What to Wear: Fresh Ideas for Any Occasion

By on February 3, 2013

You have a closet full of clothes but for some reason, you still can’t find the perfect outfit to wear tot that big occasion. You have pulled everything out of your closet in the hope of finding something absolutely fabulous to wear but you still have had no luck. You think it’s time to give up and stay at home in your pajamas instead right? WRONG! Here are a few helpful hints from the professionals – this is What to Wear: Fresh Ideas for Any Occasion!

We should start with the really important stuff –


The job interview is a scary occasion – you need something that still shows through your personality but still allows you to look professional enough to assure that interviewer that you are the right girlie for the job. Often it will be the smallest of details that will help set you aside from the other candidates – you want to have your own personal touch added.

A classic suit is often the best place to start – a simple grey skirt, blazer combination with a cream or ivory colored shirt works best – white can often look too harsh. Add with either matching flats or a killer pair of heels, (this will scream POWER WOMAN!) and a few choice accessories and you have the right combination. The accessories allow you to let a little bit of “you“ to shine through so have a bit of fun with them.


What about a day out


The good news is that the accessories that you would normally wear on a job interview can easily be combined with a day out shopping with the girls. Those shoes that you had in the job interview will work great for this look as well! Add a pair of jeans instead of that suit, maybe even throw on a pair of killer sunglasses and wear your hair down, and you have the perfect look for shopping with your girlfriends. You could throw on a jacket for good measure – black, cream or even a cute little denim would work and the flats would suit you perfectly so your feet don’t hurt after traipsing around the stores!


We move on to


See those sexy shoes that you thought about wearing for the job interview? Well, why not add these with the jeans that you had on with the shopping day out with the girls? If you aren’t going anywhere too smart, you CAN get away with jeans on a first date, as long as they are worn properly.

A peplum style top is the most flattering thing on the market right now and when mixed with the same accessories (the accessories you will see that you have used for the job interview AND a shopping date with the girls) you have a brand new classy, yet seductive outfit. The heels are a must have on any first date and you will find that a simple pair of black stilettos or court-style shoes will go with almost any outfit.


Next we come to a


Summer is a time that you can really let your hair down and go a little bit crazier with your style. You could try wearing the jeans with the flats and a chiffon style shirt for a smarter look, or even a casual maxi-dress for comfort and beauty.

As you can see, this maxi dress can be dressed up or down – with gladiator style sandals and a beach-style hat for the daytime look, and a killer pair of heels and a pretty clutch bag for a nighttime look. This is also a dress that you could wear for a casual first date AND a shopping day out with the girls too!


You will find that most of these staple items – the pumps, the high shoes, the earrings, necklace and ring, sunglasses, jeans and even the maxi dress can be worn in a hundred different ways. Sometimes you just need a little bit of inspiration to create the perfect outfit. Hopefully we will have given you a push in the right direction but, as always, keep your eyes peeled for more helpful advice from the professionals!

Images fashionably created at Polyvore.com

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