Comments on: 8 Ways to Get Someone to Forgive You Sat, 14 Oct 2017 15:41:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Sat, 14 Oct 2017 15:41:23 +0000 He needs to begin to trust you. Since you did nothing, you should speak directly and honestly about your thoughts and feelings. If he does not trust you, then he may need to speak with you about his ideas with you as well. You should let him speak. If he constantly is concerned about your actions, then he has worries that need to be addressed. Have a great day, Andrea!

By: Andrea Sat, 14 Oct 2017 07:07:04 +0000 Hi,

Me and my boyfriend are on our 6th year already. We are very open and lenient with each other. Last night, I went to have dinner with my colleagues. That was my last update to him since he fell asleep. Dinner ended up to drinking. Then I took a cab back home and forgot to update my boyfriend that I got home. He woke up early in the morning worrying if I got home safe. He was so mad that I didn’t update him cause he got so worried. Now he won’t talk to me and he’s so mad. He’s also overthinking now that something happened to me and my officemate since 3 of them were guys and my girl colleague left early. So I was left with the guys. Nothing happened we were just talking, sharing stories. But now he thinks I cheated on him or something.

How do I make him forgive me? He ignores me. I want to save our relationship. 😞

By: web admin Sat, 16 Apr 2016 19:31:01 +0000 I think that it may work beset if you just let him handle it or not handle it as he sees fit. It is a very sensitive topic for him, and he may also be unready to deal with the consequences. If he were confirmed as the parent, he would suddenly have two kids to care for and pay child support for–and it also seems like his ex is not wanting to get him involved. While it may be frustrating to never know for sure, it is a situation that is his choice to handle or not handle as he sees fit. Good luck!

By: web admin Fri, 15 Apr 2016 14:12:35 +0000 I would stop worrying about it for now. While the kids resemble him, she also probably has a “type”–if she was attracted to him, she probably looked for the same appearance and qualities in the other guy that she slept with. Due to this, she may be telling the truth. At any rate, she does not want to say these kids are his or have a paternity test, and he is not forcing to. While the situation is a bit strange, it looks like it has already been sorted out by them. If you like dating him, continue to date him. He has been open and honest about everything so far, so it sounds like you have found a good guy. Relax, enjoy your relationship, and leave the paternity issue alone. (Side note: If he really wants to prove the kids are his–and I don’t know if he does–, I am sure there are legal ways to force her to get a paternity test. There are also probably cheap paternity kits online that he could use if he just wants to know for sure.) Good luck!

By: Ina-nofflisen Thu, 14 Apr 2016 19:52:18 +0000 The problem is he was very honest from the begging but i think that the kids of the ex might be his i dont know if i should have him subponea becausese we try talking about it and its a very sensitive topic for him he sayd due to him not know the time frame.

By: web admin Thu, 14 Apr 2016 16:57:30 +0000 There is nothing to doubt about yourself. He either is still recovering from his last relationship, or he just wants to keep things casual for a few years. A five-year relationship is a long time, so it may take quite a while for him to feel like getting serious again. If you do not think that the relationship is moving in the right direction or you are tired of waiting, you can always end the relationship. You could also sit him down and tell him how you feel. Who knows? He may have been hoping to take things farther too and was just uncertain how to do that. I would talk to him first, and then make your decision based on what he says. Good luck, Ina Niffolssen!

By: Tanya Tue, 12 Apr 2016 14:04:43 +0000 Hey hows it going my name is tanya im in a very difficult situation. I recently met this real cool guy that ive been dating for a year now. The issue begin he is a very honest open person so from the beginning he had told me that he was in long term relationship for 5 years and that they broke up due to her parents because they where very conservative. About two months ago i end up going into his ex social media and see his ex but i also see two kids a new born and a toddler he tells me the kids arent his i went as far as too reach his ex to verify things she said the same that those kids arent his but im be honest i dont know if its my mind playing tricks on me but they do resemble him a lot. He said hes willing to get a paternuty test but his ex is in denial. What should i do michelle please help.

By: Ina-Niffolssen Mon, 11 Apr 2016 18:27:07 +0000 Hello sorry for this but my name is Ina im from norway. Recently i met this real nice hispanic guy. We kicked it of good we been dating for a year alomst. My question is before we met he had been in a long term relationship that ended uppruptly after 5 years. He made it clear he wanted to take stuff slow. He was very honest from the begging an said during the 5 yrs that a toddler came into theyre picture but that his ex made it clear to him that it wasnt. Now fast foward a year later im doubting my self i need help.
