100 Love Quotes For Him

By on April 18, 2014
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61. Oscar Wilde


This is so true. You should love someone who grates you like you’re their who world, someone who dotes on you, someone who thinks you’re amazing, incredible, and who knows their life would be a dull place without you. In short, they should love you.

62. Anonymous


Love is about accepting the good and the bad in someone. It’s about seeing them at their absolute worst and still loving them fiercely. It’s about not walking away just because the sun isn’t shining. You’d want them to do the same for you after all.

63. Train



Titled Marry Me, this is an absolutely epic song from Train. From start to finish the song is a beautiful work of art but these lines in particular really set it off for me. It’s similar to the Twilight quote holds so much more emotion in my opinion.

64.Emma Stone


In the end your choices in life and love come down to you. Do what’s right for you, not other people.

65. Anonymous


A lot of people have asked what the point of love is and to be honest I’ve found no quote that sums it up so well as this one. It give you a lot to think about and makes love seem that much more worthwhile to me.

66. Tarzan


From the moment someone special walks into your life they’re a pice of your heart and from that day on that’s where they’ll stay.

67. Game of Thrones


It’s no secret that Game of Thrones is my favourite thing…ever…and quotes like this is exactly why. It pretty much says that life is nothing without love and if it ends, it ends, so long as we’ve loved and therefore lived first.

68. Forrest Gump


Even the dullest of us like poor old Forrest Gump are capable of love and of recognising it. It’s a feeling like no other, something that’s pretty hard to miss when it comes your way.

69. Bridget Jones


Love is about finding someone who loves you as you are. Exactly as you are. I know for a fact I’ve found that someone, as have countless others, but let’s admit it, we all dream of our other half’s saying this to us…

70. Anonymous


Going back to the perfection thing, this also sums t up nicely. We may think people are perfect when we first meet them but soon enough we realise that’s not the case. What matters is that we keep loving them.

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  1. Tabitha

    March 15, 2015 at 5:30 pm

    Number 58 is actually from an Owl City song :)

    • web admin

      April 13, 2015 at 8:01 pm

      That is very cool–it has probably been used in multiple artistic pieces. The best quotes have a habit of getting used and reused over time, so they appear in multiple locations.

  2. Anonymous

    February 15, 2015 at 12:07 am

    I just want to point out that #50 (Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you) is not an anonymous quote, and should be credited to Jason Robert Brown, the composer of the musical “The Last 5 Years,” in which these lyrics are featured (the song is “Schmuel Song”). I love this article but I thought I would point it out because I immediately recognized the lyric, and while some people might not I think it is important that credit is given where credit is due ^_^

    • web admin

      April 13, 2015 at 8:02 pm

      That is an excellent point. Thank you for making one of our anonymous quotes a bit less anonymous.

  3. zoe

    January 20, 2015 at 9:29 pm

    Number 50 (Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you) is a quote from “The Schmuel Song” from the musical, The Last 5 Years by Jason Robert Brown :)

    • web admin

      April 13, 2015 at 8:03 pm

      Thank you for pointing that out!

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