100 Love Quotes For Him

By on April 18, 2014
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91. Tyler Knott Gregson


Falling in love helps us realise our dreams and helps us strive to become the people we have always wanted to be. It changes us but in the best ways possible.

92. Ben Sweetland


This is a quote that’s true of life and love. It’s not about where you’re going, it’s all about how you get there and the memories you make on the journey. Take your time, drive slow, enjoy the ride.

93. Anonymous



This is a great reflection of the technical age in which we live. It’s so simple yet it always makes me smile. We’re meant to be together. One without the other would be pointless.

94. Anonymous


When you feel like this about someone that’s when you know you’ve met your true love. They should make you feel alive, free, and head over heels every time you set eyes on them.

95. Peter McWilliams


When we fall in love there’s every chance we may get hurt and have our hearts broken but at the same time it’s a risk worth taking. Just imagine if everything works out. Love is a gamble worth taking.

96. Miley Cyrus


Like I’ve said before, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. If you’re happy and it feels right then go for it. Love who you choose.

97. William Shakespear


When it comes to life, everything else may be a lie or a trick but what does it matter, so long as you can count of love?

98. Anonymous


It doesn’t matter how much the idea of love scare you, you need to grab at it with both hands or else you’ll never truly live.

99. Sigur Ros


Until you’ve loved another with all your heart and soul you can’t possibly imagine how amazing it feels. It’s the best feeling ever, one you’ll never want to let go…

100. Newton Falkner

Forth Invoice Tribal DDB

And finally we come to our last quote, lyrics from the song Dram Catch Me by Newton Falkner. It’s about wanting nothing more than being with your other half and how love grabs you when you least expect it, about how you can’t stop thinking of them and how it changes you as a person.

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  1. Tabitha

    March 15, 2015 at 5:30 pm

    Number 58 is actually from an Owl City song :)

    • web admin

      April 13, 2015 at 8:01 pm

      That is very cool–it has probably been used in multiple artistic pieces. The best quotes have a habit of getting used and reused over time, so they appear in multiple locations.

  2. Anonymous

    February 15, 2015 at 12:07 am

    I just want to point out that #50 (Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you) is not an anonymous quote, and should be credited to Jason Robert Brown, the composer of the musical “The Last 5 Years,” in which these lyrics are featured (the song is “Schmuel Song”). I love this article but I thought I would point it out because I immediately recognized the lyric, and while some people might not I think it is important that credit is given where credit is due ^_^

    • web admin

      April 13, 2015 at 8:02 pm

      That is an excellent point. Thank you for making one of our anonymous quotes a bit less anonymous.

  3. zoe

    January 20, 2015 at 9:29 pm

    Number 50 (Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you) is a quote from “The Schmuel Song” from the musical, The Last 5 Years by Jason Robert Brown :)

    • web admin

      April 13, 2015 at 8:03 pm

      Thank you for pointing that out!

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