What does it mean when a guy calls you baby girl?

By on April 19, 2017

Ladies, let’s face it: there are a lot of adorable nicknames a guy can call you, but one of the most precious and heartwarming names is undoubtedly ‘baby girl’. But if your new guy just blurts it out of nowhere, you may be somewhat confused by the actual meaning. Sure, the meaning of baby girl will be different depending on the guy, but there’s usually just one basic reason for him calling you that- which we’re about to discuss!

The Most Common Reason for Being Called ‘Baby Girl’

When a guy calls a lady ‘baby girl’, nine times out of ten it means that he thinks you are the sweetest, cutest, most amazing girl on the planet. He sees what a wonderful person you are inside and out. He sees you as a lovely lady that will stick by him and encourage him throughout any endeavor he may come across. You are a girl that is truly genuine and he can see that without question. You are just too cute for words and your sweet, gentle spirit automatically makes him want to refer to you with a soft, heartwarming name such as baby girl.

Does This Mean He Likes You?

The best bet would be: yes, he likes you! He sees what a wonderful girl you are, and calling you a cute, adorable, and downright sweet nickname such as this shows that he is sincerely interested in you and who you are. So, yes, being called baby girl is a definite sign he is interested and truly likes you.

Are There Exceptions to the Rule?

Just like everything else in life, there are exceptions to the rule. It is true that not every guy on the planet that calls you baby girl is genuinely interested in you and liking you for who you are.

Unfortunately, another somewhat common reason a guy may call a girl ‘baby girl’ is because he wants to soften her up a bit and get her more comfortable, for more ‘sexually oriented’ relations or otherwise.

A guy could also simply call you baby girl because he wants to be super nice and make you feel special, even though there may be no real reason behind it. This could be his ‘go-to’ nickname, so as you a female are talking to him, he just automatically calls you it.

But don’t get your hopes down- baby girl is usually a name reserved for a special, sweet girl that a guy really likes.


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