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The post 130+ Running Team Names first appeared on herinterest.com/.

They say that you need a plan in order to make your get-fit quest a successful one. When you want to become a runner, in part of a team, you may find that coming up with the best running team name that you can is not only part of the fun; but also a very vital part of the journey. 

It’s also quite a tough one. 

You’ll want a team name that incorporates the personalities of everyone in that team, without leaving an important individual out. In fact, that’s one way that you could come up with a team name — much like the singer group ABBA did — using all of the first letters of your names and coming up with a word that incorporates all of them. This won’t always be possible, of course; sometimes you’ll have a bunch of letters that don’t spell out anything than gibberish, but it’s not a bad place to start. 

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If you don’t have the ABBA option (as we like to call it), there are plenty of other team names that you could fall back on. Here are a few of our favourites, but don’t forget to mix and match to make them entirely individual for you. Or just use one of the ones that we have suggested, obviously. If you come up with something cool, funny and unique, however, we’d love to hear about it. Don’t forget to come back and let us know what you come up with. 

Running Team Names 

  • Fifty n’ Fit — perfect for the over 50’s and can also be adapted to suit your age range too.
  • Where’s The Finish Line?
  • Graceful Gunners
  • Better Together Team
  • Snappy Shoppers — y’know, if the gal-gang is better known for its shopping habits than its running ones.
  • Full Throttle
  • Faster Than Your Internet
  • Liar Liar Legs on Fire
  • How I Met These Runners
  • Busy Bustlers
  • Running Sole Sisters
  • Ryan Gosling Fan Club — insert your favourite actor/actress/singer/comedian/etc.
  • Flyin’ Gals — or boys, obviously!
  • Faster Than the Speed of Light 
  • Rapid Thigh Movement
  • The Breakfast Running Club
  • Constantly Mobile Mothers
  • No Time For Walkers
  • Mile Missionaries
  • Velocity Vixens
  • The iPlods
  • The Joggernauts
  • Gathering Momentum
  • Glory Guys (or Gals)
  • Chasin’ Down Criminals 
  • Achilles Heels
  • Runnin’ After the Ice Cream Truck
  • Mister Muscles — could also be Missus or Mrs Muscles
  • Sprinting Soldiers
  • Rapid Runners
  • Scrambled Legs
  • Just Keeping Runnin’
  • Mischievous Mermaidens — because who doesn’t love being mischievous anyway?
  • The Great Strides
  • Zombie Runners
  • Fast Fighters
  • Love at First Run
  • Fat Fighters
  • Seven Deadly Shins
  • Non-Walking Warriors
  • Gals Get Moving 
  • Charity Runners
  • Coffee Queenz
  • Keepin’ Up With The Runners
  • Superhero Sprinters
  • Hustlers
  • Faster Than the Speed of Love 
  • Runner Dolls
  • Faster Things
  • Florence and the Machines — because you are all MACHINES when you start running!
  • Sprinting Speedsters
  • The Real McCoy’s — and we all know not to mess with you, alright? (Said in a really menacing voice!)
  • Girls, Uninterrupted — because we all know NOT to stop you once you get started.
  • Marathon Maidens 

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Movie Title Running Team Name Inspiration 

  • The Jogfathers
  • Runaway Brides
  • The Running-Shoes Brothers
  • The Man (or Men) with the Golden Run
  • Lady & the Cramps — we’re making a Disney reference in case you hadn’t noticed: Beauty & the Beast.
  • Princess Strides — because who doesn’t love Princess Brides?
  • Legs Miserables
  • Sprainspotters
  • Quadz of Fury
  • New York State of Grind
  • Smokin’ Laces
  • Cirque de Sore Legs
  • Little (But Fast) Women 
  • Lost in Pace — like the movie, Lost in Space
  • Reservoir Jogs
  • Shaun of the Tread(Mill)
  • How to Lose A Runner in 10 Miles
  • Happy Feet
  • Bunz on the Run
  • Quantum of Shoelace
  • The Italian Jog
  • Race Ventura
  • Slumjog Millionaires
  • Harry Potter & The Half Blood Sprints — perfect if one or more of your team looks like Harry Potter or other characters!

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Hilarious Running Team Name Inspiration

Life is so much better when you can poke fun at yourself from time to time, so why not consider creating a running team name that incorporates some humour? Not everyone enjoys running; some of us actually think the action is a painful one … and one that we’d rather avoid. If you think the same as us, you might find some of these team names rather fitting:

  • Coffee Chuggers
  • Probably Gonna Walk
  • Not Fast, But Kinda Furious 
  • It’s Like Fun, But Not
  • The Running Joke
  • Easier Said Than Run 
  • Sweaty Sprinters
  • Cheerleader Rejects
  • We’re Only Doing This Because Our Partners Made Us
  • We’re Only Running Because Uber Wasn’t Available
  • Team Del Slow
  • Wine Dine Finish Line
  • Sweaty Betty’s
  • Not-So-Lucky Runners
  • Holding Out for a Hero
  • We Like Pie
  • Ignorance is Blisters
  • Moet Marathon Runners
  • Running On Empty
  • Can’t Feel Our Legs
  • Not So Easy Runners
  • The Accidental Runners
  • Intermittent Exercisers
  • Running From Responsibility 
  • We’re Sooo CorkScrewed!
  • Knackered Knockers
  • I Thought This Was a Pub Crawl
  • Consolation is still a Prize
  • Runnin’ From The Law
  • The Tired Team 
  • Running from Commitment
  • Training Wheels
  • Slow Motion Ninjas
  • Wishful Thinkers
  • Sweaty Nuts & Tight Butts
  • Treading Triers
  • Overconfident & Undertrained
  • I’ve Got The Runs

130+ Running Team Names 1

Running Team Name Inspiration From Other Languages

In Spanish, the word for running is corriendo. The word for runners is corredores. You could use these words in your running team name, like: 

  • Corriendo Chicks
  • Corredores Club

The word for runners in German in Läufer, which you could use like: 

  • Läufer Ladies 
  • Läufer Lads

Google translation services can come in handy if you don’t speak the language. By using a different different, you could incorporate a theme. If the majority of them people in your team are from Germany, for example, you could use a German word in the running team name to easily insert that theme. Just make sure that you’re not using rude or offensive names, though. That probably wouldn’t go down too well. 

Your team name should be fun — that’s the important thing. If it’s not fun — the entire process isn’t fun — you’ll be much quicker to give it up, and whether you’re running for fun or whether you’re running to get fit and get in shape, having fun is the most important bit! (Well, perhaps not the most important bit, but it’s still damn important!)

The post 130+ Running Team Names first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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30 Day Squat Challenge Results https://www.herinterest.com/30-day-squat-challenge-results/ https://www.herinterest.com/30-day-squat-challenge-results/#comments Sat, 04 Feb 2017 09:36:43 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=31063 Everyone wants to look great. Why? Because when you look good, you feel good. When you put in the work to have a rockin’ body, you always want to show it off and the confidence you gain is something you can’t get anywhere else. And one thing that can make us look fantastic is squatting. […]

The post 30 Day Squat Challenge Results first appeared on herinterest.com/.

Everyone wants to look great. Why? Because when you look good, you feel good. When you put in the work to have a rockin’ body, you always want to show it off and the confidence you gain is something you can’t get anywhere else. And one thing that can make us look fantastic is squatting.

Squatting is by far the best exercise in order to tone and build your legs and booty muscles. Having stronger legs and a stronger butt will also help create that hourglass figure that’s really enticing. It’ll also lift your booty so it’s nice and bubbly.

One of the most popular ways to do this is to do a 30-day squat challenge. This challenge is basically where you do a different number of squats for a few days in a row, then take a day off, then get right back to it. If you want to see just how effective these challenges can be, keep reading.

The Rules

There really aren’t a whole lot of rules to a squat challenge. Basically, if you participate and you do as directed, you’ll begin to see results. But you have to remember that you also have to change your diet in order to accommodate the squat challenge.

Building muscle takes protein and healthy eating. If you want to make the most of the challenge, you have to eat nutrient and protein dense foods that will aid in your booty-building endeavors. No more junk food that won’t do anything to help you!

The Squat Challenge

There are a number of different squat challenges out there and all of them can help you build a bigger, bubblier butt. The one that I’ll be posting below for you is one that we’ve seen proven results with. It’s simple, free, and you don’t even have to go anywhere in order to do it. Here’s the squat challenge you should use to gain the butt you’ve always wanted.

Day 1 – 50 squats

Day 2 – 55 squats

Days 3 – 60 squats

Day 4 – REST

Day 5 – 70 squats

Day 6 – 75 Squats

Day 7 – 80 squats

Day 8 – REST

Day 9 – 100 squats

Day 10 – 105 squats

Day 11 – 110 squats

Day 12 – REST

Day 13 – 130 squats

Day 14 – 145 squats

Day 15 – 140 squats

Day 16 – REST

Day 17 – 150 squats

Day 18 – 155 squats

Day 19 – 160 squats

Day 20 – REST

Day 21 – 180 squats

Day 22 – 185 squats

Day 23 – 190 squats

Day 24 – REST

Day 25 – 220 squats

Day 26 – 225 squats

Day 27 – 230 squats

Day 28 – REST

Day 29 – 240 squats

Day 30 – 250 squats


Tips for Being Succesful

We all know that this may seem like a difficult thing to accomplish, but it can be done. As long as you have these tips, you’ll be able to successfully complete this challenge.

  1. Do them in sets.

Don’t expect to be able to do all of these squats in a row without a break. It may be nice to think you can, but you probably can’t. Therefore, you have to break them up. I suggest breaking them up into sets of 10 for the first two weeks and sets of 15 to 20 for the last two weeks in order get all of them done throughout the day.

  1. Make sure to rest on your rest day.

I know it may be tempting to just squat every single day in order to grow a butt, but it doesn’t work like that. You have to let your body recover if you want to build muscle. You need days where your muscles don’t have to do work so they can build up to be stronger for the next day.

  1. Eat your recommended protein.

Protein must be eaten in order to grow muscle. If you don’t eat it, your muscles can’t rebuild and you won’t be putting on any muscle and therefore, your butt won’t grow.


If you have to split up your squats and do them throughout the whole day instead of just doing them in one sitting, do it. No matter what, don’t give up on this challenge and make sure to always do your squats on the days they should be done.

The Results

Finally we get to see some results! If you stick with this program, you’ll definitely start to see results after a couple weeks. Just remember that it can take up to a month to see these results and if you want to put on even more muscle, you can repeat this challenge over and over again.









In order to get amazing legs and a butt you can be proud of, it takes hard work and effort. This squat challenge can help you gain that body you’ve always wanted.

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Mila Kunis Diet and Workout https://www.herinterest.com/mila-kunis-diet-and-workout/ https://www.herinterest.com/mila-kunis-diet-and-workout/#comments Sun, 19 Apr 2015 09:00:31 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=24456 Believe it or not, it was only three months after Mila Kunis had her beautiful baby boy, Wyatt, with Ashton Kutcher, that she was seen sporting a body that would rival the kind of body she had pre-baby! Within just three months, not only was this yummy-mummy-actress back into her skinny jeans, but she’d also […]

The post Mila Kunis Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

Believe it or not, it was only three months after Mila Kunis had her beautiful baby boy, Wyatt, with Ashton Kutcher, that she was seen sporting a body that would rival the kind of body she had pre-baby! Within just three months, not only was this yummy-mummy-actress back into her skinny jeans, but she’d also lost over 25 pounds in weight.

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The question is, of course, how did she do it?

Well, first of all, she ate healthily throughout her pregnancy, and kept up with regular light exercise too, so in reality she only gained about 25 pounds in weight throughout the entire length of it. It’s actually a great tip to keep yourself fit, healthy and active throughout your pregnancy – it is said to make losing the baby weight all the more easier afterwards, but apparently can contribute to a much easier, less painful birth too! Every little helps, I guess!

Mila Kunis - After she lost the baby weight!

Mila Kunis – After she lost the baby weight!

Going back to Mila herself, and let’s start with the important bit – her workout!

Mila Kunis Workout

Throughout her pregnancy, Mila kept up with low impact workouts such as yoga and light spinning classes, but once she’d had the baby and was back to somewhat ‘normal’ again, she headed right back to the gym to up the tempo. The sooner you try to get your life back again after your baby, the easier you will find it. By all means take it easy, but remember that you do need to get back to a regular workout at some point.

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Just like Mila does, when your child naps, you should make the most of it. For her, it’s thirty minutes in the morning to do her daily yoga while Wyatt catches some zzz’s, and when yours falls asleep in the middle of the afternoon, there is nothing wrong with grabbing a kettle ball and giving your core muscles a bit of a workout, or grabbing your yoga mat and clearing yourself a space in the living room in front of those Youtube tutorial videos. It’s all about grabbing the opportunities when you can. So why aren’t you?

Why not take your new baby out with you when you work out? You could take yourself off for a beautiful afternoon stroll in the park. Alternating the car chair every five minutes or so is going to give your arms a great workout, or you could consider carrying your child in a sling and holding your tummy in to try and work that core strength. You’ll be killing two birds with one stone then, and all that fresh air is bound to knock the cute kid out for an hour or two once you get home, giving you plenty of time to pamper yourself in reward! 😉

Mila Kunis Diet

By increasing her exercise levels and including her son in work out routines, Mila is going a great job, but not just that alone will help you get that pre-baby body back in just six months. There will need to be a few dietary tweaks to make sure that you get things just right, and just one of the things that Mila found was that carbs were bloating her out. Rather than cut carbs out completely, she dropped to a low carbohydrate based meal plan, and upped her intake her fresh fruit and leafy vegetables to give her more energy and up her immune system at a time she needed it the most.

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Carbohydrate-rich foods are great for early-day meals – you can burn off that short term energy throughout the day. When you have an evening meal that is packed with carbs, however, the end effect isn’t quite the same. The body doesn’t have enough time to burn it off and when you fall asleep, everything just ends up lodging itself in various places around your digestive system. This leads to bloating, irregular bowel movements, and the body holding onto wast products much longer than it needs to. By switching to more fruit and veg in your diet, you may find that you have an upset stomach for a couple of days. You should just ride through this pretty difficult stage because its your body’s natural way of detoxing! You’ll be amazed by the pounds you’ll lose just by eating good for a couple of days and giving your insides a good clear out!

The post Mila Kunis Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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Scarlett Johansson Diet and Workout https://www.herinterest.com/scarlett-johansson-diet-and-workout/ https://www.herinterest.com/scarlett-johansson-diet-and-workout/#respond Sat, 18 Apr 2015 15:20:40 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=24446 30 year Scarlett Johansson is well known for being one of the most beautiful women ever to have graced our planet. Her blonde locks and beautiful curvaceous figure have almost made her the Marilyn Monroe of our time, (not that anyone can ever replace Marilyn Monroe, of course), and because of this, she has had […]

The post Scarlett Johansson Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

30 year Scarlett Johansson is well known for being one of the most beautiful women ever to have graced our planet. Her blonde locks and beautiful curvaceous figure have almost made her the Marilyn Monroe of our time, (not that anyone can ever replace Marilyn Monroe, of course), and because of this, she has had women all over the world requesting details of how she gets that killer body, especially after having children. And just in case you didn’t know, she is currently pregnant again so we’ll all be eagerly awaiting information on how she loses the post-baby pounds again!

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Scarlett Johansson Diet

After her last baby, Scarlett underwent a pretty intense training and weight loss regime, with a strict (ish) diet, and plenty of exercise. As well as spending at least two hours every day in the gym, she made sure that her diet was packed full of so-called super-foods, and even she admitted that her body bounced back to those luscious curves in almost no time at all. If only all mothers were lucky enough to say that!

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She is very careful what she eats, however, post-baby or not, and her diet is always rich in the foods that do the most good for the body, hence the name super-foods. With every meal, she tries to have at least one, so for breakfast it might be natural yogurt with blueberries (super-fruit), and for lunch it could be something like grilled chicken with broccoli (another super-food), with green tea, walnuts, kale, spinach, soy, salmon, and pumpkin also making plentiful appearances in her meals.

Scarlett Johansson Workout

Of course, all the super-foods in the world won’t make that much of a difference if you don’t do the exercises to bring it back together again, and although Scarlett chose to spend plenty of time in her local gym in order to get her body back to the way it was before she had her kids, we don’t all need to take quite so drastic measures.

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Scarlett really enjoys using the kettle bell during her workouts to give her arms a good workout, as well as strengthening her core, and on top of that, she does plenty of cardio – running, jogging, walking, using the treadmill, etc. Anything that gets the blood pumping and the heart racing is good for cardio, and both sets (kettle bell and cardio) can be done without spending all your free time in the gym.

Repots have suggested that Scarlett may even be employing the use of a waist cincher in a bid to get back her curves that she’s become so famous for, but you may find that a hula hoop exercise can achieve the same kind of effects. When you’re spinning the hoop around your waist, you’ll be toning and strengthening your core, and if you work at it for long and hard enough, you’ll even find ab muscles starting to develop too – isn’t that what we all want?

Although she has tried her hand at exercises such as yoga and Pilates, it’s not exactly the kind of thing that floats her boat, and whenever she tries some new fan-dangled type of exercise, she finds that she gets rather bored too quickly, and prefers to go back to the old fashioned side of things – using the treadmill or going out running, and then using weight training after her cardio to give everything a good toning up. Yoga and Pilates are great for those that enjoy them, but we aren’t all a fan so it’s good to know that there are other ways of getting that dream body, right?

The main thing that Scarlett says helps her to keep her body in check, is to keep up with a routine. Getting into working out for the first time in years can be a really hard thing to manage, but by having a routine, there is a special place for your exercises in your day to day life, and it’s much harder to ignore when it becomes a part of your daily activities!

Why not follow in her footsteps and try to fit half an hour of your day to working out? Whether it’s going for a run around the park, or using various weights at home to train, strengthen, and tone, you’ll still be lapping everyone else still sat on the couch wishing they had the chance to get their bikini body too!

The post Scarlett Johansson Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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Lea Michele Diet and Workout https://www.herinterest.com/lea-michele-diet-and-workout/ https://www.herinterest.com/lea-michele-diet-and-workout/#respond Sat, 18 Apr 2015 09:57:08 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=24408 Let’s be very honest about this – it’s very clear that this young actress loves to work out. Anything involving the great outdoors seems to be a firm passion of this beautiful girlie, whether it’s hoping or jogging, doing yoga in the park, swimming… She often gives us a glimpse into her life on Instagram, […]

The post Lea Michele Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

Let’s be very honest about this – it’s very clear that this young actress loves to work out. Anything involving the great outdoors seems to be a firm passion of this beautiful girlie, whether it’s hoping or jogging, doing yoga in the park, swimming… She often gives us a glimpse into her life on Instagram, and it’s no wonder that thousands of young girls are following in her footsteps, in a bid to get the same kind of stunning physique that Lea Michele is often seen sporting in a teeny-tiny bikini!

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Lea Michele Workout

Hiking is such a great thing to do, especially in the summer, and you’ll be utterly amazed at how many calories you could burn off, just by going for a lovely leisurely stroll amongst the trees, marvelling at the wildlife around you, or just having a giggle to yourself as your prized pooch runs off to find something new to sniff around in. The average 130 pound woman will burn off over 350 calories during one hour of hiking – maybe it’s about time you started to explore what the great outdoors has to offer?

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Jump rope is another great exercise you can do without incorporating to the gym, and from recent snaps shared by her on her social media pages, it looks like it might be pretty exhausting stuff. Maybe it’s about time you grabbed the rope from your kids in the garden this summer? Just ten minutes of hopping, skipping, and jumping around with that rope could burn over 150 calories!

Lea Michele Diet

Keeping in tune with her healthy lifestyle, Lea only likes to pump good stuff into her body, and juicing is a great way to do just that. Often seen downing the latest celebrity-inspired juice diet plan, Lea is living proof that these vitamin-rich drinks could be the answer to all your problems, giving you more energy throughout the day, pumping much-needed minerals into the skin to give you a much fresher look, and even letting your hair and nails grow fast too. Oh, and when you’re eating only the good stuff, you won’t have quite so many calories to burn off either. A juice for breakfast is much better for you than that fast food breakfast you were thinking of grabbing on the way to work. Stop and ask yourself – do you want this bikini body, or not?

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As well as drinking plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables in her juices, Lea also loves to drink plenty of water. She needs to do this in order to keep hydrated, otherwise she won’t be able to enjoy all of those outdoor activities. Although she doesn’t really enjoy fad diets, or diets that promise you’ll lose loads of weight by starving your body, she does enjoy a good detox from time to time, mostly to flush out the bad stuff – this is something it’s well worth you considering too!

Lea Michele tends to vary between a vegan and a non-vegan diet, but she has said she prefers her vegan one to help banish bloating, keep her energy levels up, and keeping her in great shape. Maybe it’s time to give up on the meat for a while and go back to basics, choosing only fresh fruit, vegetables, and other high-vitamin meat substitutes for a while to get your summer body round up on to a good head start?

It does seem that Lea Michele actively enjoys the healthy lifestyle, and although its not always easy to follow with her enthusiasm, you should at least give it a try this summer. You’ll be amazed at how much happier you’ll feel with all that extra vitamin D from the sun, and all those hydration from the extra water you should be drinking. It’s time to set yourself a challenge – get yourself outside and moving as much as you can this summer. We personally guarantee it won’t be long before you start seeing some pretty astonishing results!

The post Lea Michele Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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Kate Bosworth Diet and Workout https://www.herinterest.com/kate-bosworth-diet-and-workout/ https://www.herinterest.com/kate-bosworth-diet-and-workout/#comments Sat, 18 Apr 2015 09:00:50 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=24451 Kate Bosworth always looks effortlessly flawless but the good news for all of us ‘normal’ girls out there – her looks haven’t come from just good luck and good genes. In fact, just like most other women out there, Kate has to work for a body to look as good as hers does, and if […]

The post Kate Bosworth Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

Kate Bosworth always looks effortlessly flawless but the good news for all of us ‘normal’ girls out there – her looks haven’t come from just good luck and good genes. In fact, just like most other women out there, Kate has to work for a body to look as good as hers does, and if you want to achieve a bikini-ready body in time for summer, maybe you should take a peek at some of her tips and tricks?

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Kate Bosworth Workout

In order to stay as trim as she is, Kate needs to workout for at least half an hour to forty-five minutes per day, but she does vary the amount of exercise she gets, dependent on her body filming schedule. She prefers to do the bulk of her workouts in the morning when she finds she has the most energy, and even if it’s only for fifteen or twenty minutes, getting her heart kick-started with a healthy does of exercise really helps to set her up for the day – just as it would with you too, if you just managed to drag your butt out of the bed!

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When you exercise, just as Kate Bosworth has been reported to say, your body and mind is rejuvenated, so why not make it your first port of call for the day, and get it over and done with nice and early?

Kate loves to do a full-body workout to get everything done, burned, and toned in the shortest possible time frame, and loves to put her headphones in and just keep going until she either doesn’t want to go anymore, or doesn’t have time to exercise anymore. Body resistance exercises such as swimming are great for an all-body workout, but it’s light weights you should turn to if you want to tone as well as burn fat. Plus, she likes to use the jump rope to liven things up a bit from time to time too. That’s the thing about exercising – the more things you find you enjoy doing, the more options you have open to you, so when you don’t feel like hitting the gym, for example, you could always try a sport of swimming, or finally get around to using those weights you bought all those Christmas’s ago and never quite gotten around to pulling out of the box!

Kate Bosworth Diet

Just like many other celebrities out there, Kate is a big fan of drinking plenty of water which not only keeps her entire body hydrated, from the hair on her head to the nails on her toes, but also to keep all the bad stuff flushed out of her insides too. When you drink water, you are encouraging your digestive system to work as well as it should do and when this happens, you will be less likely to hold onto any excess waste product, and therefore any excess weight!

Maintaining a great diet is essential when you want to tone up, get fit, or fight the fat, and Kate, just like so many other celebs, prefers to pump her body full of high-nutrient stuff, rather than the stuff that is bad for you such as fast food and high-sugar. We all know what a healthy diet is – plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables combined with healthy, lean cuts of meat, and no frying! Of course, she does need to liven things up from time to time, dependant on what movie role she is losing weight / building muscle / toning up for, but for the most part, only the healthiest of foods is good enough for this beauty.

To help fight bland foods, which most people believe healthy food to be, Kate adds plenty of herbs and spices and in actual fact, spices along have been proven to boost your weight loss because the heat in them encourages the core temperature of your body raise, and when this happens, your body burns off calories quicker. Perhaps it’s time to add some spice and flavour to your evening meals…?

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Jessica Alba Diet and Workout https://www.herinterest.com/jessica-alba-diet-and-workout/ https://www.herinterest.com/jessica-alba-diet-and-workout/#comments Sat, 18 Apr 2015 01:15:06 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=24462 33 year old Jessica Alba has one of the hottest bodies in Hollywood, and just to prove that point, not only is she regularly referred to as a ‘sex symbol’, but was featured in the Top 100 women by Maxim magazine, plus on AskMen.com’s 99 Most Desirable Women, she came 1st! Back in 2007, FHM […]

The post Jessica Alba Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

33 year old Jessica Alba has one of the hottest bodies in Hollywood, and just to prove that point, not only is she regularly referred to as a ‘sex symbol’, but was featured in the Top 100 women by Maxim magazine, plus on AskMen.com’s 99 Most Desirable Women, she came 1st! Back in 2007, FHM voted her Sexiest Woman in the World. On top of all of that, she is a wonderful actress and a very shrewd business woman; a Golden Globe nominated business woman, no less!

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These days, being a mother of two has changed Jessica’s priorities somewhat, and although her body is still very important to her, the welfare and care of her children has overcome her constant need to keep her body in check. In fact, she went as far as to say that her body was starting to get ‘squishy’ because she wasn’t working out enough.

You see that’s the thing sometimes – life takes over and your priorities change. You let yourself slide a bit. That’s perfectly fine – everyone does that from time to time. You need to give yourself a break. But at some point, you do need to back on the horse, and the best place to start is with a few dietary changes…

Jessica Alba Diet

For the most part, Jessica Alba’s diet contains a lot of fresh fruit, nutritious vegetables, and plenty of lean protein such as turkey and chicken. She still eats all the foods she loves, but she finds great, tasty, and healthy substitutions for them such as breakfast which will consist of a healthy cereal, almond milk, and a banana to liven things up.

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To get plenty of protein in there, for lunch she’ll probably have a super healthy leafy green salad with nuts to add some texture and crunch. Pumpkin seeds make a great snack, as well as a great topping for things like salads. Leave out the croutons – these seeds are a super healthy and great tasting alternative!

Although eating healthy is important to Jessica, her happiness is just as much and if she wants some chocolate cake, she lets herself have it occasionally. It’s all about moderation – if you want a piece of chocolate cake, have fewer calories over dinner. Even making your portion sizes ever so slightly smaller could have the greatest difference.

Choosing organic foods is generally a priority for this Hollywood hottie, and she loves to go gluten-free where possible to banish bloating. When she combines this great healthy diet with a sensible amount of exercise, it won’t take her long to get back that bikini body that has girls green with envy…

Jessica Alba Workout

When she was younger, in her twenties, working out wasn’t overly important to Jessica but as she’s gotten older, and especially now she’s had a couple of kids, keeping on top of her health and fitness levels is important if she wants to look good as well as feel good.

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Being a mother to two young children doesn’t give you a lot of free time on your hands, but Jessica schedules workouts as ‘pamper’ time and in reality, it makes sense – you might be pushing your body by trying to lose weight or get in shape, but you are still pampering it by making it stronger, tougher, and healthier. Think of your exercise time as ‘you’ time, and you’ll be surprised at how the thought process could change your opinion of it.

Jessica Alba loved spinning as an all-over workout when she was trying to get back in shape after having her beautiful babies, but she does have a home gym to make use of. If you have a gym membership that could do with being used for the first time in months, why not make use of it. Most gyms have a sauna / spa option available these days, alongside spin classes, so why not treat yourself after your workout? Wish yourself that little bit harder to get that dreamy head and shoulder massage later, for example?

Remember that getting in shape is hard work, and every once in a while you should really reward yourself for all your hard work. What better way than by celebrating your new body in your new, smaller bikini, in the local sauna of your gym? Perfection, right there!

The post Jessica Alba Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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Halle Berry Diet and Workout https://www.herinterest.com/halle-berry-diet-and-workout/ https://www.herinterest.com/halle-berry-diet-and-workout/#respond Fri, 17 Apr 2015 19:43:40 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=24403 You would never believe this former fashion model and actress is now 48 years old, would you? Well, she is. Born in California, US on August 14th, 1966, Halle Berry is not just an actress, but an Academy award winning actress that is responsible for some of the greatest movie roles of our generation, including […]

The post Halle Berry Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

You would never believe this former fashion model and actress is now 48 years old, would you? Well, she is.

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Born in California, US on August 14th, 1966, Halle Berry is not just an actress, but an Academy award winning actress that is responsible for some of the greatest movie roles of our generation, including titles like Monster’s Ball, Swordfish, the Bond film Die Another Day, and even the X-Men series of films too! Plus, she’s always on those lists of the world’s hottest women / actresses / etc. In fact, back in 2003, she was voted as ‘Sexiest Woman in the World’ by FHM magazine! In 2008, Esquire voted her as the ‘Sexiest Woman Alive’, and in 2009, she even featured on Empire’s list of ‘100 Sexiest Film Stars’.

She was actually ranked as one of the highest paid actresses based on earnings for the 2000’s, and became a spokeswoman for Revlon, and recently, even started up her own production company, going by the name of 606 Films.

A very busy woman with her various projects and charity fundraising going on around her, it’s hard to believe she finds the time to eat healthy and stay in shape, especially when most of us are struggling to eat anything healthier than an apple, and that’s only because we found it in the bottom of our handbags. Remember that day a few weeks back when you said you’d starting eating healthier…

Halle Berry Diet

It’s hard to believe that on top of being as busy as she has been, she had another baby just two years ago, and like many other celeb mothers, it wasn’t long before she sprung back into fine body form after the birth of her beautiful bundle of joy.

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Sadly, life isn’t easy for Halle after divulging that she suffers from Type 1 Diabetes, and this means that her diet needs to be kept as healthy as possible in order to keep her functioning normally. She needs a reduced sugar diet these days, with plenty of fresh vegetables to keep her vitamin and mineral intake high, and she also goes for plenty of protein such as lean turkey, grilled chicken, and even delicious seafoods such as salmon and tuna. She believes that the low amount of sugar in her diet is what keeps her looking young, and seeing as she is the face of Revlon, we would definitely be inclined to believe her!

She allows herself to have a couple of glasses of wine from time to time but again, she tries to keep her alcohol intake as low as possible. When you drink boozy drinks, you are just pumping your body full of hundreds of empty calories. There is no nutritional value to these beverages, but you’ll still need to burn them off in the same way you would a candy bar…. We know which one we’d rather have, that’s for sure!

Halle Berry Workout

Back in 2014, Halle revealed that she follows the Harley Pasternak’s 5-Factor Fitness Plan which will involve her performing just five minutes of each exercise – warming up, lower-body strength training, upper-body strength training, core-training, and then overall fat-burning.

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The good news about this exercise regime is that you don’t need your very own personal trainer in order to follow it, and in actual fact, it could be as simple as following the instructions on your phone. There are some really great exercise applications available for download, and just one it might be worth taking a peek at is Seven – you do seven minutes of each exercise, and the plan can be tailored specifically to the area of the body you want to work on, as well as an all-over fat burning regime. You don’t need an expensive gym membership for that. In fact, all you need is twenty minute or so to dedicate to your new, fitter body. Couldn’t you find that spare if you woke yourself up a few minutes earlier in the morning…?

The post Halle Berry Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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Brandi Glanville Diet and Workout https://www.herinterest.com/brandi-glanville-diet-and-workout/ https://www.herinterest.com/brandi-glanville-diet-and-workout/#respond Fri, 17 Apr 2015 19:25:02 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=24398 Just one of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (second season) wives was 42 year old Brandi Glanville, but you’d never have guessed she was the age she is just by looking at her. California-born Brandi is not just a TV personality, but a model too and with a body as beautiful as hers, it’s […]

The post Brandi Glanville Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

Just one of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (second season) wives was 42 year old Brandi Glanville, but you’d never have guessed she was the age she is just by looking at her. California-born Brandi is not just a TV personality, but a model too and with a body as beautiful as hers, it’s hardly surprising, is it?

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It was actually at the age of 16 that she moved from her home in California to Paris, France in a bid to kick-start her modelling career. It was within a year of making this choice that she found herself on runways in Paris, and over the 17 years that her posing spanned, she worked with a number of prestigious fashion names, including Gucci, Giorgio Armani, and Chanel, and even graced the pages of some of our most loved magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Glamour.

Of course, you can’t have a career as fabulous as that and not keep yourself in check, and just a little while ago, her secrets were shared by personal trainers and dieticians to the stars.

Brandi Glanville Diet

You need to work hard to get a body that buff, but you need to eat the right stuff too and although she tries not to be overly restrictive with the food she can enjoy, she does pump her body full of good and healthy foods where possible.

She loves a morning cup of coffee, for example, so has just that but instead of a high-calorie version, she swaps the high-fat milk for fat-free creamer, and uses sweetener rather than sugar.

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She still lets herself have the odd glass of wine as well. She admitted to finding that she needed to tweak her diet as she got older, but she still allows herself to have the good stuff from time to time. BBQ chicken made on the BBQ, for example, is perfectly fine every now and again, and you can even help yourself to some healthy homemade coleslaw. Why not add a wholewheat bun to the mix and you have yourself a great recipe for success this summer. While you’re enjoying the mid-day sun, why not have some healthy fruit too? There is nothing better than a flavoursome slice of watermelon on a baking hot day when you’re lounging by the pool… If only we could all have the days to ourselves like this glamorous housewife can!

See that’s the thing about trying to lose weight or get your body in shape in time for the bikini-filled summer – sometime’s it is the smallest tweaks that can make the world of difference, such as swapping full fat milk for it’s low fat creamer counterpart, or having one less sugar in your hot drinks.

Brandi Glanville Workout

As well as admitting to changing a few things in her diet as she got older, she also re-evaluated the levels of exercise she was doing on a weekly basis, and realised that she would need to do more in order to get that bikini body. After she takes her kids to school in the morning, she heads right for a session of Pilates with her personal trainer, and she also loves to go for bike rides with her kids, step out with her pups either walking or jogging, and even hikes in the woods and hills local to her home.

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You see – you don’t need to pay out for an expensive gym membership in order to get bikini ready for this summer. All you need to do is move more, just as Brandi Glanville has shown – the more you move, the more calories you are burning off, and the faster you will get leaner. Combine this with a few weight bearing exercises, and you’ll even start to tone up and get that definition to your muscles you want too. In fact, that’s just what Pilates offers you, and is why so many celebs seem to be rocking out to this exercise tune!

As well as the exercise she does, she always takes other steps in order to stay fit and healthy, and just one of the little tricks she likes to use is to never take the elevator, and always take the stairs. She squeezes her butt as she does so, but this is an optional extra, but when you’re trying to keep your figure in check, every little helps and Brandi has just proven that point!

The post Brandi Glanville Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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Kaley Cuoco Diet and Workout https://www.herinterest.com/kaley-cuoco-diet-and-workout/ https://www.herinterest.com/kaley-cuoco-diet-and-workout/#comments Thu, 16 Apr 2015 22:20:02 +0000 https://www.herinterest.com/?p=24385 Whether she has long hair or short hair, one thing is definitely certain about Kaley Cuoco – she is well deserved of her spot on the top 100 hottest women lists, all around the world, year after year! The beauty queen that gives all geek lads the belief they too could bag themselves a super […]

The post Kaley Cuoco Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

Whether she has long hair or short hair, one thing is definitely certain about Kaley Cuoco – she is well deserved of her spot on the top 100 hottest women lists, all around the world, year after year! The beauty queen that gives all geek lads the belief they too could bag themselves a super fit girlie, is now 29 years old and out of her younger years. These days, she looks better than ever, and when you take a look at her diet and workout regime, you can see why.

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She’s a grown up these days and she’s even gotten married!  These days, her grown up lifestyles need grown up workout routines, and this beautiful blonde chooses to go with high intensity exercise plans three times per week, rather than having an unrealistic view of working out every day.

It’s nice to be able to have the time for that but in reality, many of us don’t have that kind of time. When you’re looking to workout or get yourself in shape, one thing you must always remember, just like Kaley has, is to be realistic in your goals. If you barely manage to find the time to do your own laundry once or twice per week, how are you going to find the time to fit in an hour’s worth of exercise every day? Or even half an hour?

Going back to Kaley, let’s start with how she likes to get that killer body we adore her for:

Kaley Cuoco Workout

Whether it’s for half an hour, or for an hour and a half, Kaley Cuoco works out a minimum of three times per week. She has a killer butt, great legs, and amazing abs and to achieve that kind of body, you’ll need to follow in her footsteps and look at exercises like pushups, plank-holds, mountain climbers, squat jumps, star jumps and more. These are all workouts that you can do from the comfort of your own home, and don’t need expensive equipment or pricey gym memberships. You really have no excuse for not giving them a try…

As well as making sure she does her three-times-weekly high intensity workouts, Kaley Cuoco loves to do a whole bunch of outdoor activities, and just one of her personal passions is horse riding. She regularly shares beautiful photos of her riding her beloved horses on Instagram, and it’s something that really helps to keep her in shape too.

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When you’re looking to lose weight or get that buff body you keep talking about, you need to find something you really love to do in order to keep at your regime. The high intensity workouts are a must if you want the picture perfect body like Kaley’s, but that aside, having a great outdoor activity you enjoy doing will really help you to burn off those calories, so why not give them all a shot this summer, and see which one takes your fancy?

You could give swimming a try, or maybe even horse riding like Kaley Cuoco? There’s also football, volleyball, tennis, badminton, walking, hiking, playing frisbee on the beach with your dog… It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it gets your heart pumping, and gets you outside. Think of the vitamin D! Plus, everyone is much happier in the summer when the beautiful sun is shining, aren’t they?

Kaley Cuoco Diet

Recently, Kaley’s personal trainer divulged some sneaky information about her diet plans, and let it slip that she really isn’t a fan of diet plans, or meal plans. In fact, she didn’t really appreciate anything that would prevent her from eating the foods she loved – foods that are carbohydrate-rich, for example, that are not allowed on most fad diet sheets.

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Kaley chooses to have all of her carbs in the morning so that her body has the time to process them and burn them off into energy throughout the day. She does try to avoid anything too processed through, like white rice, white bread, and too many potatoes. Her evening meals tend to be more healthy, with grilled meat to cut down on fat intake, and plenty of fresh vegetables. When you combine this with a good amount of water throughout the day, you are giving your skin, hair, nails, and the entire rest of your body a good nutrient rich burst of goodness and let’s face it, we could all do with that, right?

The post Kaley Cuoco Diet and Workout first appeared on herinterest.com/.

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