What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone You Don’t Know?
When you dream about someone you know, you have a place to start interpreting the dream. They may have appeared because you like them or because they represent a certain kind of quality that you want to have in your waking life. When you do not know the person who appears in your dream, it can be extremely disconcerting. You see them in your dreams, but you can’t tell what they mean because you have never met them in real life. There are a few reasons why you may have an unknown person appear in your dreams though.
Your subconscious creates the dreams that you have each night. Currently, neurologists believe that the neurons in your mind fire at random. The images, memories and thoughts that are released are jumbled and completely random. The story in your dreams is put together by the rest of your mind when you wake up and the mind tries to make sense of your dreams.
This is one possible reason why random people appear in your dream. You may have seen them on television or in line behind you at Starbucks. You never consciously noticed them or thought about them, but their image was imprinted into your memory. Because of this, you dreamed about them and your mind just tried to make sense of the memories later on.
Filling a Void
If the neurologists are wrong, your dreams have a subconscious meaning of some sort. If they do, then perhaps your mind is trying to fill some subconscious need, desire or fear. If the person is positive in your dream, you may want to have someone happy and supportive in your real life. If they are chasing you, you may fear that an unknown force or person is working against you. If you dream about an unknown person being your lover, it may represent a desire to have a new romance or increased passion in your life.
It is very easy to believe that the person you see in your dreams is real. It is actually possible that they could be real because you may have seen them at random in your real life. At the same time, they are not someone with a deeper meaning. They give the meaning to the dream, but they themselves mean very little. If you dream of falling in love with an unknown person, it is highly unlikely that you will ever meet them in real life. Instead, they are just someone your subconscious chose to use to represent a feeling, situation, person or something else.
Aspects of Yourself
Sometimes, the people who show up in your dream just represent one of your personality traits or an aspect that you want in your life. For example, you may feel like the entire world is out to get you. Nothing seems to go right. Friends and family members you once trusted have betrayed you, and you are constantly criticized at work. In this scenario, you may dream that an unknown stranger arrives to help you and protect you. This is not because that stranger is actually going to appear in your life. Instead, it is just a sign that you want someone who will help or protect you. Your subconscious was unable to choose someone else to fill the role because you do not have someone like that in your present environment.
In other cases, the dream represents an aspect that you would like to have. Perhaps you are the type of person who works 9 to 5 at a respectable, stable job. You are a dutiful spouse and parent, and you are always on top of things at home. You may dream that a fun, playful person appears in your dreams. This may happen as a representation of the qualities you want in your waking life. You want to have spontaneous experiences and fun, so your subconscious mind lets you experience things in your dreams.
There are times when a stranger appears in your dreams to make you question your waking existence once again. It can be extremely hard to analyze your own thoughts and habits. Sometimes, the only way to gain perspective is when someone else does or thinks the same things. The person in your dream may be a mirror reflection of yourself. It may be a chance for you to wake up, realize the changes that you want and go for them.
Dreams can be extremely, extremely subjective. Because of this, it is important to look at your own dreams and analyze the feelings, people and experiences that occur. By analyzing your dream, you can figure out how it reflects on your own life and subconscious mind. With that knowledge, you can decide what it means when you dream about someone you don’t know.
February 11, 2020 at 11:53 pm
I had dream ,just last night,that I was newly married to this unknown guy(tall,fair looking built guy) who seem to be very decent but controlling,dominating character,a mysterious masked person who acts nice in front of others,not abusive,if you get what I mean.we had newly starting living together with his family who were really nice to me…the dream had a situation of me trying to settle down and being in a confusion where “did I marry a good person” or “this is gonna be worst”
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February 12, 2020 at 10:40 am
You are aware of abuses that may happen within relationships. It is possible that the appearance of this man is filled with qualities that you may find attractive in a partner. However, you are aware that physical attributes and public interactions are not all that there is to a relationship. Ensure that this dream guides you to nourish a connection with someone who treats you with respect.
February 11, 2020 at 5:24 pm
I went to the corner store and bought a lotto ticket. I won’t $50 on it, then that night I dreamed for like 5 seconds, a quick image of the area guy staring a my, like he was saying “Your Welcome”
February 11, 2020 at 5:28 pm
went to the corner store and bought a lotto ticket. I won $50 on it, then that night I dreamed for like 5 seconds, a quick image of the arab guy staring a my, like he was saying “Your Welcome”
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February 11, 2020 at 10:51 pm
Perhaps you feel like winning money was not just a lucky coincidence and that some part of the universe is looking out for you. If this is the case, it would explain why you had this dream.
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February 11, 2020 at 10:51 pm
Perhaps you feel like winning money was not just a lucky coincidence and that some part of the universe is looking out for you. If this is the case, it would explain why you had this dream.
February 11, 2020 at 1:36 pm
Hi! I have a dream last night. I have a boy bestfriend whom I don’t know in my waking life, we live in the same roof and we’re so close to each other like we cuddles a lot, I backride to him, he always protects me and he get jealous when he caught me staring some other guys. He knows that I have a boyfriend but my boyfriend is in long distance. After that, he go back to States and after few weeks he message me that he wants to talk to me. We met at the milktea shop and after that, we are walking at the street then suddenly he held my hand and we’ve stopped from walking, he says sorry that he came back to States without saying goodbye, he said that he always think of me and he confessed that he likes me. I said that we’re just friends, he said he knows I have a boyfriend, he knows how much I love him and he respect it, he just want to say everything he feels and he was hoping there’s no changes in our friendship. And then I woke up, I was so confused.
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February 11, 2020 at 10:53 pm
Perhaps the dream is just trying to tell you to pay more attention to your guy friends because a wonderful friendship could lead to a good relationship if you let it. It is also possible that this dream shows your desire to have someone care so much about you like the guy in your dream.
February 11, 2020 at 9:53 am
3 years ago I had a dream of an unknown guy who’d helped me out when I’d gotten lost. I didn’t remember his face when I woke up.
A year later I came across a new guy in our school and somehow I felt it was the same guy from my dream. That week I had continuous dreams about this new guy but we never spoke in our dreams. After a month we started having full fledged conversations in my dreams.
It’s been 2 years now. I still dream about him. We do talk in real in real life tho but I have like really deep feelings for him. Do you think my dreams are some sorta indication that he’s my soulmate or something?
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February 11, 2020 at 11:02 pm
The dreams probably occurred because your subconscious created the image of the kind of guy you would like to meet. Once you met a guy like that in your waking life, your subconscious adopted his image instead. It sounds like your subconscious knew exactly who you would like to meet, and you have now met someone with those qualities. While he might not be your soul mate, it definitely sounds like he is someone who fills your idealized dream of a boyfriend.
February 12, 2020 at 7:54 am
Thank you! Yeah that makes sense I guess but it’s really weird how after I really got to know him a few months back,I was shocked to find we have so many things in common. We have one same aim in life, same taste in music, and our way of thinking is very similar too. Also quite a few facts from my dreams about him were proven true! How could my subconscious mind know all that about him without me having had a proper conversation with him? It’s like I KNEW him even before he came into my life lol xD
February 10, 2020 at 3:09 pm
Hi! I had a dream last night, I forgot to get my slippers then my friend came to get slipper in the house of others. Then I saw a guy, I was hiding so he’ll not see me. But he caught me, after that he introduced me to his grandma. I’m just curious why my dream is like that?
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February 10, 2020 at 6:17 pm
This dream seems to be a manifestation of your social and emotional desires. You may feel that your friend and you share a strong connection. The presence of the guy in your dream could be an indication of various qualities that you find attractive in a partner. The grandmother could be a sign that you want to nourish a social relationship with your future partner’s family members.
February 9, 2020 at 6:09 pm
Hii! I had a dream last night of a guy that goes to my school but it was really weird because I never talked to him I sometimes just see him walking from classes to classes. I never actually thought of him, like when I see him, I find him attractive but he just doesn’t cross my mind. In my dream, it kinda looked like we were in a relationship but the problem is I already have a boyfriend. Im kinda freaked out, like it blew my mind a little and im still trying to figure out what to think of it.
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February 9, 2020 at 9:19 pm
While a dream like this may happen because you liked someone and didn’t realize it, it is more likely your subconscious mind chose this guy at random. Most likely, the dream was just random. Perhaps you want some kind of romance or excitement added to your current relationship, so your subconscious just sent you the dream. A dream like this doesn’t mean you like this person or plan on cheating because it could be entirely random.
February 9, 2020 at 6:17 am
Thanks for this article… I understand and I feel like I just decoded my dream.
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February 9, 2020 at 10:08 am
I’m glad we could help you out! Thanks for commenting!
February 8, 2020 at 11:27 pm
In my dream I was talking to a guy (but forgot what I was talking about) and then after we finished talking, he asked me to go to his house, but I didn’t want to say yes or no because if I saw no then I will feel bad, but if I say yes then it will be weird for me since I’m going to his house and don’t know him. Anyways, I ignore him and then when I was walking with my friend, he randomly appeared, and he walked with us and he asked the same question, but I didn’t say anything. It was kinda weird because I never seen that guy before in real life, but he wasn’t pressuring me in going, he was nice and chill. I saw his face but I forgot how he looked. I only remember he had brown hair and a beard.
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February 9, 2020 at 10:13 am
The dream seems to show a desire to have someone who flirts with you and shows their interest in your waking life. The fact that you keep turning him down in the dream may mean you don’t actually feel ready to have a relationship in your waking life.
February 8, 2020 at 11:14 pm
In my dream there was a guy who I’ve never met before, and asked me to go to his house, but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to say no or yes, so I ignore him. Then, when I was walking with some friend, the guy just randomly appeared and he was walking with us, but I didn’t say anything, but then he asked me the same question, but he was a nice guy, he wasn’t pressuring me to go. I saw his face except his eyes or maybe I did but I forgot, never saw that guy before in real life.
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February 9, 2020 at 10:14 am
The dream seems to show a desire to have someone who flirts with you and shows their interest in your waking life. The fact that you keep turning him down in the dream may mean you don’t actually feel ready to have a relationship in your waking life.
February 8, 2020 at 9:40 pm
I had a dream of my alter ego she visits me every night tells me I should become like her, my other dream is that vampires take my life force when I wake up to get a glass of water I feel weak. Last dream I was talking to a guy online he told me if I keep pushing people away I’m end up alone.
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February 9, 2020 at 10:20 am
It sounds like your subconscious mind may be trying to give you advice about not pushing people away. The alter ego and the vampire dream may also be trying to tell you that you need to make changes I. Your waking life and focus on self-improvement.
February 8, 2020 at 6:58 pm
I dreamed about this cute guy, so I was at the bookstore with my cousin, and I noticed that he looked at me he has this cute smile with his dimples on his cheeks and he was kind of following me but I didn’t bother because I was looking for books then minutes later he was there he kind of poked my shoulders and he was smiling he asked “I saw you were looking at some guy is that your ex?” i said oh no I didn’t *with awkward smile*” then he said” ohh because I saw you and I thought you’re beautiful” and I was flattered *then he awkwardly scratched his head in a cute way* so we shook hands and then he asked for my name so I told mine but when he was about to say his name I suddenly woke up. I was frustrated because I thought I want to add him but now I can’t I didn’t even know that guy in real life I wanted to sleep again but I can’t bring back the dream 🙁
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February 9, 2020 at 6:22 pm
It seems that the experiences within this dream are indications that you are interested in maintaining a new social relationship. There may be qualities of this person that you find attractive, and you may feel that this person will come into your life in the future. Share your positive energy with the world, as this will draw positive people toward you.
February 13, 2020 at 9:46 pm
I had a dream where I was sitting on the ground holding hands with this unknown guy and he said “why are you so worry? I’m here.” Something like that and I hold this hand tight looked at him and our hands and ask him “you aren’t real right?” Then he disappeared in front of me and said “no I’m sorry” this is the 1st time I was aware I was in a dream and knew this wasn’t true but I wanted it to be true.
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February 14, 2020 at 4:58 pm
It sounds like you want some added love and support in your waking life, so that’s why you dreamed that there was an unknown guy there. You still know that this guy doesn’t actually exist in your waking life, which is why you ask him if he is real and find out that he isn’t real in the dream.
February 4, 2020 at 9:56 am
I had many dreams of this guy I had met online but the thing is I don’t know how he looks like. But from replaying the dream in my head I don’t know if it’s him, my mind keeps telling it is him but I just don’t know what to think. Him and I were pretty close we would talk everyday but we’ve had some problems that did affect our friendship. That didn’t stop though, he still found ways to contact me and get to me. About last year I had a dream where he told me we couldn’t be friends anymore that ended there and I didn’t have dreams about him after that. On October 12, last year I had another dream where he told me he wanted to be friends with me again I denied because we just had so many problems and he would always make the wrong decisions by threatening me. Later on December 30th he sent me a friend request, but then it wasn’t a dream he wanted to be actual friends. I wanna know what my dreams actually meant, why did my mind thought it was him?
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February 5, 2020 at 3:13 pm
Your mind probably thought it was him because you want to be around him and miss having him in your life. Because of this, you dreamed that he was an actual friend, and you keep having dreams of him. Since you don’t see him in your waking life, your subconscious can easily make you think that anyone is him as long as they look roughly like what you know that he looks like.
February 3, 2020 at 5:18 am
i have dreamt about this guy from school 3 times(we have never talked he’s from different class and we don’t know much about eachother) who i am pretty sure he likes me but its not only him in the dream there are many other people from my school but hes the important role in them for some reason. nothing particulary between us he’s just always around me. But that’s the same in school he’s sometimes so often surronding where i am. i would like to know what does it mean and i’m not sure if i like him back
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February 3, 2020 at 7:43 pm
It seems that you may be interested in maintaining a relationship with him. Make a decision about what you feel is appropriate for your future. Speak with him about your thoughts and feelings, and give him an opportunity to share himself with you as well. You can nourish this relationship by spending additional time together.
February 3, 2020 at 4:59 am
I keep having this dream about a family. Each family member is hiding their own set of secrets. I don’t know any of the people but yet feel connected to them. Each time that I have this dream it give me more detail but I still don’t understand why I’m having this dream in the first place.
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February 3, 2020 at 7:56 pm
You are aware that every individual has a past. It is possible that you know that everyone in your family has secrets, and this dream is a revelation of those feelings. Ensure that you allow this dream to guide you to share your positive energy with the world. This will help you navigate your life in a successful manner.
February 2, 2020 at 4:04 pm
I’m in a relationship for almost 4 years now. But this past few weeks I keep on dreaming about a girl. We we’re together as lovers in my dream, I even sometimes dream about her just her. Smiling. Last night’s dream was longer and more vivid. It’s actually mind blowing. And I know I haven’t met her, it’s impossible that I have, because I don’t even go outside that often. And if ever I subconsciously bumped into her or saw her in my peripheral vision I should’ve known.
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February 3, 2020 at 8:15 pm
You are in a committed relationship, so allow this dream to fade. If you are not satisfied in your current relationship, then make a decision about what you feel is appropriate. Regardless, allow this dream to guide you to share your kindness and compassion at all times, as this will draw positive people and energy toward you.
February 1, 2020 at 7:13 am
I had a dream of a guy that I’m with him comfortable and seems like I know him but his face is blurd and I can’t see it
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February 1, 2020 at 6:05 pm
It is entirely possible that your subconscious mind just created this guy to represent the kind of guy you would like to meet. His face may be blurred in the dream just because you don’t actually know him. Often, the subconscious mind will create a random person to take on the role of a love interest in your dreams if you don’t have someone who can actually play that role yet.
January 31, 2020 at 8:29 pm
I saw some people in my dream that I know well and i tried to call them to talk to them but they don’t know me
one even got angry with me for calling him the name I know him as in my waking life
please this dream is scary
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February 1, 2020 at 6:08 pm
The dream seems to show that you feel like the people around you don’t always hear you or listen to what you have to say. Thankfully, a dream only represents your subconscious thoughts and feelings, so there it is unlikely that this exact situation is going to happen in real life.
February 3, 2020 at 7:12 pm
Last night I had a dream about a guy who I am not even friends with. I met him through my cousin he is a Pastor and he came to me in my dreams. He is also single and a single father. In my dream he came to me with a daughter and he wanted me to help him raise her. This was so random and I have no idea why I dreamed about him. I only talked to him twice on the telephone in which he was helping me pray through a situation. My guess is that because he was the last male that I was able to share something really personal with is the reason he appeared in my dream but I kept waking myself up and every time I would fall back to sleep she would appear in my dreams.
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February 3, 2020 at 7:53 pm
You may be interested in maintaining a relationship with this person. Make a decision about what you feel is appropriate for the future. If you feel that it would be appropriate to nourish this relationship, then speak with him about your thoughts and feelings.
January 31, 2020 at 4:25 pm
I had a dream where I was in another town, facing a trouble and I wanna go back to my hometown but on my way to the bus station I met this guy named Danny that I’ve never seen before and all of the sudden he delivered me to my hometown which also happens to be his hometown. I stayed at his home for a week because I couldn’t go back to mine as the trouble might find me there. We fell in love in the dream but in the end he sort of realized that his love wasn’t real as if he was hypnotized and he walked away and I couldn’t call his name cus there were lots of people in that place and I woke up.
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February 3, 2020 at 8:28 pm
This dream is a manifestation of various aspects of your life. It is possible that you are interested in returning to your hometown due to various social concerns that you are navigating. You may find that a stressful emotional relationship is impacting your decisions.
January 31, 2020 at 5:44 am
So i had a dream a few nights ago, and I can remember the phases completely (in a sense).
1st: I was walking around in a theater/cinema looking for the school group I was attached to, since this was a trip to somewhere.
2nd: I end up at a left turn corridor on the second floor of the cinema. There were 2 clown models that looked like the typical scary clown. After seeing them, I decided to turn around and walk back down the hallway, which was dark. I mumbled to myself and quickly turned around, not scared but expecting the props to have moved. They didn’t.
3rd: I’m in a bar/bistro where I find a girl with blue eyes and black hair, she recognized me as one of the students that got lost before. She was a similar age to me and we left the bar. I did recognize my brother in the bar but that was after the dream with no reaction to him.
4th: me and the girl were in a park at night, chatting and having fun. Something happens with this dude who sticks a sparkler in the back of his pants and runs off. Me and the girl decide to leave and head back to the building.
5th: I’m in a shower and things got intimate with her.
I remember having a dream with that Same girl a while ago and I don’t recognize her from anything at all. This dream was much more different and obscure. But that’s all I got.
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February 3, 2020 at 8:39 pm
Your dream is a reflection of a wide variety of influences in your life. It seems that you re navigating your social relationships and making a decision about who you want to nourish connections with. It seems that you may be interested in maintaining a romantic relationship with a woman in your life, so ensure that you share your positive energy at all times.
January 31, 2020 at 3:57 am
I had a dream before about a man who is also the same age like me and this is what happen on my dream I was walking in the lobby of our school and then someone grab my wrist and he talk to me but my personality on my dream is I’m a cold person and I’m very quiet but the guy always talk to me since that day he grab my wrist and then he always follow me wherever I go but I just keep ignoring him but then one day I became comfortable with him and I’m always happy whenever he is around and when he is about going to say something to me I woke up but I don’t know him at all but I remember that he has a towering height and white skin with a husky voice but I don’t know him at all.
On the same day I had a dream again I’m going home already and I was waiting for a cab but someone startled me and I’m very shocked because on that dream I had a boy bestfriend and he ask me where am I going and I said I’m going home and he said that exactly I’m going to your house to I’m going to talk to your mother and I’m confused because why is he going to talk to my mother? and then we are taking the cab alredy and suddenly he grab my hands and intertwined with his and I’m very shocked and confused because why is he going to do that because he’s just my bestfriend and I said that the others might think that we are lovers but the truth is we are just bestfriend and he said to me that let them be and then he smiled and then I woke up. I’m just confused about my dream because first of all I don’t have any boy bestfriends all of them are girls and all the guys on my dream I don’t know them at all really so I just want to know the meaning of my dream and this two dreams I just dreamed them in just one day thank you.
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February 1, 2020 at 5:55 pm
The first dream almost sounds intimidating. It seems like you may face obstacles in your waking life, or you feel like there is someone or something near you that doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Meanwhile, the second dream makes it sound like you want to have a relationship. You may want a relationship with your best friend, or your subconscious may have just chosen him as a placeholder for the guy you would like to meet because you are so close to each other in your waking life.