Comments on: What Does it Mean When You Dream About Money? Sat, 28 Oct 2017 04:21:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: web admin Tue, 03 Oct 2017 00:55:28 +0000 This dream may be a reflection of your financial and emotional needs. The dream about your mother is a reflection of your previous emotional connections with your mother. It is possible that you are concerned about your finances. Allow this dream to influence you in a positive direction. Treat everyone in your life with kindness and compassion. Have a great day, Vina!

By: Vina valencia Sun, 01 Oct 2017 23:51:39 +0000 Hi admin!^^ i dream about money ..that my mom gave me and she wanted me to buy food and i didn’t expect that in my dream the food i buy exactly worth 500pesos and i thought my mom would get angry but her face don’t have any emotions at all btw my mom already past away 10 yrs ago ;( ..i always dream a 500 peso i also dream about it.

By: web admin Thu, 28 Sep 2017 03:28:02 +0000 Your dream sounds like a reflection of your social and financial desires. Allow this dream to influence you in a positive direction. Treat everyone in your life with kindness and compassion. This dream may be a sign that you could work toward developing your volunteering schedule. If you have time, you may find benefit in working with groups that you feel would be benefited by your support. Have a great day, Amanda!

By: Amanda Wed, 27 Sep 2017 07:16:10 +0000 Hi admin, I had a dream I was walking around this retirement home and I kept finding money and I tried telling people in my dream that there was money all over the place but no one believed me. The old people that resided there kept talking about some game happening that night and they were putting all their savings in it.

By: web admin Sun, 03 Sep 2017 20:57:47 +0000 This dream is a reflection of your desire to become financially secure. It is likely that your current experiences are leading you to be concerned about money. If you believe that your dream is leading you toward financial security and you are seeking financial security, then follow your dream. Apply for a job that you are interested in getting. See if your dream is guiding you in a positive direction. Have a great day, Shelly!

By: Shelly Sat, 02 Sep 2017 07:08:55 +0000 Good day,

Im Shelly

Had a dream, I went to see a traditional healer who uses bones to foresee and communicate with ancestors.

When I looked into his sack of bones there were bone but the minute he trough everything out, only bronze coins came out n he told me that I will receive money and the job I applied for is mine. I am currently not working and under a lot of stress, planning my wedding.

Please enlighten me if possible.

thank you.

By: web admin Sun, 20 Aug 2017 05:43:25 +0000 This dream is a reflection of the influences and thoughts that you have in your life. It is possible that you are influencing a child at this time. You may be having financial concerns. These reflections should influence you in a positive direction. Treat everyone in your life with kindness and compassion. This will help those that you care for and will bring fortune into your life. Have a great day, Aiza!

By: Aiza Sat, 19 Aug 2017 22:24:51 +0000 Hi i dreamed that i am taking care of a baby and suddenly he grew up and very cute boy he become and then suddenly his mom and dad came to me and gave me a money but i dont expect it to be paid of..And then the little boy becomes healthy and smiling he is so cute…whats the meaning of this?

By: web admin Wed, 16 Aug 2017 03:58:53 +0000 This dream is a reflection of your desire for money and your fears regarding this person that you do not get along with. Take this dream as a reminder to treat everyone in your life with kindness and compassion. People who choose to not treat you with respect should be avoided if possible. Have a great day, Leny!

By: Leny Bartolome Tue, 15 Aug 2017 23:04:53 +0000 Hi, last night I dreamt that I received P50,000 as out of court settlement from my enemy.
