. She’s a sucker for french fries and loves to indulge now and again, provided she does so in moderation.


Lindsay Ellingson


To maintain her five foot eleven supermodel figure, twenty nine year old American Victoria’s Secret Model Lindsay Ellingson trains with her personal trainer Mark Gordon. When she’s working out, she focuses on working her butt and her legs but does some overall conditioning to keep all of her body in such stunning condition. Her absolute favourite workout is yoga but prefers to do the moves which involve the use of an exercise ball.


If you’re up for the challenge, you can find lots of instructional videos online which feature the Angels and Models of Victoria’s Secret sharing all their best exercise tips, moves and routines. I’ve learned a lot from them and it’s really interesting to see all the different moves and exercises they’re all doing. It just goes to show that no one size fits all so if you’re trying to get fit or lose weight (or both!) try a few exercises to see what works best for you and don’t lose patience or give up. It’s worth it, especially if you can end up looking like one of these fine ladies!

If you enjoyed this article, you can also read more in-dept diet plans and workout routines of Victoria’s Secret Models and several more of your favourite female celebrities by checking out my author profile. Enjoy!

(all images sourced via pinterest)

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