What Is a Traditional French Breakfast?
Famous around the world for their cuisine, the French have great renown even for their breakfasts. Small but satisfying, you can be sure to gain both pleasure and energy for the day by making and eating a traditional French breakfast. Whether you are eating solo or set on impressing friends and family, you can be certain to find advice for your new breakfast meals here. If you are traveling to France, then be sure to get your palate ready and anxious for their most excellent of breakfasts.
Enjoy World-Class Coffee and Espresso
Known for their cafes, the French have a special place in their hearts for coffee, and that is why is is placed first and foremost on this list. Whether you like regular drip coffee or the caffeine infusion of espresso, you will find yourself satisfied with the drink of the traditional French breakfast. Be sure to flavor with cream or sugar to suit your taste. As France is a major cultural hub of the world, tea is a common morning drink as well. For Francophile children, fruit juice and hot chocolate are acceptable replacements.
France Makes the Rest of the World Jealous When It Comes to Bread
Bread is a world staple, and France has taken this fact to heart. From baguettes to croissants, you will find countless options available to suit your palate. Fresh, warm and soft, bread brings an uplifting goodness that is almost impossible to replace. Bread is normally purchased or cooked the very same day that it is eaten. Eaten with jam, butter, cheese or left plain, bread can be a meal unto itself. For the little ones, chocolate or fruit filled breads are commonly used.
Delectable Cheese
French food without cheese is almost unheard of. Small quantities of cheese are often eaten alongside bread in the morning. Creamy, soft cheese may be spread over firm breads. Sharp cheese may make an appearance as well. Moderation is key, as cheese is often eaten throughout the day, and it is important to take that into account. Be sure to experiment with various kinds of cheeses to create the perfect blend of bread and cheese.
Fresh Fruit for Everyone!
While often used in jams and desserts, fruit is commonly eaten fresh as well. Sliced- and bite-sized fruits are often seen on the table. Traditional French breakfasts are known to be petite, so whole fruits are rarely found. Finely sliced or diced fruits will add enough color and sugar to get one ready for the morning. Fruit preserves are seen as well, though these are normally used during the winter when fresh fruits are less available for consumption.
You Can’t Go Wrong With Yogurt
Eaten with fruit or alone, yogurt has made itself a comfortable home in the breakfast of the French. Creamy or solid yogurts can be found at any cafe or breakfast table. This can be served chilled or at room temperature, depending on the season and setting. Served with sugar or honey, every sweet tooth can be satiated without concern. During the hot months of summer, frozen yogurt is commonly seen as well.
Experimentation is key. Do not settle for a single combination of traditional French breakfast foods. French breakfasts are often petite. You may find that a coffee, croissant and cup of yogurt may be perfect for one day. Espresso, baguette, brie and sliced peaches will suit you for the next day. Be sure to have a wide option available, as it is normal for one person to eat a roll with jam and another to eat a plain croissant.
Invite guests to your breakfast table and give them an opportunity to enjoy French cuisine with you. Breakfast, especially a French breakfast can be enjoyed with friends and over polite conversation. Cafes were made famous as cultural centers of art, politics and gossip. Bring in a painting of your favorite French artist to adorn your breakfast nook or garden table. Discuss world events and political intrigue as you prepare for your day. Be sure to not ignore the juiciest gossip about strangers, actors and artists.
If you prefer to eat alone, then allow your thoughts to drift into the world of philosophy and spirituality. Countless works of French philosophy were inspired by caffeine and sugar-induced insights. Bread and spirituality go hand in hand, so be sure to listen to your morning epiphanies. Who knows, your next project or idea may benefit from enjoying a classic, traditional French breakfast.